Black Jack Antiques
Black Jack Antiques
Black Jack Antiques
If you were Kevin, how would you initiate a conversation with Jeremy? What
would like Kevin to cool down and calmly gather all his thoughts together before
talking to Jeremy. It would be best if it were just the two of them in a casual setting.
He could start off engaging in a lightly and friendly mood then calmly ask Jeremy
what his plans are and that he heard from an anonymous source that Jeremy was
applying for a job at a furniture design firm. Perhaps ask him how he feels about it
As a friend, he should show his support with Jeremy’s decision but also be
able to air his own fears and apprehensions. To ask Jeremy how his financial
situation is, will having this job help him financially? What made him decide to take
on this job? Is their friendship steady and how can they approach this from a
What does this case illustrate about the risk of starting a business with a
As with anything in business, there are always risks. But with regards to a
partnership, the risks are as such as abandoning a steady source of income. Now
considering where you are in your life financially, this is the first big step to consider.
steady job for a start-up, one has to take it in stride. As some would say, “Don’t bite
the hand that feeds you”, if indeed you are not financially there yet.
In a partnership, both will have to decide how much each one should put in.
Looking for additional financing will also help. Considering angel investors,
government grants and loans and some crowdfunding activities are now a thing.
Even with a considerable line of credit, securing a regular flow of cash will be
tedious. Properly planned and accounted for so that the investments will have the
returns as soon as possible. Not putting all your eggs in one basket is also a smart
consideration. If the business involves you putting in your life’s savings, this may not
As one successful businessman used to say, “Only invest what you are willing
Demand for your business will never be accounted for accurately. But it is
wise to do a market study along with a proper business plan. “Only the paranoid
survives” as Andrew S. Grove of Intel would say. One must not always assume one
perspective but must be ready for the worst-case scenario, not just the best. In this
case, with Kevin carrying most of the financial load, this becomes very risky because
instead of a duo, Kevin is the only one literally left standing and will take most of the
blow. Jeremy is just along for the ride but is already taking the back seat in this set-
up. He may not have as much as Kevin, but he won’t lose as much either.
So many partnerships and even corporations are mainly based on friendships. So,
The rewards of owning your own business together will involve a lot of time
working on projects and the day-to-day flow. But it can also take its toll. So, there
should be priorities set aside before anything is done so that when the time does
come, there is a clear direction and time to set back and reset.
Considering the risks of having a business partner, both are jointly and
individually liable for anything that happens in the business. If a partner decides to
Based on studies, the statistics for partnerships usually last around 5 years.
With shared profits, there is unclear control over the business. This includes
Getting into a partnership does not mean in just a financial sense. In this
case, Jeremy was able to compute his skills in restoration and design. Something
that Kevin is not able to do, while he sticks with the financial and antique side of the
business. So, there was a clear division of their work. But they were not able to
clearly justify their business agreement and prepare for an eventuality such as a
The agreement should also be able to state their contributions and expertise
in a more concise and easily quantifiable manner, like establishing legal partnership
Do you think Kevin could make a go of the business alone? Should he try?
Kevin should try but not alone. He can consider several options such as
looking for another business partner or partners. It is still, after all, an improving
There is that option of diversifying his antique line. Since Kevin really does
not have the skills to restore, but he can do more with the line that he does control.
Another consideration would also be to invite the furniture design firm where
Jeremy wants to work in and offer them a joint venture wherein Kevin’s business
would help distribute their furniture and take advantage of the existing network.
can do. It won’t be the end for him. He now has the opportunity to expand his