Assignments /tutorial Sheets: ME - 102: Engineering Mechanics
Assignments /tutorial Sheets: ME - 102: Engineering Mechanics
Assignments /tutorial Sheets: ME - 102: Engineering Mechanics
ME – 102 : Engineering Mechanics
The assignments (from Shames, 4th edition) must be submitted on stapled A4 sheets, using both sides. The
handwriting should be neat and legible. Sketches should be drawn by extra dark pencil. The due date is
one week from the date of announcement, in the beginning of the class. Though it is expected that the
students will see all the relevant solved examples, they should at least carefully study the reading
Assignment # 1
(Force Systems)
Reading assignment: Examples 3.7, 4.2, 4.4, 4.8 and 4.9
For submission: Problems 3.50, 3.70, 4.9, 4.13, 4.14, 4.34, 4.36 and 4.98
Assignment # 2
Reading assignment: Examples 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.7
Example 5.9 (Note that the FBD shown in Fig.5.33 is not correct. Reaction
due to a support cannot be shown without removing the support. A support and its
reaction cannot be both shown in the same figure.)
For submission: Problems 5.4, 5.10, 5.14, 5.15
Problem 5.25 (Can use symmetry arguments – BC, BD are symmetric and BA, BC
are also symmetric – to conclude that the tensions in all the cables are equal.)
Problem 5.27 (Ignore the angle 45°. It can be calculated to be 44.43°.)
Problems 5.29, 5.31, 5.36, 5.46
Problem 5.68 (There are 10 unknowns and only 9 independent equations. So, the
problem is indeterminate, and cannot be solved using the principles you have learnt
so far. However, an approximate solution can be obtained by assuming that there
is no horizontal reaction at the two supports. This is a fairly good assumption
because all the external forces are vertical, and the links are rigid.)
Problem 5.88 (P can very easily be found by writing the scalar moment equation
about line AB, for which only its vertical component need be considered.
For other
unknowns, some assumptions would be required, because the other unknowns are
Ay, Az, MA,y, MA,z, Bx, By and Bz, for which there are only 5 remaining equations.
This makes the problem indeterminate. The problem can be approximately solved
by assuming that MA,y and MA,z are zero. This assumption is fair enough for a
rigid door because there would be no bending tendency at pin A. Another example
of such type of assumption is a cantilever beam with roller support at the free end.
Though the problem is indeterminate – there are 4 unknowns and only 3 equations
– it can be approximately solved by ignoring the bending moment at the builtin
Problem 5.95 (Note that AB and CD are twoforce members. So, BC is
effectively a simplysupported beam, resting on rollers at both the ends, with
known roller reactions.)
Problem 5.116 (If you are also required to find the force components at B, you can
use symmetry arguments to conclude that the vertical component must be zero.
Make the FBD for both the tongs. All the corresponding forces on the two tongs
must be symmetric or of zero magnitudes if symmetry condition gets violated.)
Problem 5.119 (Note that the force on AB at A will be horizontal and will lie in the
vertical plane defined by the vertical column and AB. This is actually a 2D problem
where all the forces must act in this plane. You can use symmetry arguments to
conclude this. So, the easiest way would be to first solve the problem in the 2D
plane, and then calculate the force components in the given coordinate system.)
Problem 5.144 (Note that a frictionless slot does not exert any force on the guide
pin in a direction, tangential to the slot.)
Problem 5.146 (If you take moment of all the forces about the centre O, the wind
load will not come into the picture because it is given to be normal to the arc,
Problem 5.155 (FBD of the bolt will indicate that only vertical forces can be
exerted on it. Then, since AB is a twoforce member, there can only be vertical
forces at the left ends of the links which press the bolt. First, find out this force.)
Assignment # 3
Reading assignment: Examples 6.1 and 6.2 (Note that 1 ton = 2000 lb, which is different from the
metric ton of SI units which is equal to 1000 kg.)
Example 6.5 (Note that the section JJ actually gives the FBD of pin A. So, it is
possible to use a combination of method of joints and method of sections in the
same problem. You should also be able to identify zeroforce members in a truss
without solving the equations. In this example, try to identify the four zeroforce
members. If you remove the two 500 N downward loads at pins E and F, the
number of zeroforce members would increase to nine. Identify these.)
For submission: Problem 6.6 (Note that the load of snow per unit area is for the actual available
area, not for the projected area. If you load a horizontal plate with a certain load
per unit area, the value of load per unit area would still remain same if you tilt the
plate. The direction of load with respect to the plate will, of course, change. Also
interpret the meaning of “... for a truss not at the ends of the building”. The
member GF will be in tension; the answer incorrectly mentions “C”.)
Problem 6.8 (Note that even a curved link can be a twoforce member. The force
will act along the line joining the two end points. See Figure 6.24. This force
cannot, however, be called a tensile or compressive force in the curved beam.
Bending moments will also be present in the beam.)
Problem 6.10 (The complete answer is not given in the book. The remaining
answers are: FCE = 4914, FDE = 2500, FBD = 4914, FDF = 6949 and FEF = 4914)
Problem 6.11 (To calculate the force on the pin, due to a loaded pulley, make the
FBD of the pulley to find out the force applied on it by the pin. If you choose to use
the method of sections, there is no need to calculate the force applied by a pulley on
the pin. Let the section plane cut the string, and show the tension in the string in the
FBD, as is done for other members which get cut. You also have to show the
weight of the pulley as an external force.)
Problem 6.32 (Solve this problem using the method of sections. Two sections will
have to be taken – the first
section plane cutting members GF, HF and HE, and the
second section plane cutting members FD, FC, FE and HE.)
Problem 6.33 (Though this problem can be easily solved by the method of joints, it
will take a lot of time. After finding the support reactions, you have to make
FBD’s and write the equations for several joints, in the order – A, H, I, B, G, J. The
method of sections also is not of much help, because just one or two sections will
not give you the answer. Several different sections are needed. However, if you
combine the two methods, just two equations will give you the answer! First make
the FBD of pin J. The force balance in the vertical direction
will indicate that FFJ =
FCJ. Then, let a section cut members BC, CJ, JF and FG. Consider the FBD of the
upper part of the truss, and balance the forces in the horizontal direction. This will
give you an equation in terms of FFJ and FCJ. These two equations will give you
FFJ = 3536 N. Note that there is no need to find even the support reactions.
Now, having done this, can you guess the effect of the horizontal force at H, on the
forces developed in various members of the truss, without writing any equation?
Will your conclusion change if A becomes a hinged support and H a roller support?
Use your intuition!)
Assignment # 4
Reading assignment: Read carefully and follow the sign convention given on page 249. The reverse sign
convention for the shear force would be considered wrong (see footnote 12 also)
Examples 6.6 and 6.7 (Note that there is a discontinuity in the shear force at the
location where a point force acts, and the magnitude of jump is equal to the
magnitude of the point force. Similarly, the bending moment has a discontinuity at
the location of a point couple, the jump being equal to the magnitude of the point
couple. This is a useful check on the correctness of the SFD and BMD. At the
location of discontinuity the corresponding shear force or the bending moment is
not defined.).
We discourage the practice of directly writing the equations without making the
FBD of the beam, sectioned at appropriate location, as this method (which Shames
refers to as “a less formal manner”) is prone to errors. Moreover, the examiner
does not know what you had in your mind while writing the equations. So,
equations without the use of FBD would be considered wrong.
Also, as mentioned on page 256, make a note that “the replacement of a distributed
load by a single resultant force is only meaningful for the particular free body on
which the force distribution acts………we cannot replace loading distributions
over the entire beam by a resultant and then proceed”. So, first make an FBD (of
complete or sectioned beam), and then replace the distributed load by its resultant;
the reverse order is meaningless and incorrect.
Equation 6.3(b), dM/dx = V, serves as a useful check for the SFD and BMD you
draw. This equation gives two informations:
(a) the slope of BMD at a point is negative of shear force at that point, and
(b) wherever shear force is zero (changes sign), the BMD will show local
maximum or minimum (see Figure 6.48); the maximum / minimum value of the
bending moment over the entire length may be more than this value.
Verify these rules in Figure 6.46 of Example 6.9.
For submission: Also plot the SFD and BMD in the following problems:
Problem 6.38 (In case of a cantilever beam, if you use the FBD of the part of the
beam near the free end, there is no need to calculate the support reaction.)
Problem 6.42 (For a curved beam, the shear force is defined on the crosssection
plane which is normal to the centreline of the beam at that location. So, it is
meaningful to compute shear force and bending moment only along the centreline
of the beam. Plotting has to be done separately for portions AB, BC and CD, or for
the developed length of ABCD, as a function of distance along the centreline.
Plotting for a beam bent to form an arc can be done for the straightened beam as a
function of .)
Problem 6.46 (See the previous comment.)
Problem 6.54 (There is no need to use the suggestion given in the book. Moreover,
the answer given in the book is not correct. The correct answer is: V = 1166.67, M
= 1166.67x for 0<x<5, V = 20x2+600x3666.67, M = 13.33x3+300x2833.33x
5833.33 for 5<x<15, and V = 833, M = 16666.67833.33x for 15<x<20)
Problem 6.59 (First isolate the bar CD and make its FBD to find the force and
moment at end D. The same force (point force) and moment (point couple), in the
opposite directions, will act at point D of beam AB. Now, solve the problem for
beam AB with the usual method.)
Problem 6.64 (With the given information, find out the equation of the parabola,
which comes out to be w = (4x/5)0.5. Integration would be required for determining
shear force and bending moment, because we do not have a readymade formula for
nonlinear variations. Also find out the maximum bending moment and its location.
Problem 6.61 also involves integration.)
Assignment # 5
Reading assignment: Example 7.1 (The FBD of the front wheel, in a rear wheel driven vehicle, will
indicate that the friction force on the front wheel must be zero. Similarly, in a front
wheel driven vehicle, the friction force on the rear wheel becomes zero. We are, of
course, ignoring rolling friction.)
Example 7.2 (Note that when all the brakes are applied, the friction force acts on
both front wheel as well as rear wheel.)
Example 7.3 (The friction force and the normal reaction are both distributed forces
over the entire area of contact. However, when a block is on the verge of toppling
under the action of an external force, the friction force and the normal force both
become point forces, and act at the leading edge of the block. In other cases, the
resultant of normal reaction will pass through some point lying between the
centroid of the block and its leading edge. The resultant friction force can be
assumed to be acting at any point along its line of action. This follows from the
principle of transmissibility of forces.)
Example 7.4 (Note that when you show the resultant of the normal force passing
through the centroid of the block, you cannot use moment equation for such an
FBD. The force equations can still be used because they do not get affected by such
a deliberate mistake in the FBD. Another point to note is that even though an
unknown force can be shown in the wrong direction also – the answer will
automatically come with a negative sign – the friction force, if expressed as µ times
the normal reaction N, cannot be shown in the wrong direction. This is because this
quantity can never be negative.)
Sections 7.5 to 7.9 are not in your syllabus.
For submission: Problem 7.7 (Make the FBD’s of A and B separately. The force between A and B
would be parallel to the incline. Why?)
Problem 7.8 (When two curved surfaces are in contact, it is always possible to
draw one common tangent and one common normal. When one of the surfaces is a
sharp corner, the directions of common normal and common tangent are decided
by the other surface. The component of the reaction along the common tangent is
called friction force, and the component normal to it is called the normal reaction.)
Problem 7.10 (In a sliding type problem, you have to first figure out the direction
of relative motion in the slot, because µN must be shown in the correct direction. In
this case, when the block A slides to the right, the block B will also slide to the
right. A formal way to conclude this is to first locate the instantaneous axis of
rotation of link AB. The whole link will rotate either clockwise or
counterclockwise with respect to this centre, instantaneously.
There is an intuitive way also to figure it out. “Fix” the slider B in its place and try
to move A towards right. For the given angles, AB will develop a compressive
force. The tangential component of this force will make the slider B move towards
right. Notice that as long as the given angle 10 is less than 30 (90 60 = 30),
this conclusion is correct. You will need to use a similar logic in Problem 7.26 also.
Another issue in this problem is the direction of the normal force on B due to slot.
Unless there is a tilting tendency, only one side of the slot will exert force on the
sliding block.. The weight of B will induce upward reaction, whereas compressive
force in AB will cause downward reaction. Initially, it is generally not possible to
predict the dominant factor. So, make a guess and solve the problem. If you get a
negative value for the normal reaction, change the direction and solve the whole
problem again. In both cases, the friction force on B must be shown towards left.)
Problem 7.12 (There are four possibilities:
A slides over B,
A topples over B,
A remains stuck to B and B slides on the ground, and finally,
A remains stuck to B and B topples over the ground.
All four are to be examined one by one. Find T for each case, ignoring the other
three possibilities. The minimum value of T will indicate the first action to occur.)
Problem 7.24 (Note that since the normal support reactions change with the change
in the position of the roller support, the friction forces at the two supports will also
change. Also, unless there is a tendency to slip (impending slippage), the friction
force should be expressed as an unknown force, which would be less than µ times
the normal reaction, which is the maximum possible friction force between the two
contacting surfaces.)
Problem 7.26 (Read the comments for Problem 7.10. The length BC is not given,
but it will cancel out.)
Problem 7.32 (Find the normal force N and the friction force F, and verify if F ≤
µN. If not, the surface is not capable of providing the required friction force, and
hence, the roller will start spinning at the same position and will not climb up the
Problem 7.39 (Find the normal force N and the friction force F on the block, and
use the condition F ≤ µN , i.e., µ ≥ F / N.)
Problem 7.40 (Slipping and toppling both possibilities are to be examined.)
Problem 7.44 (Assume that the stopper block is of very small height, such that
when a force of sufficient magnitude drives the wedge below the crate, the crate
topples about its left edge. Since the weight of the wedge is not given, assume it to
be massless. Make all the FBD’s when the wedge just enters under the crate to
give the crate a tilting tendency. In this situation, the stopper will apply one
horizontal force and one vertical force at the left edge of the crate. The bottom of
the crate will lose contact with the ground, and, on the right edge of the crate, the
wedge will apply normal and friction forces in directions which are normal and
parallel to the wedge surface. Ignore any change in geometry because of a small tilt
in this situation. Also note that you can use the moment equation for the crate, but
not for the wedge. Why?)
Problem 7.46 (Try to understand the physics of the problem. After finding out W2,
min and µmin, there are nine possibilities:
If W2 < W2, min and µ ≥ µmin, the block will topple.
If W2 = W2, min and µ > µmin, the block will have toppling tendency.
If W2 ≥ W2, min and µ < µmin, the block will slide.
If W2 > W2, min and µ = µmin, the block will have sliding tendency.
If W2 = W2, min and µ = µmin, the block will have simultaneous tendency of
toppling and sliding.
If W2 > W2, min and µ > µmin, the block will neither topple nor slide nor will
have any such tendency.
If W2 < W2, min and µ < µmin, it is an unpredictable situation; the block will
either topple or slide depending on the relative magnitudes of W2 and µ)
Assignment # 6
(Virtual Work)
Reading assignment: In general, the virtual work method is more convenient compared to the
equilibrium equation method if the equilibrium position is not known, and has to
be found out as a part of the solution.
This method usually takes less time because
it directly relates the
cause and the effect. The internal forces do not come into the
picture (since all internal forces appear in opposite pairs, the net work done by
them is zero). There is no need to make detailed FBD’s, as we do not have to
bother about internal forces. Only an overall diagram showing external forces /
moments, which contribute to work done, is all that is needed.
But, the presence
of friction force makes this method tedious. It is, however, possible to solve a
problem using any method; one method may be more convenient than the other.
The potential energy method is for a special category of problems where only
conservative forces (such as gravitational force and spring force) act, for which it
is possible to define a potential function. Thus, this method has limited
applicability, but this is the only method which can analyse the stability of an
equilibrium position. It is exactly this category of problems where the potential
energy method finds the maximum application.
Example 10.1 (Notice that a virtual displacement is expressed as δx, δθ etc., which
are called varied quantities, and not as dx, d etc., which are called differential
quantities, though all the differential rules are exactly the same for the both. So, it
is not necessary to use the type of trigonometry shown in Figure 10.9. Always use
the rules of differentiation, for finding the displacements, but use δx, δθ etc. only.
Also note that for finding the change in a quantity (distance or angle), δx, δθ etc.,
which always means increase in its value (final value – initial value), its one end
(extreme) should lie at a fixed reference point. Then the positive direction of this
quantity as well as change in this quantity will both be from the fixed end to
the end which moves during a virtual displacement. It is for this reason that the
work done by P is expressed as (P)( δyB), as P acts towards left and the change
(displacement) in the position of the point of application of P, δyB, is towards right,
in the direction of positive yaxis. The actual mathematical value of δyB may come
out to be positive or negative (positive in this example).
Note that the statement given in the book,”… the force F is in the same direction as
vectorially not correct. Mathematically, δxC is in the positive xdirection,
whereas F acts in the negative xdirection. So, work done by F would be (F)( δxC)
= (F)(2lsin δθ). The expected positive sign automatically comes.
For submission: Problem 10.4 (Let l1 be the length of the string on W1 side, and l2 be the length on
W2 side. From geometrical constraint, δl1 = δl2 (because l1 + l2 = constant). Now
relate the vertical distances of the blocks W1 and W2 from a fixed horizontal plane,
to l1 and l2, respectively, and then, take the differential.)
Problem 10.6 (The frame at the back of a towaway vehicle is called Aframe
because of its shape. The figure shows a single rod which is the projected view of
the two supporting rods. Note that there are two different strings attached to the
frame. There are two ways to solve this problem. In the first method, find out the
change in the length of the rope having tension T, and then calculate the virtual
work by tension T as T multiplied by the change in length . Make use of the cosine
law for a triangle, and then differentiate it with respect to some angle. In the second
method, calculate the component of T, perpendicular to the frame plane, i.e.,
normal to the projected rod of the Aframe, and then calculate the virtual work as
this component multiplied by r, where r is the length of the projected rod, and
is its inclination with horizontal plane. The other component of T will not do any
work during the virtual displacement.)
Problem 10.16 (Note that W is the only external force which does work during a
virtual displacement.)
Problem 10.20 (In this problem, the equilibrium equation method will take a hell
lot of time. Express the distances in terms of and put = 60° after
Problem 10.27 (Replace the metal stock kept at D by a force P. After relaxing this
constraint, virtual displacement becomes possible. Now, find out virtual work
done by F and P. Also replace 10 by . In the end, put = 10, to get P which is
the answer.)
Problem 10.28 (For a problem involving a spring, remove the spring from the
system, and show the force exerted by it as an external force. This is necessary
because the principle of virtual work is valid for
rigid bodies only. For finding out
the force exerted by the spring, you can arbitrarily assume that the spring is in
tension or compression, irrespective of the actual situation. If you assume that
the spring is in tension, the extension in the spring would be its
final length minus
initial length. For a better intuitive feeling, assume that the final length is more
than the initial length (unstretched length). Then, the spring force would be equal
to the spring constant multiplied by the extension, and it will pull the object
connected to the spring towards the spring. On the other hand, if you assume the
spring to be in compression (i.e., assuming that the initial length is more than the
final length), the compressive force would be equal to the spring constant
multiplied by reduction in the length of the spring (i.e., the initial length minus
the final length). This force will push the object connected to the spring, away
from it. You should verify that both the assumptions yield the same mathematical
equations. Finally, in many of such problems, you may get a transcendental
equation in the end which has to be solved by trial and error. For finding the zeroes
of a function f(x), find out a and b, by trial and error, such that f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs. Then a zero of the function lies between a and b. Narrow down the
range for a better accuracy. The answer given in the book is approximate. The
exact answer is = 38.25° and d = 70.4 mm)
Problem 10.29 (There are two solutions to this problem. The virtual work method
cannot tell you which one is the stable equilibrium position. This can only be
predicted by the potential energy method.)
Problem 10.61 (It is similar to Problem 10.20)
Out of these problems, Problems 10.4, 10.16, 10.28 and 10.29 can be solved by the
potential energy method also, as gravity and spring forces are the only forces
involved in work done. These are conservative forces for which the potential
functions are defined as mgh and ½Kx2, respectively. h can be measured from any
arbitrary datum, and x is measured from the free length of the spring. If you solve
these problems using the potential energy method, you can verify that, after
differentiation, you get the same equation which you write using the virtual work
method. Thus, the potential energy method uses one extra step, but the simplicity is
that you do not have to worry about whether the spring is in tension or in
compression, while expressing its potential energy. After differentiation, the
correct sign automatically comes. So, you are less prone to making errors. In the
virtual work method, the direction of the spring force and the displacement of its
end with respect to this direction must be carefully observed; otherwise there
would be an error in the sign of the work done by the spring.
In general, for a problem involving friction, the equilibrium method would be the
most suitable. If friction is absent, the virtual work method is more
convenient for
certain classes of problems, as discussed above. And, if only conservative forces
act on the body, the potential energy method also can be used, in place of virtual
work method. For stability analysis, only potential energy method can be used.
Assignment # 7
(Potential Energy)
Reading assignment: Example 10.3 (A very simple problem, but explains the potential energy method
very clearly. Note the word “slowly” in the statement of the problem. If you leave
the weight suddenly on the spring, it becomes a dynamics problem, and the
maximum deflection can be shown to be twice of W/K.)
Example 10.4 (The selected datum for the gravitational potential energy is the most
convenient. However, any other choice also will yield the same equation after
differentiation. Also note that it is possible to differentiate equation (a) with respect
to d also which gives d = W / (2K) as the equilibrium position. After expressing d
in terms of , using equation (b), the same final answer is obtained.)
Example 10.5 (When the second derivative is zero, you have to check the sign of
the third derivative, and so on. If all derivatives are zero, then only the object is
in neutral equilibrium. In the present example, all derivatives are zero when R = h,
which indicates neutral equilibrium for such a combination.)
For submission: Problems 10.4, 10.16, 10.28 and 10.29 (Just write the potential function in terms of
a single variable, differentiate it and see if you get the same equation which you
wrote for the virtual work method.)
Problem 10.34 (It is similar to Example 10.4. Try to get the answer by the trial and
error method. Evaluate the function for = 45, 40, 35, 30 and 25. You will
observe a sign change at 25. Then try 28 and 26. No sign change will occur.
Then try 25.5. You will see a sign change. So, try 25.8. It depends on your
patience and judgment, how close you get to the actual answer.)
Problem 10.36
Problem 10.38 (First find out the equilibrium angle , by trial and error, and then
calculate the force in the spring at this angle. In the examination, we normally do
not ask “show that...” type questions, because of the possibility of answer
Problem 10.48 (If the spring constant of a uniform spring of length l is K, then the
spring constant of its part length a would be Kl/a. You can prove this by using
the fact that under the application of a force F, the change in the part length a
would be given by a = l(a/l) where l is the change in length l, because the
spring is uniform throughout its length. Also, since the force is same everywhere
along the length, F = Kl = Kaa. These two equations give Ka = Kl/a. Also,
note that the initial lengths of AC and BC are 0.6 x 0.7 m and 0.4 x 0.7 m,
Problem 10.54, 10.59, 10.68 (All are similar problems. You have to make use of
noslip condition at the contacting surfaces while making the sketch. Unless the
sketch is very neatly made, you will face difficulty in writing the correct equation.
And, the equation which you write must follow from the sketch. We do not award
any marks for a vague sketch, even though the equation may be correct.)
Problem 10.55, 10.56, 10.57, 10.67 (In all these problems, write the potential
energy function at the deflected angular position , find its second derivative, and
then find the condition for which the second derivative is positive at = 0°. This
condition will ensure stable equilibrium. Also note that the potential energy stored
in a torsional spring is ½K 2, where K is the torsional spring constant in
Nm/radian and is the change in angle (in radian) from the neutral position. In
Problems 10.55 and 10.57, assume that the springs remain horizontal even after
deflection, and the change in the length of each spring is equal to l. This
assumption is valid because we are going to examine stability for very small
deflections at = 0°. Also assume that the springs are of their natural lengths in
the position shown; this is not explicitly stated in the problem.)
Assignment # 8
(Projectile motion and Relative motion)
Reading assignment: Section 11.1 to 11.4 and 11.8 are in your syllabus.
The motion of a rigid body of finite size can be analysed by assuming it to be a
particle of the same mass if it is undergoing purely translatory motion
or if its size
is very small compared to the trajectory it is following (e.g., a planetary motion).
We will be dealing with translatory motion only. So, you can always assume that
the entire mass of the body is concentrated at its centre of mass, and can write
equation of motion for this “particle”.
Many a time, the motion of a particle is described in an accelerating reference
frame (e.g., with respect to an accelerating lift or airplane). The Newton’s laws of
motion are valid only in an inertial (i.e., nonaccelerating) reference frame.
However, after introducing an additional pseudo force on the particle, if you use
the usual equations of motion for it, you get the correct result. You have learnt this
technique in your school or coaching classes, but this method is technically not
correct. You have to use the concept of absolute acceleration (the acceleration
with respect to a fixed reference frame)
and relative accelerations (the acceleration
with respect to a translating reference frame)
, for finding the absolute acceleration.
Thereafter, write the equations of motion for the absolute acceleration. The
pseudo force method would be considered wrong, and no marks would be awarded
for that.
Example 11.10 (Note that Newton’s law has been used for the absolute
acceleration, and the force on the valve is the net force due to plane and gravity.)
For submission: Problem 11.14, 11.26, 11.92, 11.94, 11.120, 11.122
Assignment # 9
(Particle Dynamics)
Reading assignment: Read Section 12.3 to learn about the method of integration for the three given
cases (the force being constant or a function of time, or being a function of speed,
or being a function of position.)
Section 12.5 onwards (i.e., Part B, C and D) are not in your syllabus.
Example 12.1 (Force is constant. Note that even though the block is accelerating
along the incline, there is equilibrium in a direction normal to the incline,
because the velocity in this direction does not change – it is zero and it always
remains zero.)
Example 12.3 (Force is a function of speed.)
Example 12.4 (Force is a function of speed. In such simple cases, it is not
necessary to use the concept of relative velocity in such a formal manner. If two
objects have velocities in the opposite directions, then the relative velocity will be
simply the sum of the two velocities.)
Example 12.5 (Force is a function of position.)
For submission: Problem 12.6 (Similar to Example 12.4)
Problem 12.8 (Find out the friction force on the load W, required for the
deceleration of 1 m/s2. If it comes out to be more than
μS times the normal reaction
on the load, then the load will slip. The problem could have been made more
complex by giving the dimensions of the block, and asking you to examine the
possibility of toppling also. This can be very easily checked by introducing an
inertia force (negative of mass times acceleration) on the centre of mass of the
block, and then comparing the moment of this force and that of the weight of the
block, about the front edge.)
Problem 12.11 (You have to make use of the fact that the centroid of the triangular
block will lie at a distance of twothird of the edge length 12 m, from the pin at C.)
Problem 12.14 (It is difficult to take into account the width of the sliding block,
because you cannot assume that the normal reaction passes through its geometric
centre. In fact, the normal reaction is a
distributed force, and its resultant will
pass through this point. So, just ignore the width, which is, otherwise also, very
small compared to the length of the member AB.
Problem 12.22 (Express the force as a function of time. Since the force function is
not continuous over the given time interval, you will need to integrate thrice.)
Problem 12.30 (The horizontal acceleration of A is related to the vertical
acceleration of B due to the geometrical constraint.)
Problem 12.34 (Given that the resisting force = 7.5 v N where v is the velocity in
m/sec. The terminal speed is defined as the steady state speed, i.e., the speed at t =
Assignment # 10
(WorkEnergy Method)
Reading assignment: Section 13.1, 13.3, 13.4 and 13.5 are in your syllabus.
The same energy conservation equation can be written in different forms, and this
is what is described in different Sections. The basic equation is:
Change (final initial) in kinetic energy of a particle = Total work done on the
particle by all conservative as well as nonconservative forces (equation 13.2).
This equation is usually used for the overall velocity and work done. However, it is
also valid for their components in a chosen direction, and takes the form:
Change in KE of a particle, associated with the component of velocity in any
direction, equals the work done on the particle in that direction (equation 13.3).
When only a conservative force (such as gravity or a spring force, for which it is
possible to define potential energy) acts on the particle, it is possible to express this
equation in terms of mechanical energy conservation during the entire course of
motion (equation 13.24).
When a nonconservative force (such as a friction force) acts on the particle, this
equation takes the form (equation 13.26):
Change in mechanical energy equals the work done by the nonconservative force.
It is your choice which form of the equation you wish to use for particular cases,
but the basic equation remains the same in every case.
Finally, solve a problem from the
basic principles. The
“equivalent case” methods
for typical cases, which you might have learnt in coaching classes and which do
give correct answers, would be considered wrong.
Example 13.1, 13.2
Example 13.3 (Such an elaborate method for relating the accelerations of block A
and Block B is not needed. A simple inspection of the geometry reveals that if A
moves some distance towards the left, the rope gets slacked by four times this
distance, which has to be the distance moved by B, since the rope is always taut.
After differentiation, the same ratio will be there in velocity and acceleration also.
Example 13.6
Example 13.8 (The method of conservation of mechanical energy is very
convenient to use if only conservative forces act on the particle.)
Example 13.9 (Each of the three cars has 8 wheels, which is not shown clearly in
the figure.)
For submission: Problem 13.10 (You have to integrate to find out the work done by the nonlinear
Problem 13.22 (A massless string will have the same tension everywhere even if it
is accelerating. Even a pulley will not change the tension if the pulley is also
massless and has frictionless bearing.)
Problem 13.42, 13.50, 13.52
Problem 13.68 (Solve from the basic principles. No “equivalent” system is to be
Problem 13.124
Assignment # 11
(Linear momentum and Impact)
Reading assignment: Section 14.1, 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5 are in your syllabus.
Example 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 14.10, 14.11 and 14.12
For submission: Problem 14.4, 14.8, 14.11, 14.17, 14.18, 14.30
Problem 14.48, 14.52, 14.54, 14.58