Food and Farming Cycles: Objectives
Food and Farming Cycles: Objectives
Food and Farming Cycles: Objectives
•Agraria Educator’s Workshop June 2019•
Lesson Title p.2
4.2 Show the second slide that indicates microbial count
increases as you move down the digestive tract. Ask: Ask: How do farmers grow nutritious food for us to eat?
what do the circles represent? If answers don’t come up, remind them of microbes.
4.3 Looking at the third slide, we can see the circles Show The Compost Story video (7 minutes). Compost is
represent how many microbes are in each portion of our an essential microbial source, regenerating the land
digestive tract. below us.
Highlight the following: Our stomachs and other parts Set up for Agricultural Practice Cards Activity. Look
of our bodies are, in fact, small habitats for billions of at samples of compost and soil. Have the group list out
microbes. In fact, when taken all together these microbes observations for both in small groups. What do you see?
weigh about 3 pounds, which is about the same weight Sometimes you can look at soils and farms to learn about
as our brains! whether the practices used to grow food are soil-building
or soil-depleting.
Ask: How might these microbes be different from the
microbes in the soil? How might they be similar? Show slides 4.4-4.6, Are We Building or Depleting
Soils? Explain that farmers use different types of
These microbes are different, but similarly they promote practices. Some practices build up soil, encourage
human health in the same way that soil microbes microbial activity and grow nutrient dense food. Others
promote soil health. Ask: Have you ever been told to eat tend to deplete the soil causing erosion, desertification,
yogurt after taking antibiotics? That’s because certain run off, or other depleting outcomes.
foods contain probiotics, which are good bacteria for
your gut and can help replace the killed bacteria used You be the Investigator Activity. Handout cards (4
from antibiotics. sheets with 14 different practices demonstrated). Use
your understanding of soil, farming and carbon to
Set up purpose for Mindful Tasting Activity: Feeding determine if the practice builds or degrades soil.
ourselves and our microbes fresh nutritious food is a Students can work in groups of 3-4 to categorize these
good way to stay healthy. Reminder: some microbes two.
make us healthy and some make us sick. They may be
living in the soil, which is why it is important to always Be sure to emphasize that farmers are not trying to harm
wash your vegetables and fruit before eating! Encourage the earth, but that recent science has indicated the
students to wash hands before eating, but do not use importance of soil health and soil-building practices.
hand sanitizers (this can kill good bacteria!). Farmers at Agraria are organic farmers, which means
they use soil-building practices and are verified by a
Mindful Tasting Activity: Share where the produce is third-party agency that comes out once a year to inspect
from and anything known about how it was grown and the farm. Some farms may not want to do this right away
by whom. Use your senses to explore the fruit you are because of the cost, however, as people become more
eating and compare the differences between the local aware of where their food comes from and policies
and non-local fruits. Use descriptive language – smell? change, it will become more cost effective and
Taste? Sound? Feel? After everyone has tasted the fruit mainstream for farmers to transition to organic.
ask which they preferred and why. Ask: Can you taste
the nutrients? While you may not be able to, flavor may It is important to know that composting isn’t just for
be an indication of freshness and fresh food is often farmers, though. Anyone can do it!
more nutritious.
•Agraria Educators’ Workshop June 2019•
Lesson Title p.3
Compost plant activity – Take home your own compost
with a plant in it and try growing your own food. Use the The Compost Story video on YouTube:
compost media provided, pots, and plant starts to pot
your own vegetable plant. Y
Alternative Options:
Activity: See Make A Compost Cake Activity – this can
also be demonstrated in a classroom with a bucket if you
do not have access to a farm/garden.
Extension/Agraria Connection
Bring the students to Agraria to observe different
agricultural practices during the growing season. You
may also consider having one of the Agraria farmers
lead a farm tour and students can bring along a checklist
and look for different types of soil-building practices to
observe on the farm tour.
Students do a field assessment of a farm in small groups
to gather data and photos on agricultural practices and do
a presentation back to the group their findings using
visual images collected and other information gathered.
Kiss the Ground’s Soil Story Curriculum:
•Agraria Educators’ Workshop June 2019•