Design & Development of Website For DIT: A Project Report On

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A Project Report on

Design & Development of Website for DIT




Roll No.-22091

Assistant Professor


SESSION: 2017-2019

This is to certify that the project work titled "DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT OF
WEBSITE FOR DIT" being submitted by Ayush Rana for the partial fulfillment of
M.Sc. Degree (4th semester) offered by Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
University, Lucknow for the session 2017- 2019 has completed the dissertation
under my supervision.

Signature of the Supervisor

Name of the Supervisor:

Dr. Rajshree
(Assistant Prof.)

A dissertation work is a golden opportunity for learning and self development.

I consider myself very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people
lead me through in incompletion of project.

It gives me massive contentment in thanking my project supervisor

Dr.Rajshree for his invaluable guidance monitoring useful comments
encouragement throughout the course of this project. She guided me at each
and every stage of my project.

I am obliged to the staff member of Department of Information Technology,

BBAU for the available information provided by them in their respective field. I
am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my dissertation.

I am equally indebted to my parents; friends who always inspired and

motivated me to do something better throughout this project.

At last I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all respondents to whom I

visited for giving their support and valuable information, which helps me in
completing my project work

Place: Lucknow AYUSH RANA







1 Introduction. 1-2
2 Objective and Scope. 3
3 Survey Of Technology 4-10
4 System Analysis 11-19
5 Data Modal 20-24
6 System Design 25-28
7 Methodology. 29-30
8 Hardware and Software Requirement. 321-32
9 Screenshots 33-41
10 Coding 42-53
11 Testing 54-57
12 Future scope. 58
13 Bibliography. 59
This website is different from the University website. You will get related
information from the department like study material, question paper and
standard textbooks of their respective subjects.

The website will act as a bridge between senior and junior students and will
solve their problems with ease by accessing & arranging everything at one

The scope of this kind of website in a department is huge. Students get to
know about their study material at one place in a hassle free manner. Students
can access the respective material in a convenient manner. We can also add
another department so in this manner students of respective department can
access plenty of information at a single place.

The idea behind creation of this website is to help students providing the
intended information at one hub. With all the information at one place
students can access the study material get the information about the syllabus
and other information whenever they need it.
There is a need to automate the work of department form their students

So the department website makes for the perfect way to provide all
information at one point.

While every effort has been made to minimize the data maintenance required
by colleges, some work on our part is necessary to keep our information
comprehensive and current.

This is absolutely essential to ensure that our department is presented in the

best light to students who are browsing alternatives and may seriously
consider an application to your institution based upon information they find on

One of the key advantages of department’s website is increased
communication, feedback and interaction within the department.

The goal of improving communication is to align all students to shared

department goals and information also leads to increased understanding of the
need for change within the department.

Communication is open across all levels of the department and relevant

feedback is recurrently shared for improvement.
Survey of Technology
The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that allows
web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP
is basically used for developing web based software applications. This tutorial
helps you to build your base with PHP.

Common uses of PHP:

 PHP performs system functions, i.e. from files on a system it can create,
open, read, write, and close them.
 PHP can handle forms, i.e. gather data from files, save data to a file,
through email you can send data, return data to the user.
 You add, delete, and modify elements within your database through
 Access cookies variables and set cookies.
 Using PHP, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website.
 It can encrypt data.

Characteristics of PHP
Five important characteristics make PHP's practical nature possible −

 Simplicity
 Efficiency
 Security
 Flexibility
 Familiarity
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used
language on Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in
late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was
published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was
published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used but currently
we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this
version was published in 2012.

With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of

cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web.

Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local
storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML
describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues
for the appearance of the document.

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML constructs,
images and other objects such as interactive forms may be embedded into the
rendered page. HTML provides a means to create structured documents by
denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links,
quotes and other items. HTML elements are delineated by tags, written using
angle brackets.

HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript,

which affects the behavior and content of web pages. Inclusion of CSS defines
the look and layout of content.

CSS is used to control the style of a web document in a simple and easy
way.CSS is the acronym for "Cascading Style Sheet". This tutorial covers both
the versions CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3, and gives a complete understanding of CSS,
starting from its basics to advanced concepts.
CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control
the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how
columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used,
layout designs, and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes
as well as a variety of other effects.

Advantages of CSS
 CSS saves time − You can write CSS once and then reuse same sheet in
multiple HTML pages. You can define a style for each HTML element and
apply it to as many Web pages as you want.
 Pages load faster − If you are using CSS, you do not need to write HTML
tag attributes every time. Just write one CSS rule of a tag and apply it to
all the occurrences of that tag. So less code means faster download
 Easy maintenance − To make a global change, simply change the style,
and all elements in all the web pages will be updated automatically.
 Superior styles to HTML − CSS has a much wider array of attributes than
HTML, so you can give a far better look to your HTML page in
comparison to HTML attributes.
 Multiple Device Compatibility − Style sheets allow content to be
optimized for more than one type of device. By using the same HTML
document, different versions of a website can be presented for
handheld devices such as PDAs and cell phones or for printing.
 Global web standards − Now HTML attributes are being deprecated and
it is being recommended to use CSS. So it’s a good idea to start using CSS
in all the HTML pages to make them compatible to future browsers.

A CSS comprises of style rules that are interpreted by the browser and then
applied to the corresponding elements in your document. A style rule is made
of three parts −

 Selector − A selector is an HTML tag at which a style will be applied. This

could be any tag like <h1> or <table> etc.
 Property − A property is a type of attribute of HTML tag. Put simply, all
the HTML attributes are converted into CSS properties. They could be
color, border etc.
 Value − Values are assigned to properties. For example, color property
can have value either red or #F1F1F1 etc.

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language. It is designed
for creating network-centric applications. It is complimentary to and integrated
with Java. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with
HTML. It is open and cross-platform.

JavaScript was first known as Live Script, but Netscape changed its name to
JavaScript, possibly because of the excitement being generated by Java.
JavaScript made its first appearance in Netscape 2.0 in 1995 with the name
Live Script. The general-purpose core of the language has been embedded in
Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers.

The ECMA-262 Specification defined a standard version of the core JavaScript


 JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.

 Designed for creating network-centric applications.
 Complementary to and integrated with Java.
 Complementary to and integrated with HTML.
 Open and cross-platform

Advantages of JavaScript
The merits of using JavaScript are −

 Less server interaction − You can validate user input before sending the
page off to the server. This saves server traffic, which means fewer loads
on your server.
 Immediate feedback to the visitors − They don't have to wait for a page
reload to see if they have forgotten to enter something.
 Increased interactivity − You can create interfaces that react when the
user hovers over them with a mouse or activates them via the keyboard.
 Richer interfaces − You can use JavaScript to include such items as drag-
and-drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to your site

JavaScript can be implemented using JavaScript statements that are placed

within the <script>... </script> HTML tags in a web page.

You can place the <script> tags, containing your JavaScript, anywhere within
your web page, but it is normally recommended that you should keep it within
the <head> tags.

The <script> tag alerts the browser program to start interpreting all the text
between these tags as a script. A simple syntax of your JavaScript will appear
as follows.

<Script ...>
JavaScript code

The script tag takes two important attributes −

 Language − This attribute specifies what scripting language you are

using. Typically, its value will be JavaScript. Although recent versions of
HTML (and XHTML, its successor) have phased out the use of this
 Type − This attribute is what is now recommended to indicate the
scripting language in use and its value should be set to "text/JavaScript".
Comments in JavaScript
JavaScript supports both C-style and C++-style comments, thus −

 Any text between a // and the end of a line is treated as a comment and
is ignored by JavaScript.
 Any text between the characters /* and */ is treated as a comment. This
may span multiple lines.
 JavaScript also recognizes the HTML comment opening sequence <!--.
JavaScript treats this as a single-line comment, just as it does the //
 The HTML comment closing sequence --> is not recognized by JavaScript
so it should be written as //-->.
System Analysis

In the world we are going for globalization day by day with the development in
IT resource and advancement, by using latest technologies every organization
wants to beat its competitors and want to grow. Enterprise resource full
planning is the need of today's organization. Survival on manual system is
difficult so, why organization of the corporate world wants to computerize
their departments. What you should be complete database driven and
interactive that should provide the proper information about the placement
and training organization.

Success of any system depends up to large extent on how greatly a problem is

defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out to the choice of
solution. Analysis is the only phase in which the requirement for the new
system identify. Is a deleted study of the various operations performed by
system and their relationship within and outside of the system. The question
is: What must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining
the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate
system should consider other related system. During analysis data collected on
the available files, decision points transactions handle by the parent system.
Data flow diagram, interviews, onsite observations, questionnaires are used as
a logical system model and tools to perform the analysis.

An analyst is responsible for performing following task:

 Gathered all facts about the present system.

 Studied strength and weakness of current system. In order to reduce the
time, there is a need of computer can retrieve data, in intercom update
existing data.
 Determine "what" must be done to solve the problem.
 Prepared a functional specification document.

In order to reduce the time, there is a need of computerized system that cans
retrieve data, insert data, and update exiting data. These modules are
developed the aim of reducing time, reducing manpower, reducing cost so that
the records can be easily maintained. The volume of work and complexity are
increasing year by year. His system reduces complexity and workload.


A request to take assistance from information system can be made from any
reasons, but in each case someone in the organization initiate the request.
When the request is made, the first system activity the preliminary
investigation begins. This activity has three parts:

 Request clarification
 Feasible study
 Request approval

Many requests from employees and user in the organization are not play me
clearly defined. Therefore, necessary that project request must be examined
and clarified properly before conceiving systems investigation.

The feasibility study is carried out by a small group of people who are familiar
with information system techniques; understand the parts of the business
organization that will be involved for affected by the project, skilled in the
system analysis and design process.

Request Approval:

It is not necessary that also Vikas projects are available for visible. Some
organization receives so many products request from employees that only a
few of them can be purchased. However, those projects that are visible and
does Rebel should be put into a schedule.

In some cases, development can you start immediately, usually system staff
members busy on other ongoing projects. When touch situation arises,
management decides which projects are more urgent and schedule them
accordingly. Project request is approved its cost, priority, completion time and
personal requirements estimated and used to determine where to add it to
any existing projects list. Later on, the other projects have been completed;
process application development can be initiated.

Analysis is a process of studying a problem and to find the best solution to that
problem. System Analysis gives us the target for the design and the
implementation. Analysis is one phase which is important phase of system
development life cycle. System development is a problem solving technique.
What's interviewing the client and the user? Very beautiful and the existing
documents about the current mode of operation are the basic source of
information for the analyst.

Human Resource Department of the organization controls the manpower

planning by recording manpower requirements, grade, job specification and
presently vacancies and strength. It maintains the candidate’s databank for the
respective post.

Feasibility study:

A Feasibility study is conducted to select the best system that meets

performance requirement. This entails an identification description and
evaluation of candidate system and the selection of best system for the job.
The system required performance is defined by a statement of constraints, the
identification of specific system objective and description of outputs.

The key considerations in feasibility analysis are:

1. Economical feasibility :
It looks at the financial aspects of the project. It determines whether the
management has enough resource and budget to invest in the proposed
system and the estimated time for the recovery of cost incurred. It also
determines whether it is worthwhile to invest money in the proposed project.
Economic feasibility is determines by the means of cost benefit analysis. The
proposed system is economically feasible because the cost involved is
purchasing the hardware and the software is within approachable. The
personal cost like salaries of employees hired are also nominal, because
working in the system need not required a highly qualified professional. The
operating environment costs are marginal. The less time involved also helped
in its economic feasibility. It was observed that the organization has already
using computers for other purpose, so that there is no additional cost to be
incurred for adding this system to its computers.

The backend required for storing other details is also the same database that is
SQL. The computers in the organization are highly sophisticated and do not
needs extra components to load the software. Hence the organization can
implement the new system without any additional expenditure. Hence, it is
economically feasible.

2. Technical feasibility :
It is a measure practically of a specific technical solution and the availability of
Technical resources and expertise.

 The proposed system uses PHP as frontend and my SQL as backend tool.
 My SQL is a tool used to design and develop database objects such as
table views and index.

The approvals are readily available, easy to work with and widely used for
developing commercial application.

3. Operational feasibility :
The system will be used if it is developed will then resistance for user that and

 No major training and new skill required as it is based on DBMS model.

 It will have in the time saving and fast processing and dispersal of user
request and applications.
 New product will provide all the benefits of present system with better
 User support.
 User involvement in the building of present system is sought keep in
mind the user specific requirement and needs.
 User will have control over their own information. Important
information such as pay-slip can be generated at the click of a button.
 Faster and systematic processing of user application approval, allocation
of IDs, payments, etc. Used had greater chance of error due to wrong
information entered by mistake.
4. Behavioral feasibility :
People are inherent chance. In this type of feasibility check, we come to know
if the newly development system will be taken and accepted by the working
force i.e. The people who will use it.

The system includes two uses:-

1. General User

2. The user gets into the system using username and unique password. Each
user has his own accessibility permission to accomplish his task flawlessly.

Advantages of the proposed system are:-

1. Easy access to the data

2. The new system is more users friendly, reliable and flexible.

3. Menus to carry out transaction for a new user, and for other alert messages.

In this we can schedule the project like identifying the key value, applying key
field like primary key concept. In the proposed system primary key is used for
establishing the relationship between the tables.
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software
development activity. Importance was given to this face in the earlier days of
software development. The emphasis was first on coding and then shifted to

SRS of the ongoing project:


Through this Website I want to serve almost every information regarding

department to applicant who wants to register for search information about
Study Material as per their requirements.


By Visiting on this site viewer can view the detail which is provided by the
department. They can get the complete details about the university by visiting
this site.


User can access the faculties provide on this site. When user enters the detail
page he gets the desired knowledge like any student or faculty status, vacancy
department, hired applicant, user can edit detail edit current profile and
shortlisted the candidates.


According to behavioral description the software will provide output in

response of input, which is being provided by the user of the website. Here
output of the requested data will be generated when the user will select for
input the particular course provided by the University. A User Id will also
generate when user enter all the detail.
Validation criteria

In this we describe the successful implementation, testing, functions,

performance and constraints related to our software. The implementation of
our process online will be done after completion of the entire software so that
user can register all around the website to gather the information contained in
the site.


Computer Aided software engineering can be as simple as a single tool that
support is specific software engineering activity or as complex as a complete
“environment” that encompasses tools, database, people, hardware, a
network, operating system, standards and myriad other components.

Each building block forms foundation for the next, with tools sitting as a top of
the heap. It is interesting to note that the foundation for effective case
environment has relatively little to do for software engineering tools
themselves. Rather, successful environments appropriate hardware and
system software. In addition, the environment architecture must consider the
human work patterns that are applied during the software engineering
The environment composed of the hardware platform and system support
(including networking software, software management, and object
Management Services) the groundwork for CASE. But the CASE environment
itself demands other building blocks. A set of probability services provide a
bridge between CASE tools and their integration framework and the
environment architecture.

The integration framework is a collection of specialized programs that enables

individual’s CASE tools to communicate one another, to create a project
database, and to exhibit the same look and feel to the end user (the software
engineer). Probability services allow CASE tools and integration framework to
migrate across different hardware platforms and operating system without
significant adaptive maintenance.
Data Modal
Data flow diagrams are used to graphically represent the flow of data in a
business information system. DFD describes the processes that are involved
in a system to transfer data from the input to the file storage and reports
Data flow diagrams can be divided into logical and physical. The logical data
flow diagram describes flow of data through a system to perform certain
functionality of a business. The physical data flow diagram describes the
implementation of the logical data flow.

Data Flow Diagrams Symbols:

There are essentially two different types of notations for data flow diagrams
(Yourdon & Coad or Gane & Sarson) defining different visual representations
for processes, data stores, data flow and external entities.
Yourdon and Coad type data flow diagrams are usually used for system analysis
and design, while Gane and Sarson type DFDs are more common for visualizing
information systems.
Visually, the biggest difference between the two ways of drawing data flow
diagrams is how processes look. In the Yourdon and Coad way, processes are
depicted as circles, while in the Gane and Sarson diagram the processes are
squares with rounded corners.
Process Notations. A process transforms incoming data flow into outgoing
data flow.

Datastore Notations: Datastores are repositories of data in the system. They

are sometimes also referred to as files.
Dataflow Notations: Dataflows are pipelines through which packets of
information flow. Label the arrows with the name of the data that moves
through it.

External Entity Notations: External entities are objects outside the system,
with which the system communicates. External entities are sources and
destinations of the system's inputs and outputs.

Data Flow Diagram Levels

Context Diagram: A context diagram is a top level (also known as "Level 0")
data flow diagram. It only contains one process node ("Process 0") that
generalizes the function of the entire system in relationship to external
DFD Layers: Draw data flow diagrams can be made in several nested layers. A
single process node on a high level diagram can be expanded to show a more
detailed data flow diagram. Draw the context diagram first, followed by
various layers of data flow diagrams.
DFD Levels: The first level DFD shows the main processes within the system.
Each of these processes can be broken into further processes until you reach
pseudo code.

LEVEL 0 DFD for Website

LEVEL 1 DFD for Website
System Design
System design provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for
implementing the system recommended in the system study. Emphasis is on
the translating the performance requirements into design specification. The
design phase is a transition from a user-oriented (system proposal) to
documents oriented to the programmers or database personal.

System design goes through two phases of development:

1. Logical Design
2. Physical Design

A data flow diagram shows the logical flow of the system. For a system it
describes the input (source), output (destination), database (data stores) and
procedures (data flows) all in a format that meets user’s requirement. When
analysis prepares the logical system design, they specify the user needs at a
level of detail that virtually determines the information flow into an out of the
system and the required data resources. The logical design also specifies input
forms and screen layouts.

The activities following logical design are the procedure followed in the
physical design e.g. producing programs, software, file and a working system.
Design specifications instruct the user about what the system should do.

1. Logical and Output Design:

The logical design of an information system is analogous to an engineering

blueprint of an automobile. It shows the major features and how they are
related to one another. The detailed specification for the new system was
drawn on the bases of user’s requirement data. The outputs, Inputs and
database are designed in this phase.

Output design is one of the most important features of the information

system. When the output is not of good quality users will be averse to use the
newly designed system and may not use a system. There are many types of
output, all of which can be either highly useful or cab be critical to the users,
depending on the manner and degree to which they are used.
Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the
results of processing to users. They also used to provide a permanent hard
copy of these results for later consultation. Various types of outputs required
can be listed as below:

 External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization

 Internal Output, whose destination is with the organization
 Operational Outputs, whose use is purely within the Computer
department e.g. program –listing etc.
 The actual usage of the planned information
 The information that is necessary for presentation
 When and how often output and their format are needed. While
designing output for project based Attendance Compilation System, the
following aspects of outputs designing were taken into consideration

2. Physical and Input Design:

The input design is the link that ties the information system into the
user’s world. Input specifications describe the manner in which data
enters the system of processing. Inputs design features can ensure the
reliability of the system and produce result from accurate data, or they
can result in the production of erroneous information.

Input Design consists of

 Developing specification and procedures for data preparation

 Steps necessary to put data into a usable form processing
 Data entry, the activity of putting data into the computer

Objective of input design

Five objectives of design input focus on

 Controlling the amount of input required

 Avoid delay
 Avoiding errors in data
 Avoiding extra steps
 Keeping the process simple

In the data avoiding Astra step keeping the process simple in this modulus
user id and password check and only user will valid ID and password will get
entry into members zone this is a security feature to avoid entry of
unauthorized users 24 module user can create a profile update profile detail
including status open closed standard 38 edit on detail status name current
location etc salt listed student or faculty detail for contact schedule views and
inform interviewer detail and result
Waterfall Model:

Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software

Engineering to ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall"
approach, the whole process of software development is divided into
separate phases. In this Waterfall model, typically, the outcome of one
phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.

The following illustration is a representation of the different phases of the

Waterfall Model.
Minimum Hardware Requirement:-

Processor : Pentium Dual core


OS : WINDOWS XP, 7, 8, 10

Hard disk : 64GB

Monitor : LCD

Mouse : Standard Mouse

Keyboard : Standard Keyboard

Power Back : UPS

Browser : Internet Explorer/ Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome/Safari

Minimum Software Requirement:-

Front End : HTML, CSS, JAVA

Back end tool : MY SQL, PHP

1. Log In DitHub
2. Welcome To DIT
3. Faculties DitHub
4. Study Materials By Teachers DitHub
5. Study Material DitHub
6. Previous Year Question Paper DitHub
7. Assignments DitHub
8. Syllabus DitHub
<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>transparent login form</title>



margin: 0;

padding: 0;


content: '';

position: fixed;

width: 100vw;

height: 100vh;

background-image: url(;

background-position: center center;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-attachment: fixed;

background-size: cover;

-webkit-filter: blur(10px);

-moz-filter: blur(10px);
-o-filter: blur(10px);

-ms-filter: blur(10px);

filter: blur(10px);


position: absolute;

top: 50%;

left: 50%;

transform: translate(-50%,-50%);

width: 400px;

height: 500px;

padding: 80px 40px;

box-sizing: border-box;

background: rgba(0, 0, 0,.5);

.avatar {

position: absolute;

width: 80px;

height: 80px;

border-radius: 50%;

overflow: hidden;

top: calc(-80px/2);
left: calc(50% - 40px);

.contact-form h2 {

margin: 0;

padding: 0 0 20px;

color: #fff;

text-align: center;

text-transform: uppercase;

.contact-form p

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

font-weight: bold;

color: #fff;

.contact-form input

width: 100%;

margin-bottom: 20px;

.contact-form input[type="text"],

.contact-form input[type="password"]

border: none;

border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;

background: transparent;

outline: none;

height: 40px;

color: #fff;

font-size: 16px;

.contact-form input[type="submit"] {

height: 30px;

color: #fff;

font-size: 15px;

background: red;

cursor: pointer;

border-radius: 25px;

border: none;

outline: none;

margin-top: 15%;

.contact-form a

{ color: #fff;

font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;

text-decoration: none;

input[type="checkbox"] {

width: 20%;




<div class="contact-form">

<img src="2.jpg" class="avatar">

<h2>Contact Form</h2>



<input type="text" name="" placeholder="Enter Email">


<input type="password" name="" placeholder="Enter Password">

<input type="submit" name="" value="Sign In">

<p><input type="checkbox"> Remember Me</p>




Previous Year Question Paper:
Study Material:
Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its components with the intent
to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple words,
testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing
requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.

Testing the system

It is a major quality control measure employed during software development.

Testing is the process of executive a program with intend of finding error. No
place of code is completely ready unless it has been fully tested. This stage is
very important as it is certified whether the code developed meet the
requirements specification or not. Moreover validations are also checked in
the testing stage.

Need For Testing

Testing should, therefore, simply be ensuring that the systems meets its
original specification and accurately performs to that specification. Testing is
not an easy phase of system development and should not be treated lightly. In
fact some organizations employ staff specifically to carry out the testing of the
products prior to release to the user.

During this Outcome you are required to:

 Implement a test plan using a defined strategy.

 Maintain test documentation recording both the expected results of the

test data and the actual results. The bank of test data should be
sufficient to thoroughly test the implemented solution in scope and

 Evaluate results of test runs.

 Amend coding as necessary: where there are discrepancies between the

expected results and the actual results, the application and
documentation must be amended and corrected accordingly.
Testing Methods


WHITE BOX TESTING (also known as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Glass
Box Testing, Transparent Box Testing, Code-Based Testing or Structural
Testing) is a software testing method in which the internal
structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is known to the
tester. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and
determines the appropriate outputs. Programming know-how and the
implementation knowledge is essential. White box testing is testing beyond
the user interface and into the nitty-gritty of a system.


Black box testing, also known as Behavioral Testing is a software testing
method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item
being tested is not known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-
functional, though usually functional.

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the
tester, is like a black box; inside which one cannot see. This method attempts
to find errors in the following categories:

 Incorrect or missing functions

 Interface errors
 Errors in data structures or external database access
 Behavior or performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors
Levels of testing:

A level of software testing is a process where every unit or component of a

software/system is tested. The main goal of system testing is to evaluate the
system's compliance with the specified needs. There are many different testing
levels which help to check behavior and performance for software testing.
These testing levels are designed to recognize missing areas and reconciliation
between the development lifecycle states.

1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing
3. System Testing
4. Acceptance Testing
1) Unit testing:

A Unit is a smallest testable portion of system or application which can be

compiled, liked, loaded, and executed. This kind of testing helps to test each
module separately.

The aim is to test each part of the software by separating it. It checks those
components are fulfilling functionalities or not. This kind of testing is
performed by developers.

2) Integration testing:

Integration means combining. For Example, in this testing phase, different

software modules are combined and tested as a group to make sure that
integrated system is ready for system testing.
Integrating testing checks the data flow from one module to other modules.
This kind of testing is performed by testers.

3) System testing:

System testing is performed on a complete, integrated system. It allows

checking system's compliance as per the requirements. It tests the overall
interaction of components. It involves load, performance, reliability and
security testing.

System testing is most often the final test to verify that the system meets the
specification. It evaluates both functional and non-functional need for the

4) Acceptance testing:

Acceptance testing is a test conducted to find if the requirements of a

specification or contract are met as per its delivery. Acceptance testing is
basically done by the user or customer. However, other stockholders can be
involved in this process.
Future Scope
For future scope, we will consider all previously assumed options which are not
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modified for future use with updating.

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At this point some future development has to be taken into account, such as
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The errors occurred has to be minimized as far as possible and more user
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make it easier to use.

We should look forward for the whole prospective in the near future for a
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in the user interface.


1. Structured system Analysis and design (ISRD)

- By MC Grew Hill Education

2. Pearson -System Analysis and Design

- By Kenneth E Kendall

- By Julie E Kendall

3. My SQL Cookbook

-By Paul Dubois


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