Leave Regulation TNEB
Leave Regulation TNEB
Leave Regulation TNEB
(ii) Half pay means, half the amounts specified in item (a)
or (b) above, whichever is greater.
Note (2): An employee who has no lien on any other post except
that which it is proposed to abolish, may be granted leave
admissible to him immediately before the abolition of the
post, but in that case, the orders abolishing that post
should state explicitly that the post is abolished from the
date on which the leave so granted terminates.
Note (3): In the case of employees, who are thrown out of
permanent posts but continue to hold temporary posts or
to officiate in other posts without a break, the leave
earned by them while holding the permanent posts will
not lapse and can be carried forward.
Note (3): When employees who have no casual leave to their credit,
apply for leave for a day or two in advance, they may be
granted extraordinary leave without pay and allowances
only when they are not eligible for any other leave or on
specific request by the employees. The provisions in this
note will not apply to cases where periods of absence
without leave are commuted retrospectively into
extraordinary leave under regulation 19.
Employees to
Authority empowered
whom leave may Extent of power
to grant leave
be granted
(1) (2) (3)
1 Tamil Nadu Chief Engineer Full Power
Electricity Board
The term "holiday" used in clauses (a) and (c) above should
be held to mean-
(a) a holiday prescribed or notified by the Board, and
(b) With reference to any particular office, a day on which
such office is ordered by notification of the Board to be
closed for the transaction of public business without
reserve or qualification.
The term does not include such local holidays as may
be granted at the discretion of heads of offices nor
holidays which are merely permissible or discretionary.
Signature of applicant:
(3) Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave may
be treated as misbehaviour for the purpose of regulation 31 of the
Service Regulations.
20. (a) A person who has retired from the service of the
Board on re-employment earns leave at the rate of one-twenty
second of the period spent on duty subject to a maximum of thirty
(3) Commutation:
(a) for the first 120 days in the case of permanent and
approved probationers in Class I, II and III Service,
60 days in the case of such employees in Class IV
service and 30 days in the case of probationers in
Classes I to IV Service, as the case may be, of any
period of such leave, including a period of such leave
granted under clause (5) of this regulation, to full pay,
(b) for the remaining period of any such leave to half pay
or at the employee's option, for a period not
exceeding the period of full pay which would
otherwise be admissible to him to full pay.
Note (2): There shall be no limit for combining earned leave with
maternity leave.
(2) The period spent on study leave shall not count for leave.
(1) Study leave is not active service and it will not count as
service for working out the share of the Board's contribution to the
Contributory Provident Fund Payable to the employee on premature
voluntary retirement or on compulsory retirement. It cannot count for
proportionate pension also.
Study allowance for the period of private during study leave
(2) The grant of study allowance is admissible for the period
during study leave devoted to the collating and elaborating in the
form of readable report of the notes made and literature collected
during their tour of inspection, etc.
In the case of an employee granted study leave with the
object of taking a definite course of study or preparing for a specific
examination, attendance at an institution or supervision by a
responsible authority is the normal procedure. The Study Leave
regulations should be more strictly adhered to in this case and
private work at home is not therefore accepted for purpose of study
(3) Study leave may be granted to an employee of less than
five year's service at the discretion of the authority competent to
grant the leave.
(4) Scholarship or stipend received by an employee from the
Board's funds is treated as honorarium. It is only when an employee
is awarded scholarship or stipend from a source other than the
above source, it will have to be treated as fees.
No portion of any scholarship or stipend, received during
study leave or otherwise, by an employee from a source other than
the Board's funds for the purpose of prosecuting a course of studies
or receiving specialized training in professional or technical subjects
need be credited to the Board.
In cases where permission is granted by the Board, no
portion of the payments received by the employees as a result of
full-time or part-time employment undertaken by them need be
credited to the Board.
(5) The employees sponsored for higher studies or training
abroad under the various training schemes of the United Nations,
the Colombo plan, the Point Four Programme, etc., and the
schemes operated through non-official channels (Rockfeller
Foundation, Ford Foundation etc.), shall be governed by the
deputations terms that will be sanctioned to them and not by the
terms and conditions in regulation 25.
(6) A certificate to the effect that the study allowance
claimed in accordance with the paragraphs 9 and/or 10 of the
annexure shall be recorded in the bills by the drawing officers.
26. (a) Casual leave is not recognised as leave due or
earned under the leave regulations. It is a concession to enable
employees in special circumstances to be absent for short periods.
An employee on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty:
Provided that the employee (except on an occasion beyond
his control) applies for and obtains prior sanction from the competent
authority it is open to the competent authority in case of absence
from duty without obtaining prior sanction for casual leave to require
the employee to furnish proof to show that his absence was for
reasons beyond his control. If satisfied with such proof, the
competent authority may grant the leave.
An employee may be granted casual leave for not more than
12 days in a calendar year. Casual leave may be combined with
Sundays or other holidays provide that the resulting period of
absence does not exceed 10 days.
If the eleventh and subsequent days are incidentally
declared as holidays on account of natural calamities, death of
national leaders, bandhs, strikes, a change in the date of the festival
as per the announcements made by religious heads during religious
occasions, etc., a Board employee who is on casual leave or
compensatory leave may avail himself of those days also
eventhough the period of absence exceeds ten days.
Note: The fact that a maximum has been fixed for the amount of
casual leave which may be taken within a year does not
mean that an employee is entitled to take the full amount of
casual leave as a matter of course.
(b) If in the opinion of the authority competent to sanction
casual leave, an employee has either overstayed the period of
casual leave sanctioned to him or has absented himself without prior
permission, without sufficient satisfactory reasons or is found to be
in the habit of absenting himself frequently from duty in spite of
warning, such absence will not be treated as casual leave and will
be treated as misconduct.
(c) The Chief Engineer should intimate his intention of taking
casual leave to the Chairman of the Board.
(d) A register of casual leave taken should be maintained in
every office.
(e) Daily wage earners and casual workers are not eligible
for any casual leave.
(f) In the case of employees appointed on a purely
temporary basis and who are likely to be ousted at any time, their
eligibility for casual leave shall be calculated with reference to the
period actually spent on duty and shall be proportionately limited. As
a working principle, they may be granted two days casual leave for
every two months' service and such leave may be combined with
holidays subject to the maximum prescribed under regulation 26(a).
27 (1) (a). Special casual leave not counting against ordinary casual
leave may be granted to an employee in the following
(i) When the employee is affected by Rabies.
(ii) When he is ordered by the head of his office to absent himself
from duty on the certificate of a medical officer on account of
the presence of Rabies an infectious disease in his house,
provided no substitute is appointed and no extra cost to the
Board is involved. If, however, a substitute is necessary,
ordinary leave debitable to the leave account of the employee
should be granted. The grant of special casual leave involving
the appointment of substitute in all other cases requires the
sanction of the Board, which will be accorded only when the
absence is for less than 30 days and the employee concerned
draws a pay of less than Rs.100/- per mensem, and has no
ordinary leave to his credit.
Note (1): When the employee himself catches the Rabies, an
infectious disease, regular leave under the leave
regulation must be taken for the period of absence.
Note (2): The special casual leave may be granted for the
purpose of Rabies, an infectious disease.
Note (3): Leave under this head shall not ordinarily be
granted for a period exceeding 21 days but in
exceptional cases, it may be granted upto thirty
(iii) When an employee is summoned to serve as a juror or
assessor or to give evidence before a Court in the Indian
Union or Foreign Territory as a witness in civil and criminal
cases in which his private interests are not in issue, the leave
to cover the total period of absence necessary.
(b) In the cases coming under clauses (a) (i) to (iii) above
when the absence from duty exceeds the period which may
reasonably be treated as casual leave under the discretion vested in
the head of the office, the employee may be granted for the entire
period of absence such regular leave with leave-salary as may be
due to him and thereafter extraordinary leave.
(5) (i) Special Casual Leave not exceeding eight days may
be granted to men Board employees who undergo
sterilization operation and twenty days to married
women Board employees who undergo
non-puerperal sterilization operation during ordinary
time i.e. not immediately after confinement in any
hospital in this State. $$
Note (2): The authority other than the Board competent to grant
leave preparatory to retirement shall not be competent to
refuse it under regulation 29(b). Such leave shall be
refused only by the Board. The leave so refused shall be
granted by the Board.
(i) the substantive pay plus special pay, personal pay and any
other emoluments classed as pay on the date before the
leave commences;
(ii) the average monthly pay plus special pay, personal pay and
any other emoluments classed as pay earned during the
twelve complete months preceding the month in which the
leave commences.
(b) omitted.
33. (a) Leave account shall be maintained for each employee in the
form prescribed below.
(b) (i) The leave account of an employee in Class I and
Class II Service shall be maintained by, or under the
direction of the principal auditor responsible for the audit
of his pay.
(ii) The leave account of an employee in Class III and
Class IV Service shall be maintained and the entries
therein attested by the head of the office in which he is
(c) The leave account of every person who elects under
regulation 2 shall-
(i) in regard to earned leave, be credited with the amount
of privilege leave or leave on average pay or earned
leave to his credit on the date on which he so elects,
subject to the maxima prescribed in regulation 16 (1), as
the case may be; and
(ii) in regard to unearned leave, be debited with the amount
of leave on half average pay whether with or without
medical certificate and leave not due, already taken by
him before the said date, either as leave on private
affairs or as leave on medical certificate, as the case
may require.
Dates Balance
Leave at on return
credit Number from
Columns From To of days leave
of Head of
(6)+(11) Col.
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
The entry in this column on any date columns (6) plus (11) shall
be limited to:-
The balance of leave on Private Affairs and leave on Medical
Certificate available on any date shall be arrived at by deducting the
progressive total in Column (4) and (8) respectively from the
maximum limit prescribed in each case in regulation 17(1) and (2),
17(5)(i) and 18 of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Leave
Total service.
Civil Surgeon or
Note (3): Honorary Medical Officers not below the rank of Civil
Surgeons are also competent to issue medical certificate
under this regulation.
(b) the Board employee is admitted only for treatment and not for
diagnosis. $$
Leave in India
1. Omitted
5. Kind of punishment:
Sureties: (1)
In the presence of
In the presence of
Witnesses:- (1)
In the presence of
Witnesses:- (1)