R FP Ramgarh Sewerage
R FP Ramgarh Sewerage
R FP Ramgarh Sewerage
June, 2019
Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Ltd,
3rd Floor, Pragati Sadan, near Kutchery Road
Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834001
1. Though adequate care has been taken while issuing this Offer Document,
the Consultants should satisfy himself that the document is complete in all
respects. Intimation of any discrepancy shall be given to this office (as
mentioned below) immediately. If no intimation is received by this office
within 3 days from the date of issue of the Offer Document, then this office
shall consider that the document received by the Consultants is complete in
all respects and that the Consultants is satisfied that the Offer Document is
complete in all respect.
2. JUIDCO reserves the right to change any or all of the provisions of this
Offer Document before date of submission. Such changes would be
intimated to all parties procuring this Offer Document before date of
3. JUDICO reserves the right to reject any or the entire offer without assigning
any reasons whatsoever. No correspondence will be entertained on this
Project Director (Tech)
JUIDCO Ltd. Ranchi.
(Govt. of Jharkhand Undertaking)
Ph No.: +91-651-2225878
CIN: U45200JH2013SGC001752, e-mail Id-juidcolimited@gmail.com
Project Director (Technical)
JUIDCO Ltd., Ranchi
(Govt. of Jharkhand Undertaking)
Ph No.: +91-651-2225878
CIN: U45200JH2013SGC001752, e-mail Id-juidcolimited@gmail.com
2. Accordingly, online proposal is invited from experienced and well qualified consultants of
National repute having adequate experience of similar projects, and capable in providing the
Services in Jharkhand.
3. The last date for submission of online offer is 15.07.2019 upto 17:00 Hrs.
Table – 1.2
S. Procurement Availability of online Date of Pre-Bid Date
Place of tender Meeting &Time
No. Agency
opening of
1. JHARKHAND 3rd Floor, Starting of Bid On 28.06.2019 16.07.2019
URBAN Pragati Sadan, downloading submission at 15.00 Hrs. at 17:30
INFRASTRUCTURE Kutchery Road, of RFP period JUIDCO Ltd, 3rd Hrs.
DEVELOPMENT Ranchi, 21.06.2019, 21.06.2019, Floor, Pragati
COMPANY Jharkhand- 17:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs. to Sadan,
LIMITED (JUIDCO 834001 15.07.2019 15.07.2019, Ranchi.834001
LTD.) 17.00 Hrs 17:00 Hrs.
9. Tender fee and EMD in original shall be submitted in the Office of JUIDCO Ltd. office on
all working days between 21.06.2019 ,17:00 Hrs. to 16.07.2019, 16:00 Hrs. either by
registered post/Speed post or by hand. Only those bids will be entertained whose
Tender fee and EMD is received before 16.07.2019 ,16:00 Hrs. JUIDCO will not be held
responsible for the postal delay, if any, in the delivery of the document or non-receipt
of the same.
10. The Bidder shall furnish Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for the amount as mentioned in
column 3 (as shown in table – 1.1). EMD shall be in form of Bank Guarantee/FDR drawn
on a Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in favor of “Managing Director, JUIDCO ltd. Ranchi,
Jharkhand” payable at Ranchi.
11. Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) envelop should contain the NIT No. and offer
notice no. and be addressed to the JUIDCO Ltd, 3rd Floor, Pragati Sadan, near Kutchery
Road Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834001, with detail of bidder’s addresses as well.
12. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject all proposals without assigning
any reason. It also reserves the right to postpone or to cancel the invitation.
Project Director (Tech.)
I nstruction to Consultants for Proposal Submission
1.1.1 JUIDCO ltd. under the administrative control of Urban Development and Housing
Department, Govt. of Jharkhand has been invited the Request for Proposal for preparation of
Detailed Project Report (DPR) and providing Project Management Consultancy (PMC)
services for Development of Sewerage Treatment Plant(s), Interception and Diversion
Works, Sewerage Network, Pumping Stations etc. for Ramgarh Nagar Parishad, Jharkhand.
Sr. Name of ULB No. of Wards Area of the ULB Population (as per
No. 2011 census)
1. Ramgarh Nagar 36 1360.08 Sq Km 1,23,875
About the Project
1.1.4 The objective is to cover entire town (including new/upcoming areas and slum etc.) with
100%sewage collection, conveyance and treatment facilities. The new/ up-graded sewerage
network is proposed for high-density areas and other appropriate areas. Sewage treatment
will be proposed and constructed at suitable locations. In lower density areas, on-site
sanitation may be continued/proposed. Also, focus on stoppage of pollution load to river
Damodar should be done for which it is important to understand the condition of existing
sewerage infrastructures in the forms of Sewage Treatment Plant, Interception and
Diversion (I&D) structures, Pumping Stations, Networks (if any) and details of drains
(discharge and quality) falling directly or indirectly to river Damodar. A detailed feasibility
study shall be first done as envisaged in the Manual of Sewerage system and sewage
treatment and as per the other related guidelines of Central and State Government and got
approved from the competent authority before proceeding with preparation of DPR.
1.1.5 This is a Request for Proposal from JUIDCO Selection of Consultant for preparation of
Detailed Project Report (DPR) and providing Project Management Consultancy (PMC)
services for Development of Sewerage Treatment Plant(s), Interception and Diversion
Works, Sewerage Network, Pumping Stations etc. for Ramgarh Nagar Parishad, Jharkhand.
1.1.6 The scope of the sewerage system component includes (i) identification of the
disposal/reuse arrangements for the treated sewage (ii) providing a suitable treatment plant
to treat the sewage to acceptable standards (iii) zoning the town area (iv) Planning the sewer
networks with zonal pumping stations (iv)Interception and Diversion (I&D) structures for
drains that discharge directly into the Damodar River (v) Planning Low Cost Sanitation where
certain locations warrant (vi) Detailed designs, drawings, cost estimates and bidding
documents for planning and implementation of prioritized capital investment plan.
1.1.7 The Detailed Project Report (DPR) should be prepared based on the guidelines laid down in
the Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, published by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban
Development and as amended from time-to-time, and other Central & State Government
guidelines like AMRUT, NMCG etc.
2.1.1 Consultant must have prepared 01(One) DPR of project cost 50 Crores or more (including
both CAPEX+OPEX) for similar nature of work in the Urban area in last 7(Seven) years(2012-
13,2013-14,2014-15,2015-16,2016-17,2017-18,2018-19) and DPR must be completed and
approved by competent authority in all respect.
Similar Nature: - Development of Sewerage Treatment Plant(s) with Sewerage Network
/integrated Sewerage and Storm water drainage system / Interception and Diversion Works
for drains.
2.1.2 Consultant must have experience of providing project management consultancy services for
at least 01(One) projects of project cost 50 Crores or more (including both CAPEX+OPEX) for
similar nature of work in the Urban area in last 7(Seven) years (2012-13,2013-14,2014-
Similar Nature: - Development of Sewerage Treatment Plant(s) with Sewerage Network/
integrated Sewerage and Storm water drainage system / Interception and Diversion Works
for drains.
2.1.3 Shall have adequate expertise, manpower to execute the project within the desired timeline.
2.1.4 Shall not be blacklisted/debarred by any State/Central Department or PSU or Autonomous
bodies across India or Abroad. The applicant must submit a duly notarized affidavit to this
effect. Applications received without this declaration shall stand automatically rejected.
2.2.1 Consultant should have minimum average annual turnover of Rs.2.0 Crore in last 3financial
years viz 2015-16,2016-17&2017-18.
2.2.2 Consultant should have a positive net worth in last three years from the date of publication
of the RFP.
2.2.3 Shall submit a copy of PAN Card and GST Registration details.
2.2.4 Shall submit balance sheet & Profit & loss account statement for the last three financial
years certified by Charter Accountant.
3.1 In order to qualify for the bid, the consultant should be:
4.1 Applicant Firms are required to furnish all information and documents, as called for in this
Document, in English Language. Any printed literature furnished by the Applicant Firm may be in
another language, provided that this literature is accompanied by an English translation, in which
case, for interpretation of the document, the English version duly authenticated will prevail.
5.1 Consultant shall ensure that the online submitted RFP Document and the Technical
Proposal/Financial Proposal must be page numbered and signed by the duly authorized person
holding power of attorney for signing the offer document. A copy of registered power of attorney
shall accompany the offer.
6.1 The Applicant Firm shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and online submission,
including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the Offer, if any.
6.2 Any Applicant Firm wishing to undertake site visits for familiarization with site conditions may do
so. All costs towards site visits, conference and submission of documents shall be borne by the
Applicant Firm themselves.
6.3 All payments to the Consultant shall be made in INR in accordance with the provisions.
7.1 The decision of the CMD JUIDCO Ltd. regarding the opening of offers, evaluation and acceptance of
the offer shall be final and binding on all the Applicant Firms.
7.2 JUIDCO reserves the right to accept or reject any offer, and to annul the offer process and reject all
offers at any time prior to award of Offer, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
Applicant Firm or any obligation to inform the affected Applicant Firm of the grounds for the
JUIDCO’s decision.
8.1 The selected applicant shall submit irrevocable performance bank guarantee, in prescribed format-
Form No. T-8 from a scheduled nationalized bank, at the time of signing the agreement.
8.2 The successful applicant shall provide a Bank Guarantee amounting to 10% of the total Consultancy
fee towards Performance Guarantee in favour of “Managing Director, JUIDCO Ltd.”, Payable at
“Ranchi” for the agreement period.
9.1 On receipt of the letter of intent (LOI), the successful Applicant Firm will report in the office of the
JUIDCO Ltd. with required non-judicial paper of appropriate amount, Performance Guarantee
within 15 (fifteen) days, for signing the formal agreement between the parties.
9.2 The signing of the agreement shall take place only after furnishing of performance guarantee as per
clause 8.2. The agreement will be signed by the legally authorized person of the Applicant Firm. If
the applicant fails to sign the agreement as per clause 9.1 in the specified period, the Ernest Money
Deposit (EMD), shall be forfeited.
10.1 The total time duration assigned to the Consultant for Preparation of Detailed Project Report
(DPR) is12 weeks. The consultant must follow the time schedule for each derivable of DPR and for
Providing Project Management Consultancy Services as per clause 17 of section-1.
While submitting the online Technical Proposal, the Applicant firm shall ensure the submission of
following documents:
11.2.1 The required similar work experience completion certificate and all requisite details.
11.2.2 All forms are submitted in the prescribed formats and signed by duly authorized
signatories along with all relevant supporting documents;
11.2.3 Power of Attorney, if applicable, is executed as per Applicable Laws;
11.2.4 Key Personnel have been proposed only if they meet the Conditions of Eligibility laid down
in the RFP.
11.2.5 The CVs shall contain an undertaking from the respective Key Personnel about his/her
availability for the duration specified in the RFP.
11.2.6 Annual Turn Over in last Three Financial Years. The Turn Over should be certified by the
Statutory Auditor/Chartered Accountant. Turn Over not certified by Statutory
Auditor/Chartered Accountant or not clearly stating that the turn over shall not be
considered for evaluation.
11.2.7 The technical proposal comprises of Form T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5, T-7, T-9, T-12, T-13.
11.2.8 No Key Personnel should have attained the age of 65 (Sixty-five) years at the time of
submitting the proposal.
11.2.9 If an individual Key Personnel makes a false statement regarding his qualification,
experience or other particulars, or his commitment regarding availability for the Project is
not fulfilled at any stage after signing of the Agreement, he shall be liable to be debarred
for any future assignment of JUIDCO for a period of 5 (five) years. The award of this
Consultancy to the Applicant Firm may also be liable to cancellation in such an event.
11.2.10 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information relating to the Financial
11.2.11 The proposed team shall comprise of experts and specialists in their respective areas of
expertise and managerial/support staff such that the Consultant should be able to
complete all the Consultancy services within the specified time schedule.
11.2.12 JUIDCO reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents, submitted
by the Applicant in response to the RFP. Any such verification or the lack of such
verification by JUIDCO to undertake such verification shall not relieve the Applicant Firm of
its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of JUIDCO thereunder.
11.3 Financial Proposal
11.3.1 Tenders are required to submit their financial Bid quoting consultancy fees as per Form T-6
of this document.
11.3.2 The total amount indicated in the financial Bid shall be without any condition attached or
subject to any assumption.
11.3.3 The Financial bid should be submitted online in a format as per Form T-6. Financial
proposal in any other format shall be rejected for further Evaluation.
11.3.4 The financial Bid shall include all the necessary taxes and GST as applicable.
12.1 The offers submitted will be evaluated using the following criteria:
12.2 The marks to be given under each evaluation sub-criteria for firm’s similar work experience in
the field of assignment and firm technical, management skill, resource persons, proposed approach,
work plan and methodology are:
12.3 Experience Criteria
1.2 Providing PMC services for the project having project cost Total marks = 20
50 Crores or more (including both CAPEX+OPEX) for
similar nature of work in the Urban area in last 7(Seven)
years.(10 marks for each completed project maximum
upto 20 marks)
Note: Same project falling under both categories can be considered under both head.
12.5 The consultant may in addition, procure the services of Environmental & Social Expert,
Surveyor, Draftsman, MEP expert etc. while preparation of DPR and site supervisor, experts,
billing, safety engineer etc. during execution, in addition to the manpower mentioned in Cl. 12.4as
per the requirement of JUIDCO for preparation of DPR and Providing PMC services.
12.6 Description of Approach, Methodology and Work Plan on the basis of Site Appreciation
13.1.1 Technical proposals scoring 70 marks and above out of the total 100 points as per procedure for
evaluation will be qualified and the financial bid of only those applicants will be opened those
qualified in the technical.
14.1 The consultants must be prepared to furnish the detailed cost breakup and other clarifications with
respect to the proposals submitted by him, as may be required to adjudge the reasonableness of his
price proposals.
14.2 If the negotiations with the consultant / firms are successful, the award will be made to them. If
negotiations fail, then the second highest rank consultant may be invited for negotiations.
15.1 The Consultant shall abide by the instructions issued by the JUIDCO to him from time to time for the
has been, any State Government, a statutory authority or a public-sector undertaking, as the case
may be, from participating in any project, and the bar subsists as on the date of Proposal, would not
be eligible to submit a Proposal.
15.3 An Applicant Firm should have, during the last five years, neither failed to perform on any
continuation sheets in the event that the space provided in the specified forms in the Appendices is
insufficient. Alternatively, Applicant Firm may format the specified forms making due provision for
incorporation of the requested information.
15.5 No Applicant Firm shall submit more than one Application for the consultancy work.
15.6 Clarifications:
15.6.1 Applicants requiring any clarification on the RFP may send their queries to the JUIDCO in
writing before the last date mentioned. The queries should be sent to
pdt.juidco@gmail.com& juidcolimited@gmail.com .The JUIDCO shall endeavor to respond to
the queries within the period specified therein.
15.6.2 JUIDCO will post the reply to all such queries on the e-portal Website of Jharkhand
Government. JUIDCO reserves the right not to respond to any questions or provide any
clarifications, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause, shall be construed as obliging
JUIDCO to respond to any question or to provide any clarification.
15.7.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of offer, JUIDCO, for any reason, whether at
its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an Applicant Firm, modify the
RFP document by the issuance of Addendum/ Amendment and posting it on the e-portal
15.7.2 In order to afford the Applicant firms a reasonable time for taking an amendment into
account, or for any other reason, JUIDCO may, in its sole discretion, extend the Offer
Submission/Opening Date.
15.7.3 The Applicant Firms shall submit the offer online in PDF format with all pages numbered
serially and by giving an index of submissions. Each page of the submission shall be initialed
by the Authorized Representative of the Applicant Firm as per the terms of the RFP.
15.7.4 The Consultant may familiarize itself with local conditions and take them into account in
preparing the Proposal. Consultant may visit the Client and Site before submitting a proposal
and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the proposal and entering into a contract. The costs of visiting the Client shall be at
the Consultant own expense.
16.1 JUIDCO shall not consider any request of the Selected Applicant Firm for substitution of Key
Personnel as the qualification of the Applicant Firm is based on the evaluation of Key Personnel and
any change therein may upset the ranking. Substitution will, be permitted only if the Key Personnel
is not available for reasons of incapacity or health, subject to equally or better qualified and
experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of JUIDCO, for which prior approval
shall have to be obtained from JUIDCO.
16.2 Substitution of the Team Leader will not normally be considered and may lead to
disqualification of the Applicant Firm or termination of the Agreement.
16.3 The Consultancy Firm shall have to open an office at Jharkhand with all the mentioned and
required Key Personnel residing at Jharkhand.
16.4 In the event that any of the personnel is found by the JUIDCO to be incompetent, or guilty of
misbehavior or incapable in discharging the assigned responsibilities satisfactorily, the JUIDCO may
instruct by giving a notice of 15 (Fifteen) days to the consultant, at the expense of the consultant,
to forthwith provide a replacement with suitable qualifications and experience acceptable to the
16.5 The decision of JUIDCO in such as event shall be final and binding on the consultant.
The assignment is to be completed in12 weeks. The details on timeline for different activities is
as below:
Sr. Activities Time Schedule from the
No. date of award of work
17.2 Towards consideration for the role performed, the consultant shall be entitled to receive Cost
of Consultancy and other payments on the basis outlined below.
17.3 For preparation of DPR:
Sr. No. Activities Payment Schedule Breakup
(in % of the Project Cost)
1 Approval of Feasibility Report. 30%
Total 100%
17.4 Payment Schedule for PMC services of the project will be done as below:
Payment Breakup
Sr. No. Services/ Stage
Against PMC, to be paid on monthly basis in 80%
proportion to the monthly physical and
1 financial progress of the said project against
the total duration of execution.
1.1 The objective is to cover entire town (including new/upcoming areas and slum etc.) with
100%sewage collection, conveyance and treatment facilities. The new/ up-graded sewerage
network is proposed for high-density areas and other appropriate areas. Sewage treatment will be
proposed and constructed at suitable locations. In lower density areas, on-site sanitation may be
continued/proposed. Also, focus on stoppage of pollution load to river Damodar should be done for
which it is important to understand the condition of existing sewerage infrastructures in the forms
of Sewage Treatment Plant, Interception and Diversion (I&D) structures, Pumping Stations,
Networks (if any) and details of drains (discharge and quality) falling directly or indirectly to river
Damodar. A detailed feasibility study shall be first done as envisaged in the Manual of Sewerage
system and sewage treatment and as per the other related guidelines of Central and State
Government and got approved from the competent authority before proceeding with preparation
of DPR.
• Engineering considerations
• Institutional Aspects
• Environmental considerations
• Treatment process
• Financial aspects
• Legal issues
• Community awareness
• Inter and intra departmental coordination
• GIS mapping
• City Master Plan
• City sanitation plan
1.2 It is proposed to obtain financial assistance under different schemes of GOI (like AMRUT, NMCG
etc.) or other External Funding (like ADB, World Bank etc.), if available. Govt. of Jharkhand may
also provide part financial assistance through State Plan for implementation of proposed project.
The objective of the Projects proposed is to promote sustainable environment and basic urban
infrastructure and sanitation facilities to the all citizens and visitors of the proposed towns and to
ensure effective abatement of pollution by adopting a river basin approach for comprehensive
planning and management, and to maintain minimum ecological flows in the river Damodar with
the aim of ensuring water quality and environmentally sustainable development.
1.3 The scope of the sewerage system component includes (i) identification of the disposal/reuse
arrangements for the treated sewage (ii) providing a suitable treatment plant to treat the sewage
to acceptable standards (iii) zoning the town area (iv) Planning the sewer networks with zonal
pumping stations (iv) Interception and Diversion (I&D) structures for drains that discharge directly
into the Damodar River (v) Planning Low Cost Sanitation where certain locations warrant (vi)
Detailed designs, drawings, cost estimates and bidding documents for planning and implementation
of prioritized capital investment plan.
1.4 The Detailed Project Report (DPR) should be prepared based on the guidelines laid down in the
Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, published by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban
Development and as amended from time-to-time or other Central/ State Government/External
aided funding agencies guidelines like AMRUT, NMCG, World Bank, ADB etc. as per the direction of
i. Collecting the present population data and projecting the same for the base, intermediate and
Ultimate year
II. Studying the development plans, if any prepared for the project town to assess the potential for
III. Assessing the sewage generation for the base year Intermediate year and the Ultimate year
IV. Assessing adequacy of existing system for integration into the proposed system
V. Identifying disposal points and determining the standards for treated sewage
VI. Carrying out a Life cycle Cost analysis to determine the best suited technology to treat the
VII. Planning and zoning of the town considering the natural topography and contributory areas and
availability of sites for locating intermediate pump stations.
VIII. Recycle and reuse of treated effluent for various beneficial non-potable uses,
IX. Proposal, if any, for use of manure, sewage gas etc. to generate revenue
X. Suggesting suitable materials for construction with cost benefit analysis discussing the
feasibility of using pre cast structures and providing structural designs and other design and details
as appropriate
XI. Quantification and characterization of flow in all drains discharging directly/indirectly waste
water into river Damodar. Identify and assess the need for interception and diversion (I&D) of
XII. Field Survey for sewerage Network to ensure 100% sewerage infrastructure in identified town
with the aim of dovetailing I&D works into the sewer network to ensure optimal utilization of
resources on priority basis.
XIII. Land availability status for proposing the various new infrastructures, I&D works etc.
XIV. Consultant will prepare separate concept plan for pollution abetment of river Damodar
incorporating the above mentioned objectives and scope of work. The concept plan will also include
an inventory of the existing sewage sludge and solid waste disposal system, drain mapping, and
assessment report for intercept & diversion potential of such drains.
i. Design and Detailed engineering of sewer network, intermediate pump stations, treatment
plant, I&D and disposal system.
ii. Design and Detailed Engineering of related Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation
iii. Design and costing of SCADA system.
iv. Structural Design and Detailed Engineering of RCC Structures
v. Preparation of detailed working drawings and specifications
2.3 Stakeholder Consultation
i. Preparation of project cost estimate including capital, O&M Costs based on the above and
preparation of financial analysis and economic analysis including internal rate of
return/economic rate of return of the project. Justify the assumptions made by illustrations,
which are executable.
ii. The cost estimate shall be based on the current schedule of rates of Government of Jharkhand.
The estimate shall include road restoration charges wherever necessary. There shall not be any
lump sum provision in the estimate. For items not covered in the schedule of rates market
rates shall be adopted with evidence.
Operation and Maintenance cost, mechanism and suggested user charges for self-
sustainability of the system.
Evaluation of the financial affordability of the ULBs for investment in the proposed
based on financial health of those entities. Financial affordability should consider
impact of alternate delivery mechanisms and full recovery of cost with options for
partial or deferred recovery. Recommendations shall be made with respect to realistic
tariff setting with appropriate indexation.
2.5 Institutional Strengthening & Capacity Building
i. Prepare the project implementation schedule for execution. This will also include drawing up
project budget with monthly/quarterly target; furnish network analysis such as CPM, for
purposes of effective project monitoring and regular reports.
ii. Suggesting use of modern technologies for implementation of project.
i. Primary and Secondary data collection for Social and Environment parameters for preparation
of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA);
ii. Assessment of utility shifting requirements and costs including O&M requirements and
estimates, along with actions required for statutory clearances and other clearances like
Railway, Forest, National Highways, or from any other departments etc;
iii. Preparing document and needful actions required for statutory clearances and other
clearances like Railway, Forest, National Highways or from any other departments etc.
including environment and social management plan (ESMP), Resettlement Plan (RP) with Due
Diligence Report (DDR), Resettlement & Rehabilitation budget, and mitigation measures;
iv. Assessment of each project site, environmental and social aspects for detailed design of the
project components, preparing initial environmental, social, checklist & report as required;
v. Preparation of Social and environmental safeguard actions including impact assessments, if
vi. Preparation of environment and social management plan (ESMP) and mitigation measures;
vii. Identifying, assisting & coordinating stakeholder’s consultations for each project insofar social
and environmental issues are concerned.
Where survey details are not given by JUIDCO/UDHD, Consultant shall carry out Topographical
survey of the ULB and prepare road plan with levels along roads/streets at suitable intervals
and junctions of roads, locations such as change in gradient, road turnings, zoning areas and
selection of site for head works etc in the listed ULBs under consultancy and prepare contour
The survey shall be guided by the following:
Establishing Temporary Benchmarks within the Local Body with respect to the known GTS
benchmark or a benchmark transferred from GTS by departments like Public Works Department
The consultant shall be wholly responsible for all the details of the proposal, the physical and
site conditions, the execution methodology etc. All data utilized in preparation of the proposal
shall be presented indicating the source of the data and also the basis of assumptions, if any.
The consultant shall be responsible for all the data or designs and drawings and cost estimate
given by them.
Data to be collected shall include but not be limited to:
Administrative Report of the project town
Population of the city as per 2011 census, present and future (design) period.
Present condition of the city such as:
- Area and population covered by water supply system through metered or
unmetered connections.
- area and population covered by Sewerage System
- area covered by storm drainage system
Details of existing water supply system, such as total production and supply, storage facility,
details of distribution system, per capita supply, losses etc.
Area/ population to be covered by water supply system
Data relating to slums viz. number, location and population, service coverage
3.2 Soil Investigations
Soil Investigations shall be carried in two different situations, one at locations where Treatment
Plants or Sewage Pump Stations and the other along the networks of the sewer systems.
Soil tests as per relevant I.S / IRC Standards to arrive at design parameter for the formation and
safe bearing capacity. At locations proposed for important installations like pump house, UGT
and OHT etc. minimum of two boreholes for every such installation shall be made to determine
the SPT-Values at depth specified in the relevant IS codes, soil samples taken from bore holes
should be usually classified, index properties should be determined and presented in a report.
These boreholes should be normally taken to a depth whose `N’ value is greater than 100 plus 3
m (to account for any drastic fall in `N’ value below this stratum). The subsurface water at each
borehole be sampled and a chemical analysis carried out, to recommend appropriate cement /
admixture for use in foundations. Recommendations of a geo-technical expert should be
furnished in the soil report and should cover aspects like appropriate soil stabilization measures
if required etc. Soil investigation along the sewer network shall be at 500 m radius and shall be
used to profile the subsurface
3.3 Willingness to Pay for the services survey
Willingness to pay for the services (by contacting at least 50% of the consumers in each locality
distributed among all wards across the economic strata) shall be undertaken and
recommendations made with respect to realistic tariff setting with appropriate indexation.
Willingness to pay for the services shall be town specific
3.4 Water Quality Survey
Raw water analysis report and appropriate treatment technologies latest waste water sample
analysis report of the proposed source during different seasons of the year and appropriate
cost effective option for treatment of waste water based on its quality. Secondary data may be
used for the seasons not covered by the proposed duration of preparation of DPR
Degree of Treatment Require: In case of domestic or municipal sewage, this is considered, for
example, in terms of removal of BOD nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous), coli forms,
helminthes etc. Land disposal generally has to meet less stringent discharge standards than
disposal to surface waters. Land disposal is only possible where there is no running stream or
river available otherwise it’s strictly not permissible in Jharkhand. It is often not enough to aim
only at BOD removal and let other items be left to unspecified, incidental removals, whatever
may occur. The selection of a treatment process thus, depends on the extent of removal
efficiency required for all important parameters and the need to obviate nuisance conditions.
The project design shall be strictly based on land owned by concerned ULB or public land
owned by Government of Jharkhand. The consultant shall identify the land at the very early
stage of conducting Inception report itself prior to feasibility study in consultation with ULB and
other land owning government department or private entity. The consultant shall obtain no
objection certificate from ULB for land belonging to ULB before finalizing the feasibility report.
For land belonging to other government departments, the consultant shall assist
JUIDCO/UDHD/ULB with equal responsibility to obtain NOC for the identified land from
concerned department before completion of Feasibility study.
However, where it is unavoidable and private land is required, provision of such land shall be
made as last option after consultation with UDHD and ULB and the FR/DPR should include
complete details of such proposed land with Khesra /Khata numbers and the names of land
owners and related report from revenue officer concerned.
Land has to be identified for the project and earmarked in the layout plan. Wherever necessary,
land acquisition process will be initiated by ULB well in advance to avoid undue delay and
litigation in implementation of the scheme after its approval by funding agency. The land finally
selected for construction of STP must be marked on the map showing latitude and longitude of
all the four corners (i.e N-S-E-W)
Report Content
Feasibility Reports Describing the adequacy of the project preparation arrangement; Site
visits, physical survey of the town and preliminary assessments;
Proposed design criteria, approach & methodology; Revised activity and
input plan; Record of meetings held; Any issues arising, etc. This will also
include personnel schedule and work plan, Socio eco& Engineering
survey, Study of water table and soil characteristics etc.
Assessment of existing status of sewerage system with rehabilitation
plan; Summary of findings based on completed situation assessment and
feasibility studies for technical, financial, social, cultural, environmental,
legal, institutional and economic aspects; Data & record collected from
ULBs; Studies carried out; Options proposed and selected; identification
of land for project facility; Outline description of programme; Expected
Project costs, etc
Draft DPR Reports Detailed Engineering, design, drawing, specifications, estimation etc. as
per ToR
Final DPR Report As above but accommodating all points recommended by the Client.
&GoI/State Govt approval
The CDs containing all basic as well as the processed data from all field studies and
investigations, report, appendices, annexure, documents and drawings shall be submitted to
JUIDCO at the time of the submission of the DDPR. The data can be classified as follows:
Engineering Investigations and Other Studies: Geo-technical surveys, Hydrological Studies (for
proposed STP/Land fill sites), physiochemical Analysis of Wastewater Inventory data for existing
sewerage/drainage/SWM facilities (if any), their rehabilitation, new construction requirement
etc. in MS Excel or any other format which could be imported to widely used utility packages.
Topographic Surveys design and Drawings: All topographic data would be supplied in (x, y, z)
format along with complete reference so that the data could be imported into any standard
design software. The drawing files would be submitted in *.dwg format and the design files
would be submitted in excel format.
Rate Analysis: The Consultant shall submit the rate analysis for various works items including
the data developed on computer in this relation so that it could be used by the client later for
the purpose of updating the cost of the project.
Economic and Financial Analysis.
Consultant is required to design the Sewerage Networks using graphical user interface software
like Sewer Gems or Sewer Cad/Auto Sewer/ spread sheet format for Sewerage. Treatment and
Disposal arrangements shall be designed in standard software if available or spread sheet
format The CDs should be properly indexed and a catalogue giving contents of all CDs and print-
outs of the contents (data from field studies topographic data and drawings) should be handed
over to JUIDCO at the time of submission of the Final Report.
The consultant shall be responsible for project Management & Construction Supervision and
responsibility shall include:
To help and guide the Department/ULB/JUIDCO for initiating action to ensure that site is handed
over to the contractor under guidance and control of department/ULB/JUIDCO.
Planning management: - Consultant assist in acquiring required land and electric power for the
project, initiation & persuasion for obtaining permission for Railway/ NH crossing or State
Government/ Forest Department clearance or other department or and procuring all old map
wherever required, Design management, Schedule managements.
Reviewing alignment plan of sewerage system based on drawing and design prepared by
executing agency before actual start of work on site by the contractor, whenever required in
consultation with Department/ULB/JUIDCO officials.
Checking of all the working drawings (including structural drawing) prepared by executing
agency necessary for construction in schedule time frame.
Within the powers granted to the Consulting Firm, assist in the construction work with
Work closely with the Department/ULB/JUIDCO, to assist him to carry out his obligations under
the construction contract in order that the contractor is not hampered in any way in carrying out
his duties.
To approve materials and to ensure that the quality of works is in accordance with contract
specification, including testing of raw constituents and its product such as sand, chips, cement,
concrete cube, steel bar, depth of pipe line etc. and hydraulic pressure test of pipes be done at
site with lab established at site as per terms of work contract.
To recommend the contractor work programme and source of materials for approval by
Department/ULB/JUIDCO official.
Quality assurance of all the materials used in the work according to relevant IS specification and
terms of contract.
Evaluate quality assurance manual submitted by contractor and there afterwards implement the
same. Ensuring quality tests of materials as per standard norms and frequency as specified in
tender document or as per BIS specifications during execution and of completed works, and
order the removal of sub-standard materials from work site.
Checking all working drawings and designs prepared by implementing agency (including
structural design and drawing). All necessary approval shall be obtained from
Monitoring and controlling the progress by using project management tools such as CPM, PERT,
Bar Chart, Prima Vera and Ensuring schedule of work progress and for any unavoidable
circumstances work is delayed rescheduling of the work to complete it on earliest possible date.
Submission of Daily/ weekly / monthly progress report to E/I or as and when required by the E/I.
Arranging progress review meeting with department monthly or whenever required by the
officials of Department/ULB/JUIDCO.
If it is noticed that there are repeated mistakes/ corrections by the consultant’s representatives,
it would be mandatory for consultant to take appropriate action, and if asked by the
Department/ULB/JUIDCO official to remove the concerned Engineer/ representative from
The responsibility towards quality and quantity of work will be solely responsibility of the
consultant. All bills checklists; measurement should be signed and stamped by Site Engineer of
the consultant. Engineer will co-ordinate and hold responsible for all issue related to site
availability, land availability, utility shifting, other statutory duties as prescribed in relevant
government Act etc., which consultant can’t address.
Consultant will maintain reports, files etc. separately site wise & contractor wise as per
All documents related to quality control and register of quality control test shall be maintained
and updated timely by quality control Engineer of the consultant.
Inspect the work during the construction and maintenance period and issue the construction or
maintenance certificate. If any issue arises in between completion of project and defect liability
period, consultant shall at no extra cost provide all technical support towards sorting the issue.
After completion of the works necessary documents/ data/ maps and as built drawing etc.
related to contract shall be handed over to Department/ULB/JUIDCO along with maintenance
Inspecting the works on its completion and to check any leftover work and ensure that if any
defects are found it must be rectified before defects liability period by the agency concerned.
Operation and maintenance manual formulation for the scheme, structure wise O&M manual be
prepared separately, with help of Contractor as per terms of the contract (Does and Don’t with
time schedule),
Assuring cooperation of local body at all stages of construction of project, so as they own the
project with help of implementing agency / contractor.
Capacity building to local body for O&M of the project related issues like book keeping,
accounting, materials stock keeping for proper O&M consumables etc. including training of all
related workers of the project with help of agency be ensured.
Liaise between the Department/ULB/JUIDCO and the contractor to ensure good communication
between all parties such that disputes do not arise and that any such disputes are settled
reasonably and amicably and assist in any adjudication.
Keep accurate records of all site activities and operations and those required elsewhere for
efficient works execution from the contractor and others under the construction contract,
including but not restricted to:
Daily, weekly and monthly report from the Engineer's representative and the site inspectors
Level and survey books, including checks on setting out and completed work.
Work records, such as measurement, level, dimension, as built-drawings and material delivery
Financial records, including interim statements plus supporting particulars and certificates
Administrative records concerning leave, sickness, accidents, etc., where applicable as submitted
and as corrected, if necessary.
Liaise between the Department/ULB/JUIDCO and other departments & other State Government
such as NHAI & RCD for road cutting permission for laying of pipes, other govt. departments for
procurement of land for construction of project structures, Jharkhand Electricity Board for taking
electric connection, Indian Railway for taking permission for Railway crossing, Forest department
for forest clearance etc. as the case may be.
Consultant should give daily progress report of each work site starting work done, daily labour
force employed and machinery available on the day.
The consultant will scrutinize and recommend interim and final payments to the contractors;
Interim monthly payments shall be based on interim payment certificates processed by the
consultant following claims filed by the contractor. In processing contractor’s payments, the
consultant shall evolve a suitable system of checking measurements to the satisfaction of the
Department/ULB/JUIDCO. Whenever measurements are to be made consultant’s engineer will
inform the Department/ULB/JUIDCO.
Make periodic site visits to ensure that any outstanding work agreed upon with the contractor
before the issue of the certificate of substantial completion is properly carried out.
In the event of any defect and whenever required, visit the site, ensure that repairs are properly
carried out.
At the end of the defects correction period and when all outstanding work is completed and all
repairs are carried out satisfactorily, issue the defects corrections certificate in accordance with
the provisions of the construction contract.
Checking of completion map of project showing all locational details and references and handing
over same to concerned authority.
Awareness generation of local body for water quality and maintaining the same with the
assistance of the executing agency as per contract document,
Handing over the document and completion plan (with drawing) & O&M manual to E/I and local
body after completion of testing of plant plus six-month O&M work.
Consultant must deploy adequate man power of various expertise like (Quality Control Engineer,
Project Manager, Team Leader, sewerage Expert, Safety Engineer etc.) of adequate relevant
experience for the overall monitoring, supervision, and quality work on site.
All the relevant guidelines of various funding agencies (e.g. World Bank, ADB etc.) to be
followed as required as per the direction of UD&HD/JUIDCO.
Note: Any other activity that is deemed necessary for the project design, execution & completion, but
not included in the above-mentioned list shall form the part of scope of work of the DPR AND PMC and
the decision of JUIDCO shall be final in this regard.
Note: Make Power Point Presentation during the DPR preparation stage and PMC stage in front of
CMD/Project Director (technical), JUIDCO and other higher officials of Govt of Jharkhand whenever
9.1 In the event of failure of the implementation of the project by the Consultant as per the
provision mentioned in the agreement, the JUIDCO reserves the option to recover liquidated
damages, and not by way of penalty, for late implementation from the Consultant in the
following manner: -
Liquidated Damage to be
Sr.No. Details of delay charged on consultancy fee
for preparation of DPR
9.3 During the project execution period, the JUIDCO reserves the option to recover liquidated
damages from the PMC consultant, for late approval of drawings, not deputing adequate
manpower, or any type of delay in providing services as per the TOR, etc. subjected to
maximum of 10% of the Consultancy fee for providing PMC services.
9.4 The aforesaid chargeable liquidated damages, if not paid by the Consultant, would be
recoverable under the relevant provisions of Public Damage Recovery Act’1914 by the JUIDCO.
9.5 Penalty for deficiency in services:
9.5.1 In addition to the liquidated damages not amounting to penalty, warning may be issued
to the Consultant for minor deficiencies on its part. In the case of significant deficiencies in
Services causing adverse effect on the Project or on the reputation of the JUIDCO, other penal
action may be taken by JUIDCO, including debarring for a specified period or with holding.
9.5.2 In the event of total default / failure by the Consultant in providing the Services, JUIDCO
reserves the right to get the Services executed by any other consultant at the cost and risk of
the Consultant.
11.1 JUIDCO is a public service agency and requires serving honestly, diligently and timely. The
Consultant would be the assisting agency of the JUIDCO, therefore, he is also required to
maintain highest standards of honesty and ethics. The Consultant is advised to refrain from the
corrupt and fraudulent practices during the execution of the contract. Corrupt and fraudulent
practices are defined as follows:-
11.1.1 “Corrupt Practice” means behavior of Consultant including his personnel by which they
improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves and/or those close to them, or induce others to do
so, by misusing the position in which they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving,
receiving, or soliciting of anything of value.
11.1.2 “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence, and collusive
practices of the Consultant.
14.2 In case of dispute over the interpretation of any clause of agreement, decision of Principal
Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development& Housing Department shall be final and binding.
15.1 The JUIDCO may, by a written notice to the Consultant, suspend the agreement if the
Consultant fails to perform any of its obligations under this agreement, including the carrying
out of the services. Provided that such notice of suspension:
(i) Shall specify the nature of the failure, and
(ii) Shall direct the Consultant to rectify such failure within a specified period from the date of
receipt of such notice of suspension.
15.2 No payment shall be made to the Consultant for such suspended period and no
damage shall be claimed on account of this suspension
16.1 JUIDCO, in its sole discretion and at any time during the processing of Offers, may disqualify any
Applicant Firm from the offer process, if:
16.1.1 Firms not meeting eligibility criteria.
16.1.2 Firms made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements.
16.1.3 An Offer not valid for at least 180 days shall be considered as non-responsive and would be
16.1.4 If found to have record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not properly
completing the agreement, inordinately delaying completion, being involved in litigation or
financial failures, etc.
16.1.5 Submitted Offer which is not accompanied by required documents is non-responsive.
16.1.6 Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought.
16.1.7 Submitted more than one Bid. This will cause disqualification of all Bids submitted by such
16.1.8 Bidder, who are found to canvass, influence or attempt to influence in any manner the
qualification of selection process, including without limitation, by offering bribes or other illegal
gratification shall be disqualified from the process at any stage.
17.1 JUIDCO shall have a right to cancel the agreement if the Consultant commits breach of any
condition. Breach of agreement include, but are not limited to, the following:
17.1.1 It is found that the time schedule of implementation of the scheme is not being adhered
17.1.2 The Consultant stops work & such stoppage has not been authorized by the JUIDCO.
17.1.3 The Consultant may become bankrupt or goes into liquidation,
17.1.4 The JUIDCO gives notice to correct a particular defect/irregularity and the Consultant fails
to correct such defects/irregularity within a reasonable period of time determined by the
17.1.5 In case the Consultant fails to carry out the instructions/orders issued by the JUIDCO from
time to time during the currency of the agreement and fails to comply with the laws
applicable in the State.
17.1.6 The Consultant fails to deliver any or all of the obligations within the time period(s)
specified in the agreement, or any extension thereof granted by JUIDCO.
17.1.7 The Consultant fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the agreement.
17.2 Because of breach of agreement by the Consultant for any of the above reasons, JUIDCO shall
have the right to terminate the agreement and invoke the performance bank guarantee.
20.1 JUIDCO and the Consultant shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct negotiations,
any disagreement or dispute, arising between them under agreement.
20.2 If after 30 days from the commencement of such direct negotiations, the dispute is not resolved
it shall be referred to Principal Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development& Housing Department,
Govt. of Jharkhand, where decision shall be final and binding upon both parties.
20.3 Pending the submission of and/or decision on a dispute, difference or claim or until the matter
is decided by Principal Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development& Housing Department, Govt.
of Jharkhand, the Consultant shall continue to perform all its obligations under this agreement
without prejudice of final adjustment in accordance with such award.
20.4 JUIDCO may terminate this agreement, by giving a written notice of termination of minimum 30
days, to the Consultant, if the Consultant fails to comply with any decision delivered by Principal
Secretary/Secretary, Urban Development & Housing Department, Jharkhand.
21.1 Any dispute between JUIDCO and Consultant regarding works or any matter initially resolved by
the adjudicator, if within 30 days adjudicator did not resolved the issue the matter will be finally
goes to arbitration. Arbitration will be done according to rule “arbitration and cancellation act
21.2 The Adjudicator/ Arbitrator synonymous with (Dispute Review Expert) is the person appointed
jointly by the employer and the consultant to resolve disputes in the first instance. It is to be
conducted under the rules of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) any
statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof.
22.1 Notwithstanding the provision as mentioned in the RFP, the Consultant shall not be liable for
liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that, its delay in
performance or other failure to perform its obligation under the agreement is the result of an
event of Force Majeure.
For purpose of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the
Consultant and not involving any fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may
include, but are not restricted to, acts of JUIDCO either in its sovereign or agreement capacity,
wars or revolution, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. But
does not include failure of electricity, printing system or non-availability of raw material as a
cause beyond control.
22.2 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Consultant shall promptly notify JUIDCO in writing within
24 hours of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the JUIDCO in
writing, the Consultant shall continue to perform its obligations under the agreement as far as is
reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not
prevented by the Force Majeure event.
JUIDCO may terminate this agreement, by giving a written notice of minimum 30 days
to the consultant, if as a result of Force Majeure; the Consultant is unable to perform a material
portion of the services for a period of more than 60 days.
Form T – 1
1. Name of bidder
(d) E mail
(e) Website
Name of authorized signatory to bid
(a) Designation
(c) Fax
(d) Email
S. No. Name of Nature Name of the Total Cost Date of Status of Remarks
the Project of the Department of the commencement the about the
project Project of the Project Project completion
of the
project by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Proposed Position:
2. Name of Staff:
3. Date of Birth:
4. Nationality:
5. Educational Qualification:
6. Membership of professional societies:
7. Publications:
8. Employment Record:
(List all positions held by staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing
organization, title of positions held and location of assignments.
9. Summary of the CV
(Furnish a summary of the above CV. The information in the summary shall be precise and
accurate. The information in the summary will have bearing on the evaluation of the CV.)
9.1 Education:
(i) Field of Graduation and Year
(ii) Field of post-graduation and year
(iii) Any other specific qualification
9.2 Experience
(i) Total experience in relevant Water Supply sector: ............................. Years.
(ii) Responsibilities held: …………………………………..Years.
(iii) Total Experience: ………………………………….. Years
(iii) Relevant Experience: …………………………………..Years.
9.3 Permanent Employment with the Firm (Yes/No):
If yes, how many years:
If no, what is the employment:
Arrangement with the firm ?
1. I am willing to work on the project and I will be available for entire duration of
the project assignment and I will not engage myself in any other assignment
during the currency of his assignment on the project.
2. I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this bio-
data correctly describes myself, my qualification and my experience.
Details of Resources Sheet - Equipment &Software’s owned by the Agency and likely to be
used in carrying out the Work
Know all men by these presents, we _ _(name and address of the registered office
of the Sole Applicant) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms. R/o
_ (name and address of residence) who is presently employed with us and holding the
position of , as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds
and things necessary in connection with Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for
preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) and providing Project Management Consultancy (PMC)
services for Development of Sewerage Treatment Plant(s), Interception and Diversion Works, Sewerage
Network, Pumping Stations etc. for Ramgarh Nagar Parishad, Jharkhand. (the “Project”), including
signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to JUIDCO, representing
us in all matters in connection with our bid for the said Project.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power
ofAttorney and agree that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall
always be deemed to have been done by us.
(Name, Title and Address)
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
Form T-10
(Letter head paper of the Employer’s Representative)
_ (Name and address of the Agency)
Dear Sirs,
You are hereby requested to furnish Performance Security, in the form as per clause 8.0 for an amount
equivalent to Rs. within 15 days of the receipt of this letter of
acceptance valid up to _____ days from the date of expiry of Contract i.e. up to
and also furnish the Non-Judicial Stamp of Rs. 500/- for
signing the Agreement, failing which action as stated in Clause 9 of Section-1 will be taken.
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signature
Name and title of Signatory
(Employer’s Representative)
Form T-11
1. In this Agreement, words and expression shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to and they shall be deemed to form
and be read and construed as part of this Agreement.
3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Agency in consideration of the execution and
completion of the consultancy Works and the remedying the defects wherein Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner
prescribed by the Contract.
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be ready and construed as
part of this Agreement viz.
(1) The Agreement Form
(2) Letter of Acceptance,
(3) Agency Proposal
(4) All Annexures as per RFP
(5) Request for Proposal
(6) Financial Proposal
(7) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract
In witnessed whereof the parties there to have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year
first before written.
The Common Seal of was hereunto affixed in the presence
WHEREAS, [name of Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted his Bid dated
[date] for the construction of [name of Contract hereinafter called "the Bid"].
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this day of , 20_
(1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws his bid during the period of Bid validity specified
in the Form of Bid;
(2) If the Bidder having been notified to the acceptance of his bid by the Employer during the
period of Bid Validity:
a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instruction
to Consultants; or
We undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written
demand, without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his
demand the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the
occurrence of one or any of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date ** days after
the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to Consultants
or as it may be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby
waived. Any demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the
above date.
[Signature, name and address]
* The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures denominated in
Indian Rupees. This figure should be the same as shown in Table 1.1, Column- 3 of the Notice
Inviting Tender.
Dated: …………….
Sub: Request for Proposal for Selection of Consultant for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
and providing Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for Development of Sewerage
Treatment Plant(s), Interception and Diversion Works, Sewerage Network, Pumping Stations etc. for
Ramgarh Nagar Parishad, Jharkhand.
Dear Sir,
Attached to this letter is the authority regarding Power of Attorney appointing me/us as designated
person(s) to make these representations for and on behalf of the bidder in respect of the proposal as
per RFP bearing number dated 2019 ____ issued by JUIDCO.
For and on behalf of the bidder, I/we confirm:
1. Our offer is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFP issued by JUIDCO, and we agree
all the terms and conditioned mentioned in the RFP, and we have initialed each page of it to convey our
2. That the offer contained in the proposal attached to this letter is a firm offer which will remain open
for the proposal validity period referred to in the RFP, including any extension of the proposal validity
period as may be agreed by us;
3. That (JUIDCO) may by written notice extend the period of proposal validity period and the proposal
attached to this letter and the EMD below will remain in full force and be valid for that extended period
as per provisions of the RFP;
4. That the Bidder accepts the terms and conditions stipulated in RFP for the selection process and
undertakes to perform its obligations accordingly; and
5. That attached to this letter is the EMD, Tender fees along with all other documents and information
as required by the RFP.