Toxicity Assessment
Toxicity Assessment
Toxicity Assessment
Toxicity assessment methods are important for determining the safety of substances, such as
food additives and medicinal plants.
Toxicity testing is a series of experiments that evaluate how chemicals affect living systems.
There are many types of toxicity tests, including:
Carcinogenicity: Determines if a substance can cause cancer. These tests are similar
to chronic toxicity tests, but they last longer and involve more animals.
Subchronic toxicity: Studies the toxicity of a substance on a large group of species over
a period of time that's usually shorter than chronic toxicity.
Developmental toxicity: Determines if a substance can harm a developing fetus. These
tests look for structural and functional changes in the fetus from the zygote stage to birth.
Genotoxicity: Determines if a substance can cause DNA damage, genetic mutations, or
chromosomal abnormalities. These tests help identify substances that could cause genetic
disorders or cancer.
Reproductive toxicity: Determines if a substance can harm an organism's reproductive
Genetic toxicity: Determines if a substance can cause mutations in an organism's DNA.
Immunotoxicity: Determines if a substance can cause an allergic reaction.
Chapter 3
Toxicity Assessment Basics
There is no one measure of toxicity. Effects may occur in the short term (acute effects) or
after repeated exposures over a long time (chronic effects). They may affect only one part of
the body or many, and they may vary greatly in severity. **
* * Other components are exposure assessment ( Chapter 2 ) and
hazard identification and risk characterization ( Chapter 1 ).
Toxic Effects
Toxic effects are classified as either acute or chronic.
Acute effects happen very rapidly after a single There are two types of toxic
exposure has occurred (food poisoning, effects--acute and chronic.
breathing fumes from a chlorine spill).
Sweating, nausea, paralysis, and death are
examples of acute effects.
Chronic effects happen only after repeated long-term exposure (cigarette smoking,
eating foods with low levels of contaminants, breathing polluted air). Cancer, organ
damage, reproductive difficulties, and nervous system impairment are examples of
chronic effects.
These chronic effects fall into two categories: carcinogenic effects andnon-carcinogenic
For all compounds other than cancer-causing agents (carcinogens), it is assumed that
there is a dose below which no effect occurs (a threshold). This is similar to a drug
where too small of a dose has no beneficial effect.
For carcinogens, it is often assumed that even the smallest dose can cause an effect (
no threshold ).
Example: A reported "rat oral LD50 of 50 mg/kg" means that half of the rats that
ingested a dose of 50 milligrams of the substance per kilogram of body weight died
within 14 days.
Example of lethal amount: If the LD50 is 50 mg/kg: The lethal amount for a child
would be 50 mg/kg times 10 kg, which equals 500 mg (about 1/8 tsp.)
The lethal amount for an adult would be 50 mg/kg times 70 kg, which is 3,500 mg
(about 3/4 tsp.) *
Non-Carcinogenic Assessment
The NOEL is not necessarily the "safe level" for humans, because:
o humans may be more/less sensitive to the substance than the animals studied.
o humans have more genetic, health, age, and other variabilities, which may
affect individual human reactions. **
To account for these differences, public health officials divide the NOEL by a safety
factor, usually 100, to arrive at a presumed "safe level" for humans. If the NOEL for a
substance were 100 mg/kg, the "safe level" for humans would be considered 1 mg/kg.
This "safe level" is most likely lower than scientists' best estimate of the NOEL in
humans. However, it is the number risk managers use to establish regulations, such as
the maximum amount of a chemical allowed in drinking water, and to create
guidelines such as fish consumption advisories.
This variation is usually due to the different degrees and rates of absorption,
metabolism, and/or excretion of the substance by the different species.
Knowledge is still incomplete regarding the best test animals for different types of
substances and whether humans can be expected to be more or less sensitive to any
particular compound.
Carcinogenesis Bioassay
Scientists assess carcinogenic toxicity
very differently than they assess non-
carcinogenic toxicity. This is in Officially accepted methods
response to public fear about cancer. of assessing carcinogens
assume there is no safe
People want to know if even one in a level.
million individuals will get cancer from
exposure to a suspected carcinogen. To
find this out with any degree of
confidence by traditional dose-response studies, scientists would have to use several
million test animals. The impracticality of such experiments has led to the
development of the carcino-genesis bioassay. *
With a carcinogenesis bioassay, scientists are not looking for the safe level of
exposure (NOEL). Rather, harm is assumed, and they are looking for the incidence, or
risk, of harm.
The second type of mathematical model is called a threshold model and is based on
the premise that repeated exposures to a chemical are needed before a threshold of
exposure is reached and cancer follows.
The risk assessor's job is to determine the real world risk to humans of a substance by
combining information on toxicity and exposure. This job is made more complicated
if data are collected from many different studies, but the results will be more likely to
reflect the best estimates scientists can make.
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