TB 4
TB 4
TB 4
ISSN 1817-3047
© IDOSI Publications, 2008
Abstract: In vitro and ex vitro experiments were carried out during 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons and
took some observations until 2007 year on jackfruit plant (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) to detect the
suitable methodology for micro propagating the jackfruit as a pronounced method for using different
explants (apical growth, nodal segments, new leaves and cotyledons) of the available rare plant material
found in Egypt for obtaining a good number of the plants diseases -free suffice for spreading this tree which
have many benefits (fresh, canned or industrial food, therapic purposes, furnitures, …etc). The effects of
sterilizants (ethanol at 70%, HgCl2 at 0.1-0.3% and chlorox at 10-20%) with aid of antioxidants (ascorbic
and citric mixture) and 0.1% Tween 20 on the survival and aseptic explants %, effect of MS medium alone
or with BA at 2 and 5 mg/L., NAA at 0.5 mg/L., kinetin at 0.5 mg/L. and adenine sulphate at 25 mg/L. on
the callus formation and differentiation, the multiplication and the vitrification (hyperhydricity); effect of
MS, ½ MS alone or with NAA at 0.5-2 mg/L., IBA at 0.5-3 mg/L., coumarin at 0.5-1 mg/L. and
paclobutrazol at 0.5-1 mg/L. on the rooting and the vitrification; possibilities of transferring the plantlets
from in vitro to in vivo or ex vitro conditions using different growing media of sand : soil (1:1, v/v), sand :
peat moss (1:1, v/v) and soil : burned rice hull : fibrous sheath of date palm (1:1:1, v/v/v) by studying the
effect of the growing media on the survival plants %, leaf and shoot number/plant and height of the plant;
and effect of the collection dates of the explants (June-July, December-January and from 3 months old
seedlings on September-October), all effects were investigated. The studies revealed that 70% ethanol for 2
min.+0.2% HgCl2 for 5 min.+15% "Clorox" for 15 min. with the antioxidants, was the most effective
sterilization treatment, as it is recorded a good percentages of the survival and aseptic explants at all studied
dates and for all explants types; besides using the explants of apical growth during Dec.-Jan. and for those
of 3 month old seedlings and using the explants of the new leaves during June-July, were achieved the best
significant aspectic and survival explants %. The variant response to the sterilizants between the explants
may be due to the different anatomical structures, especially the surface tissues. MS medium+5 mg/L.
BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L. kin.+25 mg/L. adenine sulphate and explants of apical growth and nodal
segments, were recording significant values of a good callus formation and differentiation, multiplication
and produced the lower significant vitrification %. NAA and kinetin seems to be necessary for callus
formation but raised significantly the vitrification%. The explants collected during Dec.-Jan. and those of 3
months old seedlings gave the best callus formation and differentiation, while those of the seedlings gave
significant values of a good multiplication and less significant vitrification %. Shootlets produced of either
nodal segments or new leaf segments and media of ½ MS+3 mg/L. IBA and ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L.
IBA+1 mg/L. paclobultrazol+1mg/L. coumarin recorded the higher significant rooting and the lower
significant vitrification %. Paclobutrazol seems to be inhibited the vitrificantion, while NAA, coumarin or
IBA seems to be increased it. All growth estimations during the acclimatization were increased with
increase of dates recording these estimations and reached to the maximum values after 3 month of the
planting date, beside, the best growing mixture in the acclimatization was soil : burned rice hull : fibrous
sheath of the date palm.
bulb encloses a smooth, oval, light-brown "seed". There All propagation methods needs aid of hormones
may be 100-500 seeds in a single fruit. The jack fruit (except the grafting) and take more time, efforts and
tree originated at the Western Ghats, spread and more experience except the tissue culture; also, in
cultivated across the world; i.e., in South India, the Egypt, there are not any orchard of the jackfruit to
jackfruit is a popular food ranking next to the mango investigate and test the previous methods, but we can
and banana. Government horticulturists promote the find a rare single tree in the public garden, which
planting of jackfruit tree along high ways, water ways served as ornamental tree; besides, very few nurseries
and rail roads (as Egypt have much of these roads, obtained the seeds by the exportation or from the local
specially at the upper Egypt, where the humic tropical few trees and try to propagate them but the traits were
climate and rich deep soils are fitting for cultivating the failed because of the seedlings needs more cares in their
jackfruit) to add to the country's food supply. growth i.e., plant house, some specific horticultural
In Egypt, the main crop of jackfruit (it bears fruits procedures were not existed and may be unsuitable
during the year) ripen from June to July as the first part climate or soil conditions. So, many problems objected
of this period has lack of the fruit production, which propagation and spread of the jackfruit in Egypt as clear
permit with a good early market and extend during an previously.
ordinary fruit production period, as jackfruits are rare Many investigators studied in vitro propagation
and attractive fruit; and thus, it get a high completion (tissue culture) of the jackfruit, such as Adiga et al. [3]
ability. The crop was about 25-40 large fruits per tree decided that sucrose was a good C source, as cultures
(in India, it may be reach to 150 large fruit per tree) and supplemented with sucrose or sugar at 3 or 4%
consequently, the tree give a good economic fruits. The produced more shoots and GA3 (6 mg/L) promoted
ripe fruits could be cold storage for 3-6 weeks. The fruit shoot length.
has a highly food value; i.e., ripe-fresh pulp contains a Singh et al., [4] mentioned that jackfruit was
good quantities (per 100 g of edible portion) of protein successfully micro propagated by culturing nodal
(1.9 g), fat (0.3 g), carbohydrates (25.4 g), Ca (22 mg), segments on modified MS containing 18 mg/L. BA
P (38 mg), Fe (0.5 mg), Na (2 mg), K (407 mg), (benzyladenine)+0.2 mg/L.IBA (indole-3-butyric acid),
Vitamin A (540 I.U.), Niacin (4 mg) and ascorbic acid the highest number (4-5) of usable shoots was
(10 mg). Fresh seeds are considered to be high in starch developed on nodal segments taken from in vitro-
and good sources of vitamin B1 and B2 . Jackfruits have proliferated shoots by enhancement of auxiliary
a wide uses as follows: the full grown and unripe fruits, branches after 4 subcultures on MS with 2 mg/L.
including the seeds, cooked green and served as a BA+0.2 mg/L. IBA, in vitro grown successful rooted
vegetables; the flesh of the unripe fruit has been canned (58.7%) in half-strength MS with 1 mg/L. IBA, rooted
in brine or with curry, dried and kept in tins, pickled shootlets were hardening (80% success) in sterilized
with spices; The ripe bulbs made into ice cream, mixture of sand+soil and farmyard manure (1:1:1).
chutney, jam, jelly and paste, jackfruit nectar, powder, Rahman [5] assured that a low level or absence of
dried and fried in oil and salted for eating like potato nutrients especially N, in the substrates used for
chips. The seed boiled or roasted and eaten or preserved acclimatization of in vitro rooted plantlets of jackfruit,
in syrup like chestnuts, canned in brine, dried seeds are at least 20 days resulted in significantly more growth
ground to make flour for baking. Tender leaves and and survival of plantlets, while, a nutrient feeding after
young male flower clusters cooked or eaten by cattle. 20 days improved growth and survival of plantlets.
The latex serves as birdlime or household cement. Jack Rajmohan and MohanaKumaran [6] reported that
wood is a good timber and can be exported or is plantlets of jackfruit were hardened by exposure to high
superior to take for furniture as it resembles mahogany. light intensity for 1 week, then transferred to
The seeds and bulbs consider tonic, cooling, nutritious vermiculite medium under 90-100% RH and treated
and overcoming the influence of alcohol; the roots is a with ½ MS salts. The survival rate was 55.6% after 8
remedy for skin diseases. The bark has 3.3% tannins weeks.
made into cloth and cordage. In Egypt, all of the Rajmohan and MohanaKumaran [7] decided that
previous uses could be practice or applied to obtain light regime of darkness in the establishment stage for 4
many benefits. "Safeda", "Khaja" and "Handia" are the weeks only was necessary for the successful
most important varieties. In the tropical and sub- micropropagation of jackfruit.
tropical areas, the jackfruit could be propagated by the Ziv et al. [8] indicated that growth retardants
seeds, budding, inarching, air layers, cutting of young increased rapid growth, shortened stems, inhibited leaf
wood and tissue culture [1]. Also, the jackfruit tree expansion and formation of clusters. Hazarika [9]
could be bearing fruits twice yearly [2] and hence give reported that paclobutrazol (0.5-4 mg/L.) in the rooting
an economic crop. medium reduced stomatal apertures and wilting after
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
transfer to compost, increased epicuticular wax, • Individual jackfruit tree growing at El-Zohereia
shortened stems, chlorophyll content and thickened garden, Cairo governorate, as it believes that these
roots. Chen and Ziv [10] stated that plant growth trees belong or native to kapa type of jackfruit (the
retardants affect cell division and cell enlargement, fruits have thick peel, firm to crisp flesh, high
probably by interfering with gibberellin biosynthesis, quality with less aroma and cut open with a knife).
the growth retardants used in liquid cultures to • Seedlings at age of three months (recommended by
overcome hyperhydric malformation or vitrification. Rajmohan and MohanaKumaran, [7]), where it
This phenomenon made vegetative shoots soft, glassy, noticed in this trial that the seedlings had old of
translucent water retention in organs during more than 3 months had more woody tissues
differentiation and proliferation stages and succulent neared to the tissues of the adult trees. These
appearance that can result in cultures deteriorate and Seedlings produced from the extracted seeds of the
fail to proliferate. It may be attributed to inhibition of collected fruits of the previous trees and cultivated
lignin and cellulose synthesis, excess water uptake and and growing at a special farm at Kerdasa region,
effect of some growth regulators (NAA). Giza governorate.
Yanes-Paz et al. [11] indicated that treatment with 5
mg/L. fertilizer combi II+GA 3 at 100 mg/L. provoked a The explants of the tree were collected on June-
homogeneous and significant increment of pineapple July and December-January of 2004 and 2005. The
plantlet's growth. used explants were the cotyledons of the fresh seeds
This study aimed to investigate the tissue culture collected during June-to-July of 2004 and 2005
technique as a pronounced method for propagation of years; also, the apical growth without leaves (5-10
the jack fruit and reach to a good in vitro propagation mm), nodal segments (10-15 mm) and new leaf's
methods recommended for the jackfruit's propagation segments, which collected from the seedlings at age of
which are producing a higher numbers and free diseases 3 months during the period of September-to-October
plantlets, that permit with spread of the jackfruit in of 2004 and 2005 years and collected from the current
Egypt to add many yield and resources to our country shoots of the tree during both of the period of June-to-
and open the door to import an important cultivars and July and the period of December-to-January of 2004
micropropagation of them. Also, the tissue culture and 2005 years. The used seedlings were produced
technique was more fitted for using of the lowest by cultivating the fresh seeds collected during June-July
amount of the plant material-found in Egypt-for the of 2004 and 2005.
propagation and it permit with use many parts of a rare
single tree in Egypt (seed, …, leave and current shoots) Nutrient medium: The basal nutrient medium was
during the year, hence, this technique could be reach to Murashige and Skoog [12] medium, pH was adjusted to
the highest number of the propagated plant on the 5.7±0.1 after preparation of the medium, adding 30 g.
opposite to the traditional methods (cutting, …etc.) sucrose/L. and 100 mg/L. myo-inositol before the
The ultimate goal of this study is to find out the best addition of agar (6.0 g/L.), cooking the medium,
possibilities procedures of sterilization, establishment, distributing into culture jars (200 ml), each jar
multiplication, elongation, rooting and acclimatization contained 35 ml of the cooked medium, capping with
of jackfruit under Egyptian conditions. polypropylene closure and autoclaved at 121o C and 15
Ib/in 2 for 20 min. All autoclaved culture jars were
MATERIALS AND METHODS incubated at 27±2o C. Growth regulators were
supplemented with the previous basal medium before
This work was carried out at the Plant Tissue adjusting pH.
culture laboratory and the greenhouse of the Pomology
Dept., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., to detect the suitable The sterilization experiment: To evaluate effect of
methodology for micropropagating the jackfruit trees, some sterilizants on percentage of the explants survival
during the period from 2004-2007. (percentage of alive explants) and percentage of non-
contaminated explants. The previous mentioned
Plant materials (source of explants), explant types explants were washed by tap water followed by a
and date of the culture: The plant materials used for solution of soap for 3 min and 5 min under distilled
obtaining the explants included the following: water, the half number of each type of the explants
were soaked in antioxidants (100 mg/L. citric and 150
• Individual jackfruit trees were growing at the mg/L. ascorbic) solution for 2 hours, then soaked under
Botanical (plant) garden at Aswan governorate. aspectic conditions in the sterilizants solution with few
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
drops (0.1%) tween-20, the sterilization treatments weeks and repeatedly sub cultured at least 2 times.
included the following: Callused explants and multiplicated shootlets were
repeatedly subcultured onto the same media for 2 times
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 0.1% mercuric at least. Also, the explants of apical growth, nodal segments
chloride (HgCl2 ) for 10 min. and leaf segments have taken from these shootlets and
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 0.2% HgCl2 for 5 cultured onto the same media. Data in averages have taken
min. for each estimation after 2 repeated subcultures at least
• 0.3% HgCl2 for 3 min., (1.5 month) as data were photographed and recorded
for each explant's type as follows: callused explants
• 0.3% HgCl2 for 5 min.,
percentage, number of shootlets/callused explant,
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 10% Clorox
diameter of callus (cm) and number of shootlets/
(5.25%NaOCl) for 10 min.
explants of shootlet of the callused explants, shootlet's
• 70% ethanol for 2 min, then 10% Clorox for 15
length (cm), number of leaves/shootlet and hyperhydric
shootlet's percentage.
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 15% Clorox for 10
Rooting experiments: Firstly, hyperhydric shootlet's
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 15% Clorox for 15 percentages were recorded in this experiment. The
min. rooting experiments included the following two
• 20% Clorox for 5 min. experiments:
• 20% Clorox for 10 min.
• 70% ethanol for 2 min. Effect of IBA and NAA on the rooting stage:
• 70% ethanol for 5 min. Multiplicated shootlets produced from the previous
• 70% ethanol for 2 min., then 0.2% HgCl2 for 5 experiments were separated into individual shootlets
min. and 15% Clorox for 15 min. groups, in according to the explants produced them and
cultured onto the following rooting media:
After sterilization, explants were rinsed in a
sterilized distilled water 3 times, cultured individually • ½ MS.
into culture jars containing MS basal medium and • ½ MS+1 mg / L. IBA
incubated for 2 weeks at 25±2o C and 16 hr illumination • ½ MS+3 mg/L. IBA.
of 2000 lux (white fluorescent lamps). Data have taken • ½ MS+0.5 mg / L. IBA.
at end of the experiment (10-15 days). • ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA
• ½ MS+0.5 mg / L. NAA
Callus formation and differentiation, multiplication,
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA
elongation and vitrification phenomenon as affected
• ½ MS+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L. IBA.
by the different media: The recovered explants of
each explant's type (sterilized or aseptic and alive or • ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA
survival explants) have been cultured individually into • ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA.
jars (150 ml.) containing 40 ml. of the following media: • MS.
experiment; the shootlets were cultured onto the at the end of these 3 weeks; after one month of
following media: recovering the plantlets, the acclimatized plants were
transplanted into perforated black plastic bags
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. coumarin. (15x25 cm) filled with the previous growing media.
• ½ MS+0.5 mg/L. coumarin. Plants were irrigated at 3 days intervals with tap water
• ½ Ms+1 mg/L. paclobultrazol. containing 0.1% benlate and ½ MS salts; plants were
• ½ MS+0.5 mg/L. paclobutrazol. sprayed at 3 weeks intervals with a solution containing
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. "kirstalon" (NPK fertilizer at 19-19-19) at the rate of
coumarin. 0.5 g/L., also Fe and Mg were applied to the solution at
the rate of 0.1 g/L. for each element and a wetting agent
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L.
was added to the solution; plants were grown under
the previous greenhouse conditions for 3 months. In
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L.
all ex vitro (in vivo) experiments, each treatment
paclobutrazol. consisted of 3 replicates with 10 plants for each
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L. replicate (one plant for pot).
paclobutrazol. At the end of this experiment (3 months after
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. acclimatization), samples have taken for the anatomical
Coumarin. studies and at 0, 1, 2 and 3 months of acclimatization,
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L. the following parameters were estimated on the
Coumarin. acclimatized plants as follows: survival percentage of
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. the acclimatized plants, leaves number/plant, shoot
paclobutrazol. number/plant and height (cm) of the vegetative growth.
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L.
paclobutrazol. The experimental design and the statistical analysis:
• ½MS+1mg/L. NAA+1mg/L. IBA+1mg/L. All experiments were conducted using a completely
coumarin + 1mg/L. paclobutrazol. randomized design. Three replicates were used in each
• ½ MS+1 mg/L. NAA+1 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L. treatment; each replicate included 5 explants for in vitro
coumarin+0.5 mg/L. paclo. experiments and included 10 plantlets for in vivo
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. acclimatization experiments; also, each experiment was
coumarin+1 mg/L. paclo. repeated at least twice. All data were averaged and
• ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+0.5 mg/L. differences among the means of the different treatments
coumarin+0.5 mg/L. paclo. were compared using the L. S. D. test as described by
Steel and Torrie [13]. In the case of percentages, the
The same previous data in the first rooting original data were firstly arcsine-transformed prior to
experiment were recorded at the end of this experiment the statistical analysis.
(1.5 month) and after at least 2 repeated subcultured
Acclimatization experiment: Rooted plantlets (5-8 cm Firstly, some observations have taken as the
length with 3-4 leave produced in vitro ) were washed following:
thoroughly with tap water 3 times to remove all traces
of agar, then immersed in a fungicide vitafax (0.1% for • Indirect organogenesis seems to be dominant in
3 min.) and cultured individually in a perforated black this trial and the direct organogenesis have not
plastic pots (8 cm) filled with one of the following observed in an ex vitro explants,on the opposite of
sterilized growing media (v/v): a-Sand : soil (1:1). b- an in vitro explants.
Sand : peat (1:1). and c-Soil : burned rice hull : fibrous • An embryogenesis phenomenon have not observed
sheath of date palm (1:1:1); covered with transparent at all during all in vitro stages.
plastic sheets (which were punched up 3cm from two • Vitrification phenomenon have found during all in
sides) and grown under the following greenhouse vitro stages except the sterilization experiment.
conditions : light intensity at about 1500 Lux for 16 • The explants devoided of the callus still alive, but
hours per day were provided by white fluorescent without any growth.
lamps, the temperature of about 28±2o C, high relative • The formed callus was hard or compact type.
humidity using white polyethylene bags for 3 week to
maintain humidity over plantlets and were irrigated by The acclimatized seedlings produced of in vitro
saturation twice during the 3 weeks after transplanting. culture seems to be sharply influenced by Giza
The transparent plastic sheets were completely removed governorate conditions (Kerdasa), as they are dried and
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
burned at the winter conditions, especially the current the treatment of 70% ethanol for 2 minutes+10%
shoot tips; so, it is recommended by cultivating these Clorox for 10 minutes recorded the lower significant
seedlings under the protected or covered conditions in values of the aseptic explants (10% for the two seasons)
the winter for 2 years at least. and recorded the higher significant values of alive
explants (92.37 and 88.25% for the first and the second
Sterilization experiment: The effect of sterilizants, season, respectively). The action of HgCl2 may be due
type of explants and anti-oxidants on the survival and to the known effect of HgCl2 in lysis of microbial cells
aseptic explant percentages for June-July cultures is or reaction with thiol groups in the microbial enzymes,
shown in Table 1. It is obvious that the new leaves as well as the chlorox have a known effect as a
explants with anti-oxidant treatment had the superior powerful antimicrobial agent [14]. There are significant
value of aseptic explants (72.15%), while the nodal differences between the explant used in response to the
segments explants without anti-oxidants had the lowest sterilization treatments, these differences may be due to
significant value (43.65%). Concerning the survival that they have a variant anatomical structures,
explants percentages, the nodal segment explants with especially the surface tissues. So all treatments of
anti-oxidants had the highest significant value HgCl2 gave the higher significant values of the aseptic
(80.92%), while the new leaves explants without anti- explants %, but they have injured the explant's tissues
oxidants had the lowest significant value (33.72%). The and consequently gave the lower significant values of
others explants with or without anti-oxidants produced the alive explants %. On the other hand, the treatments
intermediate values with significant differences among of a relatively higher concentrations of chlorox gave a
them. Referring to the effect of sterilizants used, data good values due to the previous known effect of
cleared that the treatment of 0.3% HgCl2 for 5 minutes "Chlorox". In this respect, it could be recommended
achieved the higher significant values of the aseptic with the treatment of 70% ethanol for 2 minutes+0.2%
explants (100 and 95% for the first and the second HgCl2 for 5 minutes+15% "Clorox" for 15 minutes, as a
seasons, respectively) and recorded the lower good treatment recorded a satisfied results of both the
significant values of alive explants (27.62 and 20% for aseptic and the survival explants percentages as shown
the first and the second season, respectively), whilst, in Table 1. The interactions between the different
Table 1: Effect of the sterilizants, type of the explants, seasons and the anti - oxidants on percentages of the survival (alive) and non -contaminated (aseptic) explants of the jackfruit trees, collected on June-July of
2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S 2) seasons
Type of exps. (exps.) Apical growth (5 -10 mm) without leaves Nodal segments (10 -15 mm) New leaves segments Cotyledons segments
------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Anti-oxidants treatment (A trs.) + - + - + - + - AVs.
Measurements ------------------- ----------------------- ------------------ -------------------- ---------------- ----------- ------- ----------------- ------------------ --------------------
Sterilization treatments (S. trs.) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Asept. Alive
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 66 100 60 73 53 100 47 73 73 87 66 73 53 80 60 60 59.75 80.75
0.1% HgCl2 for 10 min. S2 60 100 53 66 53 93 47 66 73 93 60 66 60 80 66 60 59.00 78.00
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 73 93 80 66 73 87 73 60 93 80 87 60 66 60 73 47 77.25 69.12
0.2% HgCl2 for 5 min. S2 80 93 73 60 73 93 66 60 93 80 80 60 66 66 66 40 74.62 69.00
0.3% HgCl2 for 3 min. S1 100 53 100 33 100 60 93 40 100 40 100 20 100 47 100 40 99.12 41.62
S2 93 47 100 33 93 53 87 27 100 40 100 13 100 47 100 33 96.62 37.87
0.3% HgCl2 for 5 min. S1 100 33 100 27 100 40 100 27 100 27 100 7 100 33 100 27 100.00 27.62
S2 93 27 100 20 87 33 80 20 100 20 100 0 100 27 100 13 95.00 20.00
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 13 100 13 93 20 100 7 100 20 87 7 66 0 100 0 93 10.00 92.37
10% Clorox for 10 min. S2 13 93 13 87 20 93 7 93 20 87 7 66 0 100 0 87 10.00 88.25
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 33 93 27 73 33 93 20 87 40 66 27 53 20 100 20 73 27.50 79.75
10 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 27 93 33 66 27 93 13 80 47 53 33 47 27 93 27 66 29.25 73.87
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 47 80 33 60 53 87 27 66 60 53 40 40 33 80 27 53 40.00 64.87
15 % Clorox for 10 min. S2 47 73 40 60 53 80 27 66 53 53 47 33 40 80 27 60 41.75 63.12
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 73 73 53 47 66 80 40 66 73 47 60 33 53 73 33 47 56.37 58.25
15 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 73 66 60 47 60 73 47 53 66 40 66 20 60 66 40 40 59.00 50.62
20 % Clorox for 5 min. S1 73 60 66 33 60 73 47 53 93 33 80 20 53 60 33 33 63.12 45.62
S2 66 53 60 40 60 73 47 53 93 33 87 13 53 60 27 40 61.62 45.62
20 % Clorox for 10 min. S1 93 47 80 27 73 53 53 40 100 20 93 7 73 33 53 20 77.25 30.87
S2 93 40 80 20 73 47 47 33 93 13 100 0 80 27 60 13 78.25 24.12
70% ethanol for 2 min. S1 27 93 13 100 0 100 0 100 33 53 40 40 13 13 0 0 15.75 62.37
S2 20 93 7 100 0 100 0 100 40 60 47 40 7 13 0 0 15.12 63.25
70% ethanol for 5 min. S1 33 80 20 93 0 100 0 100 60 40 47 27 20 0 0 0 22.50 55.00
S2 27 87 13 93 0 100 0 93 53 40 53 20 13 0 0 0 19.87 54.12
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 100 87 100 66 87 100 60 100 100 53 100 33 100 66 100 47 93.37 69.00
0.2 HgCl 2 for 5 min. S2 100 93 100 60 93 100 53 93 100 47 100 20 100 60 100 33 93.25 63.25
+15% Clorox for 15 min.
AVs. S1 63.92 76.31 57.31 60.85 55.23 82.54 43.61 70.15 72.69 52.77 65.15 36.84 52.61 57.31 46.08 41.54 57.07 59.78
S2 60.92 73.69 56.31 57.84 53.23 79.31 43.69 64.38 71.61 50.69 67.69 30.61 54.31 55.31 47.15 37.31 56.41 56.24
General Avs. 62.42 75.00 56.81 59.34 54.23 80.92 43.65 67.26 72.15 51.73 66.42 33.72 53.46 56.31 46.61 39.42 56.74 58.01
LSD (0.05)
Trs S1 18.667 28.731 23.531 25.471 18.806 24.110 18.660 25.136 25.901 19.166 35.148 19.816 18.461 25.281 19.386 24.190 27.943 29.617
S2 15.031 26.915 22.816 24.650 16.510 23.411 19.015 23.510 24.760 18.506 28.990 22.112 19.912 28.566 23.766 22.417 28.251 28.840
Seasons 4.610 3.823 2.391 4.893 2.795 3.795 0.160 8.196 2.658 3.462 2.956 7.676 2.959 3.164 1.890 5.603 1.408 4.005
Seasons x Trs. 19.658 29.530 23.882 26.719 20.158 24.907 19.715 25.819 26.382 20.159 32.463 22.510 20.864 30.185 24.361 25.174 29.218 30.390
Trs. x S. x Anti. Oxid. (Alive) = 28.363 26.318 22.864 28.226 -
Trs. X S. x Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 22.916 21.581 31.164 23.568 -
Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 17.993 and Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Alive) = 19.268
1: Asept. %, 2: Alive %
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 2: Effect of the sterilizants, type of the explants, seasons and the anti-oxidants on percentages of the survival (alive) and non-contaminated (aseptic) vegetative explants of the jackfruit trees, collected on December-Januaryof
2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S 2) seasons
Type of exps. (exps.) Apical growth (5 -10 mm) without leaves Nodal segments (10-15 mm) New leaves segments
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
Anti-oxidants treatment (A trs.) + - + - + - AVs.
Measurements ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------
Sterilization treatments (S. trs.) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Asep t. Alive
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 73 100 66 87 53 93 40 66 80 33 73 13 64.17 65.33
0.1% HgCl2 for 10 min. S2 66 100 60 73 47 87 33 66 87 27 73 13 61.08 61.00
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 80 100 80 66 66 80 60 53 100 27 93 13 79.83 56.50
0.2% HgCl2 for 5 mi n. S2 80 93 80 60 66 87 66 60 93 20 87 7 78.67 54.50
0.3% HgCl2 for 3 min. S1 100 53 100 47 93 66 93 47 100 7 100 0 97.67 36.67
S2 100 53 100 40 93 60 100 33 100 0 100 0 98.83 31.00
0.3% HgCl2 for 5 min. S1 100 33 100 33 87 33 80 20 100 0 100 0 94.50 19.83
S2 100 33 100 27 93 27 93 20 100 0 100 0 97.67 17.83
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 27 100 20 100 13 80 0 93 27 27 13 13 16.67 68.83
10% Clorox for 10 min. S2 27 100 27 93 13 93 0 93 33 27 13 7 18.83 68.83
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 33 100 33 73 20 93 13 73 53 13 40 7 32.00 59.83
10 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 33 93 27 66 27 87 13 80 66 13 40 7 34.33 57.67
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 53 80 40 66 47 80 20 60 73 13 53 7 47.67 51.00
15 % Clorox for 10 min. S2 47 80 40 60 53 73 27 60 66 13 53 13 47.67 49.83
70% eth anol for 2 min.+ S1 80 66 60 47 60 73 33 66 80 26 73 7 64.33 47.50
15 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 73 66 60 53 60 80 40 60 73 20 66 0 62.00 46.50
20 % Clorox for 5 min. S1 73 60 66 40 60 66 40 47 100 7 93 0 72.00 52.17
S2 73 66 66 40 53 73 40 53 100 7 93 0 70.83 39.83
20 % Clorox for 10 min. S1 100 53 93 33 66 47 47 33 100 7 100 0 84.33 28.83
S2 100 47 80 27 60 47 40 33 100 0 100 0 80.00 25.67
70% ethanol for 2 min. S1 27 100 13 100 0 93 0 93 47 7 53 7 23.33 66.67
S2 20 93 13 100 0 100 0 87 53 13 60 7 24.33 66.67
70% ethanol for 5 min. S1 33 87 20 100 0 93 0 87 73 7 53 7 29.83 63.50
S2 33 93 20 93 0 93 0 87 66 7 60 0 29.83 62.17
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 100 93 100 66 80 93 53 93 100 27 100 13 88.83 64.17
0.2 HgCl 2 for 5 min.+ S2 100 100 100 73 87 100 47 87 100 20 100 13 89.00 65.50
15% Clorox for 15 min.
AVs. S1 67.61 78.85 60.85 66.0 49.61 76.15 36.85 63.92 79.46 15.46 72.61 6.69 61.17 52.37
S2 65.54 78.23 59.46 61.92 50.15 77.46 38.38 63.00 79.77 12.85 72.69 5.15 61.00 49.77
General Avs. 66.57 78.54 60.15 63.96 49.88 76.80 37.61 63.46 79.61 14.15 72.65 5.92 61.08 51.07
LSD (0.05)
Trs S1 24.626 29.718 25.816 24.518 19.396 29.416 18.015 25.213 30.419 28.619 38.126 6.614 27.861 30.485
S2 26.116 30.111 26.116 25.367 22.541 30.175 18.864 26.061 32.006 24.118 39.293 6.218 27.516 29.836
Seasons 3.015 1.001 2.182 7.631 2.010 1.884 2.458 1.229 0.815 5.316 0.369 1.637 28.011 30.935
Seasons x Trs. 26.415 30.861 26.314 26.358 31.390 30.195 18.985 26.917 31.519 26.780 39.009 6.792
Trs. x S. x Anti. Oxid. (Alive) = 25.680 27.395 5.806 -
Trs. X S. x Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 26.041 20.618 35.114 -
Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 10.035 and Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Alive) = 28.318
1: Asept. %, 2: Alive %
Table 3: Effect of the sterilizants, type of the explants, seasons and the anti-oxidants on percentages of the survival (alive) and non-contaminated (aseptic) vegetative explants of the jackfruit seedlings of 3 month old, collected on
September-October of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Type of exps. (exps.) Apical growth (5 -10 mm) without leaves Nodal segments (10 -15 mm) New leaves segments
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Anti-oxidants treatment (A trs.) + - + - + - AVs.
Measurements ------------------------ ----------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
Sterilization treatments (S. trs.) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Asept. Alive
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 73 100 66 80 60 100 53 66 80 93 60 73 65.33 85.33
0.1% HgCl2 for 10 min. S2 66 100 66 73 53 100 47 60 73 93 66 73 61.83 83.17
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 80 100 87 73 80 93 73 53 100 87 87 66 84.50 78.67
0.2% HgCl2 for 5 min. S2 80 93 80 66 73 100 66 60 93 80 93 60 80.83 76.50
0.3% HgCl2 for 3 min. S1 100 53 100 40 100 53 93 33 100 47 100 20 98.83 41.00
S2 100 53 100 33 100 60 93 27 100 40 100 20 98.83 38.83
0.3% HgCl2 for 5 min. S1 100 33 100 27 100 40 93 27 100 20 100 0 98.83 24.50
S2 100 40 100 27 93 40 87 33 100 20 100 0 96.67 26.67
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 20 100 20 93 27 100 7 100 20 80 0 60 15.67 88.83
10% Clorox for 10 min. S2 20 100 13 100 20 100 0 100 20 87 7 66 13.33 92.17
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 33 100 27 66 33 100 20 80 40 60 33 53 31.00 76.50
10 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 33 93 20 66 33 93 20 87 47 60 33 60 31.00 76.50
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 53 80 33 53 60 87 33 60 60 60 47 40 47.67 63.33
15 % Clorox for 10 min. S2 47 87 40 60 53 87 27 73 60 53 40 40 44.50 66.67
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 80 80 53 40 66 80 47 53 66 53 66 27 63.00 55.50
15 % Clorox for 15 min. S2 73 73 53 47 66 73 40 66 73 47 66 33 61.83 56.50
20 % Clorox for 5 min. S1 66 60 60 40 66 73 53 53 100 40 87 20 72.00 47.67
S2 73 60 66 40 60 80 47 60 93 33 80 20 69.83 48.83
20 % Clorox for 10 min. S1 100 53 80 20 80 53 53 33 100 13 100 0 85.50 28.67
S2 93 47 73 27 73 60 53 33 100 13 100 0 82.00 30.00
70% ethanol for 2 min. S1 27 100 7 100 0 100 0 100 40 60 47 40 20.17 83.33
S2 27 93 13 93 0 100 0 100 40 60 47 40 21.17 81.00
70% ethanol for 5 min. S1 27 87 13 87 0 100 0 100 60 40 53 33 25.50 74.50
S2 33 87 13 93 0 100 0 100 60 40 53 27 26.50 74.50
70% ethanol for 2 min.+ S1 100 93 100 73 93 100 66 100 100 53 100 33 93.17 75.33
0.2 HgCl 2 for 5 min.+ S2 100 93 100 66 100 100 60 100 100 53 100 33 93.33 74.17
15% Clorox for 15 min.
AVs. S1 66.08 79.92 57.38 60.92 58.84 83.00 45.46 66.00 74.31 54.31 67.69 35.77 61.63 63.32
S2 65.00 78.38 56.69 60.84 55.69 84.08 41.54 69.15 73.77 52.23 68.08 36.31 60.13 63.50
General Avs. 65.54 79.15 57.03 60.88 57.26 83.54 43.50 67.57 74.04 53.27 67.88 36.04 60.88 63.41
LSD (0.05)
Trs S1 30.618 33.361 18.018 18.256 26.301 32.008 21.181 28.511 18.812 23.906 31.550 18.706 25.106 24.641
S2 15.781 19.152 21.990 17.100 23.666 34.150 16.996 29.703 17.256 22.417 32.312 19.170 22.015 25.815
Seasons 1.408 1.900 1.001 0.052 4.590 1.808 5.062 3.905 1.669 3.055 1.228 1.339 1.718 0.810
Seasons x Trs. 27.310 22.155 20.819 18.390 25.382 34.592 20.212 29.806 18.793 24.351 32.757 19.883 24.110 25.609
Trs. x S. x Anti. Oxid. (Alive) = 20.347 30.416 21.390
Trs. X S. x Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 23.482 23.173 30.099
Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Asept.) = 20.909 and Exps. X Anti-oxid. (Alive) = 17.00
1: Asept. %, 2: Alive %
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
studied factors revealed the same previous trends as Callus formation and differentiation: Data
shown in the table. Data presented in Table 2 and 3 represented in Table 4 and Fig. 1 revealed that explants
almostly showed the same previous trends (Table 1), of the apical growth gave the highest value of callused
with exceptions of the treatment of 0.3% HgCl2 for 3 explants (16.66%), followed by the nodal segments
minutes gave the higher significant values of the aseptic (14.42%) and without significant difference in between.
explants and the apical growth explants with anti- On the contrary, explants of cotyledons segments gave
oxidants recorded the highest significant value of the the lowest significant value (0%). On the other hand,
alive explants. According to the previous results, it explants of the nodal segments recorded the higher
could be recommended with using either the apical values of the number of shootlets/callused explant
growth explants in December-January and for 3 month (2.59) and the callus diameter (0.57 cm), while explants
old seedlings of jackfruit or using new leaves explants of cotyledons segments gave the lowest significant
in June-July, also using the anti-oxidants beside the values (zero), regardless the media.
previous recommended sterilization treatment for Considering the media, regardless the explants:
obtaining a satisfied results in sterilizing the jackfruit's media devoided of NAA and kinetin failed to from any
explants. callus. Besides, MS medium+2 mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L.
There were a significant differences between the NAA+0.5 mg/L. kinetin produced the higher significant
explants used in response to the sterilization values of both the callused explants (30 and 33.25% for
treatments,these differences may be due to a variant the first and the second season, respectively) and the
their anatomical structures,specially the surface tissues. callus diameter (1.05 and 1.02 cm for the first and the
These results were in harmony with those second season, respectively) and considered the
obtained by Chavan et al. [15] who mentioned that recommended medium, besides MS medium+5 mg/L.
HgCl2 at 0 .2% for 4 minutes or at 0.1% for 10 BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L. kinetin+25 mg/L.
minutes gave a good aseptic establishment of 10-20 Adenine sulphate showed the higher significant values
mm explants of jackfruit axillary buds and shoot tips. of the number of shootlets/callused explant (5.97 for the
In the same subject. Aydieh et al. [16] assured that two studied seasons). The interaction effect between the
soaking pineapple explants in Na O Cl 1% for 20 explants and the media indicated the same previous
min., HgCl2 0.1% for 30 second and ethanol 70% trends. Data presented in Table 6 showed the same
for 5 second resulted in totally microbial-free previous trends, while those presented in Table 5
explants. followed the same previous trends, except that explants
Fig. 1: Callus formation and shootlets regenerated and proliferated on the callus produced on MS medium+2 mg/L.
BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L. Kinetin+25 mg/L. Adenine sulphate: A: nodular segments explants
collected on Dec.-Jan., B: nodal segments explants of 3 months old seedlings and C: nodular segments
explants collected on June-July
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 4: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on the callused explants percentages (A), number of shootlets / callused explant (B) and callus diameter (cm) (c) of the recovered explants of the jackfruit trees, co llected on
June-July of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves (5-10 mm) Nodal segments (10 -15 mm) New leaves segments Cotyledons segments AVs.
Measurements --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
MS. S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+5 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 47 3.1 1.1 40 3.9 1.6 33 2.8 1.5 0 0 0 30.00 2.45 1.05
0.5 kinetin (kin.) S2 53 3.7 0.9 40 4.2 1.9 40 3.8 1.3 0 0 0 33.25 2.92 1.02
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 33 1.5 1.0 27 1.8 1.2 20 1.3 1.1 0 0 0 20.00 1.15 0.80
0.5 kin. S2 27 1.7 1.1 33 2.0 1.1 27 1.4 0.9 0 0 0 21.75 1.02 0.77
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 20 6.9 1.3 20 9.7 0.9 13 7.3 0.9 0 0 0 13.25 5.97 0.77
0.5 kin.+25 Adenine sulphate S2 20 7.5 1.2 13 9.5 1.2 13 6.9 1.0 0 0 0 11.50 5.97 0.85
AVS. S1 16.66 1.92 0.57 14.50 2.57 0.62 11.00 1.9 0.58 0 0 0 10.54 1.59 0.44
S2 16.66 2.15 0.53 14.33 2.62 0.53 13.33 2.02 0.53 0 0 0 11.08 1.65 0.44
General Avs. 16.66 2.03 0.55 14.42 2.59 0.57 12.16 1.96 0.55 0 0 0 10.81 1.62 0.44
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 10.110 1.396 0.266 16.715 4.860 0.586 10.615 3.850 0.408 0.001 0.001 0.001 8.186 1.004 0.616
S2 11.960 1.817 0.275 18.287 6.359 0.618 11.498 3.008 0.356 0.001 0.001 0.001 9.751 0.989 0.801
S S. 0.001 0.385 0.100 0.316 0.106 0.131 3.158 0.391 0.917 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.719 0.112 0.001
M. x S. 12.106 1.921 0.290 19.193 7.005 0.788 12.801 3.695 0.484 0.001 0.001 0.001 9.817 0.995 0.719
Exps. (A) = 4.1 19 ; EXPs. (B) = 0.595 and EXPs. (C) = 0.105
Table 5: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on the callused explants percentages (A), number of shootlets / callused explant (B) and callus diameter (cm) (c) of the recovered explants of the jackfruit trees, collected on
December-January of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves (5 -10 mm) Nodal segments (10-15 mm) New leaves segments AVs.
Measurements ------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C A B C A B C A B C
MS. S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+5 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 53 3.8 1.1 33 3.3 1.4 33 2.3 1.2 39.67 3.13 1.23
0.5 kinetin (kin.) S2 53 4.0 1.1 40 4.0 1.7 27 3.0 1.1 40.00 3.67 1.30
MS+5 BA+ S1 33 1.6 1.2 27 1.5 1.1 20 1.1 0.9 26.67 1.40 1.07
0.5 NAA+0.5 kin. S2 33 1.8 1.3 27 1.8 1.0 20 1.1 0.7 26.67 1.57 1.00
MS+5 BA+ S1 27 7.3 1.4 13 8.7 0.9 0 6.8 1.0 13.33 7.60 1.10
0.5 NAA+0.5 kin. S2 20 7.9 1.4 13 8.8 1.1 7 6.4 0.8 13.13 7.70 1.10
+25 Adenine sulphate
AVS. S1 18.83 2.12 0.62 12.17 2.25 0.57 8.83 1.70 0.52 13.28 2.02 0.57
S2 17.67 2.28 0.63 13.33 2.43 0.63 9.0 1.75 0.43 13.30 2.16 0.57
General Avs. 18.25 2.20 0.62 12.75 2.34 0.60 8.91 1.72 0.47 13.15 2.09 0.57
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 18.159 3.146 1.027 17.059 3.212 0.875 12.190 2.154 0.764 22.191 2.003 1.311
S2 19.661 3.346 1.062 18.136 3.863 0.942 16.368 2.778 0.655 23.511 2.998 1.215
S. 2.192 0.215 0.081 2.056 0.293 0.158 0.357 0.020 0.112 0.100 0.188 0.011
M. x S. 19.797 3.458 1.081 18.201 3.790 0.962 15.018 2.565 0.786 23.801 3.215 1.351
Exps. (A) = 3.542 ; EXPs. (B) = 0.394 and EXPs. (C) = 0.089
Table 6: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on the callused explants percentages (A), number of shootlets / callused explant (B) and callus diameter (cm) (c) of the recovered explants of the jackfruit seedlings of 3
month old, collected on September-October of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves (5 -10 mm) Nodal segments (10-15 mm) New leaves segments AVs.
Measurements ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C A B C A B C A B C
MS. S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+5 BA S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 60 2.9 1.0 33 3.2 1.4 33 2.6 1.4 42 2.9 1.27
0.5 kinetin (kin.) S2 53 3.1 0.8 40 4.0 1.6 33 3.6 1.1 42 3.57 1.17
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 40 1.3 0.9 20 1.3 1.1 13 1.1 1.0 24.33 1.23 1.0
0.5 kin. S2 33 1.5 1.0 27 1.8 0.9 20 1.1 0.7 26.67 1.47 0.87
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 27 6.6 1.1 13 9.1 0.7 7 7.0 0.8 15.67 7.57 0.87
0.5 kin.+25 Adenine sulphate S2 27 7.0 1.2 20 9.2 1.0 7 6.6 0.9 18.0 7.60 1.03
AVS. S1 21.17 1.80 0.50 11.00 2.27 0.53 8.83 1.78 0.53 13.67 1.95 0.52
S2 18.83 1.93 0.50 14.50 2.50 0.58 10.00 1.88 0.45 14.44 2.11 0.51
General Avs. 20.00 1.86 0.50 12.75 2.38 0.55 9.41 1.83 0.49 14.05 2.03 0.51
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 18.701 3.271 0.819 11.592 1.751 0.582 12.021 2.109 0.507 14.213 3.909 0.800
S2 19.056 3.752 0.967 14.309 2.350 0.469 11.069 3.501 0.616 12.011 3.886 0.916
S. 3.851 0.201 0.001 4.879 0.391 0.091 2.907 0.282 0.187 1.019 0.557 0.110
M. x S. 19.319 3.792 0.989 13.639 2.291 0.501 11.869 2.314 0.629 13.312 3.950 0.921
Exps. (A) = 6.059 ; EXPs. (B) = 0.401 and EXPs. (C) = 0.139
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Fig. 2: Indirect shoot formation and multiplication on Fig. 4: Hyperhydric vegetative growth on MS
MS medium+2 mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 medium+2 mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5
mg/L. Kinetin+25 mg/L. Adenine sulphate, the mg/L. kinetin, A-vegetative growth produced
multiplicated shootlets regenerated from : A- on explants of 3 month old seedlings and B-
explants of new leaves segments of shootlets vegetative growth produced on explants
produced on explants of 3 month old seedlings, collected on Dec-Jan
B-explants of apical growth of shootlets
produced on explants of 3 months old seedlings
and C: explants of new leaves segments of
shootlets produced on explants collected on
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 7: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on number of the multiplicated shootlets / explants of shootlet (A), shoot let's length (cm) (B), number of leaves / shootlet (c) and the hyperhydric shoolets percentages (D) of
shoot lets produced of the recovered explants of the jackfruit trees, collected on June-July of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves Nodal segments New leaves segments
(5-10 mm) (10-15 mm) shootlets shootlets AVs.
Measurements ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
MS. S1 1.30 2.20 1.30 0.00 1.00 1.30 1.10 0.00 5.10 3.20 1.40 0.00 1.85 1.67 0.95 0.00
S2 1.70 2.10 1.50 0.00 1.10 1.20 1.20 0.00 5.30 3.00 1.10 0.00 2.02 1.57 0.95 0.00
MS+2 BA S1 8.00 6.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.60 7.60 2.4 0 0.00 4.65 3.60 1.05 0.00
S2 8.20 6.90 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.80 7.70 2.50 0.00 4.75 3.65 1.12 0.00
MS+5 BA S1 2.00 2.90 2.40 0.00 3.60 6.20 2.30 0.00 7.00 4.00 3.50 0.00 3.15 3.27 2.05 0.00
S2 2.10 3.00 2.60 0.00 3.80 6.40 2.50 0.00 7.60 4.50 3.20 0.00 3.37 3.47 2.07 0.00
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 4.00 9.80 3.90 10.00 4.60 8.70 2.30 2.70 3.60 8.00 3.30 47.00 3.05 6.62 2.37 21.00
0.5 kinetin (kin. S2 4.30 9.00 3.70 10.00 4.40 8.50 2.60 2.70 3.10 7.90 3.00 47.00 2.95 6.35 2.37 21.00
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 4.30 5.70 3.10 10.00 8.20 8.00 3.30 7.00 8.30 7.10 3.90 33.00 5.20 5.20 2.57 12.50
0.5 kin. S2 4.10 5.60 3.80 10.00 8.60 7.80 3.80 7.00 8.70 7.80 3.30 33.00 5.35 5.30 2.72 12.50
MS+5 BA+ S1 11.60 6.80 4.30 0.00 6.00 8.60 3.30 0.00 9.60 7.20 4.50 20.00 6.80 5.65 3.02 5.00
0.5 NAA+0.5 kin.+ S2 11.40 6.90 4.10 0.00 6.30 8.80 3.20 0.00 10.20 7.60 4.90 20.00 6.97 5.82 3.50 5.00
25 Adenine sulphate
AVS. S1 5.20 5.70 2.80 3.33 3.90 5.47 2.05 5.67 7.37 6.18 3.170 16.67 4.12 4.33 2.00 6.42
S2 5.30 5.58 2.95 3.33 4.03 5.45 2.22 5.67 7.62 6.42 3.000 16.67 4.23 4.36 2.11 6.42
General Avs. 5.25 5.64 2.87 3.33 3.96 5.46 2.13 5.67 7.49 6.30 3.080 16.67 4.17 4.34 2.05 6.42
L.S.D. (0.05)
M. S1 2.337 2.557 1.172 8.176 2.358 2.416 0.942 18.194 1.395 3.821 1.058 11.909 1.517 1.828 0.813 7.106
S2 2.094 2.836 1.098 8.176 2.189 2.303 1.079 18.194 1.602 3.060 1.801 11.909 1.731 1.790 0.901 7.106
S. 0.292 0.336 0.303 0.001 0.306 0.109 0.301 0.001 0.333 0.300 0.225 0.001 0.330 0.194 0.210 7.106
M. x S. 2.408 2.717 1.200 8.176 2.417 2.465 1.110 18.194 1.400 3.603 1.446 11.909 1.769 1.933 1.181
Exps. (A) = 2.039 ; EXPs. (B) = 0.676 ; EXPs. (C) = 1.007 and EXPs. (D) = 6.305
Table 8: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on number of the multiplicated shootlets/ explants of shootlet (A), shoot let's length (cm) (B), number of leaves / shootlet (c) and the hyperhydric shoolets percentages (D) of
shootlets produced of the recovered explants of the jackfruit trees, collected on December-January of 2004/2005 (S 1) and 2005 /2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves Nodal segments New leaves segments
(5-10 mm) (10-15 mm) shootlets shootlets AVs.
Measurements ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
MS. S1 1.1 1.9 1.0 0 1.0 1.6 1.0 0 1.0 1.7 1.0 0 1.03 1.73 1.00 0.00
S2 1.5 2.0 1.1 0 1.2 1.2 1.0 0 1.0 1.9 1.1 0 1.23 1.70 1.07 0.00
MS+2 BA S1 7.2 6.2 1.5 0 1.1 2.0 1.2 0 2.8 4.8 1.7 0 3.70 4.33 1.47 0.00
S2 7.8 6.5 1.2 0 1.4 1.9 1.0 0 3.0 4.1 1.6 0 4.07 4.17 1.27 0.00
MS+5 BA S1 1.7 2.5 1.9 0 2.5 4.2 2.2 0 4.2 3.5 2.6 0 2.80 3.40 2.23 0.00
S2 1.9 2.7 2.2 0 3.0 4.6 2.2 0 4.3 2.7 2.8 0 1.73 3.33 2.40 0.00
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 3.7 8.3 2.3 13 4.0 7.2 2.5 33 1.1 8.0 3.0 53 2.93 7.83 2.60 33.00
0.5 kinetin (kin. S2 3.9 9.2 2.5 20 3.8 7.7 2.7 33 1.4 8.3 3.1 47 3.03 8.40 2.77 33.33
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA+ S1 4.0 4.5 3.2 20 6.5 7.2 3.0 13 4.5 6.1 2.9 40 5.00 5.93 3.03 24.33
0.5 kin. S2 3.8 5.2 3.3 20 7.6 7.8 3.4 13 5.0 6.6 3.2 33 5.47 6.53 3.30 22.00
MS+5 BA+ S1 10.2 6.4 4.1 0 5.2 8.0 4.0 7 7.0 8.5 3.8 27 7.47 7.63 3.97 11.33
0.5 NAA+0.5 kin.+ S2 10.4 6.5 3.5 0 6.0 8.1 3.9 0 6.2 8.3 3.6 33 7.53 7.63 3.67 11.00
25 Adenine sulphate
AVS. S1 4.65 4.97 2.33 5.50 3.38 5.03 2.82 8.83 3.43 5.43 2.50 20.00 3.82 5.14 2.38 11.44
S2 4.88 5.35 2.30 6.67 3.78 5.22 2.37 7.67 3.48 5.27 2.57 18.83 3.84 5.29 2.41 11.05
General Avs. 4.76 5.16 2.31 6.08 3.58 5.12 2.59 8.25 3.45 5.35 2.53 19.41 3.83 5.21 2.39 11.24
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 2.515 1.892 0.636 6.683 1.458 2.051 1.158 5.107 1.608 1.801 1.315 11.393 2.105 1.408 1.156 10.582
S2 2.326 2.200 0.795 13.805 2.316 2.480 1.094 9.680 1.760 2.112 1.100 9.401 2.200 1.002 1.238 9.875
S. 0.385 0.556 0.083 1.415 0.605 0.313 0.719 1.389 0.110 0.362 0.090 3.506 0.066 1.103 0.116 0.772
M. x S. 2.719 3.010 0.858 14.108 2.409 2.518 1.209 9.889 1.816 2.510 1.410 11.602 2.296 1.500 1.281 10.918
Exps. (A) = 1.016 ; EXPs. (B) = 0.395 ; EXPs. (C) = 0.197 and EXPs. (D) = 6.536
Fig. 7: The suitable stage of the proliferated shootlets Multiplication, elongation and vitrification
before culturing on the rooting media phenomenon: It is shown from Table 7-9 and Fig. 2-7
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 9: Effect of the explant's type, seasons and the media on number of the multiplicated shootlets / explants of shootlet (A), shoot let's length (cm) (B), number of leaves / shootlet (c) and the hyperhydric shoolets percentages (D)of
shootlets produced of the recovered explants of the jackfruit seedlings of 3 month old, collected on September-October of 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Explants (exps.) Apical growth without leaves Nodal segments New leaves segments
(5-10 mm) (10-15 mm) shootlets shootlets AVs.
Measurements ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
MS. S1 2.0 2.5 1.4 0 1.0 2.3 2.0 0 1.1 4.2 1.3 0 1.37 3.00 1.57 0.00
S2 2.2 2.8 1.6 0 1.0 2.6 1.8 0 1.5 4.5 1.1 0 1.57 2.30 1.50 0.00
MS+2 BA S1 10.0 7.7 2.5 0 5.3 3.2 1.5 0 4.0 8.2 2.0 0 6.43 6.37 2.00 0.00
S2 9.2 8.5 2.2 0 4.2 3.5 1.7 0 3.5 8.3 1.8 0 5.63 6.77 1.90 0.00
MS+5 BA S1 2.6 3.4 3.8 0 3.1 7.1 2.7 0 8.2 5.3 3.1 0 4.63 5.27 3.20 0.00
S2 3.0 4.2 3.1 0 3.3 7.4 2.5 0 8.3 6.0 3.3 0 4.87 5.87 2.97 0.00
MS+2 BA+0.5 NAA S1 4.3 10.2 3.8 33 8.2 9.6 3.0 20 3.2 8.7 3.4 40 5.23 9.50 3.40 31.00
+0.5 kinetin (kin.) S2 4.5 10.5 4.0 33 6.5 9.3 2.7 20 3.0 8.8 3.6 40 4.67 9.53 3.43 31.00
MS+5 BA+0.5 NAA S1 6.3 6.0 3.9 13 4.0 8.3 3.3 7 7.9 8.0 3.4 40 6.07 7.43 3.53 20.00
+0.5 kin. S2 6.7 6.1 4.0 13 3.8 9.0 4.1 0 8.2 8.1 3.5 40 6.23 7.73 3.87 17.67
MS+5 BA+ S1 14.0 7.5 4.8 13 6.3 9.5 4.5 0 10.2 8.3 4.0 20 10.17 8.43 4.43 11.00
0.5 NAA+0.5 kin.+ S2 15.3 7.8 5.1 13 5.8 10.2 4.0 0 10.5 8.5 4.2 20 10.53 8.83 4.43 11.00
25 Adenine sulphate
AVS. S1 6.53 6.22 3.37 9.83 4.65 6.67 2.83 4.50 5.77 7.12 2.87 16.67 5.65 6.67 3.02 8.67
S2 6.82 6.65 3.33 9.83 4.10 7.00 2.80 3.33 5.83 7.37 2.92 16.67 5.58 6.77 3.02 9.94
General Avs. 6.67 6.43 3.35 9.83 4.37 6.83 2.81 3.91 5.80 7.24 2.89 16.67 5.61 6.72 3.02 9.30
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 3.228 2.356 2.202 16.104 2.153 2.418 1.356 11.960 2.705 1.986 1.593 17.531 2.801 2.758 1.411 8.969
S2 3.562 2.501 1.920 16.108 2.208 2.651 1.492 15.112 3.318 2.156 1.514 17.531 2.617 3.055 1.314 6.009
S. 0.457 0.706 0.101 0.001 0.695 0.513 0.100 1.506 0.129 0.425 0.339 0.001 0.219 0.251 0.001 1.670
M. x S. 3.618 2.680 2.114 16.301 2.314 2.693 1.553 14.517 3.502 2.236 1.601 17.531 2.916 2.897 1.551 7.851
Exps. (A) = 2.111 ; EXPs. (B) = 1.152 ; EXPs. (C) = 0.669 and EXPs. (D) = 4.006
that the new leaves of the shootlets produced on the in Table 8 and 9, respectively), the shootlets apical
callus of the explants cultured on June-July recorded growth produced of 3 month old seedlings (Table 9)
the higher significant values of number of the achieved the highest significant number of leaves/
multiplicated shootslets/ explants of shootlet (7.49), shootlet (3.35) and the shootlet's nodal segments
shootlet's length (6.30 cm), number of leaves/ shootlet produced of explants cultured on December-January
(3.08) and the hyperhydric shootlets (16.67%) which (Table 8) recorded the highest significant number of
caused a big loss in the tissue culture; the explants of leaves/shootlet (2.59).
apical growth came in the second rank in the From the previous results, it could be recommend
economic traits (5.25 shootlet/ explants of shootlet, 5.64 with using the explants of apical growth and the nodal
cm of shootlet's length and 2.87 leaf/shootlet) and with segments, for obtaining a good multiplication of the
a less significant hyperhydric shootlets% (3.33%). jackfruit, where they recorded an acceptable results,
In respect to the effect of media, MS medium+5 especially in producing a lower significant percentages
mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L. kinetin+25 of the hyperhydric shootlets. It must be exclude the
mg/L. Adenine sulphate showed the higher significant explants of leaf's segments and cotyledons in
values of shootlet's number / explants of shootlet (6.8 micropropagation of the jackfruit because of they
and 6.97 in the first and the second season, resulted in a higher significant percentages of the
respectively) and leaf's number/ shootlet (3.02 and 3.50 hyperhydric shootlets. Also, it is recommended with
in the first and the second season, respectively); as well MS mediu m+5 mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 mg/L.
as, MS medium+2 mg/ L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA+0.5 kinetin+25 mg/L. Adenine sulphate, which included a
mg/L. kinetin gave the higher significant values of lower concentrations of NAA and kinetin that
shootlet's length (6.62 and 6.35 cm in the first and the seems to be caused an vitrification (hyperhydricity)
second season, respectively) and the hyperhydric phenomenon, as it noticed in Table 7-9, where the
shootlets (21% in the two studied season); while, MS media devoided of NAA and kinetin produced
medium produced the lower significant values of all hyperhydric free shootlets. The previous results were in
studied traits, as shown in Table 7. Considering the accordance with those obtained by Nower et al. [18]
effect of interactions between the explants of shootlets who decided that the jackfruit seeds could be cultured
of explants cultured on June-July and the media, they on MS with 1 mg/L. of each BA and NAA and
took the same previous trends, almostly. Data of Table produced shoots, which could be used in vitro culture.
8 and 9 clearly showed the same mentioned trends The highest number of shoots achieved on MS with 3
found in Table 7, with except that the of apical growth mg/L. BA and 0.1 mg/L. NAA, while the highest
of shootlets of the explants cultured on Decemb er- number of leaves / culture achieved on MS with 1 mg
January (Table 8) and those of 3 month old seedlings /L. BA and 0.1 mg/L. NAA. Also, Roy et al. [2] said
(Table 9) produced the higher significant values of that the most shoot proliferation (87.4% of cultures
shootlets number/ explants of shootlet (4.46 and 6.67 with 10.3 shoots/culture) of shoot tips and nodal
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 10: Effect of media, type of the shootlets and seasons on percentage of the rooted shootlets (A), roots number / shootlet (B), root length (cm) (c) and the hyperhydric shoolets percentages (D) of the jackfruit during 2004/2005
(S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Types of shootlets Shootlets of apical growth Shootlets of nodal segments Shootlets of new leaves segments
Without leaves (5 -10 mm) (10-15 mm) AVs.
Seasons (S.) ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
½ MS S1 13 2.2 4.0 0 13 2.4 3.8 0 7 1.7 5.3 0 11.00 2.10 4.37 0.00
S2 20 2.4 4.8 0 13 2.5 4.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 11.00 1.60 3.00 0.00
½ MS+0.5 IBA S1 40 2.8 4.6 0 33 3.0 4.1 0 27 1.7 5.4 0 33.33 2.50 4.70 0.00
S2 40 2.6 4.5 0 40 2.8 4.2 0 27 1.8 5.5 0 35.66 2.43 4.73 0.00
½ MS+1 IBA S1 73 3.2 4.4 7 66 3.0 4.2 0 60 2.5 3.2 0 66.33 2.90 3.93 2.33
S2 66 3.8 4.2 0 66 3.8 4.0 0 53 3.0 3.3 0 61.66 3.53 3.83 0.00
½ MS+3 IBA S1 80 4.2 3.8 13 73 4.0 4.0 7 66 3.2 4.5 7 73.00 3.80 4.10 9.00
S2 80 4.5 4.0 7 66 4.4 4.3 7 60 3.3 4.3 7 68.66 4.06 4.20 7.00
½ MS+0.5 NAA S1 60 3.0 4.1 27 47 3.0 4.2 20 33 2.1 5.0 20 46.66 2.7 0 4.43 22.33
S2 53 3.6 4.3 27 40 3.5 4.4 27 33 2.4 6.0 20 42.00 3.16 4.90 24.66
½ MS+2 NAA S1 73 3.8 4.7 100 66 4.1 4.3 93 60 3.0 5.2 87 66.33 3.63 4.73 93.33
S2 73 3.6 4.8 100 73 3.8 4.5 100 60 2.8 5.4 93 68.66 3.40 4.90 97.66
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA S1 80 4.2 3.3 53 73 4.5 3.0 47 66 3.2 4.3 40 73.00 3.97 3.53 46.66
S2 73 4.0 3.6 53 73 4.2 3.2 53 66 3.0 4.8 47 70.66 3.73 3.87 51.00
½ MS+0.5 NAA+0.5 IBA S1 66 3.5 4.2 13 60 3.8 4.0 13 47 2.3 4.9 20 57.66 3.20 4.37 15.33
S2 60 3.3 4.5 7 53 3.5 4.2 13 40 2.4 5.2 13 51.00 3.07 4.63 11.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA S1 93 5.8 2.8 87 93 6.1 2.6 73 87 5.0 3.5 73 91.00 5.63 2.97 77.66
S2 87 5.3 2.6 87 93 5.6 2.4 80 80 4.8 3.7 73 86.66 5.23 2.90 80.00
½ MS+1 NAA+3 IBA S1 87 4.8 2.7 66 80 4.2 3.0 60 73 4.0 3.0 53 80.00 4.33 2.90 59.67
S2 80 5.0 2.9 73 80 4.7 3.0 66 73 4.2 3.2 60 77.66 4.63 3.03 66.33
MS S1 7 2.0 5.2 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.33 0.66 1.73 0.00
S2 7 1.8 4.7 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2.33 0.60 1.57 0.00
AVS. S1 61.1 3.59 3.98 33.27 54.90 3.46 3.38 28.45 47.81 2.61 4.03 27.27 54.60 3.22 3.80 29.66
S2 58.1 3.63 4.10 32.18 54.27 3.53 3.49 31.45 44.73 2.52 3.78 28.45 52.36 3.22 3.78 30.69
General Avs. 59.6 3.61 4.04 32.73 54.58 3.49 3.43 29.95 46.27 2.56 3.91 27.86 53.48 3.22 3.79 30.17
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 10.218 1.415 1.019 25.611 31.515 0.981 1.105 19.150 24.510 1.519 1.281 19.711 20.191 0.915 1.791 20.010
S2 14.119 1.371 1.286 26.151 30.731 0.899 1.310 18.981 23.801 1.622 1.309 19.011 19.815 1.159 1.816 19.815
S. 4.017 1.212 0.615 1.336 0.523 0.391 0.201 4.061 4.819 0.919 1.152 1.905 3.416 0.010 0.065 2.116
M. x S. 16.811 1.592 1.325 28.516 32.701 0.992 1.410 19.851 26.101 1.762 1.415 19.900 23.092 1.319 1.906 22.111
Shootlets type (A) = 4.295 ; Shootlets type (B) = 0.697 ;Shootlets type (C) = 0.508 and Shootlets type (D) = 3.517
segments of jackfruit were obtained on MS with weeks on MS+5 mg/L. BA. Explants of 6 month old
2.5 mg/L. BA+0.5 mg/L. NAA, after 28 days. The grafts failed to multiplicate. Activated charcoal used
number of shoots increased to 40 by adjusting media during stages of shoot multiplication.
into MS+1.25 mg/L. BA+0.25 mg/L. NAA+15% (v/v)
coconut milk. Roy et al. [19] stated that clonal of The rooting stage
jackfruit identified as flood tolerant could be Effect of the NAA and IBA: Data of Table 10 and
micropropagated by culturing shoot buds on MS with Fig. 8-11 indicated that NAA may be cause a
8.88 µ M BA+2.68 µM NAA, as this medium gave vitrification phenomenon, where this phenomenon
average number of shoot bud of 10 per transfer through disappeared in NAA-free media as shown in Table 10.
7 subcultures and explants collected on June-August The explants (shootlets produced of different explants)
increased the multiplication. Besides, Rajmohan and showed a significant differences in their response to the
Mohanakumaran [6] reported that multiplication rate of studied media, as the shootlets produced of apical
4.5 was obtained with jackfruit's shoot apices cultured growth recorded the higher significant values of the
for 5 weeks on MS contained 5 mg/L. BA+0.2 mg/L. rooted shootlets (59.6%), roots number/shootlet (3.61),
NAA. Adenine sulphate at 20 mg/L. increased the root length (4.04 cm) and the highest significant
multiplication rate by 27.3%, shoot elongation occurred hyperhydric shootlets (32.73%), while the shootlets
on MS with 2 mg/L. BA and 0.2 mg/L. NAA. Roy et al. produced of either nodal segments or new leaf segments
[20] indicated that multiplication of jackfruit achieved gave a satisfied rooting with a lower significant values
by culturing nodal explants on MS with 1 mg/L. BA of hyperhydric shootlets as shown in Table 10.
and 0.5 mg/L. kinetin. In the same trend, Rajmohan and Also, the media appeared a significant differences
Mohanakumaran [7] denoted that the physiological age in their effect on the studied traits, where the media
of jackfruit explants significantly influenced shoot devoided of NAA resulted in a hyperhydricity-free
growth, seedling (2 month old) apices showed a 17.4 shootlets; besides the medium of ½ MS+2 mg/L.
fold multiplication rate in 5 weeks on MS+0.2 mg/L. NAA+3 mg/L. IBA gave the higher values of rooted
NAA+500 mg/L. PVP (Ployvidone)+8 g agar+10 mg/L. shootlets (91 and 86.66% for the first and second
BA. The multiplication rate of adult tree shoot apices season, respectively) and roots number/shootlet
ranged from 2.09-4.5 fold (according to the age) in 5 (5.63 and 5.23 for the first and the second season,
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Fig. 8: The root formation on ½ MS medium+2 mg/L. Fig. 10:The root formation on ½ MS medium+2 mg/L.
Fig. 9: The root formation on ½ MS medium+2 mg/L. Fig. 11:The suitable stage of the plantlet before starting
NAA+3 mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. coumarin+1 the acclimatization stage
mg/L. paclobutrazol
produced of either a nodal segments or a new leaf
respectively), as well as, the medium of ½ MS+2 mg/L. segments whose produced a good rooting with a lower
NAA showed the higher significant values of root vitrification percentages.
length (4.73 and 4.90 cm on the first and the second Considering the media, it is noticed that all media
season, respectively) and the hyperhydric shootlets included paclobutrazol devoided of the vitrification
(93.33 and 97.66% on the first and the second season, (hyperhydricity), which lead to velieve that the
respectively). On the contrary, MS medium recorded paclobutrazol may be prevent this harmful
the lower significant values of all studied traits. phenomenon. On the contrary, all media included,
It is recommended with ½ MS+3 mg/L. IBA for NAA, IBA or coumarin have an vitrification, which
producing a good rooting and the lowest significant believe that these growth regulators may be cause
hyperhydric shootlets %. The interactions followed the hyperhydricity in in vitro culture of jackfruit.
the same trends. The pronounced medium was ½ MS+2 mg/L. NAA+3
mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. paclobutrazol+1 mg/L. coumarin,
Effect of coumarin, paclobutrazol, IBA and NAA: as it showed the least significant values of the
Similarly, data of Table 11 indicated that the shootlets hyperhydric shootlets (zero % for both studied
produced of the apical growth showed the higher season) and the higher significant values of the
significant values of rooted shootlets (71.56%), roots rooted shootlets (97.66 and 93.33% for the first and
number/shootlet (4.63) and the highest significant the second season, respectively), roots
hyperhydric shootlets (8.97%), so it must be exclude number/shootlet (7.27 and 7.03 for the first and
these shootlets, which caused a big loss in the the second season, respectively) and the root length
micropropagation of jackfruit, especially at the rooting (2.47 and 2.07 on the first and the second season,
stage (the last) and replace them with the shootlets respectively).
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 11: Effect of media, type of the shootlets and seasons on percentage of the rooted shootlets (A), roots number / shootlet (B), root length (cm) (c) and the hyperhydric shoolets percentages (D) of the jackfruit during 2004/2005
(S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Type of shootlets Shootlets of apical growth Shootlets of nodal segments Shootlets of new leaves segments
without leaves (5 -10 mm) (10-15 mm) AVs.
Seasons (S.) ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
Media (mg/L.) (M) A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
½ MS+1 Coumarin S1 80 4.7 3.7 13 73 4.2 4.0 7 66 4.0 4.2 7 73.00 4.30 3.97 9.00
S2 73 4.8 3.5 7 73 4.0 3.8 7 60 3.8 4.4 7 68.66 4.20 3.90 7.00
½ MS+0.5 Coumarin (co.) S1 66 3.4 4.2 7 66 3.0 4.5 7 53 2.8 4.8 7 61.66 3.07 4.50 7.00
S2 66 3.2 3.9 7 60 3.0 4.2 0 53 3.0 4.6 7 59.66 3.07 4.23 4.67
½ MS+1 Paclobutrazol S1 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S2 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
½ MS+0.5 Paclobutrazol (Pac.) S1 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
S2 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+1 Co. S1 93 5.6 3.0 27 87 5.2 3.3 27 80 4.8 3.6 27 86.66 5.20 3.30 27.00
S2 87 5.8 2.8 33 80 5.4 3.2 27 73 4.0 3.4 20 80.00 5.07 3.13 26.67
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+0.5 Co. S1 87 5.2 3.2 27 80 5.0 3.4 27 73 4.6 3.8 20 80.00 4.93 3.47 24.67
S2 87 5.0 3.3 27 73 4.7 3.6 20 66 4.6 3.8 20 75.33 4.77 3.57 22.33
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+1 Pac. S1 47 3.1 4.5 0 33 2.0 5.8 0 27 1.0 7.2 0 35.66 2.03 5.83 0.00
S2 40 2.9 4.2 0 33 1.8 6.2 0 20 1.2 7.5 0 31.00 1.97 5.97 0.00
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+0.5 Pac. S1 53 3.0 4.3 0 47 2.6 4.8 0 40 2.2 5.2 0 46.66 2.60 4.77 0.00
S2 47 2.8 4.0 0 40 2.4 4.4 0 33 2.4 5.0 0 40.00 2.53 4.47 0.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+1 Co. S1 100 8.7 2.0 33 93 5.2 2.4 33 80 4.0 2.7 40 91.00 5.97 2.37 35.33
S2 100 9.0 1.7 40 87 5.6 2.2 33 73 3.8 2.5 40 86.66 6.13 2.13 37.67
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+0.5 Co. S1 100 7.0 2.2 33 87 7.2 2.7 33 80 7.5 3.0 27 89.00 7.23 2.63 31.00
S2 100 6.8 2.3 33 87 7.0 2.5 27 73 7.2 2.8 27 86.66 7.00 2.53 29.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+1 Pac. S1 73 3.8 4.0 0 66 4.0 4.3 0 60 4.2 4.6 0 66.33 4.00 4.30 0.00
S2 66 3.5 3.8 0 60 3.8 4.0 0 60 4.0 4.3 0 62.00 3.77 4.03 0.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+0.5 Pac. S1 73 4.0 4.3 0 73 4.3 4.5 0 66 4.6 4.7 0 70.66 4.30 4.50 0.00
S2 73 4.2 4.5 0 66 4.5 4.8 0 60 4.6 5.0 0 66.33 4.43 4.77 0.00
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+ S1 100 7.1 1.8 0 100 6.0 1.4 0 93 5.2 1.5 0 97.66 6.10 1.57 0.00
1 Co.+1 Pac. S2 100 7.6 1.7 0 100 5.8 1.5 0 100 4.9 1.6 0 100.00 6.10 1.60 0.00
½ MS+1 NAA+1 IBA+ S1 93 6.0 2.5 0 87 6.2 2.7 0 80 6.4 3.0 0 86.66 6.20 2.73 0.00
0.5 Co.+0.5 Pac. S2 93 5.7 2.2 0 80 6.0 2.4 0 80 6.2 2.8 0 84.33 5.97 2.47 0.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+ S1 100 7.0 2.3 0 100 7.2 2.5 0 93 7.6 2.6 0 97.66 7.27 2.47 0.00
1 Co.+1 Pac. S2 100 6.7 1.8 0 93 7.0 2.0 0 87 7.4 2.4 0 93.33 7.03 2.07 0.00
½ MS+2 NAA+3 IBA+ S1 100 5.9 2.0 0 87 6.2 2.3 0 73 6.5 2.6 0 86.66 6.20 2.30 0.00
0.5 Co.+0.5 Pac. S2 93 5.6 2.2 0 80 5.8 2.5 0 66 6.0 2.7 0 79.66 5.80 2.47 0.00
AVS. S1 72.81 4.66 2.75 8.75 67.44 4.27 3.02 8.37 60.25 4.09 3.34 8 66.83 4.34 3.04 8.37
S2 70.31 4.60 2.62 9.19 63.25 4.30 2.96 7.12 56.50 3.94 3.30 7.56 63.35 4.28 2.96 7.96
General Avs. 71.56 4.63 2.68 8.97 65.34 4.28 2.99 7.74 58.37 4.01 3.32 7.78 65.09 4.31 3.00 8.16
LSD (0.05)
M. S1 31.115 1.588 1.817 15.516 38.151 0.902 1.198 13.731 35.911 1.659 2.119 11.381 34.161 1.460 1.909 14.101
S2 35.801 1.892 1.543 14.681 39.011 1.060 1.007 12.192 37.513 1.518 2.200 10.861 36.417 1.616 1.840 12.915
S. 3.091 0.215 0.201 0.561 5.196 0.117 0.112 2.011 6.515 0.306 0.016 0.610 6.199 0.182 0.156 0.510
M. x S. 33.356 1.709 1.693 15.236 37.950 0.980 1.105 12.876 36.713 1.580 2.708 11.183 35.131 1.560 1.865 13.550
Shootlets type (A) = 4.205 ; Shootlets type (B) = 0.459 ; Shootlets type (C) = 0.515 and Shootlets type (D) = 0 .908
The interactions between the explants and the Amin and Jaiswal [17] stated that 60-80% of
media showed the same previous trends, not in the in vitro shoots of jackfruit rooted on ½ MS+10 µ M
rooting stage only, but during all stages of jackfruit's IBA or NAA. Rajmohan and Mohanakumaran [6]
micropropagation, which indicated that a relative stable stated that in vitro rooting of jackfruit occurred on ½
behaviour of the jackfruit's explants during all stages of MS+2 mg/L. NAA+2 mg/L. IBA+30 g sucrose+6 g
the micropropagation process. agar for 6 days, followed by transfer into ½ MS only.
The results of Table 10 and 11 were in agreement Roy et al. [20] obtained a rooting of jackfruit's
with those obtained by Wongmaneeroj et al. [21] whose shootlets onto ½ MS+1 mg/L. each of IBA and NAA.
obtained a good rooting of jackfruit cv. paisarn Taksin Rajmohan and Mohanakumaran [7] achieved the best
shoots, derived from tissue culture and using 2-3 cm rooting of jackfruit's shootlets produced of 2 month
segments on solid MS with 0.2 mg/L. NAA and 15% old seedling apices on ½ MS+0.2-0.8 ppm IBA, ½
v/v coconut water, then transferred onto solid Woody MS+0.4 ppm each of NAA and IBA or ½ MS+0.5 ppm
Plant Medium (WPM) with 10% coconut water for few NAA+2 ppm IBA (100% rooting and 6 roots / explant
weeks and the basal end of shoot was dipped in 5000 in 20.75 day). In vitro shoots produced of stem
mg/L. IBA for 10 minutes. shoot apices of adult jackfruit trees gave 70%
Roy et al. [2] obtained a good rooting of in vitro rooting with 5.43 roots/explant in 13.43 day, while
shoots of jackfruit on ½ MS+1mg/L. IBA+1 mg/L. explants of 6 month old grafts gave 50% rooting
NAA. Besides, Roy et al. [19] decided that 80% of with 2 roots/explant in 20.5 day all on
in vitro multiplicated shoots of jackfruit rooted within ½MS+0.4 ppm NAA+1.6 ppm IBA and ½ MS+2 ppm
3 weeks on ½ MS+5.37 µ M NAA+4.92 µ M IBA. NAA+2 ppm IBA.
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
Table 12: Effect of the cultivation media, time after the planting date and the seasons on the leaf number / acclimatized plantlet (A), shoots number / acclimatized plantlet (B), survival percentages (c) and height (cm) of the vegetative
growth (D) of the acclimatized jackfruit plantlets during 2004/2005 (S1) and 2005/2006 (S2) seasons
Planting date (P. d.) One month of P. d. 2 months of P.d. 3 months of P. d. AVs.
Time of P.D. ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Cultivation media (CM) S A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D
1 V. / 1 V. of sand / soil S1 3.50 2.0 100 5.6 4.8 2.2 37 6.2 7.2 3.3 23 8.5 9.8 4.0 17 13.2 6.32 2.87 44.25 8.37
S2 4.60 1.3 100 8.1 5.1 3.0 33 10.1 6.8 3.2 17 12.3 10.8 4.2 13 14.7 6.82 2.85 40.75 11.30
1 V. / 1 V. of sand : peat S1 4.00 2.1 100 6.3 6.0 3.1 23 8.8 9.1 3.5 17 10.3 10.4 3.8 13 18.4 7.37 3.12 38.25 10.95
S2 3.10 2.3 100 7.0 5.2 3.0 27 9.0 11.7 4.3 17 11.1 12.8 4.7 10 16.2 8.20 3.57 38.50 10.82
1 V. / 1 V. /1V. of soil : S1 4.10 1.4 100 7.2 5.5 3.2 60 8.0 10.3 3.4 33 9.2 15.3 51.0 27 11.4 8.80 3.27 55.00 8.95
burned rice hull : fibrous S2 3.30 2.5 100 6.5 6.0 4.6 53 7.2 13.5 5.1 40 9.5 15.8 6.0 17 12.1 9.40 4.55 52.50 8.82
sheath of date palm
AVS. S1 3.87 1.83 100 6.37 5.43 2.83 40.00 7.67 8.87 3.4 24.33 9.33 11.83 4.30 19.00 14.33 7.50 2.94 45.83 9.42
S2 3.67 2.03 100 7.20 5.10 3.53 37.67 8.77 10.67 4.2 24.67 10.97 13.13 4.97 13.33 14.33 8.14 3.66 43.92 10.31
General Avs. 3.77 1.93 100 6.78 5.26 3.18 38.83 8.22 9.77 3.80 24.50 10.15 12.48 4.63 16.16 14.33 7.82 3.30 44.87 9.86
LSD (0.05)
CM. S1 0.315 0.531 0.001 0.606 1.100 0.901 12.118 1.690 1.890 0.617 8.195 0.806 2.519 1.051 15.166 5.219 1.009 0.391 9.907 1.313
S2 0.459 0.765 0.001 0.850 0.899 1.350 14.511 1.709 2.700 0.398 11.081 1.315 2.706 1.259 6.056 3.850 1.195 0.556 10.705 1.860
S. 0.401 0.279 0.001 0.995 0.566 0.818 3.116 1.315 2.159 1.051 0.451 1.970 1.515 0.867 6.160 0.001 0.911 0.956 2.217 1.115
M. x S. 0.486 0.667 0.001 0.767 1.002 1.193 13.201 1.602 2.226 0.506 10.113 1.103 2.593 1.102 9.976 4.662 1.104 0.416 10.321 1.581
Time P.D. (A) = 2.551; Time P.D. (B) = 0.759; Time P.D. (C) =20.915 and Time P.D. (D) = 1.754
Fig. 12:Acclimatization stage on a growing mixture of Fig. 13: Acclimatization stage on a growing mixture of
sand: peatmoss (1:1). Notice: height of the soil: burned rice: fibrous sheath of date palm
acclimatized plantlet (1:1:1). Notice: branch of the acclimatized
Nower et al. [18] obtained the highest rooting
(100%) of in vitro seedling's shoots of jackfruit on increased with increase of the dates and reached to the
MS+0.5, 1 or 2 mg/L. NAA, while the highest number maximum significant values after 3 months of the
of roots were on MS+2 mg/L. IBA followed by MS+2 planting date. The effect of interaction was similar as
mg/L. NAA. The higher root length observed on MS the previous effects and took the same trends. The
only and MS+0.5 mg/L. NAA. results of Table 12 were in accordance to those
Zaied [22] mentioned that adding of 90-150 µ M obtained by Nower et al. [18] whose decided that the
coumarin to the culture medium of swingle citrumelo highest survival (95%) of jackfruit's plantlets
(citrus) enhanced root formation,and found that adding recorded in mixture of peatmoss : perlite (2:1, v/v) in
1 mg/L. coumarin to the medium of banana induced a the greenhouse. Also, Wongmaneeroj et al. [21]
maximum in vitro growth parameters. Chen and Ziv stated that the plantlets without roots of jackfruit
[10] found that plant growth retardants used in a liquid transplanted into the soil mixtures and the roots
cultures to overcome the hyderhydric malformation. induced after 31 days on mixture of sand:
coconut husk : burned rice hull at 2:2:1 gave 70%
The acclimatization stage: Data of Table 12 and rooting. Roy et al. [2,19] reached to 75% survival
Fig. 12, 13 evinced that the culture mixture of soil: plantlets of jackfruit in the acclimatization by
burned rice hull: fibrous sheath of date palm (1:1:1, transplanting the plantlets into pots contained a sterile
v/v/v) recorded the highly significant values of all sand, soil and humus (1:2:1) and covered by
studied growth parameters in the two studied seasons, transparent plastic bags. Amin and Jaiswal [17]
while mixture of sand: soil gave the lower significant reported that regenerated plantlets of jackfruit
values except the survival %, besides the mixture of transferred to the soil and about 50% survived
sand: peatmoss gave the lowest significant survival %. Roy et al. [20] decided that the acclimatization of
Considering the dates, all studied growth parameters jackfruit successed in pots under greenhouse.
World J. Agric. Sci., 4 (2): 263-279, 2008
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