Chem IA
Chem IA
Chem IA
As a part of my Grade 11 Internal Assessment for chemistry, I was given the freedom to choose any
experiment regarding the rate of reaction towards a specific reaction. I have chosen to use the affect
of the concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction of magnesium ribbon. This
experiment is quite common in regards to the topic hence it would be possible to gather the
materials in a short time, however I found myself interested in this topic and as I explored it further
my interest towards it grew. I was determined to engage in such systematic investigation and had
great enthusiasm. The rate of reaction of hydrochloric acid may depend on temperature, particle
size, catalysts, and concentration of acid. This report focuses specifically on the concentration of
hydrochloric acid and how it affects the time it takes for magnesium ribbon to dissolve.
In this experiment hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium, in which it will create magnesium
chloride and hydrogen. This phenomenon can be simplified and written as the following equation:
With this theory, I hope to be able to gather reliable data and find a trend from the data seen from
the graph.
How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect its rate of reaction with magnesium ribbon?
1.3 Hypothesis
As the concentration of the acid increases, the time it takes for the magnesium ribbon to dissolve is
faster. This is because the rate of reaction depends on how often the molecules of the reacting
substances collide. A concentrated acid has more molecules to collide with, hence the increase of
collision. This results in a faster rate of reaction.
2. Exploration
2.1 Variables
Controlled Variables
Variable Method of control Impact if not controlled
Temperature of water (room Keep the water at room Rate of reaction may or may
temperature 20 - 22°C) temperature not increase due to the
temperature as a higher
temperature increases the
frequency of molecules
Length of magnesium ribbon Using a ruler ( ±0.1 cm) If the magnesium ribbon have
(1 cm) different lengths, the rate of
reaction may or may not differ
since a longer ribbon would
require more energy hence a
more concentrated solution.
- 5 test tubes
- 1 stopwatch (± 0.01 s)
- 1 Hydrochloric acid (30 ml)
- 1 test tube rack
- 15 magnesium ribbons (1 cm each)
- 1 beaker (± 0.05 ml)
- 1 25 ml measuring cylinders (± 0.1 ml)
- 1 10 ml measuring cylinders (± 0.05 ml)
- 1 dropper (± 0.05 ml)
- 1 bottle of distilled water
- 1 stirring rod
- 30 cm ruler (± 0.05 cm)
- 1 Scissors/cutters
2.4 Procedure
- Using a measuring cylinder, pour a respective amount of hydrochloric acid (based on the
concentration stated above)
- Using a second measuring cylinder. pour a respective amount of water (again based on the
concentrations stated above) to the first measuring cylinder
- The solution should have a total amount of 20 ml. Mix the solution using a stirring rod until
- Pour 5 ml of the solution into three different test tubes (one for every trial)
- Drop the magnesium ribbon into the test tube
- Start the stopwatch once the ribbon touches the solution
- Stop the stopwatch once the reaction stops (when the bubbles and gas stopped forming)
- Repeat the procedures based on the concentration.
Qualitative Data:
It was observed in the experiment that less the mole of the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the
longer time it takes for the magnesium ribbon to dissolve. This is because as the mole decreases, so
will the concentrations of the acid, hence resulting it particles colliding less, and therefore longer
rate of reaction. The reaction can be observed once a sort of bubbles form, releasing hydrogen gas
into the air. The rate of reaction seems to be fastest with 2 mol of hydrochloric acid, as it only takes
an average of 36.6 seconds for the magnesium ribbon to dissolve whereas the concentration of only
0.2 mol took the longest rate of reaction of an average of 1298 seconds, which is equivalent to about
21 minutes and 63 seconds.
IV: Rate of production of hydrogen gas taken from time to dissolve for 1 cm
concentration of of magnesium ribbon (± 0.01 cm)
Average time Average Average rate of Uncertainty of
acid (mol dm-3
taken (s) uncertainty of reaction (s-1) Rate of Reaction
time (s) (s-1)
2 36.6 ±0.5 0.027 0.037
3.4 Graph
Duration of reaction (seconds)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Molar concentration of hydrochloric acid (mol dm-3 s-1)
7. Evaluation
4.1 Conclusion
The graph shows a negative trend with a mathematical function of y = -541.61ln(x) + 300.87 with
an R2 value of 0.927. From the following graph, the data/points seem to be relatively close to the
regression line (at least close enough for a trend to be identified) and it succeeded in explaining the
variability of the response data regarding its mean.
The graph seem to show a negative relationship between the molar concentration of HCl and the
duration for the reaction to stop. This is observed by the pattern of the graph that goes downhill as it
advances to the right, whereas a positive relationship would display an uphill pattern. This
phenomenon indicates that as the x values (molar concentration of HCl) increase, the y values (rates
of reaction) will gradually decrease.
This supports my hypothesis since the time it takes for the reaction to finish gets faster after every
increment, hence decreasing the duration. This happens because a more concentration acid consists
of more particles and when the number of particles increase, they no longer have as much space to
roam around. Because of this, the particles collide with each other more often and increase collision
and makes a faster rate of reaction.
I have calculated the average rate of reaction according to the average time it takes for the
magnesium ribbon to disappear. Since we know that a longer duration for a reaction to stop
indicates a slow rate of reaction and a shorter duration indicates a faster rate of reaction, Because of
this I have used quantitative value in regards to comparing the rates of reaction. This can be
simplified in the following equation:
Where, 1 indicates taking the reciprocal of the time to complete the reaction and t represents the
average time taken. From the equation above I can conclude that to rate of reaction of a substance, 1
unit of the reciprocal is divided by the average duration for the reaction to stop.
From the graph, it is clear that the outlier is the first and third term due to its reasonable distance
between the line of exponential fit. The remaining values seem to stay near the line. Despite the fact
that the results seem to prove my hypothesis, this may be caused by both random or systematic
errors (see 4.2). However, since the range of the R2 value ranges from 0 to 100%, the value found
was exceedingly acceptable due to its closeness to 100% (1.00 in this case). Again, this proves that
the data is close to the regression line hence supporting my hypothesis.
4.2 Evaluation
During this experiment, I have encountered several errors (both random and systematic). I have
compiled these errors in the following table below, in order to visualise these mistakes and organise
it neatly.
Error Explanation Random/Systematic Suggestion for
Measuring/pouring When pouring or Random Make sure the
liquid measuring water on a equipments are at eye
measuring cylinder, level when it comes to
the amount of water pouring or measuring.
poured may or may be
precise for there is a
possibility of over
pouring it by a few
millilitres or not
pouring it enough.
Incorrect reading of When reading the Random Make sure the written
measurement measurement of a results matches the
certain substance, it actual observation.
may be unclear at
times and may result in
wrong data.
Making the graph The graph may or may Systematic Check the graph
not have interpreted slowly after inputing
the data incorrectly all the values
and cause a few errors
4.3 Extension
Rate of reaction is defined as the measurement of the chemical activity of a reaction. This applies to
our daily lives whether we realise it or not, hence it is important to find the most effective rate of
reaction in order to produce the best performance. This applies to biological reactions as well, since
a biochemical reaction that is too slow or too fast may risk our bodies. It is also used in the
chemical industry since numerous products are tested before they are ready to be displayed. This
requires an ideal rate of reaction to really ensure the safety of the products.
Works Cited
Accessed 10 Apr 2019.
"How Do Rates Of Reaction Apply To Daily Life? + Example". Socratic.Org, 2019, https://