NPUC Curriculum Map GRADE 8

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North Philippine Union Conference

Education Department – Secondary

Pasay City


AUP Academy
Puting Kahoy, Silang, Cavite


This subject focuses on the study of the different Afro-Asian literary genres and other text types as a means to attain literary and
communicative competencies through discussion and analysis. It centers on listening and reading comprehension and strategies, oral language and
fluency, writing and composition, grammar awareness and structure, attitude, and study strategies.

First Grading


The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by:
1. East Asian literature as an art from inspired and influenced by nature 1. composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech
2. relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and featuring a variety of effective paragraphs
expository texts 2. employing appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in topic
3. strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts development
4. value of literal and figurative language 3. using the appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior
5. appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to pattern of
idea development

Content CS PS IFVL Learning Competencies (LC) References
No. No.

"Now, therefore, fear EN8RC-IIa-2.22: Evaluate the personal significance of a literary text
Exploring Chinese EN8LC-IIa-7: Employ appropriate listening skills and strategies suited
Literature 1 1 the LORD and serve to long descriptive and narrative texts
Him in sincerity and N8LC-IIc-2.13: Determine the tone and mood of the speaker or
truth; and put away the characters in the narrative listened to
gods which your EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Compose effective paragraphs
EN8WC-IIa-2.8.7: Limit a topic
fathers served beyond
the River and in Egypt,
and serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:14

EN8V-IIf-10.1.4: Identify figures of speech that show emphasis

The Great Chinese “
Therefore, once more I (hyperbole and litotes)
Philosophers 2 2 will astound these EN8RC-IIc-2.1.7: React to assertions made by the author in the text
people with wonder EN8OL-IIa-5: Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech when
delivering an entertainment speech
upon wonder; EN8RC-Ia-7.2: Scan for logical connectors to determine the text type
the wisdom of the EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Compose effective paragraphs
EN8OL-IIg-3: Deliver a self-composed entertainment speech using all
wise will perish, the the needed speech conventions
intelligence of the EN8OL-IIe-2.6: Use appropriate non-verbal cues when delivering
lines in an entertainment speech
intelligent will vanish.”
Isaiah 29:14
3 3 To do what is right and
just is more acceptable EN8RC-IIb-2.18: Relate content or theme to previous experiences
Enjoying Chinese and background knowledge
Legend and Poems to the Lord than EN8SS-Ic-1.5.1: Skim to determine key ideas
sacrifice. EN8V-IIe-24: Discriminate between literal and figurative language
Proverbs 21:3 EN8RC-Ie-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming,
speed reading, intensive reading etc.) for one’s purpose
EN8LT-IIe-0-9: Appreciate literature as an art form inspired
and influenced by nature
EN8RC-Ig-7.1: Read intensively to determine the author’s purpose
EN8LT-IIh-2.3: Draw similarities and differences of the featured
selections in relation to the

“I appeal to you, ECAS8L-II-4: Appreciating drama
Exploring Japanese EN8VC-IIa-1.3: Predict the gist of the material viewed based on the
Literature 4 3 brothers and sisters, in title, pictures, and excerpts
the name of our Lord ECAS8G-II-4: Using conjunctions
Jesus Christ, that all of ECAS8WC-II-4.1: Observing unity and coherence in sentences
you agree with one ECAS8WC-11-4.2: Writing creatively
EN8LT-IIc-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory images used
another in what you EN8WC-IIe-2.2: Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type
say and that there be (narrative in literature, expository, explanatory, factual and personal
no divisions among recount, persuasive)
you, but that you be EN8RC-IIh-2.15: Organize information in tables, graphs, and maps
EN8OL-IIg-3: Deliver a self-composed entertainment speech using all
perfectly united in
the needed speech conventions
mind and thought”.
1 Corinthians 1:10

Appreciating Japanese “We are God’s ECAS8G-II-5: Identifying and using pronouns
Literature 5 2 instruments in helping EN8G-IIa-9: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions
others know more suitable to each pattern of idea development: general to particular,
claim and counterclaim, problem-solution, cause-effect and others
about Him.
ECAS8WC-II-5: Writing a Haiku
“So let your light so
shine before men that
they may see your
good works and glorify
your Father which is in
Matthew 5:16

“Do your best to EN8LT-If-7: Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the

Japanese Short Story human being and the forces he/she needs to contend with
and Zen Stories 5 3 present yourself to God EN8RC-IIc-2.22: Evaluate the personal significance of a literary text
as one approved, a ECAS8VC-II-6: Using visuals effectively
worker who does not EN8SS-Ic-1.5.1: Skim to determine key ideas
need to be ashamed EN8OL-IIg-3: Deliver a self-composed entertainment speech using all
the needed speech conventions
and who correctly
handles the word of
truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Second Grading


The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by:
1. South and West Asian Literature as an expression of 1. composing a variety of journalistic texts;
philosophical and religious beliefs; 2. composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of
2. information flow in various text types; properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for
3. reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
4. word decoding strategies; features, stance, and behavior.
5. use of information sources;
6. active/passive constructions;
7. direct/reported speech;
8. perfect tenses;
9. logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Content CS PS IFVL Learning Competencies (LC) References

No. No.

The earliest as well as EN8OL-IVf-5: Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech like
pitch, stress, juncture, volume, and projection, intonation and speech
Exploring Jewish 1 1 the most sublime rate
Literature poetic sung, utterances EN8LC-IVb-6.2: Infer thoughts and feelings expressed in a text
known to man are listened to
found in the Scriptures. EN8LC-IVc-3.2: Raise questions about the text listened to
EN8LC-IVd-8.2: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in
the text listened to
EN8LC-IVe-3.14: Summarize information from the text listened to.
EN8RC-IVa-2.21.1: Identify positions of a topic sentence
EN8G-IVb-13: Use active and passive constructions in journalistic
EN8WC-IVb- 3.4.2: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing
(news report, opinion article, feature article, and sports news article)
EN8WC-IVf-7: Use primary and secondary sources to develop a topic
for journalistic writing

Poetry is the mind of EN8OL-IVe-5: Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech like
pitch, stress, juncture, volume, and projection, intonation and speech
Exploring Arabian 2 2 knowledge of the Arabs rate
Literature and the book of their EN8WC-IVd- 3.4.2: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing
wisdom, the archive of (news report, opinion article, feature articles, and sports news article)
their history and the EN8WC-IVd- 3.4.2: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing
(news report, opinion article, feature article, and sports news article)
reservoir of their epic EN8RC-IVg-15.1: Evaluate the accuracy of a given information
days, the wall that
defends their exploits,
the impassable trench
that preserve their
glories, the impartial
witness for the day of

Knowledge is power, EN8RC-IVd-14.1: Interpret and follow instructions, directions,

Arabian literature notices, rules and regulations
focusing on Poetry 3 3 but it is a power for EN8LC-IVf-10: Process speech delivered by making inferences from
good only when united what has been listened to
with true piety. It must EN8G-IVf-13: Use active and passive constructions in journalistic
be vitalized by the contexts
EN8WC-IVd- 3.4.2: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing
Spirit of God, in order (news report, opinion article, feature article, and sports news article)
to serve the noblest
purposes.” CPT p.38

A constant awareness ECAS8WC-IV-1: Writing sentences correctly

EN8VC-IVa-20: Analyze the elements that make up reality and
Exploring Indian 4 4 of how uncontrollable fantasy based on a material viewed
Literature and fleeting life is; EN8RC-IVa-2.21.1: Identify positions of a topic sentence
accompanied by a EN8WC-IVa- 3.4.1: Identify features of journalistic writing
belief that the EN8G-IVb-13: Use active and passive constructions in journalistic
uncontrollable nature EN8G-IVb-3: Use past and past perfect tenses in journalistic writing
of life adds to its value

and makes it more

God would have His EN8G-IVc-14: Use direct and reported speech in journalistic writing
EN8WC-IVb- 3.4.2: Distinguish among types of journalistic writing
Appreciating and 5 5 children appreciate his (news report, opinion article, feature article, and sports news article)
Enjoying Indian works, and delight in EN8WC-IVe-3.4: Compose journalistic texts
the simple, quiet EN8RC-IVb-2.21.2: Identify details that support the topic sentence
Literature beauty with which he
has adorned our
earthly home. He is a
lover of the beautiful,
and above all that is
outwardly attractive he
loves beauty of
character; he would
have us cultivate purity
and simplicity, the
quiet graces of the
flowers. CE 54.3

Third Grading


The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by:
1. The learner demonstrates understanding of: 1. composing and delivering a persuasive speech;
1. Southeast Asian literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; 2. summarizing and analyzing informative essays featuring use of
2. coping strategies in processing textual information; properly acknowledged information sources;
3. strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing materials; 3. determiningvarious social, moral, and economic issues discussed in
4. structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and listening and viewing materials; and
5. grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuassion, and emphasis. 4. employing grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuassion,
and emphasis and appropriate prosodic features, stance and

Content CS PS IFVL Learning Competencies (LC) References

No. No.

Lapid, Milagros G.
We are God’s EN8LT-IIIe-10 and Josephine B.
Appreciate literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with Serrano. ecas
Philippine Literature 1 1 instruments in helping diverse backgrounds.
others know more English
During the Pre- Communication Skills
about Him. EN8LT-III-f2.2
Colonial Period Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of through Afro-Asian
“So let your light so
a particular literary selection. Literature 8th ed.
shine before men that Quezon City: The
they may see your Phoenix Publishing
good works and glorify EN8LT-IIIg-2.2.5 House, Inc., 2018.
your Father which is in Detemine key ideas, tone, and purposes of the author.
Matthew 5:16

Ribo, Lourdes
EN8SS-IIIa-1.10 Organize information about a chosen subject using M., Language in
a graphic organizer. Literature:Afro-Asian
Coping Strategies in 2 2
EN8WC-IIIc-1.1.6 Expand the content of an outline using notes for
Literature. Quezon
Processing Textual primary and informative essay.
EN8WC-IIId-2.2.16 Compose an informative essay. City: Vibal Publishing
Information House, Inc., 2013.

Dela Cruz, Laura S.

I have spoken by the EN8LC-IIIa-7.3 Determine the target audience of a listening text English in
and the objective/s of the speaker. Perspective:Afro-
Listening and Viewing 3 3 prophets, and I have EN8LC-IIIb-8-2 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in Asian Literature.
Strategies multiplied visions, and the text listened to. Quezon City: Abiva
used SIMILITUDES, by Publishing House,
the ministry of the Inc., 2016.
Hosea 12:10

Ribo, Lourdes
EN8V-IIIa-15.3 Explain the meaning of a word through structural M., Language in
analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes) Literature:Afro-Asian
Structural Analysis of EN8-IIId-25 Use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar
Literature. Quezon
Words and words.
4 4 EN8-IIIe-12.3 Arrive at meanings through context clues. City: Vibal Publishing
Propaganda EN8V-IIIg-26 Analyze intention of words or expressions used in House, Inc., 2013.
Techniques propaganda techniques.

Lapid, Milagros G.
Before attempting to EN8RC-IIIa-10 Share ideas using opinion-making signals. and Josephine B.
EN8G-IIIa-3.6 Use modals appropriately. Serrano. ecas
Grammatical Signals 5 5 study the higher EN8G-IIIe-12 Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes.
branches of literary English
for Opinion-Making, Communication Skills
knowledge, be sure
Persuasion, and through Afro-Asian
that you thoroughly
Emphasis Literature 8th ed.
understand the simple
Quezon City: The
rules of English Phoenix Publishing
grammar, and have House, Inc., 2018.
learned to read and
write and spell
CT pp. 218-219

EN8WC-IIId-2.2.16 Compose an informative speech.
EN8OL-IIIf-3 Deliver a self-composed informative speech using the
Culminating Activity 1-5 1-5
correct sounds of English.

Delivering an
Informative Speech

Fourth Grading


The learner demonstrates understanding of: The learner transfers learning by:
1. African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend 1. composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic
with; of interest;
2. various reading styles vis-a vis purposes of reading; 2. employ reading styles such as: scanning, skimming, speed reading, and
3. prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; intensive reading;
4. ways by which information may be organized, related and delivered orally; 3. role playing real-life situations presenting dialogs with appropriate
and proseodic features, stance and behavior;
5. parallel structures and cohesive devices. 4. extracting information and noting details from texts to write precis,
summary or paraphrases; and
5. write essays and informative articles that exemplify parallel structures
and cohesive devices.

Content CS PS IFVL Learning Competencies (LC) References
No. No.

The secular world has EN8LT-If-7: Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the Dela Cruz, Laura S.
human being and the forces he/she needs to contend with. English in
African Chants, Poems, 1 1,2, many ways and EN8LT-Ia-8: Describe the notable literary genres contributed by Perspective:Afro-
Myths, and Fables 4 versions to tell us our African writers. Asian Literature.
beginnings in this EN8LT-Ie-8: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute Quezon City: Abiva
world. However, these to the theme of a particular literary selection. Publishing House,
EN8LT-Ib-8.1: Identify the distinguishing features of notable African Inc., 2016.
stories are just all chants, poems, folktales, and short stories.
made-up and results of EN8V-Ig-6: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that
people creating stories reflect the local culture by noting context clues.
to fill up their idle
moments. The Bible on
the other side has the
truthful account of how
things and people in
this world existed.
People may questions
the veracity of the
Bible’s account of
Creation, but God has
many ways to prove
that His word is true.

Those whose EN8LT-Ia-8: Describe the notable literary genres contributed by Dela Cruz, Laura S.
African Epic and African writers. English in
imagination has not EN8LT-Ib-8.1: Identify the distinguishing features of notable African Perspective:Afro-
Short Stories
become perverted by chants, poems, folktales, and short stories. Asian Literature.
2 2,3, the reading of fiction EN8LT-Ie-8: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute Quezon City: Abiva
4 will find the Bible the to the theme of a particular literary selection. Publishing House,
EN8LT-Ie-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique. and purpose of Inc., 2016.
most interesting book. the author.
MYP p. 272 EN8V-Ig-6: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that
reflect the local culture by noting context clues.

Before attempting to EN8LT-Ia-8: Describe the notable literary genres contributed by
African writers. Ribo, Lourdes
African Nonfiction study the higher EN8V-Ig-6: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that M., Language in
branches of literary reflect the local culture by noting context clues.
Narratives Literature:Afro-Asian
knowledge, be sure EN8V-Ie-4: Use appropriate strategies in unlocking the meaning of
Literature. Quezon
that you thoroughly unfamiliar words and idiomatic expressions.
City: Vibal Publishing
3 2,3, understand the simple House, Inc., 2013.
4 rules of English
grammar, and have
learned to read and
write and spell
CT pp. 218-219

Lapid, Milagros G.
Before attempting to EN8SS-Ic-5.1: Skim to determine key ideas and Josephine B.
EN8RC-Ie-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,skimming, Serrano. ecas
Various Reading Styles study the higher speed reading, intensive reading, etc.)
branches of literary English
EN8RC-Ig7.1: Read intesively to determine the author’s purpose.
3 2,3, Communication Skills
(Scanning, Skimming, knowledge, be sure
through Afro-Asian
Speed Reading, and 4 that you thoroughly
Literature 8th ed.
understand the simple
Intensive Reading) Quezon City: The
rules of English Phoenix Publishing
grammar, and have House, Inc., 2018.
learned to read and
write and spell
CT pp. 218-219

The Teacher sent from EN8RC-Ia-7.2: Scan for logical connectors to determine the text type.
Conjunctions and EN8G-Ia-3.11: Use appropriate devices Ribo, Lourdes
Parallel Structures God is Jesus. He serves
M., Language in
as the mediator or
5 3,5 connector between Literature. Quezon
men and God. City: Vibal Publishing
Education p. 73 House, Inc., 2013.

Consider…the EN8G-Ia-8: Use appropriate cohesive devices in composing an
Culminating Activity informative speech.
1-3 1-3 Lapid, Milagros G.
wondrous works of EN8G-Ia-7: Use parallel structures. and Josephine B.
Composing and Him which is perfect in EN8OL-Ib-3.11: Use the correct sounds of English. Serrano. ecas
knowledge. EN8F-Id-3: Deliver a self-composed informative speech.
Delivering Informative English
Let the children learn Communication Skills
to see in nature an through Afro-Asian
expression of the love Literature 8th ed.
and wisdom of God.. Quezon City: The
Education pp. 98, 102- Phoenix Publishing
103 House, Inc., 2018.

Prepared by:

Maryson J. Borcelis

Melu Joy G. Evangelista

Shiela C. Ejurango

Submitted to:

Mrs. Ardelma V. Sarmiento


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