A Case Study of Feminism in India
A Case Study of Feminism in India
A Case Study of Feminism in India
Student, Chanakya National Law University, Patna.
Student, Chanakya National Law University, Patna.
CHRIS BEASLEY, WHAT IS FEMINISM 3-11 (1st ed. 1999).
WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND FEMINISM IN INDIA 1800-1990(1st ed. 1993).
Schools of feminism
Over the years numerous feminist ideologies have developed. Some of the popular schools of
Feminism practiced in India are as follows:
Liberal Feminism
Liberal feminism is an individualistic form of feminist theory which entirely focuses upon
women’s ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices. Its
emphasis is upon making the legal and political rights of women equal to men.7
Liberal feminists conceive the idea of freedom as personal autonomy and political autonomy.
Feminists belonging to Liberal School of Feminism hold the view that the exercise of
personal autonomy depends upon certain enabling conditions that are insufficiently present in
women’s lives.8
Radical Feminism
Radical feminism is a school of Feminist philosophy which emphasizes upon the patriarchal
roots of inequality between the men and women. The Radical feminism philosophy views
patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by sex. As a result women are
continuously oppressed by man.
According to Radical feminists,technology will play a very important role in removing the
divide between the two opposite sexes.9
Socialist Feminism
Socialist feminism is a branch of Feminism which states that capitalism strengthens and
supports the existing sexist status. Presently it’s the men who possess and own power and
wealth. Further they believe that these men are more willing to share their power and money
with other fellow men than women. As a result women are left with fewer opportunities
andresources. Therefore, Socialist Feminists aim to eliminate the existing capitalist system
and replace it with the socialist model to improve the present situation of women.10
Women rights under Indian Constitution
The Indian Constitution prohibits any sort of discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.
Articles 15 and 16 of our Constitution grant special rights to women for their social
Suzanne M. Marilley, Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, 1820-
1920,HARVARD (Aug. 3, 2018, 7:00 PM), http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674431331.
Amy.R.Baehr, Liberal feminism,STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY (Aug. 4, 2018, 6:00 PM),
Ellen Willis, “Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism”. Social Text 9/10: The 60’s without Apology,
JSTOR (Aug. 5, 2018, 8:30 PM), https://www.jstor.org/stable/i220048.
Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy,Socalist Feminism: What Differencedid it make to the History of Women’s
Studies,34(3) Feminist Studies 497, 497-525 (2008).
upliftment.11Apart from that seven five-year plans were developed to provide health,
education, employment, and welfare to women. Further the sixth five-year plan even declared
women as partners in development.
Impact of feminism in India and way ahead
Feminist Movement is certainly one of the most revolutionary and influential socio-political
movement of our country. Feminists in India have posed challenges to established patriarchal
institutions such as family, dominant social values and legal structures especially in regard to
violence against women.It is because of the Feminist Movement that today women have the
right to vote in modern day democracies; it is the courtesy of the Feminist Movement that
today women have the right to hold the public offices. It is due to the feminist movements
that we have witnessed a series of social, cultural and educational reforms in our society
which improved the living standards of woman.12
However, despite the Feminist Movement and other such reforms, a large population of
women are still living a substandard life in our country. Thus, it’s the need of the hour that
the governments at National level promote feminism. It is because when women and men
would live same standard of life with equal opportunities and rights, then only the mankind
would progress and our country will move forward.
Apart from this we also need to change the perception of people in general towards
Feminism. The subconscious of our culture automatically associates “feminist” with “man-
hating.” As a result today both women and men refuse to identify themselves as Feminist.
This understanding of the concept of Feminism is entirely contrary to the original meaning.
Apart from that the mainstream society has the tendency to be blinded by fear (In this case
the fear is of change). We are unable to digest the fact that while feminism is freeing women
from patriarchal oppression, men are being freed as well. Feminism has also freed men from
the patriarchal oppression, just like women, men were also harmed by traditional gender
roles. Thus, it can be said that Feminism has advantaged both the sexes. 13 Therefore, it’s high
time for us that we not only promote Feminism in society, but also explain the concept
Feminism to the society so that no one lives in ignorance anymore.
CONST. India art.15, art. 16.
MadhumitaPandey, Exploring ‘Feminism’ and the real life impact of feminist movement in India, SUNDAY
GUARDIAN (Aug. 8, 2018, 4:00 PM), https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/lifestyle/9216-exploring-
H. Maren, How Feminism Helps Everyone (Not Just The Women),WOMEN MEDIA CENTER (Aug. 6,
2018, 3:34 PM), http://www.womensmediacenter.com/fbomb/how-feminism-helps-everyone-not-just-the-