Minutes of The 150 Joint Civil Code and Family Law Committees, August 9, 1986, P. 3 G.R. No. 160172, February 13, 2008
Minutes of The 150 Joint Civil Code and Family Law Committees, August 9, 1986, P. 3 G.R. No. 160172, February 13, 2008
Minutes of The 150 Joint Civil Code and Family Law Committees, August 9, 1986, P. 3 G.R. No. 160172, February 13, 2008
1 Minutes of the 150th joint Civil Code and Family Law committees, August 9, 1986, p. 3
2 G.R. No. 160172, February 13, 2008.
(3) A marriage ceremony which takes place with the
appearance of the contracting parties before the solemnizing
officer and their personal declaration that they take each
other as husband and wife in the presence of not less than two
witnesses of legal age.
The issues regarding Article 34 of the Family Code arose from the
jurisprudence laid down by the Supreme Court in different cases
wherein the Court interpreted Article 34 and 76 of the Family Code and
The provision itself is also silent and did not categorically define
as to when or where the legal impediment must exist or at what point in
time. Hence, this brings us to the question which we seek to address in
the first issue: does this mean that there should be no legal impediment
only at the time of the marriage ceremony and not during all those
previous five years?
continuity that is unbroken. Otherwise, if the continuous five-year
cohabitation is computed without any distinction as to whether the
parties were capacitated to marry each other during the entire five
years, then the law would be sanctioning immorality and encouraging
parties to have common law relationships and placing them on the same
footing with those who lived faithfully with their spouse7.
The Court’s basis of its decision is in consistent to the precept of
the sanctity of marriage and an inviolable institution of the society is
very much well illustrated in a phrase extracted from the case of Niñal v.
Bayadog, to wit:
10 Sta. Maria, Melencio Jr. (2015), Persons and Family Relatiosn Law Sixth Ed., Philippines: Rex
Bookstore, Annotation, p. 202,
11 R.A. No. 6809, An Act Lowering the Age of Majority From Twenty-One to Eighteen Years
It is therefore clear that legal capacity of the contracting parties
cannot be dispensed with otherwise absence of such would render the
marriage void ab initio12. However, the problem with Article 34 is that it
allows marriage to happen even if one of the contracting parties could
be as young as thirteen (13) years of age. This is not impossible to
happen for the law states that legal capacity to marry is qualified to
eighteen years of age. For this reason, thirteen will never be considered
as age of majority and thus, this follows the logic that a person who
started to cohabit starting at the age of as early as thirteen within the
purview of “union without benefit of marriage” does not suffice the
essential requisite of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Family Code. This now
comprises our third issue for the need to amend, the minimum age of
would-be couples who can avail of Article 34 of the Family Code.
five-year minimum cohabitation so only they could push through with
the marriage has no value whatsoever and therefore a mere scrap of
paper16. They were not exempt from the marriage license requirement.
Their failure to obtain and present a marriage license renders their
marriage void ab initio. Another instance, in the case of Manzano v.
Sanchez17 which the Court ruled that there has been gross ignorance of
law by the judge by solemnizing the marriage of Borja and Manzano
even if he knew or that the same was void and bigamous, as the
marriage contract clearly stated that both contracting parties were
separated. Respondent Judge Sanchez invoked as defense to solemnized
the marriage under Article 34 of the Family Code.
16 Id.
17 A.M. No. MTJ-00-1329, March 8, 2001.
18 Article 14 of the Family Code.
authorized by law to administer oaths. The personal
manifestation shall be recorded in both applications for
marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is executed instead,
shall be attached to said applications.
21 Article. 220. In case of doubt, all presumptions favor the solidarity of the family. Thus, every
intendment of law or fact leans toward the validity of marriage, the indissolubility of the marriage
bonds, the legitimacy of children, the community of property during marriage, the authority of
parents over their children, and the validity of defense for any member of the family in case of
unlawful aggression.