The Relationship of Eating Habits, Physical Activities, Food Choises With Obesity Among Students in Public Senior High School Medan
The Relationship of Eating Habits, Physical Activities, Food Choises With Obesity Among Students in Public Senior High School Medan
The Relationship of Eating Habits, Physical Activities, Food Choises With Obesity Among Students in Public Senior High School Medan
Abstract—The prevalence of obese adolescents aged 16-18 in and the prevalence of obesity for the population aged >15 years
Indonesia is 1.6%, in North Sumatra Province is 1.4%, and in in Medan is 3.18% [4].
Medan is 3.18%. In school children, the incidence of obesity Adolescents have special nutritional needs, because at that
becomes a serious problem because it will continue until they moment the rapid growth and the changes of physiological
grow up. The purpose of this research was to analyze the
maturity were occured. Changes in adolescence will influence
relationship of eating habits, physical activities and food choices
with obesity among high school students. This research was an the needs, absorption, as well as the use of nutrients. Hormonal
analytic research with case control design. Population were changes following puberty also causes many physiological
students of Public Senior High School 3 (SMA Negeri 3) Medan. changes that affect nutritional needs of teenagers. The period of
Sample size based on observational research formula with case the great nutritional needs is on the teen between the ages of
control design were 70 obese students and 70 students who are not 12-15 years in males, and 10-13 years in women [5].
obese. The independent variables were eating habits, physical Many nutritional problems are faced by adolescents like
activity, food choices, while dependent variable was obesity. Data obesity, anemia and anorexia nervosa. Studies on nutritional
was collected by using the questionnaire and statistically analyzed status in adolescence needs to be done because during this
using chi-square test. All independent variables were significantly
period the risk of nutritional disorders is highly occured. One
associated (p < 0.05) and risk factors for obesity in adolescent,
eating habits (OR = 2.72; CI: 1.37 to 5.41); physical activities (OR of the most frequent nutritional problems experienced by
= 2.40; CI: 1.02 to 5.59); food choices (OR = 2.90; CI: 1.45 to 5.81. adolescents is obesity. Obesity in adolescents should be highly
It meant that there was a significant relationship of eating habits, considered as a serious problems because it can affect their life
physical activities, food choices with obesity. when they are adult. Obesity is a risk factor for several non
communicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular.
Keywords— eating habits; physical activities; food choices; Obesity can also influence the quality of life. A research
obesity; students conducted among junior high school students in Jakarta
showed that the quality of obese adolescents’ life was lower
than normal adolescents, with p = 0.01. The quality of obese
I. INTRODUCTION adolescents’ life was lower in both physical and psychosocial
The prevalence of obesity globally increase every year, functions (emotion, social, and school function) [6].
even obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. According to World A way to determine the nutritional status in teenagers is by
Health Organization (WHO) more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 measuring the body mass index (BMI) of the teenagers. BMI
years and older were overweight and over 650 million of tthem can help identify teens who have experienced overweight. BMI
were obese in 2016. The prevalence of population age >18 can be calculated using the following formula:
years are 39 % overweight, which is 11% of men, and 15% are
women. Over 340 million children and adolescente aged 15-19 Weight (kg)
were overweight or obese in 2016. This number was risen BMI =
Height (m) x Height (m)
from 4 % in 1975 to over 18 % in 2016 [1]. World Obesity
Federation (WOF, 2015) reported that in Southeast Asia there The assessment of nutritional status of adolescent are
were 2.6% of men and 1.5% women in the age group 14-17 determined based on BMI by age in accordance with standards
years who were obese [2]. of the WHO [7]. The categories can be seen in the Table 1
Basic Research 2013 showed that the prevalence of obesity below :
in adolescent aged 16-18 years is 1.6% [3]. The prevalence of
obesity in adolescents in North Sumatera Province was 1.4%
Obesity Status
Characteristic Obesity Non Obesity
N % N %
Father’s occupation
Government officers 14 20 14 28
Indonesian Army 8 11.4 5 7.1
Private Employee 18 25.7 15 21.4
Self Employee 17 24.3 21 30
Others 11 15.7 13 18.6
Does not work 2 2.9 2 2.9
Mother’s occupation
Government officers 10 14.3 11 15.7
Indonesian Army 0 0 0 0
Private Employee 6 8.6 5 7.1
Self Employee 14 20 9 12.9
Others 26 37.1 8 11.4
Does not work 14 20 37 52.9
Father’s education
Uneducated 0 0 0 0
Completed Elementary 0 0 0 0
Completed Junior High School 1 1.4 2 2.9
Completed Senior High School 22 31.4 27 38.6
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 9
Case Control OR
Risk Factors p value
N % N % (95 % CI)
1. Eating Habits
a. Bad 47 67.1 30 42.9 0.006 2.72
b. Good 23 32.9 40 57.1 (1.37 – 5.41)
Total 70 100 70 100
2. Physical Activity
a. Light 60 85.7 50 71.4 0.038 2.40
b. Moderate 10 14.3 20 28.6 (1.02 – 5.59)
Total 70 100 70 100
3. Food Choice
a. Bad 40 57.1 22 31.4 0.004 2.90
b. Good 30 42.9 48 68.6 (1.45 – 5.81)
Total 70 100 70 100
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 9
certain food groups (i.e. vegetables, fruits, legumes and dairy sectional study in the north-west of Iran,” Public Health Nutrition:
vol.9(8), pp .996–1000,.2006.
products) may decrease the risk of obesity [16].
There is relationship of eating habits, physical activities,
food choices with obesity in SMA Negeri 3 Medan. Preventing
the obesity among the students by doing the intervention
programs refer to eating habits, physical activities, and food
choises is very important. Health promotion among the
students can be done by giving more informations about
nutrition to the students. School and parents should get
involved in this program.
I want to thank the Principal of SMA Negeri 3 Medan for
allowing this research to be conducted. I want also to thank all
teachers and students for their cooperations and supports
during this research.
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