ABET NMSU ECE Self Study Document Rev0

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For the Degree



Prepared by:
Stephen Horan - Department Head
Steven Stochaj – ABET Coordinator
Sheila Horan - Freshmen Advisor and Undergraduate Studies Chair

The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Mexico State University
Dept. 3-O, Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003
June 28, 2006
Table of Contents
Self-Study Report for Electrical Engineering......................................................................1

A. Background Information ................................................................................................1

Degree Titles............................................................................................................2
Program Modes........................................................................................................2
Actions to Correct Previous Shortcomings..............................................................2
Contact Information .................................................................................................3
B. Accreditation Summary............................................................................................4
1.1 Student Evaluation, Advising and Monitoring ....................................................... 4
1.2 Processes and Procedures for Transfer Students and Transfer Credits .................. 9
Program Educational Objectives ...........................................................................11
2.1 Program Objectives for the Baccalaureate in Electrical Engineering .................. 11
2.2 Mission Statement of the Klipsch School............................................................. 14
2.3 Mission Statement of the College and University ................................................ 14
2.4 Connection between the Program Educational Objectives and the Accreditation
Criteria .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.5 Constituency Groups for the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Process for Formulation and Evaluation of Klipsch School Objectives............... 17
2.7 Program Curriculum and the Program Educational Objectives............................ 20
2.8 Assessment of Program Educational Objectives .................................................. 20
2.9 Continuous Improvement Actions ........................................................................ 24
Program Outcomes and Assessment......................................................................24
3.1 Program Outcomes................................................................................................ 24
3.2 Relation of Program Outcome to Educational Objectives.................................... 26
3.3 Outcomes Assessment Scheme............................................................................. 26
3.4 Outcome Assessment Process and Target Goals .................................................. 29
3.5 Outcome Assessment Data ................................................................................... 38
3.6 Outcome Assessment Actions............................................................................... 44
3.7 Outcome Assessment Materials............................................................................ 45
Professional Component ........................................................................................46
4.1 Curriculum Overview ........................................................................................... 46
4.2 BSEE Curriculum Elements ................................................................................. 47
Faculty ...................................................................................................................51
5.1 Overview............................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Competency of Faculty to Cover Klipsch School Curriculum ............................. 51
5.3 Faculty Involvement with Students, Service, Professional Development, and
Industry ............................................................................................................................. 52
5.4 Adequacy of the Size of the Klipsch School Faculty ........................................... 52
6.1 Buildings ............................................................................................................... 53
6.2 Classrooms............................................................................................................ 53
6.3 Laboratories .......................................................................................................... 53
6.4 Equipment ............................................................................................................. 54
6.5 Computers ............................................................................................................. 54
Institutional Support and Financial Resources ......................................................56
7.1 Adequacy of Institutional Support........................................................................ 56
7.2 Budget Process...................................................................................................... 56
7.3 Faculty Professional Development ....................................................................... 57
7.4 Operational Budget ............................................................................................... 58
7.5 Adequacy of Support Personnel ........................................................................... 58
Program Criteria ....................................................................................................58
General Advanced-Level Program ........................................................................59
Appendix B.1 – Sample Freshman Schedules Based on Math Placement......60
Appendix B.2 -- Sample Degree Plan .................................................................65
Appendix B.3 – Course Selection Flowcharts....................................................68
Appendix B.4 – Functions and Timeline for the Undergraduate Studies Committee
Appendix B.5 – BSEE Requirements Document ..............................................74
Appendix B.6 – Record Check Form .................................................................83
Appendix B.7 – Mapping Between the Klipsch School Curriculum to the Program
Outcomes ..............................................................................................................87
Appendix I – Additional Program Information............................................................98
A. Tabular Data for Program..................................................................................98
Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum....................................................................99
Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary ................................................101
Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary..........................................................104
Table I-4. Faculty Analysis ..............................................................................107
Table I-5. Support Expenditures .....................................................................111
Course Syllabi..............................................................................................................112
Faculty Resumes ..........................................................................................................238

Self-Study Report for Electrical Engineering

A. Background Information
New Mexico State University is a land-grant institution with the mission of excellence in
teaching, research and service. The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
follow’s the mission of the University and provides comprehensive educational programs for
students pursuing BSEE, MSEE and Ph.D. degrees. The Klipsch School is a department with
302 undergraduate students and 162 graduate students (Spring 2006). The school is organized
into 8 specialty areas. These are:

• Circuits and System

• Communications, Signal Processing, and Telemetering
• Computer Engineering
• Electromagnetics and Microwave Engineering
• Electronics and VLSI
• Energy Systems and Electric Utility Management Program
• Photonics
• Space Systems Engineering

The Klipsch School has 22 tenure and tenure-track faculty positions. Presently, there are 6 Full
Professors, 6 Associate Professors and 7 Assistant Professors, 1 College Associate Professor and
2 Adjunct Instructors, leaving 3 tenure-track slots open. Dr. Stephen Horan is the Department
Chair and is a tenured, full professor. The Associate Department Head in charge of graduate
programs is Dr. Paul Furth who is a tenured, associate professor. The position of Assistant
Department head in charge of undergraduate programs is presently filled on an interim basis by
Dr. Sheila Horan who is also the Freshman Advisor. Dr. Sheila Horan is a College Associate
Professor. Dr. Stephen Horan has been the Department Head since August 2005. The previous
Department Head was Dr. Steven Castillo, who is now the Dean of Engineering and a tenured,
full professor in the Klipsch School. Table 1 summarizes the changes in the composition of the
faculty since the last ABET visit.

Departmental policy and procedures are originated by several departmental committees working
with the Department Head. Permanent departmental committees include the Graduate Studies
Committee (admissions, graduate curriculum, graduate policies and procedures), the
Undergraduate Studies Committee (undergraduate curriculum, undergraduate scholarships,
undergraduate program assessment, undergraduate policies and procedures), and the Klipsch
School Promotion and Tenure Committee (promotion and tenure of Klipsch School faculty).
Other committees are formed as needed, e.g., new faculty searches, new facilities, etc.

Page 1
Table 1 -- Personnel changes since last ABET visit.
Faculty Departures New Faculty
Mike Giles – Retiring Muhammad Dawood
Howard Smolleck – Retiring Joydeep Mitra
Jay Jordan – Retired Raphael Lyman
Stephen Horan – Promoted to Department Head Jeanine Cook
Krist Petersen – Promoted to Associate Dean Hang Huang
Steven Castillo – Promoted to Dean of David Voelz
Engineering College
Marco Terada – voluntary separation

Degree Titles
The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering awards the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Electrical Engineering.

Program Modes
The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering operates as a day program. A few
classes, which may be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit, are offered in the early
evening (5 p.m. to 7 p.m.).

Actions to Correct Previous Shortcomings

This section provides an overview of the Concerns and Observations from the last ABET
evaluation and the actions taken by the Klipsch School.

Program Concern - Criterion 1. Students: It appears that students are not required to meet
with faculty on advising issues or to receive permission to register for next-semester courses.
Although centralized advising is good for consistency, it is important for student to interact
directly with faculty. Dr. Sheila Horan is the principal undergraduate advisor. Dr. Stephen
Horan, Dr. Steve Stochaj and Dr. Mike Giles also do formal undergraduate advising. All
students are required to undergo a formal record check during the semester they take EE 311
(nominally in the junior year). During the record check the student's progress is evaluated, a
coursework plan is formulated and career options are discussed. Each student is assigned to a
faculty member in their area of interest for further advising. To facilitate this interaction, the
faculty members initiate the dialogue with the students assigned to them. For registration, each
student has electronic guidance through the DARS system and a faculty member point-of-
contact. Students are also required to undergo a subsequent record check prior to enrolling for
their capstone class to ensure that the undergraduate core classes are on track and that the student
has taken any elective courses that may be required for their desired capstone. This is another

Page 2
formal chance to make any program corrections prior to the graduation record check process.
This concern has been addressed.

Program Concern - Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment: The senior capstone
design experience is achieved via two different curricular paths. There is a concern that one of
these paths, in which the experience is tied to a specialized elective course, may not always
provide the breadth or experience normally expected in a multidisciplinary capstone project. All
capstone courses must pass a formal set of published criteria and the class sponsor must submit a
written proposal addressing these criteria for evaluation and approval of the Undergraduate
Studies Committee. One of these criteria requires that each capstone must include at least three
sub-disciplines of engineering. This criterion holds true if the capstone is developed by the
students, the faculty as part of a specialized elective or as one of the listed capstone classes. This
concern was eliminated.

Program Concern - Criterion 7. Institutional Support and Financial Resources: The

installation, maintenance and operation of the electrical engineering laboratories require skilled
support personnel. The department only had one technician. There is a concern that this level
of support staffing is inadequate. Institutional support for the program is a significant concern.
The average state-supported department budget increase for each of the last six years was
1.2\%. This seems quite low. The concern of adequate support staff is closely related to funding.
Since the last ABET visit the University has had three presidents, the College has had three
Deans and the Klipsch School has had three Chairs. It is nearly impossible to successfully pursue
and build increased funding levels for the School with this high rate of administrative changes.
The problem is compounded by the fact that the current President's priorities include Athletics,
the College of Education and the Nursing Program. Engineering has been earmarked for
reduction both in funding and faculty positions. This concern has not been addressed.

Contact Information
The primary contact for the accreditation visit is Dr. Stephen Horan, Department Head of the
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The alternate contact is Dr. Steven
Stochaj, the ABET coordinator for the Klipsch School. Their contact information is given

Primary Contact Stephen Horan

Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New Mexico State University
Box 30001, MSC 3-O
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Phone: (505) 646-3117; FAX: (505) 646-1435
Email: shoran@nmsu.edu
Alternate Contact Steven Stochaj
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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New Mexico State University
Box 30001, MSC 3-O
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Phone: (505) 646-4828; FAX: (505) 646-1435
Email: stochaj@nmsu.edu

B. Accreditation Summary
In this section we discuss how the students in the Klipsch School are evaluated, advised and
monitored. We also discuss the policies and procedures for evaluating transfer students and
transfer credits.

The Klipsch School has a strong system of evaluating, advising and monitoring to help ensure
that the graduating electrical engineers are ready to meet the demands of private industry,
government entities, and graduate schools. While all faculty members contribute to this goal,
several faculty members have key roles in the advising and monitoring of students. The key
faculty members are as follows:

• Dr. Stephen Horan (Department Head) has oversight of all departmental activities. He
plays a key role in the prerequisite / co-requisite enforcement system and plays an active
role in advising students.
• Dr. Sheila Horan is the Acting Assistant Department Head in charge of undergraduate
programs. Her responsibilities in this role include publication of the Klipsch School
curriculum, transfer credit evaluation, advising of new transfer students, and coordinating
the two required record checks for all Klipsch School undergraduate students. Dr. Sheila
Horan also is the permanent freshman advisor. Her responsibilities in this role include the
coordination of the new student orientation sessions for new and transfer students each
summer and advising of new freshmen. The position of Assistant Department Head will
be filled by a faculty member.
• Dr. Steve Stochaj is the ABET coordinator and participates in the record checking
• Dr. Michael Giles participates in the record checking process. Dr. Giles will retire during
the summer of 2006. A faculty member will be appointed to handle his duties with
respect to the student record checks.

1.1 Student Evaluation, Advising and Monitoring
Admission into an engineering program follows the same guidelines as the University. For
regular admissions, candidates must be a graduate of an accredited high school, have met the

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minimum high school curriculum requirements listed below and meet one of the following grade
or test score requirements:
• A cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher
• An ACT composite score of 21 or above (970 SAT or above)
• A cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 and an ACT score of at least 20 (930 SAT or above)

Minimum High School Requirements: The minimum high school graduation requirements that
need to be met for regular admission to NMSU are as follows:
• English -- 4 Units with at least 2 units of composition, one of which must be a junior or
senior level course
• Science -- 2 Units beyond general science
• Mathematics -- 3 Units From Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, trigonometry or advanced
• Foreign Languages or Fine Arts -- 1 Unit

Provisional Admissions: Students who meet the above requirements but are missing one of the
minimum high school requirements are eligible for provisional admission. Students who have
completed all minimum high school requirements and have a combination of a cumulative high
school GPA of a 2.25 and a 20 ACT (930 SAT) are eligible for provisional admission.

Evaluation of Students in Classes

Throughout their period of study, students are evaluated in each course through a combination of
homework, quizzes, periodic tests, final tests, laboratories, oral presentations, and written
reports. The final evaluation of each student is conducted in the capstone design project in the
senior year. Grades represent the primary mechanism by which a student's success is measured.
Each student must earn at least a C in all required lower-division engineering, technology,
mathematics, and science courses. To graduate, the student must also have a GPA of at least 2.0,
both overall and in all core engineering courses. A student whose GPA falls below 2.0 is placed
on academic probation. Any student remaining on academic probation will eventually be
disqualified from attending the university.

Standardized Portion of Final Exams

A graded portion of the final exam in the required electrical engineering core classes (EE111,
EE211, EE311, and EE315 were instituted in AY 2005-2006; EE 301 and EE 302 will begin
during AY 2006-2007) contained multiple choice questions developed by the instructors and in
conjunction with the Undergraduate Studies Committee. These questions are used as
standardized, direct measures of the program outcomes and to evaluate the progress of students
as they work their way though the core classes in electrical engineering.

Page 5
Advising and Monitoring
New Student Orientation: The University conducts early registration during the spring academic
semester and multiple New Student Orientation (NSO) registrations over the summer. The main
purpose of these university-organized registration activities is to get entering students registered
for the Fall Semester.

The students come take the Math Placement Exam, are given their scores, and then they meet
with an advisor. Closed sections are determined beforehand so that students do not sign up for
closed section classes. They are given a brief introduction of the curriculum and then a semester
course schedule is determined, reviewed, and approved. The freshman year schedule is
customized based upon the math placement earned by the student. Incoming freshmen are given
sample first-year schedules for both semesters based upon this math placement. A copy of these
schedules is given in Appendix B.1 to this chapter. These schedules are also available on the
departmental Web site, (http://www.ece.nmsu.edu), for reference after the initial advising
session. When the student and the initial advisor determine an appropriate schedule based upon
the student’s preparation, the student takes this information to the Dean’s office where they will
officially register for their classes.

The university has started Aggie Week to introduce students to the university and the campus
offerings. This is held on campus (in August) and offers tours of the differing campus facilities,
campus living, and campus buildings.

On-going Advising and Monitoring: The Klipsch School provides each student with several
means to learn about the program options and the associated required classes to complete their
degree. This information is available via the appropriate Web page with a running track of
catalogs for the past six years. The information is readily available in the Klipsch School main
office. There is also a wall chart illustrating the program options and class flow that is posted as
a hallway wall chart. A sample four-year program schedule is given in Appendix B.2. The
flowcharts of course selections for the departmental specialty areas are given in Appendix B.3.
All students, and their advisors, can monitor a student’s progress through their degree program
using the web-based Student Academic Requirements (STAR) Degree Audit system. . Advising
is available any time a student wishes, and faculty are available to talk with students about
particular fields, career paths, and courses that they need to take. However, the Klipsch School
Freshman Advisor usually handles student questions during their first year. Once a student enters
their sophomore year, the Assistant Department Head, the Department Head or Dr. Stochaj does
all the general academic counseling. All advisors are full-time, PhD faculty who also teach and
conduct research. Their designation as advisors is permanent, allowing them to become familiar
with the degree programs and the students. After the EE 311 record-check, students are to meet
with their respective departmental specialty area advisors to discuss careers, coursework, co-ops,
etc. The specialty area advisors are determined by the faculty in the respective areas and the list
is updated each year. Students also undergo a record check as part of the capstone selection and
registration process. The primary goal of this check is to ensure that the core and any required

Page 6
elective classes for the capstone are in adequate shape. It is also a chance to make program
corrections prior to the graduation record check process.

Co-requisite Enforcement: During the first week of each semester, pre- and co-requisite
violations for all electrical engineering classes are determined by the Department Head by
running a computer program that compares the student registration database against the
published pre- and co-requisites for the department. A list of the students violating pre- and co-
requisites for each class is given to the class instructors. The instructor for each course will either
direct each student in violation of the class pre- and co-requisites to meet with the Assistant
Department Head or Department Head for further advising concerning an appropriate schedule
change or may sign an agreement with the student stating that the student understands the
possible consequences if he or she stays in the class. All signed agreements are returned by the
course instructors to the Department Head for forwarding to the Dean’s office. Immediately after
the last day to drop a class, the pre- and co-requisites are again checked. Any student who no
longer has the appropriate pre- and co-requisites for a class or does not have a signed agreement
with the course instructor, is administratively dropped from the class.

Registration Procedures: In the second half of each semester, students begin to register for the
upcoming semester and/or summer session. Advising is not mandatory; however, any student
may ask for advising at any time. The degree requirement documentation given to each student
during New Student Orientation, it is available via the Klipsch School's webpage and is
integrated into the STAR system. Most students are usually able to determine the correct set of
classes based on the published elective list for emphasis areas. Occasionally, a student willfully
disregards the rules and regulations of the university, college, or department. In such cases the
student's future ability to register online is blocked, forcing him or her to make an appointment
with a departmental advisor. The problem is discussed, and the student's desired schedule for the
next semester is examined. Only when the advisor is convinced the student is back on track is
self registration possible.

Mid-Curriculum Record Check: While enrolled in EE311 (Signals and Systems), students are
required to visit with an advisor (Sheila Horan, Steve Horan, Steve Stochaj or Mike Giles) for a
record check. EE 311 was chosen because experience has shown that most students in this class
are about halfway along the path to graduation because EE 311 is nominally taken during the
first semester of the junior year. The departmental record check program is run using the
student's official NMSU records mined from the STAR database. This record check is used as a
"mid-course correction." The student's academic history is reviewed and their plans for the next
few semesters are discussed. In particular, the student and advisor develop a plan for how the
student will complete the core electrical engineering, math and science courses. Next the
specialty areas within electrical engineering are reviewed with the student as well as the
selection of electrical engineering electives and capstone that will best suit the student's interests
and employment desires. If the student shows an interest in one of the School's specialty areas,
they are assigned a mentor in that area. A copy of the Career Advising Document is forwarded

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to the specialty area mentor and the mentor contacts the student to discuss class, Co-Ops and job
opportunities in more detail.

These meetings give the student an opportunity to ask questions and the department advisors a
chance to make sure the records are accurate. Any differences between the student’s perception
of their progress and the department's are ironed out at this point.

Final Record Check: Students must repeat the record check process before they are allowed to
enroll in a senior capstone design class. All capstone design classes require the consent of the
instructor before a student may register. The instructors will not give their consent unless
students can show that they qualify for the capstone course by way of a record check. The
qualifications for capstone eligibility include the completion of all core-curriculum ECE courses
plus any specific electives required by the individual capstone instructors. Nominally, this
capstone record check occurs just before the first semester of the senior year and it becomes a
preparation for the final record check before graduation.

During the last semester of the senior year, the department performs a final record check to
ensure that all program requirements are met and that the student is eligible to graduate at the
end of the semester. The graduation clearance is, naturally, dependent upon the student
successfully completing all classes in which they are currently enrolled. The Assistant
Department Head certifies that the student has satisfied all program requirements through his/her
signature on the final record check form. The Department Head provides final approval of each
student's record check which is then forwarded to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
After graduation, a final check is made by the Associate Dean to ensure that all university
requirements for graduation have been met and that all classes have been passed with the
required minimum grades.

Career Advising: All faculty members in the Klipsch School are available for providing
mentoring and career advising on a one-on-one basis as well as in formal classroom settings.
Formal career advising is provided to students through the first week laboratory in EE 221 -
Electronics I, at the NMSU Placement and Career Center, the College of Engineering Career Fair
held each fall and spring, and by the graduate studies seminar held each semester by the Klipsch
School. The NMSU Placement and Career Services Center aids students in the career-planning
and employment process. Students wishing to use the center must first go through an orientation.
Students are required to have both formal recommendations and a resume on file at the center for
prospective employers. Personnel in the center assist students in writing resumes and scheduling
interviews. They provide space for interviews and author a convenient web page. In addition,
they hold job fairs on and off campus and provide other opportunities for students to make
contact with industrial representatives. The Career Services Center serves as a clearinghouse for
recruiters who come to campus and they maintain statistical information concerning job offers,
starting salary information and alumni employment. They also allow alumni to utilize the job
opportunities information for future changes in their career. Each fall, the College of
Page 8
Engineering, in cooperation with the NMSU Placement and Career Services Center, sponsors the
Engineering Career Fair. This is a major event for all engineering students at NMSU. In the fall
of 2006, 160 companies and government agencies attended the Engineering Career Expo and 50
organizations participated in the Public Service Career Showcase. In the spring of 2006, the
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) career fair showcased 70 companies. At
these events, students make informal contacts with recruiters and can then be scheduled for a
formal interview through the NMSU Placement and Career Services Center for possible Co-Op,
summer internship, or permanent employment.

In preparation for these career fairs and their job searches, students are expected to write a
resume in the first laboratory in EE 221. The class instructor, Dr. Paul Furth, provides a tutorial,
and students are then required to write a resume which must be turned in before the fall or spring
career fair. Dr. Furth provides a critique of each student's resume after which the student
modifies the resume. Each student is required to attend the career fair with proof that he or she
actually spoke with three or more recruiters. Proof is provided by a business card from a
recruiter or similar means. The resume is then graded by Dr. Furth.

As an effort to increase job prospects and gain industry experience, students in the Klipsch
School have a history of strong participation in the NMSU cooperative education program.
Students may work full time outside of the university with employers registered with the
Cooperative Education Office in the Placement and Career Services Center for up to eight
months at a time without having to reapply for admission into the university. Students also may
work full time for employers during the summer on a summer internship. Approximately 75% of
Klipsch School students go on at least one cooperative education work phase or summer
internship. As such, they experience the engineering profession first-hand before graduation. The
Graduate Studies seminar held each semester in the Klipsch School provides information for
undergraduate students interested in continuing their education after completing a BSEE. The
Department Head and Associate Department Head give presentations on the advantages of
attending graduate school, the possible effects of an advanced degree on career choices, and
general requirements for graduate schools. Requirements for admission into graduate studies in
the Klipsch School as well as opportunities for financial aid are then presented. Finally, faculty
members representing each of the technical specialty areas in the Klipsch School give short
presentations about the kind of research being conducted in the Klipsch School and encourage
students to consider their areas for further study.

1.2 Processes and Procedures for Transfer Students and Transfer

Students wishing to transfer domestic credits to New Mexico State University for application
toward a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering must arrange for an official transcript to be
sent directly to the registrar’s office, where a preliminary evaluation is entered into the student
records database. This evaluation is based on prior experience with the originating institution,
course catalog description comparisons, or course title similarities. Only traditionally graded

Page 9
courses in which a C or better was earned are accepted for transfer credit. Preliminary transcript
evaluations are submitted to the Klipsch School for review. The Assistant Department Head may
change the evaluation. Credit for non-technical courses, as well as math and chemistry, is
generally accepted at face value. Chemistry credit must include a laboratory. Engineering
courses, including physics, from other ABET-accredited programs are accepted, provided
NMSU offers equivalent courses. Physics credit from non-ABET accredited schools is accepted,
provided the course was calculus based and included a laboratory. The student must have
successfully completed differential calculus prior to their first semester of physics and integral
calculus before their second. Similarly, non-EE engineering courses, when calculus-based, are
accepted. Non calculus-based engineering courses and credits from non-ABET schools are
usually evaluated as Engineering Technology credits, which are not applicable toward a BSEE
degree. Once the Klipsch School has approved an evaluation, it is sent to the Associate Dean of
the College of Engineering for final validation. The Associate Dean has final authority on
transfer credit evaluation. The dean's office changes the status of transfer credit in the student
records database from preliminary to final, at which point the credit appears on the students
NMSU transcript. Only the credit transfers, not the grade. All transfer credit appears on the
NMSU transcript with a grade of CR, indicating the student earned at least a C.

Credits earned at a foreign institution follow a slightly different route. Students send their
records to the Center for International Programs at New Mexico State University, from which
the records are forwarded to the Klipsch School, with no preliminary evaluation. Many foreign
transcripts have already been translated into English, but a few need to be translated here.
Evaluation of foreign transfer credit is conducted using the same guidelines outlined above for
domestic credit. Once the department has conducted its evaluation, the records are sent to the
Associate Dean for final approval. The dean's office then asks the registrar to post the
appropriate credit. The procedure for accepting transfer credit, especially foreign credit, can be
lengthy. Transfer students usually do not have their incoming credit posted to their transcripts
until sometime during their first semester at NMSU. For this reason, strict prerequisite
enforcement is usually waived for one semester for such students, provided they present
evidence that credit for the appropriate class is pending. Three examples of the results of this
process is illustrated in Table 2. In these examples, we have selected three students at random: a
domestic student who has transferred to NMSU, a NMSU student who went on exchange to
another university, and an international student who has transferred to NMSU. The first column
of the table lists the type of student. The second column lists the NMSU-equivalent classes each
student transferred. The third column lists the follow-on classes that depend on the classes
transferred. The fourth column lists the grades earned in those follow-on classes. From this
table, we see that these students were able to be successful in the follow-on classes so we use
this as evidence that the evaluation process was proper in these cases.
Table 2 -- Transfer credit evaluation results.
Type of Student Classes Follow on classes Grades in follow
transferred to transferred on classes
U.S. College or Math 191 Math 291 - Credit

Page 10
University Transfer Math 192 transferred B
Student EE 211 B
Math 291 Math 392 C
EE 301
Student Exchange EE 261 EE 361 A
Student Math 291 EE 315 A
EE 211 EE221 A
EE332 A
EE 311 A+
Math 392 EE 311 A+
EE 301 EE 315 A
International Transfer Math 191 Math 192 - Credit
Student transferred
Math 192 A+
Math 291 A-
Math 392
Stat 371 Not taken
EE 497
Phys 215 Taking Fall 2006
Phys 216

Program Educational Objectives

In this section we discuss how the educational objectives of the Klipsch School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering are formulated, evaluated, updated and their role in the process that
guides the continuous improvement.

The objectives of the Klipsch School undergraduate educational programs play a crucial role in
assuring that students, who have graduated from New Mexico State University with a degree in
electrical engineering, are equipped for long and successful careers as electrical engineers. The
objectives of the Klipsch School have been determined and are periodically modified based on
input from its various constituency groups, the mission statements of NMSU, the College of
Engineering and the Klipsch School, and the stated outcomes from IEEE and ABET. These
actors are schematically illustrated in Figure 1.

2.1 Program Objectives for the Baccalaureate in Electrical


Page 11
The Klipsch School is dedicated to providing quality educational opportunities at the
baccalaureate and graduate levels in electrical and computer engineering that prepare students
for successful careers in industry, government and academia. Students graduating with a
bachelor's degree will have the necessary technical, communication, and critical thinking skills
as a basis for a successful, fulfilling and life-long career in electrical and computer engineering.
The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering have a list of five program
objectives for our baccalaureate degree students. These objectives are attributes we feel that our
students should have two to five years after earning their degrees. The Klipsch School program
objectives are
• Able to apply the broad set of techniques, tools, and skills from engineering, science,
and mathematics required to solve modern problems in electrical engineering (Skills);
• Ability to design effectively, including formulating problems, thinking critically, and
designing and conducting experiments (Design Process).
• Able to communicate effectively and operate in diverse teams (Communication and
• Aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as a practicing engineer in the
context of a global society (Ethics); and
• Participating in relevant, productive employment and/or the pursuit of an advanced
degree, recognizing the need for lifelong learning (Professional Development).

Page 12
Mission of New Mexico
State University

Mission & Vision of the

College of Engineering

Mission & Goals of the

Klipsch School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering

BSEE Educational

Program Outcomes


Figure 1 – Actors influencing the Klipsch School program definition and curriculum.

These educational objectives support the mission statement of the Klipsch School. The School's
mission statement serves as the link that joins the principles of the educational objectives with
the College's and University's mission statements.

Page 13
2.2 Mission Statement of the Klipsch School
The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering are dedicated to serving the needs
of the people of New Mexico through the land grant mission of New Mexico State University. In

Education is recognized as the primary vehicle of success for persons of all backgrounds. The
Klipsch School is dedicated to providing quality educational opportunities at the baccalaureate
and graduate levels in electrical and computer engineering that will prepare students for
successful careers in private industry, government and academia. Students graduating with a
bachelor's degree will have the necessary technical, communication, and critical thinking skills
along with a dedication to lifelong learning necessary for a successful, fulfilling and life-long
career in electrical and computer engineering. Students graduating with an advanced degree will
obtain the advanced technical skills necessary for a successful career in research and
development that is critical to maintaining the nation's technological lead.

Research is a necessary component for a strong graduate educational program as well as

contributing to the nation's world technological leadership. The Klipsch School will provide an
environment which fosters world class research involving faculty and students as a component of
a comprehensive educational experience. Faculty and students will strive to stay abreast of and
provide leadership in the technical areas of expertise within the Klipsch School through their
research endeavors and dissemination of results and new knowledge by publication of results
and attendance at regional, national, and international conferences. Research programs within the
Klipsch School will enhance graduate classes, continually rejuvenate undergraduate teaching,
provide enrichment of faculty and provide well-trained personnel for the nation's national
laboratories, universities, and industrial laboratories.

Outreach and Public Service is a major component of the land grant mission of New Mexico
State University. Public service can play a major role in economic development of the local
community, enrichment of K-12 education, and exposure of faculty to the demands, problems,
and needs of the community. In addition, professional societies rely on public service from
professionals in academia for many of their functions. Faculty members are encouraged to seek
opportunities to provide service to the local community, state, and national government entities,
and professional societies for the betterment of society and their own enrichment.

2.3 Mission Statement of the College and University

The Klipsch School's mission statement supports the mission statements of the College of
Engineering and the University. The College mission and vision statements are

The mission of the College of Engineering is to uphold the land grant mission of NMSU
and achieve national recognition while serving the educational needs of New Mexico's
Page 14
diverse population through unique programs of education, research, and public service
while graduating world-class engineers for industry, government and education.

The vision of the College of Engineering is to be ranked among the top 25 peer
Engineering Programs as evidenced by nationally accepted measures of excellence in
teaching, research and service by the year 2020. With the goals of:
• To be nationally and internationally recognized for academic and research
programs in Engineering and Engineering Technology
• To be the, “University of Choice” for engineering and engineering technology
education in the region.
• To serve as an engine for economic, social, educational and professional
development in New Mexico.
• To provide world-class engineers and engineering technologists for industrial,
government and academic constituents of the College of Engineering

NMSU's mission statement reflects its land-grant heritage and supports the mission of the
College. The University’s mission statement is

New Mexico State University is the states land-grant university, serving the educational
needs of New Mexico's diverse population through comprehensive programs of
education, research, extension education, and public service.

2.4 Connection between the Program Educational Objectives and

the Accreditation Criteria
The accreditation criteria are directly connected to the Program Outcomes of the Klipsch School.
These outcomes are parsed into three groups that reflect the input from Klipsch School's
Industrial Advisory Group and the requirements of IEEE and ABET. The Program Outcomes
for the Klipsch School are:


I.a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems in EE
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems
I.c. Explore specialties pertinent to their career choices
I.d. Experience profession first-hand through co-op and internships
I.e. Obtain meaningful employment or continue with graduate education

Group II: IEEE

II.a. Breadth and Depth across the range of EE topics
II.b. Knowledge of Probability and Statistics and EE applications
II.c. Knowledge of Math through differential and integral calculus
II.d. Knowledge of basic science
Page 15
II.e. Knowledge of advance Math, Differential Equations and vector calculus
II.f. Knowledge of engineering science
II.g. Ability to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices and systems that
contain hardware and software components.


III.a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering
III.b. Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
III.c. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
III.d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
III.e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
III.f. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities
III.g. Ability to communicate effectively
III.h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global
and societal context.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues
III.k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering

The Program Outcomes are related to each of the Program Education Objective;
We can map each of the Klipsch School program objectives to the educational objectives that
support. This mapping is given in the following points:
• The Program Objective “Able to apply the broad set of techniques, tools, and skills from
engineering, science, and mathematics required to solve modern problems in electrical
engineering.” is linked with Program Outcomes Ia, Ib, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe, IIf, IIIa, IIIe and
• The Program Objective “Experienced in the design process, including formulating
problems, thinking critically, and designing and conducting experiments.” is linked with
Program Outcomes IIg, IIIb, IIIc and IIIk.
• The Program Objective “Able to communicate effectively and operate in diverse teams.”
is linked with Program Outcomes IIId and IIIg,
• The Program Objective “Aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as a
practicing engineer in the context of a global society.” is linked with Program Outcomes
IIIf, IIIj and IIIh
• The Program Objective “Prepared for productive employment and/or the pursuit of an
advanced degree, recognizing the need for lifelong learning.” is linked with Program
Outcomes Ic, Id, Ie, IIa, IIIi,

Page 16
2.5 Constituency Groups for the Klipsch School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
The constituency groups for the Klipsch School are:
• Employers of Klipsch School graduates,
• Current students of the Klipsch School,
• Alumni of the Klipsch School,
• Electrical engineering graduate schools and
• Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

Each of these groups has input to our processes and an interest in the results.

2.6 Process for Formulation and Evaluation of Klipsch School

The major players in the process for formulating and evaluating the Klipsch School Objectives
are described in the following paragraphs. The process and important times are illustrated in
Figure 2.
1. Klipsch School Undergraduate Studies (USC) Committee - The Klipsch School
undergraduate studies committee is comprised of faculty members elected by their peers
from within the Klipsch School. The undergraduate studies committee first came into
existence as the Curriculum Review Committee in 1996 when the undergraduate
curriculum was completely revised. In 1998, the committee was renamed the
Undergraduate Studies Committee, taking on the new role of implementing and assessing
the new undergraduate curriculum. The term of membership on the committee is for a
fixed period of two years with staggered terms for the members of the committee. The
department head, assistant department head, and freshman advisor are permanent, ex-
offico members of the committee. Additionally, one student is appointed by the
departmental IEEE chapter as an ex-officio member of the USC to represent student
viewpoints. The Undergraduate Studies Committee meets twice a month to review the
undergraduate curriculum, capstone class proposals, program outcome assessment
procedures, and address the needs of individual students. The functions and timeline for
the UGS is given in Appendix B.4 to this chapter.

Page 17
Reviewed each Fall
Conducted annually
and via Web

Reviewed each Fall

Dept. Head

Senior IAG
Surveys Review
Conducted each
Department, College, & October
Conducted every
semester University Missions

Figure 2 – Program review activities within the Klipsch School.

2. Klipsch School Electrical and Computer Engineering Academy (ECEA) - The Klipsch
School ECEA is comprised of distinguished alumni of the Klipsch School nominated and
elected by current ECEA members. The ECEA meets once a year during homecoming
week, in part, to assess Klipsch School program objectives. The ECEA provides a
reasonable cross-section of current and future employers of our graduates. The ECEA
possesses a keen knowledge of the current economic climate for electrical engineering
and is aware of current and future employer needs in and around the state of New
Mexico. Thus, the primary vehicle for documenting input from employers of our
graduates is through the ECEA.

Page 18
3. Klipsch School Industrial Advisory Group (IAG) - The Klipsch School IAG functions as
the steering committee for the ECEA. IAG membership is for a fixed period of time with
staggered terms for the members. The IAG meets prior to the ECEA during homecoming
week, in part, to assess the Klipsch School Mission and program objectives. During this
meeting, the Department Head gives a report on activities taken to realize suggestions
from the previous year, review departmental financial status, and generally hold a dialog
on trends for the department from within and the general climate for the educational
program based on what is happening locally and regionally. The IAG may also elect to
hold a second meeting during the spring semester to review all the assessment activities
and program objectives of the Klipsch School. Because it is difficult to obtain written
feedback from employers of our graduates, we rely heavily on the IAG to represent a
reasonable cross-section of current employers of our graduates.
4. The Klipsch School Faculty - The Klipsch School faculty vote on any changes to the
program objectives. In this way, faculty discussion of and, more importantly, faculty
support with the program objectives is guaranteed.
5. The Klipsch School Department Head - The Klipsch School Department Head has the
ultimate responsibility for the baccalaureate program in electrical engineering. In
addition, he or she has a broad view of the entire curriculum, close relationships with
recruiters, and is tied to the administration of the College of Engineering. As such, the
Department Head holds veto power on any suggested changes to the program objectives
or may add his or her own.

The original program objectives were formulated by the Undergraduate Studies Committee. The
objectives were reviewed by the faculty, the Department Head, the Industrial Advisory Group,
and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Academy, prior to their final approval by the
faculty in May, 1999.

The process for refining the objectives with input from Industry occurs as follows:
• In the fall of each year, the Industrial Advisory Group, with the ABET Coordinator and
Department Head, reviews in detail the Klipsch School Mission Statement and the
Baccalaureate Degree Program Objectives. The IAG, with approval of the entire ECEA,
makes recommendations for changes in the Program Objectives. The Department Head
reports the status of any recommended changes made since the previous meeting.
• The Department Head decides whether or not to forward these recommended changes to
the faculty. He or she may also recommend other changes.
• The faculty votes on all changes to the Program Objectives.

The process for refining the objectives with input from alumni and current students occurs as
• Over the summer, USC reviews in detail results from the previous year's senior and
alumni surveys.

Page 19
• In the fall, the results are presented to the IAG. The IAG, with approval of the entire
ECEA, makes recommendations for changes in the Program Objectives, as well as the
• The Department Head decides whether or not to forward these recommended changes to
the faculty. Again, he may also recommend other changes to the Program Objectives.
• The faculty votes on all changes to the Program Objectives. The process for formulation
and evaluation of undergraduate program objectives is given in Figure 2.

2.7 Program Curriculum and the Program Educational Objectives

Courses required as part of the BSEE program curriculum are mapped to the individual Program
Outcomes. This mapping shows how each outcome is addressed by courses in the curriculum.
In section 2.4, the relationship between the Program Outcomes and the Program Education
Objectives was developed. Using these two mappings, the support of the Program Educational
Objectives by the Program Curriculum is clear. The mapping between the Program Curriculum
and the Program Educational Outcomes is given Appendix B.7.

2.8 Assessment of Program Educational Objectives

The Klipsch Schools Program Education Objectives represent goals that our BSEE graduates
should have 2-5 years after graduation. Our objectives are assessed using alumni surveys.
These surveys can be completed by mail, phone interview or via the College's Webpage. Each
Program Education Objective is linked to several questions on the survey. The USC set desired
targets for each survey response. Average response values below the target value indicate a
possible problem in our program. The results from the alumni surveys are presented each year to
the IAG and ECEA with special attention being given to results that do not meet the target
values. We made the mistake of modifying the survey several times, especially the response
scales. This makes comparison of the data from year to year difficult. We have done our best to
normalize these data so that a comparison can be made. The alumni survey is due for a revision
after this ABET visit. The new version will be used for the next six years so that year to year
data can be directly correlated. The mapping between the survey questions and the program
objectives is given in the paragraphs below. The results of the alumni surveys conducted from
2001 to 2005 are given in Table 3.

1 Able to apply the broad set of techniques, tools, and skills from engineering, science, and
mathematics required to solve modern problems in electrical engineering (Skills) is
measured by Alumni Survey questions:
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Technical Engineering
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Problem Solving
• How satisfied are you with your educational learning experience at NMSU?

Page 20
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Math, Scientific and
Engineering Knowledge?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Engineering Techniques
and Skills?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Modern Engineering
Equipment, Software and Tools?

Page 21
Table 3 -- Results of alumni surveys from 2001 to 2005 on meeting the Klipsch School
Target 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004-
Criterion Value 2002 2003 2004 2005
Objective 1
Tech Eng Knowledge 0.8 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.88
Problem Solving 0.8 0.92 0.88 0.83 0.92
Satisfaction learning NMSU 0.8 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.96
Math, Science Knowledge 0.8 0.9 0.92 0.96 0.91
Engineering Techniques/Skills 0.8 0.9 0.94 0.97 0.93
Modern Engineering
Equipment 0.8 0.72 0.78 0.81 0.8

Objective 2
Identify, formulate, solve
problems 0.8 0.9 0.88 0.87 0.91
Design, conduct experiments 0.8 0.84 0.82 0.85 0.82
Analyze, conduct experiments 0.8 0.82 0.86 0.85 0.81
Design with requirements 0.8 0.8 0.88 0.9 0.93

Objective 3
Oral Communications 0.8 0.78 0.84 0.81 0.83
Written Communications 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.85 0.84
Interpersonal Skills 0.8 0.84 0.88 0.9 0.89
Teamwork 0.8 0.88 0.8 0.9 0.94

Objective 4
Ethical And Professional
Behavior 0.8 0.84 0.9 0.83 0.85
Societal Impact Of
Engineering Solutions 0.8 0.68 0.74 0.7 0.79
Contemporary Issue In
Engineering 0.8 0.74 0.78 0.71 0.76

Objective 5

Page 22
Target 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004-
Criterion Value 2002 2003 2004 2005
Employed (%) 98 95 100 100 100
NMSU's ECE Prep For Career 0.8 0.86 0.96 0.95 0.96
Life Long Learning 0.8 0.86 0.96 0.95 0.89
Learning After BSEE
(No. Of Courses) 5.0 8.8 7.9 5.8 5.0

2 Experienced in the design process, including formulating problems, thinking critically,

and designing and conducting experiments (Design Process) is measured by Alumni Survey
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Identify, Formulating and
Solving Problems?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Designing and Conducting
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Analyzing and Interpreting Data?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare you for Designing a Product to Meet

3 Able to communicate effectively and operate in diverse teams (Communication and

Teamwork) is measured by Alumni Survey questions:
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Oral Communications?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Written Communications?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Interpersonal Skills?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Teamwork?

4 Aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities as a practicing engineer in the

context of a global society (Ethics) is measured by Alumni Survey questions:
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Ethical and Professional
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Understanding Societal Impact
of Engineering Solutions?
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Understanding Contemporary
Issues in Engineering?

5 Prepared for productive employment and/or the pursuit of an advanced degree,

recognizing the need for lifelong learning (Professional Development) is measured by Alumni
Survey questions:
• Are you presently employed?
• Overall, how well would you say that your education in ECE prepared you fro your
Page 23
• How well did your education at NMSU prepare your for Lifelong Learning?
• Approximately how many continuing education courses, workshops or seminars have
you taken since graduating from NMSU?

2.9 Continuous Improvement Actions

The data from alumni survey presents a challenge with respect to interpretation. The number of
completed surveys we receive each year is small (on the order of 20) and we must be careful not
to react too quickly to small fluctuations. Rather, we look for sustained trends. For example the
below-target value for ``Technical Engineering Knowledge `` in the 2001-2002 year is probably
a fluctuation. Whereas the low score for a number of years for the question “societal impact and
contemporary issues”, clearly represents an opportunity for improvement.

In 2003 and 2004 the IAG discussed what steps our program could take to strengthen our
program to better support Objective 4. These steps were
• Work to establish Philosophy 323G Engineering Ethics which explicitly looks at the
impact of engineering and science practices on society.
• Implement the Engineering Elective Essay to stimulate discussion of contemporary issues
in each of the four elective classes that are selected by each student.

This first item has been instituted via a specific elective that the students must now take as part
of their university general education requirements to meet this ethics requirement. The essay
question item was instituted as a new procedure during the 2005-2006 Academic Year.

Program Outcomes and Assessment

3.1 Program Outcomes
The Program Outcomes for the Klipsch School have been developed to support the
School's Program Educational Objectives and fulfill the requirements of ABET and the
IEEE. The School's outcomes are parsed into three groups that reflect the input from the
Klipsch School's Industrial Advisory Group and the requirements of IEEE and ABET. In
order to avoid further mapping, we have directly adopted the ABET a through k (Group
III) criteria and the IEEE a through g (Group II) criteria. The Program Outcomes for the
Klipsch School are as follows:

Page 24
I.a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems in EE
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems
I.c. Explore specialties pertinent to their career choices
I.d. Experience profession first-hand through co-op and internships
I.e. Obtain meaningful employment or continue with graduate education

Group II: IEEE

II.a. Breadth and Depth across the range of EE topics
II.b. Knowledge of Probability and Statistics and EE applications
II.c. Knowledge of Math through differential and integral calculus
II.d. Knowledge of basic science
II.e. Knowledge of advance Math, Differential Equations and vector calculus
II.f. Knowledge of engineering science
II.g. Ability to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices and systems
that contain hardware and software components.


III.a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering
III.b. Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
III.c. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
III.d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
III.e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
III.f. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities
III.g. Ability to communicate effectively
III.h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues
III.k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to
engineering practice.
Page 25
3.2 Relation of Program Outcome to Educational Objectives
Each of these outcomes can be related to the objectives of the School. Specifically:
• The Program Objective “Able to apply the broad set of techniques, tools, and skills
from engineering, science, and mathematics required to solve modern problems in
electrical engineering” is linked with Program Outcomes Ia, Ib, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe,
IIf, IIIa, IIIe and IIIk.
• The Program Objective “Experienced in the design process, including formulating
problems, thinking critically, and designing and conducting experiments” is linked
with Program Outcomes IIg, IIIb, IIIc and IIIk.
• The Program Objective “Able to communicate effectively and operate in diverse
teams” is link with Program Outcomes IIId and IIIg.
• The Program Objective “Aware of their professional and ethical responsibilities
as a practicing engineer in the context of a global society” is linked with Program
Outcomes IIIf, IIIj and IIIh.
• The Program Objective “Prepared for productive employment and/or the pursuit
of an advanced degree, recognizing the need for lifelong learning” is linked with
Program Outcomes Ic, Id, Ie, IIa, IIIi.

3.3 Outcomes Assessment Scheme

Outcome Assessment Loops
Earlier, we presented a schematic of our assessment scheme in Figure 2. The Program
Outcomes have been developed to support our Educational Objectives. The USC
develops the curriculum that will support our outcomes and assesses how well we are
meeting our outcome goals. The mapping between the curriculum and the program
Outcomes is given in Appendix B.7. The timeline for the USC activities throughout the
year is given in Appendix B.4. The USC is responsible for developing improvements
and modifications to the BSEE program so that our outcome goals can be met. Each
summer, the data obtained from the assessment tools (left-hand loop) are compiled and
analyzed. Special attention is given by the USC to any outcomes where our target goals
have not been achieved. The USC presents recommendations to resolve any short
comings to the Department Head and then to the faculty (left-hand loop). Each fall, the
data are reviewed with the IAG to obtain an external perspective (right-hand loop).

Assessment Measurements Tools

Page 26
For the Klipsch School's first ABET 2000 visit, what are now considered indirect
measurements, were used to assess the Klipsch School's outcomes. These took the form
of senior exit interviews. Based on a better understanding of the ABET criteria, these
surveys were reviewed and in 2004, the faculty members in the Klipsch School
developed a program for adding direct measurements to the assessment process. Our
assessment program now includes or will include the following measurement tools:
• Senior Exit Interviews: As part of the final record check, each student is required
to respond to a set of standardize questions pertaining to their academic career at
NMSU and, more specifically, the ECE program. These interviews provide us
with a snap-shot of their assessment of our BSEE program just prior to graduation.
The survey was modified in 2005 to facilitate the mapping of the survey questions
to our outcomes. Target goals for each of these measures are determine by the
• Standardized Final Exam Questions: A portion of the final exams for EE 111
(Introduction to Electrical Engineering), EE 211 (AC Circuits), EE 311 (Signals
and Systems), and EE 315 (Electromagnetics) consists of multiple-choice
questions. These questions (and answers) are developed by the course instructor
and the USC. The content of these questions relate directly to the specific course
material and can be linked to one or more of our Program Outcomes. To assure a
high level of student effort on these questions, they are “counted” as part of the
final exam grade. Target goals for each of the questions are determined by
considering the percentage of students that typically pass the class and an
acceptable score for the problem. For example, if the typical pass rate for a class
is 80% and the minimum acceptable grade for a particular problem is 70%, our
target goal for that problem would be that 80% of the students get a score of 70%
or better. The percentage of the students that meet this target, on a question by
question basis, is reported to the USC. The anticipated future for this activity
includes developing a reasonably large set of questions that can be randomly
chosen for the final exam so that the students will not know which questions to
• EE 221 (Electronics) Course Objectives: Several graded portions of EE 221 are
used as direct measurements for some of our Program Outcomes. EE 221 is part
of our core curriculum and hence is required of every BSEE student. It is
typically taken during the sophomore or junior year. The target goals for various
aspects of the course are developed by the instructor and approved by the USC.
The percentage of the students that meet each target is then reported to the USC.
• EE-Electives Essay: Each BSEE student is required to take four EE electives from
three of the specialty areas. A required component of all EE elective courses is an
essay assignment. This assignment requires the students to find a current article,
journal paper or conference paper relating to the subject matter of the class. The
Page 27
student must read and summarize their selected paper and then respond to a
standard set of questions. Each essay is graded using the same rubric.
Throughout a student's career, skills associated with the essay will be sampled four
times, yielding four direct measurements of the Program Outcomes mapped to
these skills. The USC develops the target metric for each outcome. The
instructors provide the USC with the class averages for each rubric component
along with the number of students in the class. This allows for the responses from
all the elective courses to be normalized and combined.
• Capstones: The six-hour Capstone Design experience represents the culmination
of the BSEE program. Proposals for capstone projects are submitted to the USC
for review and approval the semester prior to when the class will be offered. The
approved capstone classes are posted on the departmental Web advising page so
that the students will know which capstone classes are available when they register
for their classes. The USC uses a standardized checklist to ensure that each
project meets the standards of the department and contains the skills needed to
satisfy the Program Outcomes mapped to the capstone. The final written and oral
presentations are graded, using standardize rubrics, by a committee that includes
the sponsoring faculty member, a member of the USC and another person (either a
faculty member or industrial representative). The final presentations are also open
to the departmental community as a whole. These capstone oral and written
evaluation rubrics compose a direct measurement for several of the Program
Outcomes. They are never used as the sole direct measurement for any of the
Program Outcomes. The faculty members in the Klipsch School are also
encouraged to use the capstone-type of rubrics for oral and written presentations in
all classes leading to the capstone so that the students are familiar with them.
Additionally, templates for a project Concept Review and Design Review are
posted to the departmental Web site along with sample templates for written and
oral reports and the evaluation rubrics so that the students can see these before the
capstone class.
• Core Course Objective: Our core curriculum is a set of courses that every BSEE
candidate must pass. Each of these classes has a set of course objectives that are
mapped to our Program Outcomes. In an effort to broaden the implementation of
the ABET assessment process, the instructors for all the core courses are required
to assess the achievement of each of their course objectives. Since the course
objectives are mapped to Program Outcomes, this is an additional direct
measurement. However, since the individual instructors are allowed to determine
what materials are going to be used to assess the course objectives, these measures
can change from semester to semester. The benefit of this method is that each
course undergoes an ABET-like process of assessment and continuous
improvement. To further motivate instructors, the course assessment process is
included as part of their yearly evaluation. The mapping between the ECE
Page 28
curriculum and the Klipsch School's outcomes are shown in the table in Appendix
• BSEE Graduation Exam: The Klipsch School is developing a plan whereby every
BSEE candidate will be required to pass a standardized exam covering material
from our core classes. The exam will be offered twice a year and students may
take it as soon as they have completed the core. Students will not be eligible for
graduation until they have passed this exam. This will serve as a standard, direct
measurement of many of our School's outcomes.

3.4 Outcome Assessment Process and Target Goals

This section relates each outcome to its specific assessment tools. Target goals for each
element of the assessment tools are provided. The table in Appendix B.7 shows how our
outcomes are mapped to our curriculum and the assessment tools that are used to measure
each outcome. During the time period since our last ABET visit, our assessment tools
have been improved and upgraded. This section addresses how the current tools are used
in our assessment process. Data collected with the older version of these tools has been
normalized for comparison purposes.


I.a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems in EE.
Critical thinking is an important element in all of our core EE classes. This is evidenced
by the students’ abilities in problem solving, computer programming, and learning to
function as engineers in more than a rote manner. At the same time, measuring critical
thinking is a difficult direct measurement. Therefore, we take survey results as an indirect
measurement of this outcome by calculating the average of the survey responses for the
core classes: EE111 (Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering), EE161
(Computer Aided Problem Solving), EE211 (AC Circuits), EE221 (Electronics I), EE261
(Digital Design I), EE311 (Signals and Systems), EE315 (Electromagnetic I), EE321
(Introduction to Electric Power Engineering) and EE341 (Control Systems I). The target
goal is for a score of 2.3 for all areas. The relevant survey questions are as follows:
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Computer Programming."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for AC and DC circuits."

Page 29
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Digital Logic Design."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Electronics."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Laplace and Fourier Analysis."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Electromagnetics."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Electrical Power Systems."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Control Systems."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for Vector Analysis."

This critical thinking outcome is also being measured directly with the Standardize Final
Exam Questions. There are 28 questions that are mapped to this outcome and the
ensemble-target metric requires that 70% of the individual targets (for each question) are

I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems

Indirect measurements for this outcome asked students about their skills in using both
coding and software packages in EE problem solving. The target for both was set at a
response of 2.3. (Note: on the old survey the distinction between coding and software
packages was not made.)

• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE

department prepared you to write computer code to solve problems."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to use packaged computer software to assist in solving
electrical engineering problems."

A direct measurement of the students’ ability to use computers in problem solving is

Page 30
obtained from EE 221 where the students use Top-Spice to design a circuit. The target
goal is for 70% of the students achieve the target goal for this assignment.

I.c. Explore specialties pertinent to their career choices

A survey question addresses this outcome. The target goal is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to explore specialties pertinent to my career choices."

This outcome also is measured by the number of EE elective courses that each student
takes before graduation. The target is to have 100% of the students take 3 or more
electives in EE.

I.d. Experience profession first-hand through co-ops and internships

This outcome is measured with the average number of co-ops and internships per student.
The target for this outcome is 1.

I.e. Obtain meaningful employment or continue with graduate education.

This outcome is measured by the number of students that have accepted job offers or
have been accepted into graduate school prior to graduation. The goal is to have 95% of
the students to have a job or graduate school position lined-up before they officially

Page 31
Group II: IEEE
II.a. Breadth and Depth across the range of EE topics
This outcome is measured with the number of courses that each student takes across the
EE specialty areas (breadth) and the number of courses that each student takes (depth)
within an EE specialty area. The target is to have 100% of the students taking 3 or more
classes in different specialty areas and taking two or more classes within one specialty

II.b. Knowledge of Probability and Statistics and EE applications.

Indirect measures of this outcome come from the survey question on how well the
program prepared them to use probability and statistics and there applications to
engineering. Our target response for this question is 2.3

• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE

department prepared you to use Probability and statistic and their applications to

For the Fall 2006 semester, this outcome will be measured using standardized questions
on the EE 302 (Random Signal Analysis) final.

II.c. Knowledge of Math through differential and integral calculus

The indirect measurement of this outcome comes from the survey question pertaining to
math. The target goal is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for calculus through advanced mathematics, including
differential equations and vector calculus."

Direct measures of this outcome are obtained via the final exam questions. Seven of the
questions on the finals are mapped to this outcome. The target goal for this outcome is to
have70% of the questions meet their individual targets.

II.d. Knowledge of basic science

Page 32
This outcome is measured indirectly with survey questions about the student preparation
in Chemistry and Physics. The target for this question is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for basic chemistry and physics."

Four final exam questions are mapped to this outcome. The target goal is 70% of the
questions meet their individual targets.

II.e. Knowledge of advance Math, Differential Equations and vector calculus

A survey question provides an indirect measure of this outcome. The target for this
question is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for vector analysis."

Nine final exam questions test this outcome. The target goal is to have 70% of the
questions meet their individual targets.

II.f. Knowledge of engineering science

The survey question that provides an indirect measure of this outcome has a target of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in the theoretical knowledge of math, science and

Eight final exam questions address this outcome. The target goal is to have 70% of the
questions meet their individual targets.

Page 33
II.g. Ability to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices and
systems that contain hardware and software components.
The survey question relating to this outcome has a target of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to analyze and design complex systems, using hardware
and software components."

A direct measure of this outcome is obtained from the EE 221 course objective. The
target goal is that 75% of the students achieve the goals assigned to this measure.


III.a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering
The survey question for this outcome has a target of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in the theoretical knowledge of math, science and

This outcome is measured directly by twelve final exam questions. The target goal is to
have 70% of the questions meet their individual targets.

III.b. Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret
This outcome is linked to two survey questions that are used at indirect measurements.
The first asks about design and conducting experiments and the second involves
analyzing and interpreting data. The target goal for both questions is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in designing and conducting experiments."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in analyzing and interpreting data."

Page 34
A direct measurement of this outcome is obtained from the EE 221 course. The target
goal is that 75% of the students meeting the individual goals of this measure.

III.c. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs

The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in designing products to meet requirements."

The EE 221 assignments provide a direct measurement of this outcome. The target goal is
that 70% of the students achieve the goals assigned to this measure.

III.d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you for multi-disciplinary teamwork."

EE 221 assignments provide a direct measurement of this outcome. The target goal is
that 70% of the students achieve the goals assigned to this measure.

III.e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems

The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in identifying, formulating and solving engineering

This outcome is assessed using nine final exam questions. The target goal is to have 70%
of the questions meet their individual targets.

Page 35
III.f. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities
This outcome is addressed with a survey question. The target goal for the question is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in ethical and professional behavior."

Direct measurements of this outcome are obtained from the EE-electives essay. The
target goal is to have 90% of the students receive 85% or more of the points allotted to
this part of the grading rubric.

III.g. Ability to communicate effectively

Effective communication is measured with the surveys using questions about both oral
and written communications. The target goal for both questions is 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in oral communications."
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you in written communications."

Direct measurements of this outcome include the EE 221 course objectives, EE-electives
essay and the capstone. The target for the EE221 assignments is for 70% of the students
achieve the goals assigned to this measure. The target goal for the essays is for 80% of
the students earn 80% or more of the points pertaining to communication on the grading

III.h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions

in a global and societal context.
The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to understand the societal impact of engineering

Page 36
The EE-electives essay provides the direct measurement of this outcome. The target goal
for the essays is for 80% of the students to earn 80% or more of the points pertaining to
the societal impact of engineering solutions.

III.i. Recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning
The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to engage in lifelong learning."

The EE-electives essay provides the direct measurement of this outcome. The target goal
for the essays is for 80% of the students earn 80% or more of the points pertaining to life-
long learning.

III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues

The survey question for this outcome has a target goal of 2.3.
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to understand contemporary issues in engineering."

The EE-electives essay provides the direct measurement of this outcome. The target goal
for the essays is for 80% of the students to earn 80% or more of the points pertaining to
knowledge of contemporary issues.

III.k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to
engineering practice.
Four survey questions are mapped to this outcome. The target goal for each question is
• "Rank on a scale of 1 to 3 how well your education at NMSU and/or in the EE
department prepared you to use engineering techniques and skills and the practical
ability to apply them."

Page 37
This outcome is measured directly with the EE 221 course objectives and the capstone
grading rubric. The target for the EE 221 assignment is for 70% of the students achieve
the goals assigned to this measure.

3.5 Outcome Assessment Data

Table 4 summarizes the data that has been collected to assess our outcomes. Trends
triggering concern are shown in bold. For the 2005/2006 academic year, the senior exit
survey form was updated. Data from previous years has been includes in the data. Often
the scores had to be rescaled and the responses from two or more questions had to be
combined to obtain a measure that is able to map to the current survey questions. For the
2005/2006 academic year, individual columns are used for direct and indirect
measurements. From the outcomes data, we see six trends that merit actions. They are
linked with outcomes Ie, IIb, IIe, IIIb, IIIf and IIIi. The objectives that link to these
outcomes also show a concern, in most cases, when looking at the alumni survey data.
For all six of these items the USC has made recommendations for changes that have been
submitted to the department head and faculty. These changes have been approved and all
have been implemented. Over the next few years the USC will inspect the outcomes data
to see the affect these changes have had on the realization of our outcomes. As we build
more history with the direct measurements, there importance in the assessment process
will increase.

Page 38
Table 4 -- Measured program outcomes for Academic Years 2002/2003 through 2005/2006
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Group I
Survey: Critical -> EE core 2.81 2.77 2.85 2.76
Final Exam: EE111-1a 82
Final Exam: EE111-1b 88
Final Exam: EE111-1c 85
Final Exam: EE111-2a 79
Final Exam: EE111-2b 95
Final Exam: EE111-3a 70
Final Exam: EE111-3b 74
Final Exam: EE111-4 43
Final Exam: EE111-5 88
Final Exam: EE111-6 76
Final Exam: EE211-1c 89
Final Exam: EE221-1d 36
Final Exam: EE211-1e 61
Final Exam: EE211-1f 82
Final Exam: EE211-1g 61
Final Exam: EE211-1h 61
Final Exam: EE211-1i 93
Final Exam: EE211-1n 89
Final Exam: EE311-3 71
Final Exam: EE315-1A 53
Final Exam: EE315-1B 73
Final Exam: EE315-1C 95
Final Exam: EE315-1D 48
Final Exam: EE315-1E 96
Final Exam: EE315-1F 74
Final Exam: EE315-1G 70
Final Exam: EE315-1H 79

Page 39
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Final Exam: EE315-1I 92
Combined Total 78
Survey: Coding 2.36
Survey: Software Packages 2.41 2.55 2.65 2.36
Lab: EE221-Lab3_Ex2 89
Survey: Explore Special Areas 2.81 2.78 2.61 2.51
Numerical: Specialty areas 3.2

Numerical: no. co-ops 0.91 1.01 0.121 1.32
Numerical: Job 14/25
Numerical: Grad school 8/25
Combined Total Post Grad. 81 82 79 88
Group II
Numerical: specialty areas 3.1
Numerical: no. breadth courses 1.08
Final Exam: EE211-1a 96
Final Exam: EE211-1b 100
Final Exam: EE211-1c 89
Final Exam: EE221-1d 36
Final Exam: EE211-1e 61
Final Exam: EE211-1f 82
Final Exam: EE211-1g 61
Final Exam: EE211-1h 61
Final Exam: EE211-1i 93
Final Exam: EE211-1n 89
Final Exam: EE311-1 87

Page 40
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Combined Total 64
Survey: Prob. & Stat. 2.01 2.24 2.28 2.1
Survey: Math-Calculus 2.53
Final Exam: EE111-1c 85
Final Exam: EE111-2a 79
Final Exam: EE111-4 43
Final Exam: EE111-6 76
Final Exam: EE211-1e 61
Final Exam: EE211-1f 82
Final Exam: EE211-1g 61
Combined Total 57
Survey: Chem/Phys 2.5 2.43 2.33 2.4
Final Exam: EE211-1a 96
Final Exam: EE211-1b 100
Final Exam: EE211-1c 89
Final Exam: EE211-1d 36
Combined Total 75
Survey: Vectors 1.53 1.89 2.27 1.88
Final Exam: EE211-1i 93
Final Exam: EE311-1B 72
Final Exam: EE311-1C 95
Final Exam: EE311-1D 48
Final Exam: EE311-1E 96
Final Exam: EE311-1F 74
Final Exam: EE311-1G 70
Final Exam: EE311-1H 79
Final Exam: EE311-1I 92

Page 41
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Combined Total 89
Survey: Math/Sci/Eng 2.77 2.81 2.78 2.81
Final Exam: EE311-1A 53
Final Exam: EE311-1B 72
Final Exam: EE311-1C 95
Final Exam: EE311-1D 48
Final Exam: EE311-1E 96
Final Exam: EE311-1G 70
Final Exam: EE311-1H 79
Final Exam: EE311-1I 92
Combined Total 75
Survey: Complex systems 2.31 2.22 2.72 2.54
Lab: EE221-Lab3_Ex2+Lab3_Ex3 89
Group III
Survey: Apply knowledge 2.55 2.49 2.77 2.8
Final Exam: EE111-4 43
Final Exam: EE211-1a 96
Final Exam: EE211-1b 100
Final Exam: EE211-1c 89
Final Exam: EE211-1d 36
Final Exam: EE211-1e 61
Final Exam: EE211-1f 82
Final Exam: EE211-1g 61
Final Exam: EE211-1h 61
Final Exam: EE211-1i 93
Final Exam: EE211-1n 89
Final Exam: EE311-1 87
Combined Total 58

Page 42
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Survey: design & conduct 2.42 2.54 2.28 2.6
Survey: analyze and interpret 2.11 2.01 2.16 2.8
Final Exam: EE111-1a 82
Final Exam: EE111-1b 87
Final Exam: EE111-4 43
Combined Total 71
Survey: Design & Requirements 2.66 2.81 2.78 2.64
Lab: EE221-Lab3_Ex2+Lab3_Ex3 89
Survey: teams - multidisc. 2.89 2.72 2.67 2.68
Lab: EE221-eval 77
Survey: solving problem 2.77 2.84 2.76 2.76
Final Exam: EE211-1e 61
Final Exam: EE211-1h 61
Final Exam: EE211-1n 89
Final Exam: EE311-2 90
Final Exam: EE311-1B 72
Final Exam: EE311-1C 95
Final Exam: EE311-1D 48
Final Exam: EE311-1E 96
Final Exam: EE311-1F 74
Combined Total 67
ECE Essay-6 98
Survey: ethics 2.27 2.16 2.23 2.68
ECE Essay8 86
Survey: oral comm 2.56 2.61 2.71 2.56

Page 43
Academic Year
Outcome 2002- 2003- 2004- 2005-06 2005-06
2003 2004 2005 (indirect) (d)
Survey: written comm 2.49 2.53 2.31 2.36
Lab: EE221-Lab_summ 84
ECE Essay1-2-3 85
Survey: Societal Impact 2.29 2.3 2.12 2.4
ECE Essay7 80
Survey: Life-long learning 2.2 2.36 2.4 2.72
ECE Essay4 81
Survey: Contemporary Issues 2.34 2.28 2.21 2.16
ECE Essay5 94
Survey: techniques & tools 2.48 2.37 2.41 2.36
Lab: EE221-Lab3 87

3.6 Outcome Assessment Actions

Since the last ABET visit, the USC has addressed six concerns that have shown up in the
assessment of our outcomes and objectives. In each case the department head along with
the faculty have supported changes to the curriculum aimed at eliminating these
concerns. The following points describe deficiencies discovered through the use of our
assessment process and the resulting corrective actions taken to improve the program.
1. Professors reported that the class objectives in EE 315 were not being met.
Measurements obtained from senior surveys suggested that the students'
preparation in vector calculus was not adequate for the level required in EE 315.
This problem was resolved by replacing MATH 391 (Vector Analysis) with EE
301 (Vector Principles for Electrical Engineers). EE 301 is a pre requisite for EE
315 and teaches vector calculus with applications to EE. Date implemented: Fall
2. Survey results indicate that our curriculum did not adequately address ethical and
professional behavior and the societal impact of engineering solutions. The IAG
noted that several programs include specialized courses in engineering ethics. The

Page 44
Klipsch School worked with the Department of Philosophy to develop PHIL 323
(Engineering Ethics). This course is now required of all BSEE students and
satisfies one of the University's Viewing A Wider World General Education
requirements. Date Implemented: Fall 2005.
3. Survey results indicated that our curriculum did not provide our students with a
strong enough background in the use of probability and statistics in engineering.
Courses that were used to prepare students for this topic included IE 310G
(Continuous Quality Improvement), IE 311 (Production and Inventory Control)
and STAT 371 (Statistics for Engineers). The USC, working with the department
head and faculty developed a new course EE 302 (Random Signal Analysis) in
order to provide students with a background in probability and statistics aimed at
electrical engineering. Date implemented: Fall 2005.
4. Open-ended responses from the alumni surveys suggested that the Klipsch School
could improve the way we prepare students for the project management aspects of
engineering. This idea was supported by comments on the senior surveys. The
Klipsch School, acting in conjunction with General Dynamics, developed a course
EE 461 (Project Management). This 3-credit course is now required of all BSEE
students and counts towards the require 13 hours of “Engineering.” Date
implemented: Fall 2003.
5. Comments from the IAG members and alumni surveys suggested that the Klipsch
School needs a second programming course directed toward object oriented
programming. The Klipsch School faculty members developed EE 264 (Object
Oriented Programming) to be taken as a free elective. Student demand for this
course was very low and it has been remove from our catalog. Date implemented:
Fall 2003.
6. Surveys indicate that our target goal of 95% of the graduating seniors having a job
or being accepted into graduate school is not being achieved. For many students,
the senior survey takes place before they have accepted an offer for a job or
decided to attend graduate school. The USC suggests that this target be lowered to
85% to account for this time lag.

3.7 Outcome Assessment Materials

During the ABET site visit the following materials will be organized on an outcome-by-
outcome basis and ready for review:
1. Copies of the senior exit surveys along with the raw and analyzed data.
2. Copies of the Final Exam questions used for assessment, sample of individual
student exams and analysis of the scores for each question.

Page 45
3. Grading rubric for EE 221, samples of the work of individual students, analysis
and summary of course objectives.
4. Grading rubric for EE-electives essays, samples of student essays, analysis of
grading for each rubric.
5. Grading rubric for the final oral and written presentations for capstones.
Documentation for each capstone.
6. Analysis of the assessment of class objectives for all core courses, mapping of all
class objectives to program outcomes, samples of student work for each

Professional Component
4.1 Curriculum Overview
The Klipsch School's curriculum is designed to support the program outcomes associated
with the Klipsch School's educational objectives by providing students with a broad,
rigorous foundation of mathematics, science, and electrical engineering subjects.
Students then gain additional breadth and depth in a number of subject areas through the
appropriate choice of electrical engineering, engineering, science, and mathematics
electives. A general education component is mandated by New Mexico State University.
This component is required of all students and is composed of electives outside of
engineering. The General education component complements the technical content and
supports our educational objectives. Our curriculum culminates in a capstone design
project that emphasizes teamwork, design skills, organizational skills, coordination of
multiple disciplines, and communication skills. A suggested program of study for
“calculus ready” students is provided in the sample program of study given in Appendix B.2
to this chapter. This shows how the overall curriculum requirements of Appendix B.5 can
be realized. Because not all students arrive on campus with “calculus ready”
mathematics training, Appendix B.1 contains the freshman year program options for
students depending upon their mathematics background. Table I-1 in Appendix B.5 lists
the Basic-Level Curriculum.

Electrical engineering courses from the freshman level through the senior year guide the
development of the student's engineering, science and mathematic skills so that they can
effectively solve problems in electrical engineering (Objective 1). The process of
“design under constraints” (perhaps the most concise definition of engineering) is
emphasized in the core, elective and capstone courses (Objective 2). The foundation for
effective communication and ethical behavior is laid in the general education classes and

Page 46
then applied throughout the electrical engineering curriculum in the form of team
projects, presentations and written reports (Objectives 3 and 4). The importance of
acquiring and maintaining specialty skills (lifelong learning) is advanced in the elective
courses. The elective courses, along with the capstone prepare the students for their post
BSEE activities either as a member of the workforce or pursuing advanced degrees
(Objective 5).

4.2 BSEE Curriculum Elements

Our curriculum is broken down into three areas: General Education, Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering. These areas
assure that our BSEE students will demonstrate competency in all of our outcomes by the
time that they graduate and meet our objective after graduation (2-5 years). The Klipsch
School's Record Check sheet provides an excellent framework to understand our
curriculum (ref B.6 Record Check Document).

General Education
This area is composed of 31 credits of which 28 are unique and 3 are shared with
Electrical and Computer Engineering through EE 161. The General Education areas are:
• Rhetoric and Composition, ENGL 111 (4 credits)
• Principles of Human Communication, COMM 265 (3 credits)
• Technical and Scientific Communication, ENGL 218 (3 credits)
• Historical Perspective (3 credits); this class is to be selected from Table 2 of the
BSEE requirements in Appendix B.5.
• Human Thought (3 credits); this class is to be selected from Table 3 of the BSEE
requirements in Appendix B.5.
• Literature/Fine Arts (3 credits); this class is to be selected from Table 4 of the
BSEE requirements in Appendix B.5.
• Viewing a Wider World (6 credits). Required: Philosophy 323G Engineering
Ethics (3 credits). One other course is to be selected from Table 2 of the BSEE
requirements in Appendix B.5.
• Social Analysis (3 credits). Required: Economics 251 or 252

These courses complement the technical aspects of our curriculum and lay the foundation
to support outcomes IIIf, IIIg, IIIh, IIIi, IIIj. This foundation is built upon by the ECE
core, electives and capstone classes. This area of our curriculum satisfies the
Page 47
requirements of Criterion 4.c.

Mathematics and Natural Sciences

This area is composed of 33 credits and includes two classes from the EE department (EE
301 -- Vector Principles for Electrical Engineers and EE 302 -- Random Signal
Analysis). The mathematics sequence begins with Calculus I (Math 191) and includes
Calculus II (Math 192), Calculus III (Math 292), Vector Calculus (EE 301) and
Differential equations (Math 392). EE 301 builds the vector calculus skills needed to be
successful in Electromagnetics (EE 315). EE 302 presents probability and statistics with
examples and problems based on electrical engineering with an emphasis on
communications. A math elective, selected from Table 7 of the BSEE requirements in
Appendix B.5, completes the courses in Mathematics area.

Chemistry I (CHEM 111 or 114), Physics I (PHYS 215 or 213) and Physics II (PHYS
216 or 217) comprise the required Natural Science courses (total of 12 credits or 1 1/2
years). Each of these 3-credit classes also has an associated 1 credit lab that includes an
experimental experience.

This set of courses facilitates the development of the science and mathematical skills that
students need to complement their engineering knowledge and practice. These courses
support outcomes IIb, IIc, IId, IIe, IIIa, IIIb and IIIe. The credit hours earned in the
Mathematics and Natural Sciences area satisfy the requirements of Criterion 4.a.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses

This portion of our curriculum consists of 67 credits, 13 in Engineering and 54 specific to
Electrical and Computer Engineering. The core of our electrical engineering curriculum
is the following set of classes. Each class is delivered as a 4-credit class with 3 credits of
lecture and 1 credit of laboratory. The relationship between the core classes and the
required pre-requisites and co-requisites is given in Figure 1 of Appendix B.3. The core
classes are as follows:
• EE 110, Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 161, Computer Aided Problems Solving (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 211, Ac Circuits (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 221, Electronics I (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 261, Digital Design I (4 credits with a lab)

Page 48
• EE 311, Signals and Systems (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 315, Electromagnetics I (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 332, Introduction to Power Engineering (4 credits with a lab)
• EE 341, Control Systems I (4 credits with a lab)

The core provides the basic electrical engineering knowledge and skills needed to
succeed in the work place or in postgraduate work. These courses show how to apply the
basic knowledge derived from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences areas to the practice
of electrical engineering. Throughout the core, the concept of design under constraints is
emphasized and practiced on the component, system and process levels. Each of the core
classes contains a lab component that provides an appropriate setting for the students'
design skills to be developed and perfected. Communications skills, teamwork, ethical
behavior and the interface between electrical engineering and the “real world” are
stressed throughout the core. Published, department-wide rubrics are used in the grading
of all written work (reports and lab reports) and oral presentations done for our classes,
including the core. This allows students to know what is expected of them and serves as
a benchmark to monitor their progress as they advance through the curriculum. The core
classes support outcomes Ia, Ib, IIf, IIg, IIIc, IIId, IIIk. The 36 credits earned through the
core classes satisfy the requirements of Criterion 4.b.

Students must take 4 electrical engineering elective courses from any three of our eight
specialty areas. These elective courses expose students to a breadth of engineering
topics. Since two of the 4 electives must be taken from the same specialty area, students
are given the opportunity to explore an area in depth. The elective courses are selected
from Table 10 of the BSEE requirements in Appendix B.5. Table 13 of the BSEE
requirements is used as a guide for the selection of program electives as a function of
specialty area. The relationship between the core classes and the elective classes in each
of the Klipsch School’s specialty areas is illustrated in Figures 2 through 7 of Appendix
B.3. The electrical engineering electives support outcomes Ic, Ie and IIa.

Each student's BSEE program culminates in a 6-credit capstone design class. The aim of
the class is to expose the student to a design challenge that is on-scale with what they
might experience with their first employer. Students are not eligible for the capstone until
they have completed all classes in the electrical engineering core with a grade of C or
better. Capstone classes are approved by the USC the semester prior to when they are
offered. Each capstone proposal is evaluated by the USC. A checklist is used to assure
that every capstone includes the elements required by our program. As with all EE
courses, the written and oral work done for the capstones is graded using the standard,
Page 49
departmental rubric. The capstone-approval verifies that each capstone includes the
following elements:
• Significant design component
• Knowledge of at least 3 areas of ECE
• Level worthy of 6 hours
• Creativity and deductive reasoning
• Realistic Constraints: economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturability,
ethical, health & safety, social, political
• Appropriate computer aided tools
• Teamwork: at least 3 members
• Description of product – deliverable
• Budget and where the money is coming from
• Time line
• Schedule of milestone reports
• Design review board (2 from ECE, ideally industry)
• The capstone project should contain several formal reviews consisting of a written
and oral component. The written reviews should be turned in to the USC at the
end of the project. There should be at least 2 reviews with each project suggested
to have a project concept review, preliminary design review, and a critical design
review. Written and oral work should be in appropriate format.
• Final Review (end of 6 credits): Written & oral report – using appropriate format.
(product specifications, user’s documentation, and a working product). USC
member present (and will collect all written materials).

Engineering Courses
BSEE students are required to take 13 credits of engineering courses. These credits a
divided into three areas:
• EE 461 Program Management (3 credits)
• Engineering Elective (3 credits) Selected from Table 9 of the BSEE requirements
in Appendix B.5.
• Technical Elective (7 credits) Selected from Table 8 of the BSEE requirements in

Page 50
Appendix B.5.
Theses classes give BSEE candidates an opportunity to explore technical areas outside of
electrical engineering or to further explore our specialty areas with in EE. These classes
support outcomes IIa, IId and IIIa.

The Klipsch School's curriculum is structured so that students can demonstrate

competency in all of our outcomes by the time that they graduate and fulfill our
objectives after they have graduated (2-5 years). The program offers enough flexibility so
that each student may explore areas of electrical engineering.

5.1 Overview
The Klipsch School follows the NMSU mission of teaching, research and service. All tenured
and tenure-track faculty are expected to make contributions in all three of these areas. The
Klipsch School has about 300 undergraduate and 150 graduate students. Currently, The Klipsch
School has 22 tenured and tenure-track faculty positions. Presently, there are 6 Full Professors,
6 Associate Professors and 7 Assistant Professors, 1 College Associate Professor and 2 Adjunct
Instructors, leaving 3 tenure-track slots open. Dr. Stephen Horan is the Department Chair and is
a tenured, full professor. The Associate Department Head in charge of graduate programs is Dr.
Paul Furth who is a tenured, associated professor. The position of Assistant Department head in
charge of undergraduate programs is presently filled on an interim basis by Dr. Sheila Horan
who is also the Freshman Advisor. Dr. Sheila Horan is a College Associate Professor. Dr.
Stephen Horan has been the Department Head since July of 2005. The previous Department
Head, Dr. Steven Castillo, is now the Dean of Engineering and is a tenured full professor in the
Klipsch School.

5.2 Competency of Faculty to Cover Klipsch School Curriculum

The faculty is organized around eight technical areas in electrical engineering. The number of
faculty in each area allows the department to cover all required core electrical engineering
classes at least once each semester, all electrical engineering elective classes once each academic
year, and specialty classes at least once every 4 semesters. A number of the required core
classes are also taught each summer during one of the two summer sessions offered at NMSU.
The technical areas are dictated by the ongoing needs of industrial and government customers
who recruit Klipsch School graduates and by research interests of the faculty. The Klipsch
School faculty members are listed in Table I-4. A goal of the Klipsch School is to have a
minimum of two faculty members actively teaching and pursuing research in each area. As can
be seen in that table, most of the faculty members are regular, full-time faculty. Part-time faculty
members are currently drawn from the emeritus faculty and retired industry engineers.
Page 51
5.3 Faculty Involvement with Students, Service, Professional
Development, and Industry
All faculty members in the Klipsch School are expected to have an "open-door" policy for the
advising and mentoring of students. Formal academic advising is initiated by the Klipsch School
Freshman Advisor, Dr. Sheila Horan. EE 311 record checks are performed by either Dr. Sheila
Horan, Dr. Steve Stochaj, or Dr. Mike Giles. As part of the EE 311 record check, all students
are assigned to a specialty area advisor for career advising. The area advisors initiate contacts
with the students who identify with the area. The names of the area advisors are also listed on
the departmental Web page.

All of the tenured and tenure-track faculty members are involved in at least one professional
society. Travel by faculty members to professional meetings and conferences is encouraged,
albeit using research support for such travel. Several faculty members are highly involved in
IEEE activities including chairing and organizing of major IEEE technical conferences, editorial
work, and manuscript review work. Faculty members publish extensively in major IEEE, ASEE,
and SPIE journals.

NMSU policy allows faculty members to consult outside of the university up to eight hours per
week. Faculty must request permission for consulting through the Department Head to the Dean
of Engineering. Several faculty members are involved in consulting, providing valuable
exposure of the Klipsch School, and giving support to external Klipsch School constituencies
including private industry and government agencies.

5.4 Adequacy of the Size of the Klipsch School Faculty

The Klipsch School faculty is fortunate to have a sizeable funded research program. Salary
savings from faculty research release time is used by the Klipsch School to hire non-tenure track
faculty and instructors. This has resulted in the current student-faculty ratio of 6/1. The ratio is
small enough to allow the faculty to devote adequate attention to undergraduate teaching and
undergraduate laboratories while still having adequate time for teaching and research at the
graduate level.

In this section, we examine the facilities available to the Klipsch School. In general, the

Page 52
majority of the program’s facilities are self-contained within two buildings: Thomas and Brown
Hall and Goddard Annex. This does not mean that other university campus facilities are not
used, e.g., the library. Rather, the emphasis here is on the elements under our direct control.

6.1 Buildings
The undergraduate program of The Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is
housed within Thomas Brown Hall and the Goddard Annex on the main campus of New Mexico
State University. Thomas & Brown Hall is a 49,711 sq. ft. building and contains 35 offices, 4
classrooms, 13 teaching laboratories and 13 research laboratories. Goddard Annex is located
adjacent to Thomas & Brown and provides an additional 13,000 sq. ft. of research space for the
Klipsch School. This space includes 19 offices and 19 laboratory spaces and a conference room.
A portion of Wells Hall (located across campus) provides over-flow research space as well as the
department's small machine shop.

6.2 Classrooms
The Klipsch School has six rooms in which classes are held. These range in size from a large
lecture hall to conference room size. The seating capacity is adequate for the courses taught by
the department. Table 5 below summarizes these spaces.

Table 5 -- Classroom space under control of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Room Seating Multimedia

Computer Projector w/
TB 104 104
TB 106 10 Computer Projector
TB 204 60 Computer Projector
TB 303 30 Transparency
TB 307 34 Computer Projector
GA 148 12 Computer Projector

6.3 Laboratories
The Klipsch School divides its laboratory space into two categories: teaching and non-teaching
(research). This division may not be well defined for some capstone classes. For example, our

Page 53
nanosatellite capstone class uses our Telemetry Center research laboratory space on an extensive
basis. Each of our core classes and many of the electives include a major laboratory component.
The lab portion of these courses provide the students with an opportunity to develop and
improve their practical engineering skills. Table 6 below summarizes the undergraduate
teaching-laboratory spaces. All these spaces are adequate for the assigned purposes.

Table 6 -- Laboratory space in the Electrical Engineering Program.

Area Room(s) Course(s)
Power TB 100B EE 332
Optics TB 010C TB 010D EE 477, EE 380, EE 478
Digital Design TB 305B, TB 203 EE 261, EE 363
Circuits TB 102 EE 111, EE 211
Control Systems TB 103 EE 341
Signal Processing TB 304 EE 311
Electromagnetics TB 301 EE 315, EE 451, EE 453
VLSI TB 207, TB 308 EE 324, EE 486
Electronics TB 309 EE 221
Computer TB 202 EE 161

6.4 Equipment
Each teaching laboratory requires specialized equipment. Table 7 below summarizes the
equipment for each area. The equipment listed here is adequate for each area.

6.5 Computers
The Klipsch School has three computer classrooms/laboratories (T&B 201, T&B 202, and T&B
304) with general use computer for ECE. These workstations are dual boot (Linux/Windows)
and run all software approved by the department (see the following subsection on Software) In
general, these computers are upgraded every three years to keep up with the current
technologies. Thomas & Brown and the Goddard Annex are connected to the internet through
Gig E. Within these buildings a T100 network is used to link individual computers to the
internet. There is also limited wireless connectivity throughout Thomas & Brown Hall and
Goddard Annex. The department is presently working with the College and the computer center

Page 54
to have full wireless connectivity in both buildings by the start of the fall semester of 2006.

Table 7 -- Equipment associated with the Electrical Engineering Program.

Area Equipment Course(s)
Rotating Machine Workstations,
Power Digital Oscilloscopes, high EE 332
current/voltage probes
Optical breadboards and tables,
Oscilloscopes, Black-body sources,
Wave analyzers, Optical power
Optics EE 477, EE 380, EE 478
meters, Scanning Fabry-Perot
interferometer, Lasers, Lens, and
Digital Oscilloscopes, FPGA
Digital Design EE 261, EE 363
programmers, PIC Programmers
Digital Oscilloscopes, Power
Circuits Supplies, Function generators, Digital EE 111, EE 211
Multi-meters, Impedance meters
Digital Oscilloscopes, Signal
Control Systems EE 341
generators, Analog computers
DSP development boards, Spectrum
Signal Processing Analyzer, Function generators, EE 311
Digital storage oscilloscopes
Network analyzers, Spectrum
EE 315, EE 451, EE
Electromagnetic analyzers, Anechoic chamber,
Antenna range, Wave-guides
VLSI Computer workstations EE 324, EE 486
Digital Oscilloscopes, Power
supplies, High voltage/current
Electronics EE 221
supplies, Signal generators, Digital
Computer Work Stations EE 161

Certain laboratories have specialty software available. In general, all computers in the
undergraduate teaching labs make a variety of applications available to the students, including:

Page 55
Matlab Matrix toolboxes, MathCAD Mathematical scratch pad, the Microsoft Office Word
processor, spreadsheet, presentation editor, Top-Spice Analog simulator, B2Logic Digital
simulator, and the C, and C++ Language compilers. Specialty applications include: Zemax Lens
design, Rose-6 Ray tracing, Max+II EPLD design, PIC-78C12 Micro-processor development,
PVM Distributed computing library, MPI Distributed computing library, Mozart-Oz Distributed
computing library, MRTG Network traffic graphing package, Power World Power grid
simulation, Fortran 32 Language compiler, RDAP Radial distribution analysis, Maple Symbolic
mathematics, Verilog Hardware design language, 68HC11 Micro-processor development,
Serenade Microwave circuit analysis, PCAAD Antenna design & analysis, Magic VLSI layout
editor, Ledit VLSI layout editor, Electronics Workbench Mixed mode simulation, Super PCB
Printed circuit board layout, Motorola DSP development tools, and Micro-processor
development. The College has acquired a College-wide license for LabVIEW for instructional
use as well.

Institutional Support and Financial Resources

The Klipsch School faces budget stresses as do most public institutions. In general, the funding
is adequate to support the program necessities. Supporting program expansions, new research
areas, and new recruiting and retention activities is more problematic.

7.1 Adequacy of Institutional Support

The institutional support for the Klipsch School’s programs and development basically stops at
the Dean’s office. Above that level, there is not any apparent support for expanding or
deepening the electrical engineering program. The ability of the program to grow and prosper is
highly dependent on the ability of the faculty to obtain external funding and the generosity of our
alumni in supporting the program.

7.2 Budget Process

The budget process for the program is developed in the following manner:
• At the start of the fiscal year, the department is given its daily operating budget funding.
This is a “large budget pool” amount without upper-administration direction as to use.
All departmental development and operations category spending is to come from this
pool. This is why the expenses are not broken down further in Appendix I, Table I.5.
This operational funding has not increased for over a decade. In Fiscal Year 2007 it is
being cut by 10% to account for university budget shifts.
• At the start of the fiscal year, the faculty and staff salary lines are funded for the year.

Page 56
The funding for any open lines is kept by the department to pay for temporary or part-
time instructors. Any salary funds that are freed due to research releases can be used to
hire soft-money, full-time faculty. All salary funds that are not expended at the end of
the fiscal year become part of the “salary savings” pool for redistribution, in part, in
subsequent fiscal years.
• At the start of the fiscal year, the department is given the total salary pool for hiring
graduate teaching assistants for the year. The funding for this category is determined by
university formulas based on the graduate student credit hour production within the
department. For the 2006-2007 Academic Year, this number is expected to increase by
4.5% to account for the university cost of living adjustment. However, it is expected to
decrease by 2% to account for the overall university budget shift.
• Throughout the year, the university posts other funding as it is received. This can be
“salary savings” funds, F&A distributions, or foundation funds. Salary savings funds are
a portion of those salary funds not expended the previous academic year. The Provost
and Dean can tax these funds so their appearance in the departmental budget is not
guaranteed. The F&A recovery is approximately 20% of the university’s recovered F&A
funds. This percentage has been dropping the past three years as more of the funds revert
to the central administration. These funds are added to the budget pool on an infrequent
basis. For example, no F&A funds later than May 2005 have been added to the
department’s budget as of the time of this report.
• Towards the end of the calendar year, the department is given its university software and
hardware maintenance funds. These are developed through university formulas based on
student credit hours.
The budget then has two components: fixed components such as salaries and discretionary
components such as the operational budget. The department head has ultimate authority to
spend the discretionary funding as he or she sees fit for the good of the program. Presently, a
large portion of the discretionary spending goes for paying out faculty start-up packages and
similar costs. With one or two retirements expected over the next several years, this expense is
expected to remain constant. For the other discretionary expenses, the department head is
starting a new, permanent committee in the department. For the 2006-2007 Academic Year, the
Klipsch School will be starting a formal budget committee to work with the department head to
prioritize the budget categories.

7.3 Faculty Professional Development

Faculty professional development is generally left to the faculty to self fund. Certain
development activities such as teaching improvement via on-campus programs can be financed
through the department funds. One example of this is the GRASP program to improve teaching
that is run from the New Mexico Space Grant office. Another is faculty teaching support
through the NMSU Teaching Academy. There is limited research development support for new
faculty over their first two summers to assist them in writing proposals. Generally, this is paid
for through the departmental F&A recovery. New faculty members are also given reduced
teaching loads (one class per semester) during their first two years to assist them in developing
Page 57
their research programs.

7.4 Operational Budget

The department receives a dedicated hardware and software maintenance budget each year. The
software maintenance budget is just adequate to cover the antenna modeling, optics, and
electronics specialty software licenses. We receive a software donation each year from
Analytical Graphics to cover their orbital modeling software for instructional use. The College
pays for the software licenses for the Microsoft operating system and Office software and the
National Instruments LabVIEW software. Other software licenses are paid for from the research
groups’ F&A recovery or other discretionary sources. Routine equipment maintenance is paid
for through the hardware maintenance or operational accounts. The hardware maintenance
budget covers periodic PC replacements on a revolving basis. Major laboratory upgrades are
generally achieved through equipment grants. There is limited support for capstone classes and
instructional support through the operational budget.

7.5 Adequacy of Support Personnel

The Klipsch School does not have adequate support personnel for non-secretarial functions. The
school has one full-time staff technician to service all of the equipment plus provide IT support.
The operation of the Klipsch School could be greatly improved by the following steps being
made part of the official budget from the university:
• Add a second hardware technician, especially to help support capstone laboratories;
• The Freshman Advisor position is presently a 9-month, soft money position. This should
be improved to two 12-month positions to provide dedicated freshman and transfer
student advising plus address new student programs that are run over the summer and to
help support the university initiatives in recruiting and retention.
• Add a departmental business manager to assist faculty with monitoring research
accounts, assist with the budget process, and handle all financial transactions required
under the Banner system.

Program Criteria
As discussed in the Criterion 3 section, the IEEE outcomes were adopted as part of the Klipsch
School outcomes. The IEEE outcomes form the Klipsch School's Group II outcomes. Each of
these outcomes is mapped to two or more measurements. The Klipsch School curriculum was
shown in the Criterion 4 section to fully support each of the IEEE outcomes (and Klipsch School

Page 58
outcomes Group II). In the Criterion 3 section, the assessment procedure of all of the Klipsch
Schools Outcomes was described in detail.

General Advanced-Level Program

This section is not applicable because NMSU is seeking accreditation for an undergraduate

Page 59
Appendix B.1 – Sample Freshman Schedules Based on Math Placement

Because the mathematics placement is highly critical to the success of the freshman-year
students, we have developed several sample schedules to accommodate the individual student’s
math placement. These plans are individualized with the students based on actual math
placement scores and other factors such as English placement, chemistry placement, etc.

A. Sample schedule plan for calculus-ready students.

First Semester (15 credits)

Course Description Credit Notes

Requires high school

CHEM 111 Chemistry I 4

Computer-Aided Problem
EE 161 4 Must also be in MATH 191

Contingent on English
ENGL 111G Freshman Composition 4

Contingent on Math
MATH 191 Calculus I 3

Page 60
Second Semester (17 credits)
Course Description Credit Notes

Intro. to Electrical &

EE 111 4 Must be in at least MATH 191
Computer Engineering

Must have completed ENGL

ENGL 218G Technical Writing 3

Must have completed MATH

PHYS 215 & 215L Physics I & Lab 4

Must have completed MATH

MATH 192 Calculus II 3

General Education

B. Sample schedule plan for college-algebra-ready students.

First Semester (14 credits)

Course Description Credit Notes

Requires high school

CHEM 111 Chemistry I 4

Contingent on English
ENGL 111G Freshman Composition 4

Contingent on Math
MATH 180 Trigonometry 3

Contingent on Math
MATH 185 College Algebra 3

Page 61
Second Semester (13 credits)
Course Description Credit Notes

Computer-Aided Problem
EE 161 4 Must also be in MATH 191

Must have completed ENGL

ENGL 218G Technical Writing 3

Must have completed MATH

MATH 191 Calculus I 3
180 and 185

General Education

C. Sample schedule plan for trigonometry-ready students

First Semester (14 credits)

Course Description Credit Notes

Requires high school

CHEM 111 Chemistry I 4

Contingent on English
ENGL 111G Freshman Composition 4

Contingent on Math
MATH 180 Trigonometry 3

General Education

Page 62
Second Semester (13 credits)
Course Description Credit Notes

Computer-Aided Problem
EE 161 4 Must also be in MATH 191

Must have completed ENGL

ENGL 218G Technical Writing 3

Must have completed MATH

MATH 191 Calculus I 3

General Education

D. Sample schedule plan for intermediate-algebra-ready students

First Semester (13 credits)

Course Description Credit Notes

Contingent on English
ENGL 111G Freshman Composition 4

Contingent on Math
MATH 115 Intermediate Algebra 3

Science, Math,
SMET 101 Engineering, & 3

The Freshman Year

UNIV 150 3

Page 63
Second Semester (13 credits)
Course Description Credit Notes

Must have completed ENGL

ENGL 218G Technical Writing 3

Must have completed MATH

MATH 180 Trigonometry 3

Must have completed MATH

MATH 185 College Algebra 3

Requires high school

CHEM 111 Chemistry I 4

Page 64
Appendix B.2 -- Sample Degree Plan

The following tables illustrate a sample four-year degree plan for students without deficiencies.
This is the type of information provided during advising and on the departmental Web page to
assist the advising process. The students are informed that this is an “ideal case” plan and that
individual variations will occur due to mathematics or other preparation. The example schedule
shows the recommended class and the associated credit hours. Electives are to be chosen from
the list of electives provided to the students.

Page 65
Semester:___1_________ Semester:_______2_____

title credit title credit

Math 191 3 Math 192 3

Chem 111 4 Phys 215 4
Engl 111 4 EE 111 4
EE 161 4 Economics 251 or 3
Free Elective 1
COMM 265 3

credits 16
credits 17


title credit

title credit
Math 392 3
Math 291 3
EE 211 4
EE 221 4
EE 261 4
EE 311 4
Phys 217 or Phys 4
216 Gen Ed Elect 3
Math Elect 3

credits 15 credits 17

Page 66
Semester:_____5_______ Semester:_____6_______

title credit title credit

EE 301 3 Stat 371 or EE 302 3

EE 332 4 EE 315 4
EE 341 4 EE Elective 3
Gen Ed Elect 3 Phil 323 3
EE Elective 3 Tech Elect 3

credits 17 credits 16

Semester:____7________ Semester:_____8_______

title credit title credit

Capstone 3 Capstone 3
EE Elective 3 VWW Elective 3
Tech writing: ENGL 3 Tech Elective 3
Engr Elective 3
EE Elect 3
Gen Ed Elective 3
EE 461 3
credits 15
credits 15

Page 67
Appendix B.3 – Course Selection Flowcharts

The following flow charts are used to show the students the critical pathways through the
curriculum and the suggested elective classes for the departmental specialty areas.

EE 111 EE 211
Intro to ECE AC Circuits
EE 332
EE 341
EE 221 Systems
EE 161
EE 261
Digital Design EE 302
Rand. Sigs.
EE 311
or Signals &
STAT 371 Systems

MATH 392
MATH 191 MATH 192
Calculus I Calculus II

PHYS 215 PHYS 216 MATH 291 EE 301 EE 315

Physics I Physics II Calculus III Vectors EMag

Prerequisite Corequisite

Figure 3 -- Core curriculum class selection flowchart.

EE 475
Systems II
EE 341
Systems I
EE 476

Core EE Electives

Figure 4 -- Control systems course selection flowchart

Page 68
EE 302
Rand. Sigs.

MATH 392

EE 496 EE 497
Comm I Comm II

EE 311
Signals &
EE 442
EE 395
Intro to DSP

Core EE Electives

Figure 5 -- Communications/DSP course selection flowchart.

EE 463
Arch II

EE 464
EE 363
Arch I

EE 261 EE 466
Digital I Modern

EE 361
Digital II EE 469
or Data
Core EE Electives

Figure 6 -- Computer engineering course selection flowchart

Page 69
EE 452
Intro. Radar

EE 315 EE 453
EMag I Microwaves

EE 454

Core EE Electives

Figure 7 -- Electromagnetics course selection flowchart.

EE 311
Signals & EE 485
Systems Analog VLSI
EE 324
EE 221 Intro to VLSI
Electronics I EE 486
Digital VLSI
EE 261 EE 361
Digital I Digital II

Core EE Electives

Figure 8 -- Electronics course selection flowchart.

EE 479
EE 477
EE 315 EE 478
Fiber Optics
EMag I Detectors
Comm. Sys.


PHYS 216 EE 370 EE 470

or Geometrical Physical
PHYS 217 Optics Optics

MATH 191 EE 471

Calculus I Experimental
Core EE Electives

Figure 9 -- Photonics course selection flowchart.

Page 70
EE 341

EE 221
Electronics I EE 432
EE 431
Power II
EE 332 EE 493
Power I Power III

EE 494

Core EE Electives

Figure 10 -- Power systems course selection flowchart.

Page 71
Appendix B.4 – Functions and Timeline for the Undergraduate Studies

The Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at New Mexico State University has a major role in the development and the
oversight of the undergraduate curriculum and the assessment process. The timeline for the
functions of the committee is presented below:

Start Capstone general class – all capstones presented, requirements outlined
Update Self Study documentation
Prepare/Review final exam questions
Approve capstones for summer/fall semesters
Request nominations for new members to USC
Attend capstone presentations
Solicit input from faculty regarding changes (classes, curriculum, forms)
Election for new members of USC
Review capstone waivers
Review input on forms/templates; update as necessary
Review final exam results
Reviews data from and look for trends in the data for:
Senior and Alumni surveys
Student essays
Lab reports
Review assessment tools
Decide on corrections/changes/adjustments that are needed to curriculum
Review curriculum changes and review and prepare to bring to faculty
Page 72
Update BSEE document and online materials and handouts (Record check, online
advising documents, STAR)
Report results of summer work (present data, trends and proposed adjustments).
Allow discussion
Start Capstone general class – all capstones presented, requirements outlined
Bring curriculum changes to faculty
Present data results and proposed adjustments to IAG, bring their comments back
to the faculty. Make final decisions about any adjustments to curriculum
Prepare/Review final exam questions
Approve capstones for spring semester
Turn in course changes by Nov 1
Attend capstone presentations.
Review capstone waivers
Review final exam results
Solicit input from faculty regarding changes
Continual/As needed:
1. Student requests/waivers/concerns
2. Department or college concerns/questions

Page 73
Appendix B.5 – BSEE Requirements Document

The Klipsch School

Electrical and Computer Engineering
1896 19
College of Engineering



This document presents a summary of the requirements for earning a Bachelor of Science degree
in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) from New Mexico State University (NMSU). It is intended as
a guide and is in no way meant to replace or amend the 2005-2006 Undergraduate Catalog.

Catalog Selection The requirements outlined below are specific to the 2005-2006 catalog and
may be different from those of other catalogs. The requirements set forth in the 2005-
2006 catalog are in effect from the beginning of the 2005 summer I semester until the end
of the 2011spring semester. This period may be extended due to cooperative (co-op)
work phases. Students graduating after their catalog of matriculation has expired may
meet the requirements of any catalog in effect at the time of graduation. Note, however,
that changing catalogs may render classes already taken inapplicable toward graduation.
Always check with an advisor before deciding to change catalogs.

Departmental Responsibilities. The Klipsch School is responsible for:

1.Providing current lists of approved elective courses for each category. The lists of
approved electives are subject to change at any time. To ensure proper course selection
when registering, be sure to use an up-to-date list, or check with an advisor. Lists of
currently acceptable electives are also available on the Klipsch School website at
2.Assisting students in curriculum planning, selection of electives, and scheduling.
a. The ECE department maintains an “Open Door” policy. All faculty members are
available for consultation.
b.Students are encouraged to obtain a degree progress check while enrolled in
EE 311, and again before enrolling for their final semester. Appointments may be
made by contacting the departmental office, room 106, at 646-6440.

Student Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that all the
requirements for graduation have been met. In general, each student is responsible for:
Page 74
1.Following all university regulations, as listed in the 2005-2006 NMSU Catalog. The
catalog is the ultimate authority when it comes to regulations; this BSEE
REQUIREMENTS handout is merely a summary of the information specific to Electrical
Engineering students.
2.Following all college requirements, as listed in the 2005-2006 NMSU catalog.
3.Following all departmental requirements, as listed in the 2005-2006 NMSU catalog. In
particular, be aware that elective choices must be made such that:
a. The selected course is a currently approved elective in the desired category.
b.A minimum of 128 credits is completed, of which 54 must be numbered 300-499.
c. Although no formal specialization programs exist, each interest area has compiled a
list of recommended electives, see Table 13.
4.Taking courses in the proper sequence. Most courses have co- and/or prerequisites. These
are listed in the course descriptions of the 2005-2006 NMSU catalog. A prerequisite
must have been completed (with a grade of `C`, or better) prior to enrollment, while a
corequisite may be taken at the same time. Enrolling in a class without the proper
preparation is grounds for administrative removal from the course, potentially impacting
on full-time status, financial aid eligibility, and/or graduation plans. A summary of the
co- and prerequisites for Electrical Engineering classes is included as Table 14. Please
note that the co- and prerequisites for a particular class may change in the future, so
check the current catalog or ask the course instructor for the latest requirements.

Note also that some prerequisites apply universally and are not listed for individual classes. For
example: the university has made ENGL 111 a prerequisite to all courses numbered 300-499.
The college has made MATH 192 a corequisite to all engineering courses numbered 300-499.
The department has made EE 161 a prerequisite to all EE classes numbered 300-499.

Transfer Credit. Credit earned at other institutions is generally accepted, however:

• Engineering credit must be earned at an ABET accredited school.
• Physics must be calculus based.
• If the NMSU requirement includes a laboratory, the transfer credit must include a lab.
• A grade of ‘C’, or better, must have been earned.
• The Breadth, Depth, and Capstone electives may not be transferred.

Page 75
Page 76
Page 77
Page 78
Page 79
Page 80
Page 81
Page 82
Appendix B.6 – Record Check Form

The form on the next page illustrates a blank working document used by the Klipsch School
faculty during the various record check and advising processes. A completed version of this
form is also used in the final check for graduation eligibility. In addition to the information on
the student, the catalog being used for the student’s curriculum options is noted. The record
check advisor can also make notes as to specialty area advising, dates of specific actions taken,
etc. This information stays with the student’s records through graduation.
After the record check form is the undergrad Career Advising Form that is used to help guide the
selection of electives, capstones, and selection of the specialty area advisor.

Page 83
Page 84
Specialty Area Contact _________________________

Undergraduate Career Advising @ Record Check

1. What capstone course would you like to take? Or, in what area would you like the capstone to
focus? How are you preparing, or have you prepared, to take this capstone?



2 How do you plan to complete your core classes? Your EE electives?


3. When do you plan to complete your undergraduate education? ______________________

4. What do you want to do when you graduate? What type of company do you want to work for, or
what type of graduate program do you want to attend?

5. What co-op and/or internship experience do you have?


6. Will you try to go on a co-op or internship before graduation? If so, where would you like to

7. What is your GPA? ______________________________________________________

8. Is your GPA helping you or hurting you with respect to your post-graduation plans?

Page 85

Student Name (Printed): ___________________________________________________

Student Email ___________________________________________________

Student Signature: __________________________________Date: ____________

Record Check Advisor: __________________________________Date:_____________

Page 86
Appendix B.7 – Mapping Between the Klipsch School Curriculum to the
Program Outcomes

This mapping of the Klipsch School curriculum to the Program Outcomes is given in the
following table. This table is used by the faculty in drafting the syllabi for each of their classes.
It is also used by the Klipsch School faculty members and the Undergraduate Studies Committee
in particular to guide the assessment process and associated data collection process.

Page 87
Table 3 -- Mapping of Klipsch School Curriculum to the Program Objectives.

Obtain meaningful
Explore specialties

range of EE topics
to assist in solving

complex electrical
Ability to analyze
solve problems in

hand through co-

Apply computers
thinking skills to

Depth across the

Prob. and Stats.

profession first-

differential and
employment or
Experience the

advance Math,
pertinent their

Knowledge of

Math through
career choices
Apply critical

Knowledge of

Knowledge of

Knowledge of

Knowledge of
continue with
EE problems

basic science
Breadth and

Diff. Eq and

l l l


and design
l l
and EE

li ti

d l t

i t
Departmental Outcomes (I) IEEE Outcomes (II)
a b c d e a b c d e f g
Assessment Scheme
Senior Surveys indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect
Alumi Surveys indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect
EE 111 Final Exam standar standar
Part I d d
EE 211 Final Exam standar standar
Part I d d
EE 311 Final Exam standar standar
Part I d d
EE 315 final Exam standar standar standar
Part I d d d
EE 221 Lab Report standar standar
d d
EE 261 Lab Report standar standar
d d
EE 221
Class variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable
m Outcomes

Page 88
EE 111

EE 311
EE 221

EE 315
EE 261
EE 161

EE 211

EE 332
EE Core





AC Circuits

Electronics I
Digital Design I
Problem Solving

EE-Elective Essay


Intro. to Electrical
Apply critical


thinking skills to

solve problems in
Apply computers




to assist in solving
EE problems

Page 89
Explore specialties

pertinent their
career choices
Departmental Outcomes (I)

Experience the


profession first-
hand through co-
Obtain meaningful

employment or
continue with
Breadth and


Depth across the


range of EE topics
Knowledge of

Prob. and Stats.

and EE
li ti
Knowledge of
IEEE Outcomes (II)


Math through
differential and
i t l l l
Knowledge of


basic science

Knowledge of


advance Math,
Diff. Eq and
t l l
Knowledge of



Ability to analyze

and design

complex electrical
d l t i


EE 461
EE 341



EE Elective
EE Elective
EE Elective
EE Elective


Control Systems I
Apply critical


x thinking skills to
solve problems in
Apply computers


to assist in solving
EE problems

Page 90
Explore specialties


pertinent their
career choices
Departmental Outcomes (I)

Experience the

profession first-
hand through co-
Obtain meaningful

employment or
continue with
Breadth and

Depth across the

range of EE topics
Knowledge of

Prob. and Stats.

and EE
li ti
Knowledge of
IEEE Outcomes (II)


Math through
differential and
i t l l l
Knowledge of

basic science

Knowledge of

advance Math,
Diff. Eq and
t l l
Knowledge of



Ability to analyze

and design
complex electrical
d l t i
EE 301

EE 302
Math 391
Math 291
Math 192
Math 191

Chem 111
Math Elective






Math & Science



General Chemistry
Analytic Geometry
Analytic Geometry
Analytic Geometry

Electrical Engineers
Apply critical

thinking skills to

solve problems in
Apply computers

to assist in solving
EE problems

Page 91
Explore specialties

pertinent their
career choices
Departmental Outcomes (I)

Experience the

profession first-
hand through co-
Obtain meaningful

employment or
continue with
Breadth and

Depth across the

range of EE topics
Knowledge of

Prob. and Stats.

and EE
li ti
Knowledge of
IEEE Outcomes (II)


Math through
differential and
i t l l l
Knowledge of

basic science

Knowledge of


advance Math,
Diff. Eq and
t l l
Knowledge of


Ability to analyze

and design
complex electrical
d l t i
Phys I
Phys II

Phil 323
Engl 218
Engl 111

Comm 265

Econ 251 /



General Education



General Physics I
General Physics II

Engineering Ethics

Micro or Macro
Apply critical

thinking skills to

solve problems in
Apply computers

to assist in solving
EE problems

Page 92
Explore specialties

pertinent their
career choices
Departmental Outcomes (I)

Experience the

profession first-
hand through co-
Obtain meaningful

employment or
continue with
Breadth and

Depth across the

range of EE topics
Knowledge of

Prob. and Stats.

and EE
li ti
Knowledge of
IEEE Outcomes (II)

Math through
differential and
i t l l l
Knowledge of

basic science

Knowledge of

advance Math,
Diff. Eq and
t l l
Knowledge of


Ability to analyze

and design
complex electrical
d l t i
Part I
Part I
Part I
Part I
Assessment Scheme

Alumi Surveys
Senior Surveys

Outcomes Support
EE 221 Lab Report

EE 221 Assignment

EE 315 final Exam
EE 311 Final Exam
EE 211 Final Exam
EE 111 Final Exam
Apply Knowledge of math,

science and engineering


Ability to design and

conduct experiments as

Page 93

well as to analyze and
Ability to design a system,

component or process to


meet desired needs
ABET Outcomes (III)

Ability to function on


multi-disciplinary teams


Ability to identify,


formulate and solve


engineering problems

Understand professional

and ethical responsibilities



Ability to communicate



Broad education necessary


to understand the impact



of engineering solutions in
Recognition of the need

for and the ability to



engage in life-long
Knowledge of

contemporary issues


Ability to use the


techniques, skills and



modern engineering tools

t i i
EE 111

EE 311
EE 221

EE 332
EE 315
EE 161

EE 261
EE 211
EE Core

and Report

AC Circuits
(sample =4)

Electronics I
Digital Design I
Problem Solving

Signals and Systems
Computer Engineering
Intro. to Electrical and

Capstone Presentation

Introduction to Electric
Apply Knowledge of math,




science and engineering

Ability to design and



conduct experiments as

Page 94
well as to analyze and
Ability to design a system,


component or process to

meet desired needs

ABET Outcomes (III)

Ability to function on


multi-disciplinary teams

Ability to identify,




formulate and solve

engineering problems

Understand professional


and ethical responsibilities

Ability to communicate




Broad education necessary


to understand the impact


of engineering solutions in
Recognition of the need

for and the ability to


engage in life-long
Knowledge of

contemporary issues

Ability to use the




techniques, skills and


modern engineering tools

t i i


EE 341

EE 461


EE Elective
EE Elective
EE Elective
EE Elective
Control Systems I
Power Engineering

Project Management
Apply Knowledge of math,


science and engineering

Ability to design and


conduct experiments as

Page 95
well as to analyze and
Ability to design a system,


component or process to
meet desired needs
ABET Outcomes (III)

Ability to function on


multi-disciplinary teams

Ability to identify,


formulate and solve

engineering problems

Understand professional


and ethical responsibilities

Ability to communicate


Broad education necessary



to understand the impact

of engineering solutions in
Recognition of the need


for and the ability to

engage in life-long
Knowledge of


contemporary issues

Ability to use the




techniques, skills and

modern engineering tools
t i i
EE 301

EE 302

Math 391
Math 291
Math 192
Math 191

Chem 111
Geometry I

Geometry II
Math & Science

Geometry III

Electrical Engineers

General Chemistry I
Differential Equations

Vector Principles for
Calculus and Analytic
Calculus and Analytic
Calculus and Analytic
Apply Knowledge of math,


science and engineering

Ability to design and


conduct experiments as

Page 96
well as to analyze and
Ability to design a system,

component or process to
meet desired needs
ABET Outcomes (III)

Ability to function on

multi-disciplinary teams

Ability to identify,

formulate and solve

engineering problems

Understand professional

and ethical responsibilities

Ability to communicate


Broad education necessary


to understand the impact

of engineering solutions in
Recognition of the need

for and the ability to

engage in life-long
Knowledge of

contemporary issues

Ability to use the


techniques, skills and

modern engineering tools
t i i
Phys I
Phys II

Phil 323
Engl 218
Engl 111

Comm 265

Econ 251 /


General Education


General Physics I
General Physics II

Engineering Ethics
Principals of Human

Apply Knowledge of math,

science and engineering

Ability to design and


conduct experiments as

Page 97
well as to analyze and
Ability to design a system,

component or process to
meet desired needs
ABET Outcomes (III)

Ability to function on

multi-disciplinary teams

Ability to identify,

formulate and solve

engineering problems

Understand professional

and ethical responsibilities

Ability to communicate


Broad education necessary


to understand the impact

of engineering solutions in
Recognition of the need

for and the ability to

engage in life-long
Knowledge of

contemporary issues

Ability to use the


techniques, skills and

modern engineering tools
t i i
Appendix I – Additional Program Information

A. Tabular Data for Program

The following tables are included in this section:

Table I-1. Basic level Curriculum

Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary
Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary
Table I-4. Faculty Analysis
Table I-5. Support Expenditures

Page 98
Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum
Electrical Engineering
Category (Credit Hours)
Check if
Year; Contains
Semester or Course Math & Basic Significant General
Quarter (Department, Number, Title) Sciences Design (9) Education Other
ENGL 111G Rhetoric and
Semester ( ) 4
ENGL 218G Technical and
Semester ( ) 3
Scientific Communication
COMM 265G Principals of
Semester ( ) 3
Human Communication
ECON 251G or 252G Micro or
Semester ( ) 3
Macro Economics
Semester History Elective ( ) 3
Semester Human Thought Elective ( ) 3
Semester Literature/Fine Arts Elective ( ) 3
Semester Viewing a Wider World Elective ( ) 3
Semester PHIL 323 Engineering Ethics ( ) 3
Semester Free Elective ( ) 1
CHEM 111 or 114 General
Semester 4 ( )
Chemistry I
PHYS 215 or 213 General
Semester 4 ( )
Physics I
PHYS 216 or 217 General
Semester 4 ( )
Physics II
MATH 191 Calculus and
Semester 3 ( )
Analytic Geometry
MATH 192 Calculus and
Semester 3 ( )
Analytic Geometry II
MATH 291 Calculus and
Semester 3 ( )
Analytic Geometry III
MATH 392 Differential
Semester 3 ( )
EE 301 Vector Principles for
Semester 3 ( )
Semester Statistics Elective 3 ( )
Semester Math Elective 3 ( )
(continued on next page)

Page 99
Table I-1 Basic-Level Curriculum (continued)
Electrical Engineering
Category (Credit Hours)
Year; Check if
Semester or Contains
Course Math & Basic Significant General
Quarter (Department, Number, Title) Science Design (9) Education Other
Semester EE 461 Project Management 3 ( )
Semester Technical Elective 6 ( )
Semester Engineering Elective 3 ( )
Semester EE 111 Introduction to 4 ( )
Electrical and Computer
Semester EE 161 Computer Aided 4 ( )
Problem Solving
Semester EE 211 AC Circuits 4 ( )
Semester EE 221 Electronics I 4 ( )
Semester EE 261 Digital Design I 4 ( )
Semester EE 311 Signals and Systems 4 ( )
Semester EE 315 Applied 4 ( )
Semester EE 332 Introduction to Electric 4 ( )
Power Engineering
Semester E 341 Control Systems I 4 ( )
Semester EE Electives 12 ( )
Semester or Capstone Elective 6 (9)
PERCENT OF TOTAL 25.8% 51.6% 22.7% 0%
Totals must Minimum semester credit hours 32 hrs 48 hrs
satisfy one Minimum percentage 25% 37.5 %

Page 100
Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary
Electrical Engineering
No. of Sections Type of Class1
offered in Avg. Section
Course No. Title Current Year Enrollment Lecture Laboratory Recitation Other
EE 111 Introduction to Electrical and 3 27 75% 25%
Computer Engineering
EE 161 Computer Aided Problem 2 39 75% 25%
EE 211 AC Circuits 2 39 75% 25%
EE 221 Electronics I 2 45 75% 25%
EE 261 Digital Design I 2 35 75% 25%
EE 301 Vector Principles 2 37 100%
EE 302 Random Signal and Variable 1 5 100%
EE 311 Signals and Systems 2 38 75% 25%
EE 315 Applied Electromagnetics 2 32 75% 25%
EE 332 Introduction to Electric Power 2 27 75% 25%
EE 341 Controls I 2 30 75% 25%
EE 361 Digital Design II 2 23 100%
EE 363 Computer Architecture I 1 19 75% 25%
EE 370 Optics I 1 14 67% 33%
EE 395 Introduction to Digital Signal 1 35 100%
EE 431 Power Systems II 2 12 100%
EE 442 Real-Time Digital Signal 1 5 100%

Page 101
Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary (continued)
Electrical Engineering
No. of Sections Type of Class1
offered in Avg. Section
Course No. Title Current Year Enrollment Lecture Laboratory Recitation Other
EE 452 Introduction to Radar 1 5 100%
EE 453 Microwaves 1 8 75% 25%
EE 454 Antennas 1 4 100%
EE 455 SIGINT I 1 17 100%
EE 460 Satellite Design 1 15 100%
EE 461 Systems Engineering 1 27 100%
EE 463 Computer Architecture II 1 14 100%
EE 469 Digital Networks 1 11 100%
EE 470 Optics II 1 5 100%
EE 475 Control Systems II 1 17 100%
EE 476 Computer Control Systems 1 15 100%
EE 477 Fiber Optics I 1 10 67% 33%
EE 478 Optical Sources, Detectors, and 1 3 75% 25%
EE 479 Lasers & Applications 1 3 75% 25%
EE 482 Electronics II 1 5 67% 33%
EE 483 RF Microelectronics 1 3 100%
EE 485 Analog VLSI Design 1 1 67% 33%
EE 486 Digital VLSI Design 1 2 67% 33%
EE 490 Power System Reliability 1 1 100%
EE 490 Embedded Systems 1 1 100%
EE 493 Power Systems III 2 8 100%

Page 102
Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary (continued)
Electrical Engineering
No. of Sections Type of Class1
offered in Avg. Section
Course No. Title Current Year Enrollment Lecture Laboratory Recitation Other
EE 494 Distribution Systems 1 1 100%
EE 496 Introduction to Communication 1 25 100%
Systems I
EE 497 Introduction to Communication 1 14 100%
Systems II
EE 498 Capstone Design I 7 7 100%
EE 499 Capstone Design II 8 6 100%

Page 103
Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary
Electrical Engineering

FT or
Faculty Member PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Total Activity Distribution2
(Name) (%) Term and Year1 Teaching Research Other3
Borah, Deva FT Fall 2005: EE 496/3; EE 671/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable; 50% 25%
(100%) EE 700/variable
Spring 2006: EE 497/3; EE 583/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Boehmer, Charles PT Fall 2005: EE 461 25%
(25%) Spring 2006: EE 460
Cook, Jeanine FT Fall 2005: EE/CS 463/3; EE 564/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable; 50% 25% 25%
(100%) EE 700/variable
Spring 2006: EE 363/4; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Creusere, Charles FT Fall 2005: EE 573/3; EE 565/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable; 50% 25% 25%
(100%) EE 700/variable
Spring 2006: EE 302/3; EE 499/6; EE 595/3; EE 599/variable;
EE 700/variable
Dawood, FT Fall 2005: EE 452/548/3 25% 75%
Muhammed (100%) Spring 2005: EE 454/541/3
DeLeon, Phillip FT Fall 2005: EE 545/3; EE 589/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 442/592/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Garcia, Vicente PT Fall 2005: EE 455 25%
Geyer, Gary PT Fall 2005: EE 461 25%
(25%) Spring 2006: EE 460
Furth, Paul FT Fall 2005: EE 221/4; EE 486/524/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 161/4; EE 221/4; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable

Page 104
Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary (continued)
Electrical Engineering

FT or
Faculty Member PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Total Activity Distribution2
(Name) (%) Term and Year Teaching Research Other3
Giles, Michael K. FT Fall 2005: EE/PHYS 477/527/3; EE 498/3; EE 599/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 370/3; EE 487/557/3; EE 700/variable
Horan, Sheila B. FT Fall 2005: EE 111/4 50% 50%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 111/4; EE 211/4
Horan, Stephen FT Fall 2005: EE 498/499/3; EE 585/3; EE 598/variable; EE 700/variable 25% 75%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 498/499/6; EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable
Huang, Hong FT Fall 2005: EE 469/3; EE 563/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 563/3; EE 569/3; EE 599/variable
Jedlicka, Russell FT Fall 2005: EE 315/4; EE 453/521/3; EE 499/6; EE 598/variable; 50% 25% 25%
(100%) EE 599/variable
Spring 2006: EE 315/4; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Johnson, Eric. E. FT Fall 2005: EE 568/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable 25% 50% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 560/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Kersting, William PT Spring 2006: EE 494/544 25%
Lyman, Raphael FT Fall 2005: EE 311/3 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 311/4; EE 581/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Mitra, Joydeep FT Fall 2005: 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 431/ 542/3; EE 534/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Ng, Kwong T. FT Fall 2005: EE 301/3; EE 515/3; EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 301/3; EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable

Page 105
Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary (continued)
Electrical Engineering

FT or
Faculty Member PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Total Activity Distribution2
(Name) (%) Term and Year Teaching Research Other3
Paz, Robert FT Fall 2005: EE 476/3; EE 551/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable 75% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 475/3; EE 552/3; EE 555/3; EE 599/variable
Prasad, Nadipuram FT Fall 2005: 75% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 201/3; EE 341/4; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable;
EE 700/variable
Ramirez-Angulo, FT Fall 2005: EE 482/3; EE 520/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable; 50% 25% 25%
Jaime (100%) EE 700/variable
Spring 2006: EE 483/519/3; EE 485/52/33; EE 598/variable;
EE 599/variable
Ranade, FT Fall 2005: EE 332/4; EE 533/3; EE 498/3; EE 598/variable; 50% 25% 25%
Satishkumar (100%) EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable
Spring 2006: EE 332/4; EE 499/3; EE 599/variable
Smolleck, Howard FT Fall 2005: EE 493/543/3; EE 431/542/3; EE 598/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 493/543/3; EE 531/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable
Stochaj, Steven FT Fall 2005: EE 109/3; EE 361/4; EE 498/499/3 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 110/3; EE 361/4; EE 700/variable
Taylor, Javin PT Fall 2005: EE 211/4; EE 261/4 33%
(33%) Spring 2006: EE 261
Voelz, David FT Fall 2005: EE 478/528/3; EE 599/variable; EE 700/variable 50% 25% 25%
(100%) Spring 2006: EE 479/529/3; EE 577/3; EE 598/variable; EE 599/variable;
EE 700/variable
1. Indicate Term and Year for which data apply.
2. Activity distribution should be in percent of effort. Faculty member’s activities should total 100%.
3. Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other."
Page 106
Table I-4. Faculty Analysis
Electrical Engineering
Level of Activity

Degree Earned &

Institution from
Highest Degree
Years of Experience (high, med, low, none)

which Highest

State in which



al Society

FT or PT


Work in



Borah, Deva Asst. Prof FT PhD Australian 0 13 6 None Med, IEEE High None
National Univ.,

Boehmer, Charles Adjunct PT MS US Naval Post 39 6 6 None None None None

Instructor Graduate School,

Cook, Jeanine Asst. Prof FT PhD New Mexico 6 3 3 None Med, IEEE High None
State Univ., 2002
Creusere, Charles Assoc. FT PhD Univ. of 10 5 5 None High, IEEE High Low
Prof California, 1993

Dawood, Muhammed Asst. Prof FT PhD Univ. of 6 8 1 None Low, IEEE Med None
Lincoln, 2001
DeLeon, Phillip Assoc. FT PhD Univ. of 0 10 10 None Med, Med Low
Prof Colorado, IEEE/SPS
Boulder, 1995
Furth, Paul Assoc. FT PhD Johns Hopkins 5 11 11 None Low, IEEE Low Low
Prof Univ., 1996
Garcia, Vicente Adjunct PT MSEE US Naval Post 24 10 4 None None None None
Asst. Prof. Graduate School,

Page 107
Table I-4. Faculty Analysis (continued)
Electrical Engineering
Level of Activity

Degree Earned &

Institution from
Highest Degree
Years of Experience (high, med, low, none)

which Highest

State in which



al Society

FT or PT


Work in



Geyer, Gary Adjunct PT MSEE Univ. of So. Cal., 39 6 6 None None None None
Instructor 1971
Giles, Michael K. Prof FT PhD Univ. of Arizona, 12 25 24 None High, SPIE, High High
1976 OSA
Huang, Hong Asst Prof FT PhD Georgia Inst. Of 11 5 3 None Med, IEEE Med Low
Tech., 2002
Horan, Sheila B. College FT PhD New Mexico 1 17 17 None Low, IEEE, Low None
Assc. Prof State Univ., 1985 ASEE
Horan, Stephen Prof & FT PhD New Mexico 2 22 20 None Low, IEEE, Med Low
Dpt Head State Univ., 1984 AIAA
Jedlicka, Russell Assoc. FT PhD New Mexico 22 7 7 None Med, IEEE High Low
Prof State Univ., 1995
Johnson, Eric. E. Prof FT PhD New Mexico 6 20 20 New Med, AFCEA High High
State Univ., 1987 Mexico
Jordan, Jay B. Emeritus PT PhD New Mexico 12 25 25 None Low, ASEE, Low None
Prof State University, INCOSE
Kersting, William Emeritus PT MSEE Illinois Inst. of 2 38 38 None High, IEEE Med High
Prof Tech., 1961
Lyman, Raphael Asst Prof FT PhD University of 10 6 5 None Low, IEEE Med None
Florida, 2000

Page 108
Table I-4. Faculty Analysis (continued)
Electrical Engineering
Level of Activity

Degree Earned &

Institution from
Highest Degree
Years of Experience (high, med, low, none)

which Highest

State in which



al Society

FT or PT


Work in



Mitra, Joydeep Assoc. FT PhD Texas A&M 10 5 3 None High, IEEE High None
Prof Univ., 1997
Ng, Kwong T. Prof FT PhD Ohio State Univ., 0 21 16 None Low, IEEE, High Low
1985 ASEE
Paz, Robert Assoc. FT PhD Univ. of Illinois, 2 15 15 None Low, Med None
Prof 1991 IEEE/CSS
Prasad, Nadipuram Assoc. FT PhD New Mexico 15 20 20 None Low, IEEE, Med None
Prof State Univ., 1989 ASIS
Ramirez-Angulo, Prof FT PhD Univ. of Stuttgart, 0.5 23 16 None High, IEEE Low Low
Jaime 1982
Ranade, Prof FT PhD Univ. Florida, 2 25 25 None High IEEE High High
Satishkumar Gainesville, 1981
Smolleck, Howard Prof FT PhD Univ. of Texas, 0 31 26 Virginia Med, IEEE Med High
Arlington, 1975 New
Stochaj, Steven Prof FT PhD Univ. of 2 20 15 MNonei Med Low High None
Maryland, 1990 Med APS
Taylor, Javin Emeritus PT PhD Univ. of 10 None IEEE ASEE
Med IEEE Med Low
Prof Wyoming, 1970
Voelz, David Assoc. FT PhD Univ. of Illinois, 14 4 4 None High, SPIE, High Med
Prof 1987 OSA
Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty of the program. Use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information
is to be provided at the time of the visit. The level of activity should reflect an average over the current year (year prior to visit) plus
the two previous years.
Page 109
Table I-5. Support Expenditures
Electrical Engineering
Fiscal Year 1 2 3 4
2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Expenditure Category
Operations1 $82,510 $82,510 $82,510 $74,259
(not including staff)
Travel2 Travel expenses are included in the Operations budget
Equipment3 $32,518 $98,095 $65,905 $47,014
Institutional Funds $27,493 $48,095 $65,455 $47,014
Grants and Gifts4 $5,025 $50,000 $450
Graduate Teaching $268,512 $308,884 $331,625 $346,548
Part-time Assistance5 Part-time assistant expenses are included in the Operations budget
(other than teaching)
Report data for the engineering program being evaluated. Updated tables are to be provided at the
time of the visit.
Column 1: Provide the statistics from the audited account for the fiscal year completed 2 years
prior to the current fiscal year.
Column 2: Provide the statistics from the audited account for the fiscal year completed prior to
your current fiscal year.
Column 3: This is your current fiscal year (when you will be preparing these statistics). Provide
your preliminary estimate of annual expenditures, since your current fiscal year presumably is not
over at this point.
Column 4: Provide the budgeted amounts for your next fiscal year to cover the fall term when the
ABET team will arrive on campus.
1. General operating expenses to be included here.
2. Institutionally sponsored, excluding special program grants.
3. Major equipment, excluding equipment primarily used for research. Note that the
expenditures under “Equipment” should total the expenditures for Equipment. If they don’t,
please explain.
4. Including special (not part of institution’s annual appropriation) non-recurring equipment
purchase programs.
5. Do not include graduate teaching and research assistant or permanent part-time personnel.

Page 111
Appendix I
Course Syllabi

Page 112
EE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (DC Circuits)

Required? Yes
Description: Electric component descriptions and equations. Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws,
formulation and solution of DC network equations.
Computer building blocks and electronics projects.
Corequisites: Math 191
Textbook and other Required Materials:
Engineering Circuit Analysis, W.H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, 6th edition, McGraw Hill,
2002. Web link www.mhhe.com/hayt6e This will give access to chapter outlines, overviews,
tutorials, and virtual professor.
The laboratory will require a bread board, 2 protoboards, a Digital Multimeter, and possibly some
additional electronic components depending on the project selected. A small screwdriver,
wirestrippers, and pliers may be purchased separately if desired. The protoboards, and breadboard
can be purchased from the EE office (T&B 106).

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. To use Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws to analyze circuits.
2. To solve basic circuit problems using nodal and mesh analysis, superposition, and equivalent
circuits (using circuit reductions, source transforms and Thevenin equivalence techniques).
3. To apply the basic tools used in electrical engineering, and show how to use these tools consisting
of O-scopes, multi-meters, power supplies, function generators, breadboards, soldering irons, and
electronic components to make measurements of voltage, current, resistance, and frequency
4. To use Op Amps in a circuit and be able to analyze the circuit using the ideal Op Amp model.
5. To expose students to the code of engineering ethics.
6. To offer the student an opportunity to display his/her competency in both course work, laboratory
procedures and problem solving skills by doing in-lab demonstrations and presentations.

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• DC Power, Kirchoffs laws, Ohm’s law
• Equivalent resistance (series, parallel and delta-wye combinations)
• Voltage and current division
• Nodal and mesh analysis
• Superposition, source transforms, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits
• Ideal Op Amps and introduction to capacitors and inductors

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30 -10:20 AM, T&B 104

Labs: Register for one Lab section. Labs are held in T&B 102. Labs will begin the week of January
23rd. Laboratory class (150 minutes/week) is required
Sec. 01A 10:20 AM – 12:50 PM Tuesday
Sec. 01C 1:10 PM - 3:40 PM Thursday

Page 113
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes four semester hours of engineering topics.
This course lays the foundation for the electrical engineering curriculum. In this class, students will experience
applications of concepts learned in the classroom. They will learn through hands on experience how to build
circuits, analyze them, and do basic design. These basic concepts lay the groundwork for more advanced circuit and
system analysis techniques that they will explore in later classes and use in their workplace. The basic design
problems encountered here help pave the way toward their ultimate design class – the capstone course. By forming
teams in the lab, students begin their preparation to work in inter-disciplinary teams

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome

Objective Ia II a II c III a III b III c III d III e III f III g III k
1 x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x
3 x x x x
4 x x x x
5 x

6 x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Critical Thinking skills to solve problems in EE

II a. Knowledge of breadth and depth across the range of EE topics.
II c. Knowledge of math through derivatives and integrals.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
III b. Design and conducts experiments, analysis and interpretation of data.
III c. Ability to design a system to meet desired needs.
III d. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III f. Understand professional and ethical responsibility
III g. Ability to communicate effectively
III k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering

Page 114
EE 161 Computer-Aided Problem Solving

Required? Yes
Description: Evolution and application of computers, social and economic implications, introduction to
programming using engineering workstations. Extensive practice in writing programs to solve
engineering problems. Computer interfaces to real-world systems.
Corequisite: MATH 191
Text: Jeri R. Hanly and Elliot B. Koffman, Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 4th ed.,
Addison-Wesley, 2003
Website: A class web site, consisting of homework assignments, quizzes, laboratory handouts, current
grades, the course syllabus, and other helpful handouts, exists at WebCT at
Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:
1. Understanding ethical and fair computer use
2. Understanding and interpreting problem statements
3. Designing an algorithm to solve a problem
4. Writing a program in C to implement an algorithm
5. Documenting a program with comments
6. Debugging a C program
7. Working and learning in teams
8. Reading from and writing to files
9. Writing if and switch statements
10. Writing for loops
11. Writing while and do while loops
12. Writing and passing arguments to functions
13. Performing operations with 1D and 2D arrays
14. Performing operations with strings
Topics: The topics covered in this class are:
• Overview of Computers
• Overview of the C Programming Language
• Writing Programs with Functions
• Conditions: If and Switch Statements
• Repetition and Loop Statements
• 1-D and 2-D Arrays and Array Processing
• Strings and String Processing
Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m., T&B 104
Labs: Register for one meeting per week (T&B 202):
Monday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 1:10 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes three semester hours of engineering topics and one semester hour of engineering design.
This course helps lay the foundation for the undergraduate electrical engineering curriculum. Working in teams,
students learn how to read and interpret problem statements and develop structured software necessary to solve
these problems.

Page 115
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
Course Program Outcomes
Ia II b II d III a III e III f

1 X

2 X X X

3 X X X X X

4 X X X

5 X X

6 X X X

7 X

8 X X

9 X X

10 X X

11 X X

12 X X

13 X X

14 X X

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve engineering problems.
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving engineering problems.
II d. Knowledge of basic science, including computer science.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.

Page 116

Required? Yes

Description: Complete solutions of RLC and switching networks. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Three-
phase analysis. Mutual coupling. Frequency selective networks.
Corequisites: C or better in EE 111 and Math 192 (Calculus II)


Electric Circuits Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering, by James
W. Nilsson and Susan Riedel, Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. Homework solutions and other materials
are available through the class Webpage. The computer will need to have an Adobe Acrobat reader
installed. Students are encouraged to use MathCAD, Matlab or similar products in working the homework
assignments. Web Page https://salsa.nmsu.edu/SCRIPT/nmsgc3/scripts/serve_home
Engineering Circuit Analysis, W.H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, 6th edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.
Web link www.mhhe.com/hayt6e This will give access to chapter outlines, overviews, tutorials, and
virtual professor.
Additional References:
D. Zwillinger, CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, CRC Press.
M. Navhi and J. A. Edminister, Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of
Electric Circuits, 4th ed., New York; McGraw-Hill, 2003.
M. R. Spiegel, Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Complex Variables,
New York; McGraw-Hill, 1964.
Laboratory Kit: An EE 211 LABKIT is required which can be purchased from the Klipsch School

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. To use circuit analysis concepts (learned in EE 111) to analyze new types of networks involving
switched, DC and steady-state AC circuits.
2. To reinforce mathematical skills in differential equations, vector/phasor analysis, derivative and integral
calculus, matrices, and algebra.
3. To apply the basic tools and circuit elements used in electrical engineering, the proper and responsible
use of oscilloscopes, digital multimeters, power supplies, function generators, and other electronic
testing equipment.
4. To use circuit/problem solving software such as Top Spice, MathCAD, and/or Matlab.
5. To develop competency in the application, analysis and design of ac and dc circuits, and have exposure
to basic transfer functions, and variable frequency networks.
6. To offer the student an opportunity to display his/her competency in both course work, laboratory
procedures and problem solving skills by doing in-lab demonstrations and presentations.

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Inductance, Capacitance, and Mutual Inductance Chapter 6 Chapter 7 &13
• Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits Chapter 7 Chapter 8
• Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Page 117
• Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis Chapter 9 Chapter 10
• Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations Chapter 10 Chapter 11
• Introduction to the Laplace Transform Chapter 12 Chapter 14

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 -9:20 AM, T&B 104
Labs: Register for one Lab section. Labs are held in T&B 102. Labs will begin
the week of January 23. Laboratory class (150 minutes/week) is required
Sec. 01A 1:10 PM – 3:40 PM Tuesday
Sec. 01B 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM Wednesday

Contribution to the Professional Component

This course contributes four semester hours of engineering topics.
This course reinforces the critical network analysis skills learned in EE 111 with applications to new types of
networks. The student learns via the text, class work, handouts, and hands on experience, the theory behind transient
networks, single-phase networks, transformers, Laplace transforms and variable frequency networks. These basic
concepts lay the groundwork for more advanced electrical engineering courses and ultimately to a successful and
fulfilling work experience. The student also gains valuable teamwork experience in a laboratory setting. This course
consists of four (4) credits; three (3) credits of engineering topics and one (1) credit of laboratory.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome
Objective Ia Ib II a II c II d II e III a III b III c III d III e III g III k
1 x x x x x
2 x x x x x x
3 x x x x x
4 x x x x x x
5 x x x x x x
6 x x x x x x
Relevant Program Outcomes
I a. Critical Thinking skills to solve problems in EE
I b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems.
II a. Knowledge of breadth and depth across the range of EE topics
II c. Knowledge of math through derivatives and integrals
II d. Knowledge of basic science
II e. Knowledge of advanced math, differential equations, and vector calculus
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
III b. Design and conducts experiments, analysis and interpretation of data.
III c. Ability to design a system to meet desired needs.
III d. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III g. Ability to communicate effectively
III k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering

Page 118
EE 221 Electronics I

Required? Yes

Description: Introduction to solid-state devices. Diode circuits. Single-transistor BJT and MOS amplifiers.
Introduction to digital CMOS circuits.

Corequisite: C or better in EE211

Text: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th ed., Oxford University
Press, 2004

Website: A class web site, consisting of homework assignments, quizzes, laboratory handouts, current
grades, the course syllabus, and other helpful handouts, exists at WebCT at

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. Analysis and design of single time-constant circuits
2. Analysis and design of linear opamp circuits
3. Analysis and design of linear AC-to-DC power supplies
4. Describing the physical structure and operation of silicon devices
5. Biasing of single-transistor amplifiers
6. Small-signal analysis of single-transistor amplifiers
7. Analysis and design of CMOS logic gates
8. DC, AC, and transient simulation of circuits using SPICE
9. Developing teamwork skills while working in teams
10. Proto-typing circuits with breadboards
11. Laying out and testing a small printed-circuit board
12. Testing and measuring electronic circuits using power supplies, function generators,
multi-meters, and oscilloscopes
13. Documenting laboratory results through written lab summaries
14. Presenting a team laboratory project in front of peers

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Amplifier Models and Single-Time-Constant Circuits
• Operational Amplifiers
• Diodes and Linear Power Supplies
• MOS Field-Effect Transistors
• Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
• Digital CMOS Logic Circuits
Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., T&B 104
Labs: Register for one meeting per week (T&B 309):
Wednesday, 2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, 7:40 – 10:10 a.m. or 1:10 – 3:40 p.m.

Page 119
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes three semester hours of engineering topics and one semester hour of engineering design.
This course is the foundational class in electronics, preparing students for electives in discrete electronics (EE482)
and/or integrated electronics (EE324). Students apply Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, and
phasor analysis to design, simulate, and build functional electronics circuits.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
Course Program Outcomes
e b g a c d e g k
1 X X X X X
2 X X X X X
3 X X X X X
4 X
5 X X X X X
6 X X X X X
7 X X X
8 X X X X
9 X X
10 X X X
11 X X
12 X
13 X X
14 X X

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve engineering problems.
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving engineering problems.
II g. Ability to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices and system that
contain hardware and software components.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III c. Ability to design a system or component to meet desired needs
III d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III g. Ability to communicate effectively.
III k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering

Page 120
EE 261 Digital Design I

Required? Yes

Description: Design of combinational logic circuits. Introduction to state machine design.

Implementation using programmable logic devices and microcontrollers.

Prerequisite: C or better in EE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering and EE 161
Computer Aided Problem Solving.

Texts: Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, by Stephen Brown and Zvonko
Vranesic, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000.

THE TTL LOGIC DATA BOOK Standard TTL, Schottky, Low-Power Schottky, Texas

Laboratory Kit: An EE 261 LABKIT is required.

Software: Quartus II CAD Software

Objectives: The objectives of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce the student to the principles of combinational logic design,

sequential logic design, digital design circuit components, programmable
logic devices, and micro-controllers.
2. To introduce the student to the use of modern software toolkits for digital
3. To introduce the student to the number systems in digital systems and their
4. To learn the use of VHDL hardware description language in computer-
based homework designs and downloading these designs into actual
5. The introduction of basic design, analysis, and simulation concepts, and
software tools.

Topics: The topics covered in this course are:

• Boolean algebra
• Truth tables and Karnaugh maps
• Number systems
• Combinational logic circuits
• Mixed logic and IEEE standard symbology
• Multiplexers and decoders

Page 121
• Adders and subtractors, arithmetic logic units
• Comparators
• Flip-flops, counters, registers
• Programmable logic and memory

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:30 – 11:20 AM, T&B 104

Labs: Register for one meeting per week, T&B 305B

Monday, Wednesday, 2:30 – 5:00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday, 1:10 – 3:40 PM

Contribution to the Professional Component

EE 261 contributes four semester hours of engineering topics.
EE 261 EE 261 Digital Design I lays the foundation for digital design in electrical engineering, computer
engineering, and software engineering. Students learn basic digital design using classic design, simulation,
implementation, and test, as well as through the use of the latest software tools. Students also practice the use of the
VHDL hardware description language in computer-based homework designs and download these designs into
actual hardware. Introduction of basic design, analysis, and simulation concepts, and software tools, lays the
groundwork for more advanced courses in modern digital design, high performance computer design, computer
architecture, software engineering, and digital communications networks. The actual hardware design and
familiarization with the associated software tools prepares the students for more complex designs in later courses, as
well as in co-op and summer job experiences, graduate school, or the profession.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
Course Program Outcome
Objective Ib II e II f III a III k
1 X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X
4 X X X X
5 X X X X

Relevant Program Outcomes

I b. Use of computers.
II e. Knowledge of advanced mathematics.
II f. Knowledge of engineering sciences.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III k. Use of engineering tools.

Page 122
EE 301 Vector Principles for Electrical Engineers

Required? Yes

Description: Calculus of vector functions through electrostatic and magnetostatic applications. Techniques
for finding resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Coulomb’s law, gradient, Gauss’ divergence
theorem, curl, Stoke’s theorem, and Green’s theorem.

Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 291

Texts: David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, Prentice Hall 1993.

Harry M. Schey, div, grad, curl, and all that, 4th ed., W.W. Norton & Company 2005.

Software: None

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

• To use field quantities, e.g., flux and fluid flow velocity to bring physical
meaning to abstract vector operations, and to motivate students to learn vector
calculus through applications in electromagnetics.
• To learn the mathematics of differential vector opeartors.
• To learn the mathematics of different integrals involving vector functions.
• To learn the vector theorems important for electrical engineering.
• To learn how to use vectors to perform analysis and solve problems with
different coordinate systems.
• To learn how to use vector differential operators and integrals to describe static
field behavior.
• To apply vector calculus techniques to calculate static field quantities both in
free space and in arbitrary materials.
• To apply vector calculus techniques to calculate electric potentials.
• To use vector calculus and static field theory to establish circuit laws and
calculate circuit quantities.
• To prepare for upper-level classes, such as Applied Electromagnetics (EE 315),
Microwave Engineering (EE 453) and Antennas (EE 454), that make extensive
use of vector calculus.

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Vector algebra, orthogonal coordinate systems
• Vector differential operators
• Line integral, surface integral and volume integral
• Vector theorems

Page 123
• Static field theory
• Vector field calculations in free space and dielectrics
• Electric potential and its evaluation
• Circuit quantities and their calculation

Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., T&B 204

Labs: None

Contribution to the Professional Component

This course contributes three semester hours of mathematical science and its applications.
Vector differential operators and multi-dimensional integrals are used together with static field theory to build
toward an understanding of vector calculus and its applications in electrical engineering. The concepts learned in
this course lay the groundwork for more advanced vector applications. They also provide a bridge between the
mathematical concepts learned in algebra, trigonometry and calculus, and the analysis and design of electromagnetic
systems as taught in later course work.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome

Objective II e III a
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x x
6 x x
7 x x
8 x x
9 x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

II e. Knowledge of advanced Math, Diff. Eq. and vector calculus
III a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering

Page 124
Page 125
Page 126
EE 311 Signals and Systems

Required? Yes

Description: Transform methods for solution of continuous- and discrete-time systems. Fourier and Laplace
transforms. Frequency response and Bode plots. Z transform. Continuous- and discrete-time

Prerequisites: C or better in EE 161, EE 211

Texts: Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, 2nd ed., Wiley 2003.

John Buck, Michael M. Daniel, and Andrew C. Singer, Computer Explorations in Signals and
Systems using Matlab, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall 2002.

Software: Matlab, Student Version

Objectives: A student who completes this class should be able to:

• Distinguish between a signal and a system. Use each to appropriately model the behavior
of a circuit or device.
• Classify signals and systems as continuous time or discrete time. Analyze the behavior
of each type using appropriate methods.
• Classify signals according to whether they are periodic, or have finite energy or power.
Choose appropriate methods for analyzing each type of signal.
• Classify systems according to whether they are linear, time invariant, causal or stable.
Choose appropriate methods for analyzing each type of system.
• Model linear circuits and systems as differential and difference equations. Use these to
compute the output of the system, and to discover other important system properties.
• Represent signals and systems in the frequency domain. Choose between time-domain
and frequency-domain techniques to simplify the analysis of specific problems.
• Use graphical and matrix math tools of Matlab to try out and refine solutions to
engineering problems.
• Choose appropriate methods to verify that a solution to an engineering problem is

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Signal, system properties
• Differential, difference equations
• Continuous-time and discrete-time convolution
• Fourier representations
• Frequency response

Page 127
• Laplace transforms

Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 8:55 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., T&B 104

Labs: Register for one meeting per week (T&B 304):

Monday, Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 1:10 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.

Contribution to the Professional Component

This course contributes four semester hours of engineering topics.

Linear system theory and Fourier analysis, together with the mathematical modeling of physical systems, build
toward an understanding of frequency response, the core concept of the course. This provides a bridge between the
mathematical concepts learned in algebra, trigonometry and calculus, and the design of control, signal processing
and communication systems as taught in later course work.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome

Objective Ib II e II f III a III k
1 x x
2 x x
3 x x
4 x x
5 x x x
6 x x
7 x x x x
8 x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I b. Use of computers.
II e. Knowledge of advanced mathematics.
II f. Knowledge of engineering sciences.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III k. Use of engineering tools.

Page 128
EE 324 Introduction to VLSI

Required? No

Description: Introduction to analog and digital VLSI circuits and MOS technology. Design of differential
amplifiers, opamps, CMOS logic, and flip-flops. Introduction to VLSI CAD tools.

Pre-requisites: C or better in EE 221 and EE 261.

Text: John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2002
Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th ed., Oxford University
Press, 2004

Website: A class web site, consisting of homework assignments, quizzes, laboratory handouts, current
grades, the course syllabus, and other helpful handouts, exists at WebCT at

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. Complex CMOS logic design techniques, including standard complementary-CMOS,
transmission gate, and pseudo-nMOS
2. Describing integrated circuit (IC) layers and IC fabrication process
3. Applying MOS I-V equations and small-signal models to circuits
4. Designing current sources and analyzing differential amplifiers
5. Analysis and design of CMOS 2-stage and folded-cascade op-amps
6. Design of digital blocks: multiplexer, decoder, latch, flip-flop, adder
7. Analyzing switching characteristics and power of the CMOS inverter
8. Analyzing and designing complex CMOS gates for speed
9. Schematic entry and simulation using Cadence
10. Layout entry and verification using Cadence
11. Proto-typing and testing digital and analog circuits
12. Working and learning in teams
13. Presenting a team project in front of peers
14. Writing an essay in the area of integrated circuits and devices

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Overview and Logic Design with MOSFETs
• Physical Structure and Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuits
• Current Sources and Small-Signal Analysis
• Introduction to CMOS OpAamp Analysis and Design
• Digital VLSI System Components
• Analysis of MOSFET Circuits and High-Speed Design

Meetings: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., T&B 307

Labs: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:20 – 4:20 p.m. (T&B 308/309)

Page 129
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes 2.5 semester hours of engineering topics and 1.5 semester hours of engineering design. This
course lays the foundation for the design of analog and digital VLSI systems. Students learn to analyze and design
circuits, simulate circuits with SPICE, generate layout files, verify layout files, and test MOS circuits. Student
teams prepare a final project presentation on the design of a small analog/digital VLSI system.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
Course Program Outcomes
Objective Ia II b II a II g III a III c III d III e III f III g III h III i III j III k
1 X X X X X
2 X X X
3 X X X X X
4 X X X X X
5 X X X X X
6 X X X X X
7 X X X X X
8 X X X X X
9 X X X X
10 X X X X
11 X X X
12 X
13 X X X X
14 X X X X X X X

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve engineering problems.
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving engineering problems.
II.a. Breadth and depth across the range of EE topics
II g. Ability to analyze and design complex electronic systems.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III c. Ability to design a system or component to meet desired needs
III d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III.f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
III g. Ability to communicate effectively.
III.h. Broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and engaging in life-long learning.
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
III k. Ability to use modern techniques, skills and engineering tools.

Page 130
EE 361 Digital Design II

Required? Yes
Description Sequential digital logic design technique. Classical and modern design of
: synchronous and asynchronous machines. Design using SSI and MSI technology
Prerequisites: C or better in E E 261
Texts: Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design 2nd Ed. Stephen Brown and
Zvonko Vranesic, JMcGraw Hill, 2005.

Software: Quartus and/or MaxPlus II VHDL simulation software, student edition from
Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:
1. Compare combinational and sequential logic systems.
2. Describe the components of a FSM.
3. Construct state diagrams and next-state tables.
4. Starting with a sequential circuit, generate the corresponding next-state
table and associated state diagram.
5. Starting with a description of a problem, construct the state diagram
6. Design a FSM from a state diagram.
7. Design an Asynchronous sequential systems.
8. Compare Mealy and Moore FSM's.
9. Compare asynchronous and synchronous state machines.
10. Write VHDL code to execute state-diagrams.
11. Connect FSM design principles with real-world engineering products.
12. Understand the connection between FPGA programming and engineering
13. Research attributes and applications of FPGA's and other programmable
14. Understand the professional and ethical responsibilities of digital design
Topics: The topics covered in this class are:
1. Short review of combinational digital design,
2. Synchronous and a synchronous digital design
3. FPGA's and VHDL
4. Simulation and Coding
Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 10:20 a.m. to 11:35 a.m., T&B 104

Contribution to the Professional Component

This course contributes three semester hours of engineering topics.
The purpose of EE 361 Digital Design II is to develop in-depth and practical knowledge of digital logic
design. The course begins with a short review of combinational digital design, proceeds through a
thorough treatment of synchronous and a synchronous digital design and concludes with an introduction to

Page 131
modern digital design. The selected text emphasize a practical approach to digital design which allows
presentation of advanced MSI concepts. The Altera Student Edition Programmable Logic Development
software tools introduces the use of modern digital design, analysis, simulation and a hardware description

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes
I.b I.c II.a II.f III.a III.e III.f III.g III.h III.i III.j III.k
1 x x
2 x x
5 x x
6 x x
7 x
8 x x
9 x x
10 x x x x
11 x x x x x x x
12 x x
13 x x x
14 x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I.a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems in EE
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems
I.c. Explore specialties pertinent to their career choices
II.a. Breadth and Depth across the range of EE topics
II.f. Knowledge of engineering science
III.a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering
III.e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
III.f. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities
III.g. Ability to communicate effectively
III.h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues
III.k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering

Page 132
EE/PHYS 370 – Geometrical Optics (Optics I)

Required? No

Description: Covers lenses, prisms, image formation, aberrations, stops and pupils, photometry, optical
instrumentation, reflection, and refraction.

Corequisites: PHYS 216, 216L or PHYS 217, 217L

Texts: Modern Geometrical Optics by Richard Ditteon, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1998), ISBN: 0-

Software: Rose6 (ray tracing program) and ZEMAX (lens design program)

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. To provide an up-to-date treatment of the introductory aspects of optics and photonics

with an emphasis on the analysis and design methods of modern geometrical optics.
2. To help students develop an understanding of optics and photonics that will enable
them to keep pace with new technologies and to develop future technologies that
utilize photonics systems.
3. To gain hands-on laboratory experience in the design, implementation, and
characterization of imaging and nonimaging optical systems.

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• The nature of light; notes on optical fibers, plane mirrors and nondispersing prisms, thin
lens equation, plane/spherical refracting/reflecting surfaces.
• Thin lens derivation, human eye, microscopes, telescopes
• Paraxial ray tracing and first-order design.
• Third-order optics; notes on aberrations, image quality.

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m., Gardiner 116.

Labs: Register for one meeting per week (Gardiner 265)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contribution to the Professional Component

This course contains 1 hour of engineering science (basic concepts of geometrical optics and
photonics) and 2 hours of engineering design (specific applications of geometrical optics and
photonics for which there may be more than one correct answer). It builds on the foundation

Page 133
obtained by the students in their fundamental courses in math, physics, electronics, and
computers and teaches them the skills needed to analyze and design a first-order optical system
and to recognize the degrading effects of higher-order aberrations in the system. Since many
modern photonics systems integrate electronics and computers with optical devices such as
cameras, lasers, and optical fibers, examples of these modern systems are discussed in the
classroom lectures, and some are demonstrated in the laboratory sessions

Tools such as ray sketching for simple systems and paraxial ray tracing for more complex
multiple-lens systems are used in this class to design and analyze the optics needed to collect
photons and form images. After performing several ray traces by hand, the students download
the Rose6 ray tracing program and use it extensively to analyze and design complex first-order
optical systems consisting of many lenses. They are also introduced to the ZEMAX lens design
code, and they use ZEMAX in two laboratory workshops toward the end of the semester. Eight
laboratory experiments require the students to work in teams to build and test optical systems,
many of which they have designed and analyzed in their homework assignments.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes

e I
b c d f a b c
1 x x x x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I b. Use of computers.
II c. Knowledge of calculus.
II f. Knowledge of engineering sciences.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III b. Ability to design and conduct experiments and analyze data.
III c. Ability to sign a system to meet desired needs.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate,and solve engineering problems.
III k. Use of engineering tools.

Page 134
EE 431/542: Power Systems II

Required? No.

Description: Analysis of power systems in the steady state. Includes the development of models and analysis
procedures for major power system components and for power networks.

Prerequisite: EE 332 or equivalent, with grade C or better; EE 542 students require instructor’s consent.

Course Text: A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Power Systems Analysis. Second Edition: Prentice Hall, 2000.

Other supplementary reading material will be provided.

Topics: The topics covered in this course are as follows.

• Introduction and Review

• Single-phase and three-phase circuits
• Transmission line parameters — inductance and capacitance
• Electric and Magnetic Fields, induced voltages
• Transmission line performance and analysis
• Series and shunt compensation
• Per phase analysis and the per-unit system
• Transformers — single-phase, three-phase, auto and multi-winding
• Power flow analysis and control
• Unit commitment and generation dispatch; economic dispatch
• Overview of competitive markets and issues
Objectives: The objectives of this course are as follows.

1. To develop an understanding of the physics (electric and magnetic fields, electrostatic and
electromagnetic principles) of some of the basic components of an electric power system.
2. To develop an understanding of the steady state operation of an electric power system (single-
and three-phase circuits, power flow analysis).
3. To promote insight into engineering and economic aspects of power system modeling and
4. To promote understanding of the engineering and economic aspects of power system
operation and control.
5. To provide an understanding of and familiarity with the mathematical tools used in the
steady-state analysis, operation and control of power systems.
6. To provide an opportunity to apply the above skills, as well as basic programming skills,
through a transmission line design project. This project also emphasizes teamwork, report-
writing and presentation skills.
7. To provide an awareness of contemporary issues in the power industry, and an introduction to
the social and professional responsibilities of a power system engineer. This is expressed
through a written essay written individually and submitted by every student.

Page 135
Contribution to the Professional Component:

This one-semester, three-credit course initiates the student into serious study of power systems
engineering as a profession. In this class, students will learn analytical techniques and tools that
they can apply to power system design, and electrical design in general. The project affords them
further opportunity to apply concepts learned in the classroom and continue to learn to work in a
team setting. This course consists of three credits of engineering topics.

Relationship of the Course to Program Outcomes1

Course Objective
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.a. 9 9 9
I.b. 9 9 9 9
II.a. 9 9
II.c. 9 9 9
II.d. 9 9 9
Program Outcome

II.f. 9 9 9 9 9 9
III.a 9 9 9 9 9 9
III.b. 9 9 9 9
III.c. 9 9 9 9 9
III.f. 9
III.g. 9
III.h. 9
III.i. 9
III.j. 9
III.k. 9 9

Page 136
EE 460 Space Mission Analysis and Design

Required? No
Description: Course Description: This practical introduction to Space Mission Analysis and Design provides
the student with the overview concepts, methodologies, models and tools needed to understand the satellite from a
top-down, integrated, life-cycle perspective, evolving in coverage from the identification of customer requirements
to design and development, production/construction, launch, system operations and life cycle support. The purpose
of the class is to give the student an overview of satellite and launch systems plus the systems engineering approach
involved in a generic, cradle to grave space program. All space program segments will be included: spacecraft
system development and fabrication, launch and spacecraft and ground operations.

Prerequisites: Junior or higher engineering student in good standing.

Texts: James R. Wertz and Wiley J. Larson (editors), Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3nd ed.,
Wiley .

Software: STK, Student Version

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to understand:
1. The process of space mission analysis and design
2. Space mission characterization and evaluation
3. Space mission requirements definition
4. Space mission geometry, orbit selection and launch systems
5. An introduction to astrodynamics, the space environment and mission survivability.
6. Spacecraft subsystem design
7. Spacecraft payloads
8. Spacecraft missions operations and ground systems.
9. Participate in a team environment to design and present an engineering project
10. Use Satellite Tool Kit to solve simple orbital problems.

Page 137
Topics: The topics covered in this class are:
- Historical perspective of space programs and their contributions.
- System requirements and flow down
- Orbital Mechanics
- Use of Satellite Tool Kit
- Subsystem Design (attitude determination and control, propulsion, structure, power,
payloads, communications, and launch systems)
- Space Environments
- Mission analysis and mission constellations
- Integration and Test
- Manufacturing
- Spacecraft operations
- Project presentation techniques
Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm, T&B 104
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes three semester hours of engineering topics.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program
Ia Ib Ic IIa IIId IIIg
1 x x x
2 x x x
3 x x x
4 x x x x
5 x x x
6 x x x
7 x x x
8 x x x
9 x x x x x x
10 x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Apply critical skills to integrate course information and apply it to design project.
I b. Use STK to solve practical satellite problems.
I c. Knowledge of spacecraft subsystems, environments and accepted processes.
II a. Ability to apply knowledge of engineering application to several spacecraft functions.
III d. Function in a project team for a complex engineering problem.
III g. Communicate effectively during team meetings and project brief outs.

Page 138
EE-461 Systems Engineering and Program Management

Required? Yes

Description: The purpose of the course is to give the student an overview of Systems Engineering from a major
program perspective including the societal impact of engineering solutions to today’s problems. The course
demonstrates the systems engineering discipline that is required to establish an effective configuration and size of
system hardware, software, facilities, and personnel through an interactive process of analysis and design, satisfying
an operational mission need in the most cost effective manner. The course provides a guide for systems engineering
functions in program development, fabrication, operations, maintenance and life cycle support The student learns
the fundamentals and principles of program management including program structure, cost and schedule control,
staffing and subcontract management. They also learn the societal implications of a major program including
environmental, health, safety and political impacts. The professional and ethical responsibilities of managing a
major program are also addressed. Students are also required to do a design project of a major system.

Prerequisites: Junior or higher engineering student in good standing

Texts: Systems Engineering: Principles and Practices, Alexander Kossiakoff, Wiley, 2003

Software: N/A

Objectives: A student who completes this class should be able to understand:

(1) The fundamentals and "best practices" of systems engineering, as applied to all segments of a
typical engineering program
(2) The product development life cycle and sustainability of a program
(3) Systems engineering functions including requirements analysis, functional analysis and
allocation, trade studies and criteria, synthesis and design, verification and test planning, and
integration and control.
(4) Integration of engineering specialties into systems engineering (reliability, materials and
process, manufacturability, maintainability and testing, system safety, human factors,
including health and safety, producibility, EMC/EMI, survivability, integrated logistic
support, etc)
(5) The fundamentals of successful program management
(6) Professional and ethical responsibilities.
(7) Participate in a team environment to design and present a systems engineering project.
Topics: The topics covered in this class are:
• System Engineering Processes
• Systems Engineering Managment
• Program Life Cycles
• Introduction to Program Management
• Contract Management
• Cost and Schedule Management

Page 139
• Risk Management
• Ethics and Ethics' Case Studies

Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 4:00pm to 5:15pm., T&B 104

Labs: N/A
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes four semester hours of engineering topics.
Systems engineering and program management provide a realistic bridge between the academic and professional

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome

Objective Ia Ib Ic II a III d
1 x x x x
2 x x x x
3 x x x x
4 x x x x
5 x x x x
6 x x x
7 x x x x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I a. Apply critical skills to integrate course information and apply it to design project..
I b. Use course information to solve basic systems engineering problems.
I c. Knowledge of the systems engineering process.
II a. Ability to apply knowledge to specific systems engineering and program management
problems and issues.
III d. Ability to apply lessons learned to ethical case studies.

Page 140
EE 475 Control Systems II

Required? No.

Description: Analysis, design and control of linear systems.

Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent of instructor.

Texts: Industrial Control Electronics: Devices, Systems and Applications, 3/e (2006) by T. Bartelt,
Clifton Park, NY: Thomson and Delmar Learning.

Software: MATLAB, Student Version, SIMULINK Student Version

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

• To understand basic properties for linear, time-invariant systems.
• To understand how to analyze and simulate linear and nonlinear systems.
• To understand performance limitations and tradeoffs in linear feedback systems.
• To learn how to design controllers which may include observers for linear systems.
• To learn the basics of controlling nonlinear systems.
• To provide the students an opportunity to apply the knowledge of the above material in a practical
(project) experience. A small project will help the students grow in competence with the elements of
motion control.
• To write an essay based on a current article in the area of control systems. This will include how
engineering was used to solve a problem and advance the state of the art, how the solution will impact
society, and how professional and ethical standards must be applied to obtain an engineering solution.
Topics: The topics covered in this class are:
• Introduction & Background
• Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
• Observers
• Model Reference Design and The Robust Servomechanism
• Introduction to Nonlinear Controls

Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday, 8:55 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., T&B 303

Contribution to the Professional Component:

This course provides an in-depth view of linear system analysis, and design. In class, the students will be expected
to attain a level of competence in each step of the process of a control design. This progresses from the modeling, to
the analysis, to the design, to the testing steps for a particular problem. Attention will be given to understanding and
handling problem specifications and constraints. The material and the laboratory experience (projects) provide
students with opportunities to apply theories to real problems. The multi-disciplinary material in this course lends
itself well to its application in capstone courses, and many industrial settings. This course fills the contribution of
three engineering depth or breadth credits.

Page 141
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes
Course Objective
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I.a 4 4 4 4

I.b 4 4

II.a 4

II.c 4 4 4

II.e 4 4 4

II.f 4 4 4 4

II.g 4 4 4 4

III.a 4 4 4 4

III.c 4 4 4

III.e 4 4 4

III.f 4

III.g 4 4

III. 4
Program Objective

III.i 4

III.j 4

III. 4 4 4
Relevant program Outcomes
I.a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems in EE
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving EE problems
II.a. Breadth and Depth across the range of EE topics
II.c. Knowledge of Math through differential and integral calculus
II.e. Knowledge of advanced Math, Diff. Eq. and vector calculus
II.f. Knowledge of engineering science
II.g. Ability to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices and system that contain hardware and software
III.a. Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering
III.c. Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
III.e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
III.f. Understand professional and ethical responsibly
III.g. Ability to communicate effectively
III.h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solution in a global and societal context.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues
III.k. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary to engineering practice.

Page 142
EE/PHYS 477/527 – Fiber Optics I

Required? No

Description: Covers the fundamental characteristics of individual elements (transmitters, detectors, and
fibers) of fiber optic communication systems.

Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in EE 315 or PHYS 461

Texts: Fiber Optic Communications, Fifth edition, by Joseph C. Palais, Pearson Prentice-Hall (2005).
ISBN: 0-13-008510-3

Software: Mathcad

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. To introduce class participants to the fundamentals of fiber optics communication systems.
2. To learn mathematical techniques for analyzing and designing optical fiber
communications links.
3. To learn mathematical techniques for analyzing optical sources for fiber optics.
4. To learn mathematical techniques for analyzing optical detection systems.
5. To learn mathematical techniques for analyzing optical digital transmission performance
(to calculate signal-to-noise ratio, bit error rates, and data rates for a point-to-point system).
6. To learn to design a point-to-point fiber optic communication system.

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• Basic properties of fiber optic communication systems
• Optics review and lightwave fundamentals
• Integrated optic waveguides
• Optic fiber waveguides
• Optical Sources and Detectors
• Couplers and connectors
• Noise and detection
• System design

Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m., T&B 303

Labs: Register for one meeting per week (T&B 10C)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes 3 semester hours of engineering topics.

Page 143
It introduces the students to fiber optic communications. In this class the students learn to
design and analyze the subsections of fiber optic systems and to design a point-to-point fiber
optic communications system. They will learn by doing both analysis and design problems.
The design of a point-to-point fiber optic communications system is required.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes

e I
b b c f a b c
1 x x x x x x
2 x x x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x
4 x x x x x x x
5 x x x x x x x x x
6 x x x x x x x x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I b. Use of computers.
II b. Knowledge of Prob. and Stats. snd EE applications.
II c. Knowledge of calculus.
II f. Knowledge of engineering sciences.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III b. Ability to design and conduct experiments and analyze data.
III c. Ability to sign a system to meet desired needs.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate,and solve engineering problems.
III k. Use of engineering tools.

Page 144
EE 486/524 Digital VLSI Design

Required? No

Description: Digital CMOS system design, including hardware description, circuit simulation, schematic
generation, physical layout, design verification using software tools. Introduction to VLSI

Pre-requisites: C or better in EE 324 and EE 361.

Text: R. Jacob Baker and David E. Boyce, CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 2nd ed.,
IEEE Press, 2005.

Website: A class web site, consisting of homework assignments, quizzes, laboratory handouts, current
grades, the course syllabus, and other helpful handouts, exists at WebCT at

Objectives: The objectives of this class are as follows:

1. Applying MOS device equations to analyze circuits
2. Identifying CMOS process layers and drawing cross-sectional views
3. Analysis and design of the CMOS inverter and static logic gates
4. Design of dynamic logic gates, transmission gates and flip-flops
5. Floorplan and design of memory circuits
6. Design of digital phase-locked loops
7. Design of arithmetic operators, such as adders and subtractors
8. Design of special-purpose circuits, such as Schmitt triggers and charge pumps
9. Using VLSI CAD tools to simulate, lay out, and verify digital integrated circuits
10. Building and testing small prototype circuits with discrete MOS transistors
11. Writing laboratory reports and project documentation
12. Presenting a team laboratory project in front of peers
13. Writing an essay in the area integrated circuits and devices

Topics: The topics covered in this class are:

• MOSFET Layers, Device Equations, and Models
• Static Logic
• Transmission Gate Logic and Flip-flops
• Dynamic Logic
• High-Speed Adders and Multipliers
• SRAM and DRAM Memory Circuits
• Digital Phase-Locked Loops
• Introduction to Test Methods

Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., T&B 307

Page 145
Labs: Monday or Wednesday, 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. (T&B 308/208)
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course contributes 1.5 semester hours of engineering topics and 1.5 semester hours of engineering design.
Digital VLSI Design challenges students to design digital integrated circuit building blocks with real-world
constraints of power supply voltage, power consumption, silicon area, and fabrication technology. Students develop
graduate-level skills in VLSI: CMOS logic design and VLSI CAD tools for simulation and layout.

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes
Objective Ia II b II a II g III a III c III d III e III f III g III h III i III j III k
1 X X X X X
2 X
3 X X X X X
4 X X X X X
5 X X X X X
6 X X X X X
7 X X X X X
8 X X X X X
9 X X X X
10 X X X
11 X
12 X X X X
13 X X X X X X X
Relevant Program Outcomes
I a. Apply critical thinking skills to solve engineering problems.
I.b. Apply computers to assist in solving engineering problems.
II.a. Breadth and depth across the range of EE topics
II g. Ability to analyze and design complex electronic systems.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III c. Ability to design a system or component to meet desired needs
III d. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
III e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
III.f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
III g. Ability to communicate effectively.
III.h. Broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions.
III.i. Recognition of the need for and engaging in life-long learning.
III.j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
III k. Ability to use modern techniques, skills and engineering tools.

Page 146
EE 493 Power Systems III

Required? No

Description: Analysis of a power system under abnormal operating conditions. Topics include symmetrical
three-phase faults, theory of symmetrical components, unsymmetrical faults, system protection,
and power system stability.

Prerequisite: C or better in EE 332 - Power Systems I

Text: Power System Analysis and Design, (3rd edition), by J. Duncan Glover and Mulukutla Sarma,
PWS Publishing Company

Software: In addition to studying the theory of abnormal system operation, the students will use several
software packages to analyze typical problems in electric power system design and operation, and
to conduct planning studies.
A solver such as Mathcad will be a very helpful tool for many of the homework problems.


1. To introduce students to the most essential abnormal power-system studies, including short-circuit analysis and
2. To allow the students to use fundamental circuit analysis laws for the solution of power network problems.
3. To introduce the students to the method of symmetrical components and the use of this analysis technique to
analyze a variety of unbalanced three-phase problems.
4. To instill in the students a sense of professional ethics.

• Course introduction; steady-state ac review
• Review of power-system device models and solution techniques,
• Three-phase circuits, electrical history, etc.
• Symmetrical (balanced) faults (and general fault-analysis concepts)
• Symmetrical components (theory and use)
• Unsymmetrical (unbalanced) faults
• Power system stability
• Special topics (which may include detailed follow-up of previous
material, introduction to power-system control and economic
operation of power systems, power-quality analysis, etc.)

Meetings: 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM TTh, T&B 307

Page 147
Contribution of EE 493 to Meeting the Professional Component:
In this course, the students study in detail the design, analysis and operation of an interconnected power system
in the steady-state, as well as the analysis of the system in the short-circuit and transient-stability states.
Students assemble the component models (for rotating machines, transformers, transmission lines, loads, etc.)
studied in previous courses in order to achieve an understanding of how an entire electric power system
functions, and in particular, how it can be analyzed in various abnormal states.

Relationship of the Course to Program Outcomes

Course Program Outcome

Objective Ib II e II f III a III k
1 X x x x
2 x x
3 X x x x x
4 x x

Relevant Program Outcomes

I b. Use of computers.
II e. Knowledge of advanced mathematics.
II f. Knowledge of engineering sciences.
III a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.
III k. Use of engineering tools.

Page 148
EE 498/499 - Senior Capstone – Satellite Design

Required? Yes

Description: Application of engineering principles to a significant design project. Includes teamwork, written
and oral communications, and realistic technical, economic, and public safety requirements.

Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of instructor.

Textbook: Capstone Design Class Student Handbook.

Additional References: NASA and Air Force design documents that are available via the WebCT

Software: Students will also need to know how to access the class Web page via a Web browser.

Objectives: 1. To be able to determine performance requirements for a design

2. To be able to test a design to validate meeting those requirements
3. To make the design meet the constraints imposed by safety, materials,
and related factors.
4. To be able to document the design and test.
5. To be able to make the design interface properly with other hardware
and software entities.
6. To be able to communicate the design and validation both orally and
in writing.

Topics: Topics covered in this class include:

1. Exercises on defining requirements with the customer.
2. Formal requirements definition.
3. System Concept Review and Preliminary Design Review presentations.
4. Developing design concepts to meet customer needs and constraints.
5. Formal reviews with the Air Force customers

Meetings: Formal meeting times are Monday 6:00 - 7:00 pm; Friday 2:30 - 3:20 pm.
Students meet outside of class as necessary.
Labs: Students may use the Telemetry Lab facilities as necessary for device prototyping and testing.

Contribution to the Professional Component:

The capstone design experience is intended to give the students an opportunity to learn how to organize and execute
an open-ended project that calls on their skills in analysis, critical thinking, and engineering and physical science to
produce a specified product. This product must conform to appropriate constraints dictated by the customer or
applicable standards. The students will work in an engineering team environment to produce the design and
communicate the design concepts through written and oral reports.

Relevant Program Outcomes:

1. Ia – Apply critical thinking

2. IIf – Knowledge of engineering science
3. IIg – Ability to analyze and design complex systems
4. IIIc – Ability to design a system or component
5. IIId – Ability to function on teams
6. IIIe – Ability to formulate and solve problems

Page 149
7. IIIf – Ability to understand professional ethics
8. IIIg – Ability to communicate effectively
9. IIIk – Ability to use tools and techniques for modern engineering practice

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes:

Page 150
EE 498 - Senior Capstone – Parrot Telemetry

Required? Yes

Description: Application of engineering principles to a significant design project.

Includes teamwork, written and oral communications, and realistic technical, economic, and
public safety requirements.

Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of instructor.

Textbook: Capstone Design Class Student Handbook.

Software: Students will also need to know how to access the class Web page via a
Web browser.

Objectives: 1. To be able to determine performance requirements for a design

2. To be able to test a design to validate meeting those requirements
3. To make the design meet the constraints imposed by safety, materials,
and related factors.
4. To be able to document the design and test.
5. To be able to make the design interface properly with other hardware
and software entities.
6. To be able to communicate the design and validation both orally and
in writing.

Topics: Topics covered in this class include:

1. Exercises on defining requirements with the customer.
2. Formal requirements definition.
3. System Concept Review and Preliminary Design Review presentations.
4. Developing design concepts to meet customer needs and constraints.

Meetings: Formal meeting times are Monday 6:00 - 7:00 pm; Friday 2:30 - 3:20 pm.
Students meet outside of class as necessary.

Labs: Students may use the Telemetry Lab facilities as necessary for device

Contribution to the Professional Component:

The capstone design experience is intended to give the students an opportunity to learn how to organize
and execute an open-ended project that calls on their skills in analysis, critical thinking, and engineering
and physical science to produce a specified product. This product must conform to appropriate constraints
dictated by the customer or applicable standards. The students will work in an engineering team
environment to produce the design and communicate the design concepts through written and oral reports.

Relevant Program Outcomes:

1. Ia – Apply critical thinking
2. IIf – Knowledge of engineering science
3. IIg – Ability to analyze and design complex systems
4. IIIc – Ability to design a system or component
5. IIId – Ability to function on teams
6. IIIe – Ability to formulate and solve problems
7. IIIf – Ability to understand professional ethics

Page 151
8. IIIg – Ability to communicate effectively
9. IIIk – Ability to use tools and techniques for modern engineering practice

Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes:

Page 152
ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition

Course (catalog) description

Skills and methods used in writing university-level essays.

ACT standard English score in English of 16 or higher during regular semester (20 or above during summer) or
successful completion of a developmental writing course or the equivalent.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Ramage, John D., and John C. Bean. Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings (Brief Edition). Fourth
Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.

NMSU English 111 text: Paideia Editors: Kimberly Whitehead and Kristina Fury. 1999.

A three-inch, three-ring binder with cover pockets or an accordion file with pockets.

A manilla folder.

A package of at least 12 3X5 index cards.

A floppy disk.

Course objectives
· Become familiar with the composing process and learn to adjust it to accomplish various writing tasks.
· Develop analytical reading and critical thinking skills.
· Develop expository and argumentative writing skills.
· Develop research skills.
· Use collaborative learning in various contexts.

Topics covered
This course includes 5 essay assignments: Essay 1: A Critique of Self, Essay 2: Writing in a Major, Essay 3:
Documented White Paper, Essay 4: Editorial, Essay 5: Reflective Self-Assessment. The portfolio assignment
requires students to revise these essays and submit them at the end of the semester. In addition, students are
required to take the Common Essay exam at the end of the semester.

Page 153
Class/laboratory schedule
This 4-credit course meets for 210 minutes per week and includes at least one block of 110 minutes. The course
meets for 15 weeks plus an additional meeting during final exam week.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is required to meet part of the University’s General Education English Composition requirements.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge and experience gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet
Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Julie Dyke of the English Department prepared this syllabus on February 23, 2000.

Page 154
ENGL 111H Rhetoric and Composition- Honors

Course (catalog) description

Individualized assignments and independent study.

ACT standard English score in English of 25 or higher and departmental approval.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Ramage, John D., and John C. Bean. Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings (Brief Edition). Fourth
Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.

NMSU English 111 text: Paideia Editors: Kimberly Whitehead and Kristina Fury. 1999.

A three-inch, three-ring binder with cover pockets or an accordion file with pockets.

A manilla folder.

A package of at least 12 3X5 index cards.

A floppy disk.

Course objectives
· Become familiar with the composing process and learn to adjust it to accomplish various writing tasks.
· Develop analytical reading and critical thinking skills.
· Develop expository and argumentative writing skills.
· Develop research skills.
· Use collaborative learning in various contexts.

Topics covered
This course includes 5 essay assignments: Essay 1: A Critique of Self, Essay 2: Writing in a Major, Essay 3:
Documented White Paper, Essay 4: Editorial, Essay 5: Reflective Self-Assessment. The portfolio assignment
requires students to revise these essays and submit them at the end of the semester.

Class/laboratory schedule

Page 155
This 4-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus an additional meeting during final exam week.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course meets part of the University’s General Education English Composition requirements.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge and experience gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet
Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 156
ENGL 218G. Technical and Scientific Communication

Course (catalog) description

Effective writing for courses and careers in sciences, engineering, and agriculture. Strategies
for understanding and presenting technical information for various purposes to various


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Anderson, Paul V. Technical Communication: A Reader Centered Approach. Harcourt Brace College publishers,

Course objectives
· Identify and define audience and purpose.
· Learn about ethics and professional ism in the workplace.
· Employ technology in the writing process.
· Plan, draft, and revise oral and written communication.
· Learn about professional and user-friendly style in technical communication.
· Work effectively as team members in writing situations.
· Identify basic elements of design for technical communication.
· Learn to work under time constraints and deadline situations.

Topics covered
Introduction Memo, Technical Communications in my Field, Computer Usage, Collaborative Technical Project,
Project Proposal Memo, Annotated Bibliography, Project Presentation, Written Report, Transmittal Memo, Group
Evaluation Memo.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course or ENGL318G Advanced Technical Writing and Scientific Writing is required to meet the University’s
General Education English Composition requirements.

Page 157
Relationship of course to program objectives.
The knowledge and experience gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet
Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Clint Lanier of the English Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this syllabus on
October 29, 1999.

Page 158
Comm. 265G. Principles of Human Communication.

Course (catalog) description.

Study and practice of interpersonal, small group, and presentational skills essential to effective social, business, and
professional interaction.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Joseph A. Devito, Human Communication: The Basic Course (7th ed.). Longman, 1997.

Walter R. Zakahi and A. E. Lindsey, A Basic Course In Human Communication: Student Workbook,
Kendall/Hunt, 1998.

Course objectives.

a. Develop and improve students’ critical thinking skills

b. Develop and improve students’ ability to integrate and synthesize information.
c. Develop and improve students’ ability to present cogent arguments during an
oral/verbal presentation.

Topics Covered
a. Informative Speaking: The purpose of this assignment is to inform your audience by clarifying
a concept or process, demonstrating a process, or in general, widening your audience’s knowledge base.

b. Persuasive Speaking: To bring about a change in your audience’s attitudes and/or action; to
align your audience’s attitudes and/or actions with your desired attitudes/actions.
c. Relational Analysis
i. Attraction
ii. Development
iii. Maintenance
iv. Conflict

Class/laboratory schedule

Page 159
The class meets for 15 weeks on each Friday in a mass-lecture format taught by tenure-track faculty. It also meets
two days per week (either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday) in lab sections run by graduate
teaching assistants. The class also includes a 2-hour final exam.

Contributions of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is included in University’s Critical Thinking/Analysis General Education requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g):
an ability to communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation.

Walter R. Zakahi, Professor and Academic Head, Communication Studies Department and J Eldon Steelman of the
College of Engineering prepared this syllabus on October 20, 1999.

Page 160
CHEM 111. General Chemistry I

Course (catalog) description

Descriptive and theoretical chemistry. CHEM 111/112 are General Education alternatives to CHEM 110G.

a. "C" or better on Math 115 or a math placement score that places you out of Math 115.
b. One of the following:
i. "B" or better in the second semester of high school chemistry.
ii. "C" or better in Chemistry 100.
iii. Composite ACT score of at least 22.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

• “Chemistry,” 3rd Ed. by Masterton and Hurley (bundled with Study Guide)
• “Global Warming” by Anthony et.al.
• Calculator:
• You will need a calculator with exponential notation and logs. Alpha-numeric calculators are NOT
permitted during exams.
• Lab:
• “Chemtrek” by Stephen Thompson
• Small Scale Lab Kit
• Laboratory Notebook (Hayden & McNeil)

Course objectives
Chemistry 111 is taught with four objectives in mind.
a. Prepares you for Chem 112 and subsequent chemistry courses by introducing the important facts and
concepts necessary to all facets of chemistry.
b. To introduce the student to the scientific method; how facts are related to theories and how it increases
understanding of nature and evolves.
c. To improve the student's ability to analyze and solve problems in a quantitative manner, essential to
chemistry and other applied sciences.
d. Provides a molecular world view, an outlook unique to chemistry and essential to an educated

Topics covered in lecture

Matter & Measurement
Atom, Molecules, and Ions

Page 161
Reactions in Solution
Electronic Structure & Periodic Table
Covalant Bonding
Global Warming Project

Topics covered in lab

The System
Small Scale Techniques
Use and Abuse of Aluminum
Solutions & Reactions
Introduction to Acids & Bases
Greenhouse Gases
Sources of CO2

Class/laboratory schedule
This 4-credit course has a lecture component, which meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final
exam, and a laboratory component, which meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

By mastering the material included in the lecture portion of the course and completing the required assignments,
students gain the following: 3(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, 3(e) an
ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, and 3(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. By working in teams and performing experiments as
required in the laboratory portion of the courses, students gain the following: 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and 3(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 162
ECON 251G. Principles of Macroeconomics

Course (catalog) description

Macroeconomic theory and public policy: national income concepts, unemployment, inflation, inappropriate
economic growth, and international payment problems.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Macroeconomics for Today, by Irvin B. Tucker, 2nd ed.

Course objectives
Economics is a social science that deals with people, the problems they face (such as unemployment, inflation, and
high interest rates), and how these problems can be reduced. Thus the ultimate objectives of economics are to
formulate and evaluate policies dealing with society's problems.

Topics covered
• Demand and Supply
• Measuring the Nation’s Output
• Keynesian Economics
• Fiscal Policy
• Money and Banking
• Monetary Policy and the Fed

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Social Analysis requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course helps to prepare students to meet
Criterion 3(h): the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context and to provide graduates with the economics background required to include economic constraints
in design requirements as specified in Criterion 4.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,

Page 163
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Page 164
ECON 252G. Principles of Microeconomics

Course (catalog) description

Microeconomic theory and public policy: supply and demand, theory of the firm, market allocation of resources,
income distribution, competition and monopoly, governmental regulation of businesses and unions.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material


Course objectives
Economics is a social science that deals with people, the problems they face (such as unemployment, inflation, and
high interest rates), and how these problems can be reduced. Thus the ultimate objectives of economics are to
formulate and evaluate policies dealing with society's problems.

Topics covered
Micro-economic theory and public policy, supply and demand concepts, theory of the firm, allocation of resources
through markets, market structures, government regulation, unions, income distribution, taxation, comparative
economic systems, socioeconomic issues. Examples often drawn from cases pertaining to New Mexico.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Social Analysis requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course helps to prepare students to meet
Criterion 3(h): the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context and to provide graduates with the economics background required to include economic constraints
in design requirements as specified in Criterion 4.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Page 165
Page 166
PHYS 215. Engineering Physics I

Course (catalog) description

Calculus level treatment of kinematics, work and energy, particle dynamics, conservation principles, simple
harmonic motion.

MATH 191

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 1, by Paul A. Tipler
Study Guide, Vol. 1, by G. Mosca, G.C. Kyker, Jr., and R. Gautreau can also
help in studying the material

Course objectives
The main aim of the course is that the student will become familiar with the concepts and methods used to find a
workable description of the physical world. We will cover the main principles of mechanics and oscillations and
show how these principles can be applied to solve particular problems. Understanding of the concepts is stressed
more than memorization of mathematical formulas, and the meaning behind the formulas is explained. The students
are expected to develop skills and to acquire knowledge to approach typical problems that are found in many
engineering and scientific applications.

Topics covered
Mechanics, including motion concepts, forces, energy concepts, momentum, rotational motion, angular momentum,
gravity, static equilibrium and oscillations.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

Page 167
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 168
PHYS 215L. Engineering Physics I Laboratory

Course (catalog) description

Laboratory experiments associated with the material presented in Phys 215


Phys 215

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Laboratory Manual for Phys 211L, General Physics I, Phys 213L,
Mechanics, and Phys 215L, Engineering Physics I; New Mexico State University,
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1998

Course objectives
To teach the techniques of measurement and the interpretation of experimental data, and to illustrate the physical
principles discussed in the lecture course

Topics covered:
The techniques of measurement and the interpretation of experimental data, illustrating the physical principles
discussed in the lecture course.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 1 credit laboratory course has multiple sections, all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a
2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

By working in teams and completing lab reports as required in this laboratory course, students gain the following:
3(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, 3(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering

Page 169
problems, 3(g) an ability to communicate effectively, 3(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice and 3(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 170
PHYS 216. Engineering Physics II

2. Course (catalog) description

A calculus-based treatment of topics in electricity, magnetism, and optics.

Math 192 and Physics 215.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 2, by Paul A. Tipler

Course objectives:
Students are expected to develop a solid conceptual foundation in electricity and magnetism and to develop skill in
the application of underlying concepts to the quantitative solution of electricity and magnetism problems.

Topics covered
Electric forces, electric fields, superposition in electrostatics, conductors and insulators, distributed charges,
polarization and induced charge, electric flux, Gauss¹ law, work in electric fields, electric potential difference,
electric potential, capacitance, current, DC circuits, RC circuits, magnets and magnetic fields, magnetic forces,
Ampere¹s law, Gauss¹ law for magnetism, Faraday¹s law and applications, Maxwell equations, electromagnetic
waves, reflection, refraction, Snell¹s law, lenses and optical systems, interference and diffraction.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 171
PHYS 216L. Engineering Physics II Laboratory

Course (catalog) description

Laboratory experiments associated with the material presented in Phys 216

Corequisite: Phys 216

Textbook(s) and/or other required material:


Course objectives
To teach the techniques of measurement and the interpretation of experimental data, and to illustrate the physical
principles discussed in the lecture course

Topics covered:
Electric field, basic electrical measurements and Ohm’s Law, characteristic curves of conductors, temperature
coefficient of conductors, magnetic forces and the current balance, reflection and refraction, image formation from
spherical mirrors, converging lenses, double slit interference pattern, and diffraction grating .

Class/laboratory schedule
This 1 credit laboratory course has multiple sections, all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a
2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

By working in teams and completing lab reports as required in this laboratory course, students gain the following:
3(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, 3(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
problems, 3(g) an ability to communicate effectively, 3(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice and 3(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 172
PHYS 217. Heat, Light and Sound

Course (catalog) description

Calculus-level treatment of thermodynamics, geometrical and physical optics, and sound.

PHYS 213 or 215

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 1 & 2, by Paul A. Tipler

Course objectives
The purpose of this course is to give a student an understanding of the many topics included in the three main
subject areas of the course.

Topics covered
Wave motion, superposition and standing waves, temperature and the kinetic theory of gases, heat and the first law
of thermodynamics, thermal properties and processes, properties of light, optical images, and interference and

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several required courses in the mathematics and basic science requirements to satisfy Criterion

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 173
PHYS 217L. Experimental Heat, Light and Sound

Course (catalog) description

Laboratory experiments associated with the material presented in Phys 217

Prerequisites(s): Science majors

Corequisite: Phys 217

Textbook(s) and/or other required material:


Course objectives
To teach the techniques of measurement and the interpretation of experimental data, and to illustrate the physical
principles discussed in the lecture course

Topics covered:
Mechanical resonance, sound resonance, mechanical equivalent of heat, thermal expansion coefficient , calorimetry,
thermal conductivity, reflection and refraction, image formation from spherical mirrors, image formation from
converging lenses, double slit interference pattern (microwaves), and diffraction grating (microwaves).

Class/laboratory schedule
This 1 credit laboratory course has multiple sections, all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a
2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

By working in teams and completing lab reports as required in this laboratory course, students gain the following:
3(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data, 3(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
problems, 3(g) an ability to communicate effectively, 3(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice and 3(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 174
Math 191 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

Course (catalog) description

Functions and modeling, limits and derivatives, differentiation rules and applications of differentiation.

Grade of C or better in Math 180 and 185.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

James Stewart, “Calculus: Concepts and Contexts”, Brooks/Cole

Course objectives
The goals are to present the concepts of calculus, to stress techniques, applications, and problem solving, and to
emphasize numerical aspects such as approximations and order of magnitude. Overall, the goals are to illustrate the
power of calculus as a tool for modeling situations arising in physics, science, engineering and other fields. In
fulfillment of these goals, this and later courses will stress topics such as polynomial approximation, setting up
integrals, differential equations, as well as the use of calculators and, when reasonable, the use of computer

Topics covered
Polynomial and exponential functions, graphing calculators, logarithms, tangent and velocity problems, limit of a
function, continuity, other rates of change, derivatives, product and quotient rules, the chain rule, linear
approximations, differentials, maxima & minima, derivatives and the shapes of curves, graphing, indeterminate
forms and L’Hospital’s rule, optimization, Newton’s method, antiderivatives.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Most sections of the course require writing
assignments which contribute to the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 175
Math 192. Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

Course (catalog) description

Functions and modelling, limits and derivatives, differentiation rules and applications of differentiation.

Grade of C or better in Math 191.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

James Stewart, “Calculus: Concepts and Contexts”, Brooks/Cole

Course objectives
The goals are to present the concepts of integral calculus, to stress techniques, applications, and problem solving,
and to emphasize numerical aspects such as approximations and order of magnitude. Overall, the goals are to
illustrate the power of calculus as a tool for modeling situations arising in physics, science, engineering, and other
fields. In fulfillment of these goals, this and later courses will stress topics such as polynomial approximation,
setting up integrals, differential equations, as well as the use of calculators, and, whenever appropriate and possible,
the use of computers.

Topics covered
Areas and distances, the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the substitution rule, integration
by parts, integration by tables and computer algebra systems, approximate integration, improper integrals, volumes,
arc length, applications to physics and engineering, probability, differential equations, direction fields, separable
equations, exponential growth and decay, predator-prey systems, sequences, series, convergence tests, power series,
representations of functions as power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, the binomial series, series solutions of
differential equations.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Most sections of the course require writing
assignments which contribute to the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate

Page 176
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 177
Math 291. Calculus and Analytic Geometry III

Course (catalog) description

Functions and modelling, limits and derivatives, differentiation rules and applications of differentiation.

Grade of C or better in Math 180 and 185.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

James Stewart, “Calculus: Concepts and Contexts”, Brooks/Cole

Course objectives
To introduce basic concepts and tools of Analytic Geometry and Multivariable Calculus with strong emphasis on
conceptual understanding and applications.

Topics covered
Three-dimensional coordinate systems, vectors, dot product, cross product, equations of lines and planes, functions
and surfaces, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, vector functions and space curves, derivatives and integrals of
vectors, arc length and curvature, motion in space, parametric surfaces, functions of several variables, limits and
continuity, partial derivatives, tangent planes and linear approximations, the chain rule, directional derivatives and
the gradient vector, maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers, double and iterated integrals, application of double
integrals, triple integrals.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Most sections of the course require writing
assignments which contribute to the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 178
Math 391 - Vector Analysis

Course (catalog) description

Calculus of vector-valued functions, Green's and Stoke's theorems, and applications.

Grade of C or better in MATH 291.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Davis and Snider, “Introduction to Vector Analysis”, 7th ed., W. C. Brown, Publishers.

Course objectives
The students' primary objective should be to understand basic concepts of vector calculus through its applications.
Fluid flow and electromagnetism should be used to illustrate each theoretical point, and provide real-world
problems. The student should be encouraged to develop geometric intuition while using algebra and calculus for
computation. To pave the way for Stoke's theorem, the curl should be introduced as the limit of circulation per unit
area (e.g. about an infinitesimal rectangle or circle). Divergence should be introduced as the limit of outflow per
unit volume. Students may then discover their coordinate expressions through projects or exercises. The instructor
will have to create these or rely on other sources; there are some examples in the project drawer in the math reading

Topics covered
Vector Algebra; Vector Functions of a Single Variable; Scalar and
Vector Fields; Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 179
Math 392 - Ordinary Differential Equations

Course (catalog) description

First order equations, models for growth and decay, linear equations, systems of linear equations, oscillations,
graphical and numerical methods, nonlinear equations.

Grade of C or better in MATH 291.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Devaney and Hall, “Differential Equations”, Blanchard, , Brooks-Cole, 1998

Course objectives
To introduce basic concepts, theory, methods and applications of ordinary differential equations with emphasis on
modeling and dynamics.

Topics covered
Models of growth and decay, comparison of analytic, numerical and graphical methods, basic idea of
existence/uniqueness, equilibria and bifurcations, linear equations, first order systems, more than one dependent
variable, second order equations, oscillations,
Euler's method, special analytic techniques, qualitative analysis, Linear systems, superposition, real and complex
eigenvalues, behavior along eigenvectors, repeated eigenvalues, zero eigenvalues, trace-determinant plane, forced
oscillations and resonance, periodically forced harmonic oscillator, amplitude and phase of asymptotic solution.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Most sections of the course require writing
assignments which contribute to the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate

Page 180
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 181
STAT 371 - Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

Course (catalog) description

Modern probability and statistics with applications to the engineering sciences.

Math 192.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 2nd ed., C. D. Montgomery and G. C. Runger, 1999.

Course objectives
The subject of "statistics'' is, in a sense, a foreign language and the main purpose of this course is for students to
learn to read that language with comprehension. Students should also learn to write respectable explanations of the
solutions to the problems such as "hypothesis testing.''

Topics covered
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Probability, Random Variables and Probability (discrete and
continuous), Distributions, Sampling Distributions, Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, and Simple Linear Regression
and Correlation.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The elective course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering and 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Page 182
Hung Nguyen of the Mathematics Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on November 18, 1999.

Page 183
IE 310 G: Continuous Quality Improvement

Catalog Description
Deming's philosophy, Malcolm Baldrige national quality award, probability theory, discrete and continuous
distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, control charts, design of experiments, analysis of variance,
factorial experiments. 3 Credits.

MATH 192
Kiemele, Mark J. and Schmidt, Stephen R. (1997). Basic Statistics: Tools for Continuous Improvement, 4th
Edition, Colorado Springs, CO: Air Academy Press. This text includes a set of software programs for statistics,
process capability analysis, and statistical process control that will be used in class.
Course Objectives

1.To learn the strategies and tactics of continuous quality improvement and statistical thinking.
2.To learn the quantitative and qualitative techniques used to improve quality and their application in a
variety of engineering, manufacturing, and other environments.
3.To develop skills in teams and teamwork that are based on current industry best practices.

1.Introduction and Background, including why continuous quality improvement.

2.Quality Improvement in industry.
3.The role of quality awards such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and New Mexico
Quality Awards.
4.Quality Standards such as ISO 9000 and QS 9000 as currently used in industry.
5.Basic Quality Improvement Tools: Flowcharts, Pareto Charts, Cost-of-Poor Quality Analysis, Matrix
Charts, Statistics, Process Capability Analysis, and much, much more.
6.Statistical Applications in CQI: Hypothesis testing, Statistical Process Control (SPC), Design of
Experiments, including Graphical Methods, and design optimization for product and process improvement.

Class Schedule
Two 75-minute sessions per week.
Contribution to Meeting the Professional Component
This course introduces you to the application of statistical thinking (including probability, statistics and design of
experiments) to engineering problem solving. For ABET purposes, this course offers two credits of mathematics.
Relationship to Program Objectives

Page 184
This course relates to your department's program objectives by introducing concepts of design and analysis of
experiments, communication of experimental results, working in teams, and product/process analysis using quality
improvement as a strategy.

Page 185
Math 471 - Complex Variables

Course (catalog) description

A first course in complex function theory, with emphasis on applications.

Math 391.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Churchill and Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, Sixth Ed

Course objectives
Complex functions lie at the core of physical and engineering mathematics, and their
study builds bridges to and among subjects in higher mathematics such as topology and analysis. While
the theory has become elegant and simple, it was developed historically as a toolkit for solving applied
problems. The goal of this course is to develop skills in applying the theory to real-world problems. Topics
particularly appropriate for applied projects or exercise sets include:
The geometry of complex arithmetic, complex powers, and conformal mappings, plane symmetries, and
stereographic projection.
The "rotating phasor'' and oscillatory systems.
Analyticity. the Cauchy integral formula and representations of functions; the relationship between the
Cauchy-Riemann equations and Laplace's equation,.
Applications to Pie’s such as heat flow and wave propagation.
The relationship between Laurent series and Fourier series and transforms and Laplace transforms, the
relationship between causality and analyticity,
Applications of inversion through contour integrals.

Topics covered:
• Arithmetic and Geometry of complex numbers
• Differentiation
• Elementary functions
• Integration
• Series
• Poles and residues
• Selected applications
• Applications of residues
• Basic mappings
• Conformal mappings
• Applications of conformal mappings

Page 186
Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 187
Math 480 - Vector Spaces and Matrix Algebra

Course (catalog) description

Matrices, determinants, vector spaces, characteristic values, canonical forms; applications.

Math 391.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Second Edition.

Course objectives
The objective of the course is for students to learn the concepts underlying the uses of matrices, vector spaces, and
eigenvalues, and to see how those tools work in real-life situations. Students will study the basic techniques of
matrix algebra and will learn how to use them in various applications. They will gain skills in solving applied
problems and in dealing with abstract mathematical concepts. Theoretical considerations should be treated so as to
enhance conceptual understanding, not just formal theorems and proofs. The theory has to be motivated and
reinforced by a variety of applications. Emphasize use of computers in matrix calculations. Take the class to the
student computer lab and introduce them to Scientific Workplace and Maple. (Many students will already have their
favorite computer package, but they may want to use Scientific Workplace after they have seen it.)

Topics covered:
Relationships between matrix algebra and Gaussian elimination; Vector spaces and linear equations; Spaces with
inner products and applications. Determinants; Eigenvalues and applications. The applications are integrated along
the way with corresponding theoretical concepts. (Applications chosen will depend on student interests.)

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

Page 188
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Frank Williams of the Mathematics Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on November 18, 1999.

Page 189
Statistics 470 - Probability: Theory and Applications

Course (catalog) description

Basic probability distributions including binomial, normal; random variables, expectation; laws of large numbers;
central limit theorem.

3. Prerequisites(s)
Math 291 and at least one 300-level Math course.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Probability and Statistical Inference, R. Bartoszynski and M. Niewiadomska-Bugaj, J. Wiley, 1996
Course objectives
The primary objectives are mathematical: to understand the basic concepts of probability and to appreciate the
nature of its applications; to develop some facility in reading material of this type. The secondary objectives appear
as an overall improvement in problem solving skills and the ability to organize and present material efficiently.

Topics covered:
Sample spaces, events, probability. Classical probability (combinatorial probability). Conditioning and
independence. Random variables (discrete, continuous, multivariate). Expectation. Some probability models. Limit
theorems (laws of large numbers and central limit theorem).

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

The elective course is included in the ABET category ‘one year of mathematics and basic sciences’.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(a): an
ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering and 3(b) an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
This course addresses the critical thinking portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and
enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical
awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 190
Course (catalog) description
Exploration of human origins and the development of cultural diversity. Topics include biological and cultural
evolution, the structure and functions of social institutions, belief systems, language and culture, human-
environmental relationships, methods of prehistoric and contemporary cultural analysis, and theories of culture..


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Ferraro, Trevathan, and Levy Anthropology: An Applied Perspective 1994

Course objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to give a brief overview of the subdisciplines of biological,
archaeological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology. Students will also be able to outline evolutionary theory,
human prehistory, and compare
different world cultures.

Topics covered
• What is Anthropology?
• The Concept of Culture
• Applied Anthropology
• Biology, Genes, and Evolutionary Theory
• Our Place in Nature
• Early Evolutionary History of Primates and Hominoids
• Origin, Spread, and Variation of Homo Sapiens
• Biocultural Adaptation
• Anthropological Archaeology
• Great Transformations in Prehistory
• Prehistoric Cultures in North America
• Doing Cultural Anthropology
• Language
• Getting Food
• Economics
• Kinship and Descent
• Marriage and the Family
• Religion
• Art

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Page 191
Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.
This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Human Thought and Behavior

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Page 192
ART 101G. Orientation in Art

Course (catalog) description

A multi-cultural examination of the principles and philosophies of the visual arts and the ideas expressed through


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Preble, Preble and Frank, Art Forms (6th edition), Longman Press, 1999

Course objectives
The objective for this course are to explore the visual language of art, and to examine, through slide lectures, gallery
visits/excursions, discussion groups et. al., the major visual and multi-cultural achievements that have shaped our
culture and to arrive at an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts within social, cultural and historical

Topics covered
• Art Is…
• Manhattan Experience
• Elements
• Principles
• Style
• Evaluation (writing about art)
• Drawing
• Printmaking
• Camera Arts
• Graphics
• Crafts
• Sculpture
• Architecture
• Art as Cultural Heritage
• The Modern World

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Literature and Fine Arts requirement.

Page 193
Relationship of course to program objectives.
The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Page 194
CEP 110G. Human Growth and Behavior

Course (catalog) description

Introduction to the principles of human growth and development throughout the life span.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Papalia, D.E., S. W. Olds & R.D. Feldman Human Development (7th ed.) (1998) McGraw Hill: Boston
Crandall, T. L. and Crandell, C. H. Study guide with readings to accompany “Human Development McGraw Hill:

Course objectives
i.The course member will demonstrate an understanding of the similarities and differences among the major
theories of human development.
ii.The course member will demonstrate a familiarity with the generally recognized stages of human development
from conception to death.
iii. The course member will demonstrate a comprehension of the normal and exceptional patterns of human
development as they occur within the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains.

Topics covered
• About Human Development
• Forming a New Life
• The First Three Years: Physical Development
• The First Three Years: Cognitive Development
• The First Three Years: Psychosocial Development
• Early Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development
• Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development
• Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
• Young Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Young Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
• Middle Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Middle Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
• Late Adulthood: Physical and Cognitive Development
• Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

Page 195
Students are also required to participate in Service Learning by volunteering for a minimum of four hours during the
semester at a daycare center, youth club, university service organization, senior citizen residence or related settings.
Oral reports on these activities are required.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Human Thought and Behavior

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
The written and oral reports are part of the preparation for students who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to
communicate effectively. Participation as a team in various off-campus social work activities helps to prepare
graduates who meet Criteria 3(d): an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams and 3(j): a knowledge of
contemporary issues.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness
portions of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters
creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal
awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 196
Econ 450G/ IB 450G International Economics

Course (catalog) description

Trade and capital flows between countries, international payments, government policy in balance-of-payments and
tariff matters, international organizations.

Economics 201G or equivalent.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Steven Husted and Michael Melvin, International Economics, 4th Ed. New York: HarperCollins (1998).

Course objectives
The purpose of the course is for students to gain an understanding of international trade, exchange rates, balance of
trade, and the impact of government policies on international trade.

Topics covered
• Review of Economic Principles,
• The Pure Theory of International Trade,
• Commercial Policy
• Exchange Rates,
• International Finance, and
• Open Economy Macroeconomics
Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(h): the
broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context and
3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider
World courses is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to
communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 197
Course (catalog) description
Economic, social, political, and cultural development from earliest times to about 1700.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

-- Kagan, Ozment, and Turner, The Western Heritage, Vol. 1 (to 1715) is at
the NMSU bookstore
-- Adams, Wallace E., et. al., The Western World, Vol. I, is at The Print
Shop, 1114 Espanola St.,

Course objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to trace the development of Western civilization from the
Egypt and Mesopotamia to the time of Shakespeare with a special emphasis on intellectual history and including the
impact of religion, the development of art and the roots of democracy.
The goal of this course is to raise the students' sense of human understanding and to familiarize them with
the background of their own and other civilizations. It is part of the Writing Across the Curriculum program. Its
focus is on the ideas developed during each period of Western development and the relationship of those ideas to
the economic and social structure and to the political system of the age. Students are asked to examine how the
world-view of a particular society affected its activities, from the making of money to the choosing of marriage
partners to tastes in art.

Topics covered

Page 198

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Historical Perspective requirement. The knowledge
and writing experience gained in this course are important parts of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion
3(g) and 3(h).

Relationship of course to program objectives.

Page 199
HIST 201G. American History Before 1877
Course (catalog) description
History of the United States to 1877, with varying emphasis on social, political, economic, diplomatic, and cultural


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Blassingame, John W. The Slave Community. Oxford.
Edmunds, R. David. Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership. Little, Brown.
Lecture Outlines Packet. Corbett Copy Center. Corbett Center.
Lockridge, Kenneth A. A New England Town: The First Hundred Years.
W.W. Norton.
Tindall, George Brown. America: A Narrative History. Volume I. W.W. Norton.

Course objectives
History 201G will attempt to provide the student with a basic understanding of the growth and development of the
United States from the colonial period through Reconstruction. It will focus attention on factual information and
the complexity of causal relationships in explaining historical events. To an extent, the course also will educate the
student to the variety of scholarly interpretations that exist regarding specific issues and overall trends in early
American history.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Historical Perspective requirement.
Relationship of course to program objectives.
The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
The writing assignments required are an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an
ability to communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 200
HIST202G. Recent American History

Course (catalog) description

History of the United States since 1877, with varying emphasis on social, political, economic, diplomatic, and
cultural development.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Mary Beth Norton, et al, A People and A Nation, vol. 2
John A. Garraty, Historical Viewpoints, vol. 2

Course objectives
History 202G will attempt to provide the student with a basic understanding of the growth and development of the
United States from Reconstruction to Watergate. It will focus attention on factual information and the complexity
of causal relationships in explaining historical events. To an extent, the course also will educate the student to the
variety of scholarly interpretations that exist regarding specific issues and overall trends in early American history.

Topics covered
Post-Civil War through Progressivism
World War I through First New Deal
Second New Deal through Watergate

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Historical Perspective requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
The writing assignments required are an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an
ability to communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and

Page 201
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 202
HLS301G. Human Sexuality
Course (catalog) description
Examination of human sexuality from a variety of perspectives: cultural, sociological, physiological and
psychological. Issues will be examined from a number of viewpoints, such as gender, individual, family, and
professional roles.
Textbook(s) and/or other required material
Our Sexuality, by Crooks and Baur, Seventh Edition

Course objectives
The student will:
experience an atmosphere of openness and genuineness for discussion;
differentiate between sex and sexuality;
explore aspects that contribute to our sexuality;
understand and expose biases and myths concerning sexuality;
compare perspectives to understand differences; and
discover answers for personal questions and independent thinking to issues of sexuality.
visiting your local library (community or university) and reporting
on the inventory of human sexuality resources;
interviewing a minister, priest, rabbi, medicine man/woman, etc.
about teaching family life/sexuality issues;
visiting a planned parenthood/family planning agency/private
physician and finding out about how each entity discusses human sexuality
with its clients;
talking with family members (parents, step-parents, grandparents,
etc.) about their “first” education on sexuality;
tallying the number of articles related to human sexuality in
various newspapers over a period of time;
surveying classmates and other college friends on topics related to
sexuality of your choice.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

Page 203
This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(h): the
broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. The
significant writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider World courses and the oral presentation required in
this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the third
goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical
thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a
continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 204
MUS 101G – An Introduction to Music

Course (catalog) description

Introduction to music for the non-music major to encourage the enjoyment of listening to and understanding the
world’s great music from the past to the present.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Really Listening by Dr. Marianna Gabbi (Available at Kinko's) with three listening tapes
(available at the Listening Library located on the 2nd floor of the Music Center on the corner of Espina and

Course objectives
To obtain a better understanding of Western art music.

Topics covered
The main purpose of this class is to gain a better understanding of how music functions. While the major focus of
this class is "classical music", we will examine many different musical styles. Please do not hesitate to inquire about
a specific type of music
that may be of interest to you. This is not a "music appreciation" course. Instead, this will be a “learning new
respect for a type of music that I didn't understand before” course. YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT—YOU JUST

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Human Literature or Fine Arts requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of Engineering:
Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement,

Page 205
professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement

Page 206
MUS 201G. History of Jazz in Popular Music: A Blending of Cultures
Course (catalog) description
Jazz in popular music as it relates to music history and the development of world cultures.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Popular-Music Culture in America, by Prince Dorough.
All recordings are on reserve in the music library.
Course objectives
The main purpose of this class is to gain a better understanding of how music functions. While the major focus of
this class will be on jazz, we will examine many different types of music. Please do not hesitate to inquire about a
specific type of music that you are interested in. This is not a Òmusic appreciationÓ course. Instead, this will be a
Òlearning new respect for a type of music that I didn’t understand beforeÓ course. YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIKE
Topics covered
Overview of popular music. Styles, Forms and Techniques.
Popular music ca. 1850 - 1900. Ragtime / blues. The blues and Dixieland.
Louis Armstrong . Other Dixieland. Swing, Duke Ellington., Benny Goodman.
Charlie Parker. Bebop, West Coast, Cool School, Free Jazz.
Miles Davis, Bebop, West Coast, Cool School, Free Jazz., Fusion.
Folk and Country Music. Prelude to the Rock Era.,Rock Foundations.
Elvis., The Beatles, Motown and Soul Music, Album Oriented Rock.
Woodstock and Hendrix. Chapter 19. The late 60’s/early 70’s.
The late 60’s/early 70’s., Popular music in the last 15 years.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Human Literature or Fine Arts requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

Page 207
The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of
Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student
involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous
improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

James E. Shearer of the Music Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on November 9, 1999.

Page 208
PSY 201G. Introduction to Psychology

Course (catalog) description

Methods and principles of behavior. Topics include human evolution and development, biopsychology, perception,
learning, thinking, motivation, social interaction, and the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material
Myers, Exploring Psychology (3rd Edition), Worth Publishers, New York, NY

Course objectives
Psychology is the science of behavior, emotion, and thought. It has experimental branches which seek to
understand every day (as well as abnormal) behavior, and applied branches which attempt to utilize this knowledge
in many settings (interpersonal behavior, sales techniques, management, health care, law personal adjustment, to
name just a few). The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts, the many experimental
branches and some of the potential applications of psychology.

Topics covered
Overview of psychology, learning theory, personality
Abnormal psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology
Social psychology, cognitive psychology, legal psychology
Consciousness, biopsychology, sensation & perception

Methodology requirements: As part of the departmental requirements for this course, you must earn 4 research
credits by either participating in research or writing very brief research reports based on your reading of articles in
scientific psychology journals or a combination of these two. ("Psychology Today" magazine is not a scientific
journal, and is not acceptable). Failure to fulfill this requirement will result in a lowering of your final grade.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Human Thought and Behavior

Relationship of course to program objectives.

Page 209
The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
The written reports are part of the preparation of students who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate
effectively. Participation in research activities helps to prepare graduates who meet Criterion 3(j): a knowledge of
contemporary issues.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness, professional and ethical awareness portions of the third goal
of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking,
student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous
improvement philosophy.

Page 210
THTR 101G - Introduction to Theatre

Course (catalog) description

An appreciation class introducing the non-major to all aspects of theatre. Playwrights, directors, actors, and
designers visit the class. Students attend and report on main-stage productions.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

The Creative Spirit, 1998 - Arnold (Book Store)
Required reading:
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
Henry the Fifth - Shakespeare
Death of a Salesman - Miller
Waiting for Godot - Beckett
Equus - Shaffer

Course objectives
We will explore the world of theatre arts. Students will learn the complexities of the art beginning with elements of
production to the final realization of the playwright's work. We will examine aspects of the contributions made by
designers, actors, directors, critics, dramaturgs/historians, and playwrights to the performance of dramatic literature.
This course will examine the nature of theatre arts as it emerged from a ritualistic or primitive form of human
expression to a multimillion dollar entertainment industry today. Class discussions are extremely important to this
examination and, ultimately, to the students' success in the class.

Topics covered
Defining the Art; The Relationship to Other Fine Arts.
The Impulse to Perform. The Critic's Choices: The Audience and Criticism of the Art. Critical Preferences, The
Occupation of Theatre, Theatre and Society, How to Read a Play, The Play as (static) Literature, Historical
Perspectives, The Greeks, Oedipus Rex,
Wm. Shakespeare, English Renaissance. Theatres, Plays, Players, The Middle Ages. Out of the Church, The
Cycles, Henry the Fifth, Beckett, and Waiting for Godot, The French Avant-Garde, Expressionism, Theatricalism,
The Creators: The Practitioners. The Actor. The Evolution, The Routine, The Life, The Designer's Choices: Set,
Lights, Costumes, Make up, Death of a Salesman, Modern American Realism Influences (O'Neill, Miller, Williams,
and the gang), Dramatic Structure, Theatrical Space and Time,
The Director's Choices, The Directorial Vision, Theatres of Cruelty, Absurd, Alienation,
The Contemporary Playwrights; Mamet, Wilson, Churchill, Shepard and the Gang.
Equus, The New Order, Where It's Happening, Amateur Theatre, The Musical, The One Person Show.

Page 211
Class/laboratory schedule
This 3 credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Human Literature or Fine Arts requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(h):
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness portion of the third goal of the College of
Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student
involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and a continuous
improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Frank Pickard of the Theatre Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this syllabus
on November 9, 1999.

Page 212
HON388G. Leadership & Society
Course (catalog) description
Exploration of the multifaceted nature of leadership in modern society through readings and seminar discussion.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Practicing Leadership, Principles and Applications, Shriberg, 1997.
In addition, a number of outside readings, cases & exercises will be required.

Course objectives
The objective of this course is twofold. First, we will investigate and review a wide variety of leadership concepts,
practices, and theories. Second, the role of leadership in a highly organized society such as ours is often
misunderstood. This course will examine the role of leadership in an organized society in an attempt to better
appreciate the important and essential contributions of leaders to modern society.

The specific learning objectives are:

To increase understanding of micro and macro leadership processes as they occur in society and in different
organizational settings.
To increase ability to analyze the relationships between leadership and organizational effectiveness.
To increase ability to identify and solve problems related to leadership in a variety of organizations, both public and
To increase ability to design and implement effective leadership systems.
To develop specific leadership skills related to different situations and career objectives.
To understand leadership across diverse groups and cultures.

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(h): the
broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context and
3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider

Page 213
World courses is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to
communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

John Loveland of the Management Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on September 16, 1999.

Page 214
HON385G. Consumers and the Law

Course (catalog) description

A study of the multidisciplinary synergism of law, societal concerns, business, and ethics of consumer issues and
attendant liability and remedies of the domestic and international markets.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Nina Compton, Honors385, Available at University Publications.

Course objectives
The purpose of the course is to contribute to the liberal education of the student in the legal area with instruction
oriented in such a way as to be beneficial and relevant to the businessman as well as the consumer, and to develop a
respect and appreciation of the law and its application. This course introduces students to some of the ends a
society seeks in its relations between business and the consumer, and discusses some of the legal means which have
been devised to accomplish these purposes. This class employs a multi-disciplinary approach inquiry into the rights
of the consumer interests in the overseas markets which will enable the students to make comparisons of legal
remedies available in the international arena.

Topics covered
a. Introduction to Law & Legal Analysis
b. Law Related Multi-disciplinary Concerns
c. Introduction to Legal Research
d. Production Liability:
i. Toxic Substance Litigation
Lead Paint/Mercury Poisoning
Safety in Workplace Issues- Asbestos
Agent Orange
ii. Global and Ethical Concerns
Acid Rain
e. Drug and Pharmaceutical Recovery
i. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

Page 215
ii. DPT Litigation and Federal Pre-emption Doctrine
iii. Food and Drug Administration Regulations

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(h): the
broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context and
3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider
World courses is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to
communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Nina Compton of the Finance Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this syllabus
on October 19, 1999.

Page 216
MGT 315G. Human Relations in Organizations

Course (catalog) description

Interactions among people and groups in societies where organizations abound. Focus on the behavior of people in
the organizational situations and approaches for understanding that behavior. Explores motivation, communication,
leadership and team processes. Restricted to non-business majors.


Page 217
Textbook(s) and/or other required material
Human Relations in Organizations(5th edition) by Dan Costley, Carmen Santana-Melgoza & Ralph Todd

Course objectives
. Develop a greater understanding of human behavior in organizations.
Develop an understanding of some major findings in the study of motivation, leadership, perception,
communication, conflict, and change in organizations.
Begin to develop team skills in problem solving, decision making, and communication.
Gain a greater appreciation of individual differences, including the impact of cultural differences and diversity on
human interactions in organizations.
Gain knowledge of certain terminology often used in studying and working in organizations.

Topics covered
Experiential Exercise: Defining Human Relations
Experiential Exercise: Building the Learning Climate
Characteristics of an Open Climate
Definition and Functions of Management
Psychological/Social Distance and Psychological Contracts
Organizational Structure: Differentiation & Integration; Responsibility & Delegation; Line & Staff
Perception: Determinants, Problems & Human Tendencies
Communication - Definition & Barriers
Experiential Exercise: Assertive, Aggressive & Passive Communication
Management Beliefs about Human Behavior
The Design of Work: From Frederick Taylor to Modern Work Redesign
B.F. Skinner to Modern Behavior Modification
Experiential Exercise: Leadership Style & Philosophy
Characteristics of Groups
Status, Power, Empowerment & Politics in Organizations
Social Changes Affecting Organizations: Types, Implications, and Management Techniques
Improving Individual Performance through Goal Setting, Constructive Discipline & Delegation
Diversity in the Workplace and Legal Issues in Human Relations
Social & Ethical Responsibilities of Managers

Class/laboratory schedule

Page 219
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several which satisfy the University’s General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(d): an
ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, 3(h): the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and societal context and 3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant
writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider World courses is an important part of the preparation of
graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Jon Howell of the Management Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on September 15, 1999.

Page 220
MGT 345G Quality & Competitiveness: An International Perspective
Course (catalog) description
Quality management & competitiveness are in manufacturing, services, and the public sector with an international
perspective. Topics include: global history of quality, foreign competition and its impact on quality and
productivity, quality management and continuous improvement, international operations management, quality
assessment, and a review of the emergence of quality and competitiveness in government, education and health care.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Management: Quality and Competitiveness, by J.M. Ivancevich, P. Lorenzi, S.J. Skinner, and P.B. Crosby, 2ndEd.,
Irwin, USA, 1997

Course objectives
Developing critical thinking skills through challenging material and assignments.
Foster intelligent inquiry through assignments, participative lectures, team projects and library research.
Develop an integration and synthesis of knowledge through applications to case studies and individual assignments.
Promote a breadth of knowledge on international developments in quality and competitiveness with a holistic view
of quality and its impact on businesses, organizations, nations and individuals.

Topics covered
Management in a Global Environment
Leaders in Quality
Worker Involvement & Teams
Managing Production
Mass Production, JIT
Process Control
Production & Control
Environmental TQM
ISO 9000, ISO 14000 , Malcolm Baldridge Award
International TQM
Case Presentations

Page 221
Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course has multiple sections all of which meet for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several which satisfy the General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(d): an
ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, 3(h): the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and societal context and 3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant
writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider World courses is an important part of the preparation of
graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.
This course directly addresses the societal awareness, professional and ethical awareness and continuous
improvement philosophy portions of the third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an
environment that fosters creative and critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-
long learning, societal awareness and a continuous improvement philosophy.

Page 222
MGT 360G Negotiation and Business Conflict Resolution: Theory & Practice
Course (catalog) description
The basics of negotiation theory and practice covered including the use of quantitative methods and their realistic
application in resolving disputes. Application of conflict resolution skills.


Textbook(s) and/or other required material

Lewicki, et al., Negotiations Readings, Exercises and Cases, 2nd Edition
Goldberg, et al., Dispute Resolution, Negotiations, Mediations and Other Processes, 2ndEdition

Course objectives
We all negotiate. We also all try to manage conflict - conflicts that we sometimes create; conflicts from which we
often benefit. Surely society, in the long run, benefits from conflicts that eventually do get resolved. Sound
negotiations, good conflict management & appropriate selection of an alternative dispute resolution technique can
help institutions & individuals take, at least, baby steps forward in their search for justice &, perhaps, even success.
The objectives of this course are to help us better understand negotiations, conflict management and alternative
dispute resolution techniques.

Topics covered
Conflict management
Conflict resolution
Alternative dispute resolution

Class/laboratory schedule
This 3-credit course meets for 2.5 hours per week for 15 weeks plus a 2-hour final exam.

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component.

This course is one of several that satisfy the University’s General Education Viewing a Wider World requirement.

Relationship of course to program objectives.

The knowledge gained in this course is an important part of the preparation of graduates who meet Criteria 3(d): an
ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, 3(h): the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and societal context and 3(j): a knowledge of contemporary issues. The significant
writing assignment required in all Viewing a Wider World courses is an important part of the preparation of
graduates who meet Criterion 3(g): an ability to communicate effectively.

Page 223
This course directly addresses the societal awareness and professional and ethical awareness portions of the
third goal of the College of Engineering: Maintaining and enhancing an environment that fosters creative and
critical thinking, student involvement, professional and ethical awareness, life-long learning, societal awareness and
a continuous improvement philosophy.

Person(s) who prepared this description & date of preparation.

Albert A. Blum of the Management Department & J. Eldon Steelman of the College of Engineering prepared this
syllabus on September 16, 1999.

Page 224
Course Information ME 329 Engineering Analysis II
INSTRUCTOR: Prof. B. NassersharifOffice: JH 117Phone: 646-3502
Email: bn@nmsu.edu
OFFICE HOURS: M, W 8:30-10:00 AM
CATALOG Numerical methods for roots of linear and nonlinear equations, numerical integration, and the
DESCRIPTION: solution of ordinary differential equations with emphasis on software design and engineering
PREREQUISITES: MATH 392, ME 260 (or ME 160), knowledge of FORTRAN or C
TEXT: Numerical Methods, Robert W. Hornbeck, Prentice Hall,Inc., 1975
CLASS SCHEDULE: Tu,Th 11:45-13:00
GRADES: Attendance [10%]
Homework/Projects [30%]
MidtermExams [2@15% each]
Final Exam [30%]
COURSE Students will become proficient in using numerical methods to formulate solutions to
OBJECTIVES: mathematical problems of interest to engineering
Students will become proficient in writing computer programs based on numerical algorithms
to arrive at numerical solutions to engineering problems
Students will become proficient with general principles of using computers to solve problems

TOPICS COVERED: Number Representation

Sources of Error
Roots of Equations
Taylor Series
Curve Fitting
Numerical Differentiation
Numerical Integration
Finite Difference Methods
Numerical Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems
Numerical Solution of ODEs
Numerical Solution of PDEs
Introduction to Finite Element Methods
RELATIONSHIP TOProgram Objective A - To prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning.
Program Objective B - To educate students thoroughly in methods of analysis, including
mathematical and computational methods appropriate for engineers to use when solving

Page 225
Program Objective C - To develop skills pertinent to the design process, including students'
ability to formulate problems, to think creatively, to communicate effectively, to synthesize
information, and to work collaboratively.
CONTRIBUTION Introduces students to modern mathematical and computational methods involved in
TO PROFESSIONALformulation and solution of engineering problems and the importance of computers in
COMPONENT: arriving at solutions and furthering engineering insight in complex problems.

POLICI Homework assignments must include: 1. problem description,

ES: 2. problem or solution to assumptions, 3. formulation of solution algorithm, 4. listing of computer program,
5. results of computation including computer plots, 6. analysis of results, 7. discussion of how the program
could be further improved in the future.
All computer programs must be either in C or FORTRAN and must be well commented.
No late homework will be accepted.
Collaboration in the form of discussion of formulation of solutions or results is encouraged, however, each
individual must work independently to create the solution, computer programs, and the homework report.
Grades will be assigned based on a normalized distribution curve
Attendance will be checked based on a Monte Carlo sampling at the beginning of each class session . Each
absence will count as 1% reduction in the overall score calculation.

AUTH B. Nassersharif08/25/99

Page 226
CS 473 Syllabus
· General Information, Office Hours, Etc.
· Grading Policies
· A Note on Incompletes
· Unacceptable Behavior
· Disabilities

General Information
J. Pfeiffer, SH 136, 646-1605, pfeiffer@cs.nmsu.edu
Office Hours
To Be Determined
and by appointment
Patterson, D. and J. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface, Second
Edition, 1997
at least C in CS 363, CS 370, and CS 372
To study high level aspects of computer design, architecture, and organization. The course will study architecture
from the standpoint of examining virtual machines intended to support high level languages, and the underlying
implementation of these virtual machines.
· Performance
· Pipelining
· Memory Hierarchy
· Input/Output
I do not take attendance, and your attendance in the course will not (directly) affect your grade. However, you are
responsible for all material covered in class, and for turning in homework, whether you are present or not.

Your course grade will be based on two equally-weighted components:
· Assignments
· Exams
Your lowest homework grade will be dropped. As the lowest grades will be dropped, no late homework will be

Page 227
The minimum requirement for a D in this class is to turn in at least half of the homework assignments, and take both
of the exams.
Grades from A to F will be assigned on the basis of your performance on the assignments and tests, in comparison
with the rest of the class and my evaluation of the quality of the work done by the class as a whole.
A running average will be maintained showing current class standings. This will show both a ``best-case'' and a
``worst-case'' scenario, with one showing results with lowest grades dropped and the other without.
A Note on Incompletes
The University's policy on assigning Incompletes on classes is stated in the Bulletin as: ``Instructors may assign I
grades only if the student is unable to complete the course due to circumstances beyond the student's control that
develop after the last day to withdraw from the course. Examples of appropriate circumstances include
doocumented illness, documented death or crisis in the student's immediate family, and similar circumstances. Job
related circumstances are generally not appropriate grounds for assigning an I grade.'' I have discovered (somewhat
to my chagrin) that I grades are reviewed by the Dean's Office, and that these standards are being enforced at that
level whether I want to assign an I or not.

Unacceptable Behavior
Assignments (including programs) in this class are to be completed individually. Copying of assignments is
plagiarism and will not be tolerated.
Each student in this class will be given a copy of the Rules of Conduct in Computer Science Classes, and the
department's Computer Use Policy. You will be responsible for being aware of the contents of these documents, as
well as in the Student Code of Conduct, and following the policies in them.
If you have or believe you have a disability, you may wish to self-identify. You can do so by providing
documentation to the Office for Services for Students with Disabilities, located at Garcia Annex (phone: 646-6840).
Appropriate accommodations may then be provided for you.
If you have a condition which may affect your ability to exit safely from the premises in an emergency or which
may cause an emergency during class, you ae encouraged to discuss this in confidence with the instructor and/or the
director of Disabled Student Programs. if you have general questions about the Americans With Disabilities Act
(ADA), call 646-3333.

Last modified: Wed Jan 12 09:16:15 MST 2000

Page 228
Ch E 361
Engineering Materials
Catalog Description
Bonding and crystal structure of simple materials. Electrical and mechanical properties of materials. Phase
diagrams and heat treatment. Corrosion and environmental effects. Application of concepts to metal alloys,
ceramics, polymers, and composites. Selection of materials for engineering design.
Grade of C or better in CHEM 111 or CHEM 114 or equivalent.
Textbook and other required material
Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction (5th Edition) W. D. Callister, Jr.
Reference: Materials Science and Engineering (3rd Edition) W. F. Smith
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, it is expected that students will understand:
· The role of chemical bonding in material properties.
· Basic crystalline structure manipulation.
· Electrical properties of materials, including conductivity and semiconductivity.
· Analysis of materials for mechanical properties.
· Binary and ternary phase diagrams, and their applications.
· Heat treatments and engineering tools that allow for the design of heat treatments.
· Environmental effects on materials.
· Approaches to material selection based on material properties.
· Economic, environmental, and societal issues in Materials Science and Engineering.
Class/Laboratory Schedule
3 credit course, meets 2.5 hrs/week for 15 weeks plus a 2 hour final exam.
Topics covered
Atomic Structure & Bonding; Crystal Structure & Geometry; Crystalline Imperfections; Diffusion; Mechanical
Properties; Dislocation Strengthening; Failure; Phase Diagrams ; Phase Transitions; Thermal Processing;
Ceramics & Applications; Polymers & Applications; Composites; Electrical Properties of Materials; Corrosion;
Material Selection; Economics
Contribution of course to meeting the professional component
This course is one of the “critical path” courses in the Ch E curriculum that satisfies the Professional Component
requisite of one and one-half years of engineering topics, consisting of engineering sciences and engineering design
appropriate to the student's field of study.
Relationship of course to program objectives
Course is designed to meet the following numbered NMSU Ch E program objectives: (1) a solid foundation in the
fundamentals of chemical engineering science, design and practice; (2) a sound base in chemistry, mathematics and
physics; (5) opportunities to participate on multidisciplinary teams; (9) the skills to engage in life-long learning.
Document Preparation Information
prepared by Dr. M. G. Scarbrough, College Instructor, on January 2000.

Page 229
Page 230
Course Information ME 234 Mechanics-Dynamics
INSTRUCTOR: Gabe V. Garcia Office: JH 613 Phone: 646-7749 Email: gabegarc@nmsu.edu
ASSISTANTS: Grader to be determined
OFFICE HOURS: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. MWF
CATALOG Kinematics and dynamic behavior of solid bodies utilizing vector methods
PREREQUISITES: Math 192 and CE 233; Co requisite: Math 291
TEXT: Dynamics, 2nd Ed., Ginsberg, J.H. and Genin, J., PWS Publishing Co., 1995
CLASS SCHEDULE: Lecture 12:30 -1:20 p.m. MWF JH 204
GRADES: Class assignments 5%
Class quizzes 15%
Test 1 20 %
Test 2 20 %
Test 3 20 %
Test 4 20 %
COURSE OBJECTIVES: · To provide the student with a working knowledge of classical physical dynamic principles.
· To provide the student with a working knowledge of applied mathematics.
· To provide students with a working knowledge in the evaluation of the kinematical an
dynamical behavior of rigid bodies.
· Basic Kinematical Properties
· Path Variables
· Rectangular, Cylindrical, and Combined Coordinates Systems
· Relative MotionCoordina
· Pulley SystemsCombined Coordinates
· Equations of MotionRelative Motion
· Work - EnergyPulley Systems
· PowerEquations of Motion
· Linear Impulse-MomentumWork - Energy
· Central ImpactPower
· Angular Impulse-Momentum
RIGID BODY MOTIONLinear Impulse-Momentum
· Kinematics in Planar MotionCentral Impact
· Constrained MotionAngular Impulse-Momentum
· Instantaneous CenterKinematics in Planar Motion
· RollingConstrained Motion
· LinkagesRolling

Page 231
Course Information ME 234 Mechanics-Dynamics
· Mass Moment of InertiaLinkages
· Equations of MotionMass Moment of Inertia
· Work - Energy
· Impulse-Momentum
· Moving Reference Frame
RELATIONSHIP TO Program Objective B - to educate students thoroughly in methods of analysis, including th
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: mathematical and computational methods appropriate for engineers to use when solvin
problems.}[Enter Which Program Objectives Are Involved]
CONTRIBUTION TO }[Enter Contribution to Professional Component Here]Introduces the students to classical physica
PROFESSIONAL dynamic principles and applied mathematics enabling them apply this knowledge to evaluate rea
COMPONENT: world problems dealing with the kinematical and dynamical behavior of rigid bodies.

POLICIES: · }[Enter Course Policies Here]5 points will be added to the total course grade of student
who complete all homework assignments using MathCad or an equivalent software package.
· Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class.
· Late homework assignments will not be accepted.
· Students cannot make-up missed quizzes

AUTHOR/DATE: }[Your Name]G.V. Garcia08/25/99

Page 232
Course Information ME240 THERMODYNAMICS
INSTRUCTOR: DR. VINCENT CHOO Office: JH516 Phone: 6-2225 Email: vchoo@nmsu.edu
OFFICE HOURS: 2:30 - 3:30 PM
CATALOG First and second laws of thermodynamics, irreversibility, applications to pure
substances and ideal gases.
TEXT: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics -- 4th edition
M.J. Moran and H.N. Shapiro, J. Wiley 2000
GRADES: Homework -- 15%, Test 1 -- 15%, Test 2 -- 20%, Test 3 & Final Exam -- 25%
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This introductory course is designed to develop the student's ability to solve problems invo
closed and open systems using basic thermodynamic concepts and procedures.
TOPICS COVERED: _________________________________________________________________________
Date Chapter Subject
1/12, 1 Introduction
1/14, 19 2 Energy and the First Law of
1/21, 24 2 Thermodynamics
1/26 Test 1 (1:30 - 2:30PM)
1/28, 31 3 Properties of a pure and
2/2, 4, 7, 9 3 Compressible substance
2/11, 14
2/16, 18, 21 4 Control Volume
2/23, 25, 28 4 Energy Analysis
3/1 Test 2 (1:30 - 2:30PM)
3/3, 6, 8 5 Second Law of
3/10, 13, 15 5 Thermodynamics
3/17, 20, 22 6 Entropy
3/24, 27, 29, 31 6
4/3, 5, 7

Page 233
Course Information ME240 THERMODYNAMICS
4/10 Test 3 (1:30 - 2:30PM)
4/12, 14, 17 8 Vapor Power Cycle
4/19, 21 8
4/24, 5/1, 3 9 Gas Power Cycle
5/5 9
5/8 Final Examination (1:00 -3:00PM)

RELATIONSHIP TO Program Objective B - to educate students thoroughly in methods of analysis, including

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: mathematical and computational methods appropriate for engineers to use when solving problem
CONTRIBUTION TO Introduces the students to the fundamentals of thermodynamics.

POLICIES: · Homework is due every Friday. No late homework.

AUTHOR/DATE: Vincent ChooJuly 2, 2006

Page 234
IE 311: Analysis of Engineering Data
Catalog Description
Methodology and techniques associated with identifying and analyzing industrial data. 3 credits.
MATH 192 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II, with a grade of at least C.
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by J.L. Devore. Duxbury Press, fourth edition, 1995.
Course Objectives
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
· Summarize a large set of numeric data, present the summary graphically and discuss the important features
of the data
· Understand elementary probability theory and apply it to solve engineering problems
· Apply the most common discrete and continuous probability models to solve problems by choosing a
plausible model and then evaluating an appropriate probability; recognize engineering situations for which the
various models are appropriate
· Identify the properties of the normal distribution and understand its importance for probability and
· Understand the concept of a random sample and evaluate the randomness of "real" sampling schemes;
recognize how departures from true random sampling limit your ability to draw valid inferences from data
· Explain the concepts of interval estimation and tests of significance; carry out the standard procedures,
evaluate the corresponding risks and formulate correctly worded statements of your results
Topics Covered
Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, discrete and continuous random variables, combinations of random
variables, sampling, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses
Class Schedule
Forty-five 50-minute sessions, three per week, plus a two-hour comprehensive final examination
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course belongs to the portion of the curriculum designated as engineering topics. In keeping with this
designation, the course:
· deals with the use of mathematics to analyze probabilistic models of engineering phenomena;
· presents engineering situations to which the various probability models apply; and
· introduces the thought process, vocabulary and procedures of statistical inference.
Relationship to the Program Objectives
Our overall objective is to enable our graduates to design, develop, implement and improve systems. The
probability models and the statistical thought process introduced in IE 311 support quality improvement, methods
engineering, the analysis of simulation output and the planning of engineering experiments.

Page 235
IE 413: Engineering Operations Research
Catalog Description
Deterministic operations research modeling, including linear and integer programming. 3 credits.
MATH 192 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II, with a grade of at least C
Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier and Lieberman, McGraw Hill, sixth edition, 1995.
Course Objectives
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
· Set up a model that correctly presents the major features of a real situation
· Identify the limitations of a model and explain why such limitation occur
· Solve models based on linear programming and integer programming
· Interpret solutions of models in terms of the original problem
· Define technical terms, understand basic concepts and describe the algorithms for solving linear and
integer programming, and
· Read, analyze and evaluate case studies that present applications of operations research.
Topics Covered
Modeling process, introduction to linear programming, simplex method, duality and sensitivity analysis, goal
programming, transportation and assignment problems, network analysis, integer programming.
Class Schedule
Forty-five classes (Three 50-minute sessions per week) plus a two-hour comprehensive final examination.
Contribution to the Professional Component
This course belongs to the portion of the professional component designated as engineering topics. In keeping with
this designation, the course integrates mathematics and computing to give the student a solid foundation in solving
problems related to resource allocation, scheduling and distribution. The course presents modeling as an aid to
decision-making and as a tool for assessing proposed changes to an engineering system. In this context, the course
deals with economic and ethical issues associated with engineering decisions and their consequences. Because
modeling involves eliciting various descriptions of a client's problem and leads to implementing changes in the
client's situation, the course also deals with social and political aspects of the client's situation.
Relationship of the Course to the Program Objectives
This course supports IE Objective 1 by introducing students to the use of modeling as a tool for the design and
improvement of integrated systems.

Page 236
CAGE Department

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Engineering mechanics using vector methods.

INSTRUCTOR: John A. Tellez OFFICE: EC II, Rm 244

OFFICE PHONE: 646-3801 or 646-2471 OFFICE HOURS:
e-mail address: jtellez@nmsu.edu


Lecture: Section 1 - 9:30 - 10:20 MWF in JH 204
Section 2 - 7:30 - 8:20 MWF in CE 103

PREREREQUISITES: Math 192 and cumulative GPA of 2.0

COREQUISITE: Physics 215

TEXTS: Bedford & Fowler, Engineering Mechanics-Statics (2ND Edition), Addison-Wesley Publishers, 1999

COURSE GOALS: Develop in the engineering student the ability to mathematically formulate practical statics
problems through application of basic principles, solve the problems in an organized and logical manner, and
review the solutions in terms of the physics of the problem.

SUMMARY OF COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to apply a few
basic, well-understood principles of engineering mechanics, rather than the use of special case formulas.


This course provides the student with the necesary background to preform entry-level professional work in

RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE TO PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: This course satisfies the basic mechanics
components of the general engineering program.

Page 237
Faculty Resumes

Resumes of the instructional faculty of the Klipsch School are given in this section. Resumes
are presented for

• Borah, Deva • Johnson, Eric. E.

• Boehmer, Charles • Kersting, William
• Cook, Jeanine • Lyman, Raphael
• Creusere, Charles • Mitra, Joydeep
• Dawood, Muhammed • Ng, Kwong T.
• DeLeon, Phillip • Paz, Robert
• Geyer, Gary • Prasad, Nadipuram
• Furth, Paul • Ramirez-Angulo, Jaime
• Giles, Michael K. • Ranade, Satishkumar
• Horan, Sheila B. • Smolleck, Howard
• Horan, Stephen • Stochaj, Steven
• Huang, Hong • Taylor, Javin
• Jedlicka, Russell • Voelz, David

Page 238
Chuck Boehmer
Adjunct Instructor

Education MSMn, US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA

MSAe, US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
BA, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
US Naval Test Pilot School

Years of Service NMSU Electrical Engineering Department 2001-Present

Other Experience KinetX, Inc, Gilbert , AZ; 9/1996 – 6/1999
Lockheed-Martin Missiles and Space Co., Sunnyvale, CA; 10/1989 – 6/1996
US Navy; 7/1965 – 10/1989
Consulting, Patents None
States of Registration None
Principle Publications None
Last Fived Years
Scientific &
Professional Societies
Honors & Awards None
Institutional &
Procfessional Service
Las Five Years
Professional None
Last Five Years

Page 239
Dr. Deva K. Borah
Assistant Professor

Education Ph.D. in Telecommunication Engineering, Australian National University, May

M.E. in Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, March 1992.
B.E. in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, India, September 1987.
Years of Service Assistant Professor: New Mexico State University, January 2000 – present.
Other Experience Lecturer: Gauhati University, India, November 1993 – January 1996.
Lecturer: Assam Engineering College, India, 1988-1990, 1992-1993.
Trainee, Indian Telephone Industries, Bangalore, India, Summer 1987.
Consulting, Patents D. K. Borah, “Smooth Phase Interpolated Keying,” a patent filed in July 2004
in US Patent and Trademark Office.
D. K. Borah and P. DeLeon, “Speaker Identification in the Presence of Packet
Losses,” a patent filed in July 2004 in US Patent and Trademark Office.
States of Registration
Principal Publications D. K. Borah and D. Voelz, “Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds on Estimation of Laser
Last Five Years System Pointing Parameters by Use of the Return Photon Signal,” Optics
Letters, Vol.31, pp.1029-1031, April 2006.
D. K. Borah, D. Voelz and S. Base, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a
Laser System Pointing Parameters by Use of Return Photon Counts,” Applied
Optics, vol. 45, pp.2504-2509, April 2006
D. K. Borah “Estimation of Frequency-Selective CDMA Channels with Large
Possible Delay and Doppler Spreads,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, 2006 (to appear).
Y. Liu and D. K. Borah, “Estimation of Fading Channels with Large Possible
Delay Spreads,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.39, pp.130-131, Jan. 2003.
D. K. Borah, “Smooth Phase Interpolated Modulations for Nonlinear
Channels,” Proc. IEEE Globecom 2004, Dallas, Nov. 2004.

Scientific & Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1996-
Professional Societies present
Member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Honors & Awards
Institutional & Reviewed more than 50 journal papers and numerous conference papers for
Professional Service international journals and conferences
Las Five Years
NSF panel review, 2004.
Program committee member/Editor-cum-reviewer for IEEE WCNC 2006, Las
Vegas, IEEE ISSSTA 2004, Sydney etc.

Page 240
MS and Ph.D. thesis examiner for overseas universities.

Professional Attended more than seven international conferences during the last five years
Development and gave oral/poster presentations.
Last Five Years

Page 241
Jeanine Cook
Assistant Professor

Education New Mexico State University, PhD, 2002

University of Colorado, Boulder, MS, 1996
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, BSEE, 1987

Years of Service NMSU Electrical Engineering Department, Assistant Professor 2002-Present

Other Experience McDonnell Douglas, Pueblo, CO, 8/1987 – 7/1993
Consulting, Patents None
States of Registration None
Principle Publications
Last Five Years
Scientific & IEEE,
Professional Societies
Honors & Awards AGEP Mentoring Award
Institutional &
Procfessional Service
Faculty Advisor, SWE
Las Five Years
Professional None
Last Five Years

Page 242
Charles D. Creusere
Associate Professor

1980-1985: University of California at Davis, B.S. in Electrical and Computer


1989-1990: University of California at Santa Barbara, M.S. in Electrical and

Computer Engineering.

1990-1993: University of California at Santa Barbara, Ph.D. in Electrical and

Computer Engineering.
6. 5 years as a professor at New Mexico State University.
Years of Service
7. 6 years as a researcher at the Naval Air Warfare Center China Lake, CA
8. 4 years as a design engineer at the Navel Weapons Center China Lake, CA
9. Spring, 1999: Taught ECE 258B (Multirate DSP) at the University of
Other Experience
California Santa Barbara as a visiting lecturer.
10. Summer 1992: Worked at Bell Labs in the DSP group.
11. 2001-2003: Expert witness in the case of Laser Technology Inc. v.
Consulting, Patents
12. Patents: 2 patents (Patent Numbers 6,148,111 and 6,466,698) and a
classified patent (awarded 1991).
• None.
States of Registration
C.D. Creusere, "Motion compensated video compression with reduced
Principle Publications Last
complexity encoding for remote transmission," Signal Processing: Image
Five Years Communications, Vol. 16, pp. 627-42, April 2000.
C.D. Creusere, "Understanding perceptual distortion in MPEG scalable
audio coding," IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 13, No.
3, pp. 422-431, May 2005.
L. E. Boucheron and C.D. Creusere, "Lossless wavelet-based compression
of digital elevation maps for fast and efficient search and retrieval," IEEE
Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1210-1214,
May 2005.
13. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Scientific & Professional
Societies 14. IEEE Signal Processing Society
15. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
• Received competitively-awarded Department of Defense graduate
Honors & Awards
Fellowship.Certificate of Merit for the outstanding technical paper
awarded at the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference for the paper
“Automatic target recognition directed image compression,” Nov. 1998.
• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2002-2005.
Institutional & Professional
Service Las Five Years • Co-general chair for the 2004 IEEE Digital Signal Processing
• Participated in an NSF Career Grant writing workshop for faculty at
Professional Development
NMSU, May 2005.
Last Five Years

Page 243
Muhammad Dawood
Assistant Professor

Education University of Nebraska-Lincoln, PhD, 2001

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, MSEE, 1998
NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, BE, 1985

Years of Service NMSU Electrical Engineering Department, Assistant Professor 2005-Present

Other Experience Information and Telecommunications Technology Center, University of
Kansas, 6/2002 – 7/2005
Consulting, Patents None
States of Registration None
Principle Publications
Last Five Years
Scientific & IEEE,
Professional Societies

Honors & Awards None

Institutional &
Procfessional Service
Las Five Years
Professional None
Last Five Years

Page 244
Phillip DeLeon
Associate Professor

University of Colorado at Boulder

Education Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, December 1995.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, December 1992.
University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, August 1990.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, December 1989.

Associate Professor, August 2001 – present

Years of Service Director, Advanced Speech & Audio Processing Laboratory, Sep. 2002 –
Associate Director, Center for Space Telemetering & Telecommunications, Jan.
1999 – Present
Assistant Professor, Jan. 1996 – Jul. 2001

University College Cork, Ireland

Other Experience Department of Computer Science
Visiting Professor, January 2002 – May 2002
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Acoustics Research Department
Member Technical Staff (Cooperative Research Fellowship Summer Intern),
Summer 1993, 1994

Consulting, Patents

States of Registration Not registered.

A. Daga, D. Borah, G. Lovelace and P. DeLeon, “Physical Layer Effects on

Principle Publications
MAC Layer Performance of
Last Five Years
IEEE 802.11 a and b WLAN on the Martian Surface,” IEEE Aerospace
Conference, 2006.

S. Berner and P. De Leon, “Subband Transforms for Adaptive, RLS Direct

Sequence Spread Spectrum Receivers,”

IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Volume 53, Number 10, pp. 3773 - 3779, Oct.

V. Chukkala, P. De Leon, S. Horan, and V. Velusamy, “Radio Frequency

Channel Modeling for Proximity

Networks on the Martian Surface,” Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier),

Volume 47, Issue 5, April 2005.

D. Borah, A. Daga, G. Lovelace and P. DeLeon, “Performance Evaluation of

the IEEE 802.11a and b WLAN Physical Layer on the Martian Surface,” IEEE

Page 245
Aerospace Conference, 2005.

D. Borah and P. DeLeon, “Speaker Identification in the Presence of Packet

Losses,” IEEE DSP Workshop, 2004.

J. San Filippo and P. DeLeon, “Evaluation of Spherically Invariant Random

Process Parameters as Discriminators for Speaker Identification,” IEEE DSP
Workshop, 2004.

V. Chukkula, P. De Leon, S. Horan, and V. Velusamy, “Modeling the Radio

Frequency Environment of Mars for Future Wireless, Networked Rovers and
Sensor Webs,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2004.

A. Cahill, P. De Leon, C. Sreenan, “Link Cache Extensions for Predictive

Routing and Repair in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,” Fourth IEEE Conference
on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, 2002.

N. Chen and P. De Leon, “Blind Image Separation through Kurtosis

Maximization,” 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Scientific & Professional

Honors & Awards

Institutional &
Professional Service
Las Five Years

Last Five Years

Page 246
Paul M. Furth
Associate Professor &
Associate Department Head

Education Ph.D. 1996, Johns Hopkins University, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Baltimore MD
M.S. 1991, Johns Hopkins University, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Baltimore MD
B.S. 1985, California Institute of Technology, Engineering (Electrical),
Pasadena CA
B.A. 1984, Grinnell College, French, Grinnell IA
Years of Service 1995-present NMSU Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Department Head, 2002-present
Associate Professor, 2000-present
Assistant Professor, 1995-2000
Other Experience 1992-1995 JHU Applied Physics Lab Columbia, MD
Member of Associate Staff
1985-1989 TRW Technar Irwindale, CA
Project Engineer

Consulting, Patents Summer 2001-03 Motorola Phoenix, AZ

Consulting IC Designer
Design, simulation, and layout of switched-capacitor circuits for mixed-signal
image processor. Design and simulation of audio amplifiers, power
management circuits, linear regulators, and bandgap voltage references for a
portable game player.
Summer 2000 JTA Research Seal Beach, CA
Consulting IC Designer
Designed, simulated, and laid out modules for a static RAM using CADENCE
States of Registration None
Principle Publications “High-Speed Centroid Circuits Implemented in Analog VLSI,” A. Bashyam,
Last Five Years P.M. Furth, and M.K. Giles, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems 2004, Vancouver, WA, May, 2004.
“Test Setup for Static and Dynamic Measurements of an Image Centroid in an
Adaptive Optics Integrated Circuit with Pixel Array,” A. Bashyam, M.K. Giles,
and P.M. Furth, SPIE Optoelectronics 2004, San Jose, CA, January 2004.
“Fully Integrated Current-Mode Subaperature Centroid Circuits and Phase
Reconstructor,” A.J. Ambundo and P.M. Furth, 10th NASA Symp. VLSI

Page 247
Design, Albuquerque, NM, March 2002.
“Career development activities in a required engineering course,” P.M. Furth,
2001 ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001.
Scientific & IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Professional Societies
NMSU Teaching Academy
Honors & Awards None
Institutional & Professional Service: reviewer for IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Professional Service IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Last Five Years Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Education
Department Committees: Graduate Studies Committee (Chair), 2002-present,
Faculty Search Committee for Computer Area (Member), 2001-02
College Committee: Engineering Physics ABET 2006 Committee (ECE
Representative), 2005-present, ABET 2006 Committee (ECE Representative),
2004 – 2005

Professional Conference participant at IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and

Development Systems, Vancouver, WA, May, 2004
Last Five Years
Conference participant at ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June
Conference participant at NMSU Science, Engineering, and Technology
Education Conferences, Las Cruces, NM, January 2001-2005.
Workshop participant in NMSU Instructional Peer Coaching Workshops, Las
Cruces, NM, Spring Semester, 2004 & 2006.

Page 248
Gary S. Geyer
Adjunct Instructor

Education MSEE University of Southern California 1971

MSAE University of Southern California 1971
BSEE Ohio State University 1966
Years of Service NMSU Electrical Engineering Department 2001-Present

Other Experience 1966-1992 Space Development/ Program Management USAF

1992-1999 Program Management Lockheed Martin.
Consulting, Patents 1999- Present Various Aerospace and Commercial Companies
States of Registration None
Principle Publications None
Last Five Years

Scientific & None

Professional Societies
Honors & Awards None
Institutional & None
Professional Service
Las Five Years
Professional None
Last Five Years

Page 249
Michael K. Giles

Education Ph.D. in Optical Sciences, University of Arizona 1976

MSEE Brigham Young University 1971
BSEE Brigham Young University 1971
Years of Service NMSU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1982-Present
Other Experience 1971-1977 Electronics Engineer/ Michelson Laboratory, US Navy
Research Electronics Engineer/ White Sands Missile Range, US Army
1980-1982 Research Physicist (Optics), Air Force Weapons Lab, USAF.
Consulting, Patents 1982-Present Consulted for various government agencies
Photoparametric Amplifying Upconverter, U.S. Patent No. 3,937,979, 1976.
Photoparamp Array Multiplexer, U.S. Patent No. 4,051,364, 1977.
Kalman Filter Preprocessor, U.S. Patent No. 4,512,119, June 14, 1985
Adaptive Optics Wavefront Measurement and Correction System, U.S. Patent
No. 5,684,545, Nov. 4, 1997.
Characterization of Collimation and Beam Alignment, U.S. Patent No.
5,978,053, Nov. 2, 1999.
Passive Coherence Reduction, Patent Application, Serial No. 60/704,780, Filed
Aug. 1, 2005.
States of Registration
Principle Publications J. Rha, D. G. Voelz, and M. K. Giles, “Reconfigurable Shack-Hartmann
Last Five Years wavefront sensor,” Optical Engineering, Volume 43, pp. 251-256, January
C. Ting, D. G. Voelz, and M. K. Giles, “Effectiveness of High-Order Adaptive
Optics in Ground-Based Stellar Interferometry," Optical Engineering, Volume
45, pp. 026001-1 to 026001-6, February 2006.
Scientific & Optical Society of America
Professional Societies
SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering
Honors & Awards Paul and Valerie Klipsch Distinguished Professorship, The Klipsch School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University, 2002 to
Fellow of SPIE, Elected in Dec. 2004
Institutional & Co-chair of the SPIE International Conference on Advanced Wavefront Control
Professional Service 2004-2005
Last Five Years
Chairman of the SPIE International Conference on Advanced Wavefront
Control 2006
Professional Sabbatical work with FGAN/FOM in Ettlingen, Germany, Aug 2003-Jan 2004
Last Five Years

Page 250
Page 251
Sheila B. Horan
College Associate Professor

Education Ph.D. (E.E.), New Mexico State University, May 1985.

M.S.E.E., New Mexico State University, May 1978.
B.A. Franklin and Marshall College May 1976.
Majors: Mathematics and Physics
Minor: Education
Years of Service 20 years at New Mexico State University
College Associate Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998.
College Assistant Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1986.
Other Academy for Understanding Research Opportunities, Robotics & Aerospace (AURORA) NSF
Experience grant 2005 - 2008
Bridges for Engineering Education (BEE) NSF research grant, 2002-2004
Research Projects: AFOSR: Funded for 2 years, $100K
Science Analyst, Science and Technology Corp., Sept 1986 - Dec. 1986.
Science Analyst, Physical Science Laboratory, January 1986 - June 1986.
ASEE Summer Faculty Research Fellow, Navy Research Laboratory, summer 1981.
Consulting, None.
States of None.
Principle S. Horan and S.B. Horan, “Application of Data Compression to Frame and Packet Telemetry”,
Publications of International Conference for Telemetering, October 2003
Last Five Years
Compression of Telemetry in Lossless Compression Handbook, Khalid Sayood, published
S. Horan, “The BEST way to recruit and retain students”, 2001 NMSU Science, Engineering,
& Technology Education Conference, NMSU, January 2001
Scientific & Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Honors and Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), 1977.
Tau Beta Pi, 1999 .
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering outstanding service award, Dec. 2001.
SCIAD of the Year award, May 2001.
Decade of Dedicated Service Award, Tombaugh Elementary School, 2000
Phi Delta Kappa Certificate of Recognition for the Science Intern Program being a service to
education, May 1996
Dr. Sheila Horan Science Room named at Clyde W. Tombaugh Elementary School, 1994

Page 252
Las Cruces Association of Classroom Teachers Certificate of Appreciation, May 1994.
Institutional & NM BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology – robot competition) director, Jan
Professional 2001 – present.
Service Last
Freshman advisor for the Klipsch School, 1998 - present.
Five Years
NMSU ECE Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1998-present.
Vice-Chair of the Telemetering Standards Coordination Committee (2005)
Chair of the Coding and Data Compression committee for the Telemetering Standards
Coordination Committee (TSCC)
NSF proposal evaluator July 2004, 2003
Chaired committee to design the Engineering Design competition for MESA, 2002
Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society advisor, 2000- 2002.
SCIAD (Science Advisor) for Las Cruces Public schools, currently assigned to Tombaugh
Elementary school.
“Girls Can” workshop presenter. Participated in presenting basic concepts of
communications/signal processing and circuits to mid-school girls.
Professional Teaching for critical thinking May 25, 2006
Peer Coaching semester activity Spring 2006
Last Five Years
Critical Thinking Jan 10, 2005
Responding to diversity Jan 10, 2005
Student learning Jun3 29, 2005
Active Learning July 19, 2005
Designing for ABET July 20, 2005
Attended Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop, May 2002.
Attended Satellite Teleconferences on Teaching, Assessing, and Critical Thinking, 2002

Page 253
Stephen Horan
Professor and Department Head

Education 1984, PhD Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
1981, MSEE, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
1979, MS Astronomy, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
1976, AB Physics, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
Years of Service 2005 – present, Department Head
1996 – 2005, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1991 – 1996, Associate Professor
1986 – 1991, Assistant Professor
Other Experience 1984 – 1986, Space Communications Co., White Sands Ground Terminal, NM
Consulting, Patents Patent with T. Shay et. al, U.S. Patent Office Patent no. 6,778,779 covering the
“Full-Duplex Optical Communication System” issued on August 17, 2004.
States of Registration Not registered.
Principle Publications S. Horan, “Telemetry,” in The Electrical Engineering Handbook 3rd ed., R.
Last Five Years Dorf, ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, in press.
R. Wang, B. Gutha, S. Horan, Y. Xiao, and B. Sun, “Which Transmission
Mechanism is Best for Space Internet: Window-Based, Rate-Based, or a Hybrid
of the Two?,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Dec. 2005, p. 2 – 9.
S. Horan, “Telemetry Systems,” in The Engineering Handbook 2nd ed., R.
Dorf, ed., Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2004, pp 154-1 – 154-6.
C. Force and S. Horan, “Earth Orbiting Satellites, Data Receiving and Handling
Facilities,” in Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology, Hans Mark, ed.,
New York: Wiley, 2003.
S. Horan, Introduction to PCM Telemetering Systems, 2nd ed., Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2002.
R. Wang and S. Horan, “Impact of Van Jacobson Header Compression on
TCP/IP Throughput Performance over Lossy Space Channels,” IEEE Trans. on
Aerospace & Electronic Systems, Vol. 41, No. 2, April 2005, p. 681 - 692.
V. Chukkala, P. De Leon, S. Horan, and V. Velusamy, “Radio Frequency
Channel Modeling for Proximity Networks on the Martian Surface,” Computer
Networks, Vol. 47, Issue 5, April 2005, p 751-763.
S. Horan, A. Chakraborti, S. Muddasani, and S. Narina, “Testing MDP in a
Simulated Space Channel Environment,” Computer Networks, Vol. 46, No. 3,
22 October 2004, p. 363-374.
S. Horan, “Non-Tracking Antenna Performance for Inertially Controlled
Spacecraft Using TDRSS,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace & Electronic Systems,
Vol. 39, No. 4, October 2003, p 1263 - 1269.
S. Horan, “The Potential for Using LEO Telecommunications Constellations to
Support Nanosatellite Formation Flying,” International Journal of Satellite
Communications, 20, 2002, p. 347 - 361.

Page 254
S. Horan and R. Wang, “Design of a Space Channel Simulator Using Virtual
Instrumentation Software,” IEEE Trans. Instrument and Measurements, Vol.
51, No. 5, October 2002, p. 912-916.
Scientific & American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (Senior Member)
Professional Societies
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Senior Member)
American Society for Engineering Education
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Honors & Awards El Paso Corporation Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence, April 2003
University Research Council Award for Exceptional Achievements in Creative
Scholarly Activity, August 2005
Institutional & General Chairman, International Telemetering Conference, 2002.
Professional Service
Technical Committee, Space Internet Workshop III, June 2003.
Las Five Years
Technical Committee, Space Internet Workshop IV, June 2004.
Faculty representative to the Federal Demonstration Partnership, 2002 - present;
“Minority University/Emerging Research Institution” working group co-chair.
Universities Space Research Association Science and Engineering Education
Council, 2003 – present; member of “Access to Space” working group.
Department Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999 - 2005
Member, Engineering Research Center Advisory Committee, 1999 - 2004.
College Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999 - 2005; Chair, 2000 - 2001
Member, Dean of Engineering Search Committee, 2003 - 2004.
University Research Council, member 2000 - 2005, Executive Committee
2001-2005, Chair 2002 - 2003; Interim Chair 2004.
Chair, Overhead Committee, 2001-2002.
Member, Disclosure Statement Committee, 2002.
Member, PI Certification Committee, 2002-2003.
PI Certification Training, 2003 – present
ITAR Training, 2003 – present.
Member, Vice Provost for Research and Economic Development Search
Committee, 2004.
Member, Conflict of Interest Committee, 2004
Member, Conflict of Interest Policy Committee, 2004
Member, Faculty Senate IDC Special Committee, 2004
Professional None.
Last Five Years

Page 255
Hong Huang
Assistant Professor

Education Ph.D., EE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002

M.S., EE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000
B.Engr. Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, China, 1985

Years of Service 2003-now, Assistant Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, New Mexico State University
Other Experience 1998-2002 Research Assistant, Elec. and Comp. Engr., Georgia Tech
1996-1998 Lecturer, Chengdu Institute of Information Technology,
Chengdu, China
1985-1996 Engineer and Project Manager, Junda Instruments, Inc.,
Chengdu, China
Consulting, Patents None.
States of Registration None.
Principle Publications Peer-reviewed journal publications:
Last Five Years
H. Huang, “Mechanisms to Mitigate Inefficiency in Greedy Geographical
Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,” to appear in IEEE Communications
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, “Optical networks with hybrid routing,” in IEEE
Journal of Selected Areas in Communication, Vol. 21, No. 7, 2003.
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, “A series of Hamiltonian cycle based solutions to
provide simple and scale mesh optical network resilience,” in IEEE
Communications, Vol. 40, No. 11, 2002.

Peer-reviewed conference publications:

H. Huang, “An agent-based method for sampling distributed phenomena in a
sensor net,” to appear in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
G. Mokashi, H. Huang, B. Kuppireddy, and S. Varghese, “A Robust Scheme to
Track Moving Targets in Sensor Nets Using Amorphous Clustering and
Kalman Filtering,” to appear in Proc. IEEE Milcom, 2005.
J. Mullen and H. Huang, “Impact of Multipath Fading in Wireless Ad Hoc
Networks,” to appear in Proc. ACM International Workshop on Performance
Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-
WASUN), 2005.
H. Huang, “Adaptive Geographical Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,” in
Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 2004.
S. Ramakrishnan, H. Huang, J. Mullen and M. Balakrishnan, “Impact of Sleep
in Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology
Conference (VTC), 2004.

Page 256
M. Balakrishnan, S. Ramakrishnan, and H. Huang, “Energy-aware sensor MAC
protocols,” in the Prof. International Telemetry Conference (ITC), 2004.
J. Mullen, Hong Huang, and Smriti Rangan, “Efficient Models of Fine-Grain
Variations in Signal Strength,” in the Prof. OPNETWORK, 2004.
H. Huang, “Composable Geographical Routing,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conference (VTC), 2003.
H. Huang, “Dynamic Hybrid Optical Network Routing Based on Transport
Cost,” in Proc. International Conference on Communication, Internet, and
Information Technology (CIIT), 2003.
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, “Multi-domain mesh optical network protection
using Hamiltonian cycles,” in Proc IEEE HPSR, 2002, selected as Best Papers.
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, “Open optimization of mesh WDM optical
networks with bandwidth from exchange market,” in Proc. IEEE International
Conferences on Telecommunications (ICT), 2001.
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, “Hamiltonian cycle protection: a novel approach
to mesh WDM optical network protection,” in Proc. IEEE High Performance
Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2001.
H. Huang and J. A. Copeland, "Hybrid wavelength and sub-wavelength routed
optical networks," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2001.

Scientific & Member, IEEE, Computer Society

Professional Societies
Honors & Awards Best Papers Award, IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing
Conference, 2002
Amelio Prize, for Excellent Academic performance, Georgia Tech, 1999
Excellent Graduates, for Ranked 1st in Class of 20 on graduation, Tsinghua
Univ. 1985
Institutional & Reviewer of: IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication, IEEE
Professional Service Communications Letters, OSA Journal of Optical Networks, Journal of
Las Five Years Computer Communications
Committee member of: 2 Ph.D exams, 4 MS exams
Last Five Years

Page 257
Russell Jedlicka
Associate Professor

PhD New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM; December 1995
Education MSEE New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM; January 1979
BSEE Kansas University, Lawrence, KA; January 1977.

Associate Professor
Years of Service Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering/New Mexico State
University/Las Cruces/NM
1999 - present,

Branch Manager, Electromagnetic Systems/Physical Science Laboratory/New

Other Experience Mexico State University/Las Cruces/NM; 6/83 to 12/89, 10/91 to 7/99
Member of the Technical Staff, Ball Aerospace Systems Division/Boulder/CO;
6/80 to 1/82

Consulting, Patents

States of Registration Not registered.

Uhl, B. H., A. Canabal, M. Funk, R. P. Jedlicka, “Low-Cost, Single-Layer

Principle Publications
Binary Phase-Shift Keyed Microstrip Patch Antenna for System Power
Last Five Years Reduction,” Accepted for presentation at the IEEE AP-S International
Symposium and USNC/URSI Radio and Science Meeting, Albuquerque, NM,
July 2006.

Sturdevant, I., B. Stewart, C. Burgess, R. P. Jedlicka, “Comparison of Low-

Cost Shielding Materials,” Accepted for presentation at the IEEE AP-S
International Symposium and USNC/URSI Radio and Science Meeting,
Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.

Sturdevant I., M. J. Berry, O. Dominguez, and R. P. Jedlicka, “Site

Measurements of Electromagnetic Mitigation Techniques,” Accepted for
presentation at the IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI
Radio and Science Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.

Ryan M. Christopher*(1), Earl Cason(1), and Russell P. Jedlicka, “Empirical

Investigation of Loaded Microstrip Antenna Performance Parameters,”
Accepted for presentation at the IEEE AP-S International Symposium and
USNC/URSI Radio and Science Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.

Berry, M. J., R. Williams, D. Ramierz, and R. P. Jedlicka, “Low-Cost, Multi-

beam Antenna System for Direction Finding,” Accepted for presentation at the
IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI Radio and Science
Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, July 2006.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Scientific & Professional

Page 258
Societies Eta Kappa Nu
Sigma Xi
Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities

Honors & Awards

Undergraduate Studies Committee

Institutional &
Professional Service Faculty search committee
Las Five Years

Last Five Years

Page 259
William H. Kersting

Education MSEE Illinois Institute of Technology 1965

BSEE New Mexico State University 1959
Years of Service 44 years at New Mexico State University
Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1974-Preset
Associate Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Electric Utility Management Program, 1968-Present
Assistant Professor Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Other Experience Distribution Engineer, El Paso Electric Company 1959-1962.
Consulting, Patents • Partner – WH Power Consulting.
States of Registration none.
Principle Publications “Causes and effects of voltage unbalance in induction motors”. Presentation for
Last Five Years 2000 IEEE Rural Electric Conference, Louisville, KT May 2000
Associate Editor, Distribution Systems- “Handbook in Electric Power
Engineering” March 2000, CRS press
“Distribution Feeder Modeling and Analysis”, CRC press.
“Underground wye-delta transformer analysis”, 1999 IEEE Rural Electric
Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 1999
“Transformer models for computer aided radial distribution systems analysis”,
1999 IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications Conference
“A new approach to modeling three-phase transformer connections”, 1998
IEEE Rural Electric Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 1998

Scientific & IEEE.

Professional Societies
Honors & Awards Fellow – IEEE
Westhafer Excellence in Teaching Award 1976
EII Power Engineering Educator Award 1979.
Institutional & IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee - Chair.
Professional Service
Las Five Years
Professional None.
Last Five Years

Page 260
Joydeep Mitra
Associate Professor

• Ph.D., 1997, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Education • B.Tech (Hons.), 1989, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
• Aug 2004–present: Associate Professor, ECE, NMSU
Years of Service • Aug 2003–Aug 2004: Assistant Professor, ECE, NMSU
• Aug 2000–Aug 2003: Assistant Professor, ECE, ND State Univ, Fargo, ND
Other Experience • May 1997–July 2000: Senior Consulting Engineer, LCG Consulting, Los Altos,
“Standby Generator Integration System,” with J. A. Jorgenson, D. L. Stuehm and
Consulting, Patents T. Shaner. Patent pending; application filed October 2003.

States of Registration None

• Federal Grants $475,000

Research Grants • Industrial Grants $90,000
Last Five Years
“IEEE Tutorial on Electric Delivery System Reliability Evaluation.” IEEE, 2005.
Principal Publications Publication number 05TP175. (Editor and chapter co-author.)
Last Five Years “IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit
Reliability, Availability and Productivity.” IEEE Standard 762-2005. To be
published. (Co-author.)
“Reliability Stipulated Microgrid Architecture Using Particle Swarm
Optimization,” with S. B. Patra and S. J. Ranade, Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power
Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2006.
“A Probabilistic Search Method for Optimal Resource Deployment in a
Microgrid,” with M. R. Vallem and S. B. Patra, Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power
Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2006.
“Designing a Sufficient Reactive Power Supply Scheme to Multi-Islands in a
Microgrid,” with S. A. Al-Askari and S. J. Ranade, Proceedings of the IEEE-
PES Annual General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006.
“A Self-Supporting Microgrid Architecture Achievable with Today’s
Technology,” with S. J. Ranade, (Panel Paper), Proceedings of the
Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May
“Distributed Generation Placement for Optimal Microgrid Architecture,” with M.
R. Vallem and S. B. Patra, Proceedings of the IEEE-PES Transmission and
Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2006.
“A New Intelligent Search Method for Composite System Reliability Analysis,”
with S. B. Patra and R. Earla, Proceedings of the IEEE-PES Transmission
and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2006.
“Sizing and Siting of Distributed Generation for Optimal Microgrid Architecture,”
with M. R. Vallem, Proceedings of the 37th annual North American Power
Symposium, Ames, IA, Oct 2005.
“Optimal Allocation of Shunt Capacitors Placed in a Microgrid Operating in the

Page 261
Islanded Mode,” with S. A. Al-Askari and S. J. Ranade, Proceedings of the
37th annual North American Power Symposium, Ames, IA, Oct 2005.
“A Dynamic Programming Based Method for Developing Optimal Microgrid
Architectures,” with S. B. Patra and S. J. Ranade, Proceedings of the 15th
Power System Computation Conference, Liege, Belgium, Aug 2005.
“Microgrid Architecture: A Reliability Constrained Approach,” with S. B. Patra
and S. J. Ranade, Proceedings of the IEEE-PES Annual General Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, June 2005, pp 2055–2060.
“Identification of Chains of Events Leading to Catastrophic Failures of Power
Systems,” with S. J. Ranade and R. Kolluru, Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems — 2005, Kobe, Japan, May
23–26, 2005, pp 4187–4190.
“A Particle Swarm Based Method for Composite System Reliability Analysis,”
with R. Earla and S. B. Patra, Proceedings of the 36th annual North American
Power Symposium, Moscow, ID, Aug 2004, pp 294–298.
“Recent Experience with Directed Mentoring and Laboratory Development in the
Electric Power Area,” with S. J. Ranade and H. A. Smolleck, Proceedings of
the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &
“Applications of Reliability Analysis to Power Electronics Systems,” with C.
Singh and P. N. Enjeti, Proceedings of the India International Conference on
Power Electronics, Mumbai, India, Dec 2002.
Senior Member, IEEE
Scientific & Professional Member, IEEE Power Engineering Society, IEEE Industry Applications
Societies Society, IEEE Standards Association
• IEEE-PES Technical Committee WG Recognition Awards 2003 and 2005.
Honors & Awards • The NSF Career Award, 2002.
• The 1994–95 Outstanding Assistant Lecturer Award (Department of
Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University), April 1995.
• The Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search Scholarship (India), July
1985 to June 1989.
• Associate Director, Electric Utility Management Program, New Mexico State
Institutional & University.
Professional Service • Member, Power Systems Faculty Search Committee (2006–), Ph.D.
Last Five Years Qualifying Exam Coordination Committee (2006–), Graduate Committee,
ECE Dept (2005–); Associate Dean (Academic) Search Committee, College
of Engineering (2005).
• Member of several IEEE-PES Committees, Subcommittees and Working
Groups; Chair of Student Meetings Subcommittee; Vice-Chair of Reliability,
Risk and Probability Applications Subcommittee.
• Organized and Chaired an IEEE Tutorial, Organized a Symposium, Taught a
Short Course; chaired several technical sessions at conferences.
• Reviewer: NSF Panel Reviews (2001, 2006); Paper reviews for several IEEE
journals and conferences and other international journals and conferences;
Book reviews for publishers.
• Several invited lectures in USA, Canada and India.
• Four research workshops
Professional • Four teaching workshops
Development • Eighteen conferences
Last Five Years

Page 262
Kwong T. Ng

Education Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1985.
M.S., Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1981.
B.Eng. (Hons.), Electrical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada,

Years of Service 16 years at New Mexico State University, 1990-2006

Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1995.
Associate Professor, Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Other Experience PI, “Integrated EEG and Brain Mapping for Brain-Machine Interfaces in Security
Monitoring,” Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2005-2007.
Integrate electroencephalography with brain mapping in order to identify the
mental functions and corresponding brain activity regions most effective for brain-
machine interfaces.

PI, “Electrical Defibrillation Analysis,” American Heart Association, 2003-2006.

Combine numerical modeling with experimental studies to analyze electrical

PI, “Parallel Computer Modeling of Defibrillation,” National Institutes of Health,

Use massively parallel computers to perform large-scale simulations that will
elucidate the mechanisms of defibrillation.

PI, “Undergraduate Computer-Aided Electromagnetics and Microwave

Laboratory,” National Science Foundation, 1992-1995.
Upgrade an existing microwave laboratory to enhance the students’ learning
experience in the electromagnetics and microwave area.

PI, “Electromagnetic Modeling of Cavity-Backed Conformal Slot Antennas,”

Sandia National Laboratories,” 1990-1992.
Use the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain technique to model cavity-backed slot

PI, “Numerical Analysis of Defibrillation,” National Institutes of Health Subgrant,


Page 263
Perform numerical analysis of defibrillation and integrate the numerical results
with experimental data.

Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1985-1989.

Perform teaching and research in the electromagnetics and microwave area.
Consulting, Patents None
States of None
Principle O.C. Deale, K.T. Ng, and B.B. Lerman, “Calibrated current divider network for
Publications Last precision current delivery during high-voltage transthoracic defibrillation,” IEEE
Five Years Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 52, pp. 1970-1973, 2005.
K.T. Ng and R. Yan, “Three-dimensional pseudospectral modelling of cardiac
propagation in an inhomogeneous anisotropic tissue,” Med. & Biol. Eng. &
Comput., vol. 41, pp. 618-624, 2003.
O.C. Deale, K.T. Ng, E.J. Kim-Van Housen, and B.B. Lerman, “Simplified
calibration of single-plunge bipolar electrode array for field measurement during
defibrillation,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 49, pp. 1211-1214, 2002.
O.C. Deale, K.T. Ng, E.J. Kim-Van Housen, and B.B. Lerman, “Calibrated single-
plunge bipolar electrode array for mapping myocardial vector fields in three
dimensions during high-voltage transthoracic defibrillation,” IEEE Trans. Biomed.
Eng., vol. 48, pp. 898-910, 2001.
Z. Zhan and K.T. Ng, “Two-dimensional Chebyshev pseudospectral modelling of
cardiac propagation,” Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., vol. 38, pp. 311-318, 2000.
Scientific & Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Honors & Awards Paul W. and Valerie Klipsch Distinguished Professor
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
Institutional & NMSU ECE Undergraduate Studies Committee
Professional Service
NMSU ECE Graduate Studies Committee
Las Five Years
NMSU ECE Promotion and Tenure Committee
NMSU ECE Department Head Search Committee
NMSU ECE Faculty Search Committee
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions, Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., Review of Scientific
Professional Presenter, IEEE EMBS Society Annual Conference
Presenter, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting
Last Five Years

Page 264
Robert Paz
Associate Professor

Education Ph.D, Electrical Engineering, May 1991, University of Illinois

M.S., Electrical Engineering, May 1987, University of Illinois
B.S., Electrical Engineering, May 1985, New Mexico State University
Years of Service Associate Professor, New Mexico State University, 7.5 years
Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University, 7.5 years
Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois, 2 years

Other Experience 1984-1987, Summer Intern, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY

1988-1990, Summer Research Assistant, Coordinated Science Laboratory,
University of Illinois.

Consulting, Patents None.

States of Registration None.

Principle Publications • R.A. Paz (2006), “Robust Ripple-Free Deadbeat Tracking,” submitted for
Last Five Years consideration at the 2006 Automatic Control Conference.
R.A. Paz (2005), “Control Design for Undergraduate Students I: Practical
System Identification” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Education.
• R.A. Paz (2005), “Control Design for Undergraduate Students II: Practical
Tracking” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Education.
• R.A. Paz (2005), “Deadbeat Tracking with Robustness I: Performance”
submitted to International Journal of Controls for consideration.
• R.A. Paz (2005), “Deadbeat Tracking with Robustness II: Robustness”
submitted to International Journal of Controls for consideration.
• R.A. Paz (2000), “Simple Computational Methods for Frequency Domain
Robustness Measures” Proceedings of the American Controls Conference 2000,
Chicago, pp 3360-3364
• R.A. Paz (2000), “Simple Computational Methods for Polynomial
Interpolations” Proceedings of the American Controls Conference 2000,
Chicago, pp 3365-3369.

Scientific & Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Professional Societies
Control Systems Society of the IEEE, Member of the Technical Committee on
Robust Control (TCRC), and the Technical Committee on Education
Eta Kappa Nu, Gamma Chi Chapter Advisor

Page 265
Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Fraternity
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

Honors & Awards none.

Institutional & Westhafer Award Selection Committee (3yrs)

Professional Service
HKN Chapter Advisor (7 years)
Las Five Years
Klipsch School Undergraduate Studies Committee (member, 2yrs and Chair,

Professional none
Last Five Years

Page 266
Nadipuram R. Prasad
Associate Professor

New Mexico State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D.,1989

Education New Mexico State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering M.S., 1988
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical & Computer Science, S.M.,
Mysore University, Electrical Engineering B.E., 1966

Associate Professor, August 1995 – present

Years of Service Assistant Professor, August 1990 – Jul. 1995

1981 to 1985 Manager American Electric Power Service Corporation,

Other Experience Columbus, OH
1976 to 1981 Senior Engineer American Electric Power Service Corporation
New York, NY
1967 to 1976 System Planning Engineer Chas. T. Main, Inc
1966 to 1967 Engineering Trainee, General Electric Company of India, India
Patent with T. Shay et. al, U.S. Patent Office Patent no. 6,778,779 covering the
Consulting, Patents “Full-Duplex Optical Communication System” issued on August 17, 2004.

States of Registration Not registered.

“Machine Intelligence in Decision-making (MInD) Automated Generation of

Principle Publications Last
CB Attack Engagement Scenario Variants”, S&T for Chem.-Bio Information
Five Years Systems, Albuquerque, November 2005.

Prasad, N. R., DiVita, J. Morris, R., “A Systems Approach to Task

Prioritization in Complex Dynamical Systems” InTech’04, Conference on
Intelligent Technologies, Houston, TX, Dec. 2004.

Some Practical Applications of Soft Computing and Data Mining, H. T.

Nguyen, N. R. Prasad, V. Kreinovich, Contributed Chapter to Data Mining and
Intelligent Computing, A. Kandel, Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

First Course in Fuzzy Control and Neural Control, H. T. Nguyen, N. R. Prasad,

Carol Walker, Elbert Walker, CRC Press, 2002.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Scientific & Professional

Globalization Award/Center for International Programs, NMSU/April 2002.

Honors & Awards
NASA Administrator’s Fellowship Program Award, July 2003.

Institutional & None.

Professional Service Las
Five Years

Page 267
Professional Development None
Last Five Years

Page 268
Jaime Ramírez-Angulo
Education Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1982.
MSEE. Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) National Polytechnic
Institute, Mexico. 1976.
BSEE. National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. 1974.
Years of Service New Mexico State University, 1990-present
Other Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, 1985-1990
Researcher, National Institute for Astrophysics Optics and Electronics 1982-84
Consulting, Consulting Engineer, NASA/ACE Las Vegas, NM, 1997-1999. Texas Instruments Summer
Patents 2000, Oakk Ridge National Labs: Summer 1997
Design Analog Microlectronics Fuzzy Hardware. Patent: iDD pulse response test method for
analog and digital VLSI systems
States of None.
Journal “A Compact Low-Voltage Class AB Analogue Buffer,” Antonio Torralba, Ramón G.
Publications Carvajal, Mariano Jiménez, Fernando Muñoz, and Jaime Ramírez-Angulo, IEE Electronics
2006 Letters, vol. 42, No. 3, Feb. 3, 2006
“Compact Power-Efficient Class AB CMOS Exponential Voltage to Voltage Converter,” De
La Cruz-Blas, C. A., López-Martín, A. J., and Ramirez-Angulo, J., Electronics Letters, “IEE
Electronics Letters, vol. 42, No. 3, Feb. 3, 2006.
“New Low-Voltage Class AB/AB CMOS Op-Amp with Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Swing, J.
Ramírez-Angulo, Milind S. Sawant, S. Thoutam A. J. López-Martín and R. G. Carvajal,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Volume 53, Issue 4, April 2006 Page(s):289
- 293
“The Universal Op-Amp and Applications in Continuous-time Linear weighted Voltage
addition,” J. Ramirez-Angulo and F, Ledesma, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
II , Volume 53, Issue 5, May 2006 Page(s):283 - 285
“Highly Linear Programmable Balanced Current Scaling Technique in Moderate
Inversion,” A. J. López-Martin, J. Ramírez-Angulo, C. Durbha, and R. G. Carvajal, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II , Volume 53, Issue 4, April 2006 Page(s):283 -
Jaime Ramírez-Angulo, Annajirao Garimella, Lalitha Mohana Kalyani Garimella, Antonio
J. Lopez-Martin and Ramon G. Carvajal “New Input Offset Compensation Scheme with
Reduced Sensitivity to Charge Injection and Leakage,” Electronics Letters, Volume 42,
Issue 6, 16 March 2006 Page(s):340 - 341)
J. Ramírez-Angulo, A. J. Lopez-Martin, A. Garimella, L. Garimella, and R. G. Carvajal ,
“New Gain Programmable Current Mirrors Based on Current Steering,” Electronics Letters,
(in print)
Scientific & Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Honors and IEEE Fellow for contributions to design methodologies for analog signal processing
Awards integrated circuits(January 2000)

Page 269
URC University Research Council Award for exceptional achievements in creative scholarly
activities: March 2002 (awarded yearly to four NMSU researchers)
Westhafer award for Excellence in Research and Creativity: May 2002 (highest faculty
award at New Mexico State University awarded every two years for research and creative
activities). Paul and Valerie Klipsch Distinguished Professor October 2002. Two papers in
list of 100m most downloaded papers of IEEE. NMSU Most outstanding Ph.D. Student 2004
(Gladys Omayra Ducoudray) was my student, NMSU Most outstanding MS. Student 2006
was my student (Lalitha Garimella)
Institutional & NMSU ECE Graduate Studies Committee, and Promotion and Tenure Committee
Professional 1998-present.
Service Last
Project evaluator for Spanish Science Ministerium, and for MexicianScience Council
Five Years
CONACYT-INAOE Tenure and Promotion committee
NMSU ECE Tenure and Promotion review Committee, 1998-99. 2002-2006
Steering Committee, Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1993-present.
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I and II, IEEE Journal of Solid State
Circuits, 1992- present.
IEEE Analog Signal Processing Committee
Last Five Years

Page 270
Satish J. Ranade

Education Ph.D., University of Florida, July 1981.

MSEE, New Mexico State University, August 1977.
B. E., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India), August 1976.
B.Sc., Saugar University, Sagar (India), September 1973.
Years of Service 1981- (25 Years)
Other Experience Public Service Company of New Mexico( Temporary, Summer/Winter 1984)
Consulting, Patents EMA, Inc., Optimization of Pumping in Water Systems
EDSA, Power system analysis software
Sandia National Laboratories, Inverters for Renewable Energy and Storage
Method to enhance transient lodability of inverters” (2 patents applied for in
2004 )
States of Registration None
Principle Publications L. Jentgen, R. Riddle, C. Conrad, S. Ranade, W. Grayman, E. Von Sacken , B.
Last Five Years Dayyaani, K. Stone,”Energy and Water Quality Management Systems Promise
Significant Energy and Water Quality Benefits”, World of Water Conference,
Las Vegas, Dec. 2001
L. Jentgen, R. Riddle, C. Conrad, S. Ranade, W. Grayman, E. Von Sacken , B.
Dayyaani, K. Stone, “New Software Tools for Real-Time Energy Optimization
for Water Utilities”, IMTECH conference, Denver, June 2002
“Extending Transient Loadability of Distributed Energy Resources using
Electro-chemical Capacitors”, Electric Energy Storage and Applications
(EESAT), San Francisco, CA, March 2002
“Directed Mentoring: A program of Industry-University Collaboration to
Revitalize Electric Power Engineering Education”, with H.A. Smolleck, Proc.
ASEE 2003 annual conference, Nashville, TN, June 2003
Grady, Liu, Marz, Ranade Ribeiro and Xu“Impact of Aggregate Linear Load
Modelng on Harmonic Analysis A Comparison of Common Practice and
Analytical Models” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.18, N0. 2, April
2003, pp.625-630
“Directed Mentoring Program and Power Laboratory” with H.A. Smolleck, and
J. Mitra Proc. ASEE 2003 annual conference, Nashville, TN, June 2004
“Extending Transient Loadability of Distributed Energy Resources using
Electro-chemical Capacitors”, Electric Energy Storage and Applications
(EESAT), San Francisco, CA, March 2003
Mechenbier, Ellis, Curtner, Ranade,”Design of An Under Voltage Load
Shedding Scheme”, Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting,
Denver, June 2004
S. J. Ranade, R. Kolluru, J. Mitra, “Identification of chains of events leading to
catastrophic failures of power systems,” International Symposium on Circuits

Page 271
and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005.
Joydeep Mitra, Shashi B. Patra, Satish J. Ranade, "Microgrid Architecture: A
Reliability Constrained Approach", IEEE Power Engineering Society General
Meeting June12-16 2005, San Francisco.
Joydeep Mitra, Shashi B. Patra, Satish J. Ranade, "A Dynamic Programming
Based Approach for Developing Optimal Microgrid Architectures", PSCC
2005, June 2005, Leige, Belgium
Deepak R. Sagi, Satish J. Ranade and Abraham Ellis,” Physically Based Load
Composition Estimation”, Proceedings of the 37th annual North American
Power Symposium, Ames, IA, Oct 2005.
S. A. Al-Askari , S. J. Ranade, J. Mitra, “Optimal Allocation of Shunt
Capacitors Placed in a Microgrid Operating in the Islanded Mode,” Proceedings
of the 37th annual North American Power Symposium, Ames, IA, Oct 2005.
J. Mitra, S. B. Patra and S. J. Ranade, “Reliability Stipulated Microgrid
Architecture Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” to be presented at the 9th
International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems,
Stockhom, Sweden, June 2006.
J.Mitra, S.J. Ranade, “A Self-Supporting Microgrid Architecture Achievable
with Today’s Technology,” Panel Paper to be presented at the Transmission and
Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2006.
S. Ranade, D. Sagi, A. Ellis, “Identifying Load Inventory from Measurements”,
to be presented at the IEEE-PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and
Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2006.
S. Ranade, “Load Understanding and Model Development” to be presented at
the IEEE-PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition,
Dallas, TX, May 2006.
S. A. Al-Askari, S. J. Ranade, J. Mitra“Designing a Sufficient Reactive Power
Supply Scheme to Multi-Islands in a Microgrid,” to be presented at the IEEE-
PES Annual General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006.
Scientific & IEEE Senior Member
Professional Societies
Honors & Awards IEEE PES T&D Committee Distinguished Service Award, 2006
PNM Chair in Utility Management, NMSU, 2004
Klipsch Distinguished Professor, NMSU, 2002
Institutional & NMSU Faculty Senate
Professional Service
Klipsch P&T Committee.
Las Five Years
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Technical Program Chair 2005-2006 T&D Conference and Exposition
Program Coordinator T&D Committee
Elected Secretary T&D Committee for 2007-2009
Professional NMSU GRASP for teaching improvement
Attended or Taught in five short courses.
Last Five Years

Page 272
Howard A. Smolleck

Education PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, 1975

MSEE, University of Texas at Arlington, 1970
BSEE, University of Texas at Arlington, 1969

Years of 27 years at New Mexico State University, 1979-2006

Service (Professor, Klipsch School, 1990-present)
(Associate Professor, 1979-1990)
5 years at Old Dominion University (Assistant Professor), 1974-1979

Other Adjunct Professor, Old Dominion University, 1995-present


Consulting, Consultant, power quality, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1993-1998)

Patents Consultant to numerous legal firms on electric safety cases and issues

States of Registration New Mexico (PE), and Virginia (PE)

Principal Publications of In 2004, I was contracted by Engineering Press/Dearborn/Kaplan to rewrite the book
Last Five Years EIT Electrical Review, originally by Lincoln D. Jones. The new work was published in
early 2005 by AEC Kaplan Education and carries my name as “Contributing Author”.

David L. McKinnon and Howard A. Smolleck, “Influence of rotor residual flux on the
measurement of inductance and its possible use as an impending fault indicator”,
presented at the Electrical Manufacturing Expo (EMCW2004 Technical Conference)
Sept 20-22, 2004, Indianapolis, Indiana.

H. A. Smolleck, N. R. Prasad, B. Powell, B. Jayanti, S. Manshad, S. Divakarla,

“Development and use of a software learning tool for instruction in alternating-current
fundamentals”, Sixth Interamerican Conf. on Engr. and Tech. Educ. (Intertech 2000),
June 14-16, 2000, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H. A. Smolleck and S. J. Ranade, “Directed Mentoring: A program of industry-
university collaboration to revitalize electric power engineering education”, Proc. Of
the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN, June 22-25, 2003.

H. A. Smolleck and S. J. Ranade, “Recent Experience with Directed Mentoring and

Laboratory Development in the Electric Power Area”, Proc. Of the ASEE Annual
Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 20-23, 2004.

Page 273
Scientific & Professional Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Senior Member)
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
National Society of Professional Engineers
Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Alpha Chi (honor societies)

Honors and Awards Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, presented in Detroit by the Society of Automotive
Engineers (1982)
Second-place winner in Zenith Data Systems Masters of Innovation national competition
(1992). Awarded two Zenith Masters Port 386 notebook computers.
Elected from regular to honor membership in Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship
Society in recognition of services at the local and regional levels of Alpha Chi (1979).
Institutional & Chair, Working Group, T. Burke Hayes Student Prize Paper Award,
Professional Service Last
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Five Years
Member, Technical Sessions Subcommittee, Power Systems Education Committee, IEEE
Power Engineering Society
Editorial staff, Electric Power Systems Research Journal
Reviewer for several IEEE Transactions and for Electric Power System Research Journal
Received award at the final plenary session of the Alpha Chi National Conference in
Washington, DC in Spring 2004 for 25 years of service as sponsor on two college
campuses and for national committee work.
Professional Development Attended ASEE and IEEE/PES national meetings, at least one or two per year, and
Last Five years presented papers at these meetings and at FIE.
Have taught short courses at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jefferson Labs, Old
Dominion University, Naval surface Warfare Center, NMSU, Farmington Electric Utilities,

Page 274
Steve Stochaj

Education B.A. Physics & Mathematics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
Ph.D. Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (1990)

Years of Service Professor, New Mexico State University, 2005 - present.

Associate Professor: New Mexico State University, 2001 – 2005.
Director of the Particle Astrophysics Lab: New Mexico State University, 1996 -
Assistant Professor: New Mexico State University, 1996 - 2001.
College Assistant Professor: New Mexico State University, 1990 - 1996

Other Experience NASA Graduate Research Fellow: Goddard Space Flight Center / University of
Maryland, 1987 - 1990.

Consulting, Patents none

States of Registration none

Principle Publications NIGHTGLOW: an instrument to measure the Earth’s nighttime ultraviolet

Last Five Years glow—results from the first engineering flight, Barbier, L. M., et al.,
Astroparticle Physics, 22 (2005) 439.
High-Energy Deuteron Measurement with the CAPRICE98 Experiment},
Papini, P., et al., Astrophysical Journal 615 (2004) 259.
PAMELA: a satellite experiment for antiparticles measurement in cosmic rays}
Bongi, M., et al., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51 (2004) 854.
Simulation study of the silicon-tungsten calorimeter for ACCESS, Bravar, U., et
al., Astroparticle Physics, 19, (2003) 463.
Energy spectra of atmospheric muons measured with the CAPRICE98 balloon
experiment}, Boezio, M., et al., Physical Review D, 67, (2003) 072003.
Measurements of the absolute energy spectra of cosmic-ray positrons and
electrons above 7 GeV, Grimani, C., et al., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 392,
(2002) 287..

Scientific & American Physical Society

Professional Societies

Honors & Awards Donald C. Roush Excellence in Teaching Awards 2004

Page 275
Bromilow Award for Research Excellence 2005

Institutional & Undergraduate Studies Committee

Professional Service
Departmental P&T Committee
Las Five Years
College P&T Committee
ABET Departmental Coordinator

Professional Teaching Academy Seminary and Talks.

Last Five Years

Page 276
Javin M. Taylor
Professor Emeritus

Education PhD, University of Wyoming, 1970

MSEE, University of Southern California, 1962
BSEE, University of Illinois, 1957
Years of Service 2002–Present -- Professor Emeritus, Klipsch School
1987–1989 – Head, Klipsch School
1983–2002 -- Professor, Klipsch School.
1977–1983 – Associate Professor, Klipsch School.
1976-1977 – Visiting Associate Professor, Klipsch School
Other Experience 1970 – 1976 -- Associate Professor, University of Missouri – Rolla.
1970 – Lecturer and Assistant Professor, California State College at Los
1969-1970 – Research Engineer, Rockwell.
1966-1969 – Instructor and Research Engineer, University of Wyoming.
1962-1966 – Engineering Specialist, Litton Industries.
1959-1962 – Engineer, TRW
1957-1959 – Field Engineer, Hughes Aircraft Company
Consulting, Patents Consultant, White Sands Missile Range, 1976--1979
Lecturer and Program Reviewer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department, Kuwait, University, 1989.
ABET Program Evaluator, EE and Comp. Eng. ,1988-1994.
Internal Review, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Quebec at
Internal Review, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at
States of Registration None.
Principle Publications None since retirement.
Last Five Years
Scientific & IEEE, Senior Member.
Professional Societies
Honors & Awards None since retirement.
Institutional & Occasional Teaching, Active in University and Klipsch School Advancement.
Professional Service
Las Five Years
Professional None since retirement.
Last Five Years

Page 277
David G. Voelz
Associate Professor
Education Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1987
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1983
B.S., Electrical Engineering, New Mexico State University, 1981
Years of Service 8/01 – present: New Mexico State University, Associate Professor, Electrical
and Computer Engineering
Other Experience 10/86 – 8/01: Air Force Research Laboratory, Senior engineer/Project chief
Consulting, Patents Consulting, Trex Enterprises, Inc., 8/04-8/05
Consulting, Akamai Physics, Inc., 12/05 - present
Consulting, MZA Associates, 4/06 - present
States of Registration None
Principle Publications J. Rha, D. G. Voelz, and M. K. Giles, “Reconfigurable Shack-Hartmann
Last Fived Years wavefront sensor,” Opt. Eng. 43, 251-256, 2004.

T. J. Schulz and D. G. Voelz, “Signal recovery from autocorrelation and cross-

correlation data,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22, 616-624, 2005.

M. T. Gruneisen, R. C. Dymale, J. R. Rotgé, D. G. Voelz, and M. Deramo,

“Wavelength-agile telescope system with diffractive wavefront control and
acousto-optic spectral filter,” Opt. Eng., 44, 104204, 2005.

C. Ting, D. G. Voelz, and M. K. Giles, “Effectiveness of High-Order Adaptive

Optics in Ground-Based Stellar Interferometry," Opt. Eng. 45(2), 2006.

D. K. Borah, D. Voelz, and S. Basu, "Maximum-likelihood estimation of a laser

system pointing parameters by use of return photon counts," Appl. Opt. 45,
2504-2509, 2006.

D. K. Borah and D. G. Voelz, "Cramer-Rao lower bounds on estimation of laser

system pointing parameters by use of the return photon signal," Opt. Lett. 31,
1029-1031, 2006.
Scientific & SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering
Professional Societies
OSA – The Optical Society of America
Honors & Awards Fellow of SPIE, 1999
Logicon Golden Quill award; co-author of best technical paper - Logicon Inc.,
Engineering Excellence Award, Optical Society of America, 1995

Page 278
Air Force Special Service Citation, 1994
Air Force Systems Command Science and Engineering - Advance Technology,
Giller Award - highest technical achievement award for the AFRL, 1988
Institutional & Departmental: Ph. D. Qualifying Exam Committee, 2004
Professional Service
University: University Research Council, College of Engineering
Las Five Years
Representative, 2005 – 2007.
Conference Chair, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and
Technology, Free-Space Laser Communication, 2001-2005.
Conference Program Committee, SPIE International Symposium on Optical
Science and Technology, Unconventional Imaging. 2005-present.

Conference Program Committee, SPIE International Symposium on Optical

Science and Technology, Advanced Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and
Applications, 2001-2005.

Evaluation Committee, SPIE Rudolph Kingslake medal, award for best paper in
Optical Engineering journal, 2001-present.
Professional None.
Last Five Years

Page 279

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