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You searched for: trey white real estate search We have highlighted matching words
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D-FW's Rising Stars Under Age Forty In The Business World Today Dallas-FW 40 under 40
June 10-16, 2005 With just a click of a mouse in the comfort of your own
home, anyone anywhere can find their dream home. Just a decade
ago, finding that dream home required scanning Realtor's new listings,
hopping in the car and driving around for hours, not knowing for sure if
the neighborhood, much less the house, was right for you. With a
pioneering spirit and novel approach, Trey White, chairman and CEO
of White Ventures, helped change that by creating the first real estate
database listing service on the Internet, Homebuilder.com, which
eventually became Homestore.com, the nation's Age: 38 Title:
Chairman, CEO Company: White Ventures Ltd. Business: Private
equity firm Address: 13455 Noel Road, Galleria Tower II Dallas, TX
75240 Phone: 972-715-6445 Web site: www.whiteventures.com