True Position Use of Datums
True Position Use of Datums
True Position Use of Datums
(Legacy Dimension Mode)
The Use Datums option in the True Position window allows the analysis to be performed in three
ways. 1) From the active Alignment. 2) From a mathematical Virtual Hard Gage simulation (Fit to
Datums: ON). 3) From a Datum Reference Frame simulation (Fit to Datums: OFF). All examples
reference the illustration below (Features, Datums and Alignment).
Application: Use this method when there are no modifier(s) (MMC or LMC) on the Datum(s) and
when checking the Position of one or multiple features (single feature or a pattern) from a Datum
Reference Frame. Bonus tolerance is only available on the feature(s).
Results: The True Position of the selected feature(s) is evaluated in the active alignment.
Therefore, the active alignment must be set up to reflect the specified Datum Reference Frame
before creating the True Position dimension(s).
Application: Use this method when there are modifier(s) (MMC or LMC) on the Datum(s) and
when checking the True Position of a single feature (multiple features are not supported in legacy
dimension mode). Note: True Position of multiple features and MMC/LMC on the Datum
feature(s) is supported when “Use Legacy” is not selected and the new True Position Feature
Control Frame dimension command is used.
Note: The results are representing “Pass/Fail” analysis just as a functional gage does therefore it is
not possible to monitor for process variation or perform statistical studies.
Bonus Column: The bonus column in the report shows the calculated amount of bonus of the
feature (DF) and the calculated amount of bonus of each datum feature of size (D1 primary, D2
secondary, D3 tertiary). The total bonus value is determined based on the following conditions:
When sufficient bonus tolerance from the datum(s) allow datum shift such that there is no
deviation from the nominal values without utilizing up to 100% of the allowable bonus from the
datum(s), the total bonus amount is the sum of the bonus from the feature and the unused amount
of bonus from the datum(s).
The measured values changed based on the allowable datum shift derived from the bonus of
datums D2 and D3 (simulates a functional gage). In this case the measured values check nominal
resulting in zero deviation, and the total bonus is the sum of the bonus from the feature (.006) and
the unused bonus from the datums (.002) for a total of .008 bonus tolerance.
2 DOF from bonus on D2 (.008 bonus): translation in X and Y axis
1 DOF from bonus on D3 (.008 bonus): rotation about Z axis
Condition #1B: In-Tolerance
When 100% of the bonus from the datum(s) is used then the total bonus amount is only the bonus
from the feature. Typically this case would show some amount of deviation from the nominal
The tolerance for D2 and D3 were changed to illustrate using 100% of the bonus from the datums
where there is deviation from nominal yet still an In-Tolerance condition.
Note: The tolerance for the DF, D2, D3 and the TP were changed to illustrate the out of tolerance
Option #3: Use Datums: ON and Fit to Datums: OFF (4.1 enhancement)
Application: Use this method when there are modifier(s) (MMC or LMC) on the Datum(s) and
you do not want the measured data fitted (no Datum Shift). This option was added based on
customer request to provide the ability to incorporate bonus from a Datum and still monitor for
process variation (the measured values are not altered because no “Datum Shift” is applied).
Note: This method is not compliant with Y14.5M 1994.
Bonus Column: The bonus column in the report shows the calculated amount of bonus of the
feature (DF) and the calculated amount of bonus of each datum feature of size (D1 primary, D2
secondary, D3 tertiary). The total bonus value is the sum of the bonus from the feature and the
Datum with the smallest amount of bonus amongst the selected datums.
Note: The tolerance for the DF, D2, D3 and TP were changed to illustrate the out of tolerance
General Rules for True Position Dimensions when Use Datums is On:
1) It is important to select all the Datums specified in the feature control frame such that the proper
fitting is performed. The features selected for D1, D2 and D3 represent the Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary Datums and are used to constrain up to “Six Degrees of Freedom” (3 degrees of
Translation and 3 degrees of Rotation).
2) All Measured Feature commands (datums and feature) must contain the correct nominal values
(X,Y,Z,I,J,K) in the THEO field (fitting references the measured feature commands to calculate
datum constraints and the dimensional results).
3) The Measured Feature command and the associated True Position Dimension command must
come from the same alignment (ensures the nominal values are correct and the same as what is
called out as basic dimensions on the drawing).This is critical when programming without CAD as
it will require editing measured feature commands (guess mode) to provide the correct nominal
values (used for fitting).
4) The Ignore CAD to Part option in the Setup Options/General Dialog window (F5) must not be
Note: It is recommended to use the new True Position Feature Control Frame method of
dimensioning when there are modifier(s) (MMC or LMC) on the Datum(s) (4.1 enhancement).
The Legacy True Position command with Use Datums ON is available for program migration and
no longer needed for new programs created in 4.1.