Design and Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Dfmea & Pfmea)
Design and Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Dfmea & Pfmea)
Design and Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Dfmea & Pfmea)
Failure Mode
Effect Analysis
What is Failure Mode Effects nalysis (FMEA)?
• FMEA is a structured method to systematically identify
and correct potential product or process failures before
they occur, to
– eliminate the causes of the potential failure modes,
– reduce a severity of the failure.
• The benefits of doing an FMEA on an existing or new
process are:
– Identifying ways the process can fail
– Prioritizing these failures for corrective and
preventive action or redesign before the failures occur
– Higher system reliability once countermeasures are
Information gained from FMEA
1. Listing of potential failure modes and
failure causes. These could help guide the
system testing and inspection techniques.
2. Further designation (criticality) of
potential failures that could affect
overall system performance.
3. Detection and control measures for each
failure mode.
4. Management information.
5. Input for further analysis
Failure mode:
Is any event which causes a functional failure,
e.g., hose leak.
Failure Effect
Describe what happens when a failure mode
occurs, e.g. hose leak results in oil spills.
Why it fails (or may fail)
e.g. poor hose manufacturing, improper pressure
Causes occur with some likelihood or probability
Types Of FMEA
• Project/Program:
– Identifies what can go wrong with a major project
• Design:
– Identifies what can go wrong with the design of a
product or service. Consideration for System,
Subsystem, Component.
• Process:
– Identifies what can go wrong with a process
• Service:
– Identifies what can go wrong with a service function
• Application:
– Identifies what can go wrong with customers using
your product or service
Design or Process FMEA
• Every product or process has modes of failure.
• The effects represent the impact of the
• An FMEA is a tool to:
– Identify the relative risks designed into a product
or process,
– Initiate action plan to reduce those risks with the
highest potential impact,
– Track the results of the action plan in terms of risk
• FMEAs help us focus on and understand the
impact of potential process or product risks.
Design FMEA
• The primary objective of DFMEA is to
uncover potential failures associated with
the product.
• Could use:
– Product malfunction
– Shortened product life
– Safety hazards while using the product.
• DFMEA should be used throughout the
design product – from preliminary design
until the product goes to production
Process FMEA
• The primary objective of PFMEA is to
uncover potential failures that can:
– Impact Product Quality
– Reduce Process reliability
– Cause Customer dissatisfaction
– Create Safety or Environmental.
• Ideally, PFMEAs should be conducted prior
to start-up of a new process, but they
could be conducted on existing processes
as well.
Risk Priority Number (RPN)
• Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs) are numerical assessments
of risk.
• RPN values range from 1 to 1000. To use RPNs, the
analyst evaluates each failure mode and determines the
Severity, Occurrence, and Detection level in each case.
• All three of these parameters are based on a 1-10 scale.
– Score of 10 indicates the most severe, most likely to
occur, and least likely to be detected failure mode.
• The calculation of RPN is then defined as:
Severity Rating Scale Example
Rating Description Definition
10 Dangerously High Failure could injure the customer or an employee
9 Extremely High Failure would create noncompliance with federal regulations
8 Very High Failure renders the unit inoperable or unfit for use
7 High Failure causes a high degree of customer dissatisfaction
6 Moderate Failure results in a subsystem or partial malfunction of the
5 Low Failure creates enough of a performance loss to cause the
customer to complain
4 Very Low Failure can be overcome with modifications to the customer’s
process or product, but there is minor performance loss
3 Minor Failure would create a minor nuisance to the customer, but the
customer can overcome it in the process or product without
performance loss.
2 Very Minor Failure would not be readily apparent to the customer, but
would have minor effects on the customer’s process or
1 None Failure would not be noticeable to the customer and would not
affect the customer’s process or product.
Occurrence Rating Scale Example
Rating Description Potential Failure Rate
10 Very High – More than one occurrence per day or a probability of more than three
Failure is almost occurrences in 10 events (Cpk < 0.33).
9 One occurrence every three to four days or a probability of three
occurrences in 10 events (Cpk approximately equal to 0.33).
8 High – Repeated One occurrence per week or a probability of 5 occurrences in 100 events
failures (Cpk approximately equal to 0.67).
7 One occurrence every month or one occurrence in 100 events (Cpk
approximately equal to 0.83)
6 Moderate – One occurrence every three months or three occurrences in 1,000 events
Occasional failures (Cpk approximately equal to 1.00)
5 One occurrence every six months to one year or one occurrence in 10,000
events (Cpk approximately equal to 1.17)
4 One occurrence per year or six occurrences in 100,000 events (Cpk
approximately equal to 1.33)
3 Low – Relatively One occurrence every one to three years or six occurrences in 10 million
few failures events (Cpk approximately equal to 1.67)
2 One occurrence every three to five years or two occurrences in one billion
events (Cpk approximately equal to 2.00)
1 Remote – Failure is One occurrence in greater than five years or less than two occurrences in
unlikely one billion events (Cpk greater than 2.00)
Detection Rating Scale Example
Rating Description Definition
10 Absolute The product is not inspected or the defect caused by failure is not
Uncertainty detectable.
9 Very Remote Product is sampled, inspected and released based on Acceptable
Quality Level (AQL) sampling plans.
8 Remote Product is accepted based on new defectives in a sample.
1 Almost Certain The defect is obvious or there is 100% automatic inspection with
regular calibration and preventive maintenance of the inspection
Risk Priority Number (RPN)
A 8 4 3 96
B 4 8 3 96
10 steps to complete
1. Review the process
2. Brainstorm potential failure modes
3. List potential effects of each failure mode
4. Assign severity rating
1 – 10 scale; 1(lowest) – 10 (highest)
5. Assign occurrence rating
1 – 10 scale; 1(lowest) – 10 (highest)
6. Assign detection rating
1 – 10 scale; 1(most likely to detect) – 10 (least likely to detect)
7. Calculate the risk priority number (RPN) for each failure mode
Multiply severity x occurrence x detection = RPN or Criticality
8. Prioritize the failure modes for action
Perform a Root Cause Analysis for the most critical failure
9. Take action to eliminate or reduce the high-risk modes
10. Recalculate the resulting risk priority number
FMEA Worksheet for Fire Extinguisher
FMEA Worksheet