Fmea Table
Fmea Table
Fmea Table
Severity (S):
The seriousness of the failure consequences is termed as Severity. On a scale the of 1 to 10, the
effects with low severity is given lesser scores and the effects with higher severity is given higher
Minor Disruption: Slight inconvenience to Be unnoticed and have only minor effect on
2 process, operation, or operator. performance
Table 1: Severity Guideline. Source: Automotive Industry Action Group AIAG (PFMEA 4th ed.)
Resource file for ‘Lean Six Sigma Dual Certification:
White and Yellow Belt’
Occurrence (O) : There may be many kinds of failure causes which should be identified properly and
documented. The causes which occurs or repeats more is more dangerous and needs to be handled
first than the failure cause with low chances of occurrence. On a scale of 1 to 10, higher score
indicates high occurrence which should be given more focus to solve than a lower score value.
5 Moderate: 0.5 per thousand; 1 in 2,000 Once every 6 months < 1 per 10,000
4 Moderate: 0.1 per thousand; 1 in 10,000 Once per year < 6 per 100,000
3 Low: 0.01 per thousand; 1 in 100,000 Once every 1-3 years < 6 per million
< 3 per 10
2 Low: ≤ 0.001 per thousand; 1 in 1,000,000 Once every 3-6 years million
1 Very Low: Failure is eliminated through preventive control. Once every 6-100 years < 2 per billion
Table 2: Occurrence Guideline. Source: Automotive Industry Action Group AIAG (PFMEA 4th ed.)
Resource file for ‘Lean Six Sigma Dual Certification:
White and Yellow Belt’
Detection indicates how easy or hard the quality assurance or quality inspectors can detect the
causes of failure. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 indicates a situation very difficult to detect whereas
subsequent lower values indicate higher chances of detection.
Table 3: Detection Guideline. Source: Automotive Industry Action Group AIAG (PFMEA 4th ed.)