Sap HR End User Manual - Sample
Sap HR End User Manual - Sample
Sap HR End User Manual - Sample
Changes to this document will be recorded below and must be published to all interested
Depending on the employee master data you use to run through the payroll processes, certain
processes may result in errors. It is impossible for the SAP to test all possible information for
Enter the following data in the Input screen to Process Simulation Payroll.
Press “Enter” key and select “Execute - ” icon. On completion of the program, following
screen will appear.
Input Fields:
On running PA03, we will get the initial screen as shown below:
Choose the Create button to create the payroll control record for the selected payroll area
On the Payroll Control Record Screen, enter the following data:
The payroll control record is created for the selected payroll area.
It locks the personnel numbers for which payroll will be run against master data changes
that affect the payroll past or present.
It locks the payroll for the period during which payroll-relevant changes are made to the
master data for the personnel numbers being processed.
It makes the following information available for the system:
o The next payroll period for which regular payroll should be run
o Date to which retroactive accounted can be performed
o Payroll Status (for example, Released for Payroll or Check Payroll Results)
When you release payroll, start payroll, check corrections for payroll, or exit payroll via the SAP
ECC Menu path, the system automatically changes the payroll status in the payroll control
record. You can also change the status manually under Payroll ->Tools ->Control Record.
Select the payroll area - UJ for which the payroll control record should be set.
Choose the Create button to create the payroll control record for the selected payroll area
On the Payroll Control Record Screen, enter the following data:
Choose the Save button to accept the data and complete the new record.
The payroll control record is created for the selected payroll area.
Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India ->
menu Release payroll
Transaction PC00_M99_PA03_RELEA
The Release for Payroll dialog box will be displayed. Confirm the payroll area and payroll period
to be released.
Choose the Yes button to confirm the release of payroll.
Selected payroll area is released into the next pay period.
The Display Log Tree screen displays if selected. If the Remuneration Statement option was
selected, the pay stub will be displayed.
The live payroll run is executed. A successful payroll run is determined if:
The user can scroll down to the bottom of the payroll log and verify the total number of
employees and payroll periods that were processed successfully.
If there were any employees that did not process, they will display under Rejected.
Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India
menu payroll -. Corrections
Transaction PC00_M99_PA03_CORR
The Corrections dialog box displays. Confirm the payroll area that will be set to corrections
mode. Choose the Yes button to confirm the correction of payroll.
The employee records are now released for maintenance. The user can make necessary
corrections to employee records.
The employee must be hired and master data maintained. The payroll run was executed and
payroll results were generated.
Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Human Resources -> Payroll-> Asia/Pacific -> India ->
menu Tools -> Problem solving -> Delete payroll result
Transaction PU01
Business Payroll Administrator
Choose the Delete button to confirm the deletion of the payroll result.
The employee payroll results are now deleted. The previous payroll result becomes the current
payroll result. The Payroll Status infotype (0003) is updated accordingly. The deletion of the
payroll result is saved in the application log. You can use the application log to display the
deleted payroll results.
Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India ->
menu Tools -> Display results
Transaction PC_PAYRESULT
Specify the Valid from date for the payroll results that are to be displayed from when the results
should be read, or leave this field blank to view all records.
The symbol in the Results column shows if there are results available in the selected period.
Results exist
No results exist
You have no authorization to display results
Select the payroll period and choose the Display overview button. The system displays the
overview of all tables of the payroll result that are relevant to the country of the employee, and
the number of entries per table.
You have displayed the overview of tables of a certain payroll result for a personnel number.
Select one of the displayed tables and choose the Display Content button. You can also select
several tables by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key and clicking the selected lines.
The employee payroll results can be displayed for the payroll period selected.
The Employee must be hired and master data maintained. The payroll run executed without
errors. A posting to finance was ran error free in simulation mode.
Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Human Resources ->Payroll-> Asia/Pacific -> India Payroll -> Exit
menu Payroll
Transaction PC00_M99_PA03_END
The Exit Payroll dialog box will be displayed, Confirm the payroll area to exit.
The payroll period has now been closed and no further processing can occur.
The payroll period is incremented in the payroll control record and the payroll accounting area is
released for further processing.
The payroll run executed successfully and the payroll results are generated for all employees.
On the Remuneration Statement screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table
Field Name Description User Action and Values Comments
PAYROLL Payroll area Use the dropdown menu for UJ in case of UJVNL
PERIOD: valid options.
Payroll Area
Current The current The system will display the The user must know the
Period time period current period automatically. correct payroll period.
that will be The radio button for the
processed. current period is system
Other Period Payroll time The user will input the time When using the 'other
period other period to process. There is period', must push radio
than the no dropdown menu. button next to other
current. period to be valid.
SELECTION: Personnel Enter all valid personnel If you leave blank you
Personnel number(s) that number(s). A will run all employees
Number will be range of personnel in the Payroll Area.
processed. number(s) can be
entered or individually.
Payroll Area Payroll area Use the dropdown menu for Can process a range of
valid options. payroll area
Special Run Used for the Blank value in the first field
Special, or Off- ‘Payroll Type’ indicates a
cycle payroll regular payroll run. Use
run dropdown menu to choose
a Payroll Type if it is a
Special payroll run. The
second field is used to
differentiate between
multiple special payroll runs
from the same day. The
third field is the date of the
special payroll run.
Form name Payroll form
Print current Determines Defaults to ZUJV form is
period whether a form always printed for the
is printed for payroll period.
the payroll Select other values from the
period drop down option if
The remuneration statements generated for the employee.
On the Payroll Journal screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
Field Name Description User Action and Values
Other period Enter the period dates
Payroll period Enter the period
Payroll area You can use payroll area UJ UJ
Personnel Employee number used for Payroll
Number Disbursements
Payroll area You can use payroll area UJ UJ
SAP ECC Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Info system
menu -> Wage Type -> Wage type reporter
Transaction PC00_M99_CWTR
On the Wage Type Reporter screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table
Transaction ZHR4010
On the screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
Employee request on ESS for allowance. On successfull approval of Sanction order, request
will be forwarded to Payroll administrator. Payroll administrator will access the transaction
choosing the following navigation options:
On the screen, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:
List of requests:
-: The End :-