Proceedings of Spie: Recent Advances in Antitank Missile Systems and Technologies

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Recent advances in antitank missile

systems and technologies

Iyer, Narayana

Narayana R. Iyer, "Recent advances in antitank missile systems and

technologies," Proc. SPIE 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in
Defense and Manufacturing, (4 November 1999); doi: 10.1117/12.368467

Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 1999,

Singapore, Singapore

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Invited Paper

Recent Advances in Anti-tank Missile Systems and Technologies

N.R. Iyer

Project Director, Defence Research & Development Laboratory

Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad - 500 058


This paper focusses on the recent advances in tactical Anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems and related technologies.
The growth profile of ATGM systems and related technologies has been discussed with special emphasis on technologies
pertaining to guidance systems. 'Fire and forget' and 'Top attack' capabilities are the most important operational
requirements of the third generation ATGM systems. Realisation of 'Fire and forget' capability for tactical ATGMs calls
for use of a passive or active homing system. The need for such a system has been the main driving factor for mobilising
the advanced technologies relating to Imaging Infrared (IIR) and Millimetric Wave (MMW) seeker based guidance systems.
Genetic design considerations and system constraints as well as technological aspects of these two types of guidance
systems are covered. The 'Top attack' requirement calls for optimisation of suitable trajectory schemes and it also imposes
design constraints, mainly on the homing seeker. Use of tandem shaped charge warhead is essential to defeat modem tanks
equipped with Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA). The implications of using the tandem shaped charge warhead on the
design of the seeker as well as at system level design are briefly analysed. In the concluding part, the emerging
technological trends relating to ATGM systems with focus on guidance systems are presented.

Keywords: ATGM, 'Fire & forget', 'Top attack', 1W, MMW, Tandem warhead, FPA, LOBL, LOAL, FOGM


The technologies relating to short range tactical Anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems and their Target acquisition
systems (TAS) have grown significantly over the last 40 years. The growth in these technology areas has been very rapid,
especially over the last 1 5 years, mainly due to the advances in micro electronics and packaging which has led to realisation
of compact seekers, digital autopilot and on-board, real time signal I image processing. These modules can now be packed
within the available space, weight and electrical power of ATGMs. Compact electro-optical and high frequency radar
based TAS with advanced type of displays and controls have been realised, which can be accommodated to meet the
stringent weight, space and power constraints of the launching platforms of the ATGMs, such as attack helicopters, tracked
and wheeled vehicle missile carriers and ground based launcher systems. Today's tank targets are equipped with guns
which can fire the conventional ammunitions as well as ATGMs at greater ranges than those by the earlier generation tanks.
The tanks enjoy better armour protection and they are equipped with electronic and electro-optical counter measure
capabilities. The above factors have altered the anti-tank warfare scenario considerably leading to changes in the
deployment concepts of ATGM systems. The most significant operational requirements of the third generation ATGM are
'fire & forget' capability to minimise the exposure time of the delivery plafform and 'top attack' capability to defeat the
tank from top, where the armour is weakest. This paper discusses the third generation ATGM systems and the related

The paper is organised in the following sequence.

• Limitations of present ATGM systems vis-a-vis today's operational needs.

• Third generation features of 'fire-and-forget' & 'top attack' capabilities and their technological implications
• Current systems and emerging trends

Part of the SPIE Conference on Photonic Systems and Applications

46 in Defense and Manufacturing • Singapore • December 1999
SPIE Vol. 3898 • 0277-786X1991$1O.OO

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1.1. Limitations of first and second generation systems

Both first and second generation ATGMs are based on command to line of sight (CLOS) concept. Man portable versions of
these ATGMs are launched from a ground launcher provided with a sight for target acquisition and the ground power
supply - often a thermal battery. The ground versions have a range of about 1.5 - 2 km. The heavier version, deployed
from wheeled / tracked vehicles and from attack helicopter platforms, has a typical range of 3 to 4 km.

1.2 First generation ATGM systems

The main disadvantages of the first generation ATGM systems are the following:

( i) Need for the operator to track the tank I target and the missile simultaneously and to generate the control commands to
correct the deviations from the line of sight (LOS) through a joy stick. The commands are communicated to the
missile through a fme guidance wire (Manual command to line of sight - MACLOS), as shown in Fig.1. The kill
probability of the system depends on the operator's skill, training and capability to perform under battle field

(ii) Prolonged flight time ofthe missile because ofthe limited speed of 100-180 rn/sec due to the operator's response time
and the need to dispense the guidance wire from the missile without snapping. During the flight ofthe missile as well
as the time taken to acquire the target, the operator and the missile system are exposed to enemy counter attack, being a
LOS based system.

(iii) With the MACLOS guidance & trajectory scheme, engagement of the target is feasible only from front or side. The
armour protection is appreciably higher in front / side compared to the top of the tank.

(iv) Large minimum range of about 500m since the missile covers considerable range before the operator is able to gather
the missile and bring it on to the LOS by correcting the launch dispersions using the limited lateral acceleration (latax)
capability of the missile.

These limitations led to the development of the second generation ATGMs.

1.3 Second generation ATGM systems




Fig. 1 SACLOS / MACLOS Guidance System

The second generation ATGMs use the semi-automatic command to line of sight (SACLOS) concept in which the
operator is required only to track the target (Fig.1). The missile tracking is done with help of an infrared goniometer, which
is attached to the operator's sight. The goniometer senses the angular deviations of the missile. The control commands


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are generated automatically in the command generation system of the launcher. Thus, the operator's role is considerably
reduced resulting in the better hit probability.

However, second generation ATGMs suffer from the following disadvantages.

(a) Though the missile flight time is reduced due to increased speed, the system and crew remain exposed to enemy
counter action during the target acquisition and flight ofthe missile.

(b) The capability to engage the tank only from the front or side continues to be a major disadvantage.

These limitations led to the development of the third generation ATGMs.


Both attack helicopters and armoured vehicle platforms deploying ATGMs are equipped with advanced TAS with multi
sensor capability for day and night operation resulting in high cost. Minimisation of the exposure time of the platform and
crew calls for 'fire and forget' capability so that the operating crew is required only to acquire the target and "hand over"
the same to the missile I seeker and launch the missile without having to track the target till missile impact. With the
improvements in armour, both in quality and quantity, it is becoming extremely difficult to defeat present and futuristic
armour in front attack, where the tank is provided with maximum armour protection. The single shot kill probability
(SSKP) decreases further if the tank is fitted with explosive reactive armour (ERA). However, the top of the tank remains
relatively weak and hence it is operationally more prudent to attack and defeat the top. 'Top attack' capability, in which
the missile dives on to the top of the tank, is another important operational requirement of the third generation ATGM
systems. The top dive attack capability is achieved by suitably shaping the trajectory and kinematic scheme using the
seeker capabilities. The technical implications of 'fire and forget' and 'top attack' capabilities are discussed below. The
European Trigat-Long Range (LR), American Javelin, Indian Nag and Israeli Gill are the third generation 'Top attack'
ATGMs with 'Fire and forget' and 'Top attack' capabilities based on 'Lock on Before Launch' (LOBL) concept using
Imaging Infra Red (IIR) seeker. The advantage of this scheme is that the operator can 'handover' the 'acquired' target to
the hR seeker ( "seeing is believing"). The guidance scheme is amenable for 'aim point' selection. Being a passive
guidance system and with use of a versatile 'multi-mode' onboard Image processor (IP), the system has adequate resistance
to counter measures. The Longbow Hellfire and Brimstone ATGMs with Millimeterwave (MMW) active seekers use the
'Lock on after launch (LOAL) concept and have extended range capability.

2.1 'Fire & forget' capability

With the limited size and weight of the ATGMs, the 'fire and forget' capability is achieved using a passive/active homing
guidance. With the use of semiactive homing guidance, 'fire and forget' capability cannot be achieved, since it is
essential to continuously illuminate the target using a source of radiation in such a scheme. hR passive seeker and MMW
active seeker are the two options discussed.

2.2 hR Passive guidance system

Both moving and static tanks/armoured vehicles are required to be engaged in a variety of terrains during both day & night
and during different seasons of the year. Depending on the type of terrain, season, and the location, the ambient
temperature could vary from 40o to + 55° C. The temperature difference of the targets over the background could be 1-2°
K. Conventional Infrared (IR) seekers used for tracking aerial and ship targets, with higher target temperature difference
over the background, cannot be used against tanks deployed on ground since the missile I seeker can easily be misled by
more powerful JR sources radiating in the same spectral band. These sources could be targets already destroyed which are
still burning and or electro-optical countermeasure sources/decoys. Hence it is essential to go for thermal imaging of the
target using Focal Plane Array (FPA) sensors with adequate number of detector elements for engaging and tracking targets
on the ground such as tanks with very low temperature difference. Two spectral windows, viz.3-5 micron Medium Wave
Infrared (MWIR) and 8-12 micron Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) exist in which atmospheric attenuation is low. For thermal


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imaging and missile guidance applications both these windows are used. The uniformity and contrast are usually better
with 3-5 micron window. Indium Antimonide (InSb) and Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) based FPA sensors with
built in readout array are used in the 3-5 micron MWIR window. Silicon Schottky barrier diode based two dimensional
monolithic FPA sensors also operate in the MWIR window. The signal content in this window becomes low at low scene
temperatures which could be upto -40°C. Hence, 3-5 micron FPA sensor is not considered a good choice for operation in
subzero temperatures compared to the 8- 1 2 micron FPAs. In the 8- 12 micron window, the atmospheric attenuation is
relatively less compared to the 3-5 micron window. Another consideration for the choice of the LWIR window is the peak
responsivity at 10 micron for the usual ambient temperatures around 300°K. MCT detector arrays operating in the 8-12
micron spectral window are realised by adjusting the composition of the material. Linear JR arrays of first generation type
detectors as well as second generation JR FPA type detector arrays in linear configuration with Time delay integration
(ml), having very large number of pixels (960x2/576x4) are available. However, such detectors need to be used in
scanning mode for getting the thermal images of the target I scene. With the weight and space constraints of seekers of
ATGMs, it is rather difficult to configure a compact seeker with the scanning type of detector arrays. On the other hand,
staring two dimensional MCT FPA sensors upto size of 320 x 240 and 640 x 640 pixels are available in LWIR and MWIR
windows respectively. These are suitable for configuring the seeker within the stringent space and weight constraints of
ATGMs. MCT FPA needs cooling to liquid Nitrogen temperature for their operation. Both Stirling cycle engines and mini
coolers based on Joule-Thomson (if) effect are suitable for cooling the detectors. However, the Stirling engine based
coolers are more suitable for use in TIS used for target acquisition and fitted in vehicles, helicopters and aircrafts, since
these are used for surveillance over long durations. Hence for single shot applications like compact missile seekers, if
cooler is the preferred choice from weight and size considerations. However, high purity Nitrogen gas required for the if
cooler, needs to be carried in a compact container. For the read out of the detector array output, charged coupled device
(CCD) and CMOS X-Y arrays are used. For the 8-12 micron ILWIR FPA sensors, X-Y readout arrays have been used
extensively. The FPA sensor is encapsulated in a glass I metal dewar for operation at liquid Nitrogen temperature.
Germanium and ZnSe materials are normally used for the lenses in the seeker optics. A high percentage transmission can
be obtained with ZnS IR dome ofthe seeker with suitable anti-reflection coating.

Realisation of FPA sensors with very good uniformity, which is required for Imaging quality sensor arrays and with good
yield is the major technological challenge. The non uniformity in the detector array is caused by non uniformity of the
substrate, variations in the dimensions of the detector elements during lithography, variations in doping levels, bias
voltages, spectral response etc. Variations in the Indium bumps and contact resistance of the interconnection between the
detector and readout arrays and variations in the performance of the readout elements also contribute. Non uniformity
compensation (NUC) is normally done outside the FPA chip in the proximity electronics before the output signals are
handled by the Image processor (IP). Quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) arrays based on GaAs upto 128xl28
size, operating in the LWIR window have been reported. They need cooling to 20-50°K. The advantage is that GaAs is
easier to handle compared to a ternary compound like MCT. However, the technology has to mature more for use in
military applications.

2.2.1. Image Processor (IP)

For ranges upto 4-5 kms, FPA sensor with array size of l28xl28 pixels is adequate from performance and cost
considerations. The optics diameter gets limited by the missile diameter and the gimbal freedom required to follow the
top attack trajectory scheme. With the achievable FOV of the optics and FPA sensor size of 128xl28 pixels, recogmsing
a tank type target, especially in frontal view at maximum range is not feasible. Hence, the target detection and recognition
are done ususally with the TIS. Target detection is performed with the wide/medium FOV and the narrow FOV is used to
recognise and identify the target. The target image, recognised by the TIS along with its immediate neighbourhood is
compared with the image obtained by the seeker, which has lower resolution, through a correlation algorithm. The time
required to perform the correlation and to 'hand over' the target area of interest to the missile seeker for getting a 'Lock on
signal' can be minimised with the use of fast and efficient algorithms. Once the missile is launched with the image 'handed
over' from the TIS as the first reference image, the image seen by the seeker is updated continuously during the flight.
The typical update rates could be 30-60 frames/sec. As the missile flies towards the target, the target image grows in size
occupying more and more number of pixels. During this mid course phase of flight, the target image has fmite size and
shape and it is feasible to compute the centroid of the image and the missile could be made to home on to this aim point.
As the missile flies very close to the target during the terminal phase, the target image grows in a fast manner and
eventually overfills the FOV of the sensor. During this final phase, correlation algorithm used in the initial phase could be


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invoked once again to home on to a point within the target image. At maximum/long ranges, the image of the target tank
would occupy only a very small number of pixels. During the initial phase, since the IP tracks an area containing the tank,
even if a burning tank or an JR decoy happens to be in the seeker FOV, the tracking by the IP is not affected by their
presence (since the tracking is not based on intensity of JR radiation). At very short ranges, such non-targets are not
covered by the seeker FOV. To handle the different image processing requirements during initial, mid course and terminal
phases of the flight, a multimode onboard IP is configured. This operates the different algorithms using appropriate
switch over logic and also interfaces with the control & guidance computer in the missile. The requirements to be met are
fast update time, minimum power consumption from considerations of power availability as well as thermal management
within the limited volume, need to minimise no. of components from reliability and cost considerations and packaging
within the limited space in a small ATGM. The correlation tracker is usually augmented with suitable confidence
measures, drift correction and moving target tracker algorithms. Stabilisation of the seeker payload is done in pitch and
yaw planes and the missile is usually roll stabilised for such missions. Realisation of compact stabilisation and tracking
system of the seeker using miniaturised gyros, torquers, resolvers/pick-offs and associated electronics is another
requirement to be met for use in ATGMs.

2.3. MMW guidance system

The performance of hR homing guidance system gets affected in bad weather due to attenuation of JR radiation in the
atmospheric medium resulting in decrease in range performance. The atmospheric attenuation is much less for MMW
seekers, thereby enabling all weather capability. These can be packaged in the ATGMs. The antenna beamwidth of the
seeker is chosen keeping in view the requirements of guidance accuracy, stabilisation system requirements and signal
processing aspects. The permissible diameter of the antenna gets limited by the missile diameter and the required gyrnbal
freedom. . To meet the beamwidth requirement with the limited antenna size, use of W-band frequency is considered
essential for the ATGM role. However, seekers with Ka-band frequency have also been configured for ATGMs of bigger
diameter for longer ranges. For the maximum range of 4-5km, the transmitter power requirement is few tens of watts.
Solidstate transmitter based on Impatt diodes would meet such power requirements. In view of the limited power
available from a single Impatt diode, power combining using multiple diodes is resorted to achieve the required output
power. Gunn diodes, Schottky barrier diodes and PIN diodes are used for local oscillator, mixer and for high frequency
switching in the solidstate transmitter- receiver of MMW seekers. Due to the extremely small dimensions and tolerances at
W-band frequencies, development and production of the above solidstate devices as well as the passive components
required for the transmitter-receiver are extremely challenging. Magnetrons giving power output upto 1KW at W-band
frequencies have also been reported. However, amenability to missileborne packaging and reliable operation under flight
environment are the major problems in using these high power devices for seeker application in ATGMs. Conventional
cassegrain antenna configuration requires larger space in the missile for achieving required gimbal freedom required for
top attack trajectory scheme. However, in trans-twist antenna configuration, only the twist reflector plate is required to
move, that too by half the required angle based on reflecting mirror principle. Due to this and the light weight of the twist
reflector plate, the power requirement of the stabilisation servo gets reduced considerably, apart from the ability to
accommodate antenna ofbigger diameter within the given missile diameter. Hence, such an antenna configuration is often
preferred. However, the three dimensional profile accuracy of the trans-reflector, the accuracy of the gratings used in the
trans and twist reflectors, availability of right type of formable materials for use in such antenna and precision fabrication
are critical for realisation of such antennas meeting the specifications. Choice of suitable materials meeting the
specifications of bandwidth, dielectric constant and loss tangent, which can be moulded suitably to the required shape and
size and to withstand the flight loads and thermal stresses, is the key area for realising radomes for MMW seekers.

2.3.1. Signal Processor

The main advantage of MMW guidance system over the hR guidance system is the "all weather capability". The two
options available for target acquisition for MMW guidance are acquisition directly through the seeker or using a mother
radar co-located with the missile in the launch platform and 'hand over' the acquired target to the seeker as is done in the
IW guidance system using the TIS - 1W seeker combination. The first option of acquiring the target through the seeker
would obviate the need for a separate mother radar and associated subsystems for handing over to the seeker. Metallic
objects like battle tanks and other armoured vehicles give pronounced return signals at MMW frequencies compared to the
signal strength of returns from the surrounding objects. However, the amplitude profile of the return signal from
tanks/armoured vehicles vary considerably with changes in the aspect angle and with the movement of the gunlturret.


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Hence, the algorithms used for target acquisition should take into consideration the aspect dependence of the return signals
and still be able to unambiguously identify the enemy target vis-a-vis decoys. Evolving identification algorithms, which
make use of the aspect invariant properties of the target by using multiple criteria have been discussed in literature.
Extensive database covering different types of targets, aspect angles and target - background combinations needs to be
generated to design and validate such identification algorithms. Target detection algorithms based on adaptable
thresholding and certain non conventional techniques as well as algorithms for tracking both in range and angles are used
with the required update interval during flight of the missile. Fast and efficient algorithms with compact missile-borne
signal processor are designed to meet the constraints of weight, size and power.

2.3.2. Comparison of MMW and HR based systems

The performance comparison of the MMW & 1W based ATGMs is given in Table-i . The comparison brings out the
superiority of 1W based ATGMs, for LOBL mode deployment at LOS ranges as borne out by examples such as Javelin,
Gill, Trigat-LR and Nag ATGMs.


System I Sub system

Feature MMW HR

1 . All weather capability Yes for seeker. For LOBL, targetacquisition Effective in moderate weather. For LOBL
& LOBL operation requires mother radar in the vehicle! target acquisition through TIS operating in
helicopter. Use of TIS would compromise same spectral window.
the all weather capability

2.Availability of Devices Solidstate devices like Impatt, Gunn, mixer & Large area MCT FPAs upto 320x240/
!maturity of technology PiN diodes matured. Power combining of 640x640 pixels in LWIRIMWIR windows and
limited number of Impatt diodes only feasible. InSb FPAs upto 640x5 12 pixels available.
Ruggedised magnetrons at w-band for
missileborne application yet to mature.

3. Packaging Miniaturisation of MMW modules through Packaging of DDCA, stabilisation and IP

super componentlMMIC technology essential. established even in Infantry type missiles like
Tecnology/produceability with adequate yield Javelin and Gill.
at w-band yet to mature.

4.Susceptability to coun- Being an active system, reveals itself. CMs Passive system. The multimode IP using area
termeasures using corner reflectors and brute force correlation techniques is not affected by IR
jamming feasible. decoys, burning tanks, etc.

5. Signal/Image pro- Different algorithms for static and moving Considerable part of the IP algorithms
cessing. targets. Heavy clutter in look down mode of common for static and moving targets. Multi-
the seeker. Processing time and complexity mode IP has been successfully used in existing
preclude use of too many SP techniques in the hR ATGMs.
'onboard' processor.

6. Aim point selection Aim point not well defmed since a pulse Aim point well defmed with the centroid of
return from the target does not indicate the the target image.
specific point on the target.

7. Terminal accuracy Limited by glint Limited by blind range which is less than the
glint limited range of MMW radar.


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2.3.3. System requirements and missile constraints

Apart from the 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities of the ATGM the third important operational requirement is the
capability to defeat all futuristic armour including those equipped with ERA. Tandem shaped charge warheads are
essential to defeat the armour protected by ERA. In this warhead configuration, there are two shaped charges, one behind
the other. The front charge is meant for defeating the ERA. The rear charge is meant for defeating the actual armoui,
which is concealed and protected by the ERA slabs. The design and layout of the two charges are optimised to maxiniise
the penetration performance. The guidance seeker with its stabilisation system needs to be located in the nose/front part of
the missile for obvious reasons. The jet from the shaped charge warhead should not have any obstacles in its way before
striking the target to obtain maximum penetration effect. However, due to the presence of the seeker, the warhead jets
have to defeat the seeker obstacles before they can strike the target. Such an arrangement leads to loss of part of the jet
energy. This energy loss is minimised by optimising the configuration. Onboard electronic cards are sometimes
conveniently located between the charges to minimise the adverse effect due to the back blast from detonation of the front
charge. The thickness of armour to be penetrated in top attack mode is almost one order less compared to the front of the
tank. The high guidance accuracy of homing guidance and the much improved warhead lethality, when used in top attack
mode, enable the third generation ATGMs to achieve very high SSKP, justifying the higher cost of ATGMs. Against
multilayer ERAs, use of multiple tandem warheads is the proposed solution. However, feasibility of accommodating such
warheads within the space and weight constraints of the ATGM need to be addressed to. Due to the presence of the seeker
obstacles, there is hardly any built in stand off for the tandem warhead configuration. To improve the penetration
performance, a proximity type fusing system can also be thought of, which provides optimum stand off distance allowing
the jet to fully expand before striking the target. Design and engineering of such a fusing system to match the missile
layout is another area of challenge.

2.4. Overview of other sub-systems

In order to minimise the missile weight, light weight airframe using advanced composite materials with high strength to
weight ratio is used in most of the configurations. In ATGMs, which are deployed at ranges with LOS visibility,
smokeless propellants are preferred from tactical considerations. However, the specific impulse/energy level of
conventional double base propellants used in earlier generation missiles is low. 10-1 5percent increase in specific impulse
is feasible with propellants based on better compositions, still giving smokeless exhausts resulting in consequent reduction
of weight of propellant and rocket hardware. Both thrust vector control and aerodynamic control are feasible options for
controlling the missile in pitch, yaw and roll. Due to the presence of the seeker and the warhead behind the seeker, aero-
dynamic control using canard surfaces is not often feasible. Lithium thermal batteries with high current density, very low
activation time and long storage life are normally used as the electrical power source in such small missiles. Tube
launching is preferred from operational and handling considerations. Tube launching needs use of folding type wings and
control fms, which limit the span of the aerodynamic surfaces. The missile lateral acceleration capability achievable with
tube launched missiles is limited by the planform of the aerodynamic surface. Hence, trajectory shaping needs to be
optimised to meet the requirements of high impact angles for maximum warhead effectiveness and to get a minimum
range as low as possible with the limited lateral acceleration capability and the gimbal angle freedom available for the
seeker. This is one area of design optimisation with multiple constraints.


ATGM systems of two types have been deployed starting from the first generation. The first type is the Infantry type of
ATGM, which is man portable and can be launched from a ground launcher like a Tripod launcher or in hand held
configuration with a typical range of upto 2km. The second type is launched from a tracked or wheeled vehicle or from
attack helicopters with typical ranges of 3-4km. This two level deployment has been used with both first and second
generation ATOMs. The operational features, which distinguish the third generation ATGMs are the 'fire & forget' and
'top attack' capabilities. The term 'third generation' used in this paper presupposes the presence of these two features.
However, the term third generation has also been used in published literature for various other configurations devoid of
these two features. The BILL type missile with 'overfly' attack capability, missiles based on semiactive laser homing such
as the Laser Hellfire, the new Russian ATGMs and European missiles such as the TRIGAT-MR and MAF, which are
laser beam riding missiles, do not qualify as 'third generation' ATOMs.


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3.1. LOBL Systems

TRIGAT-LR and the Indian NAG are third generation ATGMs with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities for
deployment on tracked vehicles and attack helicopters for ranges upto 4-4.5 km. Both systems use LOBL concept,
wherein the target is acquired by the TIS and then is 'handed over' to the missile's hR seeker. The Javelin ATGM of
USA has a range capability of 2km. This uses LOBL scheme using a passive hR seeker. It employs tandem shaped charge
warhead. The system has been introduced for service use and production is in progress. Development of 'fire & forget'
and 'top attack' type ATGM of 4-5km range for Helicopter/vehicle based deployment, operating in LOBL mode, is being
progressed in USA under the Follow on to Tow (FOTT) designation. Gill, the medium range ATGM with a range of
2.5km has been developed by Rafael of Israel. The missile has 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities and operates in
LOBL mode with a day & night capability using the CCD/IIR seeker. A version of Gill ATGM called Spike operates in
fibre optic mode. The fibre optic mode was developed due to the problems in obtaining missile lock on with the CCD/IIR
seeker beyond the range of 2.5 km. In the fibre optic mode, the missile operator's continued presence is required till impact.
Usually, FOGMs are used with range capability of about 15km in indirect! Non LOS fire mode. The operational
effectiveness under actual battle field scenario for deployment at ranges of 2.5-4 kmneeds to be assessed.

In the TR1GAT-LR programme, out of the three partner countries viz., France, Germany and UK, UK has withdrawn from
the programme and decided to go ahead with the US Apache Helicopter and its Hellfire weapon system. The original
investment made by the three countries was based on procurement quantities in the range of 50,000-70,000 missiles. The
present requirements are reported to be about 10,000 missiles or even less. Hence, the reduced quantity and production
rates would increase the unit cost of the system. Based on the time schedule projected earlier, industrialisation and
production build up were to be completed by 1998, followed by completion of various trials by the user services during
1999 leading to first series delivery during the same year. However, due to withdrawal of UK from the TRIGAT-LR
programme and due to cost considerations, the programme has been affected adversely. The hR seeker of TRIGAT-LR
missile was based on 32 element linear JR detector array, which necessitated scanning mode of operation. The on-board
IP for scanning type seeker is more complex compared to the one used in seeker with staring mode FPA sensor. With the
availability of high performance staring FPA sensors within Europe, whether the seeker is being reconfigured for the
production version is not known.

3.2. LOAL Systems

The maximum range achievable with LOBL configuration gets limited to about 4-5 km. Availability of unobstructed LOS
is one of the limiting factors. Permissible size and weight of the TIS (since it has to be located in the vehicle
turret/helicopter)limit the recognition/identification ranges achievable against tank type targets. In order to 'hand over' the
acquired image of the target and its immediate neighbourhood to the seeker, the seeker should also be able to get the
image of the target scene, though not with the same resolution as that of the TIS. Limited size of the seeker optics/antenna
due to need for adequate gimbal freedom for top attack trajectory scheme and the type of JR sensor/limited power of the
transmitter for the MMW seeker limit the seeker range capability. To achieve higher ranges, it is essential to go for LOAL
capability. In the LOAL scheme, the missile is launched in the general direction of the target based on apriori information.
With the missile system capability, the flight profile is designed to ensure that the missile reaches the target area within a
certain specified error basket. At this point, the missile seeker is activated and with its scanning capability, the seeker
detects and recognises the target. To achieve this, the on-board algorithms would be different compared to those used in
the LOBL scheme. Also, the database and the intelligence/logic to be built into the missile signal processor would be
more complex. Suitable criteria for target detection and recognition need to be defmed and some of the functions, which
are carried out by the missile operator in the LOBL scheme, are also performed by the seeker using suitable algorithms.
The Longbow Hellfire missile of USA, with its reported range of about 10km, is designed for use in both LOBL and
LOAL modes. The system uses MMW seeker operating in Ka-band. The missile is under production for deployment on
helicopters such as AH-64D. Brimstone is another ATGM under development in UK with a range of 10 km using LOAL
concept. The seeker is reportedly based on W-band imaging MMW radar with facility for scanning using a narrow beam.
Service deployment is planned by end of 2001. The system is configured for deployment on fixed wing aircraft like
Harrier with possibility of integration on other platforms including tracked vehicles.


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3.3. Summary of ATGM systems under development

. In Europe TRIGAT-MR using laser beam rider guidance and tandem warhead is configured for the infantry/man
portable role coupled with TRIGAT-LR with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities for deployment in vehicles
and attack helicopters upto ranges of 4-4.5km. Thus, continuation of the two-level deployment philosophy is
proposed for the third generation system also.
. In USA, the Dragon replacement is with the Javelin having 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities with tandem
warhead and replacement for Tow will be through the FOTT programme. For longer ranges upto 10km and beyond,
Hellfire based systems such as the MMW Longbow-Hellfire are used in USA.
. In India, NAG is configured with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities and tandem warhead for deployment from
vehicles and attack helicopters for a range of 4km.
S LOAL Brimstone with MMW seeker for 10km range is developed in UK.
. Israel has developed the Gill/Spike combination.
. The Russian philosophy seems to be different from approach followed by others. They have developed threeATGMs
viz, (i) Komet, a laser beam rider with a range of 5.5 Km for deployment from ground as well as vehicles. (ii)
Khrizantama deployed in BMP-3 Infantry combat vehicle with a range capability of 5-6Km. The system uses
automataic radar target detection and tracking with simultaneous missile guidance & control to the target. Laser beam
guidance is also one of the options. (iii) Refleks/AT-il Sniper for firing from T-90S gun at supersonic speeds with a
range of 4Km using laser beam guidance. From the above, it is evident that Russians do not have the third generation
ATGM with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities.


The emerging trends in the development of ATGMs with enhanced capabilities are discussed in this section.

4.1. Fibre Optics Guided Missile (FOGM

In order to realise ranges beyond 4-5km, it is essential to go either for LOAL based systems or for indirect fire/non-LOS
systems like FOGM. As discussed earlier, the Longbow Hellfire and Brimstone ATGMs use LOAL based guidance
scheme. The LOAL guidance concept can also be used in Terminally Guided Submissiles (TGSMs), which are carried in a
big bus missile and dispensed over the target area . TGSMs are usually deployed against a group of targets spread over an
area ("many versus many" scenario). NLOS FOGM/Enhanced FOGM (EFOGM) and Polypheme FOGM are in the
advanced stages of development in USA and Europe for deployment by 2000. In the guidance scheme used in the FOGM,
the missile is flown at a selected altitude by the operator (an altimeter is used for this). Commencement of the downward
course is decided by pre-determined criteria such as 'nearness to the target area' I 'range to go' . In this phase, the missile is
flown to the target area and the seeker is uncaged over the target area to enable 'look down' mode. The operator detects
and acquires the target using the image seen by the seeker, which is transmitted to the operator's display unit through the
fibre optics cable. Once the target is recognised by the operator, he places the target within the auto tracker gates and the
system takes over for the rest of the flight. In case the auto tracking is lost or the operator wants to make any changes, he
can manually override the system. The guidance & control commands are communicated to the missile through the same
fibre optic cable, which transmits the seeker images to the operator's console. It is feasible to extend the range
considerably depending upon the mission requirements.

4.2. Dual Mode Seeker (DMS)

ATGMs using LOBL and LOAL schemes as well as the FOGMs under advanced stage of development use a single sensor
based seeker - either 1W or MMW. They have limited capability to select valid targets from a combination of natural and
man made objects. They can be decoyed through reflective and emissive counter measures and have limited control over
the terminal aim point. To overcome these limitations, use of Dual mode seeker (DM5) is the emerging trend. The high
resolution capability of the hR system and the 'all weather' capability of the MMW system can be combined synergetically
for better performance. The detection probability can be enhanced and probability of false alarm can be minimised using
additional inputs and the target signature characteristics such as size and signal strength, which is possible through multi


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sensor fusion. The DMS is required to be designed to work in single sensor mode also when counter measures make one
of the modes unreliable or if one of the two modes functionally fails for any other reason. Hence, one of the design criteria
should be the ability to operate the DMS in single mode also when situation warrants. Integrated design of the two seekers
as a single entity with the need for commonality in subsystem modules and packaging within the already stringent
dimensional and weight constraints are the technological challenges. Realisation of a common dome transparent to both
IW and MMW, a common seeker payload housing the optics module of the hR and the antenna of the MMW, common
gimbal assembly and onboard processor calls for optimisation of configuration layout vis-a-vis system performance to be
achieved. It is really demanding from design, hardware, integration and testing angles, especially if the performance of
either system, when operated in the individual mode, also is to be achieved. One possible scheme is to co-locate the two
individual seekers in the missile and to have a common processor for the image/signal processing tasks of both the seekers.
However, packaging and cost considerations may not permit such a configuration. In the second configuration with a
common aperture, the hR and MMW seekers share the same LOS. Zns dome is reported to be transparent to both im
and MMW bands. While the hR dome would need suitable type of anti-reflection coating, the thickness of the dome is to
be optiniised to match the MMW wavelength to minimise the transmission loss in the dome. A trans-twist type antenna,
with the optics module of 1W located centrally, could be one of the feasible options. The design of the stabilisation &
tracking servo system and its linkages for achieving the required stabilisation accuracy is one of the major problem areas.
The design becomes complex, especially due to the need to minimise the flex torque due to the routing of the coolant gas
pipe for cooling the detector array of the hR seeker. While seekers using two colour JR detectors exist, DM5 using 1W
and MMW together is still in design validation stage. Harnessing the technologies and design concepts already exploited in
the 1W and MMW seekers can possibly lead to realisation of a DMS for use in actual missions in the next 5 years.

4.3. Enabling technologies to be pursued

Imaging array sensors currently used in ATGM seekers need cooling to liquid Nitrogen temperature. Future seeker need to
be configured around uncooled detector arrays. However, to meet the range requirements for ATGM missions using
compact seekers, the D* achieved with cooled detector arrays needs to be ensured in the uncooled arrays. JR imaging
radiometer using uncooled FPA has been reported. Realisation of uncooled detector arrays with such D* and other
specifications is considered feasible in the next 5-10 years. Multi colour imaging array sensors and high resolution MMW
imaging are other technology areas for use in future missions. Extending the DM5 for multi mode operation and use of
multi sensor fusion for surveillance & target acquisition are application areas for enhanced performance of ATGMs and
their deployment platforms.

4.4. Futuristic ATGMs

Extrapolating the capabilities and technologies associated with the third generation ATGMs and the technologies and
systems under advanced stages of development, one could conceive the futuristic ATGM with the following attributes:

. Retention of 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities

. Improved warheads to cater for multilayer ERA
. Use of DMS/multi mode seeker (MMS) with intelligent onboard processor to bestow maximum autonomy and
flexibility in mission profiling under intense ECM/EOCM including use of active armour
. Supersonic speed to minimise the flight time, when deployed over extended ranges
• Operation in conjunction with attack platforms equipped with surveillance & target acquisition systems based on multi
sensor fusion.
• Deployability on multiple platforms with quick turn around time (modularity)
• Flexibility for multiple missions like anti-tanklanti-helicopter roles when deployed from both types of platforms.
• Deployment flexibility leading to large volume production and consequent cost benefits.

ATGM evolution indicating the performance growth profile is summarised in Figure 2.


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1970 - 80's
HVMs (1500 m / SEC.)
1990 - 2000+

10 km + RANGE






Fig. 2 ATGMs: Performance Growth Profile


The following conclusions emerge out of the study:

(i) Third generation ATGM systems with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities are essential to defeat futuristic
armour equipped with ERA with affordable attrition levels of the deployment platforms such as attack helicopters and
armoured vehicles. Such systems are under advanced stages of development in many countries. However, from the
available information, Russians have not developed ATGMs with 'fire & forget' and 'top attack' capabilities.
(ii) In order to justify the much higher cost of third generation ATGM, it is essential to achieve very high SSKP with such
systems, at the same time with minimum and affordable attrition of the launch platform. This is achieved with the high
guidance accuracy of the IIRIMMW seeker, the 'top attack' capability in which the armour to be defeated is minimal
and with the 'fire & forget' capability bestowing the deployment platform and the crew with 'launch and leave'
capability. However, in view of the higher cost, the third generation ATGMs should be deployed judiciously only
against target scenarios, where the above capabilities are absolutely essential and can be fully exploited to minimise
the attrition levels by engaging the targets from beyond the reach of the enemy tanks. Against target situations with
less threat potential, existing second generation ATGMs fitted with tandem warhead can also be used. Such an
optimum mix ofATGMs can lead to cost effective operational solutions.
(iii) For engagement in LOS mode upto a range of 4-5km, the LOBL scheme is most suitable since the target is identified
and selected by the operator and the probability of choosing friendly tanks/targets inadvertently by the operator under
battle field conditions, is minimal compared to LOAL scheme. In the LOBL mode, except for the "all weather"
capability, the 1W based system is preferable to the MMW based system.
(iv) The LOAL mode is the obvious choice for ranges beyond 4-5km. FOGMs, which are under advanced stage of
development, is another weapon option for extended range ATGMs, especially for use from ground based vehicles in


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larger numbers for use against multiple targets, compared to the limited number of LOAL type ATGMs that can be
carried in attack helicopters. A combination of helicopter mounted ATGMs and ground based FOGMs with indirect
fire capability would cover most of the operational scenarios for ATGM deployment at ranges upto 10km and beyond.
(v) Due to limitations of the 'fire & forget' ATGM using single mode seeker (1W or MMW), DMS is considered essential
for use in future anti tank warfare. The realisation of DMS is quite challenging. However, ATGMs with such
seekers are likely to be deployed in the next decade.
(vi) In the foreseeable future, the ultimate dream of the ATGM designer would be the 'fire & forget' missile with
DMS/MMS with LOAL capability and supersonic speeds for deployment at extended ranges with minimum possible
flight time and at affordable costs.


The paper has drawn material from a number of papers and technical reports prepared by design & development teams
from the different work centres of the third generation ATGM, Nag. The author acknowledges the valuable inputs
provided by these sources. The author also acknowledges the suggestions and inputs given by Dr. Ronda
Venkateswarlu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in the preparation of this paper. The author wishes to
thank the Defence Research & Development Organisation, Govt. of India for permission to publish this paper.


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