Quad Bike Frontal Impact Analysis

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“Bumper Modification to Safe Guard Quad bike During

Frontal Impact”


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of Master of Technology


Submitted To


(University of Technology of Madhya Pradesh)

Submitted By
Under the supervision of
Asst. Prof. Kamlesh Gangrade

Department of Mechanical Engineering

June - 2019
Department of Mechanical Engineering


This is to certify that the work embodies in this dissertation entitled “Bumper
Modification to Safe Guard Quad bike During Frontal Impact”
being Submitted by Mohana Chouhan [0830AU15MT08] in partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the award of “Master of Technology in Automobile
BHOPAL(M.P.), during the academic year 2015-17 is a record of bonafide
piece of work, carried out by him under my supervision and guidance in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAGAR INSTITUTE OF

Guided By: Submitted To:

Asst. Prof. Kamlesh Gangrade Dr. Suman Sharma
Mechanical Engineering Professor & Head
Department Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Akhilesh Upadhyay


Department of Mechanical Engineering


I Mohana Chouhan student of Master of Technology in Automobile

Engineering, session 2015-17, here by informed that the work presented in this
dissertation phase-II entitled “Bumper Modification to Safe Guard Quad
bike during Frontal Impact” is the outcome of my own work, is bonafide and
correct to the best of my knowledge and this work has been carried out taking
care of Engineering Ethics.



Department of Mechanical Engineering


I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the dissertation
entitled “Bumper Modification to Safe Guard Quad bike During Frontal
Impact” practical fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of
Master of Technology in Automobile Engineering, submitted in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sagar Institute of Research and
Technology, Indore, is an authentic record of my own work carried under the
guidance of Asst. Prof. Kamlesh Gangrade. I have not submitted the matter
embodied in this report for award of any other degree.

I also declare that “A check for Plagiarism has been carried out on dissertation
and is found within acceptable limit and report which is enclosed herewith”.


Supervisor Director / Principal Sign.

With Date Sign. with date

Department of Mechanical Engineering


The dissertation entitled “Bumper Modification to Safe Guard Quad bike

During Frontal Impact” being submitted by “Mohana Chouhan[Enrolment
No.0830AU15MT08]” has been examined by us and is hereby approved for
award of “Master of Technology in Automobile Engineering”, for which it
has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do
not necessary endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or
conclusion drawn there in, but approve the dissertation only for the purpose for
which it has been submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)

Date: -……………… Date:-………………


मैं, मोहना चौहान आत्मज राजेन्‍द्र स िंह चौहान, आयु २७ वर्ष सनवा ी ग्राम द ोडा, तह ील धरमपुरी,
सजला धार (म.प्र.) की होकर शपथ पूवषक सनम्न कथन करती हूँ : -

१. मैंने, एम.टे क के सवर्य आटोमोबाइलइिं जीसनयररिं ग, त्र २०१५ मे काउिं सलिंग के माध्यम े तत्कालीन,
िंस्था ागर इिं स्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ रर चष एिं ड टे क्नोलॉजी (ट्रूबा कॉलेज ऑफ़ इिं जीसनयररिं ग एिं ड टे क्नोलॉजी),
कैलोद करताल, इिं दौर (म.प्र.) मे प्रवेश सलया था।

२. मैं त्र जुलाई २०१५ े सनयसमत छात्रा के रूप में स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रम मे अध्यिं यनरत थी।

३. मैं, घोर्णा करती हूँ सक उक्त पाठ्यक्रम अवसध मे सक ी भी अन्य सनजी क्षेत्र िंस्थान / मूह / सक ी
भी कायाष लय मे पू णषकासलक रूप े कायषरत नहीिं थी।

हस्ताक्षर शपथ गृहीता

गाइड एविं िंचालक / प्राचायष द्धारा त्यासपत सकया जावे

त्यासपत करते है सक छात्रा का नाम मोहना चौहान , नामािं कन क्रमािं क 0830AU15MT08 द्धारा दी गई
उपरोक्त जानकारी प्रमासणत एविं ही है ।

गाइड के हस्ताक्षर िंचालक / प्राचायष

हस्ताक्षर / पद नाम एविं ील सहत

िंस्था का नाम: ागर इिं स्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ रर चष एिं ड टे क्नोलॉजी, इिं दौर

िंस्था का कोड: 0830

िंस्था का दू रभार्: 0731 -2306986 / 3240042

सदनािं क:

स्थान : इिं दौर (म.प्र)


While bringing out this thesis to its final form, I came across a number of people whose
contributions in various ways helped my field of research and they deserve special thanks. It
is a pleasure to convey my gratitude to all of them.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to
my Guide and Mentor Asst. Prof. Kamlesh Gangrade for his invaluable encouragement,
suggestions and support from an early stage of this research and providing me extraordinary
experiences throughout the work. Above all, his priceless and meticulous supervision at each
and every phase of work inspired me in innumerable ways. I am proud to record that I had the
opportunity to work with an exceptionally experienced Professor like him.

I am highly indebted to Dr. Suman Sharma, Professor and Head of the Department, for their
guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I am highly grateful to Dr. Sudhir Agrawal & Dr. Akhilesh Upadhyay, Director, Sagar
Institute of Research and Technology, Indore, Dr. Manish Choudhary, Dy. Director, SIRT,
Prof. Abhay Kakirde, Prof. Kamlesh gangrade and all teaching and non-teaching staff
members of Mechanical Engineering Department.

My special gratefulness goes to my families and friends for their support, encouragement,
patience and understanding. I feel a deep sense of appreciation for my father and motherwho
formed my vision, and taught me the good morals, starting from childhood to now, that truly
matters in life.

Enroll. No. 0830AU15MT08


Now a day safety criteria is a major concentrated portion in every automobile vehicle design
and Bumper is an important part of an automobile which is attached to or integrated with the
front and rear of a automobile vehicle. The function of the bumper is absorbing minor as well
as major collision; ideally minimize repair cost and safety of passengers. Numerous
developments, improvements in materials and technologies as well as greater focus on
functionality for protecting vehicle components.
Automotive bumper beam assembly plays very important role in absorbing impact. The most
important parameters of an automotive front bumper beam such as material, shape and
impact condition are to be studied to improve the crashworthiness. The simulation of bumper
beam is done under low-velocity impact as per the standards of automotive stated in E.C.E.
United Nations Agreement, Regulation no. 42, 1994. The strength of the bumper beam in
elastic mode is investigated with energy absorption and impact force in maximum deflection
situation. Similar bumper beams made of different materials are simulated to determine the
deflection, impact force, stress distribution and energy-absorption behaviour; these
characteristics are compared with each other to find best choice of material. The results show
that an AISI 1018 material can minimize the bumper beam deflection, impact force and stress
distribution and also maximize the elastic strain energy. In addition, the effect of passengers
in the impact behaviour is examined. The time history of the calculated parameters is showed
in graphs for comparison.
I initiated with designing on ANSYS 19.2 software. The Finite Elemental Analysis (FEA)
aided the material selection decision process. FEA helped to study whether a member was
under high or low stresses in different conditions taken into consideration simultaneously.
Based on the results obtained by the analysis I modified the design various times so as to
arrive at the final design which is light weight, rigid and safe under all the conditions. Due to
this the forces on the mounting points is distributed and intense pressures on a single member
is avoided.
Material selection is one of the key parameter for manufacturing the frame. To ensure that I
select the correct material for the frame, I shortlisted a few materials based on the strength,
weight, cost and availability. The three materials shortlisted were AISI 1018, AISI 4130 and
E 250A. Finally, I had to choose one from all the three.















1.1 Introduction 2-3

1.2 Quad Bike 3-4

1.3 Conventional Bumper 5

1.3.1 Types of Bumper 5-6

1.3.2 Standards of Bumper 6-8

1.4 Damper 8-12


2.1 Literature review 14-22


3.1 Problem identified 24

3.2 Objectives 25


4.1 Material description of AISI 4130 27

4.1.1 Chemical composition of AISI 4130 27

4.1.2 Mechanical properties of AISI 4130 28

4.2 Material description of E 250A 28

4.2.1 Chemical composition of E 250A 29

4.2.2 Mechanical properties of E 250A 29

4.3 Methodology 30


5.1 Mathematical modelling 32

5.1.1 Material E 250A Mild steel 32

5.1.2 Material AISI 4130 Alloy steel 32

5.2 Analysis parameters 32

5.2.1 Frame design specification 32

5.3 Front impact analysis (phase - I) 32

5.3.1 Assumptions 32

5.4 Unit installed (phase - II) 33

5.4.1 MTS test results 33

5.5 Cost analysis 34

5.5.1 Modified bumper unit 34

5.5.2 Bumper frame and installation 34

5.5.3 Cost saving 34

5.5.4 Weight analysis 34

06. ANALYSIS 35-47

6.1 Analysis 36

6.1.1 Phase – I analysis AISI 4130 37-38

6.1.2 Phase – I analysis E 250A 39-40

6.1.3 Phase – II analysis E 250A 41-42

6.2 Graph results 43-47

07. RESULTS 48-49

7.1 Results 49


8.1 Conclusion 51

8.2 Future scope 51-52

09. REFRENCES 53-55

9.1 References 54-55



Figure 1.1 Quad bike 5

Figure 1.2 3D model of Bumper with Quad bike frame 7

Figure 1.3 3D model of Quad bike 8

Figure 1.4 Types of bumper 11

Figure 1.5 Shock absorber 12

Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram of methodology adopted 30

Figure 6.1 Geometry of Quad bike 36

Figure 6.2 Deformation plot of Quad bike 36

Figure 6.3 Solver deck view 37

Figure 6.4 (a) Strain plot AISI 4130 38


Figure 6.5 Stress analysis AISI 4130 38

Figure 6.6 Deformation plot E 250A 39

Figure 6.7 Solver deck view E 250A 39

Figure 6.8 Strain plot E 250A 40

Figure 6.9 Stress plot E 250A 40

Figure 6.10 Deformation plot phase - II 41

Figure 6.11 Solver deck analysis 41

Figure 6.12 Strain plot phase – II 42

Figure 6.13 Stress plot phase – II 42

Figure 7.1 Graph for damping force characteristics phase – I 43

Figure 7.2 Graph for damping force characteristics phase – II 44

Figure 7.3 Graph for damping force v/s velocity phase-1 45

Figure 7.4 Graph for damping force v/s velocity phase - II 46

Figure 7.5 Graph for spring rates 47


Table 1 : Chemical composition of AISI 4130 27

Table 2 : Mechanical properties of AISI 4130 28

Table 3 : Chemical composition % of the product analysis of E 250A 29

Table 4 : Mechanical properties of E 250A 29

Table 5 : Analysis results 49


1.1 Introduction

With the rapid development of automobile industry, accident rate is higher and higher; all
countries begin to attach importance to the vehicle safety. Research on the safety of bumper
collision has large help to improve the vehicle collision safety, so the bumper safety
performance has importance significance. In the early 1930s Europe has begun studying the
vehicle collision at that time, the main research method is experimental method. After the
1980s with the development of the computer, the vehicle collision research method change
into the finite element method analysis.

Car accidents are happening every day. Most drivers are convinced that they can avoid such
troublesome solutions. However the statistics shows that ten thousand dead and hundreds of
thousands to million wounded each year. Hence, improvement in the safety of automobiles is
requisite to decrease the number of accidents. Automotive bumper system is one of the key
systems in passenger cars. Bumper systems are designed to prevent are reduce physical
damage to the front or rear end of passenger motor vehicle in collision condition. It protects
the hood, truck, grill, fuel, exhaust and cooling system as well as safety related equipments
such as parking light, headlamps and taillights etc. A good design of car bumper must
provide safety for passengers and should have low weight. Different countries have different
performance standards for bumpers. Under the international safety regulations originally
developed as European standards and now adopted by most countries outside North America,
a car`s safety system still function normally after a straight-on pendulum or moving-barrier
impact of 4km/h (2.5 mph) to the front and rear, and to the front and rear corners of 2.5 km/h
(1.6 mph) at 45.5 cm (18 in) above the ground with the vehicle loaded or unloaded. In North
America (FMSS: federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards), it should be meet 4 kmph
pendulum and barrier impacts. The function of automotive bumpers has changed
considerably over the past 70 years. The last performance is achieved by a combination of
careful design, material selection to obtain a particular balance of stiffness, strength and
energy absorption. Stiffness and energy absorption are essential criterion. Stiffness is
important because vehicle design consideration limits the packaging space for the bumper
design to deform under load and energy absorption is important because bumper must limit

the amount of the impact force transmitted to the surrounding rails and vehicle frame.
Automotive bumper plays a very important role in absorbing impact energy (original purpose

Of safety) and styling stand point/aesthetic purpose. Now days, automotive industry
concentrates on optimization of weight and safety. This will increase the performance of the
Bumper, improve absorbing capacity during impact load and increase the protection the
protection of the front car component. By limiting physical damage to expensive
components, bumper systems reduce insurance expenses for OEMs (original Equipment


Quad bike is a class of multi-wheeled vehicles; the most common types are 3- and 4-wheel
machines. Quad bike (QUAD BIKE) is a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires driven
using handlebar or steering wheel for steering control. Although, quad bike were first
designed only for a single operator but now-a-days many companies have developed Quad
bike with two or more seats. In most of the countries around the globe, these vehicles are
banned on streets. Handling quad bike is very different from other vehicles, including 2-
wheel motor bikes. Operating quad bike is “rider active” where the rider must use his or her
body movements to help control the machine.
The first three-wheeled quad bike was the Sperry-Rand Tricart. It was designed in 1967 as a
graduate project of John Plessinger at the Cranbrook Academy of Arts near Detroit. The
Tricart was straddle-ridden with a sit-in rather than sit-on style (similar to the
contemporaneous Big Wheel toy). In 1968 Plessinger sold the Tricart patents and design
rights to Sperry-Rand New Holland who manufactured them commercially. Numerous small
American manufacturers of 3-wheelers followed. These small manufacturers were unable to
compete when larger motorcycle companies like Honda entered the market in the early
1970s. By the early 1980s, suspension and lower-profile tires were introduced. The 1982
Honda ATC200E Big Red was a landmark model. It featured both suspension and racks,
making it the first utility three-wheeled quad bike. The ability to go anywhere on terrain that
most other vehicles could not cross soon made them popular with US and Canadian hunters,
and those just looking for a good trail ride.

In 1985 Suzuki introduced to the industry the first high-performance four-wheel quad bike,
the Suzuki LT250R Quad Racer. This machine was in production for the 1985–1992 model
years. During its production run it underwent three major engineering makeovers. However,

the core features were retained. These were: a sophisticated long-travel suspension, a liquid-
cooled two-stroke motor and a fully manual five-speed transmission for 1985–1986 models
and a six-speed transmission for the 87–92 models. It was a machine exclusively designed for
racing by highly skilled riders.
Models continue, today, to be divided into the sport and utility markets. Sport models are
generally small, light, two-wheel drive vehicles that accelerate quickly, have a manual
transmission and run at speeds up to approximately 80 mph (130 km/h). Utility models are
generally bigger four-wheel drive vehicles with a maximum speed of up to approximately
70 mph (110 km/h). They have the ability to haul small loads on attached racks or small
dump beds. They may also tow small trailers. Due to the different weights, each has
advantages on different types of terrain. Development is seemingly at a standstill with
performance machines, as UTV's and four-wheel-drive utility Quad bike are which are
popular. A popular model is Yamaha's Raptor 700, which features a nearly 700cc four-
stroke engine.
Quad bike Vehicles are a package of different systems that are designed to enrich the
performance and to provide comfort to the driver. Different systems include chassis, steering
system, suspension system, braking system and drive train. All these mentioned systems are
inter-dependent. Failure of a single system or a part may lead to the death of the operator or
driver. Quad bike is also popular for their good aesthetics and their sporty look. Suspension
system of as Quad bike is one of the most critical systems that need to be designed for better
stability and comfort for the operator. Suspension system is generally designed in relationship
with the steering system.


Figure 1.1: Quad bike


Bumper is one of the main parts which are used as protection for passengers from front and
rear collision. Bumpers play an important role in preventing the impact energy from being
transferred to the automobile and passengers. Saving the impact energy in the bumper to be
released in the environment reduces the damages of the automobile and passengers.
Therefore researchers have sought to make bumpers lighter without sacrificing strength,
ability to absorb impact, or passenger safety.

I. Plastic Bumper
Most modern cars use a reinforced thermoplastic bumper, as they are cheap to manufacture,
easy to fit and absorb more energy during a crash. A majority of car bumpers are custom

made for a specific model, so if you are looking to replace a cracked bumper with a similar
one, you would have to buy from a specialist dealer. However, many companies now offer
alternative designs in thermoplastic, with a range of fittings designed for different models.

II. Body Kit Bumper

Modified cars often now have a full body kit rather than just a front and rear bumper. These
kits act as a skirt around the entire body of the car and improve performance by reducing the
amount of air flowing underneath the car and so reducing drag. Due to each car's
specifications, these have to be specially purchased and can be made from thermoplastic, like
a standard bumper, or even out of carbon fiber.

III. Carbon Fiber Bumper

Carbon fiber body work is normally the thing of super-cars, but many car companies, and
specialist modifiers, are starting to use it for replacement body part on everyday cars. This is
because it is very light and is safe during a crash. It is, however, a lot more expensive than
normal thermoplastic.

IV. Steel Bumper

Originally plated steel was used for the entire body of a car, including the bumper. This
material worked well, as it was very strong in a crash, but it was very heavy and dented
performance. As car engine design has improved, steel bumpers have pretty much
disappeared for anything except classic cars. Replacing one involves a lot of searching for
scrap cars or having one specially made.

1.3.2 Standards for bumper

In most jurisdictions, bumpers are legally required on all vehicles. The height and placement
of bumpers may be legally specified as well, to ensure that when vehicles of different heights
are in an accident, the smaller vehicle will not slide under the larger vehicle.

I. International standards:

Under the International safety regulations originally developed as European standards and
now adopted by most countries outside North America, a car's safety systems must still
function normally after a straight-on pendulum or moving-barrier impact of 4 km/h (2.5 mph)
to the front and the rear, and to the front and rear corners of 2.5 km/h (1.6 mph) at 45.5 cm
(18 in) above the ground with the vehicle loaded or unloaded.

Figure 1.2: 3D Model of bumper with frame of Quad Bike 7

Figure 1.3: 3D Model of Quad Bike

II. Indian standards

India is the 10th largest producer of automobiles in the world. The country's attention to
vehicle safety requirements has progressed significantly since the year 2000. More than 35
million vehicles are registered in India. In 1989, the Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR)
became effective and the rules are greatly enforced today. Under Rule 126 of the CMVR,
manufacturers of motor vehicles must allow a separate agency to test prototypes of new
vehicle designs for safety requirements. It is necessary for all vehicles in India to have basic
safety features, such as seat belts, rear-view mirrors and laminated safety glass for
windshields. Also, all vehicles in use must pass a pollution test every six months.

The need to arrest unwanted oscillations from suspension springs dates back to the beginning
of the automobile era. Dampers were introduced between the sprung and unsprung masses to
control these oscillations, with the first primitive “racing” units being installed on the 1906
French Grand Prix Renault. Forces were generated by passing a vane or piston through a
fluid. The 1920’s saw the advent of friction dampers and rotary vane style units. In the early
1930’s, Munroe adapted the telescopic design damper found in aircraft landing gear, for

Automotive application. This design was widely adopted throughout the automotive and
racing industry thus will form the basis of the design presented in this project, (Milliken,
1995). Several different types of telescopic damper exist, dual tube, monotube and monotube
with a floating piston separating oil and gas.

A dashpot is a mechanical device, a damper which resists motion via viscous friction. The
resulting force is proportional to the velocity, but acts in the opposite direction, slowing the
motion and absorbing energy. It is commonly used in conjunction with a spring (which acts
to resist displacement). Two common types of dashpots exist - linear and rotary. Linear
dashpots are generally specified by stroke (amount of linear displacement) and damping
coefficient (force per velocity). Rotary dashpots will have damping coefficients in torque per
angular velocity. A less common type of dashpot is an eddy current damper, which uses a
large magnet inside a tube constructed of a non-magnetic but conducting material (such
as aluminum or copper). Like a common viscous damper, the eddy current damper produces
a resistive force proportional to velocity.

Dashpots frequently use a one-way mechanical bypass to permit fast unrestricted motion in
one direction and slow motion using the dashpot in the opposite direction. This permits, for
example, a door to be opened quickly without added resistance, but then to close slowly using
the dashpot. For hydraulic dashpots this unrestricted motion is accomplished using a one-way
check-valve that allows fluid to bypass the dashpot fluid constriction. Non-hydraulic
dashpots may use a ratcheting gear to permit free motion in one direction.

A dashpot is a common component in a door closer to prevent it from slamming shut. A

spring applies force to close the door, and the dashpot forces fluid to flow through an orifice
between reservoirs (the orifice is often adjustable), which slows the motion of the door.
Consumer electronics often use dashpots where it is undesirable for a media access door or
control panel to suddenly pop open when the door latch is released. The dashpot provides a
steady, gentle motion until the access door has fully opened.

Dashpots are commonly used in dampers and shock absorbers. The hydraulic cylinder in an
automobile shock absorber is a dashpot. They are also used on carburetors, where the return
of the throttle lever is cushioned just before the throttle fully closes, and then is allowed to

Fully close slowly to reduce emissions. The British SU carburetor’s main piston carries a
stepped needle. This needle is held in the fuel flow orifice. The manifold vacuum causes this
piston to rise allowing more fuel into the airflow. The SU's dashpot has a fixed hydraulic
piston, damping the main piston as it moves upward. A valve in the piston disables the
damping as the main piston returns. Large forces and high speeds can be controlled by
dashpots. For example, they are used to arrest the steam catapults on carrier decks.
Relays can be made to have a long delay by utilizing a piston filled with fluid that is allowed
to escape slowly. Electrical switchgear may use dashpots in their over current sensing
mechanism to reduce reaction speed to brief events, thus making them less sensitive to false-
triggering during transients whilst still remaining sensitive to sustained overload. Anti-stall
mechanism in internal combustion engines are aimed to prevent the stalling of engine at low
rpm. Anti-stall mechanisms use Dashpots to arrest the final closing movement of the throttle.


Figure 1.4: Types of damper


In this Era of Automobile manufacturing designers focused on shock absorbing devices and
mechanisms which is also a main safety concern as well as it prevents failure of many critical
and sub-critical components of automobile vehicle which is directly connected to
maintenance cost of our vehicle. A shock absorber or DAMPER is a mechanical or hydraulic
device designed to absorb and damp shock impulses. It does this by converting the kinetic
energy of the shock into another form of energy (typically heat) which is then dissipated.
Most shock, absorbers are a form of dashpot (a damper which resists motion via viscous
One design consideration, when designing or choosing a shock absorber, is where that energy
will go. In most shock absorbers, energy is converted to heat inside the viscous fluid. In
hydraulic cylinders, the hydraulic fluid heats up, while in air cylinders, the hot air is usually
exhausted to the atmosphere. In other types of shock absorber, such as electromagnetic types,
the dissipated energy can be stored and used later. In general terms shock absorbers help
cushion vehicles or uneven roads.
In vehicle, Damper reduces the effect of travelling over rough ground, leading to improved
ride quality and vehicle handling. While damper serves the purpose of limiting excessive
suspension movement, their intended sole purpose is to damp spring oscillations. Damping
rates are chosen by the manufacturers based on weight of the vehicle, loaded or unloaded as
well as energy liberated in shocks.

Figure 1.5: Shock absorber





2.1 Literature Review

Standard homologation procedures require demonstration of vehicle safety test known as

“crash test analysis”. To achieve maximum safety for occupant, also for the pedestrians we
need to do crash worthiness of a vehicle, so Euro NCAP has prescribed various standard
according to which crash test to vehicle have to perform here without considering the whole
vehicle for analysis, only a bumper beam system is taken, to minimize the computational
work and errors. With the help of ANSYS software analysis by using advanced material has
been done effectively.

The program encourages the automotive industries to exceed the minimum requirements for
safety provided by legislation. The vehicles are assessed on free tests, frontal impact, side
impact, pedestrian impact. The frontal impact, the car strikes the offer barrier. The foremost
important element in frontal impacts is the front bumper. The bumper is fixed to the chassis
with crash boxes, Indentations in the crash boxes behind the bumper are designed especially
to absorb the energy released at the moment of collisions. The more energy is used to deform
the beams, the lays of it remains to deform and damages other elements. The bumper its crash
boxes were built and analysis on ANSYS software and finite element analysis.

The paper presents the finite element analysis of the frontal rails of a QUAD BIKE. Front
rails will connect between front bumper and Damper (shock absorber). They are one of the
structural members which will absorb high energy and shocks in frontal impact, so that
impact energy won’t transmit to driver/passengers. A rigid barrier is modelled to collide with
the left frontal rail. The rail is assigned with the steel material. After providing the necessary
interactions and performing meshing, the whole model is run on ANSYS software.

Passenger cars are a major mode of transport in the developed as well as in the developing
countries. Therefore the accidents caused due to passenger cars are also significantly on the
rise. In all type of crash accidents, about 30% of the total numbers of accident are frontal
crash case. Therefore, measures to improve passenger vehicle passive safety performance in
crash to reduce injury and death of passengers during a crash to the maximum has become an
important subject of research.


Denish S. Mevawala et al [1], Decided the BUMPER shapes the basic base as well as a 3-D
shell encompassing the inhabitant who secures the tenant in the event of effect and BUMPER
episodes. The BUMPER additionally adds to the feel of a vehicle. This paper manages plan
of BUMPER for QUAD BIKE and various stacking tests like Front Impact, Side Impact and
rear effect have been led. They have concentrated on each purpose of BUMPER to improve
the exhibition of vehicle without disappointment of BUMPER.
They finished up after the examination that move roll structure for its quality against the
crash from front, back, just as side. Factor of safety is under as far as possible. The BUMPER
is supported 4G power from front just as back and 2G power from side. Be that as it may,
twisting and stresses are under the farthest point

Thanneru Raghu Krishna Prasad et al [2], Planned the casing and suspension of the Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Baja vehicle which is a solitary situated off-road vehicle and
is utilized for rough terrain use and continuance on an unpleasant landscape. In numerous
perspectives it is like an Quad bike (ATV) then again, actually it is a lot littler in size and has
more secure rollover capacities. The displaying of the casing and BUMPER is finished by
utilizing ace e programming. This plan is checked by Finite Element Analysis in the wake of
evaluating the heap and the heaviness of the edge.
They chose that the use of solid works® was extremely supportive to the plan and
investigation of the edge and roll for Mini Baja Car. The limited component investigation
gave an extremely precise expectation of where disappointment would roll in this

Khelan Chaudhari et al. [3], Learned about structure, improvement and creation of the
BUMPER for All - Terrain Vehicle agreement with the rulebook of BAJA 2013 given by
SAE. Material for the BUMPER was chosen on quality, cost and accessibility. The BUMPER
was intended to fuse all the car sub-frameworks. A product model is set up in Pro-engineer.
In light of the outcome acquired from these tests the structure was altered as needs be. After
effectively structuring the BUMPER, it was created.

They reasoned that the structure, improvement and manufacture of the move roll were done
effectively. The BUMPER was utilized to fabricate an ATV by incorporating the various car
frameworks like transmission, roll, directing, brakes and different random components.


Gaurav S. Chimote et al [4], Expressed that the target of their plan and examination of an
ATV was enjoyable to drive, adaptable, protected, and tough and was likewise a superior
rough terrain vehicle. They guaranteed that the vehicle spastics the cut off points of set
standards. Their vehicle was equipped for arranging the most extraordinary territory without
lifting a finger. They met these destinations by partitioning the vehicle into significant
segment subsystems.

They presumed that when undertaking plan of any vehicle there were a few elements to be
viewed as that were basic to all building vehicles.

Puneet Malhotra et al [5], Expressed that their examination was to plan of an All-Terrain
Vehicle (ATV) as per the SAE BAJA 2014 standard book. A definite planning of segments
was completed by them like Roll confine, Suspension and Braking component. The
fundamental focal point of their was on Safety of driver and Stability of vehicle. BUMPER of
their vehicles was planned so that if there should be an occurrence of moving of vehicle
(generally rolls in fast turns and going 4x4 romping that it will give twofold the solidarity to
the BUMPER with additionally thinking about the design of the roll. Global guidelines were
trailed by them any place conceivable and a broad market study was additionally done.
Limited Element Analysis was completed on BUMPER and braking system for ideal safety
and unwavering quality of the vehicle.

Sanjay Sharma et al [6], Expressed that the primary goal of their exploration work was to
discover the mode, shape, and relating common recurrence of a BUMPER for an ATV.
Limited component investigation is utilized to decide the mode shapes and frequencies. They
have planned a BUMPER which comprises of both basic base and 3-D shell which secures
the client if there should arise an occurrence of effect and BUMPER episodes. CATIA V5
was been utilized for demonstrating the BUMPER and ANSYS 14.5 for FEA investigation.
The body state of the move roll was fixed from the front end. The casing of the BUMPER
comprises of three fundamental parts known as boot space, driver lodge and motor chamber.

Tanaka et al [7], Learned about the pressure examination of a truck case with bolted joints
was performed by utilizing FEM. The business limited component bundle ANSYS rendition
5.3 was utilized for the arrangement of the issue. Assurance of the worries of a truck skeleton
before assembling is significant because of the structure improvement. So as to lessen the


size of worry close to the bolted joint of the body outline, side part thickness, association
plate thickness and association plate length were shifted. Numerical outcomes demonstrated
that weights as an afterthought part can be decreased by expanding the side part thickness
locally. On the off chance that the thickness change is beyond the realm of imagination,
expanding the association plate length could be a decent option.

Sumi et al [8], Learned about the qualification for workableness of auxiliary individuals from
marine structures in which weakness breaks may be found during in-administration
examination is researched so as to avert prompt disappointments of boats, just as lost
functionality, for example, the oil-and additionally water tightness of basic compartments.
The basic highlights of exhaustion split engendering and the rest of the existence evaluation
are talked about in the initial segment of the paper, where the impacts of weld occur,
confused pressure disseminations including pressure dual axial at three-dimensional auxiliary
joints, basic excess, and break bending are observed to be of essential significance.

Dong et al [9], Talked about the basic pressure approach, which considers the pressure
increment because of the basic design, permits the weakness quality appraisal of welded ship
structures with different geometries based on a S–N bend curve just on the sort of weld. Be
that as it may, an exceptional definition and the numerical count of the auxiliary burdens are
dangerous, which has brought about the improvement of various variations of the
methodology. These are talked about and contrasted and each other work.

Ferry et al [10], Portrays vehicle on a PC with a multi body elements reproduction

programming bundle and to consolidate that work with physical demonstrating ground and
research centre tests so as to abbreviate vehicle advancement time. The goal is to reflect as
intently as conceivable the conduct of a physical vehicle so as to help with deciding its
strength qualities under fluctuating street conditions. This demonstrating work is significant
on the grounds that, whenever finished with adequate constancy, it very well may be utilized
so as to survey vehicle reactions by utilizing distinctive suspension segments or payloads.
Likewise, potential issues related with vehicle structure, suspension parts or payload situating
can be seen on a PC before performing physical tests. The procedure can possibly decrease
vehicle advancement cost and time. The virtual unique vehicle model has been made by
utilizing Automatic powerful examination of mechanical frameworks (ADAMS)
programming bundle. The determined yields from the model are being contrasted with power


and removal information gathered from real vehicle on-street testing or a servo-water
powered street test system (RTS). The virtual model can be balanced until the determined
reactions are in close concurrence with those of the physical vehicle, consequently
connecting the virtual and certifiable outcomes.

Keiner and Henning[11], comprehended the impact of the different auxiliary individuals on
the torsional firmness of a NASCAR Winston Cup race vehicle suspension. In this work, we
distinguish the affectability of individual auxiliary individuals on the torsional firmness of a
benchmark body. A high affectability worth demonstrates a solid effect on the torsional
solidness and of the general suspension. Results from the affectability investigation are
utilized as a manual for adjust the standard frame with the objective of expanded torsional
firmness and with a base increment in weight and low focus of gravity position. The torsional
firmness of the body with different mixes of included individuals in the front clasp region,
motor inlet, rooftop zone, front window and the zone behind the BUMPER were anticipated
utilizing limited component investigation. Wind point and the rate of progress in turn edge
under torsion is determined at a few stage.

Dhruva Khanzode, Nilay Akre and Akshay Deotale et al [12], an off-road vehicle otherwise
called quad, quad bicycle, three wheeler or four wheeler is characterized by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a vehicle that movements on low weight tires, with a
seat that is straddled by the administrator alongside the handle bars with directing control. A
move enclosure is a skeleton of an ATV. A move confine isn't just structures a structure base
yet in addition a 3D shell encompassing the tenant which secures the inhabitants if there
should be an occurrence of effect and move over. The move confine additionally adds to the
feel of a vehicle. This paper manages structure of move confine for an ATV.

Mahendra H M, B S Praveen Kumar, Puttaswamaiah.S and G.S Prakash [13], The goal of
this theory is to dissect the structure of the Formula SAE move confine both systematic and
by numerical techniques. This examination depends on the dynamic burdens experienced by
the move confine under typical driving conditions, alongside the torsional solidness of the
move confine. A move confine which is torsionally solid empowers an alluring move minute
circulation to be accomplished for good dealing with parity. A move confine which can
assimilate high vitality impacts while controlling the rate of deceleration will improve the
probability of drivers enduring an accident without damage. This work portrays how a typical


model of the move pen is created utilizing catia v5 and Hyper Mesh to permit both direct and
non-straight Finite Element Analysis to be performed by LS-DYNA programming. The
outcomes from this systematic computations will be utilized in future plans of Formula SAE
move confine, with the proposals made that the future structure consolidate focused on
mellow steel and carbon-fiber skins on a rounded space outline. This is in anticipation of a
future semi-monocoque structure. Enhancements for the testing systems incorporate a
requirement for a lighter and increasingly exact vehicle swing arrangement, alongside a
progressively unbending torsional test.

Nagurbabu Noorbhasha et al [14], Baja SAE is an intercollegiate challenge to configuration,

create, and race a little, single traveler, rough terrain vehicle. The goal of the present research
was to improve the structure of move confine in consistence with the rules set by SAE and to
play out the limited component investigation (FEA) for approving the plan. At first, a
fundamental structure of the rollcage was delivered dependent on the guidelines of the
challenge and a 3-D model was produced utilizing CAD. To examine the impacts of pressure
and misshapening on the edge individuals, direct static frontal effect investigation was done
utilizing FEA procedures for various stacking conditions on the move enclosure model . 15 .
Pruthviraj Vitthal Wable This paper includes in detail portrayal of generally speaking plan
contemplations, static and dynamic examination of FSAE move confine. Recipe SAE (FSAE)
rivalries offers a difficult domain where a designing understudy can rehearse and create
different building abilities. This builds the reasonable and application arranged methodology
towards a genuine building. This paper manages the generally speaking of structure technique
of move enclosure of FSAE vehicle from begin to end, just as Finite Elemental Analysis
(static and dynamic) of it. 3D CAD model of move enclosure is made utilizing CREO 2.0
programming and FEA investigation is finished utilizing ANSYS 17.0.

Denish S. Mevawala1, Mahesh P. Sharma2, Devendra A. Pate, Darshan A. Kapadia et al

[16], An off-road vehicle (ATV), otherwise called a quad, quad bicycle, threewheeler, or
four-wheeler, is characterized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a
vehicle that movements on low weight tires, with a seat that is straddled by the administrator,
alongside handlebars for guiding control. A move enclosure is a skeleton of an ATV. The
move confine frames the auxiliary base as well as a 3-D shell encompassing the tenant which
ensures the inhabitant if there should arise an occurrence of effect and move over episodes.


The move confine additionally adds to the feel of a vehicle. So deciding quality necessities
of move confine, stress examination is done utilizing FEA programming Ansys workbench.
This paper manages structure of move confine for an ATV and Various stacking tests like
Front Impact, Side Impact and back effect have been led. The demonstrating and stress
examination is finished by ANSYS programming. We have concentrated on each purpose of
move pen to improve the presentation of vehicle without disappointment of move confine.

Bharat Kumar Sati, Prashi Upreti, Anirudh Tripathi and Shankar Batra et al [17], A move
confine is a skeleton of an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV). The move confine shapes an auxiliary
base and a 3-D shell around the driver. The target of the investigation is to examine and
advance the move pen planned under a lot of specific standards given by Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE). This paper plots static and dynamic examination of the move
confine of ATV. Static examination of the move confine is finished utilizing ANSYS Static
Structural for various impacts like front, side, back and move over. Dynamic investigation of
various accident conditions like head-on, front, side, back and move over of the move pen is
finished utilizing ANSYS Explicit Dynamic. The fundamental target of examination is to
acquire ideal factor of wellbeing which guarantees that the move enclosure of ATV will be
sheltered in all conditions.

Sumi et al [18], learned about the qualification for usefulness of basic individuals from
marine structures in which weakness splits may be found during in-administration review is
examined so as to forestall prompt disappointments of boats, just as lost usefulness, for
example, the oil-or potentially water tightness of basic compartments. The basic highlights of
exhaustion split proliferation and the rest of the existence evaluation are talked about in the
initial segment of the paper, where the impacts of weldment, muddled pressure circulations
including pressure biaxial ties at three-dimensional auxiliary joints, basic repetition, and split
bending are observed to be of essential significance.

Conle and Chu et al [19], looked into writing on weakness investigation of welded joints
principally comprising papers and books distributed during the past 10–15 years. After a
short presentation, the various methodologies for weariness investigations are secured, for
example the ostensible pressure approach, the auxiliary or hotspot stress approach, the indent


Pressure and score power approach, the score strain approach. The break spread
methodology. Just crease welded joints are considered, and not the conduct of spot welds,
which is a very special.eld. Because of the immense measure of significant writing, some
particular regions are left for different surveys or just contacted, for example exhaustion
testing and assessment, weakness stacking and variable plentifulness impacts, ecological
impacts and weakness unwavering quality.

Dave Anderson and Greg Schade et al [20], built up a Multi-Body Dynamic Model of the
Tractor-Semi trailer for ride quality forecast. The concentrates included speaking to the
disseminated mass dispersion of vehicle structures. There were three primary elements were
contributed in the investigation. Right off the bat, the model incorporates edge and other sub
frameworks. Second, the development and connection of the model has been created by FE
steps and Actualized to acquire an adequate level of relationship.

Deweer et al [21], clarified how numerical models as premise to gather or change all sort of
new structures is expanding throughout the most recent year. It has the advantage decreases
the quantity of costly, physical models. These numerical models anyway should be checked
and approved against estimated information. Refreshing is commonly expected to ensure
precise correspondence with reality.

Fermer and Svensson [22], considered the mechanical limited component investigations of
welded structures performed once a day in the car industry. One target is to appraise the
exhaustion quality, which is given for the most part by the quality of the joints. This article
give some understanding into the dimensioning procedure, with exceptional spotlight on
weakness examination of spot welds what's more, crease welds in slight walled vehicle body
structures made of steel. Encounters from day by day use at Volvo Car Corporation,
restrictions of strategies, future and on-going work are talked about.

Dong et al [23], talked about the basic pressure approach, which considers the pressure
increment because of the auxiliary design, permits the exhaustion quality evaluation of
welded ship structures with different geometries based on a S–N bend depending just on the
sort of weld. Be that as it may, a interesting definition and the numerical figuring of the basic
anxieties are tricky, which has brought about the advancement of various variations of the
approach. These are examined and contrasted and each other work.


Berger et al [24], clarified a vehicle controlling knuckle experiences time changing loadings
its administration life and weariness conduct execution assessment. Static and cycling
stacking conduct were determined and examined. The non-direct power strain conduct near
the weld toe was not anticipated what's more, caused a lot of work with the FE-model. Since
additionally the fabricating resilience’s were appeared to impact the estimations, the
confirmation of the FE-model turned out to be very difficult to achieve. The impact of
various parameters, for example, weld geometry, deserts, misalignments, demand powers and
establishment precision of the measures ought to be contemplated further.

Deprez et al [25], talked about rough terrain vehicles exhibit that a part of exertion still must
be put into the structure of powerful seat and lodge suspensions. Inferable from the nonlinear
idea of the suspensions and the utilization of in situ estimations for the advancement, old
style nearby improvement strategies are inclined to stalling out in nearby minima. Along
these lines this paper builds up a strategy for enhancing nonlinear suspension frameworks
dependent on in situ estimations, utilizing the worldwide advancement strategy DIRECT to
dodge nearby minima. Assessment of the solace improvement of the suspension was done
utilizing the target comfort parameters utilized in guidelines. As a test case, the advancement
of a hydro pneumatic component that can fill in as a component of a lodge suspension for
rough terrain apparatus was performed.




3.1 Problems identified

For the manufacturing of Bumper we consider three kinds of material E 250A, AISI 4130 of
quad bike. When go through the analysis of our first material E 250A then it was failing
under the test examination, the test giving factor of safety is less than 1 or we can say on the
border of end point, which is not fulfilling our safety criteria then we have an another option
to select the next material which is AISI 4130.

Now when we analyze this material the challenging part of this material is cost issue, the
costing of this material is 40% higher than the comparison of E 250A, which is not

We try to look forward to build our unit by chipper material for implementing the concept of
modifying bumper for quad bike.

Then we consider Bumper unit which is manufacture by material E 250A and calculate all the
relevant parameters of phase – I and now we see factor of safety of E 250A is almost same as
compare to AISI 4130 then we finalise this material (E 250A) for our Bumper unit.


3.2 Objective

The basic goal our investigation is to reduce the maintenance cost of vehicle and vehicle
component as well as safety of driver and passenger of vehicle. This modified bumper is the
front-most ostensibly designed to allow the quad bike to sustain an impact without damage to
the vehicle's safety systems. They are capable of reducing injury to vehicle occupants in
high-speed impacts, but are increasingly being designed to mitigate injury to pedestrians
struck by quad bike.

There are lots of many types of bumpers available in market but this modified bumper is one
step ahead of all that kind of bumpers in every aspect such as prizing comparison, durability,
service life and withstand on high impact shocks.

Some important beneficiaries of this unit at a glance:-

 To increase impact time, thereby reducing the impact forces, during collision.
 To increase the overall FOS.
 To increase safety of driver.
 To prevent and reduce damage of chassis.
 To absorb more shocks during frontal collisions.
 Cost Reduction.




4.1 Material description of AISI 4130
Alloy steels are designated by AISI four-digit numbers. They are more responsive to
mechanical and heat treatments than carbon steels. They comprise different types of steels
with compositions which exceed the limitations of B, C, Mn, Mo, Ni, Si, Cr, and Va in the
carbon steels.

AISI 4130 alloy steel contains chromium and molybdenum as strengthening agents. It has
low carbon content, and hence it can be welded easily. The datasheet given below provides
more details about AISI 4130 alloy steel.

4.1.1Chemical Composition of AISI 4130

The chemical composition of AISI 4130 alloy steel is listed in the following table:-

Table 1: Chemical composition of AISI 4130

Elements Element Content (%)

Iron Fe 97.03 – 98.22

Chromium Cr 0.80 – 1.10

Manganese Mn 0.40 – 0.60

Carbon C 0.280 – 0.330

Silicon Si 0.15 – 0.25

Molybdenum Mo 0.15 – 0.25

Sulfur S 0.040

Phosphorous P 0.035


4.1.2 Mechanical Properties of AISI 4130
The mechanical properties of AISI 4130 alloy steel are outlined in the following table:-
Table 2: Mechanical Properties of AISI 4130

Properties Range (max)

Imperial tensile Strength 560 MPa
Tensile Strength 460MPa
Modulus of Elasticity 190-210 GPa
Bulk Modulus 140 GPa
Shear Modulus 80 GPa
Poissions ratio 0.27 – 0.30
Elongation 21.50 %

4.2 Material description of E 250A

E 250A is a product standard of Bureau of Indian Standards. It specifies standards for Hot
Rolled Medium and High Tensile Structural Steel. IS E 250A steels are mainly used for
structural purpose.
We manufacture Round Bars conforming to IS E 250A from sizes 20mm to 80mm. Since
they are low carbon steel bars they offer good formability, weld ability and machinability.
Our minimum order quantity per size is 3 metric tone. We can also provide you material in
specific lengths or their multiples so that your wastages can be minimized. We can also do
additional testing such as Magnetic Particle Inspection and UT depending on the requirement
of the customer.
IS E 250A is also a standard which is compulsory for a manufacturer to have in India to
produce Hot Rolled Steel for Medium and High Tensile Structural Purpose. It is issued by
Bureau of Indian standards to companies having the requisite infrastructure and facilities to
manufacture steel as per the IS E 250A specifications.

Broad Specifications of IS E 250A are as follows. Kindly refer to the standards for the exact


4.2.1 Chemical composition % of the Product analysis of grade IS E 250A

Table 3: Chemical composition of IS E 250A

Elements Element Content (%)

Manganese Mn 1.50 max.

Carbon C 0.23 max.

Silicon Si 0.40 max.

Nickel N 0.012 max.

Sulfur S 0.045 max.

Phosphorous P 0.045 max.

4.2.2 Mechanical properties of grade IS E 250A

Table 4: Mechanical properties of IS E 250A

Min Impact
Grade Thickness(mm) Min Yield Tensile Elongation

<20mm Min 250Mpa 410Mpa 23% 0 –

20mm-40mm Min 240Mpa 410Mpa 23% 0 –

>40mm Min 230Mpa 410Mpa 23% 0 –


4.3 Methodology
Methodology to be adopted depends on our approach towards a particular situation and
condition in which experiment is performed. There could be various approaches for the same









Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of methodology adopted




5.1 Mathematical modelling
5.1.1 Material 1st – E 250A Mild Steel.
 Density = 7.87 g/cc
 Poisson Ratio = 0.29
 E = 190 GPa
 Sut = 420 MPa
 Syt = 330 MPa

5.1.2 Material 2nd – AISI 4130 Alloy Steel.

 Density = 7.85 g/cc
 Poisson Ratio = 0.3
 E = 210 GPa
 Sut = 560 MPa
 Syt = 460 MPa

5.2 Analysis parameters

5.2.1 Frame design specification:

 Overall length = 55”

 Overall width = 50”
 Overall Height = 19.2”
 Frame weight = 62 kg
 Shocks weight = 1.2kg*2

5.3 Front impact analysis (phase - I)

5.3.1 Assumptions

 Bike velocity (V) = 80 km/h = 22.22 m/s

 Bike mass (M1) = 220 kg
 Rider mass (M2) = 80 kg
 Total mass (M) = (M1+M2) = 300 kg
 Moment P = M*V
= 300*22.22
= 6.666 kgm/s


 Frontal Impact force

F = P / /\t (/\ = impact time)

= 6.666/1
= 6.666 N
 Quad bike will have max. Of 1.68g force under accident limit.
 Impact force F = 1.68*m*a
= 1.68*300*9.81
= 4944 N
 Values of the forces are practically comparable.
 According to a research body has to pass 6.8g force for extreme worst case collision.
 Static frontal analysis force is calculated as
F = 6.8*m*a
= 6.8*300*9.81
F = 20.021 N approx 20 kN

5.4 Unit Installed (Phase - II)

5.4.1 MTS test results

 Max. Damping force Vavg. = 9.4 m/s

 Fmax. = 940 kg/damper
 Overall damping force = 940*2
= 1880 kgf
 Impact absorbed by unit = 940*9.81
= 9221N
 Force transmitted to chasis = 20.021-9221
= 10.008N
Fn = 10 kN (50%)


5.5 Cost analysis

 We need 58 links for bumper manufacturing, then

 Area of cross section = 1.2056*10^6 mm^2
 Length = 15070 mm + 30% extra = 20 meter
 Price of E 250A is 170 Rs. Per meter, then
 170*20M = 3400/- Rs.
 Price of AISI 4130 is 500 Rs. Per meter, then
 500*20 = 10000/- Rs.

5.5.1Modified bumper unit price

 2 Shock absorber Hero CD Deluxe

New = 1100 each
Used = 600 each
 1200 Rs. For our unit because we used old one.

5.5.2 Bumper frame and installation

 Pipe = E 250A
 Length = 2 meter (Max.)
 Fabrication cost = 550 Rs.
 Total cost = 1750 Rs.

5.5.3 Cost saving = (10000-3400-1750)

= 4850/- Rs.

5.5.4 Weight analysis

 Frame weight withought unit = 62 kg.
 Frame with Unit
Suspension = 1200gm*2 = 2400
Frame = 1500gm
= 3900gm (added)




6.1 Analysis

We are utilizing analysis programming for examination on the bumper that we had structured
and programming variant is ANSYS 19.2 Ansys Inc. Is an American on roll organization
situated in Canonsburg, RollnSylvania. It creates and markets building recreation
programming. Ansys programming is utilised to plan items and semiconductors, just as to
make attachments that test an items sturdiness, temperature appropriation, smooth motion and
electromagnetic properties.

Figure 6.1: Geometry of Quad Bike.


6.1.1 Phase – I analysis (AISI 4130)

Figure 6.2: Deformation plot of quad bike

Figure 6.3: Solver deck view


Figure 6.4: Strain plot AISI 4130

Figure 6.5: Stress analysis AISI 4130


6.1.2 Phase – I analysis (E 250A)

Figure 6.6: Deformation plot E 250A

Figure 6.7: Solver Deck view E 250A


Figure 6.8: Strain Plot E 250A

Figure 6.9: Stress Plot E 250A


6.2 Phase – II analysis (E 250A)

Figure 6.10: Deformation plot ( phase-2 )

Figure 6.11: Solver deck analysis


Figure 6.12: Strain plot (phase -2 )

Figure 6.13: Stress plot (phase - 2 )


6.3 Graph results

Figure 7.1: Graph for Damping Force Characteristics (phase - 1)


Figure 7.2: Graph for damping force characteristics (phase - II)


Figure 7.3: Graph for Damping Force v/s Velocity (Phase - 1)


Figure 7.4: Graph for Damping Force v/s Velocity (phase - 2)


Figure 7.5: Graph for Spring Rates




7.1 Results

Existing bumper system of a Quad bike is modified. The modification is done by

incorporating two suspensions or dampers in the bumper system. Two different materials
were used for analysis. The analysis is done in two phases. First phase consists of analysis of
system without incorporating dampers for both materials. Second phase consists of analysis
with inclusion of dampers in existing system for only one material because increase in FOS
was achieved. Resulting obtained FOS’s are as follows:

Phase 1: (without bumper unit)

 Material 1st = 0.86
 Material 2nd= 1.74
Phase 2: (with bumper unit)
 Material 1st = 1.73

Analysis of cost of both phases is done and it is seen that cost reduction has occurred and it is
by Rs.4850. Analysis of weight for both phases is also shown and it is seen that there is an
increase of 3.9 kg in the overall weight of the system.
Thus we see that the overall FOS of system is increased. As the FOS has increased, the
protection & safety of driver also increases. The chassis is prevented from damaging or
reduction in damage is observed due to installation of bumper unit. The bumper system is
able to absorb more shocks during frontal collisions. Cost reduction is seen in the overall
Table 5: Analysis results


Analysis Phase Parameter Unit
IS2062 (E250A) AISI 4130
Total Deformation Mm 25.537 24.26
Phase - I Vanishes Stress MPa 277.93 264.04
(Without unit
installed) Elastic Strain mm/mm 0.0017 0.0016
FOS - 0.86 1.74
Total Deformation Mm 12.779
Phase - II
Vanishes Stress MPa 139.08
(With Unit Eliminated
Installed) Elastic Strain mm/mm 0.00085
FOS - 1.73




8.1 conclusions

From the study of above analysis we must think about safety of human being because safety
criteria is major concern now a days, but if safety deals with cost reduction initiative than its
a great combination and by the help of this analysis below mentioned concluded results

 This analysis shows the benefits of chipper material (E 250A) over AISI 4130.
 Safety increases around 50% within cost range of project.
 It also reduces sudden impact and shocks.
 Stress concentration distributed over quad bike.
 Additional damping increase vehicle stability.

8.2 Future scope

The purpose of having a bumper on your Quad Bike is very specific. Many people think
that it’s purpose is to prevent or lessen injury severity in a crash. In fact, bumpers are not
considered safety features intended to protect occupants at all. The purpose of bumpers is
to reduce or prevent physical damage to the front and rear of vehicles in low-speed
crashes. The bumpers are designed to protect the hood, trunk, grill, fuel, exhaust and
cooling system. A bumper is a shield that is usually made of steel, aluminium, rubber or
plastic. It absorbs shocks from Quad Bike accidents.

In our modified units, the tendency to absorb shock is tremendously increased from low
speed impact to a high speed impact thereby absorbing almost 50% of the actual impact.

This, in fact, will also help to prevent the injury caused to the rider along with preventing
the damage caused to the frontal part of the vehicle. The modified unit seems to open up a
great space to re explore the design basis of vehicle frame considering the lower strength
thereby saving a huge amount spent on high strength materials.





9.1 References

[1] Mr. Nitin S Motgi, Prof S. B. Naik ; “Impact Analysis Of Front Bumper”; IJETT Vol-
6 No. 5-Dec 2013.

[2] Richard Stolinski, RaaphaelGrzebieta, Brian Fidles; “Vehicle Far-Side Impact

Crashes”; Paper 98-S8-W- 23, Monash University, Clayton Australia.

[3] BengtPipkorn, Hugo Mellander; “Quad Bike Driver Protection at Frontal Impacts up
to 80km/hr”; Paper 05-0102, Sweden.

[4] Adam Herb; “Chassis Engineering”; Berkley Publishing Group, 375 Hudson Street,

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