An Introduction To Financial Mathematics With MATL

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An Introduction to Financial Mathematics with MATLAB



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2 authors:

Dmitrii Silvestrov Anatoliy Malyarenko

Stockholm University Mälardalens högskola i Eskilstuna och Västerås


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An Introduction to Financial Mathematics
Dmitrii S. Silvestrov and Anatoliy A. Malyarenko


We describe a complex of programs called IFM, which will be used in the course
“Introduction to financial mathematics” for students of the first year of a new Master
educational program “Analytical finance” at the Mälardalen University.

1 Introduction 2

2 Elementary probability theory 3

2.1 Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 A model of price evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Central Limit Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Geometric Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Elementary financial calculations 13

3.1 Interest rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 Present value analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Rate of return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Pricing via arbitrage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.5 The multi-period binomial model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.5.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.6 The Black–Scholes formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.6.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

A Overcoming limitations 40
A.1 The program present value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
A.2 The program ror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A.3 The program mbm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.3.1 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

1 Introduction
The new Master education program “Analytical Finance” was introduced at the Mälarda-
len University in August, 2001. It gives students a general base in Mathematics, Busi-
ness Administration, Economics and Computer Science. Advanced financial software is
planned to be used in the teaching.
The course “Introduction to Financial Mathematics” is included in the program. It
contains the elementary introduction to the theory of options pricing. All the necessary
preliminary material including elementary probability, normal random variables and the
geometric Brownian motion model is presented. The Black–Scholes theory of options as
well as such general topics in finance as the time value of money and rate of return of an
investment cash-flow sequence are part of the course. This material is covered in the first
seven chapters of [4].
In order to support the course, the authors wrote a complex of MATLAB programs
called IFM, which stands for Introduction to Financial Mathematics.
Why we choose MATLAB as a tool for the development of the complex IFM?

☞ MATLAB integrates mathematical computing, visualisation, and a powerful, but

simple language.

☞ Open architecture. The user can easy manage MATLAB system: to add and remove
MATLAB routines, both written by MATLAB team or by the user him (or her-)self.

☞ Graphical User Interface. This is a user interface built with graphical objects, such
as buttons, text fields, sliders, and menus. In general, these objects already have
meanings to most computer users. Applications that provide a Graphical User In-
terface are generally easier to learn and use since the person using the application
does not need to know what commands are available or how they work.

☞ Mobility of the source code (Windows, Unix, Linux). The source code of MATLAB
programs designed using IBM-compatible PC under MS Windows, will work in the
same way on the Sun workstation under Unix or Linux.

☞ Special financial toolboxes. The toolbox is a set of MATLAB routines competed

together. The Financial, Financial Derivatives, and Financial Time Series toolboxes
contain a wide variety of computational and graphical tools for financial engineer-

☞ Simple interface to MAPLE.  MAPLE V, a symbolic computational language,

can manipulate, solve, and evaluate mathematical expressions, both symbolically
and numerically. MATLAB allows easy access to a kernel of MAPLE for symbolic
computation (see, for example, [3]). We plan to use such an interface in other
courses of the program “Analytical Finance”.

In this report we describe the complex. In Section 2, we first describe, how to start and
quit MATLAB, and how to execute any program of the complex. Then we describe the
programs for calculations in elementary probability theory. These calculations include a
log-normal model of price evolution, an illustration of the central limit theorem and the
simulation of the geometric Brownian motion.

In Section 3, the programs for elementary financial calculations are described. These
include interest rates, present value analysis, rate of return, pricing the simplest options
via arbitrage, multi-period binomial model, and the Black–Scholes formula.
Some programs of the complex contain limitations. For example, it is impossible to
calculate the multi-period binomial model with more than 5 periods. One can overcome
these limitations using the MATLAB Command Window directly. In Appendix A, we
give the examples along with some description of the simplest MATLAB commands. 
Some parts of the text need careful reading. Such places are emphasised by the special
sign on the margins. You can see this sign here.
This complex is free software. To obtain IFM, contact Professor Dmitrii Silvestrov,
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Mälardalen University, SE-72 123 Västerås,
Sweden. E-mail:
MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Other product or brand
names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
The authors would like to thank Henrik Jönsson for careful reading of the manuscript
and useful discussions.

2 Elementary probability theory

The programs in the complex IFM can be classified into two groups:

☞ Elementary probability theory;

☞ Elementary financial calculations.

In Subsection 2.1 we describe, how to start and quit MATLAB, and how to execute any
program in the complex. In subsequent subsections we describe three programs, which
belong to the first group.

2.1 Getting started

MATLAB  is a high performance language for technical computing. It integrates compu-
tation, visualisation and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and
solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. The name MATLAB stands for
matrix laboratory.
The MATLAB documentation is available in PDF format at the following address:
This section provides a brief introduction to starting and quitting MATLAB, and the
commands to start programs of the complex IFM.

To start MATLAB, double-click the MATLAB shortcut icon on your Windows

After starting MATLAB, the MATLAB desktop opens — see Fig. 1.
To end your MATLAB session, select Exit MATLAB from the File menu in the
desktop, or type quit in the Command Window. You can find more information in Ap-
pendix A.

Figure 1: The MATLAB desktop

You can start any of the programs of the complex IFM, using one of the next two
1. Type ifm at the MATLAB prompt in the Command Window and press Enter. The
dialog of the program ifm will appear (Fig. 2). Choose a program from the list of
available programs and press Start button. The dialog window of the corresponding
program will appear.
2. Type the name of the program at the MATLAB prompt in the Command Window
and press Enter. The names of all programs are listed in Table 1.
The programs present value, ror, mbm and black scholes require MATLAB Fi-
nancial toolbox. All the other programs require only standard MATLAB installation.
Remark 1. A string “The list of all available programs” on Fig. 2 is called a tooltip string.
Such a string appears when you put the mouse cursor over a user interface control. It
gives the user a tip describing the corresponding control.

2.2 A model of price evolution

Let S (0) denote the initial price of some security. Let S (n), n ≥ 1 denote its price at
the end of n additional weeks. A popular model for the evolution of these prices [4,

Figure 2: The Control Centre

Name Description
ifm Control centre
price evolution A model of price evolution
clt An illustration of the Central limit theorem
gbm Geometric Brownian motion
interest rate Interest rates
present value Present value analysis
ror Rate of return
options pricing Pricing via arbitrage
mbm Multiperiod binomial model
black scholes Black–Scholes formula

Table 1: Programs in the complex

Example 2.3d] assumes that the price ratios S (n)/S (n − 1) are independent and identically
distributed lognormal random variables. Recall that the random variable Y is called a
lognormal random variable with parameters µ and σ [4, p. 26] if log(Y) is a normal random
variable with mean µ and variance σ2 .
The pricing process under consideration can be simulated with the help of the program
price evolution (Fig. 3).
The program price evolution requires only standard MATLAB installation (no
additional toolboxes are used).

Figure 3: A window of the program price evolution

The dialog window of the program price evolution contains the user interface
controls. The user interacts with the program, using these controls.
In the upper left corner of the dialog you can see a frame that encloses a group of edit
boxes. Consider the functions of these boxes.
☞ Starting price. Here you can enter the value of parameter S (0), i.e. the initial price
of the security.
☞ Mean value. Here you can enter the value of parameter µ, i.e. the mean of the
logarithm of the random variable Y.
☞ Standard deviation. Here you can enter the value of parameter σ, i.e. the standard
deviation of the logarithm of the random variable Y.

☞ Number of weeks. Here you can enter the length of the time interval of simulation
of the evolution of the price, measured in weeks.

Remark 2. Some edit boxes in the programs of the complex have default values. In simple
cases, you can start calculations without changing these values. We will refer to this
feature as solution of the standard problem. Fig. 3 shows that the standard problem has
the following values: starting price is equal to 100 (say, Swedish krones), mean value
is equal to 0.0165, standard deviation is equal to 0.073, and we want to simulate price
evolution during 10 weeks.

Remark 3. Some edit boxes have prevention to non-correct input. For example, somebody
tried to enter a negative value of the starting price into the corresponding edit box. The
result is shown on Fig. 4. A warning message was produced, and the program returned
the previous value into the edit box instead of the wrong value. In such cases, you must
press the OK button in order to continue your work.

Figure 4: An example of incorrect input

Under the frame you can see two push buttons. The functions of these buttons are:

☞ Graph. A graph of the pricing process will be produced after pressing this button
(Fig. 5).
☞ Exit. Exits the program.

Figure 5: An output of the program price evolution

As you can see from Fig. 5, the graph of the pricing process is drawn in a separate
window. You can press the push button Graph several times and obtain several different
graphs. Every graph is a stand-alone application, which occupies a separate place on the
Windows taskbar and lives its own life. You can play with the menu system of any graph.

2.3 Central Limit Theorem

A rigourous formulation of the Central limit theorem needs sophisticated mathematical
tools and is beyond the scope of this report. In our simplified approach, it is enough to
know [4, Section 2.4] that if X1 , . . . , Xn , . . . is a sequence of independent and identically
distributed random variables, each with expected value µ and variance σ2 , then a random
S n − nµ
Yn = √
σ n
is approximately standard normal random variable. As a consequence, the sum

Sn = Xn (1)

is approximately a normal random variable with expected value nµ and variance nσ2 .

Consider the following example. Let X1 be a Bernoulli random variable, i.e., X1 = 1
with probability p and X1 = 0 with probability 1 − p. In this case we have ([4, Exam-
ples 1.3c and 1.3f]):
EX1 = p, Var X1 = p(1 − p).
According to the central limit theorem, a random variable
S n − np
Yn =  (2)
np(1 − p)
is approximately a standard normal random variable. Here S n is defined by (1).
This example is illustrated by the program clt (Fig. 6).

Figure 6: A window of the program clt

The program clt requires only standard MATLAB installation (no additional tool-
boxes are used).
Two edit boxes are situated in the left upper corner of the dialog. Their functions are:

☞ n. Here you can enter the number of independent Bernoulli random variables in the
sum S n . The standard problem has the value n = 100.

☞ p. Here you can enter the parameter of each of the independent Bernoulli random
variables. The standard problem has the value p = 0.5.

Onto the right of the edit boxes you can see two push buttons. They have the following

☞ Generate. A figure containing two graphs and their legend (Fig. 7) is produced.
The solid line is the graph of the probability density of a normal distribution with
parameters µ = np and σ2 = np(1 − p). The dashed line is the graph of the distribu-
tion of the random variable S n . It is drawn in the following way. We generate many
(say, N) realisations of the random variable S n . Let k0 be the number of realisations
taking the value 0, let k1 be the number of realisations taking the value 1, and so on
up to kn . We draw a dashed line through the points with coordinates
k0 k1 kn
0, , 1, ,..., n, .

☞ Exit. Stops the program.

Figure 7: An output of the program clt

You can press the push button Generate several times using the same values of the
variables n and p. The solid line on the graph will not change. The dashed line will be
subject to small changes, because it is random.

2.4 Geometric Brownian Motion
Consider a collection of random variables S (y), 0 ≤ y < ∞. This collection follows a
geometric Brownian motion with drift parameter µ and volatility parameter σ, if for all
non-negative values of y and t, the random variable

S (t + y)
S (y)

is independent of all random variables S (z), 0 ≤ z < y, and the logarithm of the random
variable (3) is a normal random variable with mean µt and variance tσ2 [4, p. 32].
Geometric Brownian motion is a popular model of price evolution in continuous time
(in contrast to a discrete time model from Section 2.2).
Suppose we want to build a computer model of the geometric Brownian motion. A
computer can simulate values of any function only at some discrete set of points, say, n∆,
where 0 ≤ n ≤ N, N is some number and ∆ denotes a small increment of time.
In order to simulate values S (n∆), 0 ≤ n ≤ N, we can use a simpler model proposed
in [4, p. 33–35]. The value S (0) is some non-random number which is known, because
it denotes the initial price of a security. Now let Yn , 1 ≤ n ≤ N be the sequence of
independent Bernoulli random variables with parameter
1 µ√
p= 1+ ∆ .
2 σ
Our model can be calculated as
 √

 S (n − 1)eσ ∆
, if the price goes up (Yn = 1),
S (n) = 

√ (4)
S (n − 1)e −σ ∆
, if the price goes down (Yn = 0).

As ∆ tends to 0, the model (4) tends to geometric Brownian motion. A rigourous proof
of this fact is very complicated. A simplified proof can be found in [4, p. 33–35].

Remark 4. On page 32 and subsequent pages of [4] the author denotes the initial price by
two different symbols, namely, by S (0) and s0 . We prefer to use only the first one.
The model (4) is realised in the program gbm (Fig. 8).
The program gbm requires only standard MATLAB installation (no additional tool-
boxes are used).
Consider the functions of the edit boxes of the program gbm.

☞ Initial price. Here you can enter the value of the parameter S (0), i.e., the initial
price of a security. The standard problem has the value S = 100.

☞ Drift. Here you can enter the value of the parameter µ, i.e., the drift parameter of
the geometric Brownian motion under simulation. The standard problem has the
value µ = 0.01.

☞ Volatility. Here you can enter the value of the parameter σ, i.e., the volatility param-
eter of the geometric Brownian motion under consideration. The standard problem
has the value σ = 0.2.

Figure 8: A window of the program gbm

☞ Delta. Here you can enter the value of the time increment ∆. The standard problem
has the value ∆ = 0.05. You can also change the value of the time increment using
the slider on the left hand side of the Delta edit box. You can move the slider’s bar
by pressing the mouse button and dragging the slide, by clicking on the trough, or
by clicking an arrow. The minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0.01, the
maximum slider and edit box value is equal to 0.1.

The functions of two push buttons in the lower left part of the dialog are:

☞ Generate. Generates a graph of the model (4). See Fig. 9.

☞ Exit. Stops the program.

You can press the push button Generate several times without changing model pa-
rameters. Every time you will obtain a graph of a new realisation of the random sequence

Figure 9: An output of the program gbm

3 Elementary financial calculations

3.1 Interest rates
Recall that the principal is an amount of borrowed money which must be repaid along
with some interest. Denote the principal by P. An nominal annual interest rate or simple
interest r means that the amount to be repaid one year later is P(1 + r).
Different financial institutions use various compound interests. For example, the inter-
est can be compounded semi-annually. It means, that after six months you owe P(1+r/2),
and after one year you pay P(1 + r/2)2 . Similarly, if the loan is compounded at n equal
intervals in the year, then the amount owed at the end of the year is P(1 + r/n)n .
In order to compare different compound interests we use the effective annual interest
rate. The payment made on a one-year loan with compound interest is the same as if
the loan called for simple interest at the effective annual interest rate. If we denote the
effective annual interest rate by reff , then this definition can be expressed mathematically
reff = (1 + r/n)n − 1.

A continuous compounding is naturally referred as the limit of this process as n growth

larger and larger. In this case the amount owed at the end of the year is

P lim (1 + r/n)n = Per .


Similarly, if the principal P is borrowed for t years at a nominal interest rate of r per year
compounded continuously, then the amount owed at time t is

P lim (1 + rt/n)n = Pert .


The program interest rate (Fig. 10) calculates different compound interests and
shows the corresponding graphs.

Figure 10: A window of the program interest rate

The program interest rate requires only standard MATLAB installation (no addi-
tional toolboxes are used).
Consider the functions of the two edit boxes in the upper left corner of the dialog.

☞ Principal. The amount of money which is borrowed. The standard problem has the
value P = 10000.

☞ Nominal interest rate. The simple interest per year. The standard problem has the
value r = 0.05, which corresponds to 5%, Here, as well as in all other programs of

the complex, you must enter percent values. The corresponding numerical value of
r is calculated by the program itself. You can also change the value of the interest
using the slider on the right hand side of the Nominal interest rate edit box. The
minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0%, the maximum slider and edit
box value is equal to 10%.

Seven checkboxes are situated below the edit boxes. The checked state of any box
means that the corresponding compound interest will be calculated. Consider these check-
boxes in more details.

☞ Annual. Corresponds to the value n = 1, i.e. the simple interest. The interest is
compound annually. The standard problem calculates this kind of interest.

☞ Semi-annual. Corresponds to the value n = 2. The interest is compound every

6 months. The standard problem does not calculate this kind of interest.

☞ Tri-annual. Corresponds to the value n = 3. The interest is compound every

4 months. The standard problem does not calculate this kind of interest.

☞ Quarterly. Corresponds to the value n = 4. The interest is compound every

3 months. The standard problem does not calculate this kind of interest.

☞ Bi-monthly. Corresponds to the value n = 6. The interest is compound every

2 months. The standard problem does not calculate this kind of interest.

☞ Monthly. Corresponds to the value n = 12. The interest is compound every month.
The standard problem does not calculate this kind of interest.

☞ Continuously. Corresponds to the limit, when n growths larger and larger. The
interest is compound continuously. The standard problem does not calculate this
kind of interest.

A list box under the checkboxes contains five elements. It determines the borrowing
time (in years) and can take values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. You can choose any of these terms
from the list. The standard problem has value t = 5 years.
The functions of the two push buttons in the lower left part of the dialog are:

☞ Generate. Generates a graph of the repay. See Fig. 11. If no checkboxes are
checked, an error message is generated instead.

☞ Exit. Stops the program.

The graph (Fig. 11) shows the time dependence of different compound schemes cho-
sen by the user. A legend explains which line corresponds to which scheme, and shows
the corresponding effective interest rate.

Figure 11: An output of the program interest rate

3.1.1 Problems
Problem 1. What is the effective annual rate if a rate of 8 percent per year is compounded

a) semi-annually?

b) tri-annually?

c) quarterly?

d) bi-monthly?

e) monthly?

f) continuously?

3.2 Present value analysis

Consider the next example. You have a saving account earning 6% interest rate per year.
Today is November 1. You need to pay to somebody $201 on December 1. How much
money should you put on your account today?

The monthly interest rate is equal to 0.06/12 = 0.005. You can pay
= 200
1 + 0.005
dollars today. On December 1 you will have

200 × (1 + 0.005) = 201

dollars on your account — exactly as you need.

We say that $200 is the present value of your payment of $201 one month later from
today. In this case it means, that you can pay $200 today or $201 one month later — the
results will be the same. In other words, the cash flows from Table 2 are equal.

Cash flow 1 Cash flow 2

Date Payment Date Payment
November 1 -200 December 1 -201

Table 2: Two equal simple cash flows

Consider more complicated example. You obtain $200 monthly into a saving account
earning 6%. The payments are made at the end of the month for five years. What is the
present worth of these payments?
The monthly interest rate is equal to 0.06/12 = 0.005. Assume for simplicity that
you will obtain $200 only once one month later. It means, that today you can obtain an
amount of
≈ 199.00
1 + 0.005
dollars and one month later you will have an amount of $200. Therefore the present value
of this payment is equal to $199.00
Assume now that you will obtain $200 one month later and $200 two months later.
The present value of the first payment is still equal to $199.00 and the present value of the
second payment is equal to
≈ 198.01
(1 + 0.005)2
dollars. Indeed, today you can obtain an amount of $198.01 and two months later you
will have an amount of
198.01 × (1 + 0.005)2 = 200.
The present value of both payments is equal to

199.0 + 198.01 ≈ 397.01

As a result we obtain that the present value of our payment is equal to

200 × (1 + 0.005)−1 + 200 × (1 + 0.005)−2 + · · · + 200 × (1 + 0.005)−60 ≈ 10345.11.

In other words, the two cash flows from Table 3 are equal.

Cash flow 1 Cash flow 2
Date Payment Date Payment
Today 10345.11 Today + 1 month 200
Today + 2 months 200
... ...
Today + 60 months 200

Table 3: Two equal more complicated cash flows

Present value enables us to compare different cash flows to see which is preferable. In
our case the cash flow consists of equal payments which are payed periodically. We will
call such a flow a fixed cash flow.
In our first example the cash flow contains only negative values, i.e., you should pay
money. In the second example the cash flow contains only positive values, i.e., you receive
money. More complicated cash flows can contain both positive and negative values, i.e.,
you both pay and receive money. Consider another example.
Year 1 $2000 A cash flow (Table 4) represents the yearly income from an ini-
Year 2 $1500 tial investment of $10,000. The annual interest rate is 8%. How to
Year 3 $3000 calculate the present value of this varying cash flow?
Year 4 $3800 Let x j , 0 ≤ j ≤ 5 be the sequence of payments (x0 = −10, 000 is
Year 5 $5000 the initial investment). The present value is:

Table 4: Varying (1 + r)− j x j ≈ 1715.39,
periodic cash flow j=0

where r denotes the annual interest rate.

The present value can be calculated with the help of the program present value
(Fig. 12).
The program present value requires Financial toolbox.
An edit box Annual interest rate in the upper part of the dialog contains the value
of the simple interest per year. The standard problem has the value r = 0.05, which
corresponds to 5%, You can also change the value of the interest using a slider on the left
hand side of the Annual interest rate edit box. The minimum slider (and edit box) value
is equal to 0%, the maximum slider and edit box value is equal to 10%.
Just below these elements you can see two frames that enclose two groups of related
controls. Consider the first group on the left side of the dialog. The controls of this group
are related to the fixed cash flow.
First consider the functions of the three edit boxes in the upper part of the frame.

☞ Number of months. For simplicity, in the case of a fixed cash flow our program
calculates only cash flows having a period equal to one month. In this edit box, you
can enter the number of one-month periods. The standard problem has this value
equal to 60.

☞ Month payment. Here you can enter the amount of money which you plan to pay
or obtain monthly. The standard problem has this value equal to 200.

Figure 12: A window of the program present value

☞ Extra payment. Some financial institutions propose an extra payment received in

the last period. You can enter the value of such a payment in this edit box. The
standard problem has this value equal to 0.

Just below the above described edit boxes, you can see a group of two related radio
buttons. In contrast to checkboxes, only one radio button can be in a selected state at any
given time. To activate a radio button, click a mouse button on the object.
Sometimes payment can be payed in the beginning of a period instead of at the end. In
this case you can activate the Beginning of month radio button. In the standard problem,
the radio button End of month is active.
The push button Calculate below is intended for calculation of the present value in
the case of fixed periodic payments, or fixed cash flow. Press it after entering all data of
your problem.
The result will appear in the edit box Present value (Fig. 13). In contrast to the above
described edit boxes, this edit box is disabled. The digits inside it are in gray colour. You
can not change the value inside, only the program can do this.
Consider, how the program present value solves the example from Table 4 (see
Fig. 14).
In this case you should use controls inside the right frame. The edit box Initial in-
vestment contains the value of an initial investment. In the standard problem, this value

Figure 13: An output of the program present value, case of fixed periodic payments

is equal to 10000.
The group of two related radio buttons below determines one of two different types of
a varying cash flow. In our case the cash flow is varying, but periodic. For simplicity, the
program calculates only one-year periodic cash flows. Therefore the radio button Periodic
is active. In our next example we will calculate the present value of a non-periodic cash
 flow. The radio button Non-periodic will be active.
The group of six edit boxes under the endorsement Cash flow should contain the
values of the initial investment and payments. The value of the initial investment is mul-
tiplied by −1 and automatically copied from the Initial investment edit box to the first
edit box of the group. This edit box is disabled. The other five edit boxes are enabled. By
default they contain zero values. You should fill one or more of these edit boxes by values
of payments, otherwise an error message is generated.
The push button Calculate is intended for calculation of the present value of the vary-
ing cash flow. After entering data of our example you can press this button. The answer
will appear in the disabled edit box Present value inside the right frame (Fig. 14).
Consider an example of a varying non-periodic cash flow.
An investment of $10,000 returns an irregular cash flow (Table 5). The annual interest
rate is 9%. Calculate the present value of this cash flow.
In addition to previous notation, let t j denotes the time of payments in years. Then the

Figure 14: An output of the program present value, case of varying periodic payments

Cash flow Dates

-$10000 January 12, 1987
$2500 February 14, 1988
$2000 March 3, 1988
$3000 June 14, 1988
$4000 December 1, 1988

Table 5: Varying non-periodic cash flow

present value is

(1 + r)−(t j −t0 ) x j ≈ 142.16.

In this case, you should work more harder to calculate this expression by hand. Con-
sider, how the program present value solves this example ( see Fig. 15).

Figure 15: An output of the program present value, case of varying non-periodic pay-

As in the previous example, the edit box Initial investment contains the value of an
initial investment. But now the radio button Periodic is not active. The radio button
Non-periodic is active instead.
The group of six edit boxes Cash flow still contains values of the cash flow under
consideration. Another group of six edit boxes, Dates, becomes enabled. You must enter
dates of the initial investment and the values of all payments in these edit boxes.

Remark 5. Unfortunately, MATLAB follows the American convention for the format of
dates. The string “12/01/1988” means December 1, not January 12!

Remark 6. Be careful when enter dates. The corresponding edit boxes do not control its
Finally, the push button Exit stops the program.

Remark 7. The program present value has a limitation. You can not calculate the
present value of a cash flow with 6 or more payments. For calculation with such flows
you can use MATLAB Command Window directly. See Section A.1.

3.2.1 Problems
Problem 2. $150 is paid monthly into a saving account earning 4%. The payments are
made at the end of the month for ten years. What is the present value of these payments?

Problem 3. $250 is paid monthly into a saving account earning 5%. The payments are
made at the beginning of the month for seven years. What is the present worth of these

Problem 4. A cash flow (Table 6) represents the yearly income from an initial investment
of $4,400. The annual interest rate is 6%. Calculate the present value of this cash flow.

Problem 5. An investment of $10,000 returns an irregular cash flow (Table 7). The annual
interest rate is 9%. Calculate the present value of this cash flow.

Dates Cash flow Cash flow Dates

Initial -$4,400 -$10,000 January 1, 2002
Year 1 $800 $800 March 10, 2003
Year 2 $800 $800 April 14, 2004
Year 3 $1800 $1800 June 26, 2005
Year 4 $800 $800 August 31, 2006
Year 5 $1400 $1400 November 15, 2007
Table 6: Cash flow, problem 4 Table 7: Cash flow, problem 5

3.3 Rate of return

Initial -$100,000
Year 1 $10,000
Year 2 $20,000
Year 3 $30,000
Year 4 $40,000
Year 5 $50,000

Table 8: The yearly income from an initial investment of $100,000

Consider the next example. Some financial organisation proposed you to make an
initial investment of $100,000. They promised that you will obtain the sequence of yearly
incomes shown in Table 8.
Another financial organisation proposed you to put the same amount to the bank and
to obtain the yearly interest rate r. What proposition is better?

To solve this problem, we must calculate the present value of the cash flow defined
by an initial investment of $100,000, the incomes in Table 8 and the yearly interest rate r.
Three possibilities can happen:

1. The present value is less than zero.

2. The present value is equal to zero.

3. The present value is greater than zero.

In the first case the initial investment exceeds the total of the amounts received. There-
fore we loose money under the conditions of the first proposition, and the second propo-
sition is better.
In the third case the total of the amounts received exceeds the initial investment.
Therefore we obtain a gain under the conditions of the first proposition, and the first
proposition is better.
In the second case, however, the propositions are equivalent.
The rate of return of the investment can be defined as the interest rate r that makes the
present value of the cash flow defined by an initial investment and the payments equal to
Remark 8. It is easy to see that this definition is the same as a definition in [4, p. 51].
We prefer this kind of definition, because in MATLAB the value of an initial investment,
multiplied by −1, should be the first element of the vector representing the cash flow.
Let b0 , b1 , . . . , bn denote the periodic cash flow sequence, in which b0 < 0 denotes the
initial investment. If the interest rate per one period is equal to r, then the present value
of this cash flow is equal to
P(r) = b j (1 + r)− j .

By definition, the rate of return per period of the investment is that value r∗ > −1, for
P(r∗ ) = 0. (5)
In our case n = 5, and the rate of return should be determined numerically. Consider, how
the program ror (Fig. 16) solves this problem.
The program ror requires Financial toolbox.
The two radio buttons in the upper part of the dialogue determine the type of cash
flow under consideration. If the radio button Yearly cash flow is active, then we consider
(for simplicity) a cash flow having the period equal to one year. If the radio button Non-
 periodic cash flow is active, then the cash flow is irregular.
The group of six edit boxes under the radio button Yearly cash flow should contain the
values of the initial investment and payments. The first edit box should contain the value
of the initial investment, multiplied by −1. By default, the other five edit boxes contain
zero values. You should fill one or more of these edit boxes by values of payments,
otherwise an error message is generated.
The push button Calculate in the lower left corner calculates the rate of return. Press
it after you have entered the values of the initial investment and payments. The result will

Figure 16: A window of the program ror

appear in the disabled edit box Rate of return. In our case we entered the value of an
initial investment, the values of payments from Table 8 and obtained the result (Fig. 17).

r∗ ≈ 0, 1201 (12.01%).

You can quit the program ror by pressing the push button Exit in the lower right
corner of the dialog.
Consider a more complicated example. An investment of $10,000 returns non-peri-
odic cash flow shown in Table 9. Calculate the rate of return for this non-periodic cash

Cash flow Dates

b0 -$10000 January 12, 2000
b1 $2500 February 14, 2001
b2 $2000 March 3, 2001
b3 $3000 June 14, 2001
b4 $4000 December 1, 2001

Table 9: The non-periodic cash flow from an initial investment of $10,000

Figure 17: An output of the program ror, case of periodic payments

Let t0 denotes the date of the initial investment (measured in years A.D.). For example,
in our case t0 = 1999 + 36612
≈ 1999.0328. Denote by t j , 1 ≤ j ≤ 4 the dates of payments.
Let b0 denotes the initial investment, multiplied by −1, and b j , 1 ≤ j ≤ 4 denote payments.
Then the rate of return r∗ should be equal to the root of the equation

b j (1 + r)−(t j −t0 ) = 0.

This equation is much more complicated than the equation (5). Consider its solving
with the help of the program ror (Fig. 18).
First, we activate the radio button Non-periodic cash flow. Second, we enter the
value of an initial investment, multiplied by −1, into the first edit box of the left column.
Third, we entered values of payments into next edit boxes of the left column. Now, the
edit boxes of the right column are enabled (in the previous example they were disabled).
We entered dates of the initial investment and payments into the edit boxes of the right
column. After pressing the push button Calculate, we obtained the result
r∗ ≈ 0.1009 (10.09%).
Remark 9. The program ror has a limitation. You can not calculate the present value
of a cash flow with 6 or more payments. For calculation with such flows you can use
MATLAB Command Window directly. See Section A.2.

Figure 18: An output of the program ror, case of non-periodic payments

3.3.1 Problems
Problem 6. The initial investment of $4,400 returns the yearly cash flow shown in Table 6.
You can both borrow and save money at the yearly interest rate of 6%. Is this a worthwhile
investment for you?

Problem 7. The initial investment of $10,000 returns the irregular cash flow shown in
Table 7. You can both borrow and save money at the yearly interest rate of 7%. Is this a
worthwhile investment for you?

3.4 Pricing via arbitrage

Recall that an option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a
security under specified terms. An option that gives the right to buy is called a call option.
An option that gives the right to sell is called a put option. Consider the example of a call
Suppose that the nominal interest rate per time period is r. Let the present price of the
security be $100 per share. After one time period it will be either $200 or $50 (fig. 19).
In what follows, we will refer to these possible outcomes as states of nature. You can
think about the two states of nature as collections of circumstances which will cause the

price of the security to be as above. At the present time, it is not known which state will
be realised after one time period. It is known only that one (and only one) of these states
will occur. There is no assumption made about the probability of each state’s occurrence,
except that each state has a positive probability of occurrence. In this model, the states
capture the uncertainty about the price of the security after one time period.
:u 200



100 XXX

t=0 t=1

Figure 19: Possible security prices at time 1

For any y, at a cost of cy you can purchase at time 0 the y call options to buy y shares of
the stock at time 1 for the price of $150 per share. In addition, you can purchase x shares
of the security at time 0. For what values of c exists an arbitrage possibility?
Recall that an arbitrage is a sure-win betting scheme [4, p. 63]. The vector (x, y) is
called a portfolio. In our case the portfolio consists of the security and the options.
Step 1. We choose y so that the value of our portfolio at time 1 does not depend on
the state of nature. In the first state of nature, when the price of security at time 1 is $200
per share, the x shares of the security are worth 200x and the y units of options to buy the
security at a share price of $150 are worth (200 − 150)y = 50y. Therefore the value of our
portfolio at time 1 is equal to 200x + 50y.
On the other hand, in the second state of nature, when the price of security at time 1
is $50 per share, then the x shares are worth 50x and the y units of options are worthless.
Therefore the value of our portfolio at time 1 is equal to 50x.
That is, we choose y so that

200x + 50y = 50x, or y = −3x,

and the value of our portfolio at time 1 is equal to 50x no matter what is the state of nature.
Step 2. At time 0 we purchase x units of security and −3x units of options. The cost
of this transaction is
100x + cy = (100 − 3c)x.
If the cost of the transaction is positive, i.e., (100 − 3c)x > 0, then it should be borrowed
from a bank, to be repaid with interest r at time 1. Therefore our gain is equal to

gain = 50x − (100 − 3c)x(1 + r)

= (1 + r)x[3c − 100 + 50(1 + r)−1 ].

On the other hand, if the cost of transaction is negative, then the amount received,
−(100 − 3c)x, should be put in the bank to be withdrawn at time 1. Therefore our gain is
determined by (6) no matter of the sign of transaction.
Thus, if 3c = 100 − 50(1 + r)−1 , then the gain is zero. Otherwise we can guarantee
a free lunch (no matter what the price of the security at time 1). Indeed, suppose that
r = 0, 05 or 5%. Consider two cases.
Case 1. 3c < 100 − 50(1 + r)−1 , for example, c = 15. The option is too cheap. At
time 0 we sell in short one share of the security (x = −1) and obtain $100. Selling in short
means that we sell a security that we do not own. We buy 3 options (y = 3) at a cost of
$45 and put the amount $55 in the bank. At time 1 we withdraw the amount 55(1 + r) =
$57.75 from the bank.
In the first state of nature the stock’s price is $200. We exercise our options, buy
3 shares of the security at a cost of $450, return one share which we borrowed at time 0
and sell 2 shares at a cost of $400. Our gain is 57.75 − 50 = $7.75 and we go to have our
free lunch.
In the second state of nature the stock’s price is $50. We do not exercise our options.
Instead we buy 1 share of the security and return it to the owner. Our gain is 57.75 − 50 =
$7.75 and we go to have our free lunch.
Case 2. 3c > 100 − 50(1 + r)−1 , for example, c = 20. The option is too expensive. At
time 0 we borrow from a bank $40. We sell in short 3 options at a cost of $60 (y = −3)
and buy 1 share of the security (x = 1).
In the first state of nature the stock’s price is $200. The options’ owner realises the
options. We are obliged to buy 3 shares at a cost of $600 and sell them to the options’
owner at a cost of 450. Then we sell our share at a cost of $200. The amount earned
is $50, but we have to return the loan 40 × (1 + 0.05) = $42 to the bank. Our gain is
50 − 42=$8 and we go to have our free lunch.
In the second state of nature the stock’s price is $50. The options’ owner does not
realise the options. We sell our share for $50, return the loan of $42 and go to have our
free lunch.
The model under consideration contains one time period and only two possible out-
comes. Therefore sometimes it is called a one-period binomial model.
The program options pricing performs these calculations (Fig. 20).
The program options pricing requires only standard MATLAB installation (no
additional toolboxes are used).
The window of the program options pricing can be considered as consisting of
the left and right hand sides. The left hand side called Problem contains user interface
controls for formulation of the problem. The solution of the problem appears in the user
interface controls on the right hand side of the window called Solution.
Consider the user interface controls on the left hand side first. The slider and edit box
Period interest rate in the upper left corner contain value of the interest rate per period
under consideration. Standard problem has a value r = 0.05, which corresponds to 5%.
The minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0%, the maximum slider and edit box
value is equal to 10%.
The frame under the above described group contains three edit boxes.

☞ Now. This edit box contains the initial price of one share of the security. The
standard problem has this value equal to 100.

Figure 20: The window of the program options pricing

☞ After one period. Two edit boxes under this caption contain possible values of the
price of one share of the security one time period later. The standard problem has
values 200 and 50.

The next frame contains two edit boxes.

☞ Strike price. This edit box contains value of the strike price of the option. The
standard problem has this value equal to 150.

☞ Option cost. This edit box contains the price of the option. The standard problem
has this value equal to 20.

The push button Calculate calculates the arbitrage possibility. Consider the results of
solution of the standard problem in the right hand side of the program window (Fig. 21).
Four disabled edit boxes are in the right hand side of the program window.

☞ Stock . . . units. The edit box enclosed by these captions contains the number of
stocks in our portfolio. In the case of too expensive option it always contains the
value 1. Of course, the player can always multiply all values in the edit boxes on
the right hand side of the window by any positive number.

Figure 21: An output of the program options pricing, case of too expensive option

☞ Option . . . units. The edit box enclosed by these captions contains the number of
options in our portfolio. In our example, this value is negative. It means, that we
should sell options in short.

☞ Free lunch. This edit box contains the value of our gain.

☞ No-arbitrage price. This edit box contains the value of the only option cost that
does not result in an arbitrage. This price is called no-arbitrage or risk-neutral
price. Pricing of an option means the calculation of its no-arbitrage or risk-neutral

Finally, the push button Exit stops the program.

Consider the case of a too cheap option (Fig. 22). We changed the value in the edit
box Option cost only. In this case the first edit box always contains the value −1, It means
that the player should sell one share of the security in short. The second edit box contains
the value 3, i.e., we buy three options. The value of our gain and the non-arbitrage price
of the option are contained in the third and fourth edit box respectively.
We can check how the program works in the following way. Substitute the value of
the no-arbitrage price into the edit box Option cost (Fig. 23). The fist two edit boxes do
not contain any values. It means that no portfolio can bring a positive gain. The edit box

Figure 22: An output of the program options pricing, case of too cheap option

Free lunch contains the word No. As in all the previous cases, the edit box No-arbitrage
price contains the corresponding value.

3.4.1 Problems
Problem 8. The nominal interest rate per time period is r. The present price of the security
is P0 dollars per share. After one time period it will be either P1 or P2 dollars per share.
At a cost of c dollars you can purchase at time 0 the call option to buy one share of the
stock at time 1 for the price of S dollars per share.
Describe the sure-win betting scheme for the cases from Table 10. Find the no-
arbitrage price of the call option for every case.

3.5 The multi-period binomial model

In Section 3.4 we supposed that there is only one period of time. Consider the case when
there are n periods.
Consider a five-month (t = 0.4167) American put option when the initial price of the
non-dividend paying stock is S (0) = $50, the strike price is K = $50, the risk-free interest
is 10% per annum, and the volatility is 40% per annum (σ = 0.4). Divide the life of the

Figure 23: An output of the program options pricing, case of no-arbitrage price

r P0 P1 P2 c S
5 60 50 80 9 60
3 105 90 130 9 110
1 108 92 115 4 110
4 113 108 115 7 113
9 65 20 90 8 80
2 70 60 100 5 80
6 120 75 165 21 125
8 100 60 200 26 115

Table 10: One-period binomial models

option into n = 5 equal periods of length t/n. Suppose that the price of a security can
change only at the times tk = kt/n, k = 1, 2, . . . , n and that the option can be exercised
only at one of the times tk . Moreover, suppose that the security price S (k + 1) at k + 1 time
periods later is either uS (k) or dS (k). How to find the risk-neutral price of this option?
Recall that American option can be exercised at any time up to expiration time, where-
as European option can be exercised only at the expiration time.
In contrast to the one-period binomial model described in Section 3.4, the model under
consideration is called a multi-period binomial model.
We want the above described process to approximate the geometrical Brownian mo-
tion when n grows. According to (4) that happens if
√ √
u = eσ t/n
, d = e−σ t/n
. (7)

According to [4, p. 92]

1 + rt/n − d
P{S (k + 1) = uS (k)} = p = ,
u−d (8)
u − 1 − rt/n
P{S (k + 1) = dS (k)} = 1 − p = .
According to [4, formulae (7.11) and (7.12)], the possible values of the price of the
put option at time tn is equal to

Vn ( j) = max{K − u j d n− j S (0), 0}, (9)

if j of the first n price movements were increases and n − j were decreases. The possible
values of the price of the put option at time tk , k = n − 1, n − 2, . . . , 0 are calculated as

Vk ( j) = max{K − u j d k− j S (0), βpVk+1 ( j + 1) + β(1 − p)Vk+1 ( j)}, (10)

if there were j = 0, . . . , k increases and k − j decreases. The first term in figure brackets
of (10) denotes the return if we exercise the option in moment tk at node j. The second
term denotes the return if we do not exercise the option in moment tk at node j. β denotes
the discount factor per period. According to [4, p. 94] it is equal to

β = e−rt/n . (11)

Using these formulae, we obtain

V0 (0) ≈ 4.488.

Calculations by hand using these formulae can be computationally messy. Consider

how the MATLAB program mbm (Fig. 24) solves this problem.
The program mbm requires Financial toolbox.
The frame in the upper part of the window of the program mbm contains two sliders,
five edit boxes and a pair of mutually exclusive radio buttons. Consider the functions of
these controls.

☞ Price. This edit box contains the value of the initial price of the stock, S (0). The
standard problem has the value S (0) = 50.

Figure 24: A window of the program mbm

☞ Strike. This edit box contains the value of the strike price of the security, K. The
standard problem has the value K = 50.

☞ Interest. This edit box and the slider over it are responsible for the value of the
annual risk-free interest rate, r. The standard problem has the value r = 0.05,
which corresponds to 5%. The minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0%,
the maximum slider and edit box value is equal to 10%.

☞ Volatility This edit box and the slider over it are responsible for the value of the
annualised volatility, σ. The standard problem has the value σ = 0.5, which cor-
responds to 50%. The minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0%, the
maximum slider and edit box value is equal to 100%.

☞ Time. This edit box contains the value of the length of life of the option, t, measured
in years. The standard problem has the value t = 0.25 or 3 months.

The mutually exclusive radio buttons Call and Put define the type of the option. The
standard problem considers a call option.
The list box Periods just under the frame contains five elements. This control deter-
mines the value of n. In our model, the possible values are 1 ≤ n ≤ 5. The standard
problem has the value n = 5.

The push buttons perform the next functions.

☞ Calculate. Calculates the price of the option, using formulae (7)–(10).

☞ Exit. Stops the program.

The result of calculations is shown on Fig. 25. The group of 42 disabled edit boxes
fills the triangle shape and represents the binomial tree. This tree has 21 nodes. Every
node consists of two edit boxes.

Figure 25: An output of the program mbm, case of put option

The upper edit boxes of the kth column (k = 0, 1, . . . , n) shows all the possible values
of the price of the security at time tk . The price of the security at the jth node ( j = 0, 1,
. . . , k) is calculates as S (0)u j d k− j . The nodes are counted from the bottom to the top.
The lower edit boxes show the time-tk expected return of the put, given that the put
has not been exercised before time tk , that the price is determined by the value in the
corresponding upper edit box, and that an optimal policy will be followed from time tk
onward. In particular, the lower edit box in the 0th column shows the approximate value
of the risk-neutral price of the put option.
The lower edit box is highlighted, if the return from exercising the option at tk is
greater than expected return if we keep the option at least until tk+1 . The holder of the

option should immediately exercise the option if it is in the highlighted edit box, and vice
The four disabled edit boxes in the bottom of the window show the values of different

☞ Discount per step. Shows the value of β, calculated by (11).

☞ Up step size. Shows the value of u, calculated with the help of the first equation in

☞ Down step size. Shows the value of d, calculated with the help of the second
equation in (7).
☞ Probability of up move. Shows the value of p, calculated by (8).

Consider the example of an American call option. Let all the values be the same as in
the previous example of the put option. How to calculate the risk-neutral price?
The parameters u, d, β, p and S (tk ) are calculated by the same formulas (11)–(9).
However, Vk ( j), the possible time-tk expected values of the call, are calculated as

Vn ( j) = max{u j d n− j S (0) − K, 0},

and for k = n − 1, . . . , 0 they are calculated as

Vk ( j) = max{u j d k− j S (0) − K, βpVk+1 ( j + 1) + β(1 − p)Vk+1 ( j)},

j = 0, . . . , k. Using these formulas, we obtain

V0 (0) ≈ 6.359.

Fig. 26 shows the results of calculations. Note that the radio button Call is active now.
Also note that all the highlighted edit boxes are in the last column. Indeed, according
to [4, Proposition 5.2.1], one should never exercise the American call option before its
expiration time.
Remark 10. A program mbm has a limitation. You can not calculate the multi-period
binomial model with 6 or more periods. For calculation of such models you can use
MATLAB Command Window directly. See Section A.3.

3.5.1 Problems
Problem 9. Consider a five-month (t = 0.4167) American option when the initial price
of the stock is S (0), the strike price is K, the risk-free interest is r% per annum, and the
volatility is σ per annum. Divide the life of the option into 5 equal periods. Suppose that
the price of a security can change only at the times tk = kt/5, k = 1, 2, . . . , 5 and that the
option can be exercised only at one of the times tk .
Calculate the risk-neutral price of both call and put options for the cases from Ta-
ble 11. For put options describe all the moments, when the holder of the option should
immediately exercise the option. Also calculate the up step size, down step size and
probability of up move for every case.

Figure 26: An output of the program mbm, case of call option

S (0) K r σ
40 39 8 0.3
50 50 10 0.1
100 100 8 0.4
50 49 10 0.1
80 80 5 0.5
40 40 8 0.9
50 51 5 0.2
25 27 10 0.6

Table 11: Data for pricing of American options

3.6 The Black–Scholes formula
Consider the next problem. The initial price of the security is S (0) = $100, the exercise
price of the option is K = $95, the risk-free interest rate is r = 10%, the time to maturity
of the option is t = 0.25 years, and the volatility of the security is σ = 50%. Calculate the
value of European type call (C) and put (P) options.
Black–Scholes formula gives

C = S (0)Φ(ω) − Ke−rt Φ(ω − σ t),

rt + σ2 t/2 − log(K/S (0))
ω= √ ,
σ t
and Φ(ω) is the standard normal distribution function. According to put–call option parity

P = C + Ke−rt − S (0).

Using these formulae, we obtain C ≈ 13.70 and P ≈ 6.35.

Consider how the MATLAB program black scholes (Fig. 27) solves this problem.

Figure 27: A window of the program black scholes

The program black scholes requires the Financial toolbox.

The frame in the left hand side of the window contains the edit box Interest and the
corresponding slider. They are responsible for the value of the annual risk-free interest
rate, r. The standard problem has the value r = 0.05, which corresponds to 5%. The
minimum slider (and edit box) value is equal to 0%, the maximum slider and edit box
value is equal to 10%.
The frame in the left hand side of the window contains the edit box Volatility and the
corresponding slider. They are responsible for the value of the annualised volatility. σ.
Standard problem has a value σ = 0.5, which corresponds to 50%. The minimum slider
(and edit box) value is equal to 0%, the maximum slider and edit box value is equal to
The frame in the upper part of the window contains three edit boxes.

☞ Price. Contains the value of the initial price of the security, S (0). The standard
problem has the value S (0) = 100.

☞ Strike. Contains the value of the strike price, K. The standard problem has the
value K = 95.

☞ Time. Contains the time to maturity of the option in years, t. The standard problem
has value t = 0.25.

The push buttons perform the following functions.

☞ Calculate. Calculates values of call and put options, using the Black-Scholes for-
mula and put-call option parity.

☞ Exit. Stops the program.

The results of calculations of our example are shown on Fig. 28. The disabled edit
box Call option value contains the value of the call option, C. The disabled edit box Put
option value contains the value of a put option, P.

3.6.1 Problems

Problem 10. Calculate the value of call and put options for the cases from Table 11. The
time to maturity of the option is t = 0.4167 years. Compare your results with results of
the solution of Problem 9.

A Overcoming limitations
Some programs in the complex contain limitations. You can overcome these limitations,
using MATLAB Command Window directly. Consider some examples.

Figure 28: An output of the program black scholes

Year 1 $2000
Year 2 $1500
Year 3 $3000
Year 4 $3800
Year 5 $5000
Year 6 $6000

Table 12: A long varying periodic cash flow

A.1 The program present value
Using the program present value, you can not calculate the present value of a cash flow
containing more than 5 payments. The Command Window can be used instead. Consider
the next example.
The cash flow (Table 12) represents the yearly income from an initial investment of
$15,000. The annual interest rate is 8%. How to calculate the present value of this varying
cash flow?
We can not use the program present value directly, because our cash flow con-
tains more than 5 payments. Instead we can make direct use of the MATLAB Command
The first time MATLAB starts, the desktop appears as shown in Fig. 29. The window
in the left top corner is called Launch Pad. It contains a list of tools, demos and documen-
tation of your MATLAB configuration and provides easy access to them. The window
in the right side is called Command Window. You can use it to enter variables and run
functions and M-files. M-files are text files containing MATLAB code. In particular, any
program of the complex (Table 1) is contained in a M-file. You can run this file by typing
its name in MATLAB Command Window.

Figure 29: Finding present value of a long cash flow

Input the next command into the MATLAB Command Window (Fig. 29).

PresentVal=pvvar([-15000 2000 1500 3000 3800 5000 6000],0.08)

After pressing Enter you will obtain the result:

PresentVal =


Specifically, we introduce a new MATLAB variable named PresentVal. You can

think of a variable as a named place in the computer’s memory. Every variable should
have some value. In our case we called MATLAB function pvvar. Functions are M-
files that can accept input arguments and return output arguments. The function pvvar is
contained in the Financial toolbox.
We passed two input arguments to this function. The value of the first argument
is equal to [-15000 2000 1500 3000 3800 5000 6000]. This is the vector of cash
flows. The initial investment is included as the initial cash flow value (a negative number).
The value of the second argument is equal to 0.08. It is the yearly interest rate.
The function pvvar returned an output argument (the present value of a cash flow rep-
resenting by its first input argument with the yearly interest rate representing by its second
argument). The value of the output argument was written into the variable PresentVal.
It was also written in the Command Window (Fig. 29).
Other examples of calculations of present values can be found in [1, pp. 4-224–4-226].
In order to download this document, point your browser to the address shown at page 3.

A.2 The program ror

Using the program ror, you can not calculate the rate of return of a cash flow containing
more than 5 payments. The Command Window can be used instead.
Consider the next example. Let us calculate the rate of return from an initial invest-
ment of $15,000 and payments shown in Table 12. There are 6 payments, and we can not
use the program ror. Let us use the MATLAB Command Window instead.
Input the next command into the MATLAB Command Window (Fig. 30).

Return=irr([-15000 2000 1500 3000 3800 5000 6000])

After pressing Enter you will obtain the result:

Return =


or approximately 8.88%.
We called the MATLAB function irr. This function is contained in the Financial
toolbox. A vector representing the cash flow was passed to the function irr as its unique
input argument. After calculations, the function irr returned the value of the rate of re-
turn as its output argument and wrote it into the variable Return in the computer’s mem-
ory. MATLAB wrote the value of the variable Return for you in the Command Window.
This variable was also written into the workspace. The MATLAB workspace consists of

Figure 30: Finding rate of return of a long cash flow

the set of variables built up during a MATLAB session and stored in the memory. You
can use the variables of the workspace in subsequent commands.
Other examples of calculations of rates of return can be found in [1, pp. 4-166, 4-260–

A.3 The program mbm

Using the program mbm, you can not make calculations with return of a cash flow contain-
ing more than 5 payments. The Command Window can be used instead.
Consider the example of an American put option from Section 3.5. Assume we want
to calculate the risk-neutral price of this option using 100 periods.
Input the next command into the MATLAB Command Window (Fig. 31)
We called the MATLAB function binprice. This function is contained in the Finan-
cial toolbox. We passed seven parameters to the function binprice. These parameters
are shown in Table 13.
In the MATLAB Command Window, we used three dots . . . to indicate that the state-
ment continues at the next line. The fifth parameter is adjusted so that the length of each

Figure 31: A command for calculation of the 100-period binomial model

Number Meaning
1 The initial price of the security
2 The exercise price of the option
3 The risk-free interest rate
4 The option’s exercise time in years
5 The length of one period
6 The annualised volatility
7 Specifies whether the option is a call (1) or a put (0)

Table 13: The parameters of the MATLAB function binprice

interval is consistent with the exercise time of the option. The option’s exercise time
divided by the length of one period equals an integer number of periods.
The function binprice returns two output arguments. The first output argument is the
matrix of the security’s prices. The second output argument is the matrix of the option’s
prices. We used the semicolon ; to suppress the MATLAB’s output. Without semicolon
two huge matrices 100 × 100 would appear in the Command Window.
The approximate value of the risk-neutral price of the option contains in the variable
OptionValue(1,1). Enter this variable into the Command Window and press Enter.
We obtain the result (Fig. 32).
ans =


Figure 32: The result of calculation of the 100-period binomial model

The difference between two values (V0 (0) ≈ 4.488 for n = 5 and V0 (0) ≈ 4.2782) is
essential. Note that another software, DerivaGem [2, p. 393], gives the same answer as
You can calculate the American call option with 100 periods yourselves. The only
difference is: the value of the seventh parameter should be equal to 1.
Other examples of binomial put and call pricing can be found in [1, p. 4-37–4-38] and
in [2, Chapter 16].

A.3.1 Problems
Problem 11. Calculate the value of call and put options for the cases from Table 11.
The time to maturity of the option is t = 0.4167 years. Divide it onto 100 equal parts.
Compare your results with results of the solution of Problems 9 and 10.

[1] Financial Toolbox for Use with MATLAB, User’s Guide, Version 2.1.2, The Math-
Works, Inc., September 2000.

[2] Hull, J. C. Options, Futures & Other Derivatives, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Up-
per Saddle River, 2000.

[3] Prisman, E. Z. Pricing Derivative Securities: an Interactive Dynamic Environment

with Maple V and Matlab, Academic Press, 2000.

[4] Ross, S. M. An introduction to Mathematical Finance: Options and Other Topics,

Cambridge University Press, 1999.

List of Figures
1 The MATLAB desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 The Control Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 A window of the program price evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 An example of incorrect input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 An output of the program price evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 A window of the program clt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7 An output of the program clt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8 A window of the program gbm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9 An output of the program gbm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
10 A window of the program interest rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
11 An output of the program interest rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
12 A window of the program present value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
13 An output of the program present value, case of fixed periodic payments 20
14 An output of the program present value, case of varying periodic pay-
ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
15 An output of the program present value, case of varying non-periodic
payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
16 A window of the program ror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17 An output of the program ror, case of periodic payments . . . . . . . . . 26
18 An output of the program ror, case of non-periodic payments . . . . . . 27
19 Possible security prices at time 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
20 The window of the program options pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
21 An output of the program options pricing, case of too expensive option 31
22 An output of the program options pricing, case of too cheap option . . 32

23 An output of the program options pricing, case of no-arbitrage price . 33
24 A window of the program mbm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
25 An output of the program mbm, case of put option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
26 An output of the program mbm, case of call option . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
27 A window of the program black scholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
28 An output of the program black scholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
29 Finding present value of a long cash flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
30 Finding rate of return of a long cash flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
31 A command for calculation of the 100-period binomial model . . . . . . 45
32 The result of calculation of the 100-period binomial model . . . . . . . . 46

List of Tables
1 Programs in the complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Two equal simple cash flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Two equal more complicated cash flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4 Varying periodic cash flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 Varying non-periodic cash flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Cash flow, problem 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7 Cash flow, problem 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8 The yearly income from an initial investment of $100,000 . . . . . . . . . 23
9 The non-periodic cash flow from an initial investment of $10,000 . . . . . 25
10 One-period binomial models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
11 Data for pricing of American options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
12 A long varying periodic cash flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
13 The parameters of the MATLAB function binprice . . . . . . . . . . . 45


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