Interactive Frames
Interactive Frames
Interactive Frames
Author(s): Deborah Tannen and Cynthia Wallat
Source: Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 2, Special Issue: Language and Social
Interaction (Jun., 1987), pp. 205-216
Published by: American Sociological Association
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Accessed: 04/10/2010 16:31
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Social Psychology Quarterly.
Social Psychology Quarterly
1987, Vol. 50, No. 2, 205-216
Florida State University
Earlier work suggested that "frame," "schema"and related terms could be understoodas "structures
of expectation." Suggesting now that there are two distinct types of structuresof expectationto which
such terms have been applied, we use "frames"to refer to the anthropological/sociologicalnotion of
interactiveframes of interpretation,and "schema" to refer to the cognitive psychological/artificial
intelligence notion of knowledge schemas. Drawing on and expanding earlier analysis of talk in a
pediatric interaction, we show howframes and schemas interact. Balancing and shifting examination,
consultationand managementframes accountsfor the burdenon the pediatrician who examinesa child
in the mother'spresence. Mismatchesin thepediatrician'sand mother'sschemasfor healthand cerebral
palsy accountfor the mother'sdiscomfortand recalcitrantconcerns, and consequentlyfor herfrequent
questions which trigger theframe switches.
complex system of terms and concepts to and anthropology such as Kleinman (1980) and
illustrate how people use multiple frameworks Mishler (1984) have observed the problem of
to make sense of events even as they construct doctors' and patients' divergent knowledge
those events. Exploring in more detail the schemas, although they may not have used this
linguistic basis of such frameworks, Goffman terminology. Cicourel (1983), for example,
(1981a) introduced the term footing to describe describes the effects of differing "structures of
how, at the same time that participants frame belief" in a gynecological case. The contribu-
events, they negotiate the interpersonal relation- tion of our analysis is to show the distinction
ships, or "alignments," that constitute those and interaction between knowledge schemas and
events. interactive frames.
The interactive notion of frame, then, refers At an earlier stage of this study, we referred
to a sense of what activity is being engaged in, to the interactive notion of frame as "dynamic"
how speakers mean what they say. As Ortega y and the knowledge structurenotion of schema as
Gasset (1959, p. 3), a student of Heidegger, "static," but we now realize that all types of
puts it, "Before understanding any concrete structures of expectations are dynamic, as
statement, it is necessary to perceive clearly Bartlett (1932), whose work underlies much of
'what it is all about' in this statement and 'what present day schema theory, pointed out, and as
game is being played,' "I Since this sense is others (for example, Frake, 1977) have empha-
gleaned from the way participants behave in sized. That is, expectations about objects,
interaction, frames emerge in and are consti- people, settings, ways to interact and anything
tuted by verbal and nonverbal interaction. else in the world are continually checked against
experience and revised.
The Interaction of Frames and Schemas
We use the term knowledge schema to refer to
participants' expectations about people, objects, We demonstrate here a particular relationship
events and settings in the world, as distin- between interactive frames and knowledge
guished from alignments being negotiated in a schemas by which a mismatch in schemas
particular interaction. Linguistic semanticists triggers a shifting of frames. Before proceeding
have been interested in this phenomenon, as to demonstrate this by reference to detailed
they have observed that even the literal meaning analysis of pediatric interaction, we will illus-
of an utterance can be understood only by trate briefly with reference to an example of a
reference to a pattern of prior knowledge. This trivial, fleeting and mundane interchange that
is fundamental to the writing of Heidegger (for was part of a telephone conversation.
example 1962, p. 199), as in his often quoted One author (Tannen) was talking to a friend
argument (p. 196) that the word "hammer" can on the telephone, when he suddenly yelled,
have no meaning to someone who has never "YOU STOP THAT!" She knew from the way
seen a hammer used. To borrow an example he uttered this command that it was addressed to
from Fillmore (1976), the difference between a dog and not her. She remarked on the fact that
the phrases "on land" and "on the ground" can when he addressed the dog, he spoke in
be understood only by reference to an expected something approximating a southern accent. The
sequence of actions associated with travel on friend explained that this was because the dog
water and in the air, respectively. Moreover, the had learned to respond to commands in that
only way anyone can understand any discourse accent, and, to give another example, he
is by filling in unstated information which is illustrated the way he plays with the dog: "I say,
known from prior experience in the world. This 'GO GIT THAT BALL!' " Hearing this, the
became clear to researchers in artificial intelli- dog began running about the room looking for
gence as soon as they tried to get computers to something to fetch. The dog recognized the
understand even the simplest discourse-hence, frame "play" in the tone of the command; he
for example, the need for Schank and Abelson's could not, however, understand the words that
(1977) restaurantscript to account for the use of identified an outer frame, "referring to playing
the definite article "the" in a minimal discourse with the dog," and mistook the reference for a
such as, "John went into a restaurant;he asked literal invitation to play.
the waitress for a menu." This example illustrates, as well, that people
Researchers in the area of medical sociology (and dogs) identify frames in interaction by
association with linguistic and paralinguistic
cues-the way words are uttered-in addition to
I Thanks to A.L. Becker for calling our attention to what they say. That is, the way the speaker
Ortega y Gasset. For a discussion of framing based on uttered "you stop that!" was associated with the
numerous examples from everyday life, see Chapter5, frame "disciplining a pet" rather than "chatting
"Framingand Reframing," in Tannen (1986). with a friend." Tannen drew on her familiarity
with the use of linguistic cues to signal frames meet to pool the results of their evaluations,
when she identified her friend's interjection which are presented to the parents in a group
"You stop that!" as addressed to a dog, not her. meeting.
But she also drew on the knowledge that her The parents of Jody, the eight-year-old
friend was taking care of someone's dog. This cerebral palsied child in this study, were
was part of her knowledge schema about her referred to the Center by the parents of another
friend. Had her schema included the information child. Their chief concern was Jody's public
that he had a small child and was allergic to school placement in a class for mentally retarded
dogs, she might have interpreted the same children. Their objective, which was met, was
linguistic cues as signalling the related frame, to have a Center representative meet with the
"disciplining a misbehaving child." Further- supervisor of special education in their district
more, her expectations about how any speaker and have Jody placed in a class for the
might express orders or emotions, i.e., frame orthopedically rather than mentally handi-
such expressions, were brought to bear in this capped.
instance in conjunction with her expectations In addition to the spastic cerebral palsy
about how this particular friend is likely to (paralysis resulting from damage to the brain
speak to her, to a dog and to a child; that is, a before or during birth), Jody was diagnosed as
schema for this friend's personal style. Thus having a seizure disorder; a potentially lethal
frames and schemas interacted in her compre- arteriovenous malformation in her brain (this
hension of the specific utterance. was subsequently, and happily, rediagnosed as a
The remainder of this paper illustrates frames less dangerous malformation involving veins
and schemas in a videotaped interaction in a only, rather than both arteries and veins; facial
medical setting: the examination of a child by a hemangiomas (red spots composed of blood-
pediatrician in the presence of the mother. It filled capillaries); and slight scoliosis (curvature
demonstrates that an understanding of interac- of the spine).
tive frames accounts for conflicting demands on We began our analysis by focusing on the
the pediatrician. In addition to communicative pediatrician's examination/interview, which took
demands arising from multiple interactiveframes, place with the mother present. As part of our
much of the talk in the pediatric encounter can analysis, we met, separately, with the doctor
be understood as resulting from differing and the mother, first talking with them and then
knowledge schemas of the mother and the reviewing segments of the tape. The mother
pediatrician. This will be illustrated with expressed the opinion that this doctor "was
reference to their schemas for health and great," in explicit contrast with others who "cut
cerebral palsy. Finally, it is the mismatch in you off and make you feel stupid" and deliver
knowledge structure schemas that prompts the devastating information (for example, "she'd be
mother to ask questions which require the doctor a vegetable") in an offhand manner.
to switch frames.
The videotapes on which our analysis is based The goal of this paper, as announced at the
were obtained from the Child Development outset, is to show that examining Jody in her
Center of the Georgetown University Medical mother's presence constituted a significant
School, following our presentation of a proposal burden on the pediatrician, which can be
to the Center's Interdisciplinary Research Com- attributedto a conflict in framing resulting from
mittee. The videotapes had been made as raw mismatched schemas. To demonstrate this
material for a demonstration tape giving an interaction between frames and schemas, we
overview of the Center's services, and therefore will first show what framing is and how it
documented all the encounters involving a works, beginning with the crucial linguistic
single family and Center staff, which took place component of register.
over three weeks.
The primary goal of the Center is to provide Linguistic Registers
interdisciplinary training to future professionals
in serving developmentally disabled children A key element in framing is the use of
and their families. Staff members work in identifiable linguistic registers. Register, as
interdisciplinary teams which include an audiol- Ferguson (1985) defines it, is simply "variation
ogist, speech pathologist, pediatrician, social conditioned by use": conventionalized lexical,
worker, nutritionist, dentist, nurses and an syntactic and prosodic choices deemed appropri-
occupational, educational and physical thera- ate for the setting and audience. Early analysis
pist. Each professional meets with the child and, of the videotape of the pediatrician examining
in some cases, other family members; then all Jody indicated that the pediatrician used three
distinct registers in addressing each of three tion), and drawn out vowel sounds, accompa-
audiences (Tannen and Wallat, 1982). We will nied by smiling. For example, while examining
briefly recap the findings of that study. Jody's ears with an ophthalmoscope (ear light),
In addressing the child, the pediatrician uses the pediatrician pretends to be looking for
"motherese": a teasing register characterized by various creatures, and Jody responds with
exaggerated shifts in pitch, marked prosody delighted laughter: (See Appendix for transcrip-
(long pauses followed by bursts of vocaliza- tion conventions.)
Doctor: Let me look in your ear. Do you have a monkey in your ear?
Child: [laughing] No::::.
Doctor: No:::? . . . Let's see. . . . I .. see . . . . . .a birdie!
Child: I[laughing] No:::.
Doctor: [smiling] No.
In stark contrast to this intonationally exagger- pediatric residents who might later view the
ated register, the pediatrician uses a markedly videotape in the teaching facility. We call this
flat intonation to give a running account of the "reporting register." For example, looking in
findings of her examination, addressed to no Jody's throat, the doctor says, with only slight
present party, but designed for the benefit of stumbling:
Doctor: Her canals are- are fine, they're open, um her
tympanic membrane was thin, and light,
Doctor: As you know, the important thing is that she does have
difficulty with the use of her muscles.
Register-Shifting smoothly from teasing the child while examin-
ing her throat, to reporting her findings, to
Throughout the examination the doctor moves explaining to the mother what she is looking for
among these registers. Sometimes she shifts and how this relates to the mother's expressed
from one to another in very short spaces of time, concern with the child's breathing at night.
as in the following example in which she moves
[Teasing register]
Doctor: Let's see. Can you open up like this, Jody. Look.
[Doctor opens her own mouth]
Child: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Doctor: [Good. That's good.
Child: Aaaaaaaaaaah.
[Reporting register]
Doctor: /Seeing/ for the palate, sheIhas a high arched palate
Child: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Doctor: but there's no cleft,
[maneuvers to grasp child's jaw]
[Conversational register]
. . . what we'd want to look for is to see how she . . .
mmoves her palate. ... Which may be some of the
difficulty with breathing that we're talking about.
The pediatrician's shifts from one register to there's no cleft," and comes to rest firmly in
another are sometimes abrupt (for example, conversational register with "what we'd want to
when she turns to the child and begins teasing) look for . . . "). In the following example, she
and sometimes gradual (for example, her shifts from entertaining Jody to reporting
reporting register in "high arched palate" begins findings and back to managing Jody in a teasing
to fade into conversational register with "but tone:
[Teasing register]
Doctor: That's my light.
Child: /This goes up there.!
Doctor: It goes up there. That's right.
[Reporting register]
Now while we're examining her head we're feeling for
lymph nodes in her neck . . . or for any masses . . .
okay . . . also you palpate the midline for thyroid,
for goiter . . . if there's any.
[Teasing register]
Now let us look in your mouth. Okay? With my light.
Can you open up real big? . . . Oh, bigger.... Oh
bigger . . . Bigger.
The pediatrician says the last line, "Is your understood as associated with different frames.
spleen palpable over there?" in the same teasing For example, the pediatrician examines various
register she was using for peanut butter and parts of the child's body in accordance with
jelly, and Jody responds with the same delighted what she describes at the start as a "standard
giggling "No" with which she responded to the pediatric evaluation." At times she asks the
teasing questions about peanut butter and jelly. mother for information relevant to the child's
The power of the paralinguistic cues with which condition, still adhering to the sequence of foci
the doctor signals the frame "teasing" is greater of attention prescribed by the pediatric evalua-
than that of the words spoken, which in this case tion. At one point, the mother asks about a skin
leak out of the examination frame into the condition behind the child's right ear, causing
teasing register. the doctor to examine that part of Jody's body.
In other words, for the pediatrician, each What on the surface appears to be the same
interactive frame, that is, each identifiable activity-examining the child-is really very
activity that she is engaged in within the different. In the first case the doctor is adhering
interaction, entails her establishing a distinct to a preset sequence of procedures in the
footing with respect to the other participants. examination, and in the second she is interrupt-
ing that sequence to focus on something else,
The Interactive Production of Frames following which she will have to recover her
place in the standard sequence.
Our analysis focuses on the pediatrician's
speech because our goal is to show that the
mismatch of schemas triggers the frame switches Conflicting Frames
which make this interaction burdensome for her.
Similar analyses could be performed for any Each frame entails ways of behaving that
participant in any interaction. Furthermore, all potentially conflict with the demands of other
participants in any interaction collaborate in the frames. For example, consulting with the
negotiation of all frames operative within that mother entails not only interrupting the exami-
interaction. Thus, the mother and child collabo- nation sequence but also taking extra time to
rate in the negotiation of frames which are seen answer her questions, and this means that the
in the pediatrician's speech and behavior. child will get more restless and more difficult to
For example, consider the examination frame manage as the examination proceeds. Reporting
as evidence in the pediatrician's running report findings to the video audience may upset the
of her procedures and findings for the benefit of mother, necessitating more explanation in the
the video audience. Although the mother consultation frame. Perhaps that is the reason
interrupts with questions at many points in the the pediatrician frequently explains to the
examination, she does not do so when the mother what she is doing and finding and why.
pediatrician is reporting her findings in what we Another example will illustrate that the
have called reporting register.2 Her silence demands associated with the consultation frame
contributes to the maintenance of this frame. can conflict with those of the examination
Furthermore, on the three of seventeen occa- frame, and that these frames and associated
sions of reporting register when the mother does demands are seen in linguistic evidence, in this
offer a contribution, she does so in keeping with case by contrasting the pediatrician's discourse
the physician's style: Her utterances have a to the mother in the examination setting with her
comparable clipped style. report to the staff of the Child Development
Center about the same problem. Having recently
The Homonymy of Behaviors learned that Jody has an arteriovenous malfor-
mation in her brain, the mother asks the doctor
Activities which appear the same on the during the examination how dangerous this
surface can have very different meanings and condition is. The doctor responds in a way that
consequences for the participants if they are balances the demands of several frames:
Mother: I often worry about the danger involved too.--
Doctor: LYes.
cause she's well I mean like right now,
. . . uh . . . in her present condition.->
Doctor: Lmhm
The mother's question invoked the consultation The pediatrician blunts the effect of the
frame, requiring the doctor to give the mother information she imparts by using circumlocu-
the information requested based on her medical tions and repetitions; pausing and hesitating; and
knowledge, plus take into account the effect on minimizing the significant danger of the arteri-
the mother of the information that the child's ovenous malformation by using the word
life is in danger. However, the considerable "only" ("only danger"), by using the condi-
time that would normally be required for such a tional tense ("that would be the danger"), and
task is limited because of the conflicting by stressing what sounds positive, that they're
demands of the examination frame: the child is not going to get worse. She further creates a
"on hold" for the exam to proceed. (Notice that reassuring effect by smiling, nodding and using
it is the admirable sensitivity of this doctor that a soothing tone of voice. In reviewing the
makes her aware of the needs of both frames. videotape with us several years after the taping,
According to this mother, many doctors have the pediatrician was surprised to see that she had
informed her in matter-of-fact tones of poten- expressed the prognosis in this way, and
tially devastating information about her child's furthermore that the mother seemed to be
condition, without showing any sign of aware- reassured by what was in fact distressing
ness that such information will have emotional information. The reason she did so, we suggest,
impact on the parent. In our terms, such doctors is that she was responding to the immediate and
acknowledge only one frame-examination-in conflicting demands of the two frames she was
order to avoid the demands of conflicting operating in: consulting with the mother in the
frames-consultation and social encounter. Ob- context of the examination.
serving the burden on this pediatrician, who Evidence that this doctor indeed felt great
successfully balances the demands of multiple concern for the seriousness of the child's
frames, makes it easy to understand why others condition is seen in her report to the staff
might avoid this). regarding the same issue:
Doctor: . . . uh: I'm not sure how much counseling has been done,
. . . with these parents, . . . around .. the issue . . . of
the a-v malformation. Mother asked me questions, .
about the operability, inoperability of it, . . . u:m
. . . which I was not able to answer. She was told it
was inoperable, and I had to say well yes some of them
are and some of them aren't. . . . And I think that this
is a . . . a. . .an important point. Because I don't know
whether . . . the possibility of sudden death,
intracranialhemorrhage, if any of this has ever been
discussed with these parents.
Here the pediatrician speaks faster, with fluency possible event, gives the impression that even
and without hesitation or circumlocution. Her more dangers are present than those listed.
tone of voice conveys a sense of urgency and Thus the demands on the pediatrician associ-
grave concem. Whereas the construction used ated with consultation with the mother; those
with the mother, "only danger", seemed to associated with examining the child and report-
minimize the danger, the listing intonation used ing her findings to the video audience; and those
with the staff ("sudden death, intracranial associated with managing the interaction as a
hemorrhage"), which actually refer to a single social encounter are potentially in conflict and
result in competing demands on the doctor's regressing rather than improving in skills.
cognitive and social capacities. Similarly, when participants have different
schemas, the result can be confusion and talking
at cross-purposes, and, frequently, the trigger-
ing of switches in interactive frames. We will
demonstrate this with examples from the
Just as ways of talking (that is, of expressing pediatrician's and mother's discussions of a
and establishing footing) at any point in number of issues related to the child's health
interaction reflect the operation of multiple and her cerebral palsy.
frames, similarly, what individuals choose to
say in an interaction grows out of multiple Mismatched Schemas
knowledge schemas regarding the issues under
discussion, the participants, the setting, and so Before examining Jody, the pediatrician
on. We have seen that conflicts can arise when conducts a medical interview in which she fills
participants are oriented toward different inter- out a form by asking the mother a series of
active frames, or have different expectations questions about Jody's health history and
associated with frames. Topics that the mother current health condition. After receiving nega-
introduces in the consultation frame sometimes tive answers to a series of questions concerning
interfere with the doctor's conducting the such potential conditions as bowel problems,
examination, and time the doctor spends exam- bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections, the
ining Jody in areas in which she has had no pediatrician summarizes her perception of the
problems does not help the mother in terms of information the mother has just given her.
what prompted her to take Jody to the Child However, the mother does not concur with this
Development Center: a concern that she was paraphrase:
Doctor: Okay. And so her general overall health has been good.
Mother: ...... .[sighs] Not really . uh: . . .back
. . . uh . . . after she had her last seizure, . . . uh . . .
uh. . . it was pretty cold during this .. that time . . .
a:nd uh . . . it seemed that she just didn't have much
Doctor: mm
Mother: . . . and she uh . . .her uh ... motor abilities at
the time didn't seem . .. very good. . . . She kept
bumping into walls, . . . and falling, and . . . uh
The mother's schema for health is a compre- for numerous interruptions of the examination
hensive one, including the child's total physical frame by the mother invoking the consultation
well-being. The child's motor abilities have not frame. For example, as briefly mentioned
been good; therefore her health has not been earlier, the mother interrupts the doctor's
good. In contrast, the pediatrician does not examination to ask about a skin eruption behind
consider motor abilities to be included in a the child's ear. The mother goes on to ask
schema of health. Moreover, the pediatrician whether there is a connection between the
has a schema for cerebral palsy (cp): she knows cerebral palsy and the skin condition because
what a child with cp can be expected to do or both afflict Jody's right side. The doctor
not do, i.e., what is "normal" for a child with explains that there is no connection. The
cp. In contrast, as emerged in discussion during mother's schema for cp does not include the
a staff meeting, the mother has little experience knowledge that it would not cause drying and
with other cp children, so she can only compare breaking of skin. Rather, for her, the skin
Jody's condition and development to those of condition and the cp become linked in a
non-cp children. "right-sided weakness" schema.
Throughout our tapes of interaction between Similar knowledge schema mismatches ac-
Jody's mother and the pediatrician, questions count for extensive demands on the pediatrician
are asked and much talk is generated because of to switch from the examination to the consulta-
unreconciled differences between the mother's tion frame. When Jody sleeps, her breathing
and doctor's knowledge schemas regarding sounds noisy, as if she were gasping for air. The
health and cerebral palsy, resulting from the mother is very concerned that the child might
doctor's experience and training and the moth- not be getting enough oxygen. When the doctor
er's differing experience and personal involve- finishes examining the child's throat and moves
ment. on to examine her ears, the mother takes the
Mismatches based on the cp schema account opportunity to interrupt and state her concern.
The doctor halts the examination, turns to the therefore Jody' s breathing sounds "coarse" or
mother and switches to the consultation frame, "floppy." However, this does not mean that she
explaining that the muscle weakness entailed in is having trouble breathing.
cp also affects the muscles used in breathing;
Doctor: Jody? . . . I want to look in your ears. . . . Jody?
Mother: This problem that that she has, . . . is not . . .
interfering with her breathing, is it?
Child: /Hello/ [spoken into ophthalmoscope]
Doctor: No.
Mother: It just appears that way?
Doctor: Yes. It's very . . . it's . . . really . . . it's like
floppy you know and that's why it sounds the way it is.
Mother: She worries me at night.
Doctor: Yes
Mother: Because uh . . . when she's asleep I keep checking on
h so she
her e doesn't~
Doctor: As you know the important
Mother: 1I keep
thinking she's not breathing properly. [spoken while chuckling]
Doctor: As you know, the important thing is that she does
have difficulty with the use of her muscles. 'mhm
Doctor: So she has difficulty with the use of her muscles, . .
as far as the muscles of her chest, that are used with
breathing. Y'know as well as the drooling, the muscles
with swallowing, and all that so all her muscles
Mother: Is there some exercise
/to strengthen or help that/.
The mother's schemas for health and cerebral These schemas are not easily altered. The
palsy do not give her the expectation that the pediatrician's assurance that Jody is not having
child's breathing should sound noisy. Rather, trouble breathing goes on for some time, yet the
for her, noisy breathing is "wheezing" which mother brings it up again when the doctor is
fits into a schema for ill health: Noisy breathing listening to Jody's chest through a stethoscope.
is associated with difficulty breathing. In fact, Again the doctor shifts from the examination
the parents, in the initial medical interview at frame to the consultation frame to reassure her
the Child Development Center, characterize at length that the child is not having trouble
Jody as having difficulty breathing, and this is breathing, that these sounds are "normal" for a
entered into the written record of the interview. child with cp.
Doctor: Now I want you to listen, Jody. We're going to listen
to you breathe. Can you? Look at me. Can you go like
this? [inhales] Good. Oh you know how to do all this.
You've been to a lot of doctors. [Jody inhales] Good.
Good. Once . . . good. Okay. Once more. Oh you have a
lot of extra noise on this side. Go ahead. Do it once
more. Once more.
--Mother: That's the particular noise she makes when
she sleeps. [chuckle]
Doctor: Once more. Yeah I hear all that. One more. One more.
[laughs] Once more. Okay. That's good. She has very
coarse breath sounds um . . . and you can hear a lot of
the noises you hear when she breathes you can hear when
you listen. But there's nothing that'sI
--Mother: That's the kind
of noise I hear when she's sleeping at night.
Doctor: LYesi.
Yes. There's nothing really as far as a pneumonia is
concerned or as far as any um anything here. There's
no wheezing um which would suggest a tightness or a
Nonetheless, during the session in which the her to contradict those of the doctor. Moreover,
staff report their findings to the parents, when and most significantly, it is the mismatch of
the pediatrician makes her report, the mother schemas that frequently occasions the mother's
again voices her concern that the child is having recurrent questions which, in their turn, require
trouble breathing and refers to the sound of the doctor to interrupt the examination frame
Jody's breathing as "wheezing." At this point and switch to a consultation frame.
the doctor adamantly reasserts that there is no The usefulness of such an analysis for those
wheezing. What for the mother is a general concerned with medical interaction is signifi-
descriptive term for the sound of noisy breathing cant. On a global level, this approach begins to
is for the doctor a technical term denoting a answer the call by physicians (for example
condition by which the throat passages are Brody, 1980, and Lipp, 1980) for deeper
constricted. understanding of the use of language in order to
As we have argued elsewhere (Tannen and improve services in their profession. On a local
Wallat, 1986), an understandingof the mother's level, the pediatrician, on hearing our analysis,
schemas accounts for the resilience of her was pleased to see a theoretical basis for
concern about the child's breathing, despite the what she had instinctively sensed. Indeed, she
doctor's repeated and lengthy reassurances. Our had developed the method in her private practice
point here is that it is the mismatch in of having parents observe examinations, paper
schemas-both the mother's association of in hand, from behind a one-way mirror, rather
noisy breathing with difficulty breathing, plus than examining children in the parents' pres-
the doctor's dissociation of these two conditions ence.
and her emphasis on the medical definition of The significance of the study, however, goes
"wheezing" (irrelevant to the mother). Thus beyond the disciplinary limits of medical
there is a mismatch in expectations about what settings. There is every reason to believe that
counts as adequate reassurance that causes the frames and schemas operate in similar ways in
mother to ask questions, which requires the all face-to-face interaction, although the partic-
doctor to shift frames from examination to ular frames and schemas will necessarily differ
consultation. in different settings. We may also expect, and
must further investigate, individual and social
differences both in frames and schemas and in
the linguistic as well as nonverbal cues and
We have used the term frame to refer to the markers by which they are identified and
anthropological/sociological notion of a frame, created.
as developed by Bateson and Goffman, and as
Gumperz (1982) uses the term "speech activ-
ity." It refers to participants' sense of what is APPENDIX
being done, and reflects Goffman's notion of
footing: the alignment participants take up to
themselves and others in the situation. We use Brackets linking two lines show overlap:
the term schema to refer to patterns of Two voices heard at once
knowledge such as those discussed in cognitive Reversed-flapbracketsshow latchingI
psychology and artificial intelligence. These are No pause
between lines
patterns of expectations and assumptions about /words/ in slashes reflect uncertaintranscription
the world, its inhabitants and objects. I?! indicates inaudiblewords
We have shown how frames and schemas ? indicatesrising intonation,not grammaticalquestion
together account for interaction in a pediatric . indicates falling intonation, not grammatical sen-
interview/examination, and how linguistic cues, tence
or ways of talking, evidence and signal the following vowels indicates elongation of sound
shifting frames and schemas. An understanding Two dots indicate brief pause, less than half second
of frames accounts for the exceedingly complex, . . . three dots indicatepause of at least half second;
indeed burdensome nature of the pediatrician's more dots indicate longer pauses
Arrow at left highlights key line in example
task in examining a child in the mother's Arrow at right means talk continues without
presence. An understanding of schemas ac- interruption--
counts for many of the doctor's lengthy on succeeding lines of text
explanations, as well as the mother's apparent ' Accent mark indicates primarystress
discomfort and hedging when her schemas lead CAPS indicate emphatic stress
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