Recent Adv in Atgm

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Defence Science Journal, Vol 45, No 3, July 1995.

pp 187-197
@ 1995. DESIDOC ,


Recent Advances in Antitank Guided Missile Systems

N.R. Iyer

Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad-500 258


The recent advanc~s in tactical antitank guided missile (ATGM}systems are discussed. The main
driving factors for the technological advances towards realisation of third generation A TGM systems
have been the more demanding operational needs of the user services and limitations of earlier
generation A TGM systems. The tasks of system design, hardware realisation, integration, testing
and qualification have become extremely challenging to meet these stringent operationalfequirements.
The technologies required, to be mobilised for meeting these operational requirements and
performance envelope and satisfying thc operational and logistics constraints are again very
demanding. The high technology content and the high level of performance required out of the
subsystems have led to the present generation missile systems. The evolution from the earlier
generations to current systems has been briefly discussed. Imaging infrared (IIR) and Millimetre
wave (MMW) guidance systcms employed for achieving the fire and forget capability of the third
generation A TGM are described with specific reference to progress achieved so far. Translating thc
mission requirements to preliminary system specifications is another arca wherein an innovative
approach only can lead to meet the multiple performance criteria. Performance growth profile and
emerging trends in ATGM systems are also analysed.

I. INTRODUCTION (c) Advances in electronic and electro-optical

counter-measure and counter counter-measure
The rapid advances and ,growth in technologies
relating to the short range tactical antitank guided capabilities.
missile (ATGM) systems and -their; supporting (d) The need to minimise the exposure time or dwell
subsystems over the last three decades have changed rime over the- hostile t:' -,.~t area for the missile
the antitank warfare scenario and consequently, the and delivery platforms, leading to fire and
A TGM system deployment concepts, significantiy. The forget/launch and leave capabilities.
major contributing factors for these changes are : In this paper, the third generation' A TGM system
(a) The ever-increasing sur.:eillance and target ac- has been discussed in detail focussing on the recent
quisition capabilities for de1ection, rec~gnition and advances in the technological inputs and covering the
identification using electro-optical-; and radar following aspects of A TGM systems:
sensors. ,
(b) Advances in microelectronics and packaging have (a) Driving factors

enabled realisation of onboard. real-time Operational needs and limitations of existing/

image/signal proc(fssing, digital autopilot and earlier generationsl systems Technological advances.
compact seekers to"be accommodated within the
stringent space. weight and power c{)nstraints of (b)
Technological implications of fire and forget and

ATGMs. top attack capabilities

Rcceived 18 April 1995

Based on it talk delivercd by the author at the seminar on ATGMs during 19'}4


DEF SCI J. VOL 45. NO 3. JULY 1995

Guidance system-the critical techn.c>logy (c Engagement was feasible only on front or side of
Total design management \ro;\.1) -considerations, tanks, where arrnoured protection is much more
constraints and approach -a case study of TOM compared to the top.
Emcrging trends. (d) Large minimum range by the time the operator
gathers the missile through the sight and brings it
on to the line of sight using the limmited lateral
accclet6tion capability of the missile. These
While analysing the performance growth profile of shortcomings led to the evolution of the second
A TGMs from first generation to third generation gene~ation A TGMs.
systems, the most important performance index is the
operator's role index (ORI). While. in the first 4. SF:COND (;ENERA TION A TGM SYSTEMS
generation A TGM system the missile operator was 1ht: relative advantages of the second generation
required to perform a number of functions, in the second ATGMs employing semi-automatic control to line of
generation A TGM system the operator is required only sight (SACLOS) over their predecessor are :
to acquire and track the target. In the third generation (a) The operator is required only to track the target.
A TGM system the missile operator's task has been He is not required to track the missile as it is done
further reduced to only acquiring the target and handing by the IR Goniometer nor he is required to
over the same to the missile seeker through an automatic generate the guidance commands which is done
process (handing over algorithm). Thus, on a relative automatically by the command gene~a,ion system
scale, the ORI for third generation A TGMs is only on the launcher. The operator's reduced role
10 points compared to 100 points for the functions results in a better hit probability.
required to be performed by the operator of {irst (b) Higher missile speed of 150-280 m/s could be
generation A TGMs. This has been made possible due achieved due to reduced role of operator .
to the fire and forget capability of the third generation
( c) Reduced wing size due to increased speed leading
A TGM. To appreciate the two important operational
to tube launching and reduced dispersion. This
needs of fire and forget and top attack capabilities of
along with reduced role of operator led to smaller
the third generation A TGMs, the shortcomings of the
minimum range.
first and second generation A TGM systems are briefly
discussed in the next two sections.
How,ever, some of the disadvantages of the second
generation A TGMs are :
3. FIRST GENERATION ATGM SYSTEMS (a) Though the missile speed could be increased to
The first generation A TGMs with manual control 150-280m/s, still the flight time to ma~imum range
to line of sight (MACLOS) and typical range of 1.5-2 km is 10-15 s and during this time and the target
suffered from the following disa~vantages. acquisition time, the system and the crew remain
vulnerable to enemy counter fire-
(a) Difficult role of the operator to simultaneously
track the tank and the missile and to generate ' (b) Being a line of sight missile attacking the tank
up-down and left-right commands on a joystick from front or side (for ground deployment), the
for sending to the missile through the guidance disadvantage of engaging only on the front or sides
wire. The kill probability of the missile system remains asin the caseof first generation A TG Ms.
depends on the operator's skill and training and Hence, even in the second generation A TGM
his capability to perform in the actual battlefield system, the exposure time of the system and operating
scenario. crew to enemy oounter action, though reduced
(b) The guidance wire dispensation from the missile compared to the first generation ATGM system, is still
and the operator's response time for guiding the unacceptable, especially considering that it is a direct
missile limited the missile speed to 100-180 m/s. fire/line of sight (LOS) system. Thus, there is a pressing
The operator and the missile system were operational minimise this exposure time or the
vulnerable to enemy counter action during the dwell time over enemy target area, which is all the more
prolonged flight time due to this low speed. relevant for the helicopter version.


5. ACCEPTABLE & AFFORDABLE A'n'RITION and electro-optical sensors, often deployed as a

LEVEL (AAA LEVEL) multi-sensor system with real-time processing and
With the technological advances, the operational displays, have increased considerably. This has resulted
capabilities of the A TGM systems and their deployment in day an~ night and all weather capabilities and
platfonns, both vehicle and helicopter-based, have increased ranges of operation. With surveillance and
increased considerably. Consequently, their costs have reconnaissancecapabilities at satellite level, movements
also gone up. The relative cost of the firing platfonn is of tank formations can be monitored in conjunction
typically 30-100 times that of the A TGM. It deploys With OPS. For tracking movements of individual tanks
depending upon the type and vintage of the system and or small group of tanks, day sights and thermal imaging
the target acquisition system (T AS) it deploys. In view sights have been realised with recognition range
of this, high cost of the firing platfonn, its trained crew
capabilities of 4 kIn and more. Also, the electronic and
and the missiles it carries, there is a need to ensure that
electr0-0ptical countermeasure and counter counter-
the attrition levels of such platfonns are acceptable and
measure capabilities have grown considerably and are
affordable to the user forces. This brings out the need
for limiting the exposure of the platform and the crew competing in an eternal race to outwit each other's
to the minimum essential duration to just facilitate the performance. This cans/for the missile systems to be
acquisition of target and firing the missile after handing made immune to the countermeasures.
over the same to the missile. This calls for the fire and Advances in microelectronics and packaging have
forget capability to be bestowed on the new generation enabled realisation of onboard, real-time image/signal
A TGMs. processing, digital autopilot and compact seekers to be
Also, with the advances in armour it is becorr~ng accommodated within the stringent space, weight and
increasingly difficult to defeat futuristic armour-in- power constraints of ATOMs. For example, the first
cluding those fitted with explosive reactive armour and second generation missiles typically had the
(ERA)-in front attack, where the tank enjoys minimum onboard electronics to decode the commands
maximum annour protection, or even in side attacks received through the guidance wire and send to the
depending on the azimuthal presentation of the target actuators. Compared to this, a microprocessor-based
area. However, the top of the tank is relatively weak.
guidance and control computer performs all the
Though efforts are being made to improve the quality
functions during flight on an autonomous mode in the
and quantity of armour protection to the top of the tank
thirq generation ATGM for the mission, except the
due to threat from top attack missiles and submunitions,
initial acquisition of the target by the operator and
from the considerations of mobility, the top would enjoy
lesser protection compared to frv.,. and sides of the handing over the same to the missile seeker. With the
tank. The top attack capability in which the missile dives type of devices available till late seventies, realisation
on to the top of the tank ( as different from over fly of such compact onboard computers for missions like
attack capability) needs to be built into the missile by fire and forget ATOM was not feasible.
suitable shaping of the trajectory taking into account
the seeker and other missile constraints and range of
values for the impact angle for the missile/warhead. A 6.1 Cost the Killer, Technology the Winner
discussion of the technological implications of the twin There is an increase of about ten times in the unit
operational requirements of fire and forget and top cost of second generation A TGMs (A TGM-2)
attack capabilities, are discus:;ed in a later section compared to the first generation ATGMs (ATGM-1).
(Sec.7). The cost of the third generation A TGMs (A TGM-3) of
the fire and forget and top attack type is estimated to
be about hundred times more compared to that of the
TO ATGMs ATGM-1 or ten times that of the ATGM-2. As an
The surveillance and target acquisition capabilities example, the 1990 estimates of the European TRIGA T ,
for detection, recognition and identification using radar third generation A TGM, programme are as follows.

DEF SCI J, VOL 45, NO 3, JULY 1995

6.1.1 Unit C.'0.~t that they form the basic building blocks with which
manya system can be configured with addition of certain
TRIGAT MR (mcdiumTange) $ 20,<XX>-45,000
incremental blocks. The examples given by Dr Kalam
(Rs. 6-15 lakh)
in his inaugural address at the of using the seeker
TRIGAT I~R (long range) $ 37,(XX)-80,(XX)
technologies of A TGM-3 for FOGM and terminally
(Rs. 12-25 lakh) guided suhmunitions (TGSMs), aFt;'very relevant in this
context (TechfloJogy, the winner concept). Similarly,
6./.2 Programme Cost for achieving maximum cost-effectiveness at opera-
TOT AL : $ 1.4 Billion (Rs. 4500 crore) tional system levels, multi-role operation (antitank
Medium range Rs. l200 crore and anti-helicopter) and multiplatform deployn;ent
( wheeled/tracked vehicles and helicopters ) are
Long range Rs. 3300 crore.
essenti~l. In addition, deployment by multiusers,
including export potential needs to be considered right
6.1.3 Requirement
at the conceptualisati<?n and design phases due to the
Numbers : Mer" -n range 210,(XX) type of environment and scenarios in which the systems
Long range : 87.000 have to be deployed. The concept of total design
management (mM) starts with this step foliowed b~'
Thus the investment required to be made for third
technological implications of critical mission
generation A TGM systems is very high. Twelve
requirements, choice of critical technologies and other
countries developed the first generation A TGMs and
system requirements and.. design constraints, as
even a single country , like France developed three
discussed in the next section.
different first generation A TGMs -SS10, ENT AC and
SS11. As against this, six European countries are jointly 7. MISSION REQUIREMENTS OF THIRD
funding the TRIGAT ATGM-3 programme with four
more countries evincing their keen interest to
participate in tile programme. Thus the increasing
development CL)St has prevented many from The technological implications of the the thre~
independently developing the A TGM-3. Instead, they importan~ mission requ!rements, menrioned earlier, are
have been forced to collaborate by pooling their discussed here.
resources so that the development cost is shared and
7.1 Fire and Forget Capability
consequently, the unit cost of the system in production
becomes affordable (cost, the kiJJerconcept). From the Against moving targets like tanks, the fire and forget
time the need for a new type of missile system is felt capability requires the use of a self-contained, homing
by the user from operational considerations ( e.g. the guidance system for the antitank missile of small size.
need for A TGM-3 as brought out earlier), the typical The active homing and passive homing guidance system
life cycle time, i.e. for its conceptualisation. system are the possible options. The third type of homing
realisation, testing, performance evaluation and system, namely, semiactive homing, does not enable
demonstration to user services, production and the system to have fire and forget capability in the strict
deployment and product improvements based on user sense of the tenn. In the semiactive homing, the
feedback, spans over about 30 years. Hence the choice operator is required to continuously illuminate the
of technologies and system configuration has to be very target using a source of radiation. Though the missile
carefully made through a technology forecast and can be located away from the iUuminating source and
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and after securing lock on by the missile seeker and after
threats) analysis, so that the missile .system is launching the missile, the missile operator can leave the
contemporary in technological and operational launch site, the other operator has to continue to
capabilities and competitive over similar systems illuminate the target till the engagemen.t is over. This
throughout its deployment phase. As Dr APJ Abdul make~ the target illuminating system and its operator
Kalam, a noted expert in missiles, pointed out earlier , vulnerable. Hence such a system is not considered
the lead teclmologies have to be chosen in such a way suitable for fire and forget capability.


In the active homing type, a laser radar seeker or a in A TGM for defeating annour. The impact angle in
millimetre wave (MMW) radar seeker can be considered top attack needs to be maximum for inflicting maximum
as possible options. A CO2 LRF laser radar is considered damage to the tank. There is also a minimum angle of
essential for achieving a typical range of 4-6 kIn, keeping impact depending on the nose shape and velocity of
in view the attenuation in the atmosphere, including impact ~Iow which the missile would ricochet on
the battlefield dust and smoke. It is feasible to configure impact. Thus, maximising. the impact angle is one of
and package such a CO2 laser radar seeker within the the design objectives. To follow the top attack trajectory
permissible space and weight of the ATOM. However , scheme, .the missile needs to perform important
a laser radar of this type normally uses threshold manoeuvres during the climb and final descent phases.
detection techniques using amplitude of the return Lateral acceleration (latax) capability available for the
signal for discerning the target. However, detecting the missile would decide the turning radius and the
target from the background is extremely difficult using minimum range for engagement while meeting the
the above technique by a laser radar , as the laser does gimbal angle and impact angle constraints also. In some
not provide any inherent target identification against of the ATGMs, tube launching is one of the opera-
tanks deployed against competing non targets, such as tional requirements from logistics and handling consi-
ground und\ilations, boulders, etc. Hence only the derations. For the tube-Iaunched missiles, the size of
MMW radar has been considered for the active homing. the wings and control fins, especially the span, gets
For the passive homing, an imaging infrared (IIR) restricted. This results in limiting the'latax capability,
seeker has been configured. which in turn affects the minimum range adversely for
the top attack scheme compared to the first and second
7.2 Top At~k Capabillty generation missiles employing direct/front attack
With the advancements made in the types of armour trajectory. The flight time and propulsion energy
used in modem battletanks, it is becoming extremely requirements for following top attack trajectory would
difficult to defeat the tank infront attack. In the top of also be marginally higher compared to the direct attack
the tank the thickness of armour used is normally almost trajectory .Hence another design constraint is the limit
one order less colnpared to the front and sides. Hence on the maximum height of the trajectory .
it is easier to engage and destroy the tank in the top
attack mode. The first and second generation missiles 7.3 Warhead Capability
when deployed on helicopter platform enjoy the top Explosive reactive armour (ERA) has been
attack capability by virtue of the height advantage of developed for use against shaped charge warheads of
the firing platform. However, in the case of the third A TGMs. To defeat arrnour protected by ERA, it is
generation A.TOM, the top attack capability is required essential to go in for tandem-shaped charge warhead.
to be built into the missile itself even for ground vehicle The front charge which can be a full calibre charge or
deployment. To accomplish this it is essential to adopt subcalibre charge, depending on the space and weight
a climb-and-cruise trajectory followed by a final descent availabHity in the missile, is meant for defeating the
phase, that is, an indirect fire trajectory scheme. While ERA. The rear charge which is norrnany a full calibre
the missile follows this trajectory schemej it is to be charge, defeats the actual concealed armour. The delay
ensured that the seeker does. not loose track of the between the detonation of the front and rear charges
tar&~t from I.aunch till the impact. This calls for a good needs optimisation for maximising the penetration
degree of gimbal freedom for the seeker, especially in effect. The spacing between the two charges and the
the elevation plane. The size of the gimballed seeker is size of the front charge again are optimised such that
decided by the size and type of optics or the antenna the detonation of the front charge does not adversely
to obtain the required lock-on range and also the seeker affect the directionality of the jet from the rear charge.
i$ be stabilised. Hence for the given diameter of the The spacing between the charges is also limited by the
missile and the seeker diameter, the gimbal freedom allowable length for the warhead in the missile. In case
gets restricted and the trajectory scheme needs where ERA is not used, the front charge gives some
optimisation with available gimbal freedom. This is one penetration in the arrnour and this is followed hy the
of the constraints, for the shaped-charge warhead used penetration from the rear charge. The design of the

I <} J
DEF SCII, VOI- 45, NO 3, JULY 1995

tandcm warhcad, including initiation mcchanism .and developmcntal efforts and optimisation of performance .
wavc shaping require optimisation using a computcriscd the critical technologies are in the guidance area. The
design codc. Third generation A TGMs use either an tcchnologiral aspects of the IIR passive homing
activc or a passive homing seeker as discussed earlicr . guidance and the MMW active homing guidaltcc are
This sceker with stabilisation system has to be discussed in the following subsections:
necessarily housed in the nose of the missilc which is
usually the location reserved for the shaped charge 8.1 IIR Passive Guidance Systems
warhead in the first and second generation missiles. The mission requirements normally call for the
Due to this location of the seeker, the tandem warhead
engagement of both moving and static tanks and other
can at best be located immediately behind the seekt:r .
armoured vehicles in a variety of terrains and in different
Hence the jets from the two shaped charges need to
seasons of the year during both day and night. It also
defeat the seeker obstacles first before they strike the
becomes essential at times to engage tanks with the
target. This results in a certain loss of energy of the jet
engine not running. The ambient temperature variation
before defeating the ERA and the actual arrnour. This
could typically be from -20 °C to + 50 °C depending on
loss of energy becomes more in.cases where certain
the season ~..J the terrain. The typical temperature
other missile subsystems, such as onboard signal
differential of the targets compared to the background
processor may have to be located between the warhead
could be 1 K. Conventional IR detectors which are used
and the seeker ~om considerations of optimised layout against aeriaJ and ship targets. where the target
of missile subsystems. Thus for a given diameter of the
temperature difference over the background of sky or
warhead, the actual penetration in target achieved from
sea is very high, cannot be used against tanks and other
the tandem warhead in absolute tenns could be less in
armoured vehicles deployed on ground in the scenario
some cases compared to the shaped charge warhead of
described above. With conventional IR detectors the
earlier generation A TGMs, which are located in the
missile can be misled easily by more powerful IR sources
nose of the missile. However, the earlier generation radiating in the selected spectral band, such as
missiles do not have the intrinsic top attack capability
electro-optics countermeasure sources, burning tanksl
while launched from ground/vehicles. Hence the
targets already destroyed by other engagements and
quantum of armour they have to defeat infront1side
which are within the field of view of the seeker. For
attack is often one order more compared to the top of
tracking and engaging ground targets, such as tanks
the tank which can be engaged and defeated due to the
with such low temperature differential over the
top attack capability of the third generation A TGMs.
background, it is essential to go for thermal imaging of
Hence the ratio of the penetration capability of the third
the target and the background in the vicinity of the
generation ATGM warhead to the thickness of the
target. From atmospheric transmission considerations
arrnour to be defeated in the top of the tank is
there are two spectral windows for operation, namely.
considerably higher than that of the earlier generation
3-5 micron medium wave infrared (MWIR) window and
missile warheads (ratio of their penetration to the 8-12 micron long wave infrared (L WIR) window. Both
thickness of the arrnour to be defeated infront1sides of
these windows are being exploited for thermal imaging
the tank). In fact, this is the ultimate performance index
and missile guidance applications. The uniformity and
of an A TGM. The single shot kill probability (SSKP) contrast are usually better with 3-5 micron window.
given a hit of the top attack A TGM is thus much higher
Monolithic two-dimensional focal plane array (FPA)
compared to the earlier generator missile warheads senors based on silicon schottky barrier diode array with
leading to K (knock out) type kill, thereby justifying silicon readout devices, indium antimonide (InSb)
the higher unit cost and mission. cost of the third
detector array with silicon readout array and mercury
generation A TGMs. cadmium telluride (MCf) detector array coupled with
silicon readout devices are used in the 3-5 micron
8. GUmANCE SYSTEM THE CRIncAl window. At low scene temperatures which could be up
TECHNOLOGIES to -30 °C in typical cases, the signal content in the
While the technologies relating to almost all the sub 3-5 micron window becomes low. Hence for operation.
systems of the third generation A TGMs call for new in extremely cold environment (sub-zero temperature),


the 3-5 micron FPA sensor is not a good choice. On handover the target to the missile seeker for getting a
the other hand, for operation at extremely low lock on-signal can be minimised. The image seen by
temperature, the 8-12 micron FP As are a better choice ; the seeker is updated during fight at typical rates of
also, the atmospheric attenuation is rela~ively less 30-60 frames/second. Once the target size grows
compared to the 3-5 micron window; MCf detector occupying -sufficient number of pixels during the mid
arrays can operate in the 8-12 micron spectral window course phase, a centroid algorithm is used to compute
by adjusting the composition of the material. Array the aim point on the target and the missile tries to home
sizes up to 512 x 512 pixels have been realised for on to this aim point. In the terminal phase when the
platinum silicon (PtS/) Schottky barrier-based FP A target overfills the sensor size, the correlation algorithm
sensor and 256 x 256 pixels InSb FPA sensors have can be invoked again to home on to a point within the
also been realised. For the MCf arrays, array size of target. A multi mode flight processor with common
128 x 128 pixels has been reported. Larger array sizes hardware switching over from correlation to centroid
are difficult to realise with this ternary material as the algorithm and again to correlation algorithm is needed
yield goes down significantly with increase in the array to fulfil the requirements of fast update time/near
size due to uniformity problems over large areas. rea1-time processing, minimum power consumption,
However, for short range applications, like A TGMs, minimum number of components from reliability and
array size of 128 x 128 pixels is considered adequate. cost considerations and extreme space constraints in a
In Sb and MCf arrays need cooling to liquid nitrogen small A TGM. A compact system for stabilisation and
temperature. Two possible options for cooling are: tracking in pitch and yaw planes is another area
stirling cycle engine or a mini cooler based on involving use of miniaturised gyros, torquesrs, pick-offs,
Joule- Thomson (JT) cooling. For thermal imaging etc. The missile is usually roll-stabilised for such
applications as in-8 thermal sight used in vehicles/aircraft missions.
for target acquisition involving continuous use over long
durations, the first option is preferred. However, for 8.3 MMW Guidance System
single shot application, like missile, the JT cooler is the
IIR guidance system offers the advantage of high
obvious choice from weight and size considerations. For
resolution. However, in bad weather the attenuation of
the readout of the detector array output, charge coupled
the IR radiation even at 8-12 micron increases, thereby
device (CCD) arrays and MOS X- Y arrays are used.
deteriorating the range performance considerably. On
CCD arrays are used as readout device for 3-5 micron
the other hand, a MMW-based guidance system has
two-dimensional FP A sensors as well as for linear arrays
relatively less attenuation, thereby enabling all-weather
of 3-5 micron and 8-12 micron detectors. For the 8-12
ciipability. The use of such high frequencies at MMW
micron FP A sensor, the use of X- Y readout has been
i~ essential to accom","riate the active seeker. especially
reported. The FP A is encapsulated in glass/metal dewar
the antenna within the permissible diameter/dimensions
for operation at liquid nitrogen temperature.
of the A TGM. For antitank role, the use of W-band
seeker is considered essential to achieve the required
8.2 Image Processing
beam width with the limited size of the antenna. The
For typical maximum ranges of 4-5 km and with typical power requirements would be few tens of watts
FPA sensor array sizes of 128 x 128, recognising a for a maximum range of 4-5 km. The .nagnetron
target through the missile seeker is not feasible with ttdchnology at W-band frequency has not matured yet
achievable field of view (FOV) and resolution. Hence for missile-bome use. Silicon IMP A TT diodes are used
there is a need to have a thermal sight with a medium for producing the required power. Usually a single diode
FOV to detect and a narrow FOV to recognise and if which gives 10-20 W pulse power cannot deliver the
possible, identify the target. The target recognise~ by required output power. Hence power combining of the
the thermal sight along with its immediate output ,of multiple diOOes by cavity combining/hybrid
neighbourhood is correlated with the lower resolution combining or a combination of OOth techniques is
image obtained by the seeker through correlation usually resorted to. Other-solid-state-devices, such as
algorithm. With the use of fast and efficient algorithms, Gun-diodes and Schottk.y-barrier-diodes are used for
the time required to pe'rform the correlation and to local oscillator and mixer and Pin-diodes are used for

DEF sa J, VOL 4S, NO 3, JULY 1995

fast switching. Development and production of the target-to-clutter ratio (TIC), spread-to-mean ratio
above types of solid-state devices are extremely (S/M), etc. , have been suggested for use in identification
challenging from technology point of view, especially algorithms. Generation of an extensive database for
due to the extremely small dimensions and tolerances different types of targets, aspect angles and
for operating at W-band frequencies. Conventional target-background combinations is required to evolve
Cassegrain antenna demands large annular space within such criteria and algorithms. For detection and range
the missile for achieving the required gimbal freedom and angle tracking separate and special type of
in elevation and azimuth, which is essentially required algorithms are required to be evolved. l1itse functions
for realising top attack trajectory scheme. Hence the are suitably apportioned between the vehicle-bascd
other options, such as trans-twist antenna, wherein only proces.c;or and the missile-based signal processor. Fast
the twist reflector plate is move, is usually update time for real-time processing, minimum ~ .)wer
employed. The advantage with such a scheme is that of consumption and minimum I:15eof components from
limited servo power requirement for moving only the reliability, space and cost considerations are the
twist reflector plate instead of the complete antenna attributes for the flight processor .
assembly and the need to move the plate only through
half the required angle based on reflecting mirror 9. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND DFSIGN
principle. However, the materials to be used for such CONSTRAINTS
printed antenna, the three dimensional profile accuracy Having carried out the op~ion analysis and chosen
of the trans-reflector, the accuracy of the gratings and the critical technologies, which is the first step in the
precision fabrication are the technological chaUenges (total design management), the total system
for realising such an antenna to the required requirements and design constrajnts for a typical
specifications. Similarly, at W-band frequency special A TGM-3 system are sumrnarised below:
materials have been synthesised to realise radomes of
Fire and forget and top attack capabilities,
suitable thickness and shape with a view to minimise
Lock-on-before-launch (LOBL) capability ,
the attenuation and to have minimum distortion of the
High impact accuracy (tens of cm) defines
antenna radiation pattern.
permissible guidance error ,
.Defeat of all futuristic armour including
8.4 Signal Processing Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA),
The the.rmal sight used in the IIR guidance system Need to minimise minimum range,
can be used for MMW guidance system also for target Need to maximise impact angle for warhead
detection and recognition. The missile axis is aligned effectiveness, Tube launching from operational
with the thermal sight so that the seeker looks at the and handling considerations. leads to
target when the thermal sight is laid on the chosen requirements of folding wings and fins; implies
target. The MMW seeker has the slewing capability by limited span/plantform thereby limiting the
which the lock-on is achieved before launch. However , achievable latax capability , Need to minimise
in bad weather conditions, the thermal sight range drag to keep missile weight within pennissible
deteriorates. Since the MMW seeker will have a range limits dictates velocity-time profile, which in
capability better than that of the thermal sight under turn, decides thrust-time profiles and
such bad weather conditions, it would be desirable to propulsion system choice,
exploit this extra range capability of the seeker under Need to restrict missile diameter, length and
such situations. For this, target identification algorithms LID ratio from practical and aerodynamicsl
which can perform without external aids, like thermal stluctural considerations, Preferred locations
sight, are required. The target signature varies with the for subsystems, e.g. seeker infront leads to
cross-section presented in azimuth and elevation, configuration layout constraints, and
including changes in turret and gun orientation. Hence Trajectory shaping constrained by available
there is a need to evolve the identification algorithms gimbal angle freedom. latax capability., impact
which make use of aspect-invariant properties of the angle and maximum allowable height
target. Multiple criteria, such as combination of considerations.



The choice of subsystems is dictated by the foregoing 10. EMERGING TRENDS IN A TGMs
system requirements and design co~siderations as The emerging trends in A TGM development and
indicated in the following as an example. current development efforts are summarised in Fig. I.
Tandem shaped charge warhead to de(eat all In the in~antry-type A TGMs, the TRIGA T Medium
futuristic armour including ERA, Range (MR) version is the typical example. A few other
countries are also developing such infantry-type
Composite airframe to minimise weight,
A TGMs as can be seen from Fig. 1. Such missiles would
All electric actuation system for ease of
feature a tandem warhead without use of guidance wire,
operation, the guidance being through a laser beam. It neither has
maintenance and safety for carrying spare fire and forget capability nor top attack capability.
missiles inside the vehicle, Protagonists of wire guidance feel that wire is the most
immune link from countermeasures point of view
Solid propellant booster-sustainer
compared to a laser beam, and reliability of guidance
configuration to match required velocity-time
in actual use is claimed to be more than 99.9 per cent
profile 1 Infact, they feel that reliability of the laser beam would
IIR/MMW guidance to achieve fire and forget be much less in actual battlefield'operational scenarios.
capability, As far as reeling off guidance wire and its limitations
and on missile speed are concerned, second generation
A TGMs like HOT and TOW have achieved high
Thermal battery with low activation time and
subsonic speeds. TRIGA T -MR being a subsonic
long storage life for electrical power supply.
missile, the velocity-time profile is not considered to be
Once the choice of subsystems is made, keeping in superiQr to some of these high-subsonic, second
view the system performance requirements and generation A TGMs. Accordingly, tactical/operational
considerations of available technologie~ and advantages to the users, if any, of the infantry-type of
new/development needs, the preliminary design and third generation A TGMs like TRIGA T -MR over
configuration layout exercise is carried out. In the next existing missiles like MILAN, TOW, etc, which are also
step the vehicle sizing studies to accommodate the equippped with tandem warheads in latest versions, are
subsystems within the chosen diameter and length not convincing.
(UD constraint) is carried out. A few candidate options TRIGA T Long Range (LR) and .NAG are examples
for subsystems and configuration I~yout may be of the vehicle based/helicopter-borne third generation
considered at this stage. Feasible propellant grain A TGMs. These systems are based on LOBL concept.
configurations to meet thrust-time prL e (burning area, LoBL capability restricts the maximum range of the
burn, rate, web size), grain geometry to withstand missile to 4 or 5 km. This restriction is due to the limit
pressure, forward and latax environment, desired imposed by the maximum achievable range of the
loading density, sliver fraction etc. , are considered and thermal sight and missile seeker due" to operational
the choice made. The configuration layout meeting the constraints of size, weight, power, etc. To increase the
preferred subsystem locations and LID constraint is maximum range capability, it would be essential to go
chosen. Wing and fin platform shapes ({or given areas) in for lock-on-after-launch (LOAL) capability. In this
and locations are worked out to meet the latax and scheme, the missile is fired based on a priorj information
stability requirements during the entire flight regime. in the general direction of the targets. The flight profile
The configuration and subsystem inputs are used for and missile system capability ensure that the missile
three DOF and six DOF simulation studies and fine reaches the target area within certain specified error
tuning of the configuration is carried out in an iterative basket" The seeker is activated at this point and with
manner. The performance achieved i.j the six DOF the scanning capability built into the seeker, it would
studies are compared with the system requirements be able to perform target detection and recognition
specified by the user before design freeze. Based on functions. However, this would need a lot more
this, system level and subsystem specifications are intelligence to be huilt into the missile signal processor
finalised for carrying out the detailed design. in the form of fast and efficient algorithms based on

DEF SCI J, VOL 45, NO 3, JULY 1995


o ss 1o.lss 11. ENTAC]










1.500 M (INFANTRY)

Figure I. Emerging tnnds In ATGM development and current devdopmeot efforts.

suitable criteria for target detection and recognition, (HVM) and supersonic A TGM-3 with LOAL and dual
which is otherwise done with the help of the missile sensor capabilities ,built into the seeker are other areas
operator in the vehicle for the LOBL mission. The being focussed upon.
LOAL class of missile can also be used for terminally For longer range applications, especially for indirect
~uided submissiles (TGSMs) in a many versus many fire, where the target scene is hindered by obstacles
scenario ( multiple missiles being carried in a big bus like hills, sand dunes, line of trees, etc, fibreoptics
missile against multiple targets). Dual mode sensors, as guided missiles (FOGMs) is the option. Such a missile
and when configured for actual missile-bome use, would has an umbilical connected to the ground system
combine the advantages of the allweather capability of through the fibreoptic cable, which is reeled off from
MMW system and the high resolution capability of the the missile and hence is not afire and forget type missile.
IIR system, apart from improved failure resistance However, since the missile range is quite large (say
features to be built in. However, the integrated design 10 km) and since it. is an indirect fire system, the syitem
of the two seekers with the need for commonality in and crew are not directly exposed to the enemy counter
subsystem modules of the seeker to the exploitable attack. Secondly. it has the top attack capability and
extent and packaging the dual sensor based seeker can be fitted with tandem shaped-charge warhead to
within the already stringent dimensional and weight defeat all futuristic and ERA type armour .This is one
constraints of the single sensor-based seeker are the system in which development work is going on currently
technological .challenges. Hyper velocity missiles in the USA and Europe.



II. CONCLUSIONS programmes, all the technological and design

capabilities are available to configure such systems
The following conclusions emerge out of this study:
with incremental efforts to be put in to meet any
In view of the limitations of the first and second
s~cific operational requirements.
generation A TGM systems, the third generation
(v) The concept of TDM is essential to evaluate and
A TGM systems with fire and forget a~d top attack
choose the appropriate technological and design
capabilities and capability to defeat futuristic
options to ensure competitive edge over other
armour equipped with ERA are under develop-
similar and contemporary systems in terms of
ment in Europe, USA and India. The NAG A TGM
technology and o~rational capabilities and to
system of India which is in the final stage of
have built in stretch potential to incorporate
development employs advanced technologies in all
~rformance improvements based on user
its subsystems including the IlR and MMW
feed-back/field ex~rience, and to enhance the
seekers. The possible technological options were
useful deployment life of the missile system.
evaluated and the chosen sub systems and
technologies would ensure that the. NAG system (vi) Expensive systems like third generation A TGMs
would be contemporary and competitive during its need to be deployed judiciously against target
entire deployment cycle with similar systemsunder scenarios, where third generation features like fire
development abroad. With concerted efforts, the and forget and top attack capabilities are essential
development, evaluation, and deployment of this and can be fully exploited to realise allowable and
system would be completed at least one year ahead affordable attrition levels to the deploying
of similar systems under development in Europe platforms by engaging the targets from outside
and the US. the kill zones of the enemy tank weapons. Against
target situations with less severe threat, existing
(ii) The author is not personally and convinced about
second generation A TGMs retrofitted with
the tactical/operational advantages the
tandem warhead can also be used. Such an
infantry-type third generation A TGMs like
optimum mix of ATGMs would lead to
TRIGA T MR would bestow on the users for the
cost-effective o~rational solutions.
reasons outlined above.
,., To make the A TGM-3 system in particular and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
any missile system in general more cost-effective The paper has drawn material from a number Gl
and to enhance the force multiplier effect, the technical reports prepared by design and development
feasibility of multirole, multi platform and teams from different work centres of the third
multiuser deployment needs too be consirlered generation A TGM under the Integrated Missile
right at the conceptualisation and system Development Programme of the Country .The author
definition phase. gratefully acknowledges the inputs provided by these
(iv) FOGM and LOAL type "missilesare required for sources. The author also wishes to thank the Director
longer range A TGM applications. With the Defence Research & Development Laboratory,
technologies mobilised for NAG project and other Hyderabad, for permission to publish this paper.


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