Diverse Applications of MS
Diverse Applications of MS
Diverse Applications of MS
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How Mass
MasSpec Pen Detects Cancer in Seconds and
One-ups the iKnife
the Cancer into the surgery room. Within a matter of seconds, molecular
analysis by an ambient ionization MS technique indicates which
advantage over a similar device called iKnife that causes tissue
damage due to electrocauterization.
Charya Wickremasinghe, PhD In a test of 253 patients with lung, breast, thyroid or ovarian
cancer, the MasSpec Pen was able to provide a tissue diagnosis
with over 96 percent accuracy. Even in marginal regions that
ith a history that spans one hundred years, mass contained mixed tissue and cellular compositions, the device was
spectrometry (MS) is one of the most widely used able to detect cancer.
analytical techniques in bioscience and medical
research. Since the development of the first modern mass During development, researchers used a benchtop liquid
spectrometer in 19181, the technique has advanced steadily over chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
time and found its way into a range of applications from forensic system with quadruple precursor ion selection, and high-
toxicology to cancer diagnostics. Bulky, expensive equipment resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) Orbitrap detection.2 Since
that defined historical mass spectrometers are less common this is a large instrument that takes up considerable space in
now, and have been replaced by faster, more sensitive, and the surgery room, developers are already looking into getting
cost-effective workflows. Newer spectrometers are also largely reliable data from a more compact spectrometer.
automated and user-friendly, making them more adaptable for
clinical use.
Using Quantitative MS to Help Guide Lung Cancer
Although histopathology is still the gold standard for diagnosing
cancer, molecular analysis using MS has gained traction in the A team of researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth
recent years for detecting tumors, monitoring progression, and University lead by Professors Adam Hawkridge (Department
even predicting treatment response.
of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy) and David Gewirtz
(Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of
Medicine) are utilizing quantitative mass spectrometry to Scientists at Biodesix input data acquired from Matrix Assisted
uncover clues related to treatment resistance and relapse of non- Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-ToF)
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
mass spectrometry into a machine learning platform for
multivariate test design.4 “MALDI allows us to take a real-time
“Mass spectrometry can be used on a number of levels to better snapshot of a patient’s circulating proteome, which is derived
understand NSCLC signaling pathways for drug development, from the tumor, tumor microenvironment, and normal host
or to identify molecular signatures that can be exploited to tissue. These proteins have direct regulatory effects on the
overcome NSCLC treatment resistance,” says Hawkridge. “For immune system, especially the interplay of the innate and
example, in our most recent LC-MS/MS study of treatment adaptive system,” Röder explains. “We do not need to choose
resistance, we found that senescence – rather than autophagy proteins based on pre-conceived notions of relevance, as one has
– associated proteins were more prominently secreted in the to do in fixed panel approaches, and hence can observe effects
treatment resistant-cells in response to ionizing radiation.”
that are often missed.”
In a previous study by Hawkridge’s team, LC-MS/MS analysis Biodesix uses a special MALDI-ToF method for protein analysis,
allowed the identification of 364 secreted proteins that could be termed Deep MALDI™, which is aimed at reducing the noise
further studied for their potential diagnostic value as a function in mass spectral data by increasing the number of laser shots.
of p53 expression, irradiation, and functional autophagy status “With this method, we can measure more proteins in a robust
in the context of NSCLC.3 The lead author of the study, Dr. and reproducible way with a high sample throughput and small
Emmanuel Cudjoe, explained that cancer cells respond to stress sample volume,” says Röder. “We also experience a much wider
by activating a process called autophagy in which organelles are coverage of reliably detectable proteins and peptides compared
recycled and energy production is maintained, leading to tumor to traditional MALDI-ToF.”
growth, therapeutic resistance and relapse.
Although Deep MALDI can function across an abundance
“Where autophagy contributes to treatment resistance, inhibition range of 4-5 orders of magnitude, it struggles to pick up very
can restore tumor sensitivity to chemo/radiotherapy. Our long- low abundance proteins outside the range of the classical plasma
term goal is to identify molecular signatures and pathways of proteome. Other limitations of the method include reduced
autophagy that can be targeted to improve the sensitivity to sensitivity at masses higher than 30kDa, and low resolution of
radiotherapy,” Cudjoe adds.
proteins that are very close in mass/charge ratio. Röder’s team is
currently working on improving this technology and expanding
MS-based Test Helps to Select the Right Patients it to investigate immunotherapy responses in other types of
for the Right Type of Immunotherapy
cancer such as NSCLC.
For treating patients with metastatic melanoma, there are several Future of MS-based Proteomics
different types of immunotherapeutic regimens available,
including mono-therapies and combinations of immune- With the advent of increasingly sophisticated technologies,
checkpoint inhibitors. However, selecting and optimizing the MS instruments are becoming faster and more sensitive with
right treatment choice for each patient is challenging. To assist in respect to molecular characterization. Hawkridge believes that
treatment selection, a new MS-based blood test was developed advances in analytical figures of merit will drive new molecular
by Biodesix, Inc. in collaboration with scientists from the NYU insight in areas such as protein post-translational modifications
Langone Medical Center, New York, Yale University School of (e.g., glycosylation). He elaborates, “As genomic sequencing
Medicine, New Haven, and the Massachusetts General Hospital, becomes more prevalent, these genetic perturbations are being
incorporated into the proteomics databases for additional levels
of data analysis. That is just a small sampling of the untapped
“We developed an anti-programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) potential of mass spectrometry-based cancer proteomics.”
melanoma blood test using a machine learning platform with
a combination of clinical outcome data and expression data References
of circulating proteins based on mass spectral analysis,” says 1. A. J. Dempster, Phys. Rev. 11, 316–325. (1918)
Dr. Heinrich Röder, Chief Technology Officer at Biodesix. 2. J. Zhang et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 9, (2017)
“We’ve shown this test to predict survival in patients receiving 3. E. K. Cudjoe et al., Cancer Res. 77, 227–227. (2017)
4. J. S. Weber et al., Cancer Immunol. 6, 79–86. (2018)
PD-1 inhibitors. It can also identify patients who are resistant
to monotherapy, but may in fact benefit from combination
immunotherapy instead.”
Heavy Metals in Despite the wide range of potential sources of heavy metals,
it is not inevitable that every cannabis sample includes these
annabis collects heavy metals. It “absorbs heavy metals regulatory guidelines.” And those can vary considerably.
from the soil, water and air,” says Bob Clifford, general
manager at Shimadzu Scientific Instruments. These Where regulators do require testing cannabis for heavy metals,
elements—arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and others—can the list usually includes arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury.
trigger a range of health problems, including cancer and heart “Other states, like Maryland, include additional elements to
disease. Although cannabis for human consumption or smoking be tested for such as barium, chromium, selenium and silver,”
should be as free from heavy metal contamination as possible, Clifford says.
that’s not always the case. When Sammy Hagar wrote “sparks fly
in the middle of the night,” little did he know that this line could Testing Tools
describe not just heavy-metal music, but the concerns of testing
of cannabis for these elements. Cannabis can be tested for heavy metals in many ways, such
as various forms of atomic spectrometry, including atomic
Today’s ‘sparks’ fly around the need and necessary extent of absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission
testing cannabis for heavy metals. “Heavy-metal contamination spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass
will vary from farm to farm and different strains will have spectrometry (ICP-MS). “For AA, the method used would have
different uptake rates of metals, thus the importance of testing,” to be the more sensitive graphite furnace atomic absorption—
Clifford explains. GFAA—since the flame AA method would not be sensitive
enough for most elements,” Clifford explains. “Also, mercury
Regardless of where cannabis comes from, it can include heavy must be measured by a method called cold vapor atomic
metals. “All agricultural products, including cannabis, contain absorption spectroscopy—CVAAS—due to poor sensitivity by
some amount of heavy metals,” says GenTech Scientific. “The AA.”
use of things such as fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural
applications increase the abundance of these metals in soils and In general, flame techniques can measure elements at low parts
water.” per million, and GFAA goes down to low parts per billion.
“Also, the AA method usually measures one element at a time,”
Beyond coming from natural sources and agricultural methods, Clifford says. “ICP and ICP-MS are techniques capable of
heavy metals can infiltrate cannabis-based products in other measuring multiple elements simultaneously.” Nonetheless,
using ICP to test cannabis for heavy metals, often requires a way not test for other consumed products like cannabis, especially
to enhance its sensitivity, such as introducing the sample with an when involving immune-compromised patients?” Clifford asks.
ultrasonic nebulizer (USN). “The USN can increase sensitivity “There needs to be federal oversight of testing for heavy metals,
up to a factor of 10,” Clifford says. as well as pesticides, residual solvents, mycotoxins and other
contaminates so testing is harmonized throughout the United
From Aeos Labs, analytical chemist Anya Engen says, “ICP-MS States.”
offers the best sensitivity and is the method used in our lab.”
She adds, “The FDA and United States Pharmacopeia have When asked if any testing improvements would be useful, Engen
standardized methods for heavy-metals analysis, which are very says, “Measuring heavy-metal levels in the soil and water where
useful resources in the fledgling cannabis-testing industry, where cannabis is grown and correlating the data to cannabis-generated
regulation is slow to catch up.” data would be helpful in illustrating an overview of possible
contamination sources.” She adds, “Being in Hawaii with an
To test for arsenic, scientists often need special sample active volcano, the heavy metals produced and dispersed by the
preparation, such as liquid chromatography (LC), because volcano is a possible source of contamination in Hawaii-grown
arsenic can be in inorganic or organic forms. The inorganic cannabis.”
form is more toxic. “If one wants to test for the different forms,
LC-ICP-MS is utilized to separate and detect the different Without testing cannabis for heavy metals, sparks could fly from
compounds,” Clifford says. “States currently only require total more than guitars as customers insist increasingly on safe, tested
arsenic, so speciation of this compound is not required.” products.
Tomorrow’s Testing
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The Diverse Applications of Mass Spectrometry
as well as where some of the issues and limitations lay, and maybe
how those limitations could be addressed by producing some
guidelines for the next 10 years. It wasn’t really predicting what
might happen in the next 10 years.
on 10 Years
has happened because I guess when you’re involved in the
developments day by day and always looking forward, it may
seem that not a lot is happening. So, when you get the opportunity
of Proteomic
to review the last 10 years, it’s apparent that there have been
remarkable changes. Maybe not as remarkable as we would have
liked them to be, but still pretty significant.
Progress I think one of the key things the paper was really trying to push
was the development of standards and guidelines for proteomics
that would allow greater reproducibility and greater confidence in
Ruairi MacKenzie the data that was coming from proteomics studies. And in the last
10 years there’s been a huge effort in that area, such that we are now
at a position where, when proteomics experiments are designed and
teve Pennington, Professor of Proteomics at University done properly, which they are in a good proportion of the field, the
College Dublin, has spent over 35 years in research. data that we get from them is really robust and reliable.
Focusing on using mass spectrometry to measure and
characterize proteins, Steve has made contributions not only in his The Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) has been
80+ published papers, but also as part of the editorial board of the instrumental in driving the developments of those guidelines.
Journal of Proteomics and other journals, and as the lead organizer of That’s been supported, and in many instances, accelerated by some
the Human Proteome Organization’s (HUPO) World Congress of the key journals in the field. And so, we have reached the position
held in Dublin in 2017. We asked Steve how the field of mass now where standards for the design and execution of experiments
spectrometry has advanced in the last decade of research. and also, importantly, the analysis of the data have reached a stage
where they do provide reliable, reproducible data.
Q: Just over ten years ago you co-authored a
paper entitled Guidelines for the Next 10 Years of That may not sound like a major advance, but in terms of being
Proteomics. We’re just about 12 years on from that able to build from the proteomics discoveries that have been made,
paper - what predictions did you make back then and convert them into useful applications, it’s been fundamentally
and how accurate were you? important.
A: I recently went back and had a careful re-read of the paper and These developments have been happening in parallel with, I
I think rather than attempting to predict the future of proteomics, suppose, a general concern about the reproducibility of biological
the paper was reporting a summary of where things had got up to, studies and cancer research. In the last 10 years and relatively
recently, some high profile publications have reported that fairly Obviously, the data sets that come out of this approach are
large numbers of studies, particularly in the drug discovery arena, significantly richer in terms of the amount of information produced.
have not been very reproducible. Notably, drug discovery and They’re also more challenging in terms of the interpretation of the
development companies have found it difficult to reproduce studies data, but then great tools are being developed for analyzing these
that are reported in the literature. complex data sets.
So, I think getting to reproducibility has been a very significant We’ve moved on from situations, I think, where if you put one
step forward and for me one of the take-home messages from the sample into the mass spectrometer and you did that at least
HUPO 2017 meeting was, that over the last 10 years the technology three times, you would get overlapping data but there would
has advanced, and as importantly, the reliability of the data that’s be differences in the data obtained from the three separate
being produced from the technology has also. mass spectrometry runs, and that’s with large amounts of data.
Now, there’s greater confidence because you’re doing that
Q: I am regularly contacted about publishing comprehensively and the same every time, so there’s a larger
content on data integrity, for example, on a new amount of data and it’s almost completely overlapping between the
integrity pipeline or project. In that 10-year period, runs. And this comprehensive approach can be viewed, if you like,
what are the particular projects or advancements almost as a permanent record of that sample, the proteome of the
that have improved data integrity within sample.
Q: If you were going to speculatively write another
A: I think if, as we now do, you have standards that need to be met review looking forward 10 years, do you think you’d
for publication of data, a checklist of the journal’s requirements for be able to do that, or is the field moving too fast
submitting data, that has knock-on effects for the generation of the now?
data. The development of transparent databases, like the PRIDE
and PeptideAtlas databases which are large repositories of data, has A: Yes, I think we could do it and I’m hoping to take that
meant that others are readily able to reanalyze the raw data that’s opportunity during the HUPO Congress in 2018. I think it would
been produced in adherence to the standards. be really interesting and valuable to have a multi-authored article
that looks carefully at what we’ve achieved in the last 10 years and
I suppose it’s human nature - when you know that your data is what the future holds; current limitations and future opportunities.
potentially going to be scrutinized by others, there becomes a
greater emphasis at home in making sure that that data is robust I’m particularly excited about the future. I haven’t really touched on
and reliable. it much, on some of the work that’s being done on taking the now
very comprehensive biomarker discovery data sets that have been
Q: What about quantity, as well as quality? Have generated and converting those into multiplex targeted protein
technological advances had a big impact on the assays with the aim that these will become the advanced diagnostic
amount of data produced? tests of the future to support precision medicine.
A: Absolutely. So, 10 years ago, one of the bedrock technologies We know that diseases are very heterogenous and complex and
of proteomics was the use of 2D gels, relatively slow-throughput that there’s a lot of patient heterogeneity, and so the ability in the
and producing modest amounts of data. This has largely been future to be able, in an analytical robust way, measure multiple
superseded by doing LC/MS, both bottom-up and top-down, (100’s of) proteins, means that we have a great opportunity to
but mainly bottom-up, where very complex protein mixtures are develop new, more sophisticated diagnostic tests. More importantly,
digested into peptides and those peptides (10’s of 1,000’s from a it is possible that these new diagnostic tests will exploit the
single sample) are analysed in the mass spectrometer. And so, there developments in targeted mass spectrometry on triple quadrupole
are very, very large data sets. mass spectrometers that have been made over the last several
years. Together, new tests and instrumentation mean that more
In the last few years, there’s been the development of an approach sophisticated tests will be delivered to clinical diagnostics for
where the data is acquired in the mass spectrometer in a fully patient benefit. For me that’s exciting and highly motivating.
comprehensive data-independent acquisition mode. So, whereas
in the past, the mass spectrometer would, in real time, make Steve Pennington was speaking to Ruairi MacKenzie, Science Writer
some decisions about what peptides to fragment and get data for Technology Networks.
from, the current trend is to take every peptide that’s put into the
mass spectrometer and fragment it and acquire data from it, in a
completely unbiased, comprehensive manner.
Rapid Detection
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are at
least 16 fentanyl analogs, including acetyl fentanyl, carfentanyl
and cyclopropofentanyl.5 The Centers for Disease Control and
Enforcement Not only do fentanyl analogs kill users at a high rate, but they
also are a significant threat to law enforcement personnel and
for cocaine or white powder heroin, says the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), which issued a warning to law
enforcement personnel in June 2016 to exercise extreme caution
Kimberly Scott when handling possible fentanyl-containing materials.8
he rise of designer drugs1 is creating new challenges for “One of the biggest challenges for law enforcement is the
both law enforcement and forensic toxicology laboratories, immediate identification of substances that they find on a crime
leading to new methods to identify and combat the often- scene,” notes Behonick. “They are trying to identify it in solid-
deadly substances. Designer drugs are analogs of controlled dose forms whereas post-mortem toxicology labs are trying to
substances that are designed to mimic the pharmacological effects combat the problem by identifying it through blood and urine.”
of the original drug. They range from synthetic marijuana, also
called “spice”2 to stimulants known as “bath salts”3 to fentanyl Police officers often use handheld spectrometers to scan unknown
analogs4 that are thousands of times more powerful than substances for presumptive testing.9 Confirmatory testing is still
pharmaceutical fentanyl and that can kill in very small doses. required by toxicology testing, but the presumptive tests can
be useful in determining treatment options for those who have
George Behonick, PhD, laboratory director and chief overdosed.
toxicologist at Axis Forensic Toxicology in Indianapolis, says
the most pressing focus today is on fentanyl analogs, which have While the gold-standard technology for identifying drugs in the
proliferated in recent years. “Some of these drugs seem to just lab remains mass spectrometry, the rapid rise of new designer
show up overnight,” he says. “We are now testing for about a drugs challenges toxicology laboratories to constantly develop
dozen of these analogs.” tests or modify existing assays to identify these toxins.
“The challenge for us is in developing new methods for these IMS instruments are commonly used in airports, where a security
emerging drugs in biological matrices which are inclusive of the officer might swab a piece of luggage or a passenger’s hands, and
pre-analytical phase, the analytical phase and the post-analytical then insert the swab into the instrument to check for traces of
management and interpretation of data,” says Behonick. explosive residue.
QTOF Detects Fentanyl Analogs in Minute “Currently, police officers have to handle drugs to test them,” says
Quantities Edward Sisco, a research chemist at NIST and one of the lead
authors of the NIST study. “But with these technologies, they
SCIEX’s X500R QTOF (quadrupole time-of-flight) is among can just swab the outside of the bag to test for fentanyl.” If the
the current generation of mass spectrometers that can detect test comes back positive, they can take extra precautions.
fentanyl analogs in minute quantities. Introduced in 2015, the
X500R uses high-resolution MS technology to detect illicit IMS instruments cost around $25,000 and are about the size of
substances down to the picogram level, which can then be cross- a microwave oven, small enough to be transported by a mobile
referenced through ChemSpider, a chemical structure database. hazmat unit. TD-DART-MS instruments, which are more
sensitive but larger and more expensive, could potentially be
Phil Taylor, global marketing manager, food, environment used for screening incoming material at a forensic lab before it is
and forensics for SCIEX, sees mass spectrometry technology handled by evidence examiners.
moving from nominal mass instrumentation, such as the triple
quadrupole instrumentation, to more advanced platforms that NIST was the first to publish the IMS and TD-DART-MS
will provide a higher level of detail than previous technology. signatures for the 16 fentnyl analogs tested. According to NIST,
Sisco and his co-authors are speaking with IMS manufacturers
“The pursuit in forensic toxicology is accuracy,” says Taylor. about adding the newly identified signatures to their product
“The demand from the judicial system is for accurate and concise software.11
results. That’s what’s driving the market.”
“We hope this makes a real difference to the people who come
Advancements in Rapid Detection of Fentanyl into contact with synthetic opioids,” says Sisco. “The opioid
Analogs epidemic is a huge problem. This might be one small way to try
to get a handle on it.”
According to a study published in Forensic Chemistry in June
2017,10 advancements are also being made in using thermal References
desorption direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (TD- 1. The New Wave of Designer Drugs: A Review for Criminal Justice
DART-MS) and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) as tools for and Forensic Professionals. Link: https://bit.ly/2JtwzWH
the rapid and sensitive (nanogram to picograms) detection of 2. National Institute on Drug Abuse; Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/
fentanyl, 16 fentanyl analogs and five additional opioids (heroin, Spice). Link: https://bit.ly/2uhrZhG
U-47700, buprenorphine, methadone and naloxone). 3. National Institute on Drug Abuse; Synthetic Cathinones (“Bath
Salts”). Link: https://bit.ly/22Dcs8e
TD-DART-MS is sensitive to picogram levels of a wide range 4. Drug Enforcement Agency; Fentanyl FAQs. Link: https://bit.
of illicit drugs, reports the study by NIST researchers, noting ly/2KSidMM
that these instruments have potential applications in mobile 5. National Institute on Drug Abuse; Emerging Trends and Alerts.
laboratories, emergency vehicles and hospitals. Link: https://bit.ly/29J2oFb
6. CDC; Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999–2016.
“Current guidelines recommend an enzyme-linked Link: https://bit.ly/2pcubtA
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) screen for fentanyl followed by 7. Comparing the Lethality and Potency of Opioid Drugs. Link:
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis,” https://bit.ly/2JrDzDj
write the study authors. “As NPF concentrations in blood can 8. Drug Enforcement Agency; DEA Warning to Police and Public:
be quite low, a wipe-based technique, such as TD-DART-MS Fentanyl Exposure Kills. Link: https://bit.ly/1rh3kbt
targeting solid trace contamination on the individual or their 9. Powerful Detection Technology for Powerful New Street Drugs.
belongings, may be a more effective approach. TD-DART-MS Link: https://bit.ly/2iTLqtr
may also be useful in emergency medicine, providing a rapid 10. E. Sisco et al., Forensic Chemistry. 4, 108–115. (2017)
identification of the specific NPF to make informed choices 11. Fentanyl Can Sicken First Responders. Here’s a Possible Solution.
about treatment.” Link: https://bit.ly/2Bpo9bj
How Advances
limits across the board, as well as providing access to isotopes
and elements that we couldn’t measure before with conventional
quadrupole ICP-MS instruments.
Helping the Food A: Our two most recent projects working on beverages have been
with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) studying arsenic
and Beverage speciation in wine. Arsenic exists in multiple forms in foods and
beverages and not all forms have the same toxicity. The inorganic
ass spectrometry is an important tool for many industries, the existing HPLC-ICP-MS method for determination of four
not least in ensuring the safety of our food and beverages. arsenic species in fruit juice - US FDA Elemental Analysis Manual
Hazards ranging from pesticides, to heavy metals and (EAM) 4.10 - to include wine. This work was recently published1
toxins can be identified using the technology, even if they are in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The second
only present in minute quantities. Here Jenny Nelson tells us was to develop an arsenic speciation method 10× faster than the
how advances in mass spectrometry (MS) have improved analysis current FDA 4.10 regulatory method. The methodology used in
potential and the important role it has played and will continue to this study analyzed the inorganic arsenic species in the As(V)
play in ensuring the safety of the beverage industry. form. As(III) was intentionally oxidized to As(V) with hydrogen
peroxide before analysis. By converting As(III) and analyzing
Q: What advances in MS have had the biggest all inorganic species as As(V), this method was able to separate
impact on your research? from the other arsenic species monomethylarsonic acid (MMA)
and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). The total separation time was
A: Inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass less than 2 minutes. This study2 utilized oxygen reaction gas in
spectrometry (ICP-QQQ ) has been a game changer. ICP-QQQ the collision/reaction cell (CRC) of the ICP-QQQ to resolve the
provides MS/MS capability which means we can remove spectral spectral interferences on arsenic. Some of the interesting results to
interferences with increased reliability and effectiveness through readers would be the data on the market basket study.
more controlled chemical reactions. MS/MS improves detection
Basket Alcohol Sum of
Style Cultivar Region Vintage iAs DMA MMA
Wine (%v/v) Species
Cabernet 17.13 ± 0.83 ± 17.96 ±
S1 Red North Coast 2009 13.5 <LOD
Sauvignon 0.22 0.03 0.25
Appellation 7.49 ± 0.30 ± 0.77 ±
S2 Red Pinot Noir 2004 13.8 8.56 ± 0.52
Central Coast 0.15 0.062 0.32
14.63 ± 0.80 ± 15.43 ±
S3 White Chardonnay Barbara 2013 13.5 <LOD
0.40 0.08 0.48
Napa and 25.03 ± 0.69 ± 0.47 ±
S4 Rose Zinfandel 2013 10.5 26.19 ± 1.27
Sonoma 0.89 0.26 0.12
23.45 ± 0.32 ±
S5 White Chardonnay Central Coast 2013 13.5 <LOD 23.77 ± 1.17
1.12 0.05
The table above shows quantitative results (μg/kg) for inorganic and organic arsenic species in five commercially available wines measured by
LC-ICP-QQQ. In all cases, most of the arsenic was present as the inorganic forms (iAs). However, the arsenic levels were all much lower than the
maximum allowable level of total arsenic in wine defined in Canada and Europe.
Q: What are the biggest challenges you face when world of ICP-MS, enabling us to now develop methods around
applying mass spectrometry to food and beverage elements/metals that used to be challenging. One good example
analysis? of this was a collaboration where we worked with Brian Jackson
at Dartmouth University. The aim of this study3 was to accurately
A: Historically, the perception of ICP-MS has been that it measure arsenic and selenium in foods using Triple Quadrupole
is complicated and difficult to use, presenting its own set of ICP-QQQ to remove doubly charged rare earth element (REE)
challenges in the application of mass spectrometry to food interferences. REE levels in food samples are low, but crops
and beverage analysis. However, modern ICP-MS instruments grown in REE-enriched soils have the potential to have higher
are much more user-friendly, with built-in auto-optimization concentrations of these elements, leading to false positives for
and diagnostics capabilities. ICP-MS now provides analytical arsenic and selenium. It is known that arsenic and selenium can be
possibilities that extend the lab’s capability beyond what’s offered difficult to quantify accurately by conventional single quadrupole
by the more traditional techniques we previously used. ICP-MS, especially at low levels. This is because isotopes can
suffer from multiple spectral interferences, from doubly charged
In fact, ICP-MS greatly simplifies the analysis of foodstuffs, ions of the REE (REE ), as well as polyatomic ions formed from
compared to the traditional analytical approaches. This would the sample matrix and plasma. A quadrupole mass spectrometer
typically have involved AAS or ICP-OES for the major and separates ions based on mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), and so the
nutrient elements, graphite furnace AAS for the toxic and trace REE ions appear at half their true mass, overlapping the singly
elements, and a dedicated analyzer for mercury. All these analytes charged analyte ions of arsenic and selenium. This table shows a
can now be measured – at much lower detection limits – in a comparison of single quadrupole (SQ) and triple quadrupole ICP-
single, fast, practically interference free ICP-MS measurement. MS results for arsenic and selenium in food reference materials.
So, the potential sample throughput with ICP-MS is much greater Significant errors in the (uncorrected) single quadrupole results
than before, and the cost per analysis is far lower. Plus, the method meant that correction equations had to be applied to improve the
simplification in terms of sample preparation, calibration strategy, accuracy. Triple quadrupole ICP-MS provides better accuracy
QC overheads, reporting, waste disposal etc., gives concrete without requiring any correction equations, illustrating an
benefits especially in commercial food labs. important advantage of ICP-QQQ data vs. traditional SQ ICP-
MS for this type of interference.
Q: How do you think developments in mass
spectrometry are likely to change the food and Additionally, analysis of nanoparticles in food is an emerging
beverage industry in the future? application, the development of which has greatly benefited from
the advances in single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass
A: The removal of spectral interference provided by the ICP- spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS). As well as advances in the hardware
QQQ system through MS/MS, has really changed things in the in the ICP-MS, there have also been new software capabilities
ICP-MSHe mode ICP-MSH2 mode
H2 mass-shift
SRM Certified Uncorrected Corrected Uncorrected Corrected Uncorrected
Arsenic (mg/kg)
NIST 1547 0.060+0.018 0.170+0.016 0.068+0.003* 0.113+0.004 0.079+0.004* 0.065+0.002*
NIST 1515 0.038+0.007 0.250+0.016 0.026+0.021* 0.126+0.005 0.047+0.004* 0.032+0.002*
Selenium (mg/kg)
NIST 1547 0.120+0.009 0.394+0.04 0.113+0.02* 0.119+0.009* 0.119+0.009* 0.127+0.006*
NIST 1515 0.050+0.009 0.808+0.04 0.013+0.04* 0.050+0.003* 0.050+0.003* 0.047+0.006*
*95% confidence interval overlaps with the certified range
How the Brain
Metabolizes in
Adam Tozer, PhD
reviously, if you wanted to analyze brain metabolites
over time in a mouse study, you would need to extract
brains from different mice at different time points. An
‘upside’ to this method is that metabolite changes could be
measured from whole areas of the brain. However, the data only
provided a snapshot of the metabolic changes at distinct time
points. Previously, it was not possible to view metabolic changes
happening in real-time. Ground-breaking work included
the development of checkpoint blockade therapy,5 targeting
cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4)6
and programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1)7 with monoclonal
Figure 1: Differences between conventional metabolome analysis for dissected brain
antibodies in tumors. Many patients treated with these new
samples and the newly developed in vivo real-time monitoring system. Conventional
therapies had tumor remissions which has raised the prospect metabolome analysis for dissected brain samples is widely accepted as a general
that some of these cancers may be manageable as chronic protocol, though there is a critical issue: the effect of death on metabolome cannot
conditions. be avoided. However, the newly developed in vivo real-time monitoring system
can observe metabolic dynamics without the effect of death and there are high
An innovative approach developed by Assistant Professor Kei expectations for it to reveal hidden mechanisms. The system will also provide a novel
Zaitsu and Lecturer Yumi Hayashi at Nagoya University, Japan, visualization technique for homeostasis, which can be applied in healthcare risk
enables the real-time monitoring of brain cell metabolism in management. Credit: Kei Zaitsu
anaesthetized animals.
By combining an acupuncture needle as an ionization device
Needle-sharp Sampling and Identification
with sensitive mass spectrometry machinery, the team
successfully monitored eight cerebrum metabolites related to
The team previously showed that the new system could be used central energy metabolism at 20 second intervals for three hours,
to monitor metabolomic changes in the liver1 of anaesthetized in anaesthetized mice. The findings are published in the journal
rats in real-time, so next wanted to try the system on the brain. Analytical Chemistry.2
Yumi adds: “Therefore, combinational use with a specific Advancing Drug Discovery and Research
detector such as MS/MS must be explored for reliable
identification of metabolites.” In the paper, the scientists tested the effect of cannabinoid type-1
receptor agonist on brain metabolomics. This proof-of-concept
Real-time Information study showed how the PESI/MS/MS system could be used
in drug discovery, possibly as part of toxicological profiling in
The technique affords unprecedented insight into the animal models. The technique would enable detailed changes in
metabolism of a small area of brain tissue in real time. Whilst Kei brain metabolism caused by drugs to be measured in real-time.
disclosed that there is no way to know how many cells are being
sampled from at any one time, at 700nm the tip is small enough The technique can be applied to a host of different research
to investigate specific regions of brain nuclei, or cortical layers, situations and PESI/MS/MS could revolutionize our
1. K. Zaitsu et al., Anal. Chem. 88, 3556–3561. (2016)
2. K. Zaitsu et al., Anal Chem. 90, 4695–4701. (2018)
3. N. Yamawaki et al., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 10, (2016)
4. K. Berglund et al., Methods Mol Biol. 1408, 207–225. (2016)
Important Role
xplosives, especially when not contained or disposed of of methods for analysis of all explosives and their degradation
correctly, pose a significant hazard to humans, wildlife products will allow for their practical use in environmental
and the ecosystem. Having the tools to be able to identify monitoring and forensic science. In addition, the possibility
their presence and state are therefore key to combatting the issue. of substance identification gives us the opportunity for more
We spoke to Stanislaw Popiel about the game-changing role complex analyses of environmental or forensic samples.
that mass spectrometry is playing in the process and some of the
challenges that still lie ahead. Q: What are the biggest challenges that are still to
be overcome and how might they be addressed?
Q: Could you tell us a bit about the role and
importance of mass spectrometry in explosive A: The biggest challenge is to develop and validate sensitive
screening? methods for the detection of explosives and their degradation
products in sea water and sediment samples, as large amounts of
A: Explosives screening is very important in a number of conventional and chemical munitions are dumped in the oceans
situations including terrorism attacks, environmental monitoring and seas. Both chemical warfare agents and explosives undergo
(training grounds, factories, ground waters etc.) and dumped very complex transformations under the influence of the marine
munitions. Mass spectrometry gives us a powerful tool for environment. As a result, after a long time, a lot of substances
identification and quantification of explosives, vital in forensic significantly differ from the starting substances which were
analysis. dumped in the marine environment. In addition, substances
Typically, a mass spectrometer ionizes the sample using
electrospray ionization (ESI) where a high voltage is applied
Spectrometry in
to a liquid to create an aerosol. This ‘soft ionization’ technique
creates little initial fragmentation – often an issue with large
molecules. Ions are separated by acceleration in an electric or
Biopharmaceutical magnetic field and then detected by an electron multiplier: the
deflection experienced is a function of the mass-to-charge ratio.
iotherapeutics now makes up 25% of new drugs Mass Spectrometry and Protein Structure
approvals. Their efficacy and safety are highly dependent
on their structures, which are complex, heterogeneous The information that can be obtained from a protein is immense,
and subject to modification. Analysis of biological molecules including its primary amino acid sequence, post-translational
therefore needs a different approach to small molecule modifications and even higher-order structure. The most basic
pharmaceuticals. Mass spectrometry has become the go-to information – its amino acid sequence – is routinely found by
technique to supply answers to a range of analytical questions, trypsin digestion to create peptide fragments that produce a
offering sensitivity, selectivity and specificity. Over the past fingerprint mass spectrum. Structural information on the various
decade advances in mass spectrometry are allowing more polypeptides within a protein can also be found using methods
information on higher order structure and new imaging such as breaking disulphide links using a reducing agent. “With
techniques are even providing insights into how biological drugs an antibody you can simply reduce them, so rather than one
behave in vivo. single protein you are going to get four smaller subunits. It can
allow you a finer resolution and detail while still maintaining
Mass spectrometry (MS) can detect, identify and quantify a lot of its intact structure,” says Kelli Jonakin, Senior Global
molecules separated by their mass to charge ratio. But biological Marketing Manager for Pharma and BioPharma at SCIEX.
molecules pose some unique problems. “They are often hundreds
of times the size of conventional small molecule drugs,” says “There are also a wide range of different post-translational
Todd Stawicki, biopharma applications scientist at SCIEX. modifications that can be directly observed by mass
This tends to affect the sensitivity you can achieve with mass spectrometry,” says Jonakin. These are the enzymatic
spectrometry. Plus, “biosynthesis is highly heterogeneous,” adds modifications that occur to proteins following biosynthesis and
Stawicki, “it often creates lots of small variations. Then the can have an impact on the efficacy and safety of a drug. An
analytical challenge is to characterise those small variations and important one is glycosylation – the covalent addition of sugar
determine if they are clinically relevant.” moieties to specific amino acids. Approximately half of all
proteins expressed in a cell undergo this modification. Glycans
can be enzymatically separated from the protein before analysis so once the labeling is completed you can interrogate them and
to produce a glycosylation fingerprint. By engineering a protein’s by using standard approaches, determine which residues have not
surface glycosylation pattern, drug developers hope to enhance been labeled. They are assigned as the residues that are involved
therapeutic performance. in the formation of those binding epitopes,” explains Kaltashov.
Another technique to study conformation and binding is New data acquisition strategies are also allowing much more
hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) MS. If heavy water comprehensive fragment ion analysis in biological samples using
is introduced in solution, hydrogen atoms will exchange with high-resolution Q-Tof mass spectrometry. This can give you
deuterium. The rate of exchange is characteristic of the detailed information on every detectable analyte in the sample
degree to which the hydrogen is protected and that provides in a single run. For highly complex biotherapeutics this is a great
conformational information. “The binding epitope (i.e. the advantage.
interface residues) will be shielded from your labeling agent and
Mass Spectrometry and Imaging Another imaging method, desorption electrospray ionization
(DESI), instead of using a laser, uses a stream of fast moving
Another innovation that has proved useful in biopharmaceutical charged solvent droplets in the order of 1 - 5 microns in size,
development is imaging mass spectroscopy. One of the earliest aimed at the sample surface. The droplets extract molecules from
methods used for biological imaging was MALDI (Matrix- the surfaces into the gas phase for analysis. McMahon says there
assisted laser desorption ionization) imaging, first developed in had been scepticism about the spatial resolution the technique
the 1990s by Richard Caprioli at Vanderbilt University. Twenty could provide, but it can now be as low as 40–50 microns; “You
years later its use is becoming widespread for imaging tissue do not see the large proteins extracted in these droplets, you see
as part of pharmacokinetic studies. “The thing about MALDI lipids mainly. But lipids can tell you an awful lot about what is
compared to some other imaging MS methods is that it is able going on in your tissue. You may be comparing a tissue that has
to see large biomolecules such as peptide and proteins,” says and has not been treated with a drug and what you see is the
Adam McMahon, Senior Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry at the tissue response in terms of the change in the lipid profile.”
University of Manchester.
Mass spectrometry is a crucial tool in the discovery and
The method works by covering a thin tissue section with a development of biological drugs but to many is often still seen
crystallised matrix material and progressively scanning the as a technique for specialists, with results needing complicated
surface with a laser. This evaporates the matrix which carries interpretation. Developments and subsequent advancements in
the underlying biomolecules with it. “You generally see intact mass spectrometry mean that the technique is now a lot more
molecular ions and not their fragments,” says McMahon. “Image accessible to researchers that are less experienced in using the
files can contain tens of gigabytes of data in which you have technique.
peaks at very many masses, each of which will give you an image.
So, if you have a drug molecule, you can potentially map its The power of mass spectrometry is now something that all
distribution across the tissue sample and can see whether your researchers in biotherapeutics can harness themselves.
drug has penetrated into a particular tissue region, which might
be important in a tumor, for example.” References
1. V. Dotz et al., Trends Analyt Chem. 73, 1–9. (2015)
Such imaging has been used to explain some unusual off-target 2. K. Muneeruddin et al., Anal. Chem. 86, 10692–10699. (2014)
drug side effects. For example, MALDI was used to identify the 3. C. E. Bobst et al., Anal. Chem. 80, 7473–7481. (2008)
4. S. Castellino et al., Chem. Res. Toxicol. 26, 241-251. (2013)
drug metabolite that caused seizures in patients taking an HIV
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. “Drug delivery
into the brain can also be examined, where the blood brain
barrier can exclude certain molecules,” adds McMahon. Others
have been using the technique to determine tumor margins,
comparing MALDI MS images to histology data.
Helping Analytical
people? If it’s not what it’s supposed to be, there could be really
serious consequences.”
any recent advances in research have aimed to within industry, it’s question and answer, input and output.
maximize the amount of data we can produce. With What people have recognized is that by having data you can
the cost of data handling storage plummeting, why infer trends, you can apply and use data for training sets, or
wouldn’t you? But as anyone who has spent hours pipetting things like predictive analytics, machine learning and the like.
with an uncalibrated pipette or watched all 29 series of the If I’m using analytical data to release a substance to be used in
Simpsons will tell you, quality is more important than quantity. a pharmacy setting or in a commercial setting, that released
This realization has hit home in many companies that are data is used to give a green light to say, yes, you can release the
now buried under a pile of poorly-stored data that can’t be batch for its intended use. If you store that data right on every
synchronized to other data silos and is occupying many batch that’s ever been released, you can look at trends, and infer
terabytes of storage. In analytical chemistry, that data has more operational optimization decision making – do I see any trends
complexity and value than everyday spreadsheets, and tools in how quality at one site differs from another, for example?”
matching that complexity will be needed to get data back into
shape. With these potential benefits available, it’s surprising that
analytical chemistry has been slower than other fields to
“If you don’t have correct data then it’s pretty much unusable embrace big data techniques, with available datasets and
by anybody downstream, including yourself, for anything algorithms often not up to the task of analyzing complex
that you originally intended it for,” says Andrew Anderson, chemical data. Andrew’s colleague, and ACD/Labs’ Director
Vice President of Innovation and Informatics Strategy at of Strategic Partnerships, Graham McGibbon, says that the
Toronto-based analytical software supplier ACD/Labs. complexity and volume of data are the biggest obstacles to
Anderson suggests that this need for correctness is now being simply adopting automation techniques: “You have optical
recognized at the beginning of the data life cycle – and the end: spectra across ranges of wavelengths, you have experiments
“Organizations like the Food and Drug Administration require performed not just for the certain sampling frequency
pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers to have but across all frequencies. It takes time to run them – a
safe, efficacious and quality drugs and the data that they supply chromatography run could take half an hour. If you’re acquiring
for characterizing those drugs has to meet guidelines according data for that entire half hour and you have a mass spectrometer
to data integrity. There’s both the pragmatic impetus right from attached, there could be thousands or millions of data points.
the get-go and at the end. What is the expectation if you’re Furthermore, you have multiple dimensions of information
going to bring a product to market that is supposed to benefit where you can probe how atoms are attached to each other.
People want to know which peaks represent which atoms recognize - the nature of where data is assembled and what
or features, and that complexity is really a key thing about trade-offs there are in terms of getting complete and accurate
chemistry data. I think it’s much more complicated or complex data and making it useful.”
than for some other data that people would choose to store in
other fields.”
Andrew Anderson,
Andrew notes that labs or companies conducting large-scale Vice President of Innovation and Informatics
chemical analyses could end up with a mind-boggling amount Strategy, ACD/Labs.
of data: “If we want to do big data analysis, we’re generating
a terabyte of data a day, and you’re going to get to a petabyte
fairly fast over time. Being able to do the types of analyses
we’d like to do is hard if you’re not reducing the data volume
Graham McGibbon,
Such a deluge of data certainly sounds like a good reason to Director of Strategic Partnerships, ACD/Labs
avoid altering with a company-wide data system, but Andrew
firmly believes that even if adopting big data techniques isn’t an
easy road to walk, the alternative is far worse: “I’m personally
familiar with a situation in food and beverage companies
dealing with pesticides that had to respond to a pesticide
becoming regulated. They spent 18 months doing the hazard
assessment on their commercial products and raw material
supply chains. If you have the big data system it’s a query, a
simple query as opposed to what they had to do because the
big data systems aren’t in play. They had to gather samples, re-
analyze and go from there. If you’re going to consider adopting
big data techniques in analytical chemistry, consider the value
proposition—that’s how they justified a data center investment.
If you build this and you house it, and you architect it the right
way, it will pay off, you can avoid those 18 months’ worth of
cost to solve a problem.”
Developing research?
really appeal to me. And so I wandered around attempting to find
some other areas of interest, and eventually stumbled into the lab
of Fred McLafferty (the American chemist known for his work in
mass spectrometry) who was doing very similar research to what
we are still doing now –although in a much more preliminary
state at that point – I got to know about mass spectrometry, really
with Unique
fell in love with it and stuck with it all these years. It initially
piqued my interest in the early ‘90s so roughly 25 years ago.
Laura Elizabeth Mason Cisplatin acts as a sort of template for most of what Peter works
on, except that he changes the metal and the ligands on the
drug – this, of course, changes the chemistry of the molecule
eter and his team work collaboratively with other completely. The goal is to find anti-cancer drugs which are more
research groups to demonstrate the effectiveness of higher efficacious, that have enhanced targetability, or, in this case,
specification fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance the team wanted to find an anti-cancer drug that was photo-
(FTICR) mass spectrometry in specific applications. Here he activatable so that they could dose a person with an inert drug
discusses the diverse range of projects he is currently working on. at fairly high concentrations and then just activate the molecule
He touches on the adaptability of mass spectrometry, enabling with blue light on specific target sites where the cancer is
researchers to study cancer, neurological disease, petroleum, and specifically located.
This strategy would mean that it would be possible to limit low molecular weight and so they tend to give you just huge
the damage to healthy cells through controlled positioning signal and you might have hundreds of individual peaks at
of the light, which is an interesting concept that Peter has every one dalton spacing in the spectrum, so it gets really
brought forward. My personal interest was directed at the complicated. Another area that we’re working on quite a bit is
photo-activatable anti-cancer drugs, in figuring out what these synthetic polymers, particularly the block copolymers where
drugs were doing when they became activated. What happens combinatorial confusion in the spectrum is common because
when you put this type of drug into a biological system, how you have distributions of polymers that you tag together in a
do they actually kill cells, and what are they actually doing? It block copolymer and so they get rather heterogeneous. A more
is a really interesting problem because it’s a mass spectrometry advanced mass spectrometer is necessary to make sense of the
problem. It is also a proteomics problem because most of the spectra.
drug’s interactions are with proteins in the cells. We started
out with cisplatin and found ways to detect the modification Both petroleum and polymers can be either not very amenable
sites of proteins in cisplatin, now we’ve extended this to to chromatographic separation or they can be too complicated
quite a few other metallodrugs. We then performed liquid for chromatographic separation so you need to be able to handle
chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and tandem many different components at the same time in the spectrum, so
mass spectrometry – so fragmentation mass spectrometry. We you absolutely need the resolution. Proteomics is very similar in
used this approach to try to identify the proteins and the sites that sense. In this case, like in many cases, we start by digesting
of modification. If you do this with a conventional proteomics the proteins in the cells down to peptides and work from there.
method, you’ll be able to find something but everything that’s It’s what we call a bottom-up approach to proteomics but that
modified with a drug has a very strange isotope pattern because means that you’re turning maybe tens of thousands of proteins
metals have very strange isotope patterns and there’s a metal at into millions of peptides or at least hundreds of thousands of
the middle of the drug. So we had to find a way to automatically peptides. Then you have to separate out that mixture and process
highlight all the peaks that had the metals on them. We were it. Now peptides are very amenable to chromatography, so they
able to build a script that could examine the isotope patterns usually do separate out pretty well. So you don’t have terribly
and identify only the peaks that would have the metals on them complex samples but if you have a pretty good chromatography
and we could then focus on those and perform more extensive set up you might be able to separate out your mixture into say
mass spectrometry. It is a proteomics challenge, so you have a 1,000 or 2,000 fractions and if you’ve got 100,000 or a million
terrible mish mash of proteins and peptides in there, as usual. infractions that means that you’ve got quite a few components
These are also human cell lines so they’re quite complicated – coming out at any particular time and you still need to have high
they’re not as simple as a yeast cell for example. Then we have resolution to be able to deal with the complexity of the sample.
the metals which make such a broad isotope distribution that it’s For proteomics, the approach is to try to run the experiment and
rather challenging to find them and that tends to mess up a lot take advantage of the high performance of the mass spectrometer
of the proteomics methodologies that are pretty well established for selection and tandem mass spec. They have to run the mass
now. So, while we had to develop the tools to do that, the high spectrometer really, really fast and try to select as many peaks
resolution of FTICR MS was very helpful, although probably as possible in every time slice in order to fragment them and
not strictly necessary in all cases. Inevitably in biological systems get sequence information. This approach does work, and we do
you end up with overlapping isotope distributions and then that that too, but we have the added advantage of having very high
very high resolution becomes critical. So some of this could resolution meaning we can separate out the mixtures at the same
have been done with other proteomic set ups, but the FTICR is time. Which helps us process this data. Then there’s all the other
clearly going to be the best approach. elements such as glycomics and genomics that are also amenable
to this high-performance mass spectrometry in different
Q: What are the benefits of FTICR mass contexts.
spectrometry and what applications is it
particularly suited for? Q: Your team’s mission is to “develop new FTICR
mass spectrometry instruments with unique
A: The biggest advantage of FTICR by far, is that it has much capabilities.” Could you elaborate on this?
higher resolution than any other type of mass spectrometer. It is
about 10 times better than the nearest competitor which is the A: Development is most of what we do. We work on developing
orbitrap. High resolution is very useful, particularly whenever advanced FTICR mass spectrometry, more specifically, we
you have particularly complex samples. One of the biggest develop new tools using the high-resolution capabilities of the
areas that researchers work on in this area, although I don’t FTICR.
work on this myself, is petroleum. Petroleum is a horrendously
complex mixture, hundreds of thousands of components, all I’m currently working on building a web app that I intend
to use to teach people how to calculate isotope distribution. modulation frequency as the pre-cursor. This means that you
Isotope distributions are not actually very complicated, but can fragment all the molecules at the same time without doing
it really is important to get them right if you’re going to be any isolations and it greatly speeds up the whole process because
comparing them to real data. A lot of web applications that you don’t have to do them one by one, you just do them all
you find make some pretty simple assumptions that are often together. It speeds it up and it also gives you much more detail in
fine – but can sometimes cause problems. We have to calculate the information because what inevitably happens with complex
isotopic distributions for all metals which is not always easy. samples is you can fragment the first 5 or 10 and then you run out
We also work on different ways of fragmenting molecules. In of time to be able to do the next bit so it’s basically a much faster
the mass spectrometer you will typically measure your mass way of doing the whole experiment. It will end up giving us a lot
spectrum and get a number of peaks for peptides. You’ll then more information about structures and molecules in complex
select one peak using some of the voltages and wave forms that mixtures. It’s an ongoing development project though so stay
we have in the mass spectrometer, smash it using a tandem mass tuned on that one I guess!
spectrometry fragmentation method and then measure the
masses that you’ve created – which will presumably allow you Q: What projects are you currently working on?
to get some structural information for peptides. This method
usually enables the partial (or sometimes full) sequencing of the A: Two-dimensional mass spectrometry; that’s a big
peptides. So there’s a lot of tricks to sequencing using tandem development project for us going forward and we’re working on
mass spectrometry. it in pretty much every avenue that we can think to apply it. We
have recently had two scientific papers accepted that outline the
How do you break the molecules? Most of the time, we collide technology and its use for the analysis of whole proteins rather
them with background gas and break them solely by collisions. than the analysis of smaller peptides that you would typically
We are also working on doing photo dissociation which involves create by digesting the proteins – top-down proteomics. Of
breaking molecules with UV and IR light, and we also do course, we’re using it on proteomics and polymers and we are
reactions with electrons. There are half a dozen different types also making good progress on the use of two-dimensional mass
of reactions you can perform with electrons that causes the spectrometry for glycomics. There are a few application areas
molecules to break in different ways. Each reaction tends to that are particularly interesting.
result in slightly different information, so when you combine
several of these reactions together you can get a very complete The first project to mention is in collaboration with a medical
picture of sequence information which is very useful. We’ve school in Beijing. The researchers have scorpion venom and
actually developed a new fragmentation technique, called two scorpion venom extracts that they are using that have particular
dimensional mass spectrometry, which is very exciting. We’ve anti-coagulant activities. The idea is to try to figure out what
got a few papers out on it now and we’re about to submit three or is it in the structures of these scorpion venom extracts that is
four more. responsible for the anti-coagulant activity. It turns out that most
of the molecules in the extract are proteins, not very big ones,
Two-dimensional mass spectrometry technology is well pretty small, under 10,000 daltons, but they’re tied up in really
established. The concepts and methodologies were worked back tight balls with many disulphide bonds, presumably so that
in the late 80s, but it required too much computational power they’ll survive when they’re out in the environment and being
for the time, we needed modern computers to be able to start to in this conformation prevents them from immediately being
successfully process the data. When it comes to two-dimensional chopped up by proteases and allows them to maintain their
mass spectrometry, you may have one spectrum that equates stability. But, first of all, you need to try to figure out what these
to 200 Gb of data – your average computer can’t process that, it molecules are. The scorpions aren’t sequenced so we don’t have a
requires cluster computers, housed here in the university. This database to search against so we have to sequence them ‘de novo’,
enhanced computing power allows us to get it down into a format using just the mass spectrometry data - which is much harder.
that we can use. The technology finally enabled us to use this We also must try to figure out exactly where those disulfide
method even though it’s been sitting there for close to 30 years in bonds are, you tend to just scramble where the disulfide bonds
the literature! It allows us to fragment the molecules. are (if you even keep that information) so it’s a challenge to try
to figure out exactly what these venoms are and how they work.
In two-dimensional mass spectrometry you don’t have to That’s a fun project which is making some nice progress at the
isolate the molecules. What you do instead is you modulate all moment.
of the molecules in and out of a fragmentation zone and you
basically code each pre-cursor ion with its own modulation We are also working on analysis of amyloid plaques in
frequency and because that is dragging it back and forth to the Alzheimer’s disease patients, specifically trying to figure out
fragmentation zone the fragments end up carrying the same what impact metallic particles have on Alzheimer’s disease.