Dependents Affidavit of Confirmation
Dependents Affidavit of Confirmation
Dependents Affidavit of Confirmation
2. My relationship with person whose names are listed above are borne out by the fact
that I am the lawful spouse and the legitimate/illegitimate father of the afore-named children as
evidenced by the attached advisory on marriages, marriage contract and birth certificates:
3. That, listed below are my children who were previously included in my Certificate of
Legal Beneficiaries (CLB) database to which I am requesting for their exclusion from the list of CLB
for the reason of having their own family and of reaching their legal age to wit:
4. That, I hold myself criminally and administratively liable for perjury and dishonesty
should any statements made herein are inaccurate or later found to be false and in of law.