Chapter 1 To 3
Chapter 1 To 3
Chapter 1 To 3
The primary teachers are generalists, they teach all the subjects.
This context requires them to have a level of expertise in almost all the
among pupils, become even more important to find strategies that meet
People are different and have different combinations of
multiple ways to learn and that they themselves possess multiple types
of intellectual strengths and life skills is but one reason to consider the
Haley, Marjorie H. (2001). Understanding Learner-Centered Instruction
from the Perspective of Multiple Intelligences. Foreign Language
Annals, 34(4), 355-367, George Mason University, USA.
Denig (2004)2 said that almost every teacher today has heard the
will become familiar with how the theory of multiple intelligences can
Denig, Stephen J. Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles: Two
Complementary Dimensions. Niagara University, NY 14109, USA.
Theoretical Framework
one or more cultural settings. He advocated that there are at least nine
used in reading maps and charts, drawing, solving mazes and puzzles,
Gardner, Howard. (1983). Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple
intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
dancing, acting, crafting, and using tools. 5) Musical – the potential for
degree, but each has his or her own pattern of stronger and weaker
intelligences. He also argues that most tasks require more than one
intelligence working together. He provided an example wherein the
into component parts, or analysis, for problem solving. This is the type
achievement tests, or “book smarts” as some people like to call it. 2.)
learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current or past
know not only how to perform, but also when to and how to change the
knowledge, but whether or not they can acquire disposition to use skills
and strategies and apply them appropriately. Bruner suggested that poor
thinkers and problem solvers may possess the skills they need, but may
the skills.
lesson or subject matter, students construct new ideas based from their
possible for the students to think and work together for them to improve
and understand the lessons well. This, in return, will have a positive
Gardner’s Bruner’s
Multiple Constructivi
Intelligences st Theory
Sternberg’s Slavin’s
Triarchic Cooperative
Theory Learning
shown in Figure 2.
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
2.1 Naturalistic;
2.2 Musical
2.3 Logical
2.4 Existential
2.5 Interpersonal
2.6 Kinesthetic
2.7 Verbal
2.8 Intrapersonal
2.9 Visual
3.1 Filipino;
3.2 English;
3.3 Science;
3.5 Hekasi?
benefit from the any change or improvements in the way their school
heads lead them. Under a multiple intelligence and trait that they can
accept, they will be more motivated and inspired to perform best in their
respective classrooms/subject.
one of the bases for curricular evaluation and planning. It will also
Scope and Delimitation
Pasig City.
from their general average in tool subjects during the first and second
Definition of Terms
body of knowledge”.
educational goals.
proclivity to pose and ponder questions about life, death and ultimate
helping relationship.
you in life and produce things that are of value to your culture.
Interpersonal intelligence. It refers to awareness or sensitivity to
when they show thoughtfulness and sensitivity toward their friends, and
their lives. Therapists and religious leaders may exhibit strength in this
when they make decisions about their lives are displaying intrapersonal
all display strengths in these areas. You can observe this intelligence in
students who can carry out complex calculations in their heads, enjoy
sounds and rhythms in their writing. Students who sing well, enjoy
tool subjects as revealed by their grades for the first and second grading.
Teaching Performance. Refers to the classroom behaviors of the
teachers that include mastery of the subject matter, teaching skills and
instructional performance.
Students who enjoy playing with language, telling stories, and who
Foreign Literature
Howard Gardner (2000) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
Intelligences. Initially formulated a list of seven intelligences .Multiple
Intelligences for the 21st Century New York: Basic 2000.
in learning varies because it’s varied, upon assessing their multiple
intelligences, one can prepare his lesson suited to the kind of learners
learning styles to determine how a student had learned so that at the end
of academic year, teacher and learner may realize that there are many
ways to be “smart”.
patterns (intuitive learning) between birth and age five. When entering
learning), which is not necessarily in line with the child's style. This
confusion for the child, making the learning process even more difficult.
Once you better understand how brain works you can see why a variety
seven intelligences. His listing was provisional. The first two have been
typically valued in schools; the next three are usually associated with
the arts; and the final two are what Howard called 'personal
intelligences. One associated with nature and the sequel was associated
whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use
interpersonal intelligence.
Hickey, George (2004). “Can I pick more than one project? Case
studies of five teachers who used MI-based instructional planning”.
Teachers College Record, 106 (1), 77-86, Blackwell Publishing, New
teachers enrolled in a multiple intelligences graduate course. The five
different musical eras and artists. The teacher said the increased student
“take ownership of their learning” and produce better quality work. The
MI based instruction.
One of the few articles found that actually tested and applied a
its reliability so varied that the tool could not be considered valid. The
sufficiently robust.
By contrast, Furnham (2009)8 employed his own instrument, Self-
compare and contrast his findings. Though the author notes that
tests. Upon reading this, one must wonder whether this apples to-
reliability or validity.
theories with the teaching of one chosen course: color theory. Two
project assignment.
has been intensified in the last two decades. The results have helped
Xie, Jing . Chen. & Lin Rui. Lin. Asian Journal of Management and
Humanity Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2-3, pp. 106-124, 2009, Grimm press,
identify an instructional process that provides a solid and basic
and the observable behavior the student will exhibit to demonstrate that
learning has occurred. No matter how expertly the objectives are stated,
research two impartial groups were formed and these two groups were
information was measured and four weeks later a success test was
group’s last test and performance test; Anova test statistics was applied.
was applied. In the research; the significance level was .05 in the pre-
to t test. After the application; in the last test and permanence test,
Munn Lloyd G. (2000). Intervention Strategies to Improve Student
Performance. International Journal of Information and Education
Technology, University of Wollongong, Australia.
and information technology that an undergraduate program has been
providing to young citizens for over the years. The presentation and
analysis of data that has been revealed in the study and the suggested
explore how to take advantage of social media and use it to improve the
researchers 'academic performance through collaborative learning. To
low GPAs from their high school experiences, show lower retention
who otherwise would drop out during their first year of their college
acting or dancing.
There are numerous ways to express one self, and probably even
possesses these intelligences, but that they are not always developed
to try new things, Creativity and skills, Generosity and tolerance, Keen
written records. This can help to assess each student’s intelligence and
the lesson’s key points and contents and teach with practical and
there is neither right nor wrong with the multiple intelligences theory
itself; the key is to understand and adopt the most beneficial method for
difficulties with transition times, and the wide span of age appropriate
Katz, J., Mirenda (2002). Instructional strategies and educational
outcomes for students with developmental disabilities in inclusive
“multiple intelligences” and typical inclusive classrooms. Research &
practice for persons with severe disabilities, 27(4) 227, 236. SAGE
Publications, California.
The MI and Inclusion action research study supported the
impacted for At-Risk students. More salient is the fact that every
student who started the summer program not only finished the program,
but did show academic gains according to pre and post test results. The
affairs departments.
and school leaders are the lynchpin to ensure teacher supervision and
evaluation is meaningful. District leadership must adopt comprehensive
practices. Most importantly, district leaders must expect and hold school
visiting their classrooms fewer than five times per year. Principals must
According to Chiuri (2009)14, academic performance in most
districts in Central Province of Kenya over the last ten years has been
far below the region’s potential considering its strategic central position,
the academic performance of the schools in the district is far below the
research experience; the logic behind this being “if one can do research
provides the basis for a substantial amount of learning in the later grades
read, students may truly struggle throughout life. Studies have found
that students who are at risk for reading difficulties are often not
areas. Studies have also shown that students with learning disabilities
tasks the more likely their academic performances will suffer, resulting
in undesirable outcomes.
when students lose interest and disengage from reading. Many students
Local Literature
reveals that a musically inclined learner is almost have the same level of
their latent intelligences. The pupils who attended the MI class were
strongest intelligence. It was also found out that among the three
parent and teacher groups had almost the same perception with regard to
perception. Except for this area of intelligence, the null hypothesis that
accepted. The activities that integrate the MI theory were most preferred
by the pupils, which gave them relatively high scores in the posttest.
the lives of the children. There are implications here for both the learner
and the teacher. Both need to know what kind of learner/teacher (s)he is
and the teacher needs to adopt a range of styles and techniques which fit
or at least do not clash with the preferred learning styles of the learners.
between the supervisor and the supervisee is crucial as it forms the apex
verify what role the adapted physical education national standards play
AHRM students. Out of 196 students, 111 were selected to answer the
sampling and the Slovin’s formula. Results showed that the top three
others, and not just within themselves. principals thought their capacity
their level of control over them and their beliefs as to whether they
upon how effective they think they are as school principals and how
for the control and experimental group, respectively. The learning styles
the same capacities all throughout the curriculum because teachers and
students were not yet aware of the different capacities. Although
model that could be used with curricula of schools that are still into
approach is not yet used. In the light of the possible contribution of the
curriculum model to effective learning of the students, expanding the
Regina A. Garcia(2012) is an MBA graduate from Laguna College of
Business and Arts, Philippines and a bachelor of science in computer
science graduate from University of Perpetual Help System–Laguna,
requirements to obtain a degree in most computing and information
that they have difficulty because it is too abstract and requires higher
where there is a need for it. In education, they are designed to improve
classroom strategies that will reach out and help the students to boost
struggling ones.
interpretive level (reading between the lines) and the critical level
Lastrella, Sandra. (2010).Reading difficulties of first year students in
the university of Makati S.Y. 2010-2011. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Philippine Normal University.
Sacapano. Richard “Education Journal” A Critical Study of Some
Factors that affect or Influence Accuracy of Reading Comprehension of
Pupils in Grade V and Grade VI in the District of MaayonCapiz”.
Unpublished Thesis: Colegio De la Purisima Conception, 2004.
the act builds a social context while at the same time realizes its effect
student achievement.
Julian, Efipania (2000). Improving Reading Comprehension. The
Modern Teacher. November, 2000. Journal for Research in Reading
Education, Volume 37 (4), 354 – 361, Philippines.
comprehends a written text, he must be able to understand what is
and form, monitoring one’s own reading objectively and critically and
the learner must develop the skills in the different dimensions question.
reading does something for them. It allows the students to have a few
laughs, and see the world. Reading is a vital component of personal and
reading, thinking and comprehension are closely tied together, and are
the most building block for school and throughout life. To help the
pupils master these skills, the reading teacher must read aloud to
answers to their questions. Finally, let them focus on the main ideas,
conclusions. These would enable the children to master the reading and
comprehension skills.
Honrejas, Jr. Arsenio (2001). How to Make Oral Reading Easy. The
have problems motivating their pupils to read, there are also helpful
ways teachers can improve the reading skills among the pupils.
home and in school will not only lead to children to read books but also
teaching practices.
must master them in order to cope with the demands of their students
not only in English but also in other subjects. She enumerated these
skills as: (a) following direction (b) getting the main ideas and
contrast (e) getting others point of view (f) forming generalization and
These skills are necessary in order that the students coped up with
from the reader through summarizing the main facts based on what was
read. Reading is not just extracting meaning from the text but a process
Foreign Studies
The report analyzed students from the eighth-grade cohort of who were
students are outlined in the report. The variables examined were student
Demographic data analyzed included sex, race, and SES. Data revealed
background were more likely to lack basic math and reading skills than
were other students. When SES and gender were controlled, Hispanic
student race, SES, and gender, and included the following, students
from single parent families, students who were overage, students who
characteristics, and family dynamics. The most prevalent factor was the
role models and peer relations, and encouragement and concern from
James Mcmillian (2001) At-risk students and resiliency: Factors
contributing to academic success. At-risk students' perceptions of
teacher effectiveness, Wiley publishing, New Jersey.
characteristics, such as self-esteem, motivation, and the ability to set
Leslie Cooper (2003) Special education students at risk: Findings from
a national study. Remedial and Special Education, University of the
Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX 78209, USA.
for failure before ever having a chance to start learning. Many of these
of students who are at-risk for failure and dropping out, educators must
students. The 300 student participants in this study were both regular
national standards and Texas state standards, and who are in danger of
failing courses and dropping out from the traditional high school
was performed using SPSS. Student course grades and standardized test
interventions that at-risk students can be improved and see success. All
youth are at-risk at some point for some risk factor Different youth are
coping mechanisms The skill that educators must develop is not how to
identify which students are at risk, but rather when each student is at
risk and how to address their needs. Every student is at risk for some
did not find significance for this relationship, the authors provide an
the student are most effective when they are tailored to the needs of the
who are lagging behind their peers can focus on academic, social, or
developed by Brown and Holtzman (1969) was used to assess the study
Study Habits and Attitudes of Students: Implications for Academic
Intervention Programs Luisa Baquiran Aquino Journal of Language
Teaching and Research, Vol 2, No 5 (2011), 1116-1121, Sep 2011,
Academy Publisher, Finland.
habits and attitudes of the students. Results show that students generally
among HEIs.
completing the quick quiz the teacher walks around the room
monitoring the approach the students are using to solve the problems as
turns telling each other the answers to two different questions related to
the same objective while the teacher monitors. Although some measures
their professional growth and what the standardized test results and
school improvement plan indicate are the real student learning needs. A
teacher's draft goal may be appropriate for her curriculum area, but is it
appropriate for her particular group of students and their learning needs?
Will it help the school achieve its overall improvement goals? Linking
the work of many faculty members through the focused goals of the
contribute to the growth of all students. When all teachers are working
will be possible for all students, not just those fortunate enough to be in
private aided and private senior secondary schools in India. They and
sample consisted of 38 school girls who were divided into two groups:
For the purposes of this study the two researchers designed an aptitude
groups on the aptitude test in favor of the controlled group who were
performance of the two groups within the academic-self scale and that
teaching strategy based on MIT to help students of all ages who suffer
exploring the nature and extend of the relationship between social media
reliability and validity of the scales were tested. In this paper, due to
will be noted as well. The topic for the research paper was chosen
primarily to help fill gaps that exist in the literature on related topics for
social media (SM).Social media is also being more and more used to
provide learning activities apart from its extensive use for social
are given the power to produce and arrange their own learning activities
Ali, Rasat (2010). Effectiveness of Modular Teaching in Biology in
Secondary Level. 2010. Published by Canadian Center of Science and
Education 49.
other level of education. Therefore, the teachers of English should use
in formulating grades, but are not frequent enough to enable the teacher
teaching materials.
Wenglinsky,Harold.(2011)Teacher Classroom Practices and Student
Performance: How Schools Can Make a Difference. Published in Great
New York City.
Mwanamukubi Linda (2013). Reading difficulties in grade six learners
and challenges faced by teachers in teaching reading. Case of Chadiza
and Chipata districts Zambia. Unpulished MA Thesis University of
Examined the correlation between academic performance in
The data included 95 student performances from grades two, three, four,
the results from the STAR test. Results indicated that a correlation did
approaches for data collection and analyzes both teachers and learners.
The research design was a descriptive survey design. Data was collected
and reading passage. The actual data collection took two weeks. Data
Likert Scale and chi-square test were also used to measure the strength
language and 500 students from 10 public mixed day secondary schools
English, boys and girls from form three class. Findings from the reading
test indicated that students who had less problems with word
below average and students end of term one exam where all the sampled
indicated that there are dropouts (40%), repeaters (20%) and absentees
did not conduct library lessons at all due to lack of library resources.
Local Studies
Basil Bautista (2007) believed that these inborn traits are
organic factors that first determine the person’s life foundation that
Iligan City, Philippines and its partners, Rotary Club of Iligan, a non-
Basil Bautista (2007) Study of academic performance of pupil .
College of Education of Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Technology (MSU-IIT), Iligan City, Philippines.
Education in upland barangays in Iligan City, Philippines has not
because of poverty and distance of the school from their home. The
Education in the community should be. However, there are factors that
factors are their living condition, the distance of the school from their
be acting purely under duress from parents or peer group. Pupils’ life
involved many important factors that may hinder or improve it. In the
life of the pupils there is a combination of all these factors. It has been
have not been privileged to know the benefits of having good education
who does not know the challenges and prospects of pursuing a degree
obvious that the parents and pupils’ personality are products of some
children as a tool for successful life as an adult. Proper nutrition for our
Vernez Emma (2005) study habits on the academic performance of
students. Asean Book Publishers Association (Abpa), Quezon City,
children is a construct in which the individual as an indivisible being
attains a positive state of integration of mind, body, and spirit with the
for social integration and continued persistence. Studies that have not
intervention measures.
in the public high schools in the key cities of the five provinces of
generated the best fit model for academic performance of the students in
It was also found out in this study that the attitude of students in
towards learning. They reported to like their school, their teachers and
who expected them to do well at school. However, they were not very
in agreement with the results of this study that showed a greater number
of students who are in the developing level and not many were in the
City. The study utilized the descriptive method of research and used a
the program that is highly implemented is the Clean and Green Program
while for education is the Free Education Program. Program on Material
found out that parent-child interaction program was the highest. The
regression analyses display some interesting findings. For the first set of
regarded an indirect factor that can influence both attitude and self-
to with some people arguing that they should be treated like adult
offenders. The government has considered both public safety and the
behavior. However, this has not been effective in reducing. All over the
Chapter 3
tools to be used in the study are also included in this part of the study.
Research Design
The descriptive method were used in the study since the present
conveniently chosen.
Table 1
Respondents of the Study
frequency Percent
Research Instrument
generated the data to answer the specific problems raised in the study:
domain expressed in each item. Consultations with the experts and her
the researcher fully has the approval of the members of the panel the
or dry run to a school in the same Division which were not participate in
the survey. The procedure was done to ascertain if the items authored in
the different areas of the concepts are within the level of comprehension
After going through the afore cited process and upon approval of
the study through the data gathering. The researcher planned the
spread sheet for easier encoding in the computer, The data will be
encoded into the computer using MEGASTAT and SPSS for the
appropriate statistical tools and last analysis of data followed and the
Once the data are generated, they were piled, tailed and
f = frequency
∑ fw
Xw = n
∑ = Summation
f = frequency
w = total weight
n = number of cases
X2 = ∑
X2 = chi square
Fo = observed frequency
Fe = expected frequency
n ∑ XY – (∑ X )(∑Y )
r= 2
√[n ∑ X – ( ∑ X )2 ][n ∑ X 2 −( ∑ Y )2 ]
X = independent variable
Y = dependent variable
n = total frequency