The Battle of Frogs and Mice

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Homerica: The Battle of Frogs and Mice

translated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White


(ll. 1-8) Here I begin: and first I pray the choir of the Muses to come down from
Helicon into my heart to aid the lay which I have newly written in tablets upon my
knee. Fain would I sound in all men's ears that awful strife, that clamorous deed of
war, and tell how the Mice proved their valour on the Frogs and rivalled the exploits
of the Giants, those earth-born men, as the tale was told among mortals. Thus did the
war begin.

(ll. 9-12) One day a thirsty Mouse who had escaped the ferret, dangerous foe, set his
soft muzzle to the lake's brink and revelled in the sweet water. There a loud-voiced
pond-larker spied him: and uttered such words as these.

(ll. 13-23) `Stranger, who are you? Whence come you to this shore, and who is he
who begot you? Tell me all this truly and let me not find you lying. For if I find you
worthy to be my friend, I will take you to my house and give you many noble gifts
such as men give to their guests. I am the king Puff-jaw, and am honoured in all the
pond, being ruler of the Frogs continually. The father that brought me up was Mud-
man who mated with Waterlady by the banks of Eridanus. I see, indeed, that you are
well-looking and stouter than the ordinary, a sceptred king and a warrior in fight; but,
come, make haste and tell me your descent.'

(ll. 24-55) Then Crumb-snatcher answered him and said: `Why do you ask my race,
which is well-known amongst all, both men and gods and the birds of heaven?
Crumb-snatcher am I called, and I am the son of Bread-nibbler -- he was my stout-
hearted father -- and my mother was Quern-licker, the daughter of Ham-gnawer the
king: she bare me in the mouse-hole and nourished me with food, figs and nuts and
dainties of all kinds. But how are you to make me your friend, who am altogether
different in nature? For you get your living in the water, but I am used to each such
foods as men have: I never miss the thrice-kneaded loaf in its neat, round basket, or
the thin-wrapped cake full of sesame and cheese, or the slice of ham, or liver vested in
white fat, or cheese just curdled from sweet milk, or delicious honey-cake which even
the blessed gods long for, or any of all those cates which cooks make for the feasts of
mortal men, larding their pots and pans with spices of all kinds. In battle I have never
flinched from the cruel onset, but plunged straight into the fray and fought among the
foremost. I fear not man though he has a big body, but run along his bed and bite the
tip of his toe and nibble at his heel; and the man feels no hurt and his sweet sleep is
not broken by my biting. But there are two things I fear above all else the whole world
over, the hawk and the ferret -- for these bring great grief on me -- and the piteous trap
wherein is treacherous death.

Most of all I fear the ferret of the keener sort which follows you still even when you
dive down your hole. (1) In gnaw no radishes and cabbages and pumpkins, nor feed
on green leeks and parsley; for these are food for you who live in the lake.'

(ll. 56-64) Then Puff-jaw answered him with a smile: `Stranger you boast too much of
belly-matters: we too have many marvels to be seen both in the lake and on the shore.
For the Son of Chronos has given us Frogs the power to lead a double life, dwelling at
will in two separate elements; and so we both leap on land and plunge beneath the
water. If you would learn of all these things, 'tis easy done: just mount upon my back
and hold me tight lest you be lost, and so you shall come rejoicing to my house.'

(ll. 65-81) So said he, and offered his back. And the Mouse mounted at once, putting
his paws upon the other's sleek neck and vaulting nimbly. Now at first, while he still
saw the land near by, he was pleased, and was delighted with Puff-jaw's swimming;
but when dark waves began to wash over him, he wept loudly and blamed his unlucky
change of mind: he tore his fur and tucked his paws in against his belly, while within
him his heart quaked by reason of the strangeness: and he longed to get to land,
groaning terribly through the stress of chilling fear. He put out his tail upon the water
and worked it like a steering oar, and prayed to heaven that he might get to land. But
when the dark waves washed over him he cried aloud and said: `Not in such wise did
the bull bear on his back the beloved load, when be brought Europa across the sea to
Crete, as this Frog carries me over the water to his house, raising his yellow back in
the pale water.'

(ll. 82-92) Then suddenly a water-snake appeared, a horrid sight for both alike, and
held his neck upright above the water. And when he saw it, Puff-jaw dived at once,
and never thought how helpless a friend he would leave perishing; but down to the
bottom of the lake he went, and escaped black death. But the Mouse, so deserted, at
once fell on his back, in the water. He wrung his paws and squeaked in agony of
death: many times he sank beneath the water and many times he rose up again
kicking. But he could not escape his doom, for his wet fur weighed him down heavily.
Then at the last, as he was dying, he uttered these words.

(ll. 93-98) `Ah, Puff-jaw, you shall not go unpunished for this treachery! You threw
me, a castaway, off your body as from a rock. Vile coward! On land you would not
have been the better man, boxing, or wrestling, or running; but now you have tricked
me and cast me in the water. Heaven has an avenging eye, and surely the host of Mice
will punish you and not let you escape.'

(ll. 99-109) With these words he breathed out his soul upon the water. But Lick-platter
as he sat upon the soft bank saw him die and, raising a dreadful cry, ran and told the
Mice. And when they heard of his fate, all the Mice were seized with fierce anger, and
bade their heralds summon the people to assemble towards dawn at the house of
Bread-nibbler, the father of hapless Crumb-snatcher who lay outstretched on the water
face up, a lifeless corpse, and no longer near the bank, poor wretch, but floating in the
midst of the deep. And when the Mice came in haste at dawn, Bread-nibbler stood up
first, enraged at his son's death, and thus he spoke.

(ll. 110-121) `Friends, even if I alone had suffered great wrong from the Frogs,
assuredly this is a first essay at mischief for you all. And now I am pitiable, for I have
lost three sons. First the abhorred ferret seized and killed one of them, catching him
outside the hole; then ruthless men dragged another to his doom when by unheard-of
arts they had contrived a wooden snare, a destroyer of Mice, which they call a trap.
There was a third whom I and his dear mother loved well, and him Puff-jaw has
carried out into the deep and drowned. Come, then, and let us arm ourselves and go
out against them when we have arrayed ourselves in rich-wrought arms.'

(ll. 122-131) With such words he persuaded them all to gird themselves. And Ares
who has charge of war equipped them. First they fastened on greaves and covered
their shins with green bean- pods broken into two parts which they had gnawed out,
standing over them all night. Their breast plates were of skin stretched on reeds,
skilfully made from a ferret they had flayed. For shields each had the centre-piece of a
lamp, and their spears were long needles all of bronze, the work of Ares, and the
helmets upon their temples were pea-nut shells.

(ll. 132-138) So the Mice armed themselves. But when the Frogs were aware of it,
they rose up out of the water and coming together to one place gathered a council of
grievous war. And while they were asking whence the quarrel arose, and what the
cause of this anger, a herald drew near bearing a wand in his paws, Pot-visitor the son
of great-hearted Cheese-carver. He brought the grim message of war, speaking thus:

(ll. 139-143) `Frogs, the Mice have sent me with their threats against you, and bid you
arm yourselves for war and battle; for they have seen Crumb-snatcher in the water
whom your king Puff- jaw slew. Fight, then, as many of you as are warriors among
the Frogs.'
(ll. 144-146) With these words he explained the matter. So when this blameless
speech came to their ears, the proud Frogs were disturbed in their hearts and began to
blame Puff-jaw. But he rose up and said:

(ll. 147-159) `Friends, I killed no Mouse, nor did I see one perishing. Surely he was
drowned while playing by the lake and imitating the swimming of the Frogs, and now
these wretches blame me who am guiltless. Come then; let us take counsel how we
may utterly destroy the wily Mice. Moreover, I will tell you what I think to be the
best. Let us all gird on our armour and take our stand on the very brink of the lake,
where the ground breaks down sheer: then when they come out and charge upon us,
let each seize by the crest the Mouse who attacks him, and cast them with their
helmets into the lake; for so we shall drown these dry-hobs (2) in the water, and
merrily set up here a trophy of victory over the slaughtered Mice.'

(ll. 160-167) By this speech he persuaded them to arm themselves.

They covered their shins with leaves of mallows, and had breastplates made of fine
green beet-leaves, and cabbage-leaves, skilfully fashioned, for shields. Each one was
equipped with a long, pointed rush for a spear, and smooth snail-shells to cover their
heads. Then they stood in close-locked ranks upon the high bank, waving their spears,
and were filled, each of them, with courage.

(ll. 168-173) Now Zeus called the gods to starry heaven and showed them the martial
throng and the stout warriors so many and so great, all bearing long spears; for they
were as the host of the Centaurs and the Giants. Then he asked with a sly smile; `Who
of the deathless gods will help the Frogs and who the Mice?'

And he said to Athena;

(ll. 174-176) `My daughter, will you go aid the Mice? For they all frolic about your
temple continually, delighting in the fat of sacrifice and in all kinds of food.'

(ll. 177-196) So then said the son of Cronos. But Athena answered him: `I would
never go to help the Mice when they are hard pressed, for they have done me much
mischief, spoiling my garlands and my lamps too, to get the oil. And this thing that
they have done vexes my heart exceedingly: they have eaten holes in my sacred robe,
which I wove painfully spinning a fine woof on a fine warp, and made it full of holes.
And now the money-lender is at me and charges me interest which is a bitter thing for
immortals. For I borrowed to do my weaving, and have nothing with which to repay.
Yet even so I will not help the Frogs; for they also are not considerable: once, when I
was returning early from war, I was very tired, and though I wanted to sleep, they
would not let me even doze a little for their outcry; and so I lay sleepless with a
headache until cock-crow. No, gods, let us refrain from helping these hosts, or one of
us may get wounded with a sharp spear; for they fight hand to hand, even if a god
comes against them. Let us rather all amuse ourselves watching the fight from

(ll. 197-198) So said Athena. And the other gods agreed with her, and all went in a
body to one place.

(ll. 199-201) Then gnats with great trumpets sounded the fell note of war, and Zeus
the son of Cronos thundered from heaven, a sign of grievous battle.

(ll. 202-223) First Loud-croaker wounded Lickman in the belly, right through the
midriff. Down fell he on his face and soiled his soft fur in the dust: he fell with a thud
and his armour clashed about him. Next Troglodyte shot at the son of Mudman, and
drove the strong spear deep into his breast; so he fell, and black death seized him and
his spirit flitted forth from his mouth. Then Beety struck Pot-visitor to the heart and
killed him, and Bread-nibbler hit Loud-crier in the belly, so that he fell on his face and
his spirit flitted forth from his limbs. Now when Pond-larker saw Loud-crier
perishing, he struck in quickly and wounded Troglodyte in his soft neck with a rock
like a mill-stone, so that darkness veiled his eyes. Thereat Ocimides was seized with
grief, and struck out with his sharp reed and did not draw his spear back to him again,
but felled his enemy there and then. And Lickman shot at him with a bright spear and
hit him unerringly in the midriff. And as he marked Cabbage-eater running away, he
fell on the steep bank, yet even so did not cease fighting but smote that other so that
he fell and did not rise again; and the lake was dyed with red blood as he lay
outstretched along the shore, pierced through the guts and shining flanks. Also he
slew Cheese-eater on the very brink....


(ll. 224-251) But Reedy took to flight when he saw Ham-nibbler, and fled, plunging
into the lake and throwing away his shield. Then blameless Pot-visitor killed Brewer
and Water-larked killed the lord Ham-nibbler, striking him on the head with a pebble,
so that his brains flowed out at his nostrils and the earth was bespattered with blood.
Faultless Muck-coucher sprang upon Lick- platter and killed him with his spear and
brought darkness upon his eyes: and Leeky saw it, and dragged Lick-platter by the
foot, though he was dead, and choked him in the lake. But Crumb- snatcher was
fighting to avenge his dead comrades, and hit Leeky before he reached the land; and
he fell forward at the blow and his soul went down to Hades. And seeing this, the
Cabbage- climber took a clod of mud and hurled it at the Mouse, plastering all his
forehead and nearly blinding him. Thereat Crumb-snatcher was enraged and caught up
in his strong hand a huge stone that lay upon the ground, a heavy burden for the soil:
with that he hit Cabbage-climber below the knee and splintered his whole right shin,
hurling him on his back in the dust. But Croakperson kept him off, and rushing at the
Mouse in turn, hit him in the middle of the belly and drove the whole reed-spear into
him, and as he drew the spear back to him with his strong hand, all his foe's bowels
gushed out upon the ground. And when Troglodyte saw the deed, as he was limping
away from the fight on the river bank, he shrank back sorely moved, and leaped into a
trench to escape sheer death. Then Bread-nibbler hit Puff-jaw on the toes -- he came
up at the last from the lake and was greatly distressed....


(ll. 252-259) And when Leeky saw him fallen forward, but still half alive, he pressed
through those who fought in front and hurled a sharp reed at him; but the point of the
spear was stayed and did not break his shield. Then noble Rueful, like Ares himself,
struck his flawless head-piece made of four pots -- he only among the Frogs showed
prowess in the throng. But when he saw the other rush at him, he did not stay to meet
the stout- hearted hero but dived down to the depths of the lake.

(ll. 260-271) Now there was one among the Mice, Slice-snatcher, who excelled the
rest, dear son of Gnawer the son of blameless Bread-stealer. He went to his house and
bade his son take part in the war. This warrior threatened to destroy the race of Frogs
utterly (3), and splitting a chestnut-husk into two parts along the joint, put the two
hollow pieces as armour on his paws: then straightway the Frogs were dismayed and
all rushed down to the lake, and he would have made good his boast -- for he had
great strength -- had not the Son of Cronos, the Father of men and gods, been quick to
mark the thing and pitied the Frogs as they were perishing. He shook his head, and
uttered this word:

(ll. 272-276) `Dear, dear, how fearful a deed do my eyes behold! Slice-snatcher makes
no small panic rushing to and fro among the Frogs by the lake. Let us then make all
haste and send warlike Pallas or even Ares, for they will stop his fighting, strong
though he is.'

(ll. 277-284) So said the Son of Cronos; but Hera answered him: `Son of Cronos,
neither the might of Athena nor of Ares can avail to deliver the Frogs from utter
destruction. Rather, come and let us all go to help them, or else let loose your weapon,
the great and formidable Titan-killer with which you killed Capaneus, that doughty
man, and great Enceladus and the wild tribes of Giants; ay, let it loose, for so the most
valiant will be slain.'

(ll. 285-293) So said Hera: and the Son of Cronos cast a lurid thunderbolt: first he
thundered and made great Olympus shake, and the cast the thunderbolt, the awful
weapon of Zeus, tossing it lightly forth. Thus he frightened them all, Frogs and Mice
alike, hurling his bolt upon them. Yet even so the army of the Mice did not relax, but
hoped still more to destroy the brood of warrior Frogs. Only, the Son of Cronos, on
Olympus, pitied the Frogs and then straightway sent them helpers.

(ll. 294-303) So there came suddenly warriors with mailed backs and curving claws,
crooked beasts that walked sideways, nut- cracker-jawed, shell-hided: bony they were,
flat-backed, with glistening shoulders and bandy legs and stretching arms and eyes
that looked behind them. They had also eight legs and two feelers -- persistent
creatures who are called crabs. These nipped off the tails and paws and feet of the
Mice with their jaws, while spears only beat on them. Of these the Mice were all
afraid and no longer stood up to them, but turned and fled. Already the sun was set,
and so came the end of the one-day war.


(1) Lines 42-52 are intrusive; the list of vegetables which the Mouse cannot eat must
follow immediately after the various dishes of which he does eat.
(2) lit. `those unable to swim'.
(3) This may be a parody of Orion's threat in Hesiod, "Astronomy", frag. 4.

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