Elementary Fibonacci PDF
Elementary Fibonacci PDF
Elementary Fibonacci PDF
Are patterns consistent in nature and what is the connection
between patterns in nature and the Fibonacci sequence?
by Joyce Manangan
Authentic Audience:
The described activities are designed for elementary students in the fourth grade.
Learning Plan:
1. Students will first complete a pre- b. “Fibonacci Flower” – Individually,
assessment by answering questions regarding students will create their own flower that
the Fibonacci sequence: exhibits the Fibonacci sequence using
crafting supplies (scissors, glue, tissue
a. What are the first 10 numbers in the
paper, felt paper, pipe cleaners, etc.). Note:
Fibonacci sequence?
This activity could also be done around
b. How do you find out the next number in the Mother’s day for students to create a
sequence? Fibonacci flower bouquet for their mom.
c. Name a plant or fruit that exhibits the 5. Reflect with students about the activities
Fibonacci sequence. Explain how or why as a class, and have them share the flower
it does. they created with the class (optional).
2. Present a mini lecture about the Fibonacci 6. In groups of 4 to 5, students will complete
sequence along with identifying the difference the activity: “Fibonacci Pineapple”
between flower petals and sepals (optional).
a. Count the amount of spirals of a
Physically show students examples of flowers
pineapple by marking each spiral in every
that exhibit the Fibonacci sequence.
direction with colored tape.
3. As a class, students will then complete their
7. Reflect with students about the activity and
own Fibonacci table to help them complete the
the lesson as a whole.
other activities, which will be done individually
and in small groups. 8. Students will complete a post-assessment
by answering questions regarding the
4. After the table is complete, students will
Fibonacci sequence (same questions as
complete the worksheets: “Fibonacci Flowers in
pre- assessment).
Hawai‘i” and “Fibonacci Flower”:
a. While students are completing their post-
a. “Fibonacci Flowers in Hawai‘i” – In groups
assessment, cut the pineapple chunks up
of 4 to 5, classify pictures of flowers that may
for them to eat after completing their post-
be found in Hawai‘i according to the number
assessment (optional).
of petals.
Joyce Manangan
Standard Benchmarks,
GLOs, or Nā Honua
Mauli Ola Skills Concepts Assessment
Operations and algebraic - Make observations -Generating and analyzing - Completing an art activity
thinking 4.oa - Recognize patterns patterns. where students create
Generate and analyze - Classifying objects a visual representation
- Classify objects (flower) of a number in the
patterns. knowing similar properties
or given a rule. Fibonacci sequence.
Generate a number or
shape pattern that follows a - Working with a pineapple
given rule. Identify apparent to observe the Fibonacci
features of the pattern that sequence’s occurrence with
were not explicit in the rule the fruit.
itself. - Identifying and organizing
flowers that exhibit the
Fibonacci sequence based
on the number of petals the
flower has.
Standard 9: Patterns, -- Make observations to - Generating and analyzing - Completing a Fibonacci
Functions, and Algebra: recognize patterns in a patterns. table up to the first 6
Patterns and Functional sequence. - Extending the sequence numbers in the sequence.
Relationships: Understand - Describe patterns. following the recognized
various types of patterns and
functional relationships. - Perform basic computations pattern.
such as addition.
Benchmark MA.4.9.1
Extend, create, and
generalize growing and
shrinking numeric and
geometric patterns
(including multiplication
Hawai‘i is filled with a wide collection of tropical fruits and plants that enhance the beauty of
our environment while also supplying food for its inhabitants. By completing this lesson, students
become more aware of the natural beauty that surrounds them and are motivated to learn about the
importance of taking care of our ‘aina to preserve our island’s beauty.
Golden ratio for upper grade levels: Individually, students will complete an activity about the
golden ratio. In the activity students will be measuring the angle between one flower petal to another
using a protractor, and perform calculations to determine if the flower exhibits the golden ratio. After
completing this portion of the activity, students will then calculate for the golden ration by computing
the ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers.
Fractal Foundation. (2013). Fibonacci Fractals. Retrieved from http://fractalfoundation.org/OFC/OFC-11-1.html
10 search terms:
1. Fibonacci sequence 6. Leonardo Pisano Bogollo
2. Number pattern 7. Analyzing patterns
3. Number of flower petals 8. Classification
4. Pineapples fruit scales 9. Number sequence
5. Golden ratio 10. Geometric patterns
Joyce Manangan