Personal information
Travel information
What is the main reason for your visit to the UK? Tourism (including visiting family and friends)
What is the main reason for your holiday visit to the Visiting family
Give details of the main purpose of your visit and I WANT TO ATTEND MARRIAGE CEREMONY OF MY
anything else you plan to do on your trip. See SISTER'S SON ON 07/09/2019.ALSO WANT TO SEE
tourist and short stays for more information. LONDON'S TOP DESTINATION TO VISIT AFTER
How long do you intend to stay in the UK? 0 months and 30 days
Personal information
Where do you use this telephone number? For use whilst out of the UK
Select whether this is your home, mobile or work Mobile telephone number
telephone number
Are you able to be contacted by telephone? I can be contacted by telephone call and text
message (SMS)
Passport details
Dependant details
Parent details
Previous employment organisation I have not worked in any of the jobs listed above
How much money do you have in savings (in GBP)? 25560.00 GBP
What is the total amount of money you spend each 10000.00 INR
Family in the UK
Accommodation details
Refused a visa
Refused entry at the border
Refused permission to stay or remain
Refused asylum
New Zealand
European Economic Area (do not include travel
to the UK)
Which countries are part of the European Economic
Area (EEA)?
Other history
At any time have you ever had any of the following, No, I have never had any of these
in the UK or in another country?
Extra information
English language
If your application is successful, there will be I confirm that I understand and accept these
conditions on your visa or leave to remain. This will conditions
include, for example, whether you are able to work
in the UK.
If you stay in the UK without permission:
By sending this application, you confirm that to the best of your knowledge and belief the following is correct:
I understand that the data I have given can be used as set out in the privacy policy
I consent to organisations, including financial institutions, providing information to the Home Office when
requested in relation to this application.
I have discussed with any other applicants that I am acting on behalf of, and confirmed that the contents of the
application are correct and complete.
I agree to the terms and conditions.
I understand that if false information is given, the application can be refused and I may be prosecuted, and, if I am
the applicant, I may be banned from the UK.