Advance Java Programming Course Code: 3360701: GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State
Advance Java Programming Course Code: 3360701: GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State
Advance Java Programming Course Code: 3360701: GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State
(COURSE CODE: 3360701)
This course provides the knowledge necessary to understand java and develop dynamic web
pages using java server page (JSP). It covers the basic underlying concepts and techniques
recently used in the IT industry. After going through this course student will be able to do
Web Development and Desktop Application Development.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills
in the students so that they are able to acquire following competency:
3 0 4 7 70 30 40 60
1c. Develop code for simple Java 1.2 Web Page Design : applet tag,
applets adding applet to HTML file, running
1d. Explain applet tag and its the applet, passing parameter to
parameter applet, various methods and
1e. Use the methods of the applet component classes to develop basic
and component classes required applet
for a basic applet
Unit -II 2a. Describe the classes in the 2.1Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT):
AWT package that relate to the classes hierarchy, windows
Abstract applet class fundamentals
Window 2.2
Frame Windows : creating a frame
Toolkit (AWT) window in applet, canvas, creating
windows program
2b. Describe the AWT graphics 2.3 Graphics-AWT Controls: Labels,
explain controls and how to TextField, Push buttons
apply them in the container 2.4 Layout Managers (Flow Layout,
Border Layout, Grid Layout, Card
2.5 Developing Graphical User
Interface using Swing:
JButton,JCheckBox, JRadioButton,
JComboBox, Menus
2c. Develop simple programs 2.6 Event Classes: MouseEvent Class ,
using event class and event ActionEvent Class, WindowEvent
listener interface Class
2.7 Event Listner Interface:
MouseListener, ActionListener,
WindowListener and KeyListner
Unit – III 3a. Describe the basics of JDBC 3.1 Two-Tier Database Design, Three-
Java Data and its connectivity Tier Database Design
Base 3.2 The JDBC API: The API
Connectivity components, database operations
(JDBC) like creating tables, CRUD(Create,
Read, Update, Delete) operations
using SQL
3c.Explain different types of JDBC 3.3 JDBC- advantages and
drivers and their advantages disadvantages
and disadvantages 3.4 JDBC drivers
Unit IV 4a. Describe life cycle of servlet 4.1 The life cycle of a servlet
Servlets 4.2 The Java Servlet Development Kit
4.3 The Simple Servlet: create and
compile servlet source code, start a
web browser and request the
servlet, example of echo servlet and
deployment in tomcat server
Distribution of Theory
Unit Unit Title Teaching Marks
No. Hours R U A Total
Level Level Level
1. Java Applets 09 4 4 4 12
Abstract Window Toolkit
2. 12 6 8 7 21
Java Data Base Connectivity
3. 05 4 4 4 12
4. Servlets 08 5 5 5 15
5. Java Server Pages (JSP) 08 2 3 5 10
Total 42 21 24 25 70
Legends: R = Remember; U = Understand; A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
The practical should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt to develop
different types of skills (outcomes in psychomotor and affective domain) so that students
are able to acquire the competencies/programme outcomes. Following is the list of practical
exercises for guidance.
Note: Here only outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical. However, if these
practical are completed appropriately, they would also lead to development of certain
outcomes in affective domain which would in turn lead to development of Course Outcomes
related to affective domain. Thus over all development of Programme Outcomes (as given in
a common list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme) would be
Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire
outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement of Programme
Outcomes/Course Outcomes.
Sr. Unit Practical Exercises
No. No. (Outcomes in Psychomotor Domain)
Develop an applet that draws a circle. The dimension of the
applet should be 500 x 300 pixels. The circle should be
1 centered in the applet and have a radius of 100 pixels. Display
your name centered in a circle.( using drawOval()
Draw ten red circles in a vertical column in the center of the
2 2
Built an applet that displays a horizontal rectangle in its center.
3 2
Let the rectangle fill with color from left to right.
Develop an applet that display the position of the mouse at the
upper left corner of the applet when it is dragged or moved.
4 2
Draw a 10x10 pixel rectangle filed with black at the current
mouse position.
Develop an applet that contains one button. Initialize the label
on the button to “start”, when the user presses the button, which
5 2
changes the label between these two values each time the
button is pressed.
Develop an applet that uses the mouse listener, which overrides
6 2
only two methods which are mousePressed and mouseReleased.
Develop a program that has only one button in the frame,
clicking on the button cycles through the colors: red->green-
7 4
>blue and so on. One color changes per click.(use
getBackGround() method to get the current color)
Develop an program that contains three check boxes and 30 x
30 pixel canvas.The three checkboxes should be labeled “Red”,
8 “Green”,”Blue”. The selection of the check boxes determine the 2
color of the canvas. For example, if the user selects both “Red”
and “Blue”, the canvas should be purple.
Title of Book Author Publication
1 Complete Reference Java 2 Herbert Schildt TMH
2 Core Java Volume-I Cay S. Horstmann Pearson
Fundamentals Gary Cornell
2 Swing: A Beginner's Guide Herbert Schildt TMH
3 Java Programming Cook Book Herbert Schildt MGH
4 Unleashed Java 2 Platform Jamie Jaworski Sams Techmedia
5 Java Programming Sachin Malhotra, Oxford
Saurabh Choudhary
6 Introduction to Java Y. Daniel Liang Pearson
7 Web Technology with Soumadip Ghosh University Press
Advanced Java
8 Java Enterprise Edition A B. Mohamed University Press
Practical Approach Ibrahim
9 Java Swing Obert Eckstein, O'Reilly Media
Marc Loy, Dave
10 Java 2 Intermediate to Benjamin Aumaille Firewall Media
Advanced User Guide for
*Preferably Latest editions
i. Java Applets
ii. Introduction to GUI Programming
iii. Creating a GUI using AWT
iv. Creating GUI using Java Swing
v. JDBC Database Access
vi. Servlet Technologies
vii. Java Server Pages
GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State
Advance Java Programming Course Code: 3360701