A Summary of The Evidence On Inclusive Education
A Summary of The Evidence On Inclusive Education
A Summary of The Evidence On Inclusive Education
P R E PA R E D F O R :
Instituto Alana
Rua. Fradique Coutinho,
50, 11o. andar, Pinheros
São Paulo / SP
Dr. Thomas Hehir,
Silvana and Christopher Pascucci
Professor of Practice in Learning Differences
at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H :
Abt Associates
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
AU G U S T 2 0 1 6
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 1
Across the globe, students with disabilities are increasingly educated alongside their non-
disabled peers in a practice known as inclusion. Inclusion is prominently featured in a number
of international declarations, national laws, and education policies. These policies, coupled
with the efforts of advocates for the rights of people with disabilities, have led to a substantial
increase in the number of students with disabilities who receive schooling alongside their
non-disabled peers.
In this report we sought to identify research that demonstrates the benefits of inclusive
education not only for students with disabilities, but especially for students without
disabilities, since evidence of benefits for the former is already widely known. This report is
the result of a systematic review of 280 studies from 25 countries. Eighty-nine of the studies
provide relevant scientific evidence and were synthesized and summarized below.
There is clear and consistent evidence that inclusive educational settings can confer substantial
short- and long-term benefits for students with and without disabilities. A large body of
research indicates that included students develop stronger skills in reading and mathematics,
have higher rates of attendance, are less likely to have behavioral problems, and are more
likely to complete secondary school than students who have not been included. As adults,
students with disabilities who have been included are more likely to be enrolled in post-
secondary education, and to be employed or living independently. Among children with
Down syndrome, there is evidence that the amount of time spent with typically developing
peers is associated with a range of academic and social benefits, such as improved memory
and stronger language and literacy skills.
Including students with disabilities can support improvements in teaching practice that
benefit all students. Effectively including a student with a disability requires teachers and
school administrators to develop capacities to support the individual strengths and needs
of every student, not just those students with disabilities. Research evidence suggests that,
in most cases, being educated alongside a student with a disability does not lead to adverse
effects for non-disabled children. On the contrary, some research indicates that non-disabled
students who are educated in inclusive classrooms hold less prejudicial views and are more
accepting of people who are different from themselves.
For people without disabilities, the benefits of inclusion extend into the workplace. In a study
of Brazilian, Spanish, United States, and Canadian companies and institutions, McKinsey &
Company researchers found that employing people with Down syndrome creates a positive
impact on a company’s work culture and environment, fosters the development of conflict
resolution skills, and increases the self-motivation of employees.
Nevertheless, many students with disabilities still struggle to access effective inclusive
programs. Long-standing misconceptions regarding the capacities of children with
intellectual, physical, sensory, and learning disabilities lead some educators to continue to
segregate disabled and non-disabled students.
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For the purposes of this study, inclusive education is understood in contrast to other
common educational environments for students with disabilities: exclusion, segregation
and integration (see graphic).
What is inclusion?
Educational environments for students with disabilities range from a complete denial of formal
educational services to equal participation in all aspects of the education system. For this paper, we
describe the educational experiences of students with disabilities using the following four categories:
Exclusion occurs when Segregation occurs when the education Integration is a process of placing
students are directly of students with disabilities is provided persons with disabilities in existing
or indirectly prevented in separate environments designed mainstream educational institutions,
from or denied access to or used to respond to a particular or as long as the former can adjust to
education in any form. various impairments, in isolation from the standardized requirements of
students without disabilities. such institutions.
Source: United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities General Comment No. 4
In this report we document evidence on the effectiveness of inclusive education and provide
insights into how educators and policy makers might improve the availability of inclusive
options for children with disabilities and their families. Although the review includes evidence
on all students with disabilities, we focus in particular on evidence relating to the inclusion of
children with Down syndrome. We conclude with a discussion of the common challenges for
the implementation of inclusive programs and recommendations for public policy makers,
practitioners, and parents.
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 3
An International Movement Towards Inclusion
Students with disabilities are increasingly educated alongside their non-disabled peers
throughout the world (World Health Organization, 2011). The growth of inclusive educational
practices stems from increased recognition that students with disabilities thrive when they are,
to the greatest extent possible, provided the same educational and social opportunities as non-
disabled students. This section describes the development of international and national efforts
to support the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
In 1994, The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World
Conference on Special Needs Education issued a consensus report on the education of students
with disabilities. The resulting Salamanca Statement,1 signed by representatives of 92 countries
and 25 organizations, states that “those with special educational needs must have access to
regular schools.” The statement affirms that inclusive regular schools “are the most effective
means of combating discriminatory attitudes, creating welcoming communities, building an
inclusive society and achieving education for all.” The Salamanca Statement was part of a global
movement toward inclusive education and offered guidelines for action at the national, regional,
and international levels. The Statement called for governments to promote, plan, finance, and
monitor inclusive education programs within their education systems (UNESCO, 2009).
In the years since the Salamanca statement, the international community has continued
to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Drafted in 2006, the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) binds its 161 signatory
states to ensure that “persons with disabilities can access an inclusive, quality and free primary
education and secondary education on an equal basis with others in the communities in which
they live.” Article 24 of the convention requires states to ensure an inclusive education system
at all levels for people with disabilities as well as opportunities for life-long learning. Article 24
also stipulates that students with disabilities must not be excluded from general education,
that reasonable accommodations and individualized supports must be provided for them, and
that people with disabilities should have access to tertiary education, vocational training, and
adult education on an equal basis with non-disabled students.
Many countries have developed national policies to support inclusion. In Thailand, legislation
such as the National Special Education Plan of 1995 and the National Education Act of 1999
protect the rights of students with disabilities and guarantee access to 12 years of free basic
education. As a result of this legislation and nationwide media campaigns, a majority of Thai
students with disabilities now attend integrated schools (UNICEF, 2003). Nigeria adopted a
formal special education policy in 1988, and has since created additional legislation requiring
that schools provide inclusive education services to children with disabilities (Ajuwon, 2008;
Tesemma, 2011). South Africa has developed a long-term plan to promote inclusive education
by transitioning students from segregated placements into an integrated system of
neighborhood, full-service, and specialized schools (Department of Education, 2001).
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BRAZIL: progress on the path to a more inclusive system
of education
In 2003, inclusive education became part of the inclusive education system in Brazil. Brazil has a
educational agenda in Brazil. Until then, the paradigm long history of educational exclusion of people
was a segregated approach, with separate schools stigmatized for their disability status, race, ethnicity,
serving only people with disabilities. The development gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.
of a more robust inclusive approach to education was Some students with disabilities still face barriers
formalized in 2008 through the National Policy for to enrolling in regular schools. Others find only
Special Education from the Inclusive Perspective. The integrationist paradigms in schools that do not
policy encompasses pedagogic guidelines, teacher operate quality inclusion programs. However, it is
training, dissemination of assistive technologies important to highlight that most of these barriers
and investments in accessibility, thereby allowing do not emerge from a lack of political commitment
and providing incentives for public schools to enroll towards effective inclusion in education, but
students with disabilities. As a result, out of the universe rather due to the challenges posed by poverty and
of students with disabilities, enrollment in regular inequality in a large country like Brazil. According
schools grew from 23 percent in 2003 to 81 percent to the United Nations, around 10 percent of the
in 2015 (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas world’s population has some type of a disability. This
Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, 2014). makes people with disabilities the largest minority
population in the world.1 Around 80 percent of
people with disabilities live in developing countries.
Issues with transportation, adequate health care,
understanding of their rights, and other problems
related to poverty may impact the number of
children and youth with disabilities accessing and
persisting in quality education programs.2
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In the United States, students with disabilities have enjoyed a nationally-protected right to a “free
and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment” since 1974. Subsequent
updates to the laws governing the education of students with and without disabilities have
demonstrated a preference for inclusive settings by mandating that children with disabilities
be educated in the “least restrictive environment” that is appropriate for their individual needs.
There is evidence these policies have spurred an increase in the degree to which children with
disabilities are attending class alongside their non-disabled peers. For example, since 1989, the
percentage of United States students with intellectual disabilities who spend 40 percent or
more of their school day in classrooms with non-disabled peers has grown from 27 percent to
44 percent. In the Netherlands, the rate at which students with Down syndrome were included
in mainstream classrooms increased considerably in recent decades, from approximately 1 to 2
percent in 1986 to 37 percent in 2013 (de Graaf, van Hove, & Haveman, 2014).
Despite the growing international consensus on inclusion, many students with disabilities
around the world continue to face challenges when attempting to enroll in regular schools.
Recent research conducted by UNICEF in 13 low- and middle-income countries indicates
that children with disabilities account for a disproportionate percentage of children out of
school. A 2009 survey of school enrollment in India indicated that despite the near-universal
primary school enrollment of students without disabilities, more than one-third of students
with disabilities are not enrolled in school of any type. Among Indian children with intellectual
disabilities, including children with Down syndrome, it was estimated that nearly half were
not enrolled in school (UNESCO Institute for Statistics & UNICEF, 2015). Although accurate data
are scarce, available information indicates that rates of inclusion vary widely from country to
country, even within the same region (UNESCO Institute for Statistics & UNICEF, 2015). Within
Europe, for example, Cyprus, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, and Portugal educate more than 80
percent of students with disabilities in inclusive settings, while France, Germany, and Belgium
continue to educate almost all students with disabilities in separate settings (European Agency
for Development in Special Needs Education, 2010; World Health Organization, 2011). Even in
countries where the rights of students with disabilities to attend school are protected by law,
many still face substantial barriers. In some CRPD-signatory nations, students with disabilities
are still routinely counseled to enroll in segregated schools or are denied admission to inclusive
schools (Zero Project, 2016). These data also indicate that in some countries, included students
struggle with poorly trained teachers and inaccessible school buildings and curricula.
In brief, countries around the world have pledged to support inclusion for people with
disabilities. There has been a substantial expansion in the degree to which students with
disabilities attend school alongside their non-disabled peers, but this progress has been
uneven. Many countries have enacted policies to promote inclusion, while others have been
slow to shift from a segregated education model. Even in countries that have high rates of
students with disabilities in the general education classroom, education that is truly inclusive
may not be the norm.
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enefits of Inclusive Education
for Non-Disabled Students
Inclusive education can provide a range of academic
and social benefits for students with disabilities, such
as higher achievement in language and mathematics,
improved rates of high school graduation, and more
positive relationships with non-disabled students.
Nevertheless, many parents and teachers have
concerns that the inclusion of students with disabilities
might come at the expense of their non-disabled
classmates. They may worry that the modifications or
accommodations that students with disabilities require
in inclusive classrooms will impede the learning of non-
disabled students (Peltier, 1997). Despite these concerns, research
has demonstrated that, for the most part, including students with
disabilities in regular education classes does not harm non-disabled students
and may even confer some academic and social benefits. Below, we document our review
of the available evidence on the impacts of inclusive education on non-disabled students.
A similar review of studies by Ruijs & Peetsma (2009) also found that inclusion was generally
associated with either positive or neutral effects on academic outcomes for non-disabled
students. In three studies that reported positive outcomes, the researchers noted that
teachers employed strategies and teaching techniques which met the needs of diverse
learners (Dessemontet & Bless, 2013). In all studies, differences between schools were much
larger than differences between inclusive and non-inclusive classrooms within those schools.
This means that the overall quality of instruction in a school plays a bigger role in shaping
the achievement of non-disabled students than whether or not that student was educated
alongside children with a disability. Salend & Duhaney (1999) found that typically-developing
students in inclusive classrooms received the same level of teacher attention as students in
non-inclusive classrooms and had similar levels of academic achievement.
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Research from large-scale longitudinal studies in several countries (including the United
States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Finland) also suggest that the inclusion of students
with disabilities does not lead to negative consequences for typically-developing students.
Examining the reading achievement of a nationally-representative sample of 3rd graders in
the United States from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Cohort, Gandhi
(2007) found no evidence that non-disabled students were harmed by being educated
alongside a student with a disability. Similarly, a study by Farrell et al. (2007) of British primary
and secondary school students found no substantively meaningful correlation between the
proportion of students with disabilities in a school and the academic achievement of that
school’s non-disabled students. Research by Friesen, Hickey & Krauth (2010) examining 4th
and 7th grade students in British Columbia came to a similar conclusion. They noted that the
number of students in a grade with learning and behavioral disabilities was not associated
with the numeracy and reading exam scores of non-disabled students. Similar research
conducted in the United States state of Texas by Hanushek, Kain, & Rivkin (2002) found that the
proportion of students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms was not associated with the
academic achievement of non-disabled students. In contrast, a study of around 1,000 primary-
school students in the United States state of Indiana found positive impacts of inclusion
on the progress of non-disabled students in mathematics (Waldron & Cole, 2000). Fifty-nine
percent of non-disabled students in inclusive schools had higher scores on a standardized
mathematics exam compared to the previous year, while only 39 percent of non-disabled
students in traditional schools made similar progress. Finally, an analysis of three cohorts of all
school-leavers in Finland demonstrated no impact of the proportion of students with learning
disabilities in a school on the proportion of students who continue into and graduate from
upper secondary education (Kirjavainen, Pulkkinen, & Jahnukainen, 2016).
Research focused on the inclusion of students with Down syndrome or other intellectual
disabilities yields similar findings. In a study published in 2013, researchers statistically matched
more than 400 non-disabled elementary school students in 50 classrooms in Switzerland.
Twenty of the classrooms included a student with an intellectual disability, and 30 of the
classrooms did not have any students with an intellectual disability. The researchers then
followed these students for one year and found that having a classmate with an intellectual
disability in their class had no impact on the development of mathematics or literacy skills for
non-disabled students (Dessemontet & Bless, 2013).
Critics of inclusion have raised concerns that disruptive behavior from students with severe
emotional disabilities may redirect teachers’ attention away from fostering the academic
and social growth of all students. Although the majority of the research reviewed for this
study indicates that inclusion yields neutral or positive effects on the academic achievement
of non-disabled students, there is some evidence that the inclusion of multiple students
with diagnosed severe emotional disabilities within a single classroom can present unique
challenges for teachers. Drawing on data from a large longitudinal study of young children
in the United States, researchers have found evidence that having multiple classmates with a
severe emotional disability can have a small negative impact on the reading and mathematics
8 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
skills (Fletcher, 2010) and school behavior and approaches to
learning skills (Gottfried, 2014) of non-disabled students. The
researchers emphasize that these potential small negative
effects on non-disabled students were driven by those
classrooms in which two or more students with severe
emotional and behavioral disabilities were present, and
suggest that having one classmate with a disability
should not worsen outcomes for non-disabled children.
Diagnosed severe emotional and behavioral disabilities
are rare. In the United States, students with severe
emotional and behavioral disabilities represent less than
six percent of students with disabilities and approximately
one-half of one percent of all students.2 Thus, it is highly
unlikely that a given classroom would include two or more
students with a severe emotional disability if these students were
evenly distributed across classrooms in their natural proportions.
Other research has highlighted the central role of teaching practice in ensuring that inclusive
classrooms provide benefits for all students (Sharma, Forlin, & Loreman, 2008). Teachers with
positive attitudes towards inclusion are more likely to adapt the way they work to benefit all of
their students (Sharma et al., 2008). Teachers with positive attitudes toward inclusion are also more
likely to influence their colleagues in positive ways to support inclusion, encouraging collaboration
and sharing classroom management skills (Sharma et al., 2008). In an Australian study involving
six primary and high school classrooms, researchers found that teacher attitudes were crucial to
effective inclusive practice (Carlson, Hemmings, Wurf, & Reupert, 2012). In the study, they suggest
that the inclusive attitudes of the teachers towards supporting students with a range of learning
needs created the conditions necessary within the schools to foster inclusion in practice, which in
turn resulted in more inclusive attitudes of other teachers, school educators, parents and students.
Teacher training can also help to ensure that inclusive programs benefit all students (Sharma et
al., 2008). Research suggests a positive correlation between the amount of disability education
or teacher training and positive attitudes towards inclusion. Teacher training and appropriate
2 For more information on the number and percentage of students with different types of disabilities in the United States, see
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 9
interventions can also reduce externalizing behavior that negatively impacts other students.
Gottfried (2014) found that more experienced teachers and those with greater training in the
education of students with disabilities were more able to mitigate any negative impacts of students
with disabilities on the behavioral outcomes of their peers. Coordinated schoolwide approaches to
the behavior of disabled and non-disabled students can also support the inclusion of students with
challenging behaviors.
Although trainings can help provide teachers with specific instructional strategies, many
teachers suggest that they do not have the necessary time and resources to effectively include
students with disabilities (Chiner & Cardona, 2013; Curcic, 2009; Oswald & Swart, 2011; Woolfson
& Brady, 2009). Concerns regarding resources have been noted in surveys of teachers in Hong
Kong (Stella, Forlin, & Lan, 2007), South Africa (Oswald & Swart, 2011), Ghana (Alhassan, 2014),
and Spain (Chiner & Cardona, 2013). Indeed, providing targeted support for students with
disabilities within a general education classroom can require additional time from teachers. For
some students with disabilities, inclusion in a general education classroom requires adaptive
technologies or modifications to the curriculum. Successful inclusive schools often identify
multiple sources of funding to provide these additional supports. For example, the principal of
the Clarisse Fecury School in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, identified and mobilized resources from
the State Secretary of Health, the Special Education Management System, and several support
centers specializing in specific disabilities (Hübner Mendes & de Macedo, 2011).
Research suggests that it is through the development of this culture of collaborative problem
solving that the inclusion of students with disabilities can serve as a catalyst for school-wide
improvement and yield benefits for non-disabled students (Giangreco, Dennis, Cloninger,
Edelman, & Schattman, 1993; Hehir & Katzman, 2012). In effective inclusive schools, the traditional
isolated classroom is replaced with more a flexible structure that facilitates collaboration across
school staff. This permits educators to develop coordinated approaches focused on addressing
the specific needs of individual students. The skills these educators develop to support students
with disabilities help them to better address the unique needs of all of their students.
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BOSTON: Effective inclusive schools support excellence
for all students
An in-depth study of inclusive schools in Boston, type of creative problem solving. Students enrolled
Massachusetts demonstrates that schools can be in BAA are selected based solely on arts ability, so
both inclusive and high-performing. When schools students frequently exhibit specialized learning
make inclusion part of their central mission, teachers needs due to disabilities like dyslexia or deafness.
work together to raise student achievement Teachers and school leaders have responded to this
by continually improving their instruction and challenge by instituting a comprehensive approach
supporting the individual learning needs of to literacy instruction in which all teachers are
each student. In this study, researchers followed expected to be teachers of reading and writing.
three public schools for two school years. They Incoming students take a comprehensive diagnostic
conducted interviews with teachers, students and reading assessment and are given the appropriate
administrators, observed classes and school events, supports for their learning needs, like summer
and reviewed three years of testing data. These enrichment, tutoring, or text-to-speech software.
schools were selected for the study because of their
explicit commitment to helping all students with and This attitude toward teaching and learning has
without disabilities meet high academic standards. had a direct impact on student achievement.
Students at Boston Arts Academy have
Teachers in these effective inclusive schools describe consistently performed well on the Massachusetts
the inclusion of children with disabilities in the Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS),
same way they might describe the inclusion of a statewide standardized test. For example, the
students from varying racial, ethnic, and linguistic average English MCAS Language Arts Score among
backgrounds. One elementary school teacher noted, 10th grade students at Boston Arts Academy was
“We, the collective we, value diversity in everything; a 92 in 2005, which was higher than both the state
not just cultural diversity or racial diversity, but (89) and city (73) average. A similar pattern emerged
diversity in how we learn and diversity in economic in 4th grade language arts and mathematics in the
factors.” As a result, inclusion is viewed as part other two schools selected for the study, the Patrick
of a larger mission, and this mission shapes all O’Hearn1 and the Samuel W. Mason elementary
aspects of the school culture. School staff approach schools. At the Samuel W. Mason elementary school,
the inclusion of students with disabilities as an the average MCAS Language Arts score in 2005 (92)
opportunity to effectively meet the diverse needs of was higher than the city (73) and state (90). The
all students through individualized and innovative Samuel W. Mason school also outperformed city
teaching practices. Teachers view the challenges (68) and state (84) averages in mathematics with
associated with teaching students with disabilities as an average score of 86 on the MCAS in 2005. At
a chance to strengthen their teaching practice and the Patrick O’Hearn school, the average Language
improve the achievement of all students, regardless Arts score in 2005 (80) was higher than the city
of their disabilities or abilities. average (73), but lower than the state average
(90). In mathematics, the average MCAS score for
To do this, these schools function as collaborative Patrick O’Hearn school (78) was also higher than
problem-solving organizations. Rather than the Boston average (68), but lower than the state
operating in isolation, teachers and school staff average (84). Factors such as strong leadership and
work together to customize programs for individual parent involvement also contribute to the academic
students. This collective problem-solving fosters success of these three schools, but their inclusive
a culture of innovation and improvement in approach has undoubtedly strengthened teaching
which teachers are continually striving to serve practices and raised expectations for student
the changing needs of all students. One teacher achievement. As these schools demonstrate,
described her school as, “a place where people are including students with disabilities need not
always thinking of another way to do things, rather come at the expense of academic rigor or high
than saying, ‘But this is the curriculum. That’s how achievement. When implemented deliberately
we have to do it’… The teachers [here] are being and purposely, inclusion can support high levels
more creative.” Literacy instruction at the Boston Arts of achievement for all students.
Academy (BAA), a public high school for the visual
and performing arts, provides an example of this 1 The Patrick O’Hearn Elementary School is now called the
William W. Henderson Inclusion Elementary School.
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Inclusion can support the social and emotional development of non-disabled students
Attending class alongside a student with a disability can yield positive impacts on the social
attitudes and beliefs of non-disabled students. A literature review describes five benefits of
inclusion for non-disabled students: reduced fear of human differences, accompanied by
increased comfort and awareness (less fear of people who look or behave differently); growth
in social cognition (increased tolerance of others, more effective communication with all
peers); improvements in self-concept (increased self-esteem, perceived status, and sense
of belonging); development of personal moral and ethical principles (less prejudice, higher
responsiveness to the needs of others); and warm and caring friendships (Staub & Peck, 1995).
These changes in attitude are predicted by the Contact Hypothesis, a term referring to the
reduction of hostility, prejudice, and discrimination between groups (e.g. non-disabled versus
disabled) through increased inter-group contact (Allport, 1979).3 Inclusive classrooms provide
many of the conditions necessary for reducing discrimination under the Contact Hypothesis,
which include 1) group members having equal status, 2) cooperation in pursue of common
goals, 3) fostering the development of close personal relationships, and 4) institutional
support (Allport, 1979).
Bunch & Valeo (2004) conducted detailed interviews with dozens of non-disabled Canadian
students and found that students in inclusive schools had more friendships with students
with disabilities and were more likely to support inclusion when compared to students in
non-inclusive schools. Few of the students in non-inclusive schools were friends with students
with disabilities, while all of the elementary students in the inclusive schools were friends
with students with disabilities. The researchers suggest the difference is due to simple routine
contact between students with and without disabilities in the inclusive schools. One middle
school student in an inclusive school said of her classmate with a disability, “Because she’s with
us, so we consider her as our friend, and she considers us as her friends.” Regarding support for
inclusion, the researchers theorized that students are more likely to accept the situation with
which they are familiar; if inclusion is the norm, they are likely to support it, and if separate
placement is the norm, they are likely to accept it. They also found less peer abuse (teasing,
insults, social rejection) of students with disabilities in inclusive schools, possibly because
students in inclusive schools were more likely to stand up for their peers with disabilities.
In another study, researchers examined 80 non-disabled primary school students in Italy and
found that those who had contact with students with Down syndrome held more positive and
less prejudicial views about people with Down syndrome when compared to students who had
not had such contact (Consiglio, Guarnera, & Magnano, 2015). A 2008 study of 6th to 8th grade
students in Chile found that non-disabled students attending inclusive schools demonstrated
less prejudice, patronizing, or pitying behaviors toward students with Down syndrome when
compared to students attending non-inclusive schools (Sirlopú et al., 2008). The authors
concluded that inclusive schools have the potential to change negative attitudes (e.g. pitying
3 The Contact Hypothesis was originally conceived to describe racial/ethnic discrimination and integration, but the framework
has since been applied to other traditionally marginalized groups (LGBTQ, physically disabled, mentally disabled, mentally ill,
elderly) (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006).
12 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
and intergroup anxiety) and promote positive relationships
between students with Down syndrome and their non-
disabled peers. Peers attending inclusive schools also
expressed more positive attitudes towards children with
intellectual disabilities. In a study examining 256 children
ages 9 to 10 in Greece, students attending inclusive
schools selected significantly fewer negative adjectives
to describe children with intellectual disabilities when
compared to non-disabled students in non-inclusive
settings (Georgiadi, Kalyva, Kourkoutas, & Tsakiris, 2012).
A 2012 study by Hehir and colleagues examined the performance of more than 68,000
primary and secondary school students with disabilities in the United States state of
Massachusetts. Using state test data, the authors identified many factors that influence the
academic achievement of students. Family income, school quality, and proficiency with
English were all related to a child's academic performance. After statistically controlling
for these factors, the authors found that on average, students with disabilities who spent a
larger proportion of their school day with their non-disabled peers performed significantly
better on measures of language and mathematics than students with similar disabilities who
spent a smaller proportion of their school day with their non-disabled peers (Hehir, Grindal, &
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 13
Eidelman, 2012) (see graphic above). Children with disabilities also benefit from being included
in prekindergarten programs. A study of 757 three and four year-old students in the Midwestern
United States found that the language skills of students with disabilities benefit substantially from
having the opportunity to attend preschool with non-disabled students (Justice, Logan, Lin, &
Kaderavek, 2014).
Two large longitudinal studies of students with disabilities in the United States provide
evidence that participating in inclusive education can yield positive impacts on students’
academic outcomes. The Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study (SEELS) followed
512 students with disabilities from elementary to middle school and from middle to high
school from 2000 to 2006 (Wagner, Kutash, Duchnowski, & Epstein, 2005). Study data indicate
that students with disabilities who took more classes in general education settings had
better reading comprehension and a higher level of performance on tests of mathematical
skills when compared to segregated students. Among students with an intellectual disability,
included students also read 23 to 43 words per minute faster than otherwise similar students
who took fewer academic classes (Blackorby et al., 2007).
A similar study focused on teenage students with disabilities, the National Longitudinal
Transition Study (NLTS), followed 11,270 13 to 16 year old United States students over ten
years4. This study found that students with disabilities who took more academic classes in
general education settings experienced greater growth on measures of academic skills than
peers who spent more time in separate special education programs. Analyses of these data
4 For additional details regarding the National Longitudinal Transition Study, see http://www.nlts2.org/
14 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
also showed that students with disabilities in inclusive settings
attended school an average of three more days per year, were
eight percentage points less likely to receive a disciplinary
referral, and were four percentage points more likely to
belong to school groups (Marder, Wagner, & Sumi, 2003;
Newman, Davies, & Marder, 2003).
The evidence noting the academic benefits of inclusive education is not limited to the
United States. Researchers in Norway followed nearly 500 secondary school students
with disabilities over six years. Controlling for multiple other factors related to student
achievement, they found that included students were more than 75 percent more likely to
earn a vocational or academic credential than students who were educated in special classes
(Myklebust, 2007). A study conducted in the Netherlands compared the development of more
than 200 matched pairs of 7 and 8 year old students with learning and behavioral difficulties
or mild intellectual disability who were included in general and special education schools.
The researchers then followed these pairs of students for four years and found that the
included students made substantially greater academic progress than did their counterparts
in special education programs (Peetsma, Vergeer, Roeleveld, & Karsten, 2001).
5 Some of the sources reviewed in this evidence summary use the derogatory term “mental retardation.” We substitute all
references to “mental retardation” with “intellectual disabilities,” a preferred term.
6 Significant differences in employment and earnings are driven by large differences for students with sensory and physical
disabilities. See (Wagner, Blackorby, Cameto, & Newman, 1993) for details.
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 15
Source: (Marder et al., 2003; Wagner et al., 1993) 1, 2, 3
1 Difference between students with disabilities who spent 75% of the school day in general education classrooms and students
with disabilities who spent 25% of the school day in general education classrooms.
2 Difference between students with disabilities who spent 100% of the school day in general education classrooms and
students with disabilities who spent 50% of the school day in general education classrooms.
3 Difference between students with mild disabilities who spent 100% of the school day in general education classrooms and
students with mild disabilities who spent 50% of the school day in general education classrooms. Mild disabilities include
learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbances, speech impairments, and mild intellectual disabilities.
There is evidence that inclusive education is particularly beneficial for the development of
language and literacy skills among students with Down syndrome. Researchers in Switzerland
identified a group of 68 children who were similar in almost every way. They were the same
age (between seven and eight years old), had been diagnosed with an intellectual disability,
lived at home with their parents, and had similar scores on tests of reading and mathematics
skills. The main way in which these students differed was that one group of students was
16 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
included while the other was educated in separate schools. Researchers then followed
these students for two years and found that across the two groups, students experienced
similar growth in their mathematical skills, but included students experienced significantly
greater growth in the development of literacy skills than did their otherwise similar peers
(Dessemontet, Bless, & Morin, 2012) (see graphic below).
Other studies confirm that these inclusion-related language and literacy differences can
be substantial. Researchers in the United Kingdom identified 46 teenagers with Down
syndrome and examined their academic and social outcomes. These students had similar
family characteristics and similar levels of cognitive abilities at school entry but were sorted
into either inclusive or separate special education schools on the basis of where they lived.
Those students who had been included outperformed their segregated peers on measures
of academic development. The researchers estimated that when compared to the students in
segregated programs, included students were approximately two and a half years ahead on
measures of expressive language and more than three years ahead in reading, writing, and
literacy skills (Buckley, Bird, Sacks, & Archer, 2006).
Multiple studies conducted in the Netherlands have also found that inclusion is associated with
improvements in the development of academic skills for children with Down syndrome (de
Graaf & van Hove, 2015; de Graaf, van Hove, & Haveman, 2013). One study collected information
on the reading, writing, mathematics, and language skills, parental education level, and home
environment of a random sample of 160 children with Down syndrome in 2006. They then
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 17
collected similar information four years later and found that the amount of time a student with
Down syndrome spent in mainstream classes was a significant predictor of the child’s academic
skill development, with particularly strong effects on the reading ability of younger children.
There is also some evidence that inclusion is related to improvements in memory skills in
students with Down syndrome. Memory can be particularly challenging for children with
Down syndrome, and evidence of a linkage between inclusion and memory skills highlights
how inclusive environments may provide greater cognitive growth opportunities. In one
study conducted in the United Kingdom, researchers examined the language and memory
development of 44 children with Down syndrome attending mainstream and specialized
schools. Children in the mainstream group had significantly higher scores in language
comprehension and short-term memory (grammar comprehension, auditory digit span, and
visual digit span) when compared with children attending specialized schools. The children
in mainstream schools were one and a half years ahead of their peers in specialized schools
in vocabulary development and nine months ahead in grammar comprehension. The authors
concluded that mainstream educational environments may provide children with Down
syndrome greater exposure to language and academic instruction, which facilitates both
language and memory growth (Laws, Byrne, & Buckley, 2000).
Inclusion can support the social and emotional development of students with disabilities
There is also evidence that participating in inclusive settings can yield social and emotional
benefits for students with disabilities. Such social and emotional benefits can include forming
and maintaining positive peer relationships, which have important implications for a child’s
learning and psychological development. Research suggests that students with disabilities
often struggle to develop peer relationships (Bossaert, Boer, Frostad, Pijl, & Petry, 2015).
A recent study examined more than 1,100 Austrian primary and secondary school students
and found that, when compared to non-disabled students, students with disabilities had fewer
friendships or social interactions, lower levels of perceived peer acceptance, and diminished
self-perception of social participation (Schwab, 2015).
Inclusion may help to support social skill development among students with disabilities
(Schwab, 2015). A 2002 review of the scholarly literature indicates that students with
developmental disabilities in inclusive classrooms demonstrated higher levels of engaged
behavior than did students with developmental disabilities in special education classrooms
(Katz & Mirenda, 2002). In a study of students with learning disabilities in Canada, researchers
found that students who were educated primarily in a mainstream setting (in an inclusive
classroom either with or without additional in-class supports) were more accepted by their
peers, had better social relationships, were less lonely, and exhibited fewer behavioral
problems than similar children who were educated in resource room or self-contained special
education classroom settings (Wiener & Tardif, 2004).
Research on United States students utilizing data from the NLTS and SEELS studies also
indicates that spending time in inclusive settings is associated with better social skills for
18 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
students with disabilities (Marder et al., 2003; Newman &
Davies-Mercier, 2005; Sumi, Marder, & Wagner, 2005). NLTS
data indicate that students who spent three-quarters
of their day or more in general education classes
were four percentage points more likely to belong
to school or community groups than students who
spent less time in general education classes. Included
students were also eight percentage points less likely
to receive disciplinary action at school than students
who spent less time in general education classes
(Marder et al., 2003). Researchers examining SEELS
data found that students with disabilities in mainstream
placements demonstrate more independence and self-
sufficiency (Newman & Davies-Mercier, 2005; Sumi et al., 2005).
For example, 34 percent of students with disabilities who were
included in general education classes reported that they were likely
to do things on their own “usually” or “very often,” compared to 22 percent
of students who were educated in special education classes (Newman & Davies-Mercier, 2005).
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 19
It follows then that providing training for teachers can influence teachers’ attitudes towards
inclusion. Multiple studies have found that teachers who have received training on inclusion
are more likely to have positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities
(Chiner & Cardona, 2013; Sharma et al., 2008). For example, research conducted in South Africa
regarding barriers to inclusion highlighted teachers’ concerns with the challenges presented
by increasing student diversity in the classroom. Teachers remarked that they lacked adequate
knowledge, facilities, skills, and trainings. These concerns shaped teachers’ perceptions of
inclusion. After receiving training, teachers felt more positively about including students with
disabilities. Pre-test and post-test scores showed that teachers who participated in the study
increased their teaching skills and knowledge of inclusive education (Oswald & Swart, 2011).
Similarly, a study of teachers in Uganda found that those who had some form of training in
inclusive education held more positive and willing attitudes towards inclusion than those
without any form of training in inclusion (Ojok & Wormnæs, 2013).
There is some evidence that students with disabilities who are educated alongside their
non-disabled peers are subject to higher expectations from teachers compared to students
educated in separate settings. In a seminal study conducted in the United States, researchers
examined how the quality of the individualized education plans (IEPs) for students with
disabilities changed when they left special education classrooms and entered inclusive
classrooms. An IEP is a written document used in the United States outlining a student’s
unique learning needs, the services they require, and how their progress will be measured
in the classroom. The researchers analyzed the content of the IEPs associated with general
education versus special education classes from the students who had made a transition
from special to general education. The results showed a significant increase in the quality and
expectations of the IEP objectives that were written for students with disabilities once they
were placed in inclusive settings (Hunt & Farron-Davis, 1992).
Yet children with Down syndrome do exhibit some common learning challenges. These
include challenges with short-term auditory memory (i.e. learning from listening) and speech
and language. Children with Down syndrome sometimes struggle in learning new words,
learning grammar and syntax, and following complex verbal instructions or stories (Alton,
1998). As a result, teachers in inclusive classrooms suggest that the most effective learning
20 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
materials for Down syndrome children include “hands-on” materials and computer-assisted
technology rather than worksheets or textbooks (Wolpert, 2001). Teachers may also choose to
provide visual instructions or timetables and reinforce all curricula visually (e.g. presenting a
word in print alongside a picture to increase vocabulary) (Alton, 1998).
Although inclusive settings provide students with Down syndrome the opportunity to develop
friendships with non-disabled peers, some research suggests that students with intellectual
disabilities can sometimes struggle to develop strong social bonds within an inclusive setting
(Buckley et al., 2006; Freeman & Alkin, 2000; Szumski & Karwowski, 2014). Differences in emotional
maturity and intellectual ability can interfere with the formation of reciprocal friendships
between children with Down syndrome and their non-disabled peers (Cuckle & Wilson, 2002;
Fox, Farrell, & Davis, 2004). Genuine friendships between children with Down syndrome and their
non-disabled peers often develop through shared interests and class-based activities (Fox et
al., 2004). Children with Down syndrome may have interests more similar to those of younger
children, and parents often hesitate to provide increasing levels of independence to adolescents
with Down syndrome (Cuckle & Wilson, 2002). Consequently, friendships between children with
Down syndrome and their non-disabled peers are often “compartmentalized,” meaning that they
are restricted to one setting (i.e. school) and do not extend into other settings (i.e. home and
community) (Cuckle & Wilson, 2002).
Schools can facilitate interactions between students with and without Down syndrome using
a variety of approaches. In research done by a group of Scandinavian researchers, teachers
took an active role in promoting interaction between non-disabled children and children
with Down syndrome. Small groups, in which peers were expected to help each other and
the child with Down syndrome, served as a primary means for facilitating peer interaction
(Dolva, Gustavsson, Borell, & Hemmingsson, 2011). Teachers educated peers about the nature
of disabilities like Down syndrome and instructed them how to behave supportively in these
group settings. Teaching staff also helped students with Down syndrome interpret social
situations and initiate interactions with non-disabled students (Dolva et al., 2011). Teachers
may also choose to create formalized peer-buddy or friendship groups with non-disabled
peers. Schools can partner with nonprofit organizations such as Best Buddies, which fosters
one-on-one friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental
disabilities in more than 50 countries. Evidence on the effectiveness of such programs is
limited, but preliminary research indicates that structured social programs may benefit
children with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities (Barrett & Randall, 2004; Carter,
Hughes, Guth, & Copeland, 2005; D’Haem, 2008).
The fact that forming strong relationships can be difficult in a general education classroom
should not necessarily be interpreted as meaning these settings are not socially appropriate
for students with disabilities. Rather, it suggests that teachers and schools must pay attention
to the psychosocial development of students with disabilities in general education settings
and general education teachers need improved training and resources in order to create
effective, inclusive learning environments that foster both the academic and social growth of
students with disabilities.
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 21
A Coordinated National Approach to Fostering Inclusion
A national effort to promote a more inclusive system of education requires coordinated efforts
that work from the “top down” and the “bottom up.” That is, policy at the highest levels must
affirm the right of children with disabilities to be included alongside their non-disabled peers in
education. Although policy is critical, the long-standing misconceptions regarding the capacities
of all students to thrive within an inclusive classroom often represent the greatest barriers to
progress. Efforts to foster inclusion must help to counter these long-standing misconceptions
and to support and educate teachers, school administrators and parents so that children with
disabilities experience effective, welcoming schools and classrooms that are able to meet their
needs. Parents also need to be included as important partners in their children’s education to
help assure the best outcomes. Toward that end we offer the following recommendations.
National leaders should make clear, highly public pronouncements that inclusive education is
the country’s expectation. National leaders might also work to build and engage support from
the legislature, which can then provide the policies and programs needed to make inclusive
practice successful. This type of top down leadership needs to be extended to the local level as
well. Regional and local school leaders should be required to promote inclusive practices.
22 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
among educators and create demand for inclusive programs
among parents of students with and without disabilities.
The vast majority of students with disabilities can access the general education curriculum and
perform at the same level as their non-disabled peers if given the appropriate accommodations.
States should thus also measure the degree to which students are learning necessary skills
and content in these courses and include students with disabilities in national measures of
educational progress. The results of such tests should not have high-stakes consequences for the
students themselves. Rather, they should be used to identify schools and communities in need of
support in better educating and including their students with disabilities.
The second component that needs to be addressed is learning classroom techniques that can
help children with disabilities thrive. The concept of Universal Design is a particularly promising
framework for supporting teacher development. This concept was initially used in architecture,
as features like ramps, handicap-accessible toilets, and automatic doors were installed in
buildings to accommodate the needs of people with physical disabilities (Rose & Meyer,
2006). Similarly, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) requires that schools design curricula to
accommodate the diverse strengths and weaknesses of all learners, both those with and without
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 23
disabilities. The UDL approach to inclusive education includes the following principles: 1) provide
multiple means of representation, 2) provide multiple means of action and expression, and 3)
provide multiple means of engagement (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2014).
This framework assumes that students are not defined by their disability, as labels categorizing
children as either “disabled” or “non-disabled” do not capture the full range of ability across
groups (Hehir & Katzman, 2012). Regardless of their disability status, all students benefit from a
combination of hands-on, auditory, and visual learning opportunities in the classroom.
For children with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities, UDL is a particularly
effective approach to teaching and learning. As noted earlier, children with Down syndrome
have particular strengths in visual learning and processing, and teachers can capitalize on these
strengths in the classroom through multimedia instruction (Hughes, 2006; Davis, 2008). In one
study examining the effects of a UDL literacy intervention that combined e-books and interactive
literacy games, researchers found positive academic outcomes related to program participation.
Students with intellectual disabilities who received the intervention had gained 15 points on the
WJ-III Passage Comprehension (a test of reading comprehension skills) compared to less than
8 points for a matched control group (Coyne, Pisha, Dalton, Zeph, & Smith, 2012). Researchers
examining math achievement in a sample of children with Down syndrome in Spain found
similar results. Students with Down syndrome who were taught using multimedia mathematical
software had higher math scores when compared with children receiving traditional pencil
and paper instruction (Ortega-Tudela & Gómez-Ariza, 2006). The authors concluded that the
intervention permitted students to access the information in multiple ways, particularly through
visual representation, which helped students process and retain mathematical content.
Such model inclusive schools can also help to develop new and more effective techniques for
including students with disabilities in general education classrooms. As we discussed above,
children with Down syndrome have unique learning needs. Developing expertise on how to
best support students with Down syndrome as well as all students with disabilities can require
careful practice and observation. Model inclusive schools provide an environment in which
those practices can be refined and improved.
24 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
Promote inclusive opportunities in both post-secondary
school and the labor market
In the last decade, post-secondary institutions have
also expanded access to students with intellectual
disabilities and have helped to create inclusive college
experiences. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) in
the United States, after receiving a federal grant of
$1.28 million, began offering a four-year Career and
Community certificate program for students with
disabilities, such as Down syndrome, autism, and
other intellectual disabilities. The program involves
program-specific core coursework, internships, and TCNJ
elective courses with the rest of the college’s student body.
The program also has partnerships with high school special
education programs in order to prepare students with intellectual
disabilities for college experiences while still in secondary school.
Another project, Think College: College Options for People with Intellectual
Disabilities, is creating opportunities for students with disabilities interested in post-secondary
educational opportunities in the United States state of Massachusetts. The success and
lessons learned by TCNJ’s Career and Community program and similar programs may open the
doors and classrooms of more post-secondary institutions as well as improving employment
opportunities for students
Provide support and training to parents seeking inclusive education for their children
Parents often need support in seeking inclusive education for their children and in maximizing
their child’s development. This can be a difficult role. In the United States, parent-training
centers have been funded by the federal government to provide this type of support. The
Massachusetts Federation for Children and the Colorado Peak Center have been particularly
effective in teaching parents about the importance of inclusion and how to obtain and support
effective inclusive placements for their children.
A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N 25
In this report we have reviewed evidence from more than 280 research studies conducted
in 25 countries. We find consistent evidence that inclusive educational settings—those in
which children with disabilities are educated alongside their non-disabled peers—can confer
substantial short- and long-term benefits for children’s cognitive and social development.
This issue has been studied in many ways with many different populations of students. The
magnitude of the benefits of inclusive education may vary from one study to another, but
the overwhelming majority either report significant benefits for students who are educated
alongside their non-disabled peers or, at worst, show no differences between included and
non-included students.
The research evidence also suggests that in most cases, being educated alongside a student with
a disability does not lead to negative consequences for non-disabled students. In fact, research
on effective inclusive schools indicates that inclusion can have important positive benefits for
all students. What these effective inclusive schools have discovered is that inclusion is not just
about locating disabled and non-disabled students in the same classrooms. Effectively including
a student with a disability requires teachers and school administrators to develop a better
understanding of the individual strengths and needs of every student, not just those students
with disabilities. Teachers in inclusive classrooms cannot simply target the curriculum toward the
average student. This means providing students with multiple ways to engage with classroom
material, multiple representations of curricular concepts, and multiple means for students to
express what they have learned. This type of thoughtful, universally designed approach to
learning benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike.
Yet, despite this evidence, students with disabilities continue to face challenges in accessing
high quality education. Long-standing misconceptions regarding the capacities of children
with intellectual, physical, sensory, and learning disabilities to benefit from formal education
have, for generations, led educators to deny these students access to formal schooling. Even in
countries where laws guarantee the educational rights of these students, educational options are
sometimes limited and services are provided through separate programs that segregate disabled
and non-disabled students.
The evidence presented in this document provides a clear message that inclusion should be the
norm for students with disabilities.
26 A b t A s s o c i a t e s | A S U M M A R Y O F T H E E V I D E N C E O N I N C LU S I V E E D U C AT I O N
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