July 15,2019
July 15,2019
July 15,2019
Date: July 15, 2019 Learning Area: SCIENCE Grade Level: 9 Quarter: Duration: 50 mins.
First Time: 8:10 – 9:00
Code: S9LT - Ie - F –
Learning Competencies relate species extinction to the failure of populations of
organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment.
Key Concepts/
Understandings to be understanding of how changes in the environment may affect species extinction
Knowledge Explain the importance of biological diversity.
Measure species distribution using the mathematical way of expressing the amount of
biodiversity and species distribution in the community.
Attitude Conservation of nature
Values Valuing the creation
Present two boxes of candies, one with 5 candies of the same kind and the other one
with 5 different candies.
Ask the students which box will they choose and why?
How is biological diversity important?
How will the community of different species be able to withstand environmental
What do you think will happen if a population of only one specie continue to increase
in number?
Using the Exit Card
What was the most confusing idea presented
What is the most important thing today?
Assessment we discussed today?
What are the three big What made the learning easy for you today?
ideas/concepts to be learned What made the learning difficult for you
from this lesson? today?
Assignment What causes species extinction?
Concluding Activity How can changes in the environment affect species extinction?
Remarks This lesson will be reviewed the following day for mastery.