6 - Environmental Health PDF
6 - Environmental Health PDF
6 - Environmental Health PDF
Ameer Alhusuny
What is health?
Environmental Health?
Good Things Around Us
A hazard is anything in the environment that can hurt you or make you sick.
A Toxic Word Game
Toxic means poisonous or dangerous
Toxic_ology is the study of poisons.
Toxic_ity is a measure of how dangerous a chemical is.
A Toxicity Scale
Exposure is
The total amount of a hazard that comes in direct contact with your body.
Route #3: Dermal Absorption
Dermal Absorption:
Absorbing a chemical through any part of the skin, including the eyes. When chemicals
come in contact with the skin, they can sometimes enter the bloodstream through this
route of exposure.
What is dose?
Dose is the amount of a hazard that actually enters your body.
Dose can depend on how big or small you are. To understand how, let’s take three
different size flasks and fill them with water. Imagine each one represents a different
human body - one small, one medium, and one large.
A Dose Experiment
Now we will take a dropper of an imaginary hazardous substance and put 3 drops in
each flask. What will happen? How will each flask look after the 3 dark purple drops
have been added?
Dose/Response Relationship
Individual Susceptibility
Genes & Susceptibility
Your genes can also make you more or less susceptible to harm from an
environmental hazard. For example, some people are more likely to get
sick when they are exposed to certain kinds of pesticides.
What is environmental justice?
Environmental Justice (EJ) means that everyone has a right to live in an
environment that doesn’t make them sick, regardless of their race,
culture, or income.