The Treatment of Obesity With Personalized Nutrition According To Their Hormonal Body Type and Metabolic Type

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International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Research Article Open Access

The treatment of obesity with personalized

nutrition according to their hormonal body type and
metabolic type
Abstract Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2019

Obesity prevalence is increasing. 2/3 of Hungarian society is currently overweight or

Dorottya Zsálig, Gabriella Hegyi
obese, and nutrition plays a significant role in it. There are countless diets to deal with Pecs University Health Science Faculty , Hungary
this, so the choice is a common problem.
Aim: To examine the metabolic type and the hormonal body type and to assess the Correspondence: Hegyi Gabriella, Pecs University Health
Science Faculty, Pecs,Vorosmarty u.4, Hungary, Email
occurrence of the types.
Method: The assignment is based on the Metabolic Typing Diet questionnaire,
and a condition for belonging to a hormonal body type is that we have at least six Received: February 24, 2019 | Published: March 21, 2019
qualities that are specific to that type. We compared both the hormonal body types
and metabolic types nutrition with their own recommendations considering BMI. 64
people was asked, who was at least 18years old.
Results: The most common metabolic type is the mixed type by 70%, followed by
the protein type by 18% and the carbohydrate type by 12%. For hormonal body types,
the adrenal type is 44%, the gonad type is 25%, the thyroid type is 22%, and the
pituitary gland type is 9%. When we consider both of our types and BMI, we can say
that there was no significant difference between the recommended carbohyrate intake
among the overweight/obese thyroid type and their metabolic types (n=10). This was
similar to normal body mass index (n=4) (p>0.05). The overweight / obese oestro type
(n=10) and their metabolic types had a significant difference between the intake and
the recommended fat ratio; (p=0.0001) This was similar to normal body mass index
(n=6) (p=0,0001). The overweight / obese supra type (n=22) and their metabolic types
had a significant difference between the ratio of protein intake and recommendaton
(P<0.05), it was significantly higher (P<0.0001). In normal body mass index (n=6)
there was no significant difference.
Conclusion: Nutrition is determined by our types of preferences and differing from
the recommendations is in many cases, but there are cases where there is no difference,
the definition of the comparative base is complex, as we try to personalize the diet.
There is a correlation between the intake of macronutrients (which would like to
be decreased) of the metabolic types and BMI, so in most cases the hypotheses are
mainly correct.The frequent occurrence of adrenal type and gonad type reflects the
hungarian nutrition patterns, so most of us should pay more attention to decrease fat
and animal products. The basic pillar of personalized medicine is that we do not think
in schemas, so the needs of the individual within the type require more attention. The
characteristics both of the types requires further research.

Keywords: overweight, obesity, hormonal body type, metabolic type

Intorduction the carbohydrate content and glycemic index were considered. There
are great differences in the same foods in different people postprandal
2/3 of Hungarian society is currently overweight or obese. 40% glucose levels that justify to comsumize the diet.5 The influence of the
of men are overweight and 32% are obese, 32% of overweight and climate on human morphology is significant: the cooler the climate is,
obesity in women in both cases, and the value increases with age.1 the larger the body mass, and the warmer the climate is, the leaner and
Among the OECD countries, Hungary is the fourth most obese the taller the body.6 Nutrition is related to our morphology, because
country and on the top of the podium in Europe.2 Most of the mortality our body type is hereditary and most likely the climate has specific
are due to inadequate nutrition, more than smoking-related deaths.3 dietary patterns.7 Based on these, eating according to our hormonal
As we see the nutritional status of Hungary, it can be said that there body type8 and metabolic type9 can be an interesting approach to
is an excessive amount of animal product and fat intake, while fruit, diets.
vegetable and cereal consumption is low. The dietary fiber intake is
decreasing and sugar consumption is increasing.4 There are countless Method
approaches to treat the obesity. There are many contradictory diets
that prove workable for some, but not others, so it could be possible N=64, aged at least 18. Sampling is random and not representative.
that everyone is right in some cases. Based on this we can see that The 95% average confidence interval test compares the nutrition of
the treatment should be personalized. David Zeevi researc focusing hormonal body types to WHO recommendations, and the metabolic
on postprandial glycemic response to personalize the diet To do this, types nutrition with their recommendations according to The

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©2019 Zsálig et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic Copyright:
©2019 Zsálig et al. 71

Metabolic Typing Diet. Considering the nutrition of both type to type 33%, (n=12). They follow the thyroid type by 27%, (n=10), and
compare the normal bodyweight and overweight / obese nutrition to finally the pituitary gland by 5% (n=2). The proportion of women in
know how it differs from Metabolic Typing Diet recommendations. the metabolism types is 11% protein type (n=3), 16% carbohydrate
The hormonal body type is the baseline, and then we compare the type (n=8) and 73% mixed type (n=27). Most of the overweight and
‘limiting’ macro-nutrient intake assigned to the hormonal body type obese are out of the adrenal type of hormonal body types, but are
with the recommendation of Metabolic Typing Diet according to our also the most common among normal body mass indexes – besides
metabolic type. Linear regression is used to determine the correlation the gonads type - but this is also due to the fact that otherwise it is
between the metabolic types and BMI according to the types the most common hormonal body type. Obesity did not include any
increasable makronutrients. The data was collected in a questionnaire type of thyroid gland, but this group appeared in a large number of
form, the nutrition status was measured in a one week dietary form, overweight people. The prevalence of gonads is the most common in
and processed with the help of the MyFitnessPal application. Nutrition the overweight category.
status was determined by BMI.
Number of the hormonal body types in BMI categories (n=64)
Results Obese Overweight Normal
In terms of hormonal body types, the highest proportion of the Para 0 10 4
adrenal (supra) type is present (44%) among the respondents (n=28).
Oestro 2 8 6
This type is followed by the gonads (oestro) type by 25% (n=16),
followed by the thyroid (para) type by 22% (n=14), and the pituitary Supra 8 14 6
(neuro) type by 9% ( n=6) (Figure 1). The most common of the Neuro 1 2 3
metabolic types - or nutritional types - is the mixed type 75% (n=48)
followed by the carbohydrate type (16%) (n=10), and finally the Of the metabolic types, the mixed type represents the highest
protein type (9%) (n=6) ) (Figure 2). In men, the adrenal type was incidence for all BMI categories, which can also be justified by the
also the most prevalent in hormonal body types with 68% (n=17). fact that it is the most common. Carbohydrate types are not obese,
This is followed by the thyroid type by 20%, (n=5), and the pituitary only overweight or normal. Protein types are equally present in all
gland by 12% and (n=3). None of the respondents included gonads categories.
(sex glands).
Number of the Metabolic types in BMI categories (n=64)

Obese Overweight Normal

Fehérje típus 2 2 2
Szénhidrát típus 0 6 4
Egyensúlyi típus 9 27 12

Body types and their macro-nutrient intake

There is no significant difference in the rate of intake of one
macronutrient at the thyroid type, as this type consumes 50E% of
carbohydrates, 29E% of fat and 21E% of protein, so it can be said
almost the same as the recommendation, but the value of the intake
is critical. Protein intake of gonad type was developed according to
the recommendation, consuming 21% of it. There was no significant
Figure 1 Abra Hormonal body type rates among 64 participants. difference in carbohydrate intake, which was taken in 46E%. Fat
intake was designed according to the pattern of the type, the members
of the group consumed significantly more fat (35E%) than the
recommendation would require. Regardless of the type characteristics
of the adrenal type, protein consumption was not significantly higher
(on average 22E%), but fat consumption was significantly higher -
35E% on average - and carbohydrate consumption was significantly
lower with an average 41E% intake.
In the pituitary gland, only the fat consumption was significantly
higher, while there was no significant difference between the intake of
other macronutrients and the recommendation.

Hormonal body types and macronutrient intake

Figure 2 Abra Metabolic type rates among 64 participants.
Protein consumption does not differ significantly from none of the
The ratio in men of the mixed type is the highest with 78% (n=21), hormonal types (Figure 3).
and the protein type follows with 15% (n=3) and finally the type
of carbohydrate (n=2). 7%. In women, the most common type of Carbohydrate intake was significantly lower in the adrenal type
hormonal body type is 35%, (n=13) gonad type, followed by adrenal only, with no significant difference in the other types (Figure 4).

Citation: Zsálig D, Hegyi G. The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic type. Int J Complement
Alt Med. 2019;12(2):70‒73. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2019.12.00451
The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic Copyright:
©2019 Zsálig et al. 72

Normal weight oestro type (n=6), of which equilibrium type (n=2),

carbohydrate type (n=2), protein type (n=1). There was a significant
difference between the intake and the recommended fat ratio (P<0.05)
among this group it was in a significantly higher ratio (p=0.0001).
Overweight or obese adrenal type (n=22), of which mixed type
(n=29), carbohydrate type (n=0), protein type (n=3).There was a
significant difference between the intake and recommended protein
ratios (P<0.05) among this group it was in a significantly higher
proportion (P<0.0001).
Normal weight supra type (n=6), equilibrium type (n=4),
carbohydrate type (n=1), protein type (n=1).There was no significant
difference between the intake and the recommended protein ratios
(P>0.05; P=0.1).
Figure 3 Percentage of protein intake of the hormonal body types.
Metabolic types macronutrient intake
There was no significant difference between the average
carbohydrate consumption rate of the protein type and the average
protein consumption of the carbohydrate type, while the other two
macronutrients showed a difference in both protein and carbohydrate
type. In all cases, the mixed type had a significant difference between
the intake and recommended ratios of all macronutrients (Figures

Figure 4 Percentage of carbohydrate intake of the hormonal body types.

There was no difference in the thyroid type in fat intake, but it was
significantly higher in all other types (Figure 5).

Figure 6 Percentage of protein intake of the metabolic types.

Figure 5 Percentage of fat intake of the hormonal body types.

Both types and BMI

Overweight or obese para type (n=10), of which mixed type (n=8),
carbohydrate type (n=2). There was no significant difference between
the intake and the recommended carbohydrate ratio in this group
(P>0.05; P=0.6)
Normal weight para type (n=4), of which mixed type (n=3), Figure 7 Percentage of carbohydrate intake of the metabolic types.
carbohydrate type (n=1). There was no significant difference between
the intake and the recommended carbohydrate ratio in this group
BMI and metabolic types
(P>0.05; P=0.6). Overweight or obese oestro type (n=10) of which There is a positive strong correlation between carbohydrate intake
mixed type (n=9), carbohydrate type (n=1). There was a significant of protein type and BMI (r=0.84), while the carbohydrate intake
difference between the intake and the recommended fat ratio (P<0.05) determines the BMI of protein types by 72%. (p<0.05) (P=0.06),
among this group it was in a significantly higher ratio (p=0.0005). so the correlation is significant.The protein type fat intake and BMI

Citation: Zsálig D, Hegyi G. The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic type. Int J Complement
Alt Med. 2019;12(2):70‒73. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2019.12.00451
The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic Copyright:
©2019 Zsálig et al. 73

have a positive correlation (r=0.56). There is a positive correlation that we do not think in schemas, so the needs of the individual within
between carbohydrate fat intake and BMI (r=0.39), so the increase in the type require more attention. The characteristics both of the types
fat consumption in this type also increases BMI. There is a positive requires further research. Knowing our types can help us to become
correlation between the protein intake of the type and BMI (r=0.56), more familiar with the function of our bodies, observe its reactions
so the increase in protein consumption in this type also increases and signals, so we can do for our health this way.
BMI. There is a positive correlation between carbohydrate intake Table 2 Comparison of normal and overweight / obese members of hormonal
of the mixed type and BMI (r=0.09). There is a positive correlation body types and its metabolic types in the light of the macro-nutrient intake
between protein intake of the mixed type and BMI (r=0.2), so the that is wolud like to be reduced, based on the recommendations of The
increase in protein consumption in this type can increase BMI. There Metabolic Typing Diet
is a weak positive correlation between fat intake and BMI (r=0.2), so Differences from the recommendation of macro nutrient intake
the increase in fat consumption in this type can increase BMI. considering both types
Protein Carbohydrate Fat
no difference
Para and its types
Normal BMI Para
no difference
and its types
higher intake
Normal BMI
higher intake
no difference
Normal BMI Supra higher intake
Table 3 Correlation between the intake of macro nutrients and BMI of the
metabolic types
Figure 8 Percentage of fat intake of the metabolic types. The correlation between some macronutrient intake and BMI in
the metabolic types
The correlations were only significant for the carbohydrate intake
Direction r Significance
of the protein type (Appendix).
Protein type carbohydrate intake positive 0,85 no
Summary of the results of the hypotheses Carbohydrate type fat intake positive 0,39 no
(Tables 1-3) Mixed type carbohydrate intake positive 0,2 no
Table 1 The WHO guidelines are the basis for comparing hormonal body Mixed type fat intake positive 0,09 yes
types, and the Metabolic Typing Diets are the the basis for metabolic types
Differences from the recommendation of macro nutrient intake Acknowledgment
Protein Carbohydrate Fat None.
Para no difference no difference no difference
Conflicts of interest
Oestro no difference lower intake higher intake
Author declares there is no conflicts of interest.
Supra no difference lower intake higher intake
Neuro no difference no difference higher intake References
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Citation: Zsálig D, Hegyi G. The treatment of obesity with personalized nutrition according to their hormonal body type and metabolic type. Int J Complement
Alt Med. 2019;12(2):70‒73. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2019.12.00451

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