Chapter-3 Development Perspectiive and Proposed City Structure

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C H A P T E R - 3
3.1 PLAN CONCEPT Rajwada and its surrounding areas still conform
as hub of main commercial and social activity
The Proposed city form and structure of lndore
centre. The other two city centres proposed to
derives its concept from the three centred city reduce the burden of the old city core are
which was conceived also earlier in 1970’s. The proposed, one at Manik bagh in the south and
existing sub-cities configuration is based on Rail the other in planning unit No. 4 on A.B. Road
road transport corridors. The north-South linear (towards Dewas). The whole planning area is
city spread is an indicator for the desired city proposed to be developed in 11 self contained
expansion. planning units to provide shopping, educational,
health, recreational and all other essential
The multi-sub-city concept will cater the growth amenities and facilities.
needs of Indore up to 2011 and Indore will serve 3.2 LAND ALLOCATION
as a nucleolus Of commercial activities in Malwa
The plan envisages compact development of
Region also.
planning units. it is proposed to develop the
planning units at an average rate of 10.0 ha./
Urban activities proposed are based on the 1000 person. In Development plan-1991 the
holding capacity in the planning area ensuring average land utilization rate was 9.7 hectare per
an approach to sustainable development without 1000 persons and present land Utilization rate
inbalancing the ecology of the area. In short the is only 6.0 ha./1000 persons. At city level the
Planning approach is based on “Planning with comparative analysis of over all land use break-
nature” within the Planning norms. up is given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 : Land use allocation at the city level (area in hectares)

Sr. Category Existing % Propo % Existing % Propos %

No. (1974) age sed age (2002) age ed age
Dev. (91) Dev. (2011)
area Dev. area Dev.
area area
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1. Residential 1194 46.4 5060 41.7 5660 52.8 11925 47.2

2. Commercial 146 5.7 648 5.3 463 4.3 1709 6.7
3. Public, Semi- 411 15.9 1417 11.7 1230 11.5 1917 7.6
Public &
4. Recreational 113 4.4 1417 11.7 873 8.1 3119 12.4
5. Industrial 316 12.3 1498 12.3 956 8.9 2168 8.6
6. Transportation 394 15.3 2105 17.3 1543 14.4 4380 17.5
Total 2574 100.0 12145 100. 10725 100.0 25218 100.0
% 0%



Like the development plan 1991, in this plan also 1703
the city has been framed on the basis of relatively 7
self-contained planning units. Conceptually each 8 2710
unit will function as an entity in respect of
9 712
shopping, Educational and Health amenities,
Recreational areas, and to a large extent work 10 2808
centers will also be provided within the unit. The
planning units are linked to the city centers, work 11 5908
centers of the higher order, city level amenities, 25218
and traffic terminals etc. Each planning unit is
further divided into sectors and sub-sectors 3.4 LAND USE DISTRIBUTION
which will also contain sector level amenities. (PLANNING UNITS WISE)
The planning units envisaged in development
plan 1991 have been reconstituted based on the The overall city structure consists of 11
future proposals. The limits of planning unit no. reconstituted planning units. Each planning unit
1 has been extended upto the new central area derives its land-use from the linkage it builds
limits. The reconstituted planning units are shown within the framework of total land use pattern
in Figure – 3.1. envisaged in the development plan. At the time
of demarcation, road alignment may be re-
The hierarchy of city structure thus comprises
adjusted and uses on either side of the proposed
of sectors and 11 reconstituted planning units
road alignment will be irrespective of the
covering an area of 25218 ha (Table 3.2). The
size of planning units is not uniform because the ownership of land and landuse will be as it is as
area included in a planning unit is based on the shown in this plan conceptually. This flexibility is
conformity of various land uses, character of kept due to practical difficulties and economical
existing and proposed development, functional alignment of roads based on detailed physical
hierarchy etc. rather than the land area. The survey for implementation. The proposed
planning units have been numbered and major distribution of areas within each planning unit in
city roads of the proposed circulation pattern different landuse categories is given in the table
have been given functional names for the sake Table 3.3. The proposed plan is shown in
of convenience of description of the Planning
Figure 3.2.
Table 3.2 : Planning units (Developed area) POPULATION DISTRIBUTION
Residential density is a measure which is used
Planning Developed area
to asses the requirement of land for provisions
unit no. (in ha) of amenities and services. It is also used as
1 826 measure for the study of living conditions in the
4034 existing residential area. The plan envisages the
2 development of city in terms of Planning unit
3 1366 structure. Taking into consideration the existing
2565 densities, plan policy and future population, it is
proposed to distribute the total population of 25.3
5 1277
lakhs among all planning units as given in Table 3.4.


Fig 3.1



Fig 3.2



Table 3.3 : Land allocation at planning unit level (Area in Hectare)

Planning Residen- Comm. PSP & Indstrial Transpor- Recrea- Total

Unit no tial Utilities Utilities tation tional
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 310 89 72 3 260 40 826
2 1799 101 49 1416 456 258 4034
3 662 210 79 135 499 62 1366
4 1455 399 108 - 229 127 2565
5 974 39 73 - 140 23 1277
6 712 19 335 13 175 100 1309
7 928 125 81 250 94 73 1703
8 558 231 337 49 468 1195 2710
9 401 64 41 - 106 86 712
10 1694 156 203 173 278 162 2808
11 2432 276 539 129 919 993 5908
Total 11925 1709 1917 2168 4380 3119 25218

Table 3.4 : Population distribution and residential density

Development Plan – 1991 Development Plan – 2011

Planning Residential Population Average Residential Population Average
Unit Area Residential Area Residential
Density Density

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1 364 2.00 550 310 2.5 645

2 506 1.70 335 1799 3.0 166
3 567 1.50 265 662 1.5 226
4 567 1.41 248 1455 2.0 137
5 668 1.46 218 974 2.0 205
6 547 0.84 153 712 2.0 280
7 385 0.80 208 928 1.5 162
8 425 0.89 209 558 1.5 268
9 546 1.29 236 401 1.5 374
10 236 0.40 152 1694 3.5 206
11 222 0.21 95 2432 4.3 176
Total 5033 12.50 247 11925 25.3 212

Note : Area in hectares, population in lakhs & Res. density in persons/Hect.


3.6 WORK CENTRES reduction in travel demand and number of trips

to central part of the city. These P.U.-Level
Commercial, Industrial and administrative
shopping centres will be a complete composite
activities forming major functional areas are the
P.U.-Node accommodating various activities. i.e.
real nerve centres, which generate the economy,
College, Hospital, Police Station, open space,
reflecting socioeconomic life of the city. These
play grounds and community halls.
areas being the major traffic generators, the
spatial distribution of these areas has been done 3.10 SECTOR LEVEL SHOPPING
in such a way that they are properly linked with CENTRE
the residential area, so as to achieve a minimum
journey time to work places and are also inter Residential sector having 16-20 thousand
linked with each other for convenient, safe and population will be provided a separate sector
rapid movement. shopping which will form the focal point of the
sector. The Sector level amenities will be
3.7 TRADE & COMMERCE provided at the time of preparation of zoning
The classification of commercial activities, as plans for each planning unit which is a follow up
envisaged in the proposal are as under:- action of development plan.
- Commercial area at city level 3.11 OFFICES
- Commercial are at Planning Unit level
- Commercial area at sector level. The existing study indicates that most of the
government offices are functioning in old city
3.8 COMMERCIAL AREA AT CITY area which are located at places which are
LEVEL congested and not suitable for the purpose for
Most of the city level commercial activities, at which they are used as Divisional and District
present, are concentrated around Raiwada and offices viz. Moti Bungalow, Moti Tabela, Keshar
roads leading to Rajwada are hampered owing Bagh etc. etc. The development Plan 1991 also
to extreme congestion and chaos in the central recommended to developed administrative
area, therefore, the city level commercial complex out side the old city limits particularly in
activities are planned in the new proposed city planning unit Nos.4 & 5. The proposals could
centres, one along Agra Bombay Road in not be materialised and again with slight
planning unit No. 4 and other near Manik Bagh modifications sites are earmarked for
road in planning unit No. 9. government and semi-government offices in
Development Plan 2011.
The forwarding agencies at present are scattered
in the city mainly along National Highway No. 3 About 54 government and semi-government
in village Lasudia Mori in un-organised manner. offices are functioning in private and rental
These activities are creating traffic hazards in buildings at various places in the old city area.
the absence of proper planning. In view of this These work centers are proposed to be
fact, approximately 125 hectares land has been accommodated in planning units Nos. 3, 4 & 9
reserved for proper development of forwarding according to this plan.
agencies along NH-3 in village Lasudia Mori has 3.12 INDUSTRIAL AREAS
been envisaged in this plan.
The present major industrial area is at Sanwer
3.9 PLANNING UNIT LEVEL SHOPPING Road. The major industrial development was
In this revised development plan, extension of envisaged along this road in development plan-
city shopping centres is proposed in various 1991 also. But due to lack of infrastructure
planning units to fulfill the requirement of development and establishment of new industrial
planning unit level needs. This will ensure areas at Pithampur and at Dewas, the Sanwer


Road industrial area could not be developed to Obnoxious industries which are likely to pollute
the required extent. In view of the government’s atmosphere are proposed to be located in the
liberal economic and industrial policies, it is extreme North of the Sanwer road industrial area,
anticipated that considerable growth in industrial so that the prevailing winds will carry the
activities is likely to take place in future. obnoxious gases away from the city.

The predominant existing industrial areas are mill An organised industrial area for Dal and oil Mills
area near Pardesipura and Pologround. The and other agro-based units is proposed along
Pologround shall continue to function. But the Deo-guradia road in planning unit No. 7. The
mill area is no longer required because almost industrial units located at Navlakha and other
all the mills are not functioning and lands of some nearby place are to be relocated and
of the mills has been converted to residential / accommodated in this area.
commercial by the Government. In view of this it
is envisaged that this mill area is no longer The Household and service industries under the
required to be retained is industrial use and permissible uses can function within the city
therefore the landuse of this area has been depending up on the type of the industry. Some
proposed as residential in this plan. Proposals of the units can also function in flatted factories,
for industrial area in lndore Development Plan- such as ready-made clothes, hosiery, toy making
1991 and which have not been utilised so far
etc. These service industries will be permissible
are again proposed to be retained except such
in the; proposed commercial areas also.
areas which are not suitable for this type of
development. The landuse of such areas shall 3.13 INFORMAL SECTOR
be re designated as per government’s policy Large section of unemployed and under
decision. Other isolated industries, such as oil employed persons looking for employment and
and Dal mill at village Chitawad and along economic upliftment constitutes the informal
Subhash Marg and industries located in existing
sector. This sector with highly reduced needs of
congested areas of the city, are proposed to be
infrastructural services and urban space has an
relocated in designated industrial areas. in such
important role to play in economic functioning of
case the areas vacated by such industries shall
the city. They also serve as service population
be treated as regeneration areas.
to residential areas.
Owing to liberal economics and industrial policy,
The informal sector locate themselves
it is estimated that nearly 2200 hectares of land
strategically near work centres, commercial area,
need to be provided- for industrial purpose as
against 1500 provided in development plan- out side educational and health institutions,
1991, additional 700 hectares of industrial area transport nodes and near large housing clusters.
has been proposed along Sanwer road in Since the sector plays an important role in the
Planning unit No. 2. city’s economy hence a strategy in respect of
housing and economic activities is formulated in
For the purpose of location the industries have the plan proposals along with formal sector.
broadly been categorized into four categories viz.
general, obnoxious, agrobased, household and It is proposed to incorporate and accommodate
services industries. the informal sector in trade, in the planned
development of various use zones covering the
General Industries are proposed along Sanwer following areas:
road in planning unit No. 2 and near Rao village a) Provision of retail trade shops for services
in Planning Unit No. 10. establishment in general commercial area


i.e. city centres, sector shopping, convenient which increased to 183 in the year 1991. Surveys
shopping centres. conducted by various non-governmental
b) Provisions of service outlets in whole sale agencies have indicated around 637 slums,
trade and freight complexes. which include surrounding areas outside the IMC
where construction workers and agricultural
c) Provision of service shops serving eatables
etc. in institutional areas, recreational area, labourers form temporary settlements. However,
parks, industrial area, terminal centres. the IMC till date has recognized only 406 slums
and notified the same in two phases in 1998 and
d) Service establishments near residential in 1999. Indore Development Authority, as part
of the well acclaimed ODA Project, selected and
e) Shelter cum service establishment in developed 175 slums out of 183 identified during
residential zone. that period. In 1997, another survey was
Provision of transit accommodation adjacent to conducted by IDA, in which more than 270 slum
construction sites. It is proposed to incorporate areas were identified that have come up in the
the informal sector in the planned residential last eight years. The slum population growth is
development in the following manner :- shown in Table 3.5.
1) Area for informal sectors should be reserved
in the proposed residential development at According to a study done by Oxfam in 1998,
the time of preparing the area plans. the city had a total of 1,34,418 hutments. The
2) At the time of sanctioning the layout plans study also indicates a distinct group, which could
the provisions of informal sector trade units not be mapped that lives on pavements and as
should be ensured so that labourers in temporary shelters.
(a) The low income groups, to which informal  Since the 1960’s, with its industrialization and
sector serves, are not exploited. development of facilities, the city has been
attracting migrants from districts of Dhar,
(b) Informal sector units are developed to cater Ujjain, Dewas, Khargone, Jhabua, Ratlam and
the need of the locality. Mandsaur. Migrants from states like U.P.,
3.14 SLUMS AND SQUATTER Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat also form
a sizable population in Indore slums. Slums in
the city can be classified as roadside slums,
Since 1951, there has been a substantial construction side slums, and industrial areas
increase in the population of slum dwellers. In slums, and established slums, slums in city
1951, the total number of slums was just 26, periphery and tenant groups.

Table 3.5 : Slum Population in Indore City

Year Total Decadal Slum Decadal % of slum
Population of Increase Population Increase Population
the City (%) (%) to Total
1951 310859 62.6 67619 +23.0 21.7
1961 394941 27.0 83174 +23.0 21.0
1971 560936 42.0 112352 +35.1 20.0
1981 829327 47.8 168246 +49.7 20.3
1991 1091674 31.6 346625 +106.0 31.9
2001 1597441 43.64 259577 -25.11 16.25


 52 percent of slum population is in the age  Have heterogeneous populations, in some

group of 15-50 years, the main reason for places caste panchayats exist, which play
which is migration of youth from rural areas. an important note in settling disputes related
In most of the newly formed slums, youth to property, marriage, and violation of caste
form the highest percentage of population, rules.
while in older settlements the percentage of  Many of these slums have saving and credit
elderly persons is comparatively higher. groups, neighbourhood development
 Nearly half of the slum dwellers live on less committee, women’s and youth clubs,
than 350 sq. ft of land and almost all the formed under various development projects.
scheduled tribe population and most of the  Many of these are at present covered under
scheduled caste population lives in slums. Integrated Child Development Scheme,
 About 17.9 percent of the slum population Niramaya Community Empowerment
is tenants. Project, Continuous Education Program,
which have a huge network of staff,
 Occupation of slum dwellers is largely in the volunteers and activities.
informal sector.
 119 of them have community centers, which
 Percentage of working women in vulnerable were built under Indore Habitat Improvement
sections – 45.60 percent – is quite high Project.
compared to the figure for other sections in
the society.  Categorized mainly as encroachments on
Government land, encroachment on private
 Nearly a third of the slum population land and settlements developed by private
possesses a ration card, a majority of them developers.
fail to use it to prove their entitlement to
various government schemes, mainly due  175 of them were covered under Indore
to non-specific addresses on them. Habitat Improvement Project, have piped
sewage, asphalt roads, walkways, piped
 Half the slum population does not have a water supply and other small undertakings
toilet facility and about a fourth of the like community toilets, hand pumps and road
population uses public toilets, most of which culverts.
are in bad shape.
3.14.2 Efforts Made in the Past and
 Only a negligible proportion is able to avail Lessons Learned from Them
service of government hospitals and the
majority rely on private doctors. Indore has an impressive record of urban
community development projects like :
 Male and female literacy rates in the slums
 UNDP (Urban Community Development
are 46.4 percent and 20.00 percent
Program) – UNICEF – funded project,
respectively, as against 71.9 percent and
implemented from 1983-87 by Indore
57.6 percent for the city.
Municipal Corporation.
3.14.1 Characteristics of Slums  UBSP (Urban Basic Services Program) –
project was jointly funded by Government
 Various sizes from small, medium to large
of M.P., Government of India, and UNICEF
often clustered together in groups but also
and was implemented by the District
in single, isolated locations.
Collectorate from 1987-94. The project
 Mainly located on riverbanks (now converted initiated a process of community
into nallahs). organization and promoted collective action


and local leadership among slum dwellers. and to enhance their expertise regarding the
same. Some of the reasons for their failure are :
 IHIP – this was an ODA (Overseas
Development Administration, U.K.) –  They implemented these projects by
financed project, which was implemented by themselves, leaving other role players
Indore Development Authority. IHIP disinterested about the sustenance of
facilitated increase in capacity of the city’s activities. Therefore, when the funding
sewage treatment plant, construction of ceased so did the follow on activities.
piped sewage, asphalt roads, cemented  They tried to achieve too much at a single
walkways and community halls in 175 slum time.
areas of the city. Other smaller construction
undertaken in the project included  Inter-departmental co-ordination among
community toilets, hand pumps, road partners in various areas of improvement
culverts construction of three health centers was neglected and nothing serious was done
and children’s complex. Beyond all doubts, for their capacity building.
IHIP was a masterpiece of architectural  NGOs and NDCs had limited opportunities
design and has won the World Habitat Award to participate; therefore, their potential and
(1997) for innovative practices for the same. expertise remained untapped, which has
resulted in widening the rift among various
During the life of the IHIP project, remarkable key role players in the city’s development.
results in community – managed education,  People’s aspirations, participation, and
economic support programs, social decision were not taken into account in these
development, micro-credit, preventive and projects; hence, after their withdrawal;
promotive health activities were achieved. Some problems in urban communities remerged
activities were also sub-contracted to NGOs and or remained the same.
local training institutes. Inter-department
The city has a large numbers of NGOs, charitable
coordination was the weakest part of this project,
trusts, and business organizations. Indore owes
which affected sustenance of major project
its development mainly to the efforts of corporate
activities. The main focus remained on
houses, business and trade organizations,
sustenance of physical assets created by IHIP.
professionals, and social organizations, which
Unfortunately there was no arrangement for
have surprisingly developed dependence on
sustenance of human assets i.e., volunteers,
government initiatives for improvements. Joint
NDCs (157), women groups (150), youth groups
action involving different players – NGOs,
(150). Hence, after IHIP’s withdrawal, only a few
Municipal Corporation, local communities and
of these exist and are active today.
institutions, experts, and bureaucrats working for
the sole motive of up-gradation of life in slums is
These programs based on ideals of community
definitely needed.
participation, convergence, cost-effectiveness,
coverage, and continuity were primarily designed 3.14.3 Proposed Slum Areas
as process-oriented initiatives, but later due to Simultaneous action for prevention,
over ambitious implementation goals became improvement, clearance and rehabilitation will be
product – oriented and failed to achieve expected necessary to tackle this complex problem which
results. involves physical, social, and economic factors.
A four-pronged approach is proposed.
District Administration, Municipal Corporation,
I. Modification of building bye-laws, formulation
and Indore Development Authority had
of zoning regulations, and strict enforcement
opportunity to implement UCD, UBSP, and IHIP


of the same. Zoning regulations are which is required for other uses essential for
contained in the following chapters. proper functioning of city life.

Most of the Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements which are

II. Development of land specifically for proposed to be cleared and re-housed at a new
economically weaker section of the society site are situated along river banks and are
in advance so that at least house sites and therefore, liable to flooding.
services within reasonable coast are made
available to the migrants to the city. This will The site of rehabilitation of these slums and
prevent haphazard squatting and Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements is selected as near
encroachment of public land. to the present site as possible so as to cause
minimum dislocation to their economic and social
life. Details of proposed probable locations for
III. Environmental improvement and provision rehabilitation of slum areas are :-
of services and amenities so as to improve
(1) In village Rangevasa south of CAT along
the living conditions of slum areas.
(2) In village Navda Panth North of CAT on
IV. Clearance of slums and rehabilitation of the Dhar Road.
same at new sites.
(3) In village Chhota Banganda North of
The slums and Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements are (4) In village Bhangya on North-west of
divided into 2 broad categories :- RW1.
(5) In village Shakkarkhedi North of MR-11.
(a) Slums and Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements which (6) In village Mundala Nayata between RE2
are to be improved by provision of services & by pass.
and amenities and by partial clearance. The exercise of identification of the slums to be
rehabilitated and the paration of the slum
development schemes in the proposed areas for
(b) Slums and Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements which slum development will be done at the time of
are required to be cleared and resettled at a implementation schemes in consultation with
new site. local authorities and NGO’s working in this field.
Clearance of slums is often difficult because the
process of clearance disturbs social life, The existing locations of slums and the proposed
economic linkage between slum areas and the areas for rehabilitation are shown in Figure 3.3.
work places, evokes emotional attachment to the
place of residence, particularly in case of 3.15 HOUSING
residents who have been living there for some Housing forms the largest land use component
time. Besides this, clearance also involves many in the city structure. It makes significant visual
administrative and financial difficulties. In view impact on the overall appearance of the city and
of these factors only those slum areas and its urban form. Housing configuration can make
Jhuggi-Jhopdi settlements have been earmarked or mar the total city image and its social and
for clearance which are either difficult to improve cultural life. Traditionally, lndore has the privilege
e.g. low-lying areas, and areas liable to flooding of housing the best residential areas available
being situated along river banks, or the land in any city of the state but, in higher and upper


middle income groups only. The city has worst the size of the urban family which will require
slums and Jhuggi areas, thriving within the best independent dwelling unit, 1971 census gave 5.5
residential and commercial localities of the city. as the average household size while in 2001 the
These slums are located in various localities of household size works out to be 4.73. In general
the city, comprising about 60,572 dwelling units. the number of persons per family is reducing for
(Annexure 1.1) many socioeconomic reasons. It is, therefore,
anticipated that the household size might reduce
The city has also problems of unauthoerised to 4.5 by 2011, it gives number of required
colonies. As per the information collected it is houses as 5.25 lakhs in Indore urban area.
found that in Municipal limits alone there are 121
and in urban ceiling limits 300 unauthorised The existing housing stock (Census 2001) in the
colonies exist in lndore, these are lacking in lndore urban area is to the tune of 2.71 lakh.
infrastructural facilities forcing the inhabitants to Taking one dwelling unit per household, the
live in in-hygenic conditions. present requirement of dwelling unit is 3.23 lakhs
and in 2011 nearly 5.25 lakh dwelling units will
Lack of development particularly to suit the be required. Thus, the present housing back-
requirement and economic means of squatters Iog appears to be around 0.52 lakhs and by the
has created conditions which motivate end-of 2011, the additional housing units required
unauthorised Jhuggis. The programme of will be 2.54 lakhs.
development of squatters and slum areas
recently undertaken by lndore Development
Authority has to be accelerated. Keeping in view the observations and studies
done so far, sufficient gestation period will have
Housing does not mean provision of housing to be provided to make livable housing areas for
sites or dwelling units alone, but much larger the plan period. This period may be taken as 10
significance Every housing area apart from to 15 years. Some of the observations which
meeting the shelter needs, it is means to serve require policy initiation to promote Housing
various other needs incidental to housing which Development efforts are summarised below :-
would include. a) Need for mobilizing and coordinating the
a) Provision of affordable housing space with public agencies’ efforts towards land
scope for incremental growth for changing development using partnership approach of
needs of the family and its allocation on easy land owners / developers / community
terms. groups and beneficiaries.
b) Pooling of land and other resources for
b) Provision of essential utilities such as water,
development of public facilities and city level
electricity, waste disposal etc.
c) Provisions of social facilities such as c) Removal of constraints for land development
education, Health recreation etc. efforts by private agencies and community
d) Availability of Public Transport Modes. groups.
d) Promoting policies which facilitate easy
availability of land -for Housing including land
lndore urban area at present accommodates e) Review of planning and development norms
nearly 3.23 lakh households (Census 2001 data) (density coverage, set backs, FAR, land sub-
and number of families living in the city are 3.2 division norms) for Housing with objective
lakh. No authentic information is available about of achieving climatic comforts, minimize


Fig 3.3



energy consumption, land use efficiency and 3.19.3 Picnic spots

cost optimisation in the area of land
It is proposed to develop Piplyapala, Sirpur and
development and housing construction.
Bilaoli Tanks for boating facilities. Green strip of
f) Policy for promoting infrastructure 30M. wide will be developed around these tanks
upgradation of existing Housing areas, in the form of water front development. The other
through community organisation efforts. natural areas and historical places on the
g) Policy for regularisation of acceptable periphery of the city and close to the planning
Housing areas, and dwelling units area limits would be specially developed.
3.19.4 City parks
h) Simplification of procedure for granting
planning and development permissions. At present there are four city parks viz. Nehru
park, Meghdoot Garden, Manik Bagh and
3.18 PLANNING AND DESIGN OF Lalbagh. Other two city parks are proposed in
HOUSING AREAS the two proposed city centres and one city park
is proposed in Bank village in planning unit No.
The plan envisages, development of housing 11.
areas, to maintain the close work place
relationship and social facility areas. These 3.19.5 Stadium and sport complex
housing areas have been conceived in terms of The main stadiums situated in the city are Nehru
self contained residential sectors which are Stadium, Basketball Stadium and Table Tennis
meant to provide essential socio- cultural and stadium near Yeshwant Club. City level stadiums
basic health care needs, school education, (Sport Nagar) are proposed in planning unit No.
convenient shopping, leisure areas, and such 2 and another regional level sports complex
other community needs, close to the living areas. comprising stadium and other facilities is
3.19 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM proposed in village Bijalpur in planning Unit No.
The development plan envisages system of open
spaces, which takes into account existing natural 3.19.6 Local open space systems
features, having potential to develop into Detailed planning of residential sectors will have
landscape which manifest distinct visual qualities to be done to give due consideration for
satisfying environmental and recreational provisions of formal and organised open spaces
functions. The major city level open space are corresponding to the local open spaces, forming
aligned along natural drainage corridors; integral part of the built form. Local open space
integrating existing landscape features with new system is envisaged be linearly structured
development. establishing continuity engulfing the recreational
3.19.1 Regional park and community based social facilities. The open
space system shown on the plan is indicative,
The site for Regional Park. is proposed to be and may be modified, as per detail planning and
developed near Sukhniwas tank in planning unit design of the individual sector. The third level of
No.11. This site is also best suited for picnic spot. open spaces correspond to system of open
Major area of this park will be afforested with space provisions made within sector and
appropriate species of trees and shrubs. neighborhood consisting of neighborhood parks
3.19.2 Zoological park linearly inter-linked with an overall open space
network. At the time of preparation of zonal plan,
Zoological Park is already established near
this system of open space will be developed with
Chitawad village on A.B. Road in planning unit
cooperation of land owners and departments


A surface drainage system is proposed to be - Intensity of development permissible shall

integrated with the open space system, in the be governed by the carrying capacity of the
form of retention ponds and open channels. This utility infrastructures and sustainability of
approach would help in conserving the ground traffic load and its impact in adjoining areas.
water and recharging the ponds. Apart from In the central areas, 6 the redevelopment
contributing to new visual element to the urban scheme is prepared for better environment and
landscape, ft will modify the micro-climate. for improved circulation, in that case an additional
3.20 REDEVELOPMENT AREAS FAR of 0.25 shall be given adding to the
prescribed FAR of that particular area.
In the process of development/city expansion
certain existing built areas become centre for the In case some area is left by the owner out of his
city growth acquiring high land values, shall be own plot for public use such as road, foot path
identified as redevelopment areas. The strategy etc., two times of normally permissible F.A.R. in
for development of such areas shall be governed respect of the area left for public use will be
by the following considerations:- permitted to be added to the structure on the
- Under utilized and in-efficiently utilized high remaining plot. This will compensate the loss of
value lands subjected to land use pressure area to a great extent and will encourage leaving
shall be identified as redevelopment areas. of some area infront of the building for road
- Redevelopment schemes shall be treated as widening etc. The areas for redevelopment shall
special projects, Planning and design of such be identified at the time of preparation of
process shall be evolved using urban design redevelopment schemes.
approach. 3.21 INCOMPATIBLE USES
- Activities permissible shall be governed by RELOCATION
the consideration of performance standards The proposals regarding relocations of various
achievable and compatibility levels with activities and uses of land vacated in the process
adjoining areas. The scheme shall be framed of development or redevelopment are shown in
and zoning plan to be published as per the the Table 3.6
procedure prescribed in the Adhiniyam.
Table 3.6 : Incompatible uses

Sr. Land use Pro. Use Proposed location Use after

No. to be shifted In Dev. Plan For shifting vacation

1 2 3 4 5
Commercial and Industrial
New complex being
1. Fruit market Nandlal Commercial developed at Road/Parking
pura & Hamilton Road Nandlalpura
2. Transport agencies on Commercial In proposed area for Commercial
Jawahar Marg and forwarding agencies at (Genral)
Ware-House road Lasudia Mori in Planning
Unit No. 3 and Transport
Nagar at Rao in
Planning Unit 10


1 2 3 4 5
3. Godowns in Siyaganj Commercial Proposed site for Commercial
warehouse and godwn (Genral)
in planning Unit No.
4. Kabadi market at Resi/Road Near Industrial Area Commercial
Subhash Marg, (Planning Unit No.3)
Nayapura and river
Side road
5. Chawani Grain Mandi Mandi Planning Unit No.7 Commercial
Devaguradia Road
6. Patthar Godown Road Proposed building Road &
Material yards near Parking
Sanwer Road
(Planning Unit No.2)
7. Hatipala Loha Mandi Resi/Road New Dewas Road City Residential
centre in Planning Unit and Tranport
8. Daulatgang Flatted Redevelopment as Flatted
Champabag Industrial Factories Flatted factories in the Factories
Unit same Locality
9. Ranipura Junk yard Retail Lasudia Mori in Retail
Commercial Planning Unit No. 3 Commercial
10. Jinsi bus stand Work -- General Bus Stand Commercial
11. Itwaria bazar Road Proposed Commercial Road &
(Vegetable Market) area at Jinsi Parking
12. Timber Godowns Road Timber Market (Dar Road &
Ganesh Ganj Raod) Parking
13. Cattle shed & Tin Resi. Planning Unit No. 10 Retail Market
Goods in Lohar Patti HukmaKhedi
14. Oil Mill Dall Mill along Road/ Proposed Agro Based Road &
Subhash Marg Residential Industrial zone in Parking
Planning Unit No. 7 Commercial
15. Saw mill Raoji Bazar Road/ Timber Market (Dhar Road/Parking
Main Road Residential Road near Sirpur) in Residential
Planning Unit No. 11
17. Govt. Printing Press Commercial New Dewas Road city Commercial
Centre in planning
Unit No. 4
18. 1. Oil & Dal Mill Residential Agro-Based industrial Residential
2. Power Looms zone in planning Unit & Transport
3. Steel Mill No. 7 Light industries
(Malharganj) zone (Sanwer Road)
in Planning Unit No. 2


19. Service shops in Raj Road/ Commercial area at Road /

Mohalla Residential Jinsi Parking
20. Oil & Dal Mill at Industrial Planning Unit No. 7 Residential
Chitawad Road
1. Baxi Bag Cultural City Centre Planning Cultural &
Unit No. 5 Parking
2. M.T.H. Compound Health & Planning Unit No.4 Cultural
3. Gopal Mandir Religious --do-- Religious,
& Cultural cultural &
5. Moti Bungalow Administrati City Centre Planning Administrative
ve (city Unit No. 4 City level
6. Central Jail Administrati Ujjain Road (Beyound Commercial
ve Planning Area) Cum
1 Trenching ground at -- Will be decided In Exihibition
Devguradia consultation with Ground
district administration
and local authorities


AREAS 9. Manik Bagh
10. Ghantaghar ( Hukamchand Tower )
Urban image of city is a collective visual 11. Phooti Kothi
appearance. Man made heritage is the build form 12. Hawa Bungalow
which got developed historically over many 13. HariRao Maharaja Ki Chatri
centuries. The urban heritage contributing the 14. MalharRao Holkar Ki Chatri
city identity and its image, ought to be preserved. 15. Sirpur Tank
The heritage areas proposed are to be dealt with 16. Piplya Pala Tank
utmost care. The restoration measures need to 17. Khan and Saraswati River
be applied with a view to review their original 18. Ralamandal Reserved Forest
pride. The heritage and conservation areas are
listed below :- 3.23 GRAVEYARDS AND CREMATION
1. Rajwada Palace GROUNDS
2. Lalbag Palace
The grave yards and cremation ground situated
3. Bolia Sarkar Ki Chhatri
in the rural zone shall continue to function. The
4. Krishna Bai Holkar Ki Chhatri
cremation ground and grave yards presently
5. Central Museum & Residency Kothi
functioning in existing built up area are proposed
6. Bijasen Tekri
to be retained unless situation so warrants to be
7. Gandhi Hall


relocated else where based on public demand. development in this area. Specific proposals for
In such cases the closest site in operation in rural landuse and transportation are given for the
zone could be given appropriate approach to the revised limits of the central area.
particular area for the purpose. In the existing
operational/habituated areas this activity be
restricted according to the situation on a time
scale and may be abandoned. The areas so External Limits of Central area are as under
abandoned may be developed as green spaces. North - Bhandri Mill Railway Crossing,
Any proposal in respect of new site identified by Snehalataganj, Power House main
the collector on public demand shall also be road,
Marimata chouraha to B.S.F. Chauraha
3.24 TRENCHING GROUND (up to Fort Road)
There is one trenching ground in the planning South - Mhow Naka Square,Collectorate road,
area situated at Devguradia road. This trenching Palsikar colony, Jabaran
ground is propsed to be abondend because it is colony,Katkatpura Juni Indore,
falling in the proximity of proposed areas for the Malipura road, to Juni Indore
future development. It is proposed that on all the Creamation road
four corner of the city, trenching grounds will be
developed beyond the proposed urban East - North of Juni Indore Creamation road
extensition. The location of these trenching to Bhandri Mill Railway crossing.
ground will be decided at the time of West - B.S.F. Square, Fort road to Laxmibai
implementation in consultation with district Nagar road, Kandilpura road, Subhash
administration and concerned local authorities. statue to Ganeshganj main road
After relocation of exiasting trenching ground, Rajmohalla, Gangawal Bus stand,
the vacated site will be developed as an
M.O.G.Lines road to Mhow naka.
exhibition ground at the patter of Pragati maidan
The existing core of the city which is known as The basic considerations for central’ area
Rajwada and its surrounding, the hub of all proposal are given below
activities, is the most congested area. It has
maximum population pressure, maximum
intensity of buildings and movement of traffic and 1. Retention of mixed landuse in central area.
services. The morphology of this old Central 2. Relocation of only incompatible and
Business District (CBD) is saturated and the inefficient uses to suitable sites outside the
urban form has gradually changed its character, central area putting the land thus vacated to
is a matter of concern for the managers of the more appropriate use.
city. The old CBD has gradually expanded its
activities and studies revealed that central area 3. Only those slums and Jhuggi-Jhopdi
has enlarged it self towards north-south direction. Settlements may be cleared which are not
it is felt necessary to formulate specific proposal capable of improvement.
in terms of landuse, zoning regulation and traffic 4. Rehabilitation of persons affected in the
and transportation etc. for the central area process of relocation.
separately as a part of overall Development plan
of the city so as to arrest haph hazardous 5. Improvement of living conditions and


circulation pattern to de-congest the central to this, the new areas proposed for commercial
area. Application of reduced residential development as shown in proposed land use plan
density and FAR and enlargement of the for central area (Figure 3.4).
previous CBD size.
(b) CIRCULATION Development norms detailed out in Chapter-6 will
be applicable for the central area. In principle, the
1. Provision of efficient public transportation traditional character of the CBD is proposed to
routes to improve accessibility to central be maintained. The roads in the central area which
area. are proposed to be developed as commercial or
2. Diversion of through traffic penetrating the commercial cum residential roads are indicated
central area due to non availability of suitable in Tables 3.8 to 3.10. The same outside the
alternative routes. central area are indicated in Table 3.11
3. Convenient circulation within the central area 3.28.2 Housing in central area
for light vehicles with limited and controlled The mixed character of the living areas within
accessibility whenever required. the city centre helps in building proper
4. Provision of new road links and widening of relationship between the residential areas and
existing one requiring least possible the work centres. Thus, it is considered
demolition. appropriate to maintain this mixed landuse
characteristics of the central area.
5. Provisions of adequate parking lots at
convenient places for cars, scooters, tempos
and Auto Rickshaws. The main problems of housing in central area
are high occupancy rate resulting in high
3.28 PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN FOR residential density, bad sanitary conditions, lack
CENTRAL AREA of Infrastructure and lack of amenities. It is
The existing city centre (Rajwada area)located proposed to reduce the rate of occupancy and
within the central area will continue to function residential density by encouraging shifting of
as one of the centres envisaged in Development persons from central area to the other areas by
plan for lndore. The proposed landuse pattern way of providing housing and infrastrucural
for central area is shown in the enclosed map. facilities. Amenities which are at present not
The main proposed uses of the central area are available in the central area are proposed to be
as under: provided on the fringe of the central area where
open land is available at present.
3.28.1 Commercial
3.28.3 Central area circulation
The predominant land use of the city centre was
commercial and at present the commercial Vehicular entry into the central areas is mainly
activities not only continued but spreaded on its through East-West arteries i.e. Mahatma Gandhi
periphery which was under the residential use. Road and Jawahar Marg. Entry from North South
The north-south expansion of commercial is through Jail road, lmli Bazar, Hathipala Road
activities has been accepted in the land use plan and Nandlalpura Road etc.
to reduce the burden of the traditional city centre.
The central area limits are proposed to be the These main traffic arteries viz. Mahatma Gandhi
limits of planning unit no. 1 comprising area of Marg and Jawahar Marg, which are life lines of
826 ha. The areas designated in the previous the city pass through the central core. central
plan as commercial will be continued in addition area traffic mainly moves on these two arteries


causing heavy congestion. Road side - Shastri Market

encroachments and on street parking along the - Near Gopal Mandir
roads has further reduced the traffic carrying - Krishnapura Chatri
capacity of these roads. Most of the central area The off street parking at above places needs to
roads are facing traffic congestion due to be organized. It is proposed to develop the above
intermixing of through and local traffic, off-street parking places in organized and
intermixing of fast and slow moving traffic, systematic manner so as to make maximum use
encroachments of road space by informal shops, of available places. Development of multi level
and parking on the roads etc. The efficiency of parking at some of the above places may be
circulation is proposed to be increased through thought of by local bodies.
innovative traffic management measures. The
proposed circulation pattern for the central area The tempo stands in the central area are near
is shown in Figure 3.5. Krishnapura Bridge, Pandari Nath temple and
near Bada Ganapati. Outside central area,
3.28.4 Parking
existing tempo stands are near M.Y. Hospital,
There is hardly any “Off street” parking available Palasiya, Pardeshipura, Sukliya, Maghdoot
in the designated central area. Vehicles are Upawan and Railway Station. Most of these
generally parked along the roads within the stands are not organised stands. Entry/exit is
prescribed road width resulting in traffic not functional. Proper planning of these stands
congestion. The predominant places where are necessary to channalise the traffic
parking of Cars, tempos, auto- rickshaws, movement.
scooters, cycles and other vehicles takes place
3.28.7 Proposed road widths
It may not be possible to provide a uniform width
3.28.5 On street parking
of the roads for the whole length of road owing
- Jawahar Marg to various limiting factors. However, minimum
- Siyaganj Wholesale Market road width and desirable road width are specified
- Central Lodge which will form guide for preparation of detailed
- Around Rajwada plans.
- Pipli Bazar
- Sikh Mohalla The minimum and desirable widths for inner and
- Subhash Chowk outer rings and various approach roads of central
- Kothari Market area are as given below in Table 3.7:-
- Yashwant Road
Table 3.7 : Proposed width (in meters)
- Jail Road
- Malharganj Chouraha and Raj Mohalia Road Description Minimum Desirable
- M.G. Road
3.28.6 Off street parking Outer ring 18 30
The off street parking takes place at the following Inner ring 18 24-30
Approach roads 18 18-24
- Kothari Market
- Near Arts School
- Rajwada The proposed width for various stretches of the
- Subhash Chowk above described roads are as given in Table 3.8
and 3.10. The proposed width of existing and
- Bajaj Khana


Table 3.8 : Outer ring road : proposed width (Central area)

S .N o . S tre tch P ro po s e d
W idth
(in m ts .)
1. Fro m K ila to, M a h esh G ua rd C h o u rah a 30 M
2. Fro m M a h e sh G u ard C ho u ra ha to B h a n d ari M ill, Ja il R o a d 36 M
3. B h a n da ri M ill to R ailw a y C ro ssin g ** 30 M
4. Fro m S w a d esh i M ill R a ilw a y C ro ssing to P a tth a r G o d ow n ** 24 M
5. P a tth ar G o do w n to S h a stri B ridge * 24 M
6. Fro m S h a stri B rid ge to S iya gan j (Ja w a h a r M a rg) * 24 M
7. Fro m Ja w a ha r M arg to W a re H o u se R o a d (H a th ip a la M a in 24 M
Road ) *
8. Ju n i ln d o re S h am sh an B rid ge to H a th ipa la B rid ge 24 M
C h o u ra h a *
9. H a th ipa la to K a tkatp u ra C h o u ra h a 12 M
1 0. Fro m K a tka tp u ra to K a tka tp u ra P o lice P o st 18 M
1 1. K a tka tp u ra P o lice P o st to P a lsika r C o lo n y 24 M
1 2. P a lsikar co lon y to M a n ikb a g R o a d 30 M
1 3. M a n ikba g roa d to M h o w N a ka 45 M
1 4. M h o w N a ka to G an ga w al B u s sta n d 30 M
1 5. D h a r ro a d to S u b ha sh S ta tu e 24 M
1 6. B a d a G a n p ati to K a n d ilpu ra (S u b h a sh M arg) * 24 M
1 7. S u b h ash M arg to La xm iba i N aga r M a in ro ad 18 M
1 8. La xm iba i N aga r M a in R oa d (w ire fa cto ry) to F o rt 45 M

* - Commercial Roads
** - Commercial Cum Residential Roads

Table 3.9 : Inner ring road - proposed width

No. Stretch Proposed
1. Jinsi Chouraha to Rambagh Bridge (Subhash Marg) * 24 M
2. Rambagh Bridge to Nandalpura Bridge * 24 M
3. Nandlalpura Bridge to Malganj * 18 M
4. Malganj to Jinsi Square * 24 M

* - Commercial Roads

proposed roads outside the central area limits

are given in Table 3.11 & 3.12.


figure 3.4



figure 3.5



Table 3.10 : Proposed road width in central area limits

S.No. Name of Route Proposed
(in Mtrs)
1. Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Shastri Bridge to Subhash Statue) * 18
2. Maharani Road * 18
3. Siyagani Main Road * 18
4. Hathipala Road to Nawalakha road ** 24
5. Khatipura Road * 18
6. Nandlalpura Road * 18
7. Tilak Path M.G. road to Subhash Marg ** 12
8. lmli Bazar Road ** 12
9. Road Behind Rajwada * 12
10. Pipli Bazar Road ** 18
11. Ramlaxman Bazar Road * 15
12. Khajuri Bazar to Pipli Bazar ** 9
13. Morsali Gaii ** 6-9
14. Shakkar Bazar Main Road ** 15
15. Dhan Mandi Malharganj ** 12
16. Shakkar Bazar Gali No. 1** 9
17. Marothiya Bazar * 9
18. Santha Bazar * 9
19. Bombay Bazar ** 12
20. Machhali Bazar 12
21. Udapura Bajaj Khana Chowk to Jawahar Marg ** 9
22. Ranipura Gali No. 1 * 9
23. Subhash Marg * 24
24 Rambagh Chouraha to Power house Road 15
25. Krishnapura Bridge to Ranipura * 18
26. Ranipura Main Road * 18
27. Chandra Shekhar Azad Marg North-South * 15
28. Jawahar Marg * * 18


29. Sikh Mohalla Main Road ** 12

30. Malharganj Gali No. 2 ** 12
31. Biyabani Main Road upto Malharganj ** 18
32. Malhargani Main Road to Jinsi Chouraha** 24
33. Moulana Azad Marg ** 24
34. Jinsi Chouraha to Chouthi Paltan Marg ** 24
35. Chhipa Bakhal Gali No. 1 ** 9
36. Chhipa Bakhal Gali No-3 From M.G.Road ** 15
37. Ahilyapura Main Road ** 12
38. Jangampura Main Road ** 12
39. Kasera Bazar * 9
40. Ada Bazar * 12
41. Gas House Main Road ** 9
42. Raoii Bazar Main Road upto Chandrabhaga ** 24
43. Malipura Main Road 12
44. Katkatpura Main Road 18
45. Nayapura Main Road 18
46. Pinjara Bakhal Main Road ** 15
47. Chandra Bhaga Gali No. 1 18
48. Prince Yashwant Road * 18
49. Santha Bazar * 9
50. Sitlamata Bazar* 18
51. Bada Sarafa * 12
52. Chota Sarafa * 9
53. Vir Sawarkar Marg ** 24
54. KadawaGhat Main road 24
55. Itwaria Bazar ** 24
56. Malganj Main Road * 18
57. Bohra Bazar * 9
58. Silawat Pura Road 18


59. Chatribag Main road 18

60. Narsing Bazar Main road ** 18
61. Nalia Bakhal ** 18
62. Gautampura road 18
63. Motitabla Main road (From Harsidhi to HemuKalani Statue)
A. Urdu school to Harsiddhi Bridge ** 24
B. Urdu school to Hemu Kalani Statue ** 18
64. Jail road * 18
65. Kailash Marg 18
66. Sadar Bazar Main road 18
67. Barabhai to Bada Ghoda 18
68. Kidwai Marg 12
69. Juna Risala Main road 18
70. Pandrinath Path ** 18
* - Commercial Roads
** - Commercial Cum Residential Roads

Table 3.11 : Proposed width of roads (outside central area)

S.No. Name of Route Proposed
(in Mtrs)
1. Chhavni To G.P.O. 18
2. Navlakha Main Road 30
3. Gwaltoli Main Road, No. 1 & 2 * 24
4. Murai Mohalla Main Road 18
5. Ravindra Nath Tagore Marg * 24
6. Dhakkanwala Kuwan Road 24
7. Yashwant Niwas Road * 30
8. Race Course Road 30
9. Pardeshipura Main Road 30
10. From Chimanbag Chouraha to Cotton Adda 30
11. Malwa Mill to Kalyan Mill 36
12. Power House Road upto Fort Road 36
13. Bhanwarkuwa Main Road 30


14. Dashahara Maidan Road 30

15. Sukhniwas Road 30
16. M.O.G. Lines Road 30
17. Murai Mohalla Street No. 3 Main Rd. to Ravindra Nath 18
Tagore Marg
18. Chhoti Gwaltoli Street No. 3 * 15
19. M.Y. Road (From Nehru Statue to M.Y Hospital) ** 24
20. New Dewas Raod 30
21. Palasia Main Road (56 Shops to Narayan kothi square) * 24
22. Tilak Statue to PWD. Office. 24
23. 1. L.I.G. Chouraha to Janki Nagar ** 30
2. JankiNagar to Ring Road (Rajeev Pratima) # 60
3. L.I.G Chouraha to MR-11 junction with AB Road # 60

24. Chitawad Road (Nemawar Road) A.B. Road to R.E.1 30

25. Old Palasia Main Road (A.B. Road to Saket Chouraha) ** 30
26. Anand Bazar Road (Anand Bazar to Samvid Nagar) ** 18
27. Nandanagar Main Road, (Pardeshipura to Patnipura) 30
28. M.I.G. Main Road. (Patnipura to A.B. Road) 30
29. Manik Bag Road. 30
30. Gangwal Bus Stand to Western Ring Road R.W.1 (Dhar Road) # 30
31. Babu Labhachabnd Chajalani Marg (Kesharbag road) 30
32. Panchakuia road 24
33. South Tukoganj No.5 (Nath Mandir Road) 24
34. Narayan Kothi to M.G. road (Bansi Plaza) ** 30
35. G.P.O.Chawani to Sarwate Bus Stand * 18
36. Kanchan bag road (Hukamchand Tower) 18
37. Depalpur road upto R.W.1 30
38. M.G.Road (Shashtri bridge to Tilak Statue) * 30
39. Sapana Sangita Road ** 24
* - Commercial Roads
** - Commercial Cum Residential Roads
# - Mixed landuse (as per development plan)


Table 3.12 : Proposed width of major roads as per Development Plan 1991
Sr. No. Road type Width (meter)
1 R.E. – 1 75
2 R.E. – 2 60
3 R. W. – 1 75
4 R. W. – 1, Between Dhar road and Depalpur Road 30
5 R. W. – 2 75
6 M. R. – 1, (A B Road) * 30 to 60
7 M. R. – 2 30
8 M. R. – 3 45
9 M. R. – 4. 45
10 M. R. – 5 45
11 M. R. – 6 45
12 M. R. – 7 60
13 M. R. - 8 45
14 M. R. – 9 40
15 M. R. – 10 75
16 M. R – 11 RW-1 to RE-1 60
17 R. E. – 3 (new) 60
19 R. W. – 3 (new) 60

* - LIG Chouraha to Janaki Nagar the porposed width is 30 M. and rest is 60 M.


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