Gait & Posture
Gait & Posture
Gait & Posture
Article history:
Received 26 November 2015 Robots and Humans have to share the same environment more and more often. In the aim of steering
Received in revised form 19 September 2016 robots in a safe and convenient manner among humans it is required to understand how humans interact
Accepted 24 September 2016 with them. This work focuses on collision avoidance between a human and a robot during locomotion.
Having in mind previous results on human obstacle avoidance, as well as the description of the main
Keywords: principles which guide collision avoidance strategies, we observe how humans adapt a goal-directed
Human-robot interaction locomotion task when they have to interfere with a mobile robot. Our results show differences in the
Locomotion strategy set by humans to avoid a robot in comparison with avoiding another human. Humans prefer to
Collision avoidance
give the way to the robot even when they are likely to pass first at the beginning of the interaction.
Gait adaptation
ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mobile robot
1. Introduction safety and energy [8]. Moreover, these adaptations depend more
on situations than personal characteristics [10].
Robots and humans will have to share the same environment in The crossing order during collision avoidance is an interesting
a near future [6,11]. To this end, roboticists must guarantee safe parameter to consider. Indeed, it has been shown that trajectory
interactions between robots and humans during locomotion tasks. adaptations are collaboratively performed [13] but are role-
In this direction, the following paper studies how humans behave dependent. The walker giving way (2nd at the crossing) contrib-
to avoid a mobile robot crossing their way. utes more than the one passing first. This role attribution appears
There is an extensive literature describing how walkers avoid to contribute positively before the interaction [10,14] and can be
collisions. Several studies considered how walkers step over [16] or predicted with 95% confidence at 2.5 m before crossing, even
circumvent [18] static obstacles. More recent ones focused on how before any adaptation [10].
humans avoid each other. It was shown that walkers are able to Studies resulted into simulation models of navigation and
predict the risk of collision since they adapt their motion only if the interaction. Warren and Fajen [20] proposed to model the walker
future crossing distance is below a certain threshold [13]. This and the environment as coupled dynamical systems: the walker
future distance is increased before the crossing point and paths result from all the forces acting on them, where goals are
maintained constant during a regulation phase, demonstrating considered as attractors and obstacles as repellors. This model is
anticipation in avoidance [13]. Trajectory adaptations are per- based on the distance to the goal and to the obstacles as well as the
formed both in speed and orientation [8,14]: they depend on the sign of change of the bearing angle. An integration of the bearing
crossing angle and the walking speed [7]. These strategies do not angle theory into some artificial vision system for crowd
maximize smoothness [1], they result from a compromise between simulation was proposed by Ondrej et al. [15].
These studies reached common conclusions about the human
ability to accurately estimate the situation (crossing order, risk of
collision, adaptations), and considered interactions with a moving
* Corresponding author at: Inria, Campus de Beaulieu, 263 avenue du Général object. The kinematics of adaptation by a walker avoiding a moving
Leclerc, 35042 Rennes, France. obstacle (a mannequin mounted on a rail) are studied in [3,5].
E-mail addresses: (C. Vassallo), Trajectories crossing at 45 resulted into adaptations both in the (A.-H. Olivier), (P. Souères),
antero-posterior and medio-lateral planes, with successive antici- (A. Crétual), (O. Stasse), (J. Pettré). pation and clearance phases [5]. Analysis is based on the notion of
0966-6362/ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
98 C. Vassallo et al. / Gait & Posture 51 (2017) 97–103
2.3. Participant task Each participant performed 40 trials. Robot starting position
(50% in RSP1, 50% in RSP2) was randomized among the trials. To
Participants were asked to walk at their preferred speed from introduce a bit of variability, in 4 trials the robot did not move and
PSP to PT by passing through the gate. They were told that an the participant did not have to react. Only the 36 trials with
obstacle is moving over the gate and could interfere with them. potential interaction were analyzed.
One experimental trial corresponds to one travel from PSP to PT.
3. Analysis
2.4. Recorded data
3.1. Kinematic data
3D kinematic data were recorded using the motion capture
Vicon-MX system (120 Hz). Reconstruction was performed using For each trial we computed t_rob, the time at which the robot
Vicon-Blade and computations using Matlab (Mathworks1). The reaches its constant cruise speed (when the acceleration
C. Vassallo et al. / Gait & Posture 51 (2017) 97–103 99
Fig. 2. smpd plots for all the 243 trials, after resampling over the interaction period of time [t_rob, t_cross].
amplitude was below a fixed threshold, 0.003 m s 2), and t_cross, 4. Results
the time of closest approach between the participant and the robot.
The crossing configuration and the risk of future collision was We considered 243 trials. Nine of the 252 were removed from
estimated by the Minimal Predicted Distance, noted mpd [13]. mpd analysis as the robot failed to start. Fig. 2 depicts the evolution of
gives, at each time step, the future distance of closest approach if smpd for all trials.
both the robot and the participant keep a constant speed and The sign of smpd at t_cross shows that the participants gave way
direction. Thus, a variation of mpd means that the participant is in 58% of trails, otherwise they passed first. Combining this
performing adaptations. information with the sign of smpd at t_rob (beginning of
We introduced a signed definition of the mpd, noted smpd. The interaction), we could evaluate if participants switched their role
sign of this function depends on who, among the participant and during interaction, i.e., change the crossing order. We divided trials
the robot, is likely to reach HCP first (still assuming constant into four categories depending on the sign of smpd at t_rob and at
motion). t_cross: PosPos, NegNeg, PosNeg and NegPos. For example, the
smpd is positive if the participant should arrive as first and is PosNeg category is for trials with smpd(t_rob) > 0 and smpd
negative otherwise. A change of sign of smpd means that the future (t_cross) < 0.
crossing order between the robot and the participant is switched. All the trials are distributed among those categories in the
Our study focuses on the section of data when adaptations are following way: PosPos = 104 trials (43%), NegNeg = 69 trials (28%),
performed: smpd is normalized in time by resampling the function PosNeg = 70 trials (29%), NegPos = 0 trials (0%). Examples of
at 100 intervals between t_rob (time 0%) and t_cross (time 100%). corresponding trajectories for each category are illustrated in
Quantity of adaptation is computed as the absolute value of the Fig. 3. In 29% of cases, participants were likely to pass first at the
difference between smpd(t_rob) and smpd(t_cross). crossing point but adapted their trajectory to finally give way to the
robot. However, the opposite case in which participants would be
3.2. Statistics likely to give way and finally would pass first was never observed.
The mean evolution of smpd in each category is shown in Fig. 4a
Statistics were performed using Statistica (Statsoft1). All effects and its time derivative in Fig. 4b. From these curves we can
were reported at p < 0.05. Normality was assessed using a distinguish the reaction period from the regulation one as defined
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Depending on the normality, values by [13]. They respectively correspond to periods during which
are expressed as median (M) or mean SD. Wilcoxon signed-rank participants perform adaptations (smpd variates) or consider
tests were used to determine differences between values of smpd collision to be avoided (the derivative is null, and may even variate
at t_rob and t_cross. The influence of the crossing order evolution in the opposite direction).
on smpd values was assessed using a Kruskal-Wallis test with post Fig. 5 shows comparisons between smpd(t_rob) and smpd
hoc Mann-Whitney tests for which a Bonferroni correction was (t_cross), as well as distances of closest approach with respect to
applied: all effects are reported at a 0.016 level of significance each of the three non-empty categories, and the crossing distance
(0.05/3). Finally, we used a Mann-Whitney test to compare the depending on the crossing order.
crossing distance depending on the final crossing order.
100 C. Vassallo et al. / Gait & Posture 51 (2017) 97–103
5. Discussion
Fig. 4. (a) Mean evolution of smpd for each category of trial 1 SD. (b) Time derivative of the mean smpd.
102 C. Vassallo et al. / Gait & Posture 51 (2017) 97–103
Fig. 5. a) Comparison between initial and final values of smpd at t_rob and t_cross for all trials of each non-empty category (PosPos, PosNeg, NegNeg). A significant difference
in values means that adaptations were made to the trajectory by the participant (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). b) Comparison between initial and final values of smpd at t_rob and
t_cross for all the trials of each subgroup of the PosPos category. c) Total variation for smpd over the interaction. d) Minimum distance observed between the robot and the
participant at t_cross, with trial grouped by passing order of the participant.
participants were initially likely to pass first but adapted their perceived. We interpret the role inversion as an extreme
trajectory to finally give way to the robot. This threshold can be adaptation to preserve the personal space, directly related to the
defined so that smpd(t_rob) is around 0.8m, which is the value of perceived risk of collision. Passing in front of the robot may be
smpd(t_rob) for the Pos-Pos <1 m group: above this threshold, perceived as more dangerous. We suggest the following hypothe-
participants remain first, otherwise they change the crossing order ses to explain this feeling of danger. First, humans ignored how the
to give way to the robot. There was an overlapping in the smpd robot was controlled and its goal. The ongoing situation cannot be
(t_rob) values between Pos-Pos < 1 m and Pos-Neg groups. To easily predicted by pedestrians during short interactions. Our
confirm such a threshold, we compared these smpd(t_rob) values second hypothesis deals with the lack of experience of participants
using a Mann-Whitney test. Results showed that smpd(t_rob) for to interact with an autonomous system. Humans perform collision
Pos-Pos < 1 m trials (M = 0.81 m) was higher than for the Pos-Neg avoidance with other humans daily and they may expect
trials (M = 0.30 m) (U = 104, Z = 7.69, p < 0.0001). We can link this collaboration from them. Human-Robot collisions occur indeed
0.8 m threshold to the crossing distance observed between two very rarely in real life, which can be linked to theories describing
pedestrians in similar conditions [13] that was 0.81 m. the effect of uncertainty in motor control [17,19]. Our third
The absence of inversion NegPos was also similarly observed hypothesis is about the danger of getting hurt: visually the robot
and modeled by the bearing angle theory [11]. Assuming that the looks quite heavy, metallic and compact. Colliding with it could
robot obeys the bearing angle model and the pedestrian contra- certainly hurt legs which makes reasonable that participants
dicts it by re-inverting the sign of the bearing angle change, the two prefer to adopt a safer behavior than when crossing a human.
adaptations could cancel out each other, ending into failure.
Which factors may explain such an inversion of role? We can 6. Conclusion
assume that changing role in the crossing order is somehow
inefficient: no physiological or kinematic factor explains this In this paper, we observed that human-robot collision
observation. It is not relevant to explain this based on perceptual avoidance has similarities with human–human interactions
factors (can humans early perceive the role they are likely to (estimation of collision risk, anticipation) but also leads to some
have?). Indeed, inversion is observed in only one direction (Pos- major differences. Humans preferentially give way to the robot,
Neg), and we observed that the risk of collision is correctly even though this choice is not optimal to avoid collision. We
C. Vassallo et al. / Gait & Posture 51 (2017) 97–103 103
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