Business Schools in Pakistan: Name of Group
Business Schools in Pakistan: Name of Group
Business Schools in Pakistan: Name of Group
Name of Group
Group 3
17156002, 19560009,19560005192560003
Chowdhury and others (2019) investigate the impact of fast food consumption on health on
university students of Bangladesh by using survey analysis data determined method through
questioner. Total of 170 university going students age ranged from 19 to 25
attend the cross-sectional questionnaire, of which 122 were male (71.76%), and 48 were female
(28.23%) sample of this study data .They have analysis the data with correlation estimation
technique and chi-squared test to understand the behaviour of the factors. Result find the
university students’ health status and its relative function with consumption of fast food. This
study also varieties a demographic comparison on fast food consumption rate in eight regions
of Bangladesh. Through the survey data collection, the result can show that since there is
overall no relationship between the health-related factors, so according to this research the
health risk of the students is not very high. The results can create awareness among public as
well as it also help in public health-related decision making in Bangladesh. This study less
focused on the main issue and in a demographic comparison among regions and the number of
observations are too small Through this study we analysis that they collect data only through
yes, No questions through which we can’t able to find how much units of fast food students
consume in daily basis and they use chi-square test and average method to estimate the results
which is not show that how much their work is significant and model is best fit. They should
need to apply OLS approach and collect data in units of consumption off fast food which
describe the results or research more efficiently.
1.1.2 Introduction
Now a days we can say fast food consumption predicts “The food culture of a society “Without
seeing its impact on young generation’s health. To start the study we should know about fast
food and how much important young generation’s health is. “Fast food is a term of all kinds of
foods which are rich in energy because of high in saturated fat sugar, salt, and calories but
relatively low important nutrients such as fibre, vitamin, protein, and minerals”.
It is quick and easily access able and cheap substitute of home –cooked food. Now it is become
the need of over-scheduled societies. Because of this fast food consumption rate is increasing.
There are many behavioural and socio-economic factors involved in this high consumption rate
such as a lot of attraction due to new shape, colour and taste, for entertainment , pleasure and
independence, irregular breakfast eating , saving of parents’ time specially mother’s time, easy
deliver , transition in dietary habits etc.
Effects on health.
Along with all these factors, there are some health-related issues, faced by the young generation
such as risk for obesity, Overweight, Headache cancer, high blood pressure in younger age,
blood-sugar fluctuations, chronic inflammation, asthma, eczema, acne, constipation etc. These
diseases are caused by the presence of dangerous food colouring agents, unhealthy fats and pop
kola drinks often contain “Caffeine “ to disturb sleep-wake cycles.
On the other hand there is no doubt that the health of young generation is very important for a
society or a nation because they are our human resource and asset and future of a nation. Their
Good health is important too as it sets the stage for later life.
So it is necessary to have a clear narrative and articulate the opportunities, challenges and
importance of youth engagement in health.
1.2 Objective
Aim of this study is to find out the health status of Gift university students by consumption of
fast food in Gujranwala with common health features.
H0: Consumption of fast food does not affect the health of university students.
1.3 Variables Description for Analysis the fast growing consumption of fast
1.4 Methodology
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