Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation & Hygiene: Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Develoment Programme

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Future project Mengigsso Gora village

Submitted to Hope for Rural Children and Orphans - Canada

Note: HORCO and EKHC agreed to a 1-

year project involving only Cheffe Donsa
and Ancheta Village for 2014. Total cost
to HORCO = $42,446 (see revised budget October, 2013
on page 13)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents


WASH PROJECT PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 1


TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................................... 2

ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................ 3

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 4

2. PROJECT PROFILE ............................................................................................... 5

3. BACKGROUND.................................................................................................... 5

4. DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 6

5. OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 7

6. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................. 8

7. TRAINING / CAPACITY BUILDING ...................................................................... 8

8. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY ............................................................................ 9

9. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND CONTRIBUTIUON.................................... 9

10. PROJECT ACTIVITIES............................................................................................... 10

11. REPORTING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION ............................................... 11

12. PHASE OUT STRATEGY AND SUSTAINABILITY ................................................... 11

13. RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................12


CBO Community Based Organization

CLTSH Community Led Total Sanitation & Hygiene

EKHCDP Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Program

GoE Government of Ethiopia

HEW Health Extension Workers

HQ Head Quarters

IEC Information, Education & Communication

IWSP Integrated Water and Sanitation Program

KAP Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice

LCW Local Community Workers

PA Peasant Association

SC Scheme Care Takers

WASH Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

WASHCOM Water Supply & Sanitation Committee

UAP Universal Access Programme

1. Executive Summary

Over the last 28 years of WASH services in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church
Development Programme Integrated Water and Sanitation (EKHCDP/ IWSP) has a sound
partnership in the region and contributing to the attainment of government poverty
alleviation and UAP strategies. Since its inception in 1985/86 IWSP started its operation in
the region with a historic partnership and benefitted thousands of people through mutual
cooperation and currently we have ongoing project agreement due to complete in
December 2013 in Gimbichu wereda of Oromyia and other weredas in the region.

EKHCDP Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Program together with Hope for Rural
Children and Orphans (HORCO) is one of the major role players in the WASH sector in
Gimbichu wereda addressing the unprivileged communities’ needs. Its main plan is to
supply safe and adequate drinking water and sanitation facilities to bring health

The main task of this project component is to provide WASH facilities and services, to
empower the communities in properly managing and utilizing the available water
potential efficiently and effectively in a sustainable manner. The major activities and
outputs include mobilization and organization of communities, hygiene and sanitation
education, training and capacity building, construction of safe water supply schemes and
sanitation facilities; water works designs and socioeconomic studies, monitoring and
evaluation, provision of operation and maintenance tools.

This project intends to provide WASH services for a total of 14,,680 primarily users in
Gimbichu wereda in 4 Kebeles/villages of Anchata (Adadi Ejere kebele) Jejiga/Gode,
Cheffe Donsa and Menjigsso Gora with a total budget of Eth. Birr 2,779,343 over 3 years.

Strategies to implement the project begins with a demand driven approach where initial
beneficiary needs are analyzed and then water sources mapping are conducted in
cooperation with the wereda water resource water office. Based on the findings initial
planning meetings were conducted with respective woreda offices for further introducing
CBO/WASHCOM organization, community mobilization, capacity building, community
contribution and ownership. The CLTS approaches will be used as facilitation skills.

EKHCDP Technical staff will be responsible for the day-to-day construction work and a
community empowerment and capacity building for training of communities and the
local government WASH staff.

Timely reporting and internal monitoring system is in place to track progress on biannual
and annual base. Activities will be carefully co-ordinated with other Offices of Water
Sector, Health, Education, Finance and Economic Development and other relevant
sectors in the wereda through the relevant government bodies on zone, district and local
levels. The recommendations of the previous terminal evaluation in 2012 is taken as a
lesson and addressed in the current proposal.

To ensure phasing out and sustainability of the project WASH committees, scheme care
takers and technicians, water guards/attendants, HEW, kebele managers are organized,
trained and provided with the necessary tools for operation and maintenance.
The programme sustains as WASHCOMs manage the scheme by collecting money from
the users where a water guard/attendant daily manages the operation of the scheme.
The scheme will be maintained by a trained scheme care taker/water technician from
the community or the woreda as appropriate. The users are trained on sanitation and
hygiene by CLTS approaches and practicing the new behaviours. The woreda and kebele
oversee and monitor the community scheme for its effective and efficient continuity as
this capacity building aspect is also worked out with the woreda WASH staff. The district as
part of the community is also equipped and responsive in the impact and sustainability of
the built up asset.

2. Project Profile

2.1 Project Title: Integrated Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

2.2 Location: Oromyia Region, East Shoa, Gimbichu wereda
2.3 Duration: January 1/2014 – December 31/ 2016
2.4 Budget from Funding Agency: Birr 2,660,543
2.5 Community contribution in kind Birr 118,800
2.6 Total Project Cost Birr 2,779,343
2.7 Implementing Agency: EKHCDP/IWSP
2.8 Direct beneficiaries of water users: 8,640 people water
Health: 6,040 People (70% of water users)
Total: 14,680 people in 3 years

3. Background
The existing situation for most rural Ethiopian populations and in particular the proposed
user communities of this action is a combination of:

1) Distant and unreliable water sources,

2) Water which is contaminated at source by human and animal excreta,
3) Contamination of the soil, surface water and ground water because of lack of
sanitation facilities,
4) Poor knowledge of the links between water, excreta and disease, and poor hygiene
5) Low capacity and poor WASH sector governance.

However, the commitment of the wereda government in collaboration with partners, to

accelerate the UAP can meet the MDG goals within the remaining years and this project
adds value to meeting these targets. In addition several of the MDGs are contributed to
by this action:

 Reduction or eradication of extreme poverty and hunger (MDG 1) through

improved health and so by allowing beneficiaries to be more economically active.
With less money will be spent on treating health problems more funds are
potentially available for investment purposes.

 Promotion of gender equality and empowering women (MDG 2) through

community training as well as CBO strengthening. A minimum female
representation on the water, sanitation committees is ensured (at least 3 out of 6),
as well as training provided that specifically targets both men and women to
address gender inequalities in the communities. Improved access to water will also
mean that girls will spend less time involved in water collection activities allowing
them greater opportunity to attend school. The current bias in Ethiopia to educate
boys will be one issue addressed through the gender training. Reducing child
mortality, improving maternal health (MDG 3) and combating HIV/AIDS, and other
diseases (MDG 4) through provision of health and hygiene training, and improved
sanitation facilities. It is expected that the incidence of water- and excreta-related
diseases will be reduced by more than 60%, and safe hand washing practice will
be increased amongst 65% of adults and 85% of school children through these
measures in the specific target areas.

 Ensuring environmental sustainability - water and sanitation (MDG 6) through

provision of improved quantity and quality of water closer to users’ homes.
Beneficiaries will be within or less than 500m distances of water points providing 15
l/c/d of water with zero faecal coli forms at point of delivery.

4. Description
Title: Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Programme

Location: Gimbichu wereda in East Shoa zone of Oromyia region. The project is demand
driven request of communities and woreda officials. The selection criteria
parameters of the wereda mainly un-served population size, low WASH
coverage and low primary health facilities, low school water availability,
better road accessibility and high breakdown of schemes is referred in the
mixture process of the community.

Proposed Activities: Table1

Outputs for # users & scheme
Activities Site name Total Year I Year II Year III
users or Remarks
in 3 years
1. Ancheta 1,800 1 Expansion of gravity scheme from
Gravity Water village the main line of Gimbichu – Fentale
Supply/ line to un-served community (2.2
motorized km distance with a water point)
pump 2. Cheffe 3,000 1 Spring Development & extend 200
construction Donsa meter pipeline to existing town
and spring water supply reservoir tank.
protection 3. Jejiga village 1,500 1 Gravity scheme from spring source
(2,7 km with 2 water points)
4. Mengigsso 2,340 1 To be further investigated in detail
Gora estimated length 4.5 km with 5 w.p
& reservoir
Scheme Same site 6 2 2 2 2 scheme caretakers for each
caretaker for above scheme for 3 rural communities.
O&M trainee indicated for
Hygiene, Same above 6,048 3,360 1,050 1,638 70% of total water users will be
Sanitation & addressed by health education
CBO/WASHC Same above 18 6 6 6 Only for rural communities (Cheffe
OM training Donsa has its own established

5. Objectives

The overall objective, is to contribute sustainable health improvements amongst 14,680

water users and 70% of this figure is expected to be addressed by hygiene and sanitation
education in the wereda of those mentioned of the wereda. Through this action
significant change will be expected in the life of targeted communities WASH related

By improving access to potable water sources and improved sanitation facilities water-
borne diseases will decrease greatly, in particular women and children will benefit to a
greater extent.

5.1 Specific objective

 Construction of safe water supply schemes and ensuring management chain

from source to end users;
 Facilitating the construction and proper use of improved sanitation facilities,
focusing in the local school;
 Promotion of improved hygiene practices and behavior change;

6. Problem Identification
The overall water supply provision coverage, reported by the Government, is low of the
population with having access to sanitation facilities, with rural areas being less well served
than the urban areas.

The existing situation for most of rural Ethiopia’s population and in particular the proposed
beneficiaries of this action is a combination of:
 Distant and unreliable water sources
 Water which is contaminated at source by human and animal excreta
 Environmental pollution because of lack of sanitation facilities
 Poor knowledge of the links between water, excreta and poor hygiene practices

Consequently, women and children spend up to 1 –2 hours per day fetching contamina-
ted water that is inadequate in quantity to allow good hygiene to be practised. In many
schools, children take alternate mornings off classes to collect water for the school, thus
missing 25% of their education, as well as collecting water for the household after school.
Since much time is wasted in water hauling, physical injury follows from this load carrying
such as back injuries, hernia & miscarriages. Furthermore the whole population and
especially children suffer from ill health, water- and excreta-related diseases such as
parasitic worms, diarrhoea, skin and eye diseases.

In order to improve this situation people must get sufficient water of better quality from
well developed and improved water supply systems closer to their homes such that they
can practice good hygiene, including safe excreta disposal, hand washing and home
cleanliness. However, at present communities are not able to bring about the changes
required without external assistance due to the low awareness and educational levels,
particularly in relation to the need for improved hygiene and sanitation practices, as well
as the high initial cost of installing water supply schemes which are unaffordable at
community level. Although most communities have some sort of development committee
(established by the Government), these are poorly organised and lack the ability and
resources to take this level of initiative prior to enhancing their capacity by the action.
To sum up, the major existing problems for the poor health situation all over the region and
particularly in the selected areas are a combination of:
 Lack of sustainable access to adequate safe water supply
 Poor access to appropriate sanitation facilities
 Poor hygiene practices and thus being vulnerable to WASH related diseases

Consequently, the rural poor people usually experience a negative impact on the health
and livelihood of the community. As it is seen in many published articles and journals the
main components of the existing water and sanitation problems of developing countries
like Ethiopia are as mentioned below.

7. Training/ Capacity Building

The community-based organizations (CBOs) comprise of the WASH committee, Scheme
Caretakers (SCs) and CLTS groups. In each site WASH committees of 6 members that
consist of at least 50% women will be established and the desired training usually
conducted in collaboration with the sector office in the woreda. This training mainly
focuses on hygiene and sanitation, sustainable scheme management and operation of
the system.

In addition to this, basic health education training is provided for all age groups
continuously with the help of teaching aids/materials in different participatory ways,
employing the CLTSH method. This means for example, to hold group discussions and
teaching, using posters and slides at formal meetings, schools, house to house visit and
established traditional associations like Eder and others social gatherings or events, to
enable community members to gain a thorough understanding of the importance of safe
water, personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, as well as the necessary skills to
employ these practices in daily life.

8. Implementation Strategy
The central implementation strategy of the project is working with the local government,
communities and house holds. The approach then is direct community management of
WASH activities through elected/appointed committees or other groups which logically
leads to delegated management by trained members of the community.
Emphasis will be given on hygiene promotion and sanitation towards bringing real
behavioural change. Feasibility study, construction design and assessments will be
conducted in consultation with community and woreda stakeholder.
 Initial request for support – Requests come direct from the community via the
Government offices. As the community initiate the relationship with EKHC IWSP all
subsequent interaction seeks to build on this ownership. Initial discussion with
community to establish preliminary plans for schemes and expectations for community
contribution are facilitated through existing community leadership. Working through
the established authority structure continues until the community mobilisation and
education teams enter the community one week prior to the start of installing the
 Establishment of CBOs – The CBOs comprise the WASH committee, SCs and
CLTS/PHAST groups. If the Local Government allows and the community agree, the
IWSP will work with an existing CBO in the community. This has the advantage of
already having authority, legitimacy and trust within the community and with the
Government. If it is not possible to work with an established CBO then a community
election process is undertaken where by the community democratically elect a WASH
committee, SCs and CLTS/PHAST groups. The government is then expected to grant
this legal status.
SC role and capacity building – For each scheme two caretakers are elected by the
community. Their role is to support the daily operation and maintenance of the water
facilities. The maintenance training teams work alongside the community training
teams to ensure that the SCs have the skills and equipment to carry out regular
maintenance and minor repair work. The SC report to the WASH committee/Woreda
Water Office and receive remuneration for the work they undertake from user fees
WASH Committee role and capacity building – The WASH Committee is ultimately
responsible for all software and hardware aspects of the scheme. Having gone
through the CLTS/PHAST intensive training the members then work with the community
training team to follow up on the CLTS/PHAST groups work.
District Government role and capacity building – The WaSH staff are involved in the
capacity building of each CBO in their locality. This builds the capacity of the WaSH
staff to be able to provide external support to the scheme and builds relationships with
the community that will provide ongoing support and accountability. In order to
support major periodic maintenance requirements the WaSH staff are trained by the
maintenance training teams and equipped with the necessary equipment. The WaSH
departments' carry out an evaluation of each scheme with the IWSP staff, the scheme
is formally handed over to the community at this point.
Project organization and management: the EKHCDP coordinates and oversees the
overall operation of the project whereas the IWSP will facilitate the implementation of

9. Community Involvement and Contribution

Community demand, involvement, contribution and ownership are the key features of
the intervention which ensures sustainability of the WASH facilities and services in all
aspects. Such contributions are expected and would be measured on concrete terms
as described in the following ways where consent agreement will also be made during
the implementation process. The contributions include:
Information provision in all aspects of the process including guiding and
data stipulation
Time allocation for hygiene and sanitation promotion and training
 Road construction for the accessibility of construction materials, machines,
Venue and store provision for operation
 Provision of local materials: stone, sand, wood, if available…
 Unskilled labour provision: excavation and backfilling pipeline trench work, loading
and unloading of materials and tools…
 Protecting water sources, fencing schemes, planting indigenous trees around water
shed catchments….
Election of representatives for the management of scheme through 50% women
involvement in decision making positions of the WASH committees. Households
should cooperate with the WASHcoms.

 Financial contributions for scheme operation and maintenance as well as future
cost recovery. Through Woreda and Keble facilitation as appropriate each
household will pay for the water they use.

10. Project Activities

Table2. Project activities

1. Mobilisation of communities to establish CBOs, WASH committees, SC… to

help install, manage schemes.
2. Train community members ( CLTS group members ) on water, hygiene and
sanitation -1 group comprising of 15-20 households)
3. Train and build capacity of WASH committee members, Kebele officials, and
health extension workers in CLTS and water management.
4. Train SC and water technicians to operate, maintain, manage and sustain
5. Train and build capacity of district WaSH dept. staff (2 from each office:
water, health, education and agriculture) on the support of software and
hardware aspects of scheme management.
5. Follow up and monitoring of CBO capacity development and scheme
6. Construct medium size gravity scheme/motorised pump scheme, Extension
of water supply systems from existing systems and protected springs;
7. Conducting water quality test for each water source;
8. Monitoring and evaluation of progress and impact:

11. Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation

At programme level key results (improved health and sustainable water supply) will be
monitored. However, monitoring health trends is difficult, instead it is often more practical
to measure service coverage, use of facilities and hygiene behaviours. It is generally
agreed that if certain key behaviours occur at the individual and household/community
level then it is reasonable to assume that health benefits will follow.

Since the following four essential household practices are keys to reduction in morbidity
and mortality: monitoring and evaluation will also focus in these areas;

1. Proper hand washing practices with soap (local alternatives) at critical times:
before & after meal, after latrine use and after defecating children.
2. Safe excreta disposal and appropriate utilization of latrines.
3. Practice of safe drinking water management in the household (from source to
4. Practice food hygiene in the households

Sanitation and hygiene programme will directly influence the first two of these behaviours
and the next two indirectly. Monitoring and Evaluation will focus on these key behavioural
change indicators, on selection of easy to measure inputs, what is happening in the
ground and the primary results.

The main approach for monitoring and evaluation is setting up a frame work where all the
stakeholders participate in the process i.e. participatory monitoring and evaluation, PME.
Periodic reporting on monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual basis will be conducted
based on the progress monitoring result.

12. Phase-out Strategy and Sustainability

EKHCDP is well aware of the importance of achieving sustainable projects and thus only
withdraws from the project area once a sense of ownership and proper management of
schemes are developed and assured by the community and the respective water
committees, namely WASH committee, CLTS groups and SC's. Accordingly, the
established and well-trained water committees have the responsibility to run the system in
cooperation with the wereda water office. The scheme care takers and water technicians
are responsible for operation and maintenance of the scheme as they will be provided
with sufficient training and tools.
Apart from this the woreda water office is also responsible for the overall monitoring of the
management and maintenance of the schemes at higher level.
Regarding the software part, particularly personal hygiene and sanitation is going to be
facilitated mostly by the local community workers (LCWs) using the established CLTS
groups, in cooperation with HEW, the woreda health office and government structures.
Once the capacity and management structure of the schemes is in place EKHCDP/IWSP
will hand over the project out puts to the communities and local government which leads
to terminal evaluation before exit.

13. Risks and Assumptions
13.1. Risks

Area Description of risk Measures to be taken

Technical  Lack of reliable water source  Consider appropriate technology

 Pipeline may break through during survey and site selection
vandalism or erosion  Maintenance and repair by SC’s
Financial  Price instability  Consider Inflation
 Delay of fund release by donors  Timely appeal

Environmental  Unusual rain and accessibility  As far as possible, to accomplish the

problem. task in the most common dry season
 Epidemic disease  Provide advice and take preventive
 Flood measures
 Preparedness

Social  Conflicts  Conflict resolutions

 Inactive community and sector  Create awareness and strong
office participation networking

Table3: Risk Analysis

13.2 Assumptions

 Co-operation of local government sector offices are essential

 Conducive environmental is all aspects
 Stable market for project material
 Highly committed staff


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