Santiago, National High School Senior High School Department
Santiago, National High School Senior High School Department
Santiago, National High School Senior High School Department
II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the idiomatic Expressions under column A with the correct meanings under
Column B. write the letter of your answer on your paper.
1. tickled pink a. be patient
2. hands down b. very sick
3. down in the dumps c. not well
4. sick as a dog d. be happy
5. under weather e. very easy
6. rise and shine f. mild punishment
7. close, but no cigar g. kidding
8. ‘til the cows come home h. made very happy
9. rain cats and dogs i. no competition
10. driving me up the wall j. sad
11. piece of cake k. for a very long time
12. slap on the wrist l. beyond comprehension
13. an arm and a leg m. wake up and be happy
14. pulling your leg n. making someone very annoyed
15. sounds Greek o. expensive
p. close, but didi not make it
q. rain very hard
r. unpredictable
III. IDENTIFICATION. Choose the correct word in the box that follows to complete the following sentences. Write
your answers on your paper.
1. An __________is a composition usually in verse in which sets of letters (as the initial or final letters of the lines)
taken in order form a word or phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet.
2. _________is highly imaginistic, and is written in condensed language , stylized syntax, and figures of speech
not found in ordinary communication.
3. The ______ is the central idea or message in a poem or in other work of literature.
4. _________is the attitude a writer takes toward a subjevt.
5. _________refers to the emotional response of the reader to a work.
6. _________is a word people use to talk about the way poems talk to the reader.
7. A _______puts on the identity of someone or something else, and speaks for it.
8. _________is a dialogue between two voices and often asks readers to guess who the voices are.
9. A ________is a group of lines that form a unit of poetry.
10. One of the most important things poems do is play with_______.
11. _________refers to the pattern or beat of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.
12. A _________ is a language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meanings of the words.
13. _________is the repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry.
14. Words _______ when the sound of their accented vowels and all the succeeding sounds are identical.
15. A ______ is a strong pause within a line, and is often found alongside enjambment.
16. _______is a very short form of Japanese poetry consisting of fourteen lines of five, seven, five syllables
17. __________is a poetic form which originated in Italy, consisting of fourteen lines that traditionally follows a
strict rhyme scheme and specific structure.
18. _________is poetry that does not contain regular patterns of rhyme and meter.
19. _________is the continuation of a sentence form one line or couplet into the next.
20. A ________is placed where a natural pause occurs within the line.
21. According to Ziehl and Jerz, you have to know your ______ before you begin any writing project.
22. A______ is a metaphor or simile that has becomes so familiar with overuse.
23. ________ is dominated by a blunt appeal to the emotions of pity and love which should be avoided in writing
24. _______ images stimulate the sense.
25. _________words describe things that people experience with their senses.
_______1. A short story is a work of fiction that can be read in a number of sitting.
_______2. The difference between a short story and other fictional forms, such as novel, lies in its coherence.
_______3. A static character is also termed as round character.
_______4. The setting of the story is the time and place in which the events occur.
_______5. Atmosphere is something readers sense of feel.
_______6. A milieu story is the literary equivalent of tourism.
_______7. In most plots, events are set in motion by the characters.
_______8. Mood is the attitude a writer takes toward a subject.
_______9. Crafting your title can be one of the most difficult, but one of the most important parts of writing your story.
_______10. With a longer short story, you will have more readers.
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