Comparative Study of Horizontal and Vertical Electrode Structure in Supercapacitors
Comparative Study of Horizontal and Vertical Electrode Structure in Supercapacitors
Comparative Study of Horizontal and Vertical Electrode Structure in Supercapacitors
Capacitance is an important parameter of electric energy
storage device. It is the ability of electric energy storage de-
vice to store an electric charge. Capacitance value in farad
indicates that it is supercapacitor and not conventional ca-
pacitor. Supercapacitor the new age energy storage device
cannot store charge for a long time, hence they are presently
used along with batteries as a hybrid storage device in which
battery is the long term power source while supercapacitors
provides peak power that the battery is unable to deliver.
The capacitance is a function of geometry or design of elec-
trode plates. The research paper demonstrates the effect
of alignment of horizontal and vertical electrodes on quick
charge and discharge cycle in supercapacitors and its sub-
sequent effect on capacitance value. The study focuses on
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Supercapacitors also known as electric double layer capacitors which
increases energy storage ability due to a large increase in surface
area through use of a porous electrolyte. Electrical energy is di-
rectly stored by using supercapacitors. There is no need to replace
Supercapacitors because , they do not undergo life-limiting, irre-
versible, chemical reactions, and they do not experience dry-up
problems. Supercapacitors are a new electric energy storage device
with extremely high capacity density. They have a virtually un-
limited service life, fast charge discharge capability and very low
leakage current [1].
Basic design of supercapacitors consists of two electrodes sep-
arated by an ion-permeable membrane (separator), and an elec-
trolyte ionically connecting both electrodes. The study aims at
comparison of electrode performance on change from vertical align-
ment to horizontal alignment. The idea of horizontal alignment of
electrode is derived from the study of horizontal plate structure of
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Laboratory trials were conducted for the preparation of electrodes
using stainless steel wire mesh as current collector. Activated car-
bons such as Vulcun XC-72, Norit, Pica, RP-20 and C-60 were used
as electrode material. To make faradic electrode slurry of composite
material that is activated carbon and metal oxide is used as elec-
trode material. In this experiment slurry of activated carbon and
manganese dioxide loading density of 20mg per square centimeter.
Acetone was used as mixing agent. No binder material is required
as current collector, electrode material and separators are packed
tightly over each other. A sandwich type fabrication process in-
volved in the making of electrodes. The slurry prepared was pasted
on the specific dimension of rectangular shaped wire mesh, with a
help of adhesive and the separator was used to keep two electrode
plates apart to prevent electrical short circuit and allows the trans-
port ionic charge carriers. This was the fabrication process which
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The lab experiments have shown the improvement in capacitance
when electrodes are horizontally aligned. Vulcun XC-72 as elec-
trode material has shown 30% increase in capacitance value in hor-
izontal alignment of single electrode than vertical alignment. Vul-
cun XC-72 and RP-20 as electrode material has shown 33% and
24% increase in capacitance value in horizontal alignment of series
as well as parallel connected stack of three electrodes than vertical
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
[1] Adarsh Pal Singh, Nitesh Kumar Tiwari, P. B. Karandikar,
Aman Dubey, Effect of electrode shape on parameters of su-
percapacitor, Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC),
2015 International Conference, 28-30 May 2015.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue