(COURSE CODE: 3350703)
Open source platforms play significant role in the corporate world and are gaining popularity
because these are freeware and ease of access. Java is a simple, portable, distributive, robust,
secure, dynamic, architecture neutral, object oriented programming language. This
technology allows the software designed and developed once for an idealized ‘virtual
machine’ and run on various computing platforms. Companies of all sizes are using Java as
the main programming platform to develop various applications/projects worldwide. The aim
of this course is that student should learn platform independent object oriented programming
and java as base language for advanced technology like three tier architecture applications,
cloud computing and web development. Many commercial applications as well as developing
mission critical applications are using Java Technologies. This necessitates the corporate
sectors to hire highly skilled Java developers. So, after learning this course, student can float
themselves as Java developer in the software industry as well this course works as foundation
course for advance Java programming for the forthcoming semester.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills
so that students are able to acquire following competency:
Develop software applications using object oriented concept in an Java SDK
The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students
are able to acquire different learning out comes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
i. Explain object oriented programming concepts of java.
ii. Comprehend building blocks of OOPs language, inheritance, package and
iii. Identify exception handling methods.
iv. Develop multithreading object oriented programs.
v. Develop an object oriented program handling data file.
3 0 4 7 70 30 40 60
4f. Describe Abstract & final 4.4 Abstract class and final class
Unit – V 5a. Explain errors, & 5.1 Types of errors, exceptions, try..catch
Exception exceptions statement, multiple catch blocks, throw
Handling & 5b. List types of errors and throws keywords, finally clause, uses
Multithreaded of exceptions, user defined exceptions
Programming 5c. Define thread, creating 5.2 Creating thread, extending Thread class,
threads, multithreading, implementing Runnable interface, life
thread priority & cycle of a thread, Thread priority &
synchronization thread synchronization, exception
handing in threads
6a. Explain basics of 6.1 Stream classes, class hierarchy, useful I/O
streams, stream classes, classes, creation of text file, reading and
Unit – VI creation, reading and writing text files
File Handling writing files in context
to file handling
1. Introduction to Java 04 4 3 0 7
2. Building blocks of the Language 08 4 4 6 14
Object Oriented Programming
3. 06 4 4 6 14
Inheritance, Packages and
4. 10 4 4 6 14
Exception Handling, 10 4 4 6 14
Multithreaded Programming
6. File Handling 04 0 3 4 07
Total 42 20 22 28 70
Note: This specification table shall be treated as general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
The practical/exercises are designed to develop different types of skills of the competency.
Following is the list of practical problems.
The course activities include Lectures and Practical Exercises as per teaching
Dr. Shailendra Singh, Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Engineering and
Dr. James K. Mathai, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering
and Applications.