Job Safety Analysis (Jsa)

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JSA No. /PIPING /262

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)​ ​RGPC-10-10.31.5. Rev:01 Date. 27-10-2014

Attendees: ANBARASAN
Job Description:
Mechanical/ RGPC


Step Description of Task Who Or What Control Measures/
Hazard Responsible
No. Step Might Be Harmed Recovery Measures
1.0 GENERAL. -Inadequate plan, permit, All Personnel Engineer,
method statement (MS), Job involving in the task 1. Valid PTW and adhere to the permit Supervisor,
Safety Analysis (JSA). and the equipment. conditions. Foreman,
-Absence and ignorance of -Delays in work. 2. Approved method statement and JSA. PTW Holder
procedures. -Stoppage of work. 3. Revalidation of PTW.
4. Tool box talk specific to the job and
5. RGPC safety induction and Access
pass( ​ID ) to HSRG refurbishment ar​ea.
2.0 Environmental/ welfare -Un-hygienic working -All personnel. 1. Proper ablution/urinal and toilet facilities shall Engineer,
facility atmosphere, - Environmental be provided as per the number of employees. Supervisor,
-Inadequate shelter, drinking pollution, 2. Cleanliness and removal/disposal of toilet Foreman,
water facility, urinal and toilet - Biological hazards, effluent shall be ensured. PTW Holder
facility. -Physical 3. Clean drinking water shall be provided as close
discomforts. as to the work location.

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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)​ ​RGPC-10-10.31.5. Rev:01 Date. 27-10-2014

4. Proper rest area with Air circulation to be

5. Prayer area shall be provided.
3.0 Mechanical and -Wrong, inadequate, partial All Personnel 1. Authorized person for LOTO as per the RGPC
electrical Isolation by isolation. involving in the task procedure. Operation
RGPC - Wrong KKS number and and the equipment. 2. Ensure the KKS number and position of valves
equipment. -High energy and knobs.
- Wrong position of release. 3. Release the trapped energy.
valves/knobs. - Electrocution. 4. Ensure the equipment is off and not running.
- Inexperienced LOTO person - Running 5. Ensure the surface is not hot.
and improper LOTO. equipment. Use appropriate PPEs.
- Trapped energy and energy - Physical injury. 6. Double check by the field engineer and the
release. permit receiver.
- Unauthorised person doing 7. Purging shall be done in case of fuel gas
LOTO and valve operation. line before issuing permit.
- Lack of understanding LOTO 8. Ensure trapped fuel gas released to a safe
procedure. location. During this process hot work to be
-Hot surface. stopped.
Lack of PPEs.
4.0 Mobilization of Men, -Un-trained and non-competent All Personnel 1. All employees shall be trained, experienced Engineer,
Material and personnel. involving in the task and competent in their respective trades. Supervisor,
Equipment. -Young and new employees. and the equipment, 2. All employees shall attend safety induction on Foreman,
- Sub-standard tools, -Slips, material their first day of arrival. Access pass (ID) to the PTW Holder
Equipment’s and materials. damage. refurbishment area.
-Wrong selection of tools and -Physical injury. 3. New and Young employees shall work in buddy
equipment. with an experienced employee and under close
-Poorly maintained tools and supervision.
equipment. 4. All employees shall attend work at height and
-Homemade or makeshift tools. Confined space Entry training.
-Non calibrated gauges, tools.

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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)​ ​RGPC-10-10.31.5. Rev:01 Date. 27-10-2014

-Non availability of check list 5. Regular checking of information, instruction,

for power tools. training and supervision provided to operators for
each type of equipment and job.
6. All the tools and equipment’s shall be of
industrial type and as per the standard.
7. Sub-standard and homemade tools shall not
be used.
8. All electrically operated tools, appliances,
extension cords and cable shall be of PAT done
and use check list as applicable for power tools.
9. All the equipment’s shall be maintained and
serviced as per the standard.
10. All the personnel shall attend the TBM before
commencement of work specific to job &
location. 11. Emergency response procedure and
number shall be discussed in the TBM.
5.0 GT is in simple cycle - Accidental High temperature Severe burn injury, 1. Ensure the isolation is properly done and there RGPC
mode while HRSG Work energy release to SH # 3. Physical unrest, fire is no energy leakage. Operation,
in progress. - High atmospheric 2. Provide fire retardant screen (Full Screen) Engineer,
temperature in SH # 3 near to the blanking plate. Scaffolding structure Supervisor,
Confined space. shall be made for the screen. Foreman,
-High noise. 3. Hard barricading shall be made to prevent PTW Holder
- Working personnel. personnel approaching the screen.
- Combustibles in SH # 3. 4. Warning signage shall be posted.
- Hot surface near to the 5. Temperature monitoring shall be done.
blanking plate. 6. All the exhausts/ventilations/doors shall be
- Lack of ventilation/air kept open.
circulation. 7. Noise monitoring shall be done and use of ear
defender shall be encouraged.
8. Tool box talk regarding GT running shall be
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9. Limit the number of personnel working in the

10. Emergency exit and access shall be kept free
from obstructions and personnel shall be briefed
about the emergency procedure.
11. Continuous air monitoring to be done at inlet
duct near blanking plate at SH#3.
6.0 Installation, -Unauthorised and substandard All Personnel 1. All Electrical DBs shall be installed, modified Elect
Maintenance & use of electrical equipment. involving in the task and repaired by competent electrician under the Department
Electrical DBs of 24V, -Wrong connections and and the equipment. supervision of Electrical Engineer and as per the Supervisor,
110V, 220V and 415 earthing. - Electrocution, Fire drawing. Foreman,
Volt and 110v -Un-authorised connections, and Explosion, 2.​ DBs with voltage 220 and above shall be PTW Holder
Lightings. Un-authorised and un-trained Burns. installed inside the hard
personnel handling DBs’ -Slip, trips and falls. barricading/fencing.
-Absence of ELCB and -Short circuit. 3. All the changes that is incorporated to the
appropriate MCBs in the circuit. installations and its configuration shall be
-Overloading of circuit, octopus included in the revised drawing.
connections and wiring. 4. All the DBs shall have identification numbers
-Absence of barricading and and voltage rating marked on it.
signage. 5. All the out lets to the end user shall have ELCB
-Blocked or no access to the of value 30 m Amps fitted and tested. The record
dBs’ shall be maintained by Elect. Dept.
-Flammables very near to the 6. All the electrical installations including DBs
DBs’ shall have PAT done and colour coded. The detail
-Inclement weather conditions. record of PAT done shall be maintained by Elect.
-Poor cable management. Dept. and available on demand for verification.
-Non-compliance to PPE 7. All the DBs shall be under the control of
requirements. competent electrician.
-Use of non-insulated tools. 8. All the repair /modification shall be done under
-Non adherence to LOTO the supervision of electrical engineer after taking
requirements. suitable precaution and isolating the power.
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- Cables on the ground and 9. All the DBs shall have the hazard signage
unprotected cables. posted. The DBs installed on the floor shall have
- Obstruction on the walkway. hard barricading and appropriate signage.
10. All the DBs out lets to the end user shall be
inspected by the electrician daily and record
11. All the machineries and tools connected to
the out lets shall have the PAT done.
12. The contact Number of electrician shall be
displayed on the DBs.
13. None of the cable shall be routed through the
14. Electrician shall use rubber gloves according
to the rating of the voltage. Ensure insulated
tools are used. Follow the LOTO procedure.
15. All the lighting shall be of 110v and below
16. Only competent electrician shall provide
additional connections after the concurrence of
Electrical engineer/Supervisor.
17. Protect the DBs from inclement weather and
falling objects.
18. Ensure the access to the DB is not blocked.
19. Ensure the cables are routed at height and
are protected.
20. Cables shall not block the access.
21. Lights shall be fixed at safe places .

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7.0 Manual handling, -Un-trained and non-competent All Personnel 1. No one should lift, carry any load likely to Engineer,
Delivery of materials Personnel. involving in the task cause an injury. 25Kg is a good weight limit but it Supervisor,
using trolley & stairway. -Young and new employees. and the equipment. depends on personal fitness, physique, load Foreman,
- Ignorance of lifting technique. - Slips, trips and shape and size. PTW Holder
-Ignorance of weight, material’s falls. 2. Employee training in good lifting and manual
characteristics. - Back injuries, handling techniques.
-Improper access and sprains, 3. Avoid manual handling either by redesigning
walkways, slippery surface. cuts/abrasion, the task or using mechanical devices.
-Oversize, fragile, flexible load. bruise/fractures 4. Get a clear idea and information of the
and spinal nerve characteristics of substance/load to be lifted.
injury. Refer MSDS or ask the supervisor.
- Equipment damage 5. Make the load lighter, smaller to grip easily
/spillage. and hold close to the body as you can.
6. Remove any obstacles, spillage that may be in
the route.
7. Get a good grip using the palm of your hand
not your fingers.
8. Use appropriate PPE according to the
substances to be handled. Refer MSDS or ask
9. Take a deep breath, this tensions the muscles
and then lift with your legs. Do not jerk or
snatch, Lift in stages. The best height for a load
to be lifted is waist height.
10. All loads should be rested on convenient
platform which they can be picked up again.
11. Mechanical aids used for lifting, suspending
shall have TPI certificate and colour coded.
12. The trolley used for moving the load shall
be a serviceable one, free from defects, friction.
Should have good wheels.
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13. Do not over load the trolley should be

secured and movement should be equal to
normal walking speed.
14. Store materials in designated places with
proper barricading, appropriate signage’s
and MSDS as applicable.
15. Use the hand rails while
ascending/descending the stairs.
8.0 Material arrangement, -Improper, blocked access. All Personnel 1. Only Electrician shall do all the electrical Engineer,
Cable management -Slippery floor. involving in the task connections and cabling, all electrical appliances Supervisor,
- Improper cable management. and the equipment. shall undergo PAT. Foreman,
-Improper stacking of - Slips, trips and fall. 2. Proper cable management to be followed. PTW Holder
materials. Electrocution, 3. Overloading of electrical outlets to be avoided
-Excessive dust, fumes. Injuries and avoid the use of multi socket and do not
-Hot surface. Striking connect more equipment to an outlet.
with/against 4. Keep the cables above head level as far as
equipment. possible.
-Fire. 5. Proper and sufficient illumination, ventilation
to be ensured.
6. Access should not be blocked with materials.
5. Two metre distance between the workers from
all the direction.
6. Keep the floor and work clean and dry as far
as possible.
7. Materials, equipment, tools and other items
shall be arranged and kept properly. All the
cupboards, Racks and boxes shall be arranged
properly and remove all unwanted item.
8. Boxes and other stores shall have the contact
number of the person in-charge of such items.

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9.0 Housekeeping and -Environmental pollution. All Personnel 1. Proper housekeeping and material Engineer,
Waste removal. -Access blocks, slippery, slips involving in the task arrangement. Supervisor,
and trips. and the equipment. 2. Daily removal of waste from the site. Foreman,
- Slips, trips and fall, 3. Appropriate waste skips. PTW Holder
Injuries 4. Hazard free work place by proper
Slips, trips, fall, housekeeping.
striking with/against
10.0 Erection, dismantling of -Unskilled/untrained personnel. All Personnel 1. Certified and competent scaffolders shall erect Engineer,
scaffolds. -Lack of competent supervisor. involving in the task and dismantle the scaffold under the supervision Supervisor,
Improper handling and stacking and the equipment. of a certified and competent supervisor. Foreman,
of materials. 2. All the scaffold shall be built as per standard PTW Holder
-Substandard/damaged scaffold -Falling objects, and for the purpose. Shall be erected on a firm,
materials. personnel. level and consolidated base.
-Uneven and soft ground. -Physical injury. 3. All the materials shall be properly transported
-Nearby structures and Toppling and and stored in a designated area and barricaded.
installations. collapsing of 4. Maintain plumpness and level of scaffold
-Scaffold erecting near to scaffold. Platforms.
trenches, excavations, road, 5. Lifting and lowering of materials shall be by
pedestrian way etc. using rope and basket. All lifting appliances shall
-Excessive wind and inclement have TPI certificates and colour code.
weather conditions. 6. Erecting and dismantling area shall have
-Non-compliance to the barricading and appropriate signage posted.
standard for erecting scaffold. 7. All the tools shall have string secured while
-Non-compliance to PPE working at height.
requirements. 8. Extra care and precautions to be observed
-Nearby personnel. while erecting scaffold near to excavation, road
-Absence of barricading and and pedestrian way.
signage’s. 9. Vehicles should not be brought very neat to
the scaffolds.
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-Improper transfer of materials 10. Ensure Life line/ hooking points and use of
up and down the scaffold. safety harness and 100% tie –in.​Ensure the
- Personnel working below safety harness is hooked to the permanent
without overhead protection. structure wherever possible. Additional
-uncertified ropes, pulley and certified slings shall be used to facilitate
bags. easy hooking.
-Absence of safety harness, life 11. No work at height when the wind velocity is
line. more than 12m/s.
-Absence of ladder clamps. 13. Un-authorised personnel are not permitted in
-Use of steel wire to fix the the barricaded area and limit the number of
ladder. workers to the very minimum required.
- Ladder placed outside the 14. Ensure the ladder shall project minimum one
scaffold. meter above the landing space.
-Excessive width in the opening 15. Only ladder clamps shall be used to fix the
in landing. ladders. Use of steel wire is not permitted on
- Absence of landing area or ladders.
rest platforms. 16. Access ladder shall stand on firm and level
- Absence of ties to the bases of sufficient strength at an angle of 4
permanent structure, inward vertical to 1 horizontal (i.e. 75º to the
/outward movement. horizontal).
- Improper ties. 17. Ladders shall be placed inside a scaffold
- Clamps at the dead ends. where ever possible.
- Improper bracing. 18. The opening in landings, through which the
-Handrails of permanent ladder pass, shall not exceed 500mm in width.
structure used as load bearing 19. Suitable landing or rest platforms shall be
part. provided at vertical intervals of not more than
-Damaged scaffold boards, 09.0m.
uneven thickness. 20. The prevention of inward and outward
–Excessive or little Overhang movement of a scaffold shall be achieved by the
end supports of boards. use of ties being in place every 4m rise and 6m

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-Unsecured, improperly seated horizontal. Ties shall be connected to the firm

boards. Board Sagging under permanent structure only.
load. 21. Ties shall interconnect with both the inner
- Overlap boards. and outer scaffold standards (Unless otherwise
- Gap between the boards. specified by an engineer) to increase the rigidity
-Improper height of hand of the scaffold.
railing, Absence of toe board. 22- Ties shall be staggered in location as per the
permanent structure and shall not obstruct the
access and working platform.
23- Proper bracing shall be ensured.
24- Clamps shall not be connected at the dead
end (Zero End) of the tubes. (Minimum 100mm
away from the zero end).
24- Additional ties are required if the scaffold is
netted, if used as material loading platform, if
hoists and lifting appliances or rubbish chutes are
attached to the scaffold.
25-Inspect the boards and ensure it is not
26- Use the boards of uniform thickness.
27-No boards shall overhang its end support by
more than four times of its thickness unless
secured to prevent tipping, the minimum
overhang shall be at least 50mm.
28-All boards which make the platform shall rest
squarely and evenly on correctly spaced transom,
secured (each board) to prevent accidental
29- Each board shall have at least three supports
unless its thickness or span is enough to prevent
sagging under load.
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30- Where boards overlap, bevels or other

suitable precautions shall be made to prevent
tipping hazard. There should not be gap between
the boards.
31- Guard rails and toe boards shall be
positioned at every edge from which a person,
material is liable to fall.
32- Wherever possible ​All scaffolds shall be
covered at all the three faces with safety
net to prevent material falling.
11.0 Working at height on - Untrained personnel. All Personnel 1. Only trained personnel shall work at height. Engineer,
scaffolding. - Personnel working below. involving in the task 2. All materials and tools used at height shall be Supervisor,
- Incomplete platform, open and the equipment. secured with suitable means to prevent falling. Foreman,
edges. Loose items, small tools, equipment and other PTW Holder
-Unsecured tools and - Falling objects, loose materials shall be kept in containers/ tool
equipment. personnel. boxes. Tools shall be string secured to the hand
-overloading of scaffold. or to the hand rail.
-Poor housekeeping. 3. Ensure the scaffold is safe and check the
-Excessive wind speed and inspection tag and the date of inspection. Don’t
inclement weather conditions. use the scaffold if the tag is not green.
-Overreaching, leaning and 4. Remember the 7 days validity.
working outside platform, 5. Ensure the platform is complete; hand rails
standing on hand rails. and toe boards are in position and secured.
-Personnel working below, 6. Do not store or stack materials on scaffold.
vehicles and pedestrians. 7. Do not over reach, work outside the platform
-Non-compliance to PPE and stand on the guard rails.
requirements. 8. Do not work below the scaffold when work at
-Absence of barricading and height is in progress.
signage’s. 9. Barricade the area and post appropriate
-Non-compliance to signage.
lifesavingequipment. 10. Full body harness to be worn and hooked
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-Absence of lifeline or to a firm point above head level preferably to the

anchoring points. permanent structure. Safety harness shall be
-Non adherence to 100% tie of inspected and colour coded. Other mandatory
policy. PPEs shall also be worn at all times.
- Unauthorised alteration, 11. No work at height when the wind velocity is
modification of scaffold. more than 12m/s.
- Loose materials, flammables. 12. Don’t climb the ladder with materials/tools in
hand. Always ensure 100% tie off. Lift and lower
the tools and materials with suitable approved
13. Neither alter, nor modify or remove the
scaffold/parts scaffold by the workers. It shall be
done only by the scaffolders under the
supervision of scaffold supervisor/inspector.
12.0 Work at height using -Uneven surface. 1. Check the ladder for any damage and ensure it Engineer,
ladder and step ladder -Use of substandard or is safe to use. Supervisor,
(A ladder). damaged ladder. 2. Do not paint or coat ladders so that flaws are Foreman,
-Prolonged and heavy work on unable to be spotted by the user. PTW Holder
ladder. 3. Do not handle or use the ladder where the
-Unsecured ladder. -Personal involve in workers or the ladder may make contact with
-Leaning and over reaching the task & the power lines or any other rotary equipment.
from the ladder. equipment. 4. Do not set up the ladder in passage ways,
Materials and tools on the -Slips, trips and doorways, driveways or other places where a
ladder. falls. person or vehicle can hit.
-Side loading. -Physical injury. 5. Do not use the ladder near the edges of an
-Toppling of then ladder. opening floor, excavation etc.
- More than one person a 6. Prolonged work should be
ladder. avoided(Recommended time (10–15 minutes).
Excessive wind speed. 7. Do not carry tools and materials while
-Soft and wet ground/floor, ascending/descending.
slippery floor.
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8. Do not use ladder for any heavy or strenuous

9. do not over reach or lean from the ladder.
10. Do not do work that will impose a side
loading on ladder.
11. Do not work directly over the other workers.
12. Do not allow anyone else to be on the ladder
at the same time.
13. Don’t use ladder during strong wind or wet
14. Ensure both the spreader of step ladder are
fully widen and firmly attached before use.
15. Do not use top three steps/rungs(Use
modified ladder).
13.0 Erection/Dismantling of -Unskilled/untrained personnel. -Fall from height. 1. Proper planning, experienced, competent and Engineer,
suspended scaffold. -Lack of competent supervisor. Personnel injury, trained personnel to work under competent super Supervisor,
-Improper planning and material damage. vision. Foreman,
non-availability of life saving 2. Feasibility of using man basket along with PTW Holder
equipment. crane, man lift shall be explored for making
-Improper access. hanging scaffolds.
- Non availability of safe 3. Transferring of materials shall be done safely,
anchoring point for safety use certified bags and ropes.
harness. 4. Provide life line independent of scaffolding,
- Personnel working below and Life line shall be with certified wire ropes/slings
equipment. with a minimum factor of safety not less than
- Absence barricading and Two (02).
signage. The anchoring points shall be strong enough to
- Work pressure, peer pressure. support four times the intended load. Ensure
- Improper transfer of materials 100% tie-in. Safety harness shall be hooked to
up and down. the life line independent of scaffold or to the
permanent structure. Safety harness shall be
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- Weak and improper tie points inspected and colour coded. Other mandatory
for the scaffold. PPEs shall also be worn at all times
-Unsecured tools. 5. Use additional certified slings for anchoring the
safety harness to the permanent strong structure
where ever possible.
6. Limit the number of personnel to a very
minimum required for the erecting scaffold.
7. Secure the tools with string to the hands,
barricading and signage below.
8. Do not clamp the coupler at zero ends. At
least 10Cm extension of the tube shall be
9. Additional spare clamp should be provided at
the bottom of the hanging standards.
10. Work shall be suspended if the wind speed is
more than 12m/s.
14.0 Use of hand and power -Homemade, damaged, poorly Physical injury, 1. Inspect the tools before use. Use only Engineer,
tools maintained tools. Electrocution. industrial tools, remove damaged and poorly Supervisor,
-Untrained personnel. maintained tools. Foreman,
-unsecured tools. 2. Fill the checklist wherever applicable. PTW Holder
-Improper fitment of cutting 3. PAT for electrical tools, ensure cables are
tools to the holder. routed the appropriate RCDs.
- Oiliness and grease on the 4. Trained personnel to use power tools.
tools. 5. Ensure the cutting tools are fitted properly.
-improper work platform and 6. Ensure the tools are free from grease and
poor housekeeping. oiliness.
- Loose cloths and long hair. 7. Proper work platform shall be ensured. Never
use any power tool above the shoulder level.
8. Ensure information, Instructions and
9. Appropriate PPE for tools and work.
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10. Ensure the tool is suitable for its purpose.

Check that correct mounting devices are
used and are clean, undistorted and free from
11. Ensure the attire is well fit and the long hair
is secured and confined to the helmet.
15.0 Grinding, Cutting and - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel 1. Only trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
drilling Works workmanship. involving in the task personnel shall perform the job. Supervisor,
-New and young employees. and the equipment. 2. All trained personnel likely to use grinding Foreman,
- Unsafe Use of diamond blade. - Bursting of machine shall attend safety training on abrasive PTW Holder
-Lack of knowledge on grinding abrasive wheels. wheels.
procedure, hot procedure. - Body contact and 3. Ensure the correct wheel is selected as per the
-Poorly maintained/damaged injury. job and metal.
machines. - Electrocution. 4. Ensure the RPM of the wheel is matching to
-Wrong selection of machines -Fire. the machine on which it is to be fitted.
and wheels, drill bits. 5. The RPM of spindle of the grinding machine
-Mismatching of RPM, should never exceed the maximum RPM of the
tampering with or removal of wheel to be fitted.
guards and handles. 6. Ensure the correct posture and support of the
-Tampering the dead man job.
switch. 7. Handle and guard should never be removed.
-Incorrect wheel mounting. 8. Fit the wheel correctly to the machine, never
-Poor cable management and force fit.
overloading of electrical out 9. The grinding machine should have PAT done.
lets. 10. Additional PPE like face shield, mask, leather
-Presence of combustibles in gloves, goggles, aprons and ear plug should be
the work area. worn while working.
-Open holes and openings 11. Grinding check list to filled.
nearby. 12. Never exert extra pressure to do the cutting
-Flammables on the working and never shock load.
surface. 13. Check the wheel, machine before use.
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-Uncontrolled sparks. 14. Read the safety instructions provided by the

-Absence of trained fire watch abrasives and equipment supplier.
and fire extinguisher. 15. Store diamond blades in dry, frost free
-Shock loading and exerting conditions, avoid large temperature variations.
Diamond wheels are safe extra pressure. 16. Ensure it is suitable for its purpose;
if used correctly. -Work pressure and peer disconnect power to the machine before fitting
pressure. diamond blade.
-Continuous and prolonged use 17. Examine all products before mounting and
of machinery and work. periodically during blade use for possible cracks
Wrong posture and handling. and defects.
-Absence of barricading and 18. Check that correct mounting devices are
engages. used and are clean, undistorted and free from
-Non-compliance to PPE burrs.
regulations. 19. Ensure that work rests are properly adjusted
-Loose hand cuffs, cloths and and secure, correctly designed guard is used.
long hair. 20. Avoid clogging and uneven wear to ensure
21. PPEs for the grinding to be used, all
flammable and combustibles to be cleared from
the work area. All the holes and openings in
nearby floors and walls shall be covered with
non-flammables to prevent spark entering to
these openings.
22. Fire extinguisher and firewatcher shall be
available. The fire watcher shall remain on the
spot for 30 minutes after the hot work to ensure
the fire is not ignited.
16.0 Welding(arc welding -Untrained personnel handling All Personnel 1. Only certified and competent welders to use Engineer,
and TIG welding) the equipment. involving in the task the welding machinery and do the job. Supervisor,
-Non adherence to and and the equipment. 2. All welding equipment shall be maintained Foreman,
ignorance of welding procedure. properly and inspected before and after use. PTW Holder
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-Substandard or poorly - Fire and explosion, 3. Proper earthing of all welding machines and
maintained welding machine. Burns, Electric generators must be ensured.
-Improper earthing and shock, Respiratory 4. Ensure the welding sets are cooled adequately
bonding. hazard, UV rays and with suitable means as recommended by the
-Absence of coolant/cooling Eye irritation etc. manufacturer.
air/ventilation to the machine. 5. Ensure the cables are not overheated due to
-Wrong electrical connection prolonged welding.
and voltage. 6. Ensure the work area and job is free from
-Combustibles in the work area combustibles and the hot work assessment is
and on the job and inside the done and the check list is filled.
job. 7. Adequate and competent supervision
-Non-use of welding shield to throughout the job.
protect nearby personnel from 8. Proper ventilation and fume extractors are to
UV rays. be provided.
-Welding splatter, uncovered 9. Appropriate PPE like welding shield, filter, face
holes and openings. shield, aprons, leggings, leather gloves,
-Non use of fire retardant respiratory masks etc. to be worn.
sheets and fire blankets. 10. Welding machine should have GFCI (Ground
-Hot metal and surface. fault circuit interrupters) and proper earthing.
-Gas leak and damaged cable. 11. Proper cable management and housekeeping.
-Improper handling and use of 12. Cover the area with fire retardant
gas cylinder. sheets/welding screens to protect nearby
-Inclement weather condition. personnel from UV rays.
Absence of trained fire watcher, 13. Sufficient fire blankets and fire retardant
fire extinguisher, barricading sheets to be used.Welding screens shall be used
and signage. to protect nearby personnel from UV rays. All the
-Non-compliance to PPE holes and openings in nearby floors and walls
regulations. shall be covered with non-flammables to prevent
- Falling/striking, sharp objects, spark entering to these openings.
Hot surface. 14. Fire extinguisher and firewatcher shall be
available. The fire watcher shall remain on the
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Improper arrangement of spot for 30 minutes after the hot work to ensure
connections, cable and gas the fire is not ignited
hoses. 15. Protect the welding equipment from falling
and sticking materials.
16. Ensure the connections. Cables and gas
tubes are arranged properly and protected from
sharp objects, hot surfaces.
17. Barricading and signage’s.
18. Limit the number of persons engaged to very
19. No work with other combustibles in the
nearby area.
17.0 Gas cutting and -Untrained personnel handling All Personnel 1. Trained, Experienced and competent personnel Engineer,
heating. the equipment. involving in the task for the job. Supervisor,
-Non adherence to and and the equipment. 2. Adequate supervision. Foreman,
ignorance of welding procedure. -Fire explosion, 3. Housekeeping and stacking of materials in PTW Holder
-Substandard or poorly Slips, trips and falls. appropriate locations.
maintained welding/cutting - Body injury, eye 4. Organise materials in a safe way before,
torch. injury. during and after work.
- Clogged torch, over heated 5. Use appropriate PPE.
torch. 6. Remove the combustibles from the hot work
-Torch held very close to the area.
job. 7. No naked flame or source of ignition.
-Improper handling, use and 8. MSDS of the gas used shall be referred for its
storage of gas cylinders. use and handling.
-Absence of serviceable 9. Cylinders shall be kept upright on a trolley and
gauges, regulators and flash fastened with chain.
back arrestors at the cylinder 10. The cutting torch shall be inspected before
side. and after use and shall be in good condition.
-Absence of ventilation. 11. Flash back arrestors shall be fitted on
cylinder side and torch side.
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-Combustibles in the work area 12. The gauges fitted to know the cylinder
and on the job and inside the pressure and hose pressure shall be serviceable.
job. 13. The regulator shall be in good condition and
- Sparks, Welding splatter, serviceable.
uncovered holes and openings. 14. Do not hold the cutting torch very close to
-Not using fire retardant sheets the job to avoid back pressure and overheating
and fire blankets. of nozzle.
-Hot metal and surface. 15. Sufficient cooling time to be given to the
-Inclement weather condition. torch and avoid prolonged usage.
Absence of trained fire watcher, 16. Use the friction lighter to ignite the cutting
fire extinguisher, barricading torch. Do not use naked flame.
and signage. 17. Ensure the hoses are not damaged and
-Non-compliance to PPE should be in good condition.
regulations. 18. Appropriate PPE including respiratory mask to
be used.
19. Provide trained fire watch and fire
20. The area should be free from combustibles
and the limit the number of personnel in the
work area to very minimum.
21. Hot work check list to be filled. Fire watcher
and shall be available.
22. Cylinders are to be kept way from cutting
operation to prevent falling hot splatter.
23. Protect the cylinders from falling objects.
24. Gas cutting / grinding area to be covered
with proper fire retardant cloths and sparks to be

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18.0 Handling, transporting Handled and used by the All Personnel 1. Refer the MSDS of each compressed gas for its Engineer,
and storage of person who is NOT fully aware involving in the task handling, use, storage and transportation. Ensure Supervisor,
compressed gas of the hazards associated with and the equipment. the cylinder is marked with the content, Foreman,
cylinders. it. pressure, date of filling. PTW Holder
Fire and explosion. 2. The cylinders shall be handled and used by the
-Knocking and rolling of person who is fully aware of the hazards
cylinders. associated with it.
-Storing the flammable gas and 3. The storage area shall be free from any sort of
oxygen together. combustibles.
-Absence of cage/trolley for 4. Do not store Oxygen and acetylene together.
moving the cylinder. At least 20 feet distance shall be maintained.
-Without head protection. 5. Always store the cylinders upright and should
-Rusted or cylinders without be protected from knocking by suitable hard
mandatory marking. barriers b/w the rows.
6. Always the cylinder cap must be ON to protect
the nozzle.
7. Never roll the cylinders and shall be
transported in suitable cages.
8. Never lift directly with chains and slings.
Always use certified cages for lifting.
9. Appropriate signage’s to be posted.
10. Ensure the cylinder is secured to the trolley
by chain before it is moved by hand.
11. Ensure the fall protection is provided on the
top of cylinders.
12. Never hold and lift by the nozzle.

19.0 Use of Pneumatic tools. Operation without knowing the All Personnel 1. Refer manufactures instruction manual for Engineer,
Use of air compressor. parameters and operating involving in the task using pneumatic tools for its limitations and Supervisor,
instructions by the and the equipment. parameters. Foreman,
manufacturer. PTW Holder
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- Use of oxygen as air. - Blasting, injury. 2. Only competent and trained person shall use
-Excessive air pressure. -Fire, pneumatic tools. He should be aware of the
-Absence of pressure relief -Whip from the hazards associated with it.
valve. hose. 3. Never connect excessive air pressure to the
-unclean and wet air. tool. Check for the serviceability of pressure relief
-damaged air horse and valve.
absence of whip lash. 4. Ensure whip lashing is used.
-Mismatch of RPM of machine 5. Ensure all the gauges are calibrated and
and tool. serviceable.
-Tampering the guards and 6. Ensure the spindle RPM and the RPM of the
other safety measures. cutting tool fitted to it is matching. The spindle
- FOD in the working surface. speed should never exceed the RPM of the
-Non-compliance to PPE. cutting tool fitted on it.
- Poorly maintained air 7. Never remove or circumvent the guards.
compressor. 8. Only the wheels which are less than 2 inch
-Leakage and non-availability of diameter can be used without guard.
drip tray. 9. Appropriate PPE should be used.
- Unserviceable gauges and 10 Never leave the tool unattended and
pressure relief valves. connected to air hose.
11. Ensure the air supplied is free from
dampness and foreign materials.
12. Ensure the compressor is serviced and
13. Daily inspection is done and check list filled.
14. Ensure all the gauges and PRV are working.
15. Provide drip tray below the compressor.
16. Never use oxygen for tools and for cleaning.
20.0 Lifting activities.(Ref. - Uncertified lifting equipment, All Personnel 1. All the lifting equipment and appliances Engineer,
RGPC-10-10.20) Appliances. involving in the task shall have valid TPI certificates and colour Supervisor,
- Using crane, material - Uncertified riggers/supervisor, and the equipment coded. ​The crane staging area shall be checked Foreman,
basket Operator. - Falling of load, PTW Holder
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-Setting the crane near to - Hitting/touching and the outrigger shall not be near to excavation,
excavations, drainage, on soft the power lines and drainage.
ground etc. gas lines. 2. All the riggers and supervisor shall have
- Inexperienced riggers, -Boom collapse. valid third party training certificate and
Operator. -Toppling of crane. shall have sufficient experience and competency
-unknown Load weight. for the job.
-Under estimation of load, 3. Communication method shall be identified and
centre of gravity. communicated.
-Less capacity(less SWL) lifting 4. No one shall stand, work under the suspended
gears. load nor ride on the load.
Lack of supervision. 5. The whole lifting activity shall be done within
- Inadequate communication the barricading and appropriate signage shall be
b/w the rigger and the posted. Do not lift over any facilities. ​Ensure the
operator. traffic is blocked/diverted in case the lifting is
-Standing/working under close to the access/road.
suspended load, riding on load. 6. Rigging shall be done as per the standard, the
- Lifting area without weight of the load to be known to the riggers.
barricading and signage. 7. ​Do not over load the material basket/bucket.
- Improper rigging and weak 8. The size of the material to be lifted
rigging points. sha​llbe small as possible and should not protrude
- Soft ground/soil, outside the lifting basket to prevent hit on other
-Excessive wind and inclement materials..
weather conditions. 9. Suitable packing to be given to protect the
-Presents of personnel in the sling from sharp edges.
crane slewing area. 10. Lifting check list and crane check list to be
-Poorly maintained crane and filled and followed. Crane co-ordination sheet in
lifting appliances. case of tandem lifting.
-Excessive lifting speed. 11. Lift the load slowly 6 inch from the position
-Nearby installations, Running and hold for a while to ensure the stability and
equipment, Overhead power centre of gravity of the load, Ensure there is no
lines, gas pipes etc. vibration, un usual/abnormal noise, leaks etc.
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-Lack of lifting plan for Critical 12. Lifting/ lowering shall be done very slowly
lifting and tandem lifting. and steady.
-Exceeding the Operating 13. No lifting shall be done if the wind speed is
parameters. more than 12mtr/sec and after sunset.
-Non-compliance to PPE 14. Approved Lifting plan for critical and tandem
regulation. lifting.
-Absence of barricading and 1​5. Special permission to be obtained for lifting
signage. over installations and gas pipes.
- Blocked/absence of 16. Use the lifting gearswith greater SWL than
emergency exit. the weight of the load to be lifted.
- Inadequate and improper 17. Never exceed the operating parameters and
lifting points. load chart.
-Soft and uneven ground. 18. Ensure the emergency exit is available and
Obstructions around and access is not blocked. Ensure the escape route is
overhead. free from obstruction and is known to all the
-Improper planning and crews.
supervision. 19. Limit the number of personnel in the area to
-Non availability of escape very minimum required.
route. 20.​ Welded lifting legs/provision shall have NDT
Non availability of tag line for done and approved by PB.
controlling the load. 21. Ensure all the bots/nuts are torqued as per
standard and position marked.
22. Ensure the ground is levelled and strong.
Provide steel plates below the out riggers where
ever required.
23. Ensure all the obstructions around and
overhead is cleared and safe.
24. Ensure escort is provided for movements.
25. Proper planning shall be made and adequate
supervision shall be ensured.

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26. Approved lifting plan for all critical lifts and

shall be controlled by competent, experienced
and certified rigging supervisor.
27. Use minimum 02 tag lines of sufficient length
to control the load from a safe distance on the
28. Third party certificate is required in case the
fly jib is to be used.
29. All the energised energy facilities shall be
suitably protected.
30. All the documents related to the crane,
operator shall be available in the crane.
31.​ Road closing permit shall be obtained from
RGPC whenever required.
32.​ Soil Compression test to be done for soft
ground to ensure the correct safe load bearing
capacity when placing crane.
21.0 Use of Man basket - Uncertified lifting equipment, All Personnel 1. All the lifting equipment and appliances Engineer,
along with crane. appliances. involving in the task Shall have valid TPI certificates and colour Supervisor,
-Uncertified and poorly and the equipment. coded. The crane staging area shall be checked Foreman,
maintained man basket. - Collision, Collapse, and the outrigger shall not be near to excavation, PTW Holder,
-overhead power lines. fall from height. drainage. Crane
-Hooking the safety harness on 2. The man basket should have third party operator.
other installation. certificate.
-Excessive wind speed. 3. The operator shall be competent and third
-Operating out of operation party certified.
parameters and manufacturers’’ 4. Workers must wear a full-body harness and an
instruction. approved lanyard while working from a basket,
- Absence of barricading and and ensure 100% tie-off at all times. Harness
signage. Hooking shall be done to the crane hook.

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-Setting the crane near to 5. Never use man basket if the wind speed is
excavations, drainage, on soft more than 6m/s, Ensure the Anemometer is
ground etc. working.
-Non-compliance to PPE 6. Always use the safety harness and hook to the
regulation. provision provided on the Crane hook.
-Lack of competent supervisor. 7. Workers must not sit, stand or climb on the
- Uneven Surface. guardrail of the basket.
- Excessive working speed. 8. Lifting/ lowering shall be done very slowly and
- Less factor of safety. steady.
- Crane without anemometer. 9. The whole lifting activity shall be done within
- Absence of safety devices. the barricading and appropriate signage shall be
posted. All the lifting activity shall be within the
barricading. Do not lift over any facilities. Ensure
the traffic is blocked/diverted in case the lifting is
close to the access/road.
10. Working speed should not be exceeding
0.5m/s on all motions.
11. Always there should be two personnel in the
man basket.
12. Factor of safety shall be 10:1 and above.
13. All the emergency safety devices on the
crane shall be in working order. Never bypass
any safety device.
14. Control the man basket from the ground with
two tag lines by two personnel.
15. Avoid hitting on structure/pipes. Keep
sufficient gap from installation.
22.0 Material loading -Unskilled/untrained personnel. All Personnel 1. Trained and certified operator. Engineer,
unloading by using Unstable load, Soft ground, involving in the task 2. Maintenance of equipment and TPC. Supervisor,
Boom truck, Trailer, -Improper load handling, and the equipment. 3. Position the boom truck on firm ground. Foreman,
PTW Holder
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transportation using -Outrigger near to drainage and - All Personnel 4. Extend the outriggers fully and provide hard
SPMT excavations. involving in the task support below the outriggers and should not be
-Exceeding the operational and the equipment. close to drainages and excavations.
parameters. -Collision, Strike 5. Do not position near to excavations and edges.
-Fast and abrupt operation. against/by. 6. Follow the load chart for extending the boom
-Absence of barricading and -Nearby workers, and its angle according to the weight of the load.
signage. -Toppling, 7. Do not overload. Barricading and signage’s.
-Lifting over personnel and 8. Rigging and lashing by certified rigger.
machineries/equipment. 9. Never exceed the operating parameters and
- Road block. load chart.
-Inadequate access to the top 10. All lifting gears shall have valid TPI certificate
of load leading to personnel fall and colour coded.
rigging activity. 11. Check list shall be filled.
-Improper planning. 12. Banks man shall be available with flags(Red
and Green).
13. Escort for SPMT and trailers.
14. Ensure the obstructions around and overhead
are cleared.
15. Road closure permits from RGPC wherever

23.0 Material loading -Unskilled/untrained personnel. All Personnel 1. Skilled and experienced and trained personnel Engineer,
unloading by using -Unstable load, Uneven involving in the task having TPC shall operate the machinery. Supervisor,
forklift road/operating surfaces. and the equipment. 2. Servicing/ daily check list to be followed. Foreman,
- Sharp turning, -Collision, Strike 3. Fuel and oil cap must be fully tight and leak PTW Holder
-Poor Visibility, against/by. proof.
-Leaving the fork lift -Nearby workers, 4. Don’t use on slope surfaces until and unless
un-attended, -Toppling, special precautions are taken and separate JSA is
-Improper load handling, made.

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-Pedestrians, Personnel and 5. Whenever the operator leaves the leaves the
moving platforms, forklift, the forks or attachment must be fully
lowered. The controls must be set in neutral, and
the parking brake set. The engine must be shut
off and the key with the operator if he goes 25
feet or more away, or is out of sight.
6. Operator must have a clear view of the path in
the direction of travel. If not the driver must
travel with the load trailing.
7. Correct position of forks must be ensured
while loading, movement and while unloading.
- Ensure that 2/3 length of the fork must be
entered to the base of the load.
8. Spread forks as wide as possible transporting
the load.
9. Tilt the mast slightly forward and align the
forks with the base load.
10. Slow and steady movement must be
11. Tilt the mast back while moving with the
12. Handle only stable load.
13. Banks man shall be available.
14. Do not operate close to the openings/edges
and in slippery surface.
15. Stay well back from the edge.
16. Never turn around on the slop.
17. Ensure the check list filled.
24.0 Lifting by chain block, -Chain block without TPI Working personnel, 1. Use only TPI certified chain block with good Engineer,
Hydraulic jacks certificate and poor equipment. maintenance. Supervisor,
maintenance. 2. Ensure proper anchoring point is available.
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-Uncertified riggers, Untrained -Breaking of chain 3. Ensure certified riggers are used to operate. Foreman,
and inexperienced operators. and anchoring point, 4. Ensure the load connected doesn’t exceed the PTW Holder
-Improper anchoring point for -Physical injury. SWL of the chain block and the lifting gears.
chain block. -Falling of load. 5. Ensure the safety latch is proper.
-Over loading than the SWL. 6. Ensure there is no hydraulic leak and is
- Damaged safety latch. properly maintained.
- Hydraulic leak and poor 7. Ensure the load is adequately supported and
maintenance. suitable packing is given.
- Improper support for the 8. Never work under a suspended load and
load. hydraulically lifted load until suitable and proper
- Working below the suspended support with strong timber or by other safe
load. means are ensured.
9. Check list of Chain block to be filled and followed.
10.All lifting gears shall have valid TPI certificate
and colour coded.
11. All Temporary Lifting Lugs shall be NDT
25.0 Bolting and un bolting - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel 1. Only trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
workmanship. involving in the task personnel shall perform the job. Supervisor,
- New and young workers. and the equipment- 2. Ensure correct working posture and support Foreman,
- Prolonged working. -Contusion, abrasion of PTW Holder
-Inadequate supervision, etc. the job. Job rotation and rest.
information and instructions. - Damage to the 3. Appropriate PPE shall be worn while working.
- Inadequate working platform existing pipeline. 4. No loose cloths and long hair and beard. Shall
and working posture. -Slips, trips and fall. be protected with suitable means.
-excess people and congestion -Fire and explosion, 5. Never exert extra pressure to do the Job.
in the work area. Right tool for right job.
-Lack of PPEs and safe working 6. Home made and make shift tools shall not be
culture. used.
- Damaged tools, homemade 7. Ensure the tool is suitable for its purpose.
tools. 8. Check that correct mounting devices are
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-Loose cloths and long hair. used and are clean, undistorted and free
- Poor housekeeping. from burrs.
9. Fire extinguisher shall be available.
10. Do not stand on machineries, pipes etc. and
do not over reach.
11. Use proper working platform for the work
above the shoulder height.

26.0 Insulation and - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel 1.Only trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
insulation removal workmanship. involving in the task personnel shall perform the job. Supervisor,
( ceramic and glass - New and young workers. and the equipment- 2. Ensure the MSDS are referred and followed. Foreman,
fibre insulation) - Prolonged working. -respiratory 3. Ensure the correct posture and support of PTW Holder
Chemical exposure- problem. the job.
-Hot surface. - Burns, Contusion, 4. Ensure the working surface is not hot.
-Inadequate supervision, abrasion etc. 5. Appropriate PPE should be worn while working.
information and instructions. - Damage to the 6. Never exert extra pressure to do the Job.
- Inadequate working platform existing pipeline. Right tool for right job.
and working posture. -Slips, trips and fall. 7. Home made and make shift tools shall not be
-excess people and congestion -Fire and explosion, used.
in the work area. 8. Ensure the tool is suitable for its purpose.
-Lack of PPEs and safe working 9. Check that correct mounting devices are
culture. used and are clean, undistorted and free
- Damaged tools, homemade from burrs.
tools. 11. Protect the nearby personnel from dust by
-Loose cloths and long hair. suitable screens. Warn the nearby personnel and
- Poor housekeeping. limit the exposure.
12. Job rotation.
27.0 Handling and using of Improper handling, use and All Personnel 1. Do not store the chemicals at the site. Engineer,
paint and other storage. involving in the task 2. Barricade the area and post the signage and Supervisor,
chemicals. -Non adherence to MSDS. and the equipment. MSDS.
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-Storage of excess quantity in -Spillage 3. Use the PPEs as mentioned in the MSDS. Foreman,
the site. - Fire. 4. Keep the chemical container tightly closed. Do PTW Holder
-Environmental pollution. -Respiratory not store at the work location. Use drip trays
-Unlabelled containers, without problems while transferring and mixing paint/chemicals/oil
lid for the container. etc. Clean and dry up the spills if any.
-Absence of drip tray. 5. Eating and drinking is prohibited while
- Breathing airborne handling chemicals and at the work location.
concentrations. Wash the hand thoroughly with soap and water
- Contact with eye and skin. and dry the hand after work and before drinking,
- Ingestion. eating, smoking.
-Accumulation of fumes. 6. DCP fire extinguisher shall be provided.
-Nearby hot work and naked 7. No naked light or source of ignition.
light.. 8. Reduce the exposure by limiting the personnel
-Absence of barricading and to very minimum at the spraying location.
signage. 9. No hot work is permitted in the vicinity of
-Non-compliance to PPE painting and paint storage.
regulations. 10. Thinner should never be stored at the work

Storage of paint and other Accumulation of fumes. Environmental 1. Store products in a cool environment.
chemicals -Nearby Ignition sources. contamination, fire, 2. Store away from ignition sources.
-Incompatible products side by side. Explosion 3. Do not store incompatible products side by side.
-Wet area, Poor ventilation. 4. Mark storage locations with signs/warnings.
-Damaged containers. 5. Have easy access to fire extinguishers.
- Storing upside down, loose lid. 6. Fire extinguisher shall be appropriate for the products
-Spillage being stored (refer MSDS).
7. Stored products should not block isles or exits.
8. Keep product containers tightly closed when not in
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9. Keep containers upright.

10. Prevent product from being damaged.
11. When transferring products to new containers, make
sure the container material is compatible with the
product and clearly labelled.
12. Keep product containers in a well-ventilated area.
13. Keep the containers in a dry location.
14. Ensure the fume is not accumulated in the storage,
provide forced ventilation if applicable.

28.0 Removal and -Manual handling, Running Cuts and contusion 1. Proper manual handling techniques to be Engineer,
Installation of structural equipment, improper access, Caught in between, followed. Supervisor,
parts, pipe lines, guide ignorance and non-adherence material damage, 2. Follow the drawing for the work. Adequate Foreman,
beam etc. to the drawing. and fall from height, competent supervision. PTW Holder
- Inadequate and competent physical injury. 3. Don’t climb over the pipe lines and other
supervision. equipment.
-Improper planning. 4. Proper access and working platform.
-Improper access. 5. Ensure suitable rigging points are available.
-Improper supports, rigging NDT must be done in case lifting legs are made
points. by welded joint.
6. Use appropriate PPE and tools for the work.
7. Ensure the rigging, operation of lifting chain;
chain block is done by certified riggers.
8. Barricading and signage’s.
9. All the lifting appliances shall have valid TPC
and colour coded.
10. Ensure all the load bearing welded joints
used for lifting activity are NDT done and
11. All the bolts and nuts which are load bearing
member are torqued to the approved value and
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the position is marked on the nut corresponding

to the bolt.
12. Proper housekeeping and material
arrangement shall be done. Ensure the access
and emergency escape route is not blocked.

29.0 Gratings removal from -Open edges and holes. Falling through the 1. Ensure internal permit is taken for grating Engineer,
the structure and -Absence of barriers and open hole. Physical removal. Supervisor,
walkway. signage. injury. 2. Edge protection, hard barriers and signage Foreman,
installed. PTW Holder
3. Daily inspection by the supervisor.
30.0 Removal/Installation of Chemical exposure, Trapped Respiratory hazard. 1. Ensure the whole system is drained fully as Engineer,
SCR Skid. chemical in the pipe lines, Air per the procedure and no chemical in the Supervisor,
born concentration on opening pipelines. Foreman,
the pipe lines. 2. Do the flushing to ensure complete chemical PTW Holder
stains in the pipe are diluted and flushed out.
3. Use respiratory mask, and restrict the
exposure by limiting the personnel involved.
4. Use appropriate PPE.
31.0 Load testing. - Incompetent personnel doing Personnel and 1. Competent and approved agency shall witness Engineer,
the load test. vehicles. the load test. Supervisor,
-Improper planning and Nearby structure. 2. Ensure proper planning and test load Foreman,
supervision. Collapse of load. arrangement is done, and the weights are PTW Holder
-Inadequate rigging and rigging . known.
points. 3. Certified rigging appliances are used and
- Riding on the load and certified riggers shall perform the rigging.
working below the load. 4. Limit the number of personnel to very
Absence of barricading and minimum possible in the test area. Barricading
signage. and signage.
-Overcrowded test area 5. Obstruction free access and escape route.
6. Don’t work under or ride on suspended load.
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32.0 Confined Space Entry- - Toxic/flammable/combustible All Personnel 1. Check the presence of toxic/flammable and Engineer,
(Ref: RGPC-10-10.14) Substance. involving in the task combustible substance. Supervisor,
- Oxygen deficiency. and the equipment. 2. Trained fire watcher shall be provided to Foreman,
- Unprotected edges and -Slips, trips and monitor the hot work. PTW Holder
openings. falls. 3. Do not store toxic chemicals/flammables inside
- Poor Visibility / Lighting. -Electrocution. CS. Only items required for use in particular shift
- Improper cable management -Physical injury. is to be taken inside.
and high voltage distribution 4. MSDS of all chemical shall be available and
boards.. followed.
- High noise level. 5. Adequate housekeeping and cleanliness
- Temperature extreme/very shall be ensured to reduce the slips, trips, falls
low. and flammability.
- Limited Access and Egress, 6. Daily Oxygen level to be checked and should
non-availability of emergency be
exit. 20.9 % by volume.
- Lack of training and 7. No material or items shall be stored near any
Ignorance of confined space opening/vents of the CS. If stored, shall be
hazards. secured from falling.
-lack of identified 8. Adequate lighting shall be ensured in the
communication method. CS and in the access ways.
-No or poor ventilation/air 9. All lighting shall be of 110V or 24 volt LED
circulation. 10. All the lighting cables shall be routed above
-Untrained, inexperienced, new the floor at sufficient height.
and young employees. 11. All the cable and lighting shall be of PAT
-Physically challenged and done.
women employees. 12. All electrical fixtures shall be done by
-Presence of compressed gas competent electricians only. Noise level to be
cylinders. controlled and reduced by using highly
-Excessive stock of chemicals maintained tools and equipment.
which produce fumes.
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-Non-compliance to appropriate 13. Temperature control shall be ensured by

PPEs. adequate air circulation in/out. Adequate number
-Continuous and prolonged of suction and exhaust fans shall be used. Use
work in confined space. dehumidifier if necessary.
-use of machine which use 14. Temperature monitoring to be done.
gasoline. 15. All the employees working in CS shall attend
-Absence of hole watch, the safety training on Confined space entry.
supervisor and emergency 16. Proper information, instruction, training and
rescue team. supervision to be ensured.
Excessive number of personnel 17. Trained Hole watcher shall be deployed to
in CS. monitor CS.
18. All entry/exit shall be controlled through
proper Log IN/OUT.
19. Appropriate PPE shall be worn by all
entrants as per the nature of job performed, work
location and equipment to be used.
20. Use clear safety goggles in Confined Space.
33.0 Preparation of Crane -Uneven surface. Physical injury, trip 1. Remove the obstruction and make access to Engineer,
Access, Ditch Cover -Manual handling and material and fall. the work area. Supervisor,
Removal, Sand-bag shifting. Unbalancing of 2. Follow proper manual handling procedure. Foreman,
filling & Steel Plate -Improper and inadequate crane out trigger. 3. Adequate and competent supervision. PTW Holder
Covering lifting points. 4. Ensure the area is barricaded and signage
-Soft ground and posted to limit the unauthorised entry.
non-compaction. 5. Check and ensure there is no snakes and other
-Lack of supervision. rodents in the ditch and below the trench cover.
Dust. Excessive weight of sand 6. Ensure the sand bag is not having excessive
bag. weight.
-snakes and rodents. 7. Ensure adequate and proper lifting point is
available for all materials that is to be lifted.
8. NDT for fabricated lifting points.

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9. Ensure the ground is compacted and the ditch

is fully packed without any gap.
10. The prepared area shall not have any ups
and down, gap etc. which makes tip hazard.
11. Steel plates shall have adequate support to
prevent sagging and lifting up of one end.
34.0 Use of man lift. -Uncertified and poorly All Personnel 1. The man lift should have all the legal papers Engineer,
maintained man lift. involving in the task and third party certificate. Supervisor,
-Untrained personnel operating and the equipment. 2. The operator shall be competent and third Foreman,
man lift. - Collision, Collapse, party certified. PTW Holder
-overhead power lines. fall from height. 3. Never use man lift if the wind speed is more
-More than two personnel in the -Toppling of man than 6mtr/Sec.
basket. lift. 4. Only the operator shall operate the man lift.
-Hooking the safety harness on 5. Always use the safety harness and hook to the
other installation. provision provided on the man lift basket.
-Excessive wind speed. 6. Barricading and signage’s in the work area.
-Operating out of operation 7. Flagman for the work and movement.
parameters and manufacturers’’ 8. Strong and level ground.
instruction. 9. Clear the obstruction around and above.
- Absence of barricading and
35.0 PWHT -Untrained personnel. All Personnel 1. Only trained, certified and competent Engineer
-Non adherence to procedure. involving in the task personnel shall do the PWHT. Supervisor,
-Excessive voltage. and the 2. Isolate the area with barricading and Foreman,
-Improper cable management. equipment’s. signage’s. PTW Holder
-Hot surface - Burns, Injury, 3. Ensure that the electrical/heating equipment’s
Electrocution, fire used are certified and serviceable.
and explosion. 4. Heating/time chart is followed and monitored
by a competent person.
5. Appropriate PPEs including leather gloves are
used while handling heated equipment’s/job.
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6. Ensure the electrical installations are done by

competent electrician, and proper cable
management is done.
36.0 Removal and - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel 1. Only trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
Re-Installation of workmanship. involving in the task Personnel shall perform the job. Supervisor,
Air-conditioner Unit - New and young workers. and the equipment- 2. Ensure correct working posture and support Foreman,
- Prolonged working. -Contusion, abrasion of PTW Holder
-Inadequate supervision, etc. the job. Job rotation and rest.
information and instructions. - Damage to the 3. Appropriate PPE shall be worn while working.
- Inadequate working platform existing pipeline. 4. No loose cloths and long hair and beard. Shall
and working posture. -Slips, trips and fall. be protected with suitable means.
-excess people and congestion -Fire and explosion, 5. Never exert extra pressure to do the Job.
in the work area. Right tool for right job.
-Lack of PPEs and safe working 6. Home made and make shift tools shall not be
culture. used.
- Damaged tools, homemade 7. Ensure the tool is suitable for its purpose.
tools. 8. Check that correct mounting devices are
-Loose cloths and long hair. used and are clean, undistorted and free
- Poor housekeeping. from burrs.
9. Fire extinguisher shall be available.
10. Do not stand on machineries, pipes etc. and
do not over reach.
11. Use proper working platform for the work
above the shoulder height.
37.0 Ammonia Pipe Line Improper handling, use and All Personnel 1. Use appropriate PPE. Engineer,
(DN20) Cutting and storage. involving in the task 2. Ensure the whole system is drained. Supervisor,
Additional Isolation -Non adherence to MSDS. and the equipment. 3. Inform to RGPC Operator for Ammonia line Foreman,
Valve Installation for -Storage of drained Chemical in -Spillage Draining / Cutting. PTW Holder,
HRSG Harp the site. - Fire. 4. Use respiratory mask, disposable coverall, RGPC
Replacement Works. -Environmental pollution. -Respiratory rubber gloves and restrict the exposure by Operation.
-Absence of drip tray. problems limiting the personnel involved.
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- Breathing airborne 5. Barricade the area and post the signage and
concentrations. MSDS.
- Contact with eye and skin. 6. Use the PPEs as mentioned in the MSDS,
- Ingestion. Continuous gas testing shall be done (NH3) at
-Accumulation of fumes. the work location.
-Nearby hot work and naked 7 Do not store the chemical at the work location.
light. Use drip trays while transferring, Chemical line
- Absence of barricading and cutting etc. Clean and dry up the spills if any.
signage. 8. Eating and drinking is prohibited while
-Non-compliance to PPE Handling chemicals and at the work location.
regulations. Wash the hand thoroughly with soap and water
- Chemical exposure, Trapped and dry the hand after work and before drinking,
chemical in the pipe lines, Air eating, smoking.
born concentration on opening 9. DCP fire extinguisher shall be provided.
the pipe lines. 10. No naked light or source of ignition.
11. Reduce the exposure by limiting the
personnel to very minimum at the work location.
12. Ensure the ammonia is fully drained, Drained
Ammonia do not store at the site.
13. After pipe line cutting, it shall be purged.
38.0 Use of Plasma tool 1. Operation without knowing All personnel involve 1. Refer from manufacturer manual for using Engineer,
Use of Air compressor the parameters and in the task and the the tool for its limitations and parameters Supervisor,
operating instructions from equipment. 2. Only competent and trained person shall use
the manufacturer Blasting, injury, Fire the cutting tools. He should be aware of the Foreman,
2. Use of oxygen as air Whip from the hose hazards associated with it. PTW Holder
Excessive air pressure. 3. Never connect excessive air pressure to the
3. Absence of pressure relief tool. Check the serviceable of pressure relief
valve. valve
4. Unclean and wet air 4. Ensure whip lashing is used.

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5. Damaged air hose and 5. Ensure all the gauges are calibrated and
absence of whip flash serviceable.
6. Mismatch of RPM of 6. Appropriate PPE should be used.
machine and tools. 7. Never leave the tool unattended and
7. Tampering of guards and connected to air hose, if not in use.
other safety measures 8. Ensure the air supplied is free from
8. Non-compliance of PPE dampness and foreign materials
9. Poorly maintained air 9. Ensure the compressor is served and
compressor maintained.
10. Leakage and 10. Air compressor will be maintained by the
non-availability of drip tray competent person involve in the task
11. Unserviceable gauges and 11. Drip tray will be provided for containment of
pressure relief valves. leakage of any oil and water coming from
the compressor
12. Proper checklist for the air compressor will
be check daily prior before of any activity
39.0 Plasma cutting and 1. Untrained personnel All personnel involve 1. Trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
heating handling the equipment. in the task and the personnel for the job Supervisor,
2. Non adherence to and equipment. 2. Adequate supervision
ignorance of welding Fire explosion 3. Housekeeping and stacking of materials in Foreman,
procedure Slips, trips and falls the appropriate locations PTW Holder
3. Substandard or poorly Personnel injury, 4. Organise materials in a safe way before,
maintained tool including eye injury during and after the work.
welding/cutting torch 5. Use proper PPE
4. Torch held very close to the 6. Remove the combustibles materials from the
job work area of activity
7. No naked flame or source of ignition

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5. Improper handling, use and 8. MSDS of the gas used shall be referred for
storage of gas cylinders its use and handling
6. Absence of serviceable 9. Cylinders shall be kept upright on a trolley or
gauges, regulators and flash appropriate locations, fastened with chain.
back arrestors at the 10. The cutting torch shall be inspected before
cylinder and after use and shall be in good condition.
7. Combustibles in the work 11. Flash back arrestors shall be fitted properly
area and on the job and on the cylinders and torch side
inside the job 12. The gauges fitted to know the cylinder
8. Sparks, welding splatter, pressure and hose pressure shall be
uncovered holes and serviceable.
openings 13. The regulator shall be regularly be check for
any damaged and must be in good condition
14. All cutting and grinding work area is to be
covered with fire resistant blanket so that
the sparks coming from the cutting and
grinding works is contained.
15. Ensure the spindle RPM and the RPM of the
cutting tool fitted to it is matching. The
spindle speed s
16. Should never exceed the RPM of the cutting
tool fitted on it.
17. Never remove the guards and handle
18. Fire extinguisher and firewatcher shall be
available. The fire watcher shall remain on
the spot for 30 minutes after the hot work to
ensure the fire is not ignited

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19. Ensure the connections. Cables and gas

tubes are arranged properly and protected
from sharp objects, hot surfaces.
20. Barricading and signage’s.
21. Limit the number of persons engaged to
very minimum.
22. No work with other combustibles in the
nearby area.

40.0 Cutting of metal using 1. Electrocution All personnel involve 1. The Iron worker involved on the activity Engineer,
plasma cutter 2. Fire and explosion hazard in the task and the will be trained and shall be competent of Supervisor,
equipment equipment. using the plasma equipment.
2. Proper isolation is required. No entry for Foreman,
unauthorized personnel to be on the area PTW Holder
where the activity is on-going. foreman
3. Fire extinguisher is always in-place.
4. Housekeeping is required before prior to
5. Electrician is also required to be on the
area. For any possible electrical problem
only competent person electrician is
authorized to repair the plasma equipment.
6. Proper PPE is required for the Hot work
activity including the Face shield, flame
resistant apron and leggings. Double Eye
protection is required.

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41.0 Setting of machine, - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel 1. Only trained, experienced and competent Engineer,
Machining / Boring of LP workmanship. involving in the task personnel shall perform the job. Supervisor,
Drum Nozzle -New and young employees. and the equipment. 2. Ensure the machine is set and used as per the Foreman,
- Unsafe Use of diamond blade. - Bursting of recommendation of the manufacturer and PTW Holder
-Lack of knowledge on grinding abrasive wheels. supplier and as per the Method statement.
procedure, hot procedure. - Body contact and 3. Ensure the supporting platform is having
-Poorly maintained/damaged injury. sufficient strength to support the machinery.
machines. - Electrocution. 4. Ensure the lifting/ suspension appliances used
-Wrong selection of machines -Fire. is third party certified and colour coded.
and wheels, drill bits. 5. The suspension lug welded shall have NDT
-Mismatching of RPM, done as applicable and approved.
tampering with or removal of 6. Drip tray shall be used below the machine to
guards. contain any lubricant leak.
-Tampering the dead man 7. Machinery shall never be run unattended.
switch. Do not use bare hand to operate the machinery
-Incorrect bore bit mounting. or for removing the debris.
-Poor cable management and 8. Ensure proper and adequate support is given
overloading of electrical out to the machine other than suspension with web
lets. slings.
-Presence of combustibles in 9. Ensure the feed and speed shall be given as
the work area. per the manufactures’ recommendation only.
-Open holes and openings 10. Ensure the clamp is properly tightened to the
nearby. outer surface of the pipe to be bored.
-Flammables on the working 10. Ensure the correct bore bit is selected as per
surface. the job and metal.
-Uncontrolled sparks. 11. Ensure the correct posture and support of the
-Absence of trained fire watch job and working platform.
and fire extinguisher. 12. The boring machine should have PAT done.
-Continuous and prolonged use 13. Additional PPE like face shield, mask, leather
of machinery and work. gloves, goggles, aprons and ear plug should be
Wrong posture and handling. worn while working.
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-Absence of barricading and 14. Hot work check list to be filled.

engages. 15. Check the machine before use.
-Non-compliance to PPE 16. Read the safety instructions provided by the
regulations. equipment supplier.
-Loose hand cuffs, cloths and 17. Ensure it is suitable for its purpose.
long hair. 18. Examine all products before mounting and
periodically during bore bit use for possible
cracks and defects.
19. Check that correct mounting devices are
used and are clean, undistorted and free from
20. Ensure that work rests are properly adjusted
and secure, correctly designed guard is used.
21. Avoid clogging and uneven wear to ensure
22. PPEs for the boring to be used, all flammable
and combustibles to be cleared from the work
area. All the holes and openings in nearby
floors and walls shall be covered with
non-flammables to prevent spark entering to
these openings.
23. Fire extinguisher and firewatcher shall be
available. The fire watcher shall remain on the
spot for 30 minutes after the hot work to ensure
the fire is not ignited.
42.0 Inspection and 1. Non availability of 1. Equipment and 1. Ensure the instruction manual is available, Engineer,
installation of portable instruction manual. person those who read and understood by the personnel Supervisor,
electric chain 2. Non availability of third are working for handling, installing and operating. Foreman,
hoist(hook suspension party certificate. the equipment. 2. Ensure third party certificate is available and PTW Holder
type) 3. Improper maintenance. valid.

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4. Inexperienced riggers and 2. Material falling 3. Equipment shall be properly maintained and
operators. and physical inspected as per instruction manual and
5. Improper electrical injuries. checklist must be filled.
connection and PAT. 4. Ensure the suspension hook and safety latch
6. Lack of strong and adequate is proper and shall not have open or
anchoring point. expanded throat and damaged safety latch.
7. Damaged hook suspension 5. The winch shall be suspended on strong and
and its safety latch. adequate point on main structure. Shall not
8. Entangle with other part be hung on pipes, conduits, and scaffold
and other equipment. tubes.
9. Absence of checklist. 6. All the additional lug welded for suspending
10. Unknown weight and gross the machine shall have NDT done and
weight. approved.
7. The suspension point shall have adequate
strength to hold the weight of the machine
and the load. The weight of the machine ie.
65kg and 75 kg for 1 Ton and 02 Ton
respectively shall be taken in to consideration
while selecting the strength of the suspension
8. The cable shall be routed above the ground
and protected from sharp objects and done
by qualified electrician.
9. Never connect to 415v and 110v. Hoist is
operated by 220v only.
10. The rigging supervisor shall check the
suspension point periodically and ensure its
11. Chain blocks/ crane shall be used to lift and
lower the machine from and to the
suspension point.
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43.0 Lifting and lowering of 1. Untrained operator. 1. Material falling 1. The operator shall be experienced, competent Engineer,
materials by using 2. Incompetent riggers. and physical and third party certified. Supervisor,
portable electric hoist 3. Unknown weight of injury. 2. Only certified and experienced riggers shall Foreman,
with suspension hook materials to be lifted. do the rigging. The rigging and lifting shall be PTW Holder
(1Ton and 2Ton) 4. Incorrect rigging damaged adequately supervised.
rigging appliances. 3. The weight of the materials to lift shall never
5. Nearby objects and exceed the SWL of the hoist. It should be
structure. lower than the SWL.
6. Oversize size materials. 4. All the lifting appliances like wire rope, sling,
7. Lack of tag lines. and material basket shall have sufficient SWL
8. Lifting loose items. and third party certificate.
9. Working below the 5. Loose items shall be lifted only in certified
suspended load. bags and baskets. Materials shall not
10. Hoisting length. protrude outside the basket.
11. Personnel lifting. 6. Tag lines shall be used to control the load.
12. Absence of TBM before 7. Remember that the lowering and hoisting
lifting. speed is only 2.9 mtr/minute and 5.8
mtr/minute for 2 Ton and 1 Ton respectively.
8. Do not do any adjustments on the machine to
change the parameters.
9. Never stand or work below the suspended
load. Barricade the lifting area and post
10. Ensure the check list is used and filled before
commencement of lifting.
11. Oversized items shall not be lifted.
12. Ensure the obstructions like cables and others
shall be cleared from the hoisting path.
13. Remember the hoist length is only 25 meters
for both hoist 2 Ton and 1 Ton.
14. Personnel lifting are not permitted with hoist.
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15. The hoist shall be in retracted mode (fully

wound condition) and free from load when
not in use.
16. Ensure the TBM is conducted specific to the
job and location.
44.0 Borescope Inspection of - Un-trained and inexperienced All Personnel -Wear Appropriate PPE’s. Engineer,
Pipe / Steam Pipe line workmanship. involving in the task -Only trained, experienced and competent Supervisor,
- New and young workers. and the equipments- personnel shall perform the job. Foreman,
- prolonged working. -respiratory - Ensure the correct posture and support of PTW Holder
-Hot surface. problem. the job.
-Inadequate supervision, - Burns, Contusion, -Ensure the working surface is not hot.
information and instructions. abrasion etc. - Appropriate PPE should be worn while working.
- Inadequate working platform - Damage to the - Never exert extra pressure to do the Job. Right
and working posture. existing pipeline. tool for right job.
-excess people and congestion -Slips, trips and fall. - Home made and make shift tools shall not be
in the work area. used.
-Lack of PPEs and safe working - Ensure the tool is suitable for its purpose.
culture. - Check that correct mounting devices are
- Damaged tools, homemade used and are clean, undistorted and free
tools. from burrs.
-Loose cloths and long hair. -Confirm system drain before work start.
-Steam passing. -If steam passing work should be stopped.
- Poor housekeeping.
45.0 NDT-(RT/PT/MT/UT) -Uncertified operators. All Personnel 1. Ensure the radiography is authorised, notified. Engineer
-Non adherence to procedures. involving in the task 2. To be done by certified experienced and Supervisor,
-un-authorised personnel in the and the competent personnel. Foreman,
radiation area. equipment’s. 3. RPO must be present to control the whole PTW Holder
-Unidentified radiation area and - Radiation, Fire , activity.
absence of barricading, injury 4. Certified Dosimeter to be used and radiation
signage’s and hazard light. area to be determined and barricaded, signage’s
and warring light placed.
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-Absence of radiation protection 5. Handling/transporting of radiographic

Officer. equipment’s shall be as per the norms and RLIC
-Absence of retrieval method. regulations.
6. Retrieval equipment’s shall be available with
the RPO always.
7. Unauthorised entry shall be strictly prohibited.
8. Barricading, signage and hazard light.
9. As far possible the Radiography shall be done
during night only when there is little or no
occupancy in the plant.
46.0 Night work -Inadequate plan for night All personnel 1.Proper planning for night work and timely Engineer,
work, Notification for night involved in night notification showing number of personnel, Supervisor,
work. work, Physical supervisory staff and safety staff, description and Foreman,
-Power failure, black out inside injury. location of work. PTW Holder
Confined space. 2. Sufficient lighting of 110v to be ensured
Poor maintenance of generator. throughout the work area, walkway and confined
-Work load with mental and space. WORKPLACE LIGHTING MUST BE
-Permanent night shift. EYESTRAIN.
-Too long night shift. 3. Emergency portable lights shall be standby in
-Inadequate supervision and confined spaces and shall be used to prevent
safety coverage. blackout and panic in case of power failure.
-Micro sleep and on the job 4. Supervisory and safety staff must have torch
fatigue leading to less with them, to be useful in case of power failure.
concentration and workplace 5. Outside temperature is cooler than day time in
safety. winter season, additional warm clothing may be
-Depression and psychiatric needed.
disturbances triggered by 6. Forced ventilations in confined space need to
irregular sleep pattern, be well maintained and there should be no
impaired judgement and slow draughts.
response time.
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-Repeated and same work 7. Plan an appropriate workload that accords with
throughout night shift. the length and timing of night shift.
-Inadequate break and rest 8. If practical, schedule demanding work for
time. periods when workers are most alert and least
-Lack of communication. likely to be fatigued.
- Health issues. 9. Demanding, dangerous and safety critical work
shall be avoided at night time, in the early hours
of the morning or at the end of the shift.
10. Lifting, erecting/dismantling scaffold are not
permitted in the night shift.
11. Avoid placing workers on permanent night
shifts. Shift rotation to be encouraged.
12. Limit shift to a maximum 12 hours (including
overtime) and consider the needs of vulnerable
13. Increase supervision during peak periods of
low alertness like late night and early morning or
end of the shift.
14. Supervisors should be aware of the risk
associated with night work and be able to
recognise symptoms of fatigue in workers.
15. Risks associated with night shift shall be
briefed to the workers through TBM.
16. Monitoring the workers carefully as night
shift workers fall asleep briefly while working.
This micro sleep last from 2 to 3 minutes and
they may not be aware that they have nodded
off. This happens especially between 2 AM and 6
17. Adequate rest and break to be ensured. A
short sleep period of 20 minutes (nap) may
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refresh the worker and reduce fatigue on night

work. However, this needs to be monitored as
longer sleep period will result in the worker
feeling un refreshed and un alert. If adopted, a
break of 40 minutes is needed to allow workers a
20 minute nap and time to refresh themselves
and regain alertness before resuming work.
18. Nap needs close supervision and should not
be allowed where safety critical decisions are
19. A break taken away from the work spot is
considered more beneficial.
20. If reasonably practicable, schedule a variety
of tasks to be completed during the night shift to
allow workers some choice about the order in
which they are done thereby avoiding repetition
of work throughout the shift.
21. Avoid lone working and encourage team
22. Communication between shift workers on the
same shift can help alertness and prevent
23. Ensure adequate time is allowed to share
information between shifts.
24. Having a short overlap at the end of one shift
and start of the next will assist in increased
25. Easy access and procedure to medical
facilities to be ensured as a number of ill health
effects are associated with night work like
depression and other psychic problems triggered
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JSA No. /PIPING /262

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)​ ​RGPC-10-10.31.5. Rev:01 Date. 27-10-2014

by irregular sleep patterns and cumulative

26.Special attention to be given to particular
group of workers such as very younger, new and
ageing workers who are more vulnerable to the
effects of night shift.
27. Transfer workers to day work where night
shift causes or likely to cause ill health effects.
28. Promote healthy living such as taking
exercise and having good diet.
29. Discourage the higher intake of caffeinated
drinks consumed at night to keep awake as
excessive use will lead to digestive complaints.
30. Where reasonably practicable provide all
welfare facilities similar to day time workers.

47.0 Emergency and -Untrained personnel and All Personnel 1. Contact Emergency No. 44306666. All personnel
Emergency response ignorance of emergency involving in the task 2. Follow RGPC Emergency response
plan. procedure. and the equipment. plan-RGPC-10-10.2.
-Ignorance of emergency exit - Panic, Accident, 3. First aider and paramedic response.
and muster points. Injuries 4. Emergency number and response known to all
-Panic and running. personnel.
5. Display the emergency number in the site.
NOTE: Works will be stopped and PTW will be confiscated if non-compliance of the safety rules and regulation has been observed.


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