SAP FI-IM - Investment Management: Edit Discuss History Invite Peers Connect Tony Verno All
SAP FI-IM - Investment Management: Edit Discuss History Invite Peers Connect Tony Verno All
SAP FI-IM - Investment Management: Edit Discuss History Invite Peers Connect Tony Verno All
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1 Introduction
2 Steps
o 2.1 Set up Planning Profile - t-code OIF2
o 2.2 Set up Revenue Profile - t-code OIF3
o 2.3 Enable use of WBS with Investment Program
o 2.4 Update Asset screen layout to accept WBS
o 2.5 Enable statistical posting of acquisition transaction to WBS
o 2.6 Define Version/Approval Year
o 2.7 Define Users for Investment Program/Position - t-code OPS6
o 2.8 Modify/Create Investment Profiles
o 2.9 OPTIONAL if NOT using statistical WBS on Asset
o 2.10 Appropriation Request type
o 2.11 Set up number ranges for Appropriation Requests – t-code IMAN
3 Examples
4 Conclusion
This describes the configuration of Investment Management in the SAP 4.6c environment. This
does not include the configuration for use with Internal Orders. Also, I have not fully tested
Appropriation Requests, as our users do not desire to use that functionality at the moment.
Note on assigning statistical WBS to the PO directly: SAP allows using the stat. WBS on the
asset for all capitalization, or putting it on the PO and leaving it blank on the asset. The problem
with putting the WBS on the PO is that it assumes the business user will correctly assign the right
stat. WBS in addition to recording the asset. We decided to assign on the asset in all cases, as
this limits that task to the accountants and therefore should increase the accuracy of that part of
the process.
Future timeframe allowed field defines how many years out planning can take place.
1. Determine which screen layouts are assigned to asset classes that will be used in IM -
SPRO - Asset Accounting - Organizational Structures - Asset Classes - Define Asset
2. Update Screen Layout rule - SPRO - Asset Accounting - Master Data - Screen Layout -
Define Screen Layout for Master Data
Investment Management
Projects as Investment Measures
Master Data
Define Investment Profile
1. Update existing IP; under Depreciation Simulation, check 'comparison with actual
settlements' so that actuals will show on the depr. sim. screen of the WBS
2. Copy existing IP for use with statistical WBS
1. Discuss with business the settings for distribution rules, comparison values
(plan or budget) for comparison value)
OPTIONAL if NOT using statistical WBS on Asset, but directly adding stat WBS to PO (not
Materials Management
Account Assignment
Maintain Account Assignment Categories
1. Change the Asset Category (double-click)
2. Make Project a required field by selecting the radio button in the Reqd field column
1. Appropriation Request steps (not tested)
Investment Management
Appropriation Requests
Master Data
Control Data
Maintain Appropriation Request types
Note: Number range assignment impacts creating WBS or internal order from Appropriation
Requests - test carefully if that is desired.
1. Click on Groups (pencil icon)
2. Choose menu path Groups - Insert
3. Assign Group Name in 'Text' field
4. Assign range in 'New interval' fields
5. Save, then highlight new range and click select button (to right of element/group button)
6. Click element/group button, then Save
7. Choose menu path Interval - Transport