Product Catalog Ejector
Product Catalog Ejector
Product Catalog Ejector
Jet Pumps
Mixers, Heaters
Vacuum Systems
Table of contents
Page Index
Basics and worksheets 5
General information on jet pumps 7 abl1
Materials table (excerpt) 9 abl1
International System of Units 11 abl2
Conversion tables for different units of measurement 12 abl2
Measurement conversion table, conversion of english-american units in the International System of Units (SI) and vice versa 13 abl3
Temperature conversion table, °C in °F and vice versa 14 abl3
Water vapor pressure table, vacuum range (saturated steam) 15 abl5
Water vapor temperature table, vacuum range (saturated steam) 16 abl5
Water vapor pressure table, pressure range 1-70 bar (saturated steam) 17 abl6
Water vapor temperature table, temperature range 100-300 °C (saturated steam) 18 abl6
Vapors and gases in vacuum 19 abl7
Water vapor and air in vacuum 20 abl7
Air leakage in vacuum vessels 21 abl8
Admissible flow velocity in vacuum ducts 22 abl8
Pressure loss in vacuum lines with water vapor 23 abl9
Pressure loss in water pipes 24 abl9
Dimensions, velocities and mass flows in steam and water pipes 25 abl10
Vapor flows in pipes 26 abl10
Mass flow of gases and vapors through nozzles 27 abl11
Water vapor flow through motive nozzles at critical pressure ratio 28 abl11
Equivalent suction flows for steam jet vacuum pumps 29 abl12
Steam consumption of jet pumps 31 abl13
The mass flows Ø1, Ø 0 and Ø for the enter- Jet vacuum pump Gas jet vacuum pump Steam jet vacuum pump Liquid jet vacuum pump
The scope of delivery of the jet pumps 2) DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND DELIVERY OF quotation. Jet pumps can be built for very
department of GEA Wiegand is divided into SPECIAL APPARATUSES AND PLANTS small as well as for extraordinarily large
two main fields. For this purpose our well-trained staff of capacities. They can be constructed from
specialists in jet pumps and vacuum sys- most different materials and stand out for
1) DELIVERY OF STANDARD APPARATUSES tems is available. In our modern Research the following features:
This catalog gives a wide selection. The Laboratory, the required analyses, research
types and sizes are selected such that for work and tests are carried out. Special leaf- • reliability
usual tasks a suitable unit can always be lets give detailed information; they show • simplicity
found. Description and capacity curves and the general principles of these plants and • low maintenance costs
the corresponding sheets allow the correct inform the customers which data are needed • low acquisition costs
choice. for engineering and for the preparation of a
• T
he capacities specified in the catalog • Do not mix up connections.
sheets are only approximate values. They
will be different if operating conditions • C
onnecting pipe lines must be of equal or
change. larger diameter than the corresponding
connections on the plant.
• F
or the design in individual cases, our
order confirmation is binding and not the • V
alves, fittings, seals etc. must have the
catalog sheet. full cross sectional area and not restrict
the line.
• W
here necessary, installation and operat
ing instructions are made available. • F
or longer pipe lines, the cross sectional
area must be larger to obtain the lowest
• N
ormally, cast apparatuses are supplied possible pressure loss. In all cases, care
with flanges bored to DIN PN 10, unless must be taken to ensure that the pipe line
otherwise agreed. If specified, flanges be constructed with the most favourable
according to ASME, BS or other special flow characteristics.
flanges can be supplied, if the casting
model is available or if it is a question of • S
team lines should be well insulated. Dry
welded (fabricated) apparatus. Counter motive steam is particularly important for
flanges together with seals and screws are the good operation of steam jet vacuum
only supplied on request. pumps.
• F
urthermore, we recommend the installa-
tion of a dirt trap in the supply lines for
motive fluids.
• F
or further details on the assembly and
operation of jet pumps please refer to the
respective operation instructions.
Availability on request
The units for measurement and weight are in accordance with the International
System of Units (SI) recommended by the International Organisation of Stand-
ardisation (ISO).
For the technical range which is the subject matter of this catalog, the following
basic units of measurement and the corresponding abbreviations, taken from the
International System of Units, shall apply.
Length meter m
Force newton N
Mass kilogramme kg
Temperature kelvin K
Energy joule J
Amperage ampere A
The interdependence between derived units The unit of thermodynamic temperature is The following attachments denote decimal
and basic units is as follows: the kelvin in K. The kelvin converted to the multiples and fractions of the SI-Units.
Celsius temperature scale has the special
name of degree Celsius in °C. Temperature p pico 10-12 D deca 101
differences are indicated in K or in °C. n nano 10-9 h hecto 102
0 K correspond to -273.10 °C (degrees Cel- μ mikro 10 -6
k kilo 103
sius). The graduation within the two scales m milli 10 -3
M mega 106
is equal: one kelvin step corresponds to one c centi 10-2 G giga 109
Celsius step. d deci 10-1 T tera 1012
Heat transfer /
Heat transmission
Thermal conductivity
Specific heat
The table Conversion from technical system of units to international system of units shows a comparison between the earlier used
Technical System of Units and the newly, legally binding, introduced International System of Units for the most important values given
in this catalog.
The following tables show the units of measurement for pressure, energy and capacity in
use ever since in comparison to the units of the international system of units (SI).
Pa = N/m² bar at mm WC atm Torr psia
1 Pa = 1 N/m² 1 10-5 1.0197 · 10-5 0.10197 0.9869 · 10-5 0.75006 · 10-2 1.45037 · 10-4
5 4 3
1 bar = 1000 mbar 10 1 1.0197 1.0197 · 10 0.9869 0.75006 · 10 14.5037
1 mbar 102 1 ·10-3 1.0197 · 10-3 10.197 0.9869 · 10-3 0.75006 1.45037 · 10-2
5 4 3
1 at 0.98067 · 10 0.98067 1 1.00003 · 10 0.96784 0.73556 · 10 14.224
1 mm WC 9.8064 0.98064 · 10-4 0.99997 · 10-4 1 0.96781 · 10-4 0.73554 · 10-1 1.4224 · 10-3
5 4
1 atm 1.01325 · 10 1.01325 1.03323 1.03326 · 10 1 760 14.696
1 Torr 1.3332 · 102 1.3332 · 10-3 1.3595 · 10-3 13.595 1.3158 · 10-3 1 1.9336 · 10-2
1 psia 6.8948 · 103 6.8948 · 10-2 7.0306 · 10-2 7.0306 · 102 6.8043 · 10-2 51.716 1
kJ kWh kpm kcal Btu
kW kpm/s PS kcal/s kcal/h
1kW 1 1.0197 · 10 1.3596 0.23884 859.824
1 kpm/s 9.80665 · 10-3 1 1.3333 · 10-2 2.3422 ·10-3 8.4319
1 PS 0.7355 75 1 1.7573 · 10 6.3263 · 102
PRESSURE, DEFINITION OF TERMS AND UNITS The indices used are derived from the Latin
pe = pabs. – pamb.
In technology, various units of pressure are words:
used. A differentiation is made between Pressure gauge pe will have a positive value
abs = absolutus; detached, independent
absolute pressure, differential pressure and if the absolute pressure is greater than
amb = ambiens; environs, ambient
gauge pressure. atmospheric pressure and it will have a e = excedens; exceed
negative value if the absolute pressure is
ABSOLUTE PRESSURE pabs. takes as its basis zero smaller than atmospheric pressure. (see also DIN 1314 “Pressure, basic defini-
pressure of a pure vacuum. tions and units”)
“Negative Pressure” may no longer be used
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSUREΔp is the difference as a designation of a parameter, but only as The unit of pressure is the pascal in Pa. For
between two pressures. a qualitative term for a condition, e.g. “A practical purposes the bar (1 bar = 105 Pa)
negative pressure prevails in the suction is used as a convenient unit for calculation.
GAUGE PRESSURE pe is the difference between line”. The range of pressure below atmospheric
an absolute pressure p abs. and the actual pressure is also be called the vacuum range.
(absolute) atmospheric pressure pamb.. In vacuum technology absolute pressure is
always used.
1 oz 28.35 g 1g 0.0353 oz
1 lb (16 oz) 0.454 kg 1 kg 2.205 lb
1 U.S. ton 0.907 t 1t 1.1023 U.S. ton
1 Brit. ton 1.016 t 1t 0.984 Brit.ton
1 °F 5/9 °C 1 °C 9/5 °F
1 °F 5/9 K 1K 9/5 °F
°C °F °C °F °C °F
– 28.8 – 20 – 4.0 4.4 40 104.0 37.7 100 212.0
– 28.3 – 19 – 2.2 5.0 41 105.8 38.3 101 213.8
– 27.7 – 18 – 0.4 5.5 42 107.6 38.8 102 215.6
– 27.2 – 17 1.4 6.1 43 109.4 39.4 103 217.4
– 26.6 – 16 3.2 6.6 44 111.2 40.0 104 219.2
– 1.1 30 86.0 32.2 90 194.0 The temperature values to be converted are given in
– 0.5 31 87.8 32.7 91 195.8 the coloured centre column. The corresponding values
0.0 32 89.6 33.3 92 197.6 in °C are given left of the centre column, the values in
0.5 33 91.4 33.8 93 199.4 °F are given right of the centre column.
1.1 34 93.2 34.4 94 201.2 EXAMPLES: 1. Value to be converted (centre column)
p J v” h” Dhv p J v” h” Dhv
mbar °C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg mbar °C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg
0.001 -76.19 909000 2344 2852 35 26.69 39.5 2551 2439
0.002 -71.74 465000 2355 2851 36 27.17 38.5 2551 2438
0.003 -69.04 314000 2361 2850 37 27.64 37.5 2552 2437
0.004 -67.08 238000 2365 2850 38 28.10 36.6 2553 2435
39 28.54 35.7 2554 2434
0.005 -65.53 192000 2368 2849
0.006 -64.25 160700 2371 2849 40 28.98 34.8 2555 2433
0.007 -63.15 138500 2374 2849 42 29.83 33.3 2556 2431
0.008 -62.19 121700 2376 2848 44 30.64 31.8 2558 2429
0.009 -61.34 108600 2377 2848 46 31.42 30.5 2559 2428
48 32.17 29.3 2560 2426
0.01 -60.57 98110 2379 2848
0.02 -55.37 50250 2390 2847 50 32.90 28.2 2562 2424
0.03 -52.20 33990 2397 2846 52 33.60 27.2 2563 2422
0.04 -49.90 25760 2402 2845 54 34.27 26.2 2564 2421
56 34.93 25.4 2565 2419
0.05 -48.08 20770 2405 2844
58 35.57 24.5 2567 2418
0.06 -46.57 17430 2408 2844
0.07 -45.28 15020 2411 2844 60 36.18 23.8 2568 2416
0.08 -44.14 13210 2413 2843 62 36.78 23.0 2569 2415
0.09 -43.14 11790 2415 2843 64 37.37 22.4 2570 2413
66 37.93 21.7 2571 2412
0.1 -42.23 10660 2417 2843
68 38.49 21.1 2572 2411
0.2 -36.06 5471 2430 2841
0.3 -32.29 3705 2437 2840 70 39.03 20.5 2573 2409
0.4 -29.55 2811 2442 2839 72 39.55 20.0 2574 2408
74 40.06 19.5 2575 2407
0.5 -27.38 2269 2447 2838
76 40.57 19.0 2575 2406
0.6 -25.57 1904 2450 2838
78 41.06 18.6 2576 2404
0.7 -24.02 1643 2453 2838
0.8 -22.67 1445 2456 2837 80 41.54 18.1 2577 2403
0.9 -21.46 1291 2458 2837 85 42.69 17.1 2579 2401
90 43.79 16.2 2581 2398
1 -20.36 1167 2460 2837
95 44.84 15.4 2583 2395
1.5 -16.07 791 2469 2836
2 -12.94 600 2475 2835 100 45.84 14.7 2585 2393
2.5 -10.45 485 2479 2834 110 47.71 13.4 2588 2388
3 -8.38 407 2483 2834 120 49.45 12.4 2591 2384
130 51.06 11.5 2594 2380
3.5 -6.61 351 2487 2833
140 52.58 10.7 2597 2377
4 -5.06 309 2490 2833
4.5 -3.67 276 2492 2833 150 54.00 10.0 2599 2373
5 -2.42 250 2495 2833 160 55.34 9.44 2602 2370
5.5 -1.27 228 2497 2832 170 56.62 8.92 2604 2367
180 57.83 8.45 2606 2364
6 -0.22 210 2499 2832
190 58.99 8.03 2608 2361
7 1.89 181 2505 2497
8 3.77 160 2509 2493 200 60.09 7.65 2610 2358
9 5.46 143 2512 2489 220 62.17 7.00 2613 2353
240 64.09 6.45 2617 2348
10 6.98 129 2515 2485
260 65.88 5.98 2620 2344
11 8.38 118 2517 2482
280 67.55 5.58 2623 2340
12 9.66 109 2519 2479
13 10.86 101 2522 2476 300 69.13 5.23 2625 2336
14 11.98 94.0 2524 2474 320 70.62 4.93 2628 2332
340 72.03 4.65 2630 2329
15 13.03 88.0 2526 2471
360 73.38 4.41 2633 2325
16 14.02 82.8 2527 2469
380 74.66 4.19 2635 2322
17 14.96 78.2 2529 2467
18 15.85 74.1 2531 2464 400 75.89 4.00 2637 2319
19 16.70 70.4 2532 2462 420 77.07 3.82 2639 2316
440 78.20 3.65 2641 2313
20 17.51 67.1 2534 2460
460 79.29 3.51 2642 2311
21 18.28 64.0 2535 2459
480 80.33 3.37 2644 2308
22 19.03 61.3 2537 2457
23 19.74 58.7 2538 2455 500 81.35 3.24 2646 2305
24 20.43 56.4 2539 2454 550 83.74 2.97 2650 2299
600 85.96 2.73 2653 2294
25 21.09 54.3 2540 2452
650 88.02 2.54 2657 2288
26 21.73 52.3 2542 2451
700 89.96 2.37 2660 2283
27 22.35 50.5 2543 2449
28 22.95 48.8 2544 2448 750 91.78 2.22 2663 2279
29 23.53 47.2 2545 2446 800 93.51 2.09 2666 2274
850 95.15 1.97 2668 2270
30 24.10 45.7 2546 2445
900 96.71 1.87 2671 2266
31 24.64 44.3 2547 2444
950 98.20 1.78 2673 2262
32 25.18 43.0 2548 2442
1000 99.63 1.70 2675 2258
33 25.69 41.8 2549 2441
34 26.20 40.6 2550 2440
1. “Thermodynamische Diagramme” Z. Kältetechnik, 17. (1965) S. 299-301
2. VDI Water vapor tables
J p v” h” Dhv J p v” h” Dhv
°C mbar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg °C mbar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg
-74 0.001411 651700 2349.3 2851.2 1 6.566 192.6 2503.4 2499.2
-73 0.001647 561000 2351.6 2851.0 2 7.054 179.9 2505.2 2496.8
-72 0.001920 483600 2353.9 2850.7 3 7.574 168.2 2507.1 2494.5
-71 0.002236 417500 2356.1 2850.5 4 8.128 157.3 2508.9 2492.1
-70 0.002598 361100 2358.4 2850.3 5 8.718 147.2 2510.7 2489.7
-69 0.003015 312600 2360.6 2850.0 6 9.345 137.8 2512.6 2487.4
-68 0.003495 271100 2362.8 2849.8 7 10.01 129.1 2514.4 2485.0
-67 0.004044 235400 2365.0 2849.6 8 10.71 121.0 2516.2 2482.6
-66 0.004672 204700 2367.2 2849.3 9 11.47 113.4 2518.1 2480.3
-65 0.005391 178300 2369.4 2849.1 10 12.27 106.4 2519.9 2477.9
-64 0.006212 155500 2371.6 2848.8 11 13.11 99.91 2521.7 2475.5
-63 0.007149 135800 2373.8 2848.5 12 14.01 93.84 2523.6 2473.2
-62 0.008215 118700 2376.0 2848.3 13 14.96 88.18 2525.4 2470.8
-61 0.00929 103900 2378.1 2848.0 14 15.97 82.90 2527.2 2468.5
-60 0.01080 91100 2380.3 2847.7 15 17.03 77.98 2529.1 2466.1
-59 0.01237 79900 2382.4 2847.5 16 18.16 73.38 2530.9 2463.8
-58 0.01414 70300 2384.5 2847.2 17 19.36 69.09 2532.7 2461.4
-57 0.01614 61600 2386.7 2846.9 18 20.62 65.09 2534.5 2459.0
-56 0.01841 54500 2388.8 2846.6 19 21.95 61.34 2536.4 2456.7
-55 0.02097 48000 2390.9 2846.4 20 23.36 57.84 2538.2 2454.3
-54 0.02385 42400 2393.0 2846.1 21 24.85 54.56 2540.0 2452.0
-53 0.02711 37500 2395.1 2845.8 22 26.41 51.49 2541.8 2449.6
-52 0.03077 33200 2397.2 2845.5 23 28.07 48.62 2543.6 2447.2
-51 0.03488 29400 2399.3 2845.2 24 29.82 45.93 2545.5 2444.9
-50 0.03949 26100 2401.3 2844.9 25 31.65 43.40 2547.3 2442.5
-49 0.04467 23200 2403.4 2844.6 26 33.59 41.03 2549.1 2440.2
-48 0.05047 20600 2405.5 2844.4 27 35.63 38.81 2550.9 2437.8
-47 0.05696 18300 2407.5 2844.1 28 37.78 36.73 2552.7 2435.4
-46 0.06422 16300 2409.6 2843.8 29 40.04 34.77 2554.5 2433.1
-45 0.07232 14600 2411.6 2843.5 30 42.41 32.93 2556.4 2430.7
-44 0.08136 13000 2413.6 2843.2 31 44.91 31.20 2558.2 2428.3
-43 0.09144 11600 2415.7 2842.9 32 47.53 29.57 2560.0 2425.9
-42 0.1026 10400 2417.7 2842.6 33 50.28 28.04 2561.8 2423.6
-41 0.1151 9312 2419.7 2842.3 34 53.18 26.60 2563.6 2421.2
-40 0.1289 8347 2421.7 2842.0 35 56.21 25.24 2565.4 2418.8
-39 0.1443 7489 2423.7 2841.7 36 59.39 23.97 2567.2 2416.4
-38 0.1614 6726 2425.7 2841.4 37 62.74 22.76 2569.0 2414.1
-37 0.1803 6046 2427.7 2841.1 38 66.24 21.63 2570.8 2411.7
-36 0.2012 5441 2429.7 2840.8 39 69.91 20.56 2572.6 2409.3
-35 0.2244 4900 2431.7 2840.6 40 73.74 19.55 2574.4 2406.9
-34 0.2500 4416 2433.7 2840.3 41 77.77 18.59 2576.2 2404.5
-33 0.2783 3985 2435.7 2840.0 42 81.98 17.69 2577.9 2402.1
-32 0.3095 3598 2437.6 2839.7 43 86.38 16.84 2579.7 2399.7
-31 0.3438 3252 2439.6 2839.4 44 90.99 16.04 2581.5 2397.3
-30 0.3816 2942 2441.6 2839.1 45 95.82 15.28 2583.3 2394.9
-29 0.4233 2663 2443.5 2838.8 46 100.8 14.56 2585.1 2392.5
-28 0.4691 2413 2445.5 2838.6 47 106.1 13.68 2586.9 2390.1
-27 0.5194 2188 2447.4 2838.3 48 111.6 13.23 2588.6 2387.7
-26 0.5746 1986 2449.4 2838.0 49 117.3 12.62 2590.4 2385.3
-25 0.6351 1804 2451.3 2837.7 50 123.3 12.05 2592.2 2382.9
-24 0.7014 1840 2453.3 2837.5 52 136.1 10.98 2595.7 2378.1
-23 0.7741 1492 2455.2 2837.2 54 150.0 10.02 2599.2 2373.2
-22 0.8536 1358 2457.1 2836.9 56 165.1 9.159 2602.7 2368.4
-21 0.9407 1237 2459.1 2836.7 58 181.4 8.381 2606.2 2363.5
-20 1.035 1129 2461.0 2836.4 60 199.2 7.679 2609.7 2358.6
-19 1.139 1030 2462.9 2836.2 62 218.3 7.044 2613.2 2353.7
-18 1.252 940.9 2464.8 2835.9 64 239.0 6.469 2616.6 2348.8
-17 1.375 859.9 2466.8 2835.7 66 261.5 5.948 2620.1 2343.9
-16 1.509 786.5 2468.7 2835.4 68 285.6 5.476 2623.5 2338.9
-15 1.656 719.8 2470.6 2835.2 70 311.6 5.046 2626.9 2334.0
-14 1.815 659.3 2472.5 2835.0 72 339.6 4.656 2630.3 2329.0
-13 1.968 604.2 2474.4 2834.7 74 369.6 4.300 2633.7 2324.0
-12 2.176 554.2 2476.3 2834.5 76 401.8 3.976 2637.1 2318.9
-11 2.380 508.6 2478.3 2834.3 78 436.4 3.660 2840.4 2313.9
-10 2.601 467.1 2480.2 2834.1 80 473.5 3.409 2643.8 2308.8
-9 2.841 429.3 2482.1 2833.9 82 513.2 3.162 2647.1 2303.8
-8 3.101 394.8 2484.0 2833.7 84 555.7 2.935 2650.4 2298.7
-7 3.363 363.3 2485.9 2833.5 86 601.0 2.727 2653.6 2293.1
-6 3.688 334.5 2487.8 2833.3 88 649.4 2.536 2656.9 2288.4
-5 4.017 308.2 2489.7 2833.1 90 701.0 2.361 2660.1 2283.2
-4 4.373 284.2 2491.6 2832.9 92 756.0 2.200 2663.4 2278.0
-3 4.758 262.1 2493.5 2832.7 94 814.6 2.052 2666.6 2272.8
-2 5.173 242.0 2495.4 2832.5 96 876.8 1.915 2669.7 2267.5
-1 5.622 223.5 2497.3 2832.4 98 943.0 1.789 2672.9 2262.2
0 6.105 206.6 2501.6 2501.6 100 1013.2 1.673 2676.0 2256.9
J T p v” h” Dhv J T p v” h” Dhv
°C K bar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg °C K bar m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg
100 373.15 1.0133 1.673 2676.0 2256.9 170 443.15 7.920 0.2426 2767.1 2047.9
101 374.15 1.0500 1.618 2677.6 2254.3 172 445.15 8.311 0.2317 2769.0 2041.1
102 375.15 1.0878 1.566 2679.1 2251.6 174 447.15 8.716 0.2215 2770.9 2034.2
103 376.15 1.1267 1.515 2680.7 2248.9 176 449.15 9.137 0.2117 2772.7 2027.3
104 377.15 1.1668 1.466 2682.2 2246.3 178 451.15 9.574 0.2025 2774.5 2020.2
105 378.15 1.2080 1.419 2683.7 2243.6 180 453.15 10.027 0.1938 2776.3 2013.1
106 379.15 1.2504 1.374 2685.3 2240.9 182 455.15 10.496 0.1855 2778.0 2006.0
107 380.15 1.2941 1.331 2686.8 2238.2 184 457.15 10.983 0.1776 2779.6 1998.8
108 381.15 1.3390 1.289 2688.3 2235.4 186 459.15 11.488 0.1702 2781.2 1991.5
109 382.15 1.3852 1.249 2689.8 2232.7 188 461.15 12.010 0.1631 2782.8 1984.2
110 383.15 1.4327 1.210 2691.3 2230.0 190 463.15 12.551 0.1563 2784.3 1976.7
111 384.15 1.4815 1.173 2692.8 2227.3 192 465.15 13.111 0.1499 2785.7 1969.3
112 385.15 1.5316 1.137 2694.3 2224.5 194 467.15 13.690 0.1438 2787.1 1961.7
113 386.15 1.5832 1.102 2695.8 2221.8 196 469.15 14.289 0.1380 2788.4 1954.1
114 387.15 1.6362 1.069 2697.2 2219.0 198 471.15 14.909 0.1324 2789.7 1946.4
115 388.15 1.6906 1.036 2698.7 2216.2 200 473.15 15.549 0.1272 2790.9 1938.6
116 389.15 1.7465 1.005 2700.2 2213.4 202 475.15 16.210 0.1221 2792.1 1930.7
117 390.15 1.8039 0.9753 2701.6 2210.7 204 477.15 16.893 0.1173 2793.2 1922.8
118 391.15 1.8628 0.9463 2703.1 2207.9 206 479.15 17.598 0.1128 2794.3 1914.7
119 392.15 1.9233 0.9184 2704.5 2205.1 208 481.15 18.326 0.1084 2795.3 1906.6
120 393.15 1.9854 0.8915 2706.0 2202.2 210 483.15 19.077 0.1042 2796.2 1898.5
121 394.15 2.0492 0.8655 2707.4 2199.4 212 485.15 19.852 0.1003 2797.1 1890.2
122 395.15 2.1145 0.8405 2708.8 2196.6 214 487.15 20.651 0.09646 2797.9 1881.8
123 396.15 2.1816 0.8162 2710.2 2193.7 216 489.15 21.475 0.09283 2798.6 1873.4
124 397.15 2.2504 0.7928 2711.6 2190.9 218 491.15 22.324 0.08936 2799.3 1864.9
125 398.15 2.3210 0.7702 2713.0 2188.0 220 493.15 23.198 0.08604 2799.9 1856.2
126 399.15 2.3933 0.7484 2714.4 2185.2 222 495.15 24.099 0.08286 2800.5 1847.5
127 400.15 2.4675 0.7273 2715.8 2182.3 224 497.15 25.027 0.07982 2800.9 1838.7
128 401.15 2.5435 0.7069 2717.2 2179.4 226 499.15 25.982 0.07691 2801.4 1829.8
129 402.15 2.6215 0.6872 2718.5 2176.5 228 501.15 26.965 0.07412 2801.7 1820.8
130 403.15 2.7013 0.6681 2719.9 2173.6 230 503.15 27.976 0.07145 2802.0 1811.7
131 404.15 2.7831 0.6497 2721.3 2170.7 232 505.15 29.016 0.06889 2802.2 1802.5
132 405.15 2.8670 0.6319 2722.6 2167.8 234 507.15 30.086 0.06643 2802.3 1793.2
133 406.15 2.9528 0.6146 2723.9 2164.8 236 509.15 31.186 0.06408 2802.3 1783.8
134 407.15 3.041 0.5980 2725.3 2161.9 238 511.15 32.317 0.06182 2802.3 1774.2
135 408.15 3.131 0.5818 2726.6 2158.9 240 513.15 33.478 0.05965 2802.2 1764.6
136 409.15 3.223 0.5662 2727.9 2155.9 242 515.15 34.672 0.05757 2802.0 1754.9
137 410.15 3.317 0.5511 2729.2 2153.0 244 517.15 35.898 0.05558 2801.8 1745.0
138 411.15 3.414 0.5364 2730.5 2150.0 246 519.15 37.157 0.05366 2801.4 1735.0
139 412.15 3.513 0.5222 2731.8 2147.0 248 521.15 38.449 0.05181 2801.0 1724.9
140 413.15 3.614 0.5085 2733.1 2144.0 250 523.15 39.776 0.05004 2800.4 1714.6
142 415.15 3.823 0.4823 2735.6 2137.9 252 525.15 41.137 0.04833 2799.8 1704.3
144 417.15 4.042 0.4577 2738.1 2131.8 254 527.15 42.534 0.04669 2799.1 1693.8
146 419.15 4.271 0.4346 2740.6 2125.7 256 529.15 43.967 0.04511 2798.3 1683.2
148 421.15 4.510 0.4129 2743.0 2119.5 258 531.15 45.437 0.04360 2797.4 1672.4
150 423.15 4.760 0.3924 2745.4 2113.2 260 533.15 46.943 0.04213 2796.4 1661.5
152 425.15 5.021 0.3732 2747.7 2106.9 265 538.15 50.877 0.03871 2793.5 1633.6
154 427.15 5.293 0.3551 2750.0 2100.6 270 543.15 55.058 0.03559 2789.9 1604.6
156 429.15 5.577 0.3380 2752.3 2094.2 275 548.15 59.496 0.03274 2785.5 1574.7
158 431.15 5.872 0.3219 2754.5 2087.7 280 553.15 64.202 0.03013 2780.4 1543.6
160 433.15 6.181 0.3068 2756.7 2081.3 285 558.15 69.186 0.02773 2774.5 1511.3
162 435.15 6.502 0.2924 2758.9 2074.7 290 563.15 74.461 0.02554 2767.6 1477.6
164 437.15 6.836 0.2789 2761.0 2068.1 295 568.15 80.037 0.02351 2759.8 1443.6
166 439.15 7.183 0.2681 2763.1 2061.4 300 573.15 85.927 0.02165 2751.0 1406.0
168 441.15 7.545 0.2540 2765.1 2054.7
If mixtures of vapors and gases are con- At 30 °C we read from the steam tables:
densed under vacuum, the gases and certain ØV Mass flow of the vapor in kg/h
portions of non-condensed vapors will pV water vapor = 42.4 mbar
Ø I Mass flow of the inert gases in kg/h
pV benzene vapor = 160 mbar
have to be drawn off by means of a vacuum øV Molecular mass of the vapor in kg/kmol
pump in order to maintain the required Total = 202.4 mbar
ø I Molecular mass of the inert gas in kg/kmol
vacuum in the condenser.
pV Partial pressure of the vapor in mbar
The drawn-off gases (e.g. air) are saturated Hence
with the vapors of the partly condensed p I Partial pressure of the inert gas in mbar
In the following it is assumed that these
components are insoluble in each other in The following formula applies:
the liquid phase.
Condensation of a component of such a gas-
vapor mixture will take place if this com
ponent is brought to a saturated steam con- 2)
dition (dew point) by cooling the mixture. and with equation 4) we have:
A saturated gas-vapor mixture is, therefore,
present at the condenser outlet. If equation 1) is divided by equation 2), and
if the mass is displaced by the mass flow, the
The composition of such saturated gas-vapor following results:
mixtures can be calculated as follows:
For example, for a mixture of 2 components or 3)
- an inert gas and a condensable vapor - the
following formula applies: Only if more than 904 kg/h benzene vapor
Equation 3) also applies quite generally flow into a condenser benzene can condense
p = pI + pV
where “n” different condensable compo- under the above conditions.
i.e. the total pressure = the sum of the partial nents are insoluble in each other in the
pressures. pV is the saturated steam pressure liquid phase. As one can see, the vapor quantities satu-
of the vapor, corresponding to the tem- rating such mixtures may be very large. This
perature of the gas-vapor mixture at the 4) means that very often individual compo-
condenser outlet. With pV and p, the partial nents cannot be condensed at all and have
pressure of the inert gas for j from 1 to n then to be drawn off by the vacuum pump.
pI = p – pV
For example, if a saturated mixture of air, Equation 4) and the example show how
water vapor, and benzene vapor at a tem- important it is to seal a vacuum plant prop-
can then be found. Now the general Gas perature of 30 °C is to be drawn from a con- erly i.e. to keep air leakage as low as possible
Law can be applied; imagine a space with denser at a total pressure of p = 250 mbar so that the saturation portion and, therefore,
the volume of the mixture to be drawn off. and if it is known that the mass flow the suction flow for the vacuum pump is as
On the one hand, volume V is filled with the small as possible.
inert gas at the partial pressure pI and on the of the air saturation quantities
other hand, the same volume V is filled with
the vapor at partial pressure pV. of water vapor and benzene vapors can be
found as follows:
Condensers in which water vapor is con- vapor content is approximately 65 % or Therefore, 2 + 3.7 = 5.7 kg/h of vapor/air
densed under vacuum are built in large mathematically: mixture has to be drawn off.
numbers. Here the vacuum is maintained
by a vacuum pump extracting air or gases In the water vapor table (see “Water vapor If instead of 2 kg/h air, 2 kg/h hydroge
saturated with water vapor as described on temperature table”, o | abl 5) we find pv for
page “Vapors and gases in vacuum”. 25 °C = 31.7 mbar. with have to be drawn off under
At a total pressure of p = 42.4 mbar, the par-
In addition to the air (and other inert gases) tial pressure of air is: the same conditions, the saturating quantity
we have to know the quantity of water pA = 42.4 – 31.7 = 10.7 mbar for water vapor is found according to the
vapor with which it is saturated when it formula on page “Vapors and gases in
leaves the condenser. This saturated quan- With the formula vacuum” page 17:
tity is higher the closer the temperature of
the mixture approaches the saturated steam
temperature at the total pressure.
you will find: In this case, 2 + 53.3 = 55.3 kg/h of vapor/
The graph in fig. 1 is calculated on the basis hydrogen mixture has to be drawn off.
of the formulas indicated on page “Vapors
and gases in vacuum” and allows easier cal-
FIG. 1
(Index A = Air)
GIVEN: Every hour 2 kg of air have to be
drawn off from a condenser working at 42.4
mbar at a condensation temperature of 30 °C.
PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND: Which quantity in
kg/h of vapor/air mixture has to be drawn if
the temperature at the evacuation connec-
tion is 25 °C.
SOLUTION : From the graph it is 2.85 kg
mixture/kg air. The suction capacity must,
therefore, be approximately 5.7 kg/h. The
kg Mixture / kg Air
• H ow airtight is a vacuum plant? In the high-vacuum range the air leakage In case of normal flanged connections with
• Is the suction capacity of the vacuum rate or the quantities of gases and vapors large nominal diameter the assumed air
pump large enough? are measured in mbar · liter/s. leakage amounts to 200 to 400 g per hour
• Why does it take so long for the plant to and meter of seal length. With specially
reach the vacuum? designed flanged connections, e.g. with
• Must the vacuum pump extract leak air as groove and tongue or fine machined sealing
well as gases from the product? surfaces and with the use of special seals the
You can answer all these questions if you value can be reduced to 50 to 100 g/hm.
know the air leakage in the vacuum tank. BUDGET VALUES REGARDING AIR LEAKAGE The tightness of vacuum plant can vary,
IN VACUUM UNITS AND PLANTS depending on whether mainly welded units
It is determined as follows: The following shall apply regarding the are concerned or whether units are con-
• Evacuate the vessel to a vacuum under requirement to the tightness of a plant cerned in which flanged connections, sight
500 mbar, e.g. 60 mbar. under vacuum: The lower the pressure to glasses, valves, gate valves, glands etc. have
• Isolate the vacuum pump from the vessel be maintained in the plant, the higher the to be taken into consideration. The table on
and completely seal off the vessel. requirement to the tightness of the plant, page 20 shows values which are based on
• M easure the pressure increase in the because the expenditure for generating and experience. Depending on the overall vol-
vessel and determine the corresponding maintaining vacuum increases with decreas- ume of the unit and of the type of connec-
time. ing pressure. tions of units and ducts it shows the leakage
• The pressure increase in mbar divided by Through an opening of 1 mm² approx. air flow to be expected in kg/h.
the time in minutes gives the vacuum loss 0.83 kg/h of air flow into a vacuum unit,
in mbar/minute. independent of the amount of vacuum, if it
With this value and the volume of the vessel is only < 530 mbar. In this case, just critical
under vacuum the air leakage rate in kg/h conditions are prevailing.
can be found in the chart, fig. 1.
The chart, fig. 1, is calculated from the for-
FIG. 1
V = Plant volume
ØA Air leakage in
Dp Change of pressure in mbar
t Corresponing time in min
V Plant volume in m3
Absolute temperature
Some measurements were compared with determined that the measurements are Mark-ups of 1 to 2 kg/h of air leakage per
recommended values according to “HEI according to those standards. Shaft through- shaft throughput are required with normal
standards for steam jet ejectors”, and it was puts are not considered in the table values. gland seals.
with normal seals, mainly flanged 0.15-0.3 0.5-1 1-2 1.5-3 2-4 4-8 6-12 10-20 16-32 30-60
partly flanged, partly welded 0.1-0.2 0.25-0.5 0.5-1 0.7-1.5 1-2 2-4 3-6 5-10 8-16 15-30
mainly welded or designed with special < 0.1 0.15-0.25 0.25-0.5 0.35-0.7 0.6-1.2 1-2 1.5-3 2.5-5 4-8 8-15
Velocity w=
Total resistance coefficient K=Sz
(1) for acceleration z = 1.0
(2) ) for inlet contraction z = 0.4
(3) 1 gate valve z = 1 · 0.2 = 0.2
(4) 3 pipe bends z = 3 · 0.16 = 0.48
Temperature in °C
K = S z = 3.64
SL = Saturated line
Pressure loss from diagram, fig. 1
FIG. 2
Nominal diameter in mm he characteristics for the determination of the pipe friction coefficient l are
*) T
based on a wall roughness of k = 0.3 mm (according to Colebrook and White).
Pipe friction coefficient
The chart, fig. 1, is calculated from the fol- SOLUTION : From table:
lowing formula:
d Pipe diameter in m
r Density of the flowing medium in kg/m³
w Flow velocity in m/s
Water flow
Piping DN 80 d = 0.08 m
Pipe nominal diameter d in mm
Pipe length l = 70 m
1) Pressure loss in the pipeline å = Water flow
2) Water velocity
Velocity w in m/s
Pipe bend 90° 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0
Free-flow valves 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.5 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.6 4.8 6.0
FIG. 1
Vapor flows in kg/h at velocity
Vapor flows in kg/h at velocity
According to the Law of Continuity the fol- The mass flow through a nozzle whose inlet For water vapor the following values are
lowing shall apply: pressure is constant upstream of the noz- used
Ø = a · w · r (1) zle, first increases with decreasing pressure k = 1.3
downstream of the nozzle; the mass flow This value is valid for superheated steam
Ø Mass flow reaches its maximum at the critical pressure and for saturated steam as in spite of the
a Flow cross section ratio and from then on remains constant. expansion leading in the wet steam range,
w Velocity
the steam remains dry due to delayed con-
For the calculation of the mass flows, two densation.
r Density of the flowing medium
cases have to be considered:
p1 Pressure upstream of the nozzle a) critical or supercritical pressure drops, At k = 1.3 the critical pressure drop results
J1 Temperature upstream of the nozzle b) subcritical pressure drops. with p1 /pcrit. = 1.83 and ycrit. = 0.473.
c Specific heat capacity
j Coefficient of loss In most cases steam jet pumps are operated The diagram on page 26 was prepared with
with nozzles operating at supercritical these values and with the equation for the
pressure drops. Only these nozzles will be mass flow (1).
The aforementioned equation is valid for considered in the following. Two examples are shown:
any point in a nozzle, when the values for a, Assuming an adiabatic expansion in the noz-
w and ρ, present at this point, are filled in. zle, the mass flow is calculated as follows: 1. 9
6 kg/h steam pass through the nozzle
at saturated steam of p1 = 4 bar absolute
The mass flow through a nozzle is deter- pressure and a nozzle diameter of 7.5 mm.
mined by the narrowest cross section of the
nozzle. with 2. A
pprox. 53 kg/h steam pass through a
nozzle with a diameter of 4 mm at super-
With the diminishing cross section, the heated steam (JD = 300 ç) with an abso-
velocity w = 0 at the condition p1, J1 and lute pressure of p1 = 9 bar.
ρ1 increases up the narrowest point of the Depending on the condition of the steam JS
nozzle. At critical or over-critical pressure Thus, the mass flow only depends on the either the curve for saturated steam or the
drops, sonic velocity is reached at this point. condition of the gas upstream of the noz- corresponding temperature curve for super-
Supercritical pressure drops followed by zle and its properties. The coefficients of heated steam JD should be used.
a diverging nozzle section (Laval nozzle) loss of well finished nozzles are today so
further increase the velocity. well known that for the purpose of calculat-
This critical pressure ratio is only dependent ing the mass flow, the motive nozzles of jet Literature:
on the ratio of the specific heat capacities pumps supply far more accurate values than 1) VDMA information sheet no. 24294, sheet 1 and 2
any other form of throughput measuring. 2) DIN sheet 28430
Therefore, motive nozzles can be directly
and therewith constant for a particular gas: used for the exact calculation of the motive
medium mass flow rate.
FIG. 1
Water vapor pressure p1 in bar abs. in front of the nozzle
Water vapor flow through motive nozzles at critical pressure ratio JS = Saturated steam temperature
JD = Steam temperature
d1 = Motive nozzle diameter
Gas ø [kg/kmol]
Acetic acid 60.05
Acetone 58.08
Acetylene 26.04
Air 28.97
Ammonia 17.03
Argon 39.94
Benzene 78.11
Butadiene 54.09
Butane 58.12
Butylene 56.11
Carbon dioxide 44.01
Carbon monoxide 28.01
Chlorine 70.91
Decane 142.28
Dinitrogen monoxide 44.02
Dodecane 170.33
Ethane 30.07
Ethyl ether 74.12
Ethyl alcohol 46.07
Ethyl chloride 64.52
Ethylene 28.05
Ethyleneglycol 62.08
Suction flow factor f1 and equivalent suction flow factor f2
Helium 4.00
Heptane 100.20
Hexane 86.17
Hydrogen 2.02
Hydrogen sulphide 34.08
Hydrogen chloride 36.47
Hydrogen cyanide 27.03
Methane 16.04
Methyl alcohol 32.04
Methyl chloride 50.49
Neon 20.18
Nitric oxide 30.01
Nitrogen 28.02
Nitrogen oxide 60.02
Nonane 128.25
ø = Mol mass of suction medium
Octane 114.22
Oxygen 32.00
Pentane 72.15
Steam temperature JH2O in °C
Propane 44.09
Propylene 42.08
Sulphur dioxide 64.06
Sulphur trioxide 80.06
Styrene 104.14
Tetradecane 198.38
1) DIN 28430 “Messregeln für Dampfstrahl-
Toluol 92.13
vakuumpumpen und Dampfstrahlkom-
Tridecane 184.35
Undecane 156.30
2) “HEI-Standards for Steam Jet Ejectors”,
Water 18.02
Heat Exchange Institute, New York, USA
FIG. 1
The steam consumption of a steam jet The steam consumption considerably de- EXAMPLE
pump depends on the compression ratio K, pends on both factors: 100 kg/h of gas-vapor mixture (without
the expansion ratio E, and the composition, The higher E , the less motive steam is water vapor) with a mean molecular mass
mean molecular mass and temperature of required; but the higher K the more motive of ø = 80 kg/kmol and JG = 300 °C shall
the suction flow. (There are, however, some steam is required. be removed (see example in catalog sheet
other influences which within the scope of In fig. 2 you find the specific motive steam o | abl 12).
this catalog sheet cannot be considered.) consumption for K and E: The conversion into an equivalent water
Since the steam consumption diagram fig. 2 vapor suction flow of JH20 = 150 °C results in
applies for the removal of water vapor at Ø 0WE = 60 kg/h.
ϑ = 150 °C, the operating/design suction flow
must first be converted into an equivalent The motive steam consumption of a jet pump With a suction pressure of p0 = 10 mbar,
water vapor suction flow at 150 °C (Ø 0WE) is then:
according to DIN 28430. discharge pressure of p = 50 mbar and a
FIG. 2
kg motive steam / kg equiv. water vapor suction flow
Spec. steam consumption b
In most cases, liquid jet pumps are operated vacuum can be achieved by further cooling
with water as motive medium. Depending of the operating liquid. This is particularly
on application and material, it is also possi- expedient when the suction flow contains
ble to use other liquids. condensable components, e.g. solvents. In
The action of liquid jet pumps is based on such a case the vacuum pump can be oper-
the fact that the liquid jet coming out of the ated by using the condensate as the motive
motive nozzle at high speed entrains air, gas, medium.
liquid or solid matters from the head of the The lowest suction pressure which can
jet pumps and compresses them to atmos- be obtained with a suction capacity of
pheric pressure. zero (blind vacuum) corresponds to the
For more detailed information on structure vapor pressure of the motive liquid which
and mode of operation of jet pumps please depends on the temperature of the liquid. Stainless steel, with threaded connections
refer to “General information on jet pumps”, For the motive medium of water the rela-
o | abl1. tionship between water temperature and
lowest suction pressure is shown in fig. 2.
Liquid jet vacuum pumps, when water is FIG. 2
FIG. 1
Relation between water temperature and max.
suction pressure
A Service liquid
B Suction connection
C Fresh liquid
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIG. 3
Liquid jet vacuum pumps with threaded
connections are mainly used in chemical
laboratories for the production of vacuum, p1 = Motive water pressure
for example in vacuum distillation or dry-
They are also used for evacuating syphon
lines, suction lines of circulating pumps and
condensers; for deaeration of pressure ves-
Mass suction flow Ø0 in kg/h (air)
PERFORMANCE CHART FOR PRE-EVACUATORS as only 5 minutes are available the above The motive liquid consumption is in-
EVACUATION TIME formula is used to calculate the factor for fluenced by the suction pressure p 0 . This is
Diagram fig. 5 gives the time in minutes a the size of pump required: established by means of the curves in fig. 4.
liquid jet vacuum pump size 2 needs to evac-
uate a vessel volume of 100 l to a defined
suction pressure.
The selection of other sizes is achieved by According to the table factor 1.5 correspond-
the following conversion formula: ing to pump size 3 is closest to the calculat-
ed value. Pump size 3 is therefore selected.
A vessel of 400 l is to be evacuated to 400 mbar
in 5 minutes. The water pressure is 3 bar.
SOLUTION : From diagram fig. 5, for 400 mbar
and 3 bar, a time of 1.8 min/100 l is found.
For the evacuation of a vessel volume of
400 l, a liquid jet vacuum pump size 2
requires 4 x 1.8 = 7.2 minutes. However, Specific evacuation time t spec. in min/100 l vessel volume for size 2
FIG. 6
Size 0 1 2 3
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel
II Completely stainless steel
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS: Hastelloy, Titanium, plastics (PVC, PP, PVDF, PTFE) etc.
FIG. 7
Liquid jet vacuum pumps with flanged con-
nections are mainly used for the production
of vacuum in laboratories and in pilot and p1 = Motive water pressure
production plants for example for vacuum
distillation and vacuum drying.
Mass suction flow Ø0 in kg/h (air)
6 kg/h of air has to be continuously exhaust-
(motive water flow) å1 in m3/h
ed out of a plant.
Motive water consumption
PERFORMANCE CHART FOR PRE-EVACUATORS a liquid jet vacuum pump size 4 requires According to the table factor 2.5 correspond-
EVACUATION TIME 3 x 8 = 24 minutes. However, as only 10 min- ing to pump size 6 is closest to the calculat-
Diagram fig. 9 gives the time in minutes a utes are available the above formula is used ed value. Pump size 6 is therefore selected.
liquid jet vacuum pump size 4 needs to evac- to calculate the factor for the size of pump
uate a vessel volume of 1 m³ to a defined required: The motive liquid consumption is influ-
suction pressure. enced by the suction pressure p 0 . This is
The selection of other sizes is achieved by established by means of the curves in fig. 8.
the following conversion formula:
FIG. 9
Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Suction pressure in mbar abs.
A vessel of 3 m³ is to be evacuated to 400
mbar in 10 minutes. The water pressure is
3 bar.
PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND: Size of the pump
SOLUTION : From diagram fig. 9, for 400 mbar
and 3 bar, a time of 8 min/m³ is found. For
the evacuation of a vessel volume of 3 m³, Specific evacuation time t spec. in min/m3 vessel volume for size 4
FIG. 10
Suction connection B 20 20 25 32 40 40 50 65
Pressure connection C 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80
Weight in kg 8 10 13 18 26 35 55 65
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel
II Completely stainless steel
Flanges according to EN1092-1
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS: Hastelloy, Titanium, plastics (PVC, PP, PVDF, PTFE) etc.
Motive pressure has to be given with inquiry/order.
For inquiries please use our questionnaire.
The motive liquid consumption or the motive Pressure indications in bar = bar g
liquid flow (circulating water operation) can
be taken from diagram fig. 12.
FIG. 12
0.6 kg/h of air has to be continuously ex-
(Motive water flow) å1 in m3/h
PERFORMANCE CHART FOR PRE-EVACUATORS 2 x 12 = 24 minutes. However, as only 15 According to the table factor 2 correspond-
EVACUATION TIME minutes are available the above formula is ing to pump size 4 is closest to the calculat-
Diagram fig. 13 gives the time in minutes a used to calculate the factor for the larger ed value. Pump size 4 is therefore selected.
liquid jet vacuum pump size 3 needs to evac- size of pump required:
uate a vessel volume of 1 m³ to a defined The motive liquid consumption is influ-
suction pressure. enced by the suction pressure p 0 . This is
The selection of other sizes is achieved by established by means of the curves in fig. 12.
the following conversion formula:
FIG. 13
Size 1 2 3 4
Suction pressure in mbar abs.
A vessel of 2 m³ is to be evacuated to 400
mbar in 15 minutes. The water pressure is
3 bar.
PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND: Size of the pump
SOLUTION: From diagram fig. 13, for 400 mbar
and 3 bar, a time of 12 min/m³ is found. For
the evacuation of a vessel volume of 2 m³,
a liquid jet vacuum pump size 3 requires Specific evacuation time t spec. in min/m3 vessel volume for size 3
Pressure indications in bar = bar g
FIG. 14
Größe 1 2 3 4
Suction connection B 25 25 25 32
Pressure connection C 32 32 50 65
Weight in kg 3 3 5 7
Dp1 = p1–p 0
The suction ratio j of sucked-in gas flow to
the required motive liquid flow
• increases with increasing motive liquid
pressure p1.
• lowers with increasing compression Dp1.
• is independent of type and density of the
gas to be conveyed.
for the selection of a liquid jet gas compres-
å0 = 13 m3/h of gas
p 0 = –0.2 bar (= 0.8 bar abs.)
p1 = 3 bar
p = 0.7 bar
Motive liquid flow å1 and size of the com-
Pressure difference Dp = p–p0 in bar
The determination for the size of jet com- DESIGN CONDITIONS FIG. 2
pressors is the motive liquid connection A It is necessary for the many possible operat-
(fig. 3): ing conditions that each liquid jet gas com-
For a selected pipe pressure loss Dp of approx. pressor be specially designed to achieve
1 bar for a pipe length of 100 m, according optimum efficiency.
to catalog sheet “Pressure drop in water Gases or steams which undergo a reaction
ducts” (o | abl 9), a connection diameter of with the motive liquid or which condense
DN 50 for a liquid velocity of w = 2.2 m/s are calculated with a reduced flow åOR .
results. The required motive liquid flow is only
From table fig. 3 you will find determined for the reduced suction flow åOR .
A = DN 50: size 4.
å0 = Air-gas-mixture
å1 = Motive liquid
Metal construction, steel Metal construction, stainless steel Plastic construction, “75 PVC”, type F
FIG. 3
Suction connection B 20 25 32 40 40 50 65 80
Pressure connection C 32 40 50 65 65 80 100 125
Weight in kg 10 13 15 22 22 30 45 98
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel, inlet guide vane: PVC
II Housing: steel, inner surfaces lined with PFA,
motive/mixing nozzle: PVC, inlet guide vane: PVC
III Completely stainless steel
Flanges according to EN1092-1
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS: Hastelloy, Titanium, plastics (PP, PVDF, PTFE, PVC/GF-UP) etc.
FIG. 4 FIG. 5
Dimensions in mm dA 25 32 40 50 63
a1 38 41 43 47 55
Dimensions in mm a 280 320 410 530 610 600 675 825 1050 1250
b 100 105 125 150 170 100 115 135 165 190
c 180 215 285 380 440 500 560 690 885 1060
Type G Type F d 115 115 120 140 160 125 146 175 215 248
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liquid jet liquid pumps are used for convey-
ing and mixing liquids such as water, acids
or lyes in water and waste water treatment
plants. The liquid jet liquid pumps suck in the
An important range of application is for the concentrated acid or lye and convey it into
dilution of acids or lyes to a definite final the exchangers at the respectively required
concentration such as is required in water mixing ratio.
treatment plants.
The ion exchangers at times have to be
regenerated with acid (cation exchanger) or
caustic (anion exchanger).
FIG. 3
Suction flow
Ø0, p0, K0
K = Concentration by weight-%
The size of a liquid jet liquid pump is prin- and is smaller the higher the effective DETERMINING THE PUMP SIZE:
cipally determined by the mixed flow Ø in motive liquid pressure, that means the
kg/h. higher the difference between motive pres-
This can be found by the calculation as fol- sure and suction pressure p1-p 0 and the
lows: greater the density ratio r0 /r1. fig. 4 gives pump size 5 (max. mixed flow
3500 kg/h)
Ø Mixed flow in kg/h Suction flow Ø 0 = 1000 kg/h effluent Depending on the application, 3 types of
Ø1 Suction flow in kg/h Suction liquid over pressure liquid jet liquid pumps are available.
p 0 = –0.2 bar = 2 m WC suction height
m Spec. liquid consumption in kg motive
Motive liquid overpressure p1 = 4 bar
liquid / kg suction liquid
Discharge pressure p = 1 bar g
The motive liquid consumption is calculat- PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND : Required motive
ed as follows: liquid flow Ø1 and pump size
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The internal dimensions of these pumps are
specially calculated and fabricated to corre-
spond to the particular operating conditions.
They are to be considered as individually
purpose designed units to standard installa-
tion dimensions.
Stainless steel
FIG. 4
Size 3 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 15
Max. mixed flow
1,200 3,500 6,000 12,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 70,000 100,000
in kg/h
Dimensions in mm a 153 270 350 410 480 480 530 730 950
b 42 60 65 70 80 80 80 115 150
Weight in kg 5 10 13 15 22 22 30 45 98
max. mixed flow
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel
II Housing: steel, inner surfaces lined with PFA,
motive/mixing nozzle: PVC
III Completely stainless steel
Flanges according to EN1092-1
DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CHART with the “Type” curve 23-3 gives on the ordi-
EXAMPLE nate in the lower part of the chart en effective
Ø0 = 100 kg/h hydrochloric acid with K0 = 30 % motive pressure of Dp1 = p1 – p0 = 2.2 bar.
is to be diluted with the motive liquid water By multiplying this value with the d found
with a concentration of K1 = 0, to K = 4 %. on the dilution curve one can obtain the
Motive liquid pressure p1 = 2.5 bar g admissible total delivery pressure
Suction liquid pressure p 0 = 0 bar g Dp = Dp1 · d = 2.2 · 0.55 = 1.21 bar.
Discharge pressure p = 0.8 bar g Thereby the achievable discharge pressure
SOLUTION : In the performance chart fig. 5 is p = 1.21 + p 0 = 1.21 bar and the actually
the horizontal from Ø 0 = 100 kg/h intersects required motive liquid pressure is
the dilution curve 30 % " 4 % giving on the p1 = Dp1 + p 0 = 2.2 bar.
abscissa Ø1 = 650 kg/h motive liquid flow. A liquid jet liquid pump size KT2 or K2,
The intersection of the vertical Ø1 = 650 kg/h type 23-3 is required. PVC, construction KT, glued, form M
FIG. 5
Suction flow
Ø0, p0, K0
K = Concentration in weight-%
(Pressure indications in bar = bar g)
pressure Dp1 = p1–p0 in bar
Effective motive liquid
Size KT 1 KT 2 KT 3 KT 4 KT 5 KT 6 KT 7 KT 8 STANDARD
13-1 23-1 33-1 43-1 53-1 63-1 73-1 83-1 Size, type, form and material
... 13-7 ... 23-4 ... 33-2 ... 43-3 ... 53-2 ... 63-3 ... 73-2 ... 83-2 must be given in all orders for
Nominal diameter A 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 standard liquid pumps, e.g. size
B 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 KT1, type 13-3, form G, PP.
C 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80
Standard liquid jet liquid pumps
Dimensions in mm dA 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90
of PVC/PP are available in the 6
dB 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90
dC 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 above-mentioned constructions.
Dimensions in mm a 150 190 220 280 385 480 570 650
Form M
FIG. 8
GIVEN : Ø 0 = 200 kg/h sulphuric acid with
K0 = 96 % is to be diluted with motive liquid
Motive flow Mixed flow
water, concentration K1 = 0, to K = 6 %. Ø1 Ø = Ø0 + Ø1
Motive liquid overpressure p1 = 3.0 bar
p1 p
Suction liquid overpressure p 0 = 0 bar K1 K
Discharge pressure p = 0.8 bar
Suction flow
Ø0, p0, K0
SOLUTION : (see performance chart fig. 8)
The horizontal from Ø 0 = 200 kg/h intersects
the 96 % " 6 % dilution curve giving on the
abscissa Ø1 = 3000 kg/h motive liquid flow.
The intersection of the vertical from = Specific liquid consumption
Ø1 = 3000 kg/h with the size-line on the ordi- = Constant mixing ratio
nate in the lower part of the diagram gives p1 = Motive liquid pressure in bar g
the effective, required motive liquid pres- p0 = Suction liquid pressure in bar g
sure of Δp1 = 2.5 bar < 3.0 bar. suction (–), inlet (+)
According to the performance chart, fig. 8, p = Discharge pressure in bar = max. 0.5 · p1
the max. permissible discharge pressure K = Concentration by weight-%
FIG. 9
Size 1 2 3 4
Suction connection B 25 25 25 32
Pressure connection C 32 32 50 65
Weight in kg 3 3 5 7
PTFE, loose flange made in GF-UP
Connections according to EN1092-1
FIG. 1
A Motive water
B Milk of lime
C Decarbonized water
D Discharge
E Raw water
F Rinse water
Nominal diameter A 25 32 50 80
B 40 65 80 100
C 25 32 50 80
FIG. 3
inclusive standard liquid jet solids pump Size 1 2 3 4
Flow rate marble/gravel in kg/h 500 1000 2500 5000
Rinse water in kg/h 100 200 500 1000
Nominal diameter A 25 32 50 80
C 25 32 50 80
Storz coupling D C C B
FIG. 4
Nominal diameter A 25 32 50 80
C 25 32 50 80
Storz coupling D C C B
Weight in kg 60 65 70 90
Hopper volume in I 62 62 64 72
Particle size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DESIGN: Stationary
Jet pump only Mobile
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIG. 1 FIG. 2
a = 0.5 –: 1 m
FIG. 5
Liquid flow Σ å or. å1 in m3/h
CAST IRON Size 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 5-80 6-80 7-80 CAST IRON Size 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 5-80 6-80 7-80
Motive liquid Motive liquid
A G 3/4 G 1 G11/2 G11/2 G2 G3 G4 A 20 25 40 40 50 80 100
connection connection
Dimensions a 170 220 265 345 400 520 610 Dimensions a 200 250 300 380 440 570 660
in mm D 52 60 75 85 100 125 160 in mm D 52 60 75 85 100 125 160
f 20 25 24 24 30 33 40
Weight in kg 1 2 3 5 7 13 24 Weight in kg 2 3 5 7 10 19 33
STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS: Housing: cast iron EN-GJL-200 (GG20), nozzles: stainless steel, threaded connections according to ISO 228,
flanges according to EN1092-1
STAINLESS STEEL Size 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 5-80 6-80 7-80 STAINLESS STEEL Size 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 5-80 6-80 7-80
Motive liquid Motive liquid
A G 3/4 G 1 G11/2 G11/2 G2 G3 G4 A 20 25 40 40 50 80 100
connection connection
Dimensions a 170 220 265 345 400 495 610 Dimensions a 170 220 265 345 400 495 610
in mm D 45 55 55 63 79 112 140 in mm D 45 55 55 63 79 112 140
f 20 25 24 25 30 41 50
Weight PVC in kg 0.4 0.7 1 1.5 2 4 7.5 Weight in PVC kg 0.4 0.8 0.9 1.3 1.9 3.7 5
Weight PP in kg 0.3 0.5 0.8 1 1.6 3 5 Weight in PP kg 0.3 0.6 0.7 1 1.5 3 4
Weight PTFE in kg 0.5 1 1.5 2.3 3 6 10 Weight in PTFE kg 0.6 1.2 1.4 2 2.7 5 7
STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS: I Completely PVC, II Completely PP, I Completely PVC, loose flanges: GF-UP, II Completely PP, loose
III Completely PTFE, threaded connections according to ISO 228 flanges: GF-UP, III Completely PTFE, flanges according to EN1092-1
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS regarding material, connections and nominal diameter > DN100 on request.
FIG. 7 FIG. 8
Dichte – kg/m3
Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm
Further requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIG. 1
STAINLESS STEEL Size 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 5-80 6-80 7-80
Motive fluid connection a 170 220 265 345 400 495 610
D 40 50 50 60 79 112 140
Liquid jet ventilators are used to draw off • w ith correct choice of materials of
air, gases or vapor. manufacture an almost unlimited life
They are designed to suck in gas flows at • no moving parts
small pressure differences. The pressure gain • maintenance-free
(compression) which these units can archive • quickly and simply brought into
is in the range between 1 and 20 mbar. operation
• can be fabricated from many different
MODE OF OPERATION • low capital and installation costs
Liquid jet ventilators operate on the jet • low-noise operation
pumps principle (“General information on
jet pumps”, o | abl1). Their action is based
on the jet of motive liquid which emerges EXAMPLE OF DESIGN
from the motive nozzle entraining and con- A liquid jet ventilator has to convey approx-
veying the surrounding gas. imately 400 m³/h air. The available motive
water pressure is 3 bar g.
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS 1. Maximum compression Dp in mbar
The specific motive liquid requirement in 2. Size of ventilator From fig. 2 we find a motive liquid con-
m³ of liquid per m³ of air or gas 3. Motive liquid consumption in m³/h sumption of 4.4 m³/h.
• decreases with higher motive liquid SOLUTION : Fig. 1 shows that a ventilator size
pressure p1 4 produces a compression of Dp = 5 mbar.
• increases with rising, required The operating point lies within the area of
compression Δp best efficiency. Therefore the ventilator is
• is independent of nature and density off suitable for the required duty.
the drawn off gases
FIG. 1
å1 å
Series 80 p1 p
å0, p0
FIG. 2
Series 80
Motive liquid consumption å1 in m3/h
Pressure indications
in bar = bar g
FIG. 3
SERIES 80 Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Weight in kg
Steel 9 14 34 50 77 148 220
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: bronze, twist piece: PVC
II Completely stainless steel 1.4571
III Completely stainless steel 1.4541
IV Completely PVC, loose flanges: GRP
V Completely PP, loose flanges: GRP
Flanges according to EN1092-1
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam jet pumps are particularly appropri- PERFORMANCE CHART FOR VACUUM PUMPS
ate as vacuum pumps, as they can easily EXAMPLE
handle large vacuum volumes. It is required to extract Ø 0 = 50 kg/h of air at
Single stage jet pumps, which convey 20 °C from a suction pressure of
against atmospheric pressure are used p 0 = 200 mbar. A motive steam pressure of
for the production of vacuum down to a p1 = 10 bar g is available.
suction pressure of approx. 100 mbar. From the diagrams fig. 1 and fig. 2, the
For lower suction pressures multi-stage required motive steam flow as well as the
steam jet vacuum pumps are used, with suction connection diameter can be ascer-
or without intermediate condensation. tained in relation to the suction pressure
For more details, please refer to section and suction flow.
“Vacuum systems”, o | gdp1. The overall dimensions of the equipment Steam jet vacuum pump in metal
are fixed in relation to the suction connec-
tion diameter.
• n o moving parts Fig. 1 shows a specific steam consumption
• easy handling of even very large suction of
• low maintenance cost
• long life
• high reliability and safety of operation The steam consumption is, therefore,
• low priced, low operating cost
• manufacture from various materials of
In fig. 2 the operating point
suction flow = 50 g/h and
DESIGN suction pressure = 200 mbar
Steam jet vacuum pumps have a tailor-made is between the curves for DN 40 and DN 50.
design depending on the individual require-
ments. In this way optimum efficiency is
FIG. 2
This pump is brought into operation togeth- PERFORMANCE CHART FOR PRE-EVACUATORS
er with the vacuum pump, but works only EXAMPLE
until the required vacuum, or a determined A vessel with a volume of 31 m³ is to be
intermediate vacuum is reached (see also evacuated from 1000 mbar to 80 mbar in
section “Vacuum systems, Planning of a 15 minutes. Motive steam at 10 bar g is avail-
steam jet vacuum pump”, o | gdp3). able.
From fig. 4 for 80 mbar and 10 bar g one
In order to determine whether a pre-evacu- finds a specific motive steam consumption
ator is required, the evacuation time of the of 2.28 kg motive steam/m³ volume to be
vacuum pump has to be calculated with the evacuated.
help of the following formulas: The steam consumption is then calculated
with the aid of the following formula:
in minutes.
1 Steam jet vacuum pump as pre-evacuator
Where: 2 Two-stage steam jet vacuum pump
ØD Steam consumption in kg/h
FIG. 5
Final vacuum of the pre-evacuator in mbar
Spec. steam consumption Dspec. in kg motive steam/m3 of Motive steam consumption in kg/h
plant volume to be evacuated
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
FIG. 8
As long as the steam jet pump operates, vacuum is pro-
duced and liquid is drawn into the tank. When the steam
valve is closed, atmospheric air returns to the tank, the
vacuum is broken and lifting stops.
FIG. 9
Steam connection DN 25 25 25 25 40 40
Weight in kg (approx.) 6 7 18 21 43 46
REALIZED JET PUMP STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS: The exact installation dimensions of the
I Housing: cast iron EN-GJL-400-15 pumps depend on the operating conditions.
(GGG40), motive nozzle: stainless steel For jet pumps according to the design given
II Housing: cast stainless steel (1.4581), in fig. 9, two different dimensions for each
motive nozzle: stainless steel size are given.
DN 25 und 50: housing and diffusor screwed For large nominal diameters jet pumps
DN 80: housing and diffusor flanged, diffu- are designed in welded construction. The
sor welded dimensions are adapted to the particular
Flanges according to EN1092-1 or ASME conditions.
150 lbs The dimensions are given in the quotation
on request (see also “Steam jet compres-
If necessary the steam jet vacuum pumps sors”, o | bv 1)
can also be manufactured in other sizes,
constructions and materials and flanges of SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS and larger nomi-
other nominal pressures and standards can nal bores on request.
be supplied. This, however, does not apply Dimensions, connection dimensions and
to pumps of porcelain. special performance data on request.
FIG. 10
Weight in kg (approx.) 5 8 11 17 21 40 53
Weight in kg (approx.) 5 11 21 40
connections, nominal pressure stages of The motive nozzle connections are not given in the above overview as they depend on the
the flanges: materials on request. operating conditions.
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam jet compressors use the energy of a
vapor flow Ø1, of a high pressure level p1 and
compress a vapor flow Ø 0 of low pressure
level p0 to a medium pressure level p.
Normally, such steam jet compressors are
operated by water steam as motive and
suction fluid. Thermo compressor in steel
Basically, however, steam jet compressors
can be operated with any vapor.
Further information can be found in chap- APPLICATIONS the suction pressure remains constant,
ter “General information on jet pumps”, Steam jet compressors are used in evapo- the suction flow also remains constant
o | abl1. rating, distillation, cooling, crystallisation, as shown by the horizontal curves. If the
deodorisation, degassing and drying under discharge pressure is raised beyond the
vacuum. discharge pressure limit whilst the suc-
FIG. 1
In the positive pressure range the com- tion pressure remains constant, the suc-
pressed exhaust vapors are used for heating tion flow abruptly drops to zero in case of
(heat pump). higher compression.
ADJUSTMENT OF STEAM JET COMPRESSORS of a nozzle needle. This is done pneumati- The steam jet compressor must be designed
There are various possibilities to adjust cally or by electric positioner. Controllable for the most unfavourable conditions. If the
steam jet compressors to suit varying oper- steam jet compressors with spindle noz- steam jet compressor is not controlled, its
ating conditions: zles are used for fluctuating suction or mix- steam consumption is always that which is
ing flow and constant or varying suction required for the most unfavourable condi-
1. CHANGING THE MOTIVE NOZZLE(S) or discharge pressure. The economical use tion. An automatic control takes care that
A limited adaptation of the steam consump- and satisfactory operation of a controlla- only the amount of steam really required
tion to a varying discharge pressure (e.g. due ble jet pump is possible for an expansion is in fact used. We can supply the required
to a varying cooling water temperature) is ratio under 10 up to maximum 20, where- control equipment or offer consultancy for
possible by altering the motive steam pres- as the expansion ratio E = p1/p 0 . Please also control techniques within the scope of our
sure or by changing the motive nozzles. see “Steam consumption of jet pumps”, engineering services.
o | abl13.
If a sufficiently high motive steam pressure
is available, the steam consumption can be
adjusted to suit a varying discharge pressure
by throttling. This can be done by hand or
by automatic control.
For example, the steam jet compressor deliv-
ers into a mixing condenser, operated with
recycled water. A great amount of motive
steam can be saved by using steam pressure
control of the motive steam as the tempera-
ture of the circulating water varies consider-
ably in the course of the year.
FIG. 4
A part of the drawn-off vapors are recompressed by
motive steam and used to heat the evaporator. Apart from
the additional saving of steam, a safer limitation in the
temperature differences between the heating and boiling
chambers will be achieved.
FIG. 5
The boiling of the liquid to be cooled is achieved by using a steam
jet compressor to keep a sufficiently low absolute pressure above
the liquid.
The special advantage in the crystallisation and cooling of aggres-
sive liquids by this method is that no heat exchange surfaces are
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
Flashed off vapors are recompressed by a steam jet compressor and
used to heat an evaporator in a distillation plant.
FIG. 8
Steam connection DN 25 25 25 25 40 40
Weight in kg 6 7 18 21 43 46
STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS: On request the steam jet compressors can dimensions are adapted to the particular
I Housing: cast iron EN-GJS-400-15 be supplied in other sizes, constructions conditions.
(GGG40), motive nozzle: stainless steel and materials. Connecting flanges with the The dimensions are given in the quotation
II Housing: cast stainless steel (1.4581), requested nominal pressure and according on request.
motive nozzle: stainless steel to the required standards can be offered.
DN 25 and 50: housing and diffuser screwed The exact installation dimensions of the SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS and larger nominal
DN 80: housing and diffuser flanged, dif- pumps depend on the operating conditions. diameters on request.
fuser welded Thus, fig. 8 gives 2 constructions for each Dimensions, connection dimensions and
Flanges according to EN1092-1 or ASME different dimension. special performance data on request.
150 lbs For large nominal diameters jet pumps
are designed in welded construction. The For inquiries please use our questionnaire.
FIG. 9
Weight in kg (approx.) 5 8 11 17 21 40 53
Weight in kg (approx.) 5 11 21 40
connections, nominal pressure stages of
the flange: materials on request.
The motive nozzle connections are not given in the above overview as they depend on the
For inquiries please use our questionnaire. operating conditions.
A Motive steam
• no moving parts B1, B2 Exhaust gas
• maintenance free E Natural gas
• can be installed in virtually all situations
• quickly and easily put into operation
• almost unlimited life, when a suitable
material of construction is chosen
• can be manufactured from various
materials of construction
• low acquisition costs
FIG. 2 FIG. 3
Design with axial suction connection Design with lateral suction connection
Suction flow 1500 kg/h air
1. Required compression Dp = 10 mbar
with motive steam at 5 bar, fig. 5 shows a
suction ratio of m = 23.5 kg/kg
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 m³/h of water is to be drawn at a suction
Delivery in m3/h
height of 1 m and conveyed to a discharge
pressure of 1.6 bar g.
A motive steam pressure of 3 bar g is avail-
motive steam consumption. Size Discharge pressure in bar g
SOLUTION : The diagram fig. 1 shows that
for a discharge pressure of 1.6 bar g and a
motive steam pressure of 3 bar g in relation Delivery in m³/h of water at a suction height of approximately 1 m in relation to the discharge pressure
to the delivery of 6 m³/h, a pump size 5 has at varying motive steam pressures p1.
to be used. Size 1 achieves only 65-70 % of the given discharge pressures.
Steam consumption in kg/h of the individual sizes in relation to the motive steam pressure.
Water temperature in °C
FIG. 4
Suction connection B 20 25 32 40 50 50 65 80
Pressure connection C 20 25 32 40 50 50 65 80
Weight in kg (approx.) 4 6 8 10 12 12 19 27
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: brass (2.1090)
II Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
III Housing: stainless steel (1.4571), motive nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
Flanges according to EN1092-1/PN 16/PN 40
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTIONS for other capacity data or materials such as stainless steel,
Hastelloy, Titanium, etc. on request.
PERFORMANCE CHART PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND: Pump size, motive Steam jet liquid pumps operate like a steam
Steam jet liquid pumps class B are constructed steam pressure and consumption required jet vacuum pump and evacuate the suction
for suction heights larger than 1 m and dis- SOLUTION : The delivery and the suction pres- pipelines (in start-up). They are, therefore,
charge pressure up to approximately 1.1 bar g. sure determine the size of the pump whilst self-priming.
the discharge pressure determines the It must each time be checked by means of
EXAMPLE motive steam pressure required. fig. 7 whether at the motive steam pres-
5 m³/h of water is to be drawn from a mano- The example in fig. 5 gives a size 4 pump sure determined according to fig. 5 the
metric suction pressure of –0.6 bar and con- and a motive steam pressure of 4 bar. maximum suction pressure (blind vacuum)
veyed to a discharge pressure of 0.45 bar g. is lower than the necessary manometric
The steam consumption of 110 kg/h is found suction pressure.
in diagram fig. 6.
FIG. 5 FIG. 7
Delivery in m3/h
Delivery in m³/h of water at a temperature of 20 °C, depending on the suction and discharge pressure
(limit discharge pressure) at different motive steam pressures p1 Max. suction pressure (blind
vacuum) in bar abs. to be reached
FIG. 6
Suction behaviour (blind vacuum) of steam jet
liquid pumps class B
Steam consumption in kg/h
Steam consumption in kg/h of the individual sizes in relation to the motive steam pressure
Water temperature in °C
Water temperature in °C
With lower suction height or liquid feed,
liquids with temperature up to 90 °C can be
Influence of the water temperature on the Relation between the theoretical suction
delivery at a constant geodetic suction height of pressure (manometric suction height) and the
5 m and a constant motive steam overpressure water temperature.
of 5 bar.
FIG. 10
Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Suction connection B 20 25 32 40 50 50 65 80
Pressure connection C 20 25 32 40 50 50 65 80
Weight in kg (approx.) 4 6 8 10 12 12 19 27
I Housing: steel, motive nozzle: brass (2.1090)
II Housing: steel, motive nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
III Housing: stainless steel (1.4571), motive nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
Flanges according to EN1092-1/PN 16/PN 40
• low noise operation
• simple construction
• no moving parts
• low maintenance
• high reliability
• adjustable heating capacity
There are generally 2 different construction
forms, according to the application Steam jet heater, type “L” Steam jet heater, type “L”
• steam jet heaters for vessels in steel in stainless steel
• steam jet heaters for installation in pipes
and for passage and circulation heating
systems: Type “L”, Type “H”, “System Ciba-
Steam jet heater, type “H” Steam jet heater, type “H”
in steel in stainless steel
Steam jet heater “System Ciba- Steam jet heater “System Ciba-
Geigy” in cast iron Geigy” in stainless steel
Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm
FURTHER REQUIREMENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steam jet heaters are used to heat all kinds
of liquids in vessels. Heating is achieved by
means of direct condensation of steam. The
steam condensate mixes with the liquid.
Steam jet heater type 18.1, with Steam jet heater type 28.1, with
MODE OF OPERATION thread flange
The steam jet emerging from the motive
nozzle accelerates the liquid present in its To operate the steam jet heater, a steam
vicinity and in the mixing nozzle, and con- overpressure of at least 1.5 bar is necessary
denses (see also “General information on jet to overcome the static pressure of the liquid
pumps”, o | abl1). and to achieve the minimum speed at which
In this way a controlled flow is produced. no disturbing noise is produced. Whereas:
Furthermore, the whole content of the ves- The heaters described can also be used for
œtr Transferred heat flow in kW
sel is set in motion and the heat transferred operating with low pressure steam (special
to the liquid is evenly distributed through- construction). œ Heat flow in kW = Enthalpy of the
out the vessel. inflowing steam
All the heaters are provided with a threaded ØC Condensate flow in kg/h
connection for an air pipe. Normally it is not PERFORMANCE CHART c Specific heat capacity of the condensate
necessary to operate with air supply. How- On the bottom scale, the chart in fig. 1 gives in kJ/kg °C (water = 4.2)
ever, the admission of air greatly intensifies the heat flow in kW for each size. This is the ϑ Temperature of the heated water in °C
the movement of the circulating liquid; it heat content of the inflowing steam. How
can also assists in avoiding condensation ever, the heat actually transferred to the
hammers and rattling that may occur when liquid is less. It is reduced by the heat con- EXAMPLE
starting with a cold liquid. tained in the condensate. GIVEN :A steam quantity of approx. 70 kg/h
If air is to be supplied, a corresponding line The condensate flow produced by the con- is required to heat a vessel.
with installed regulation valve has to be con- densation of the inflowing steam is given on Steam at 2 bar g is available.
nected (see fig. 2, 4, 6). Depending on the the top scale. With the aid of this scale and SOLUTION : The chart in fig. 1 shows that size
application, atmospheric air which is sucked the temperature ϑ of the heated liquid, the 1-80 matches the example.
in by the heater itself is sufficient. heat flow actually transferred is calculated
as follows:
FIG. 1
Steam jet
sizes 1–7,
series 80
Performance chart for steam jet heaters, size 1 to 7, construction series 80, for water
FIG. 2
A Motive steam
B Liquid
L Air
FIG. 3
e 35 40 40 40 50 75 80
f 20 25 24 24 30 33 40
I Housing: cast iron EN-GJL-200 (GG20), motive nozzle: stainless steel
II Housing: cast stainless steel (1.4581), motive nozzle: stainless steel
Thread according to DIN ISO 228
FIG. 4
A Motive steam
B Liquid
L Air
FIG. 5
I Housing: cast iron EN-GJL-200 (GG20), motive nozzle: stainless steel
II Housing: cast stainless steel (1.4581), motive nozzle: stainless steel
Flanges according to EN1092-1 PN 16
Threads according to DIN ISO 228
FIG. 6
A Motive steam
B Liquid
L Air
FIG. 9
Water flow to be heated in m3/h
lower limit
DJ = Temperature difference
pF = Liquid inlet pressure
The performance chart fig. 9 shows to which temperature a liquid can be heated, depending on the liquid flow and on the steam pressure at an inlet
temperature of 20 °C
Flow rate in %
PARAMETERS TO BE FOUND : Size of the heater
and steam consumption.
shows that the liquid flow rate at an inlet
FIG. 12
Size 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dimensions a 230 265 310 350 380 425 650 890 975 1275 1275
in mm b 70 85 100 110 125 140 200 345 365 515 515
c 85 100 105 120 130 140 175 200 200 200 200
d 160 180 210 240 255 285 450 545 610 760 760
Weight in kg (approx.) 7 9 12 15 21 23 34 51 60 72 90
I Housing: steel, condensation nozzle: red brass
II Housing: steel, condensation nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
III Housing: stainless steel (1.4571), condensation nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
Flanges: EN1092-1 PN 16
FIG. 14
FIG. 15
Dimensions a 230 265 260 280 350 450 500 685 750 1000 1050 1400
in mm b 70 85 70 80 80 115 100 165 165 200 200 250
c 85 100 115 125 125 135 135 175 200 200 200 250
d 160 180 190 200 270 335 400 520 585 800 850 1150
DN 125 TO DN 250 :
I Housing: steel, condensation nozzle: red brass
II Housing: steel, condensation nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
III Housing: stainless steel (1.4571), condensation nozzle: stainless steel (1.4571)
Flanges according to EN1092-1 PN 16
• vertical installation only
FIG. 18 • steam supply from top to bottom only
• direction of flow of the liquid optionally
from top to bottom or vice versa. By replac-
ing the condensation nozzle you can
hange the sense of flow even afterwards
• steam control valve installed directly on
the steam connection
• system layout possible according to fig. 18
FIG. 17
D Condensate
Z NPSHplant
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gas jet vacuum pumps and air jet vacuum pumps operate
on the same principle as all jet pumps: The pressure energy
of the motive medium is converted into speed energy in
the motive nozzle.
For more detailed information on structure and operating
mode of jet pumps please refer to “General information on
jet pumps”, o | abl1.
Instead of liquid or steam, gas or compressed air is used as
the motive medium. This is particularly suitable where no Gas jet vacuum pump Gas jet vacuum pump for the
steam is available or where compressed air or gas as motive nuclear industry
medium offer advantages over steam.
FIG. 1
GAS JET VACUUM PUMPS are used in many cases to evacuate pipelines,
1 Gas jet vacuum vessels and plants.
A Compressed air GAS JET COMPRESSORS are mainly used to mix and compress gases.
B Suction line
FIG. 2 FIG. 3
Gas jet compressor to convey exhaust gas at atmospheric pressure into the steam boiler combustion
DETERMINING THE COMPRESSED AIR From fig. 5, you will find a specific air con-
CONSUMPTION sumption of 4.15 kg of compressed air/m³ of
The compressed air consumption required volume to be evacuated. The compressed air
is found in relation to the evacuating appa- consumption is, therefore:
ratus volume according to the following
FIG. 5
A vessel of 2 m³ is to be evacuated from
atmospheric pressure to 200 mbar in 10
minutes. A compressed air pressure of 5 bar
is available.
Specific compressed air consumption
CONNECTING DIMENSIONS stainless steel, plastics. Moreover, there is are supplied in construction according to
Gas jet vacuum pumps and gas jet compres- the possibility to use special materials such the special tests and inspection conditions.
sors are specially calculated and fabricated as Titanium, Hastelloy and others.
to correspond to the particular operating Measurements, connecting dimensions and
conditions and can be supplied in the fol- special capacity data on request.
lowing materials for example:
For inquiries please use our questionnaire.
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C
Flanges EN1092-1
Others Others
AD-2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ASME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gas jet ventilators convey air, gases and • no moving parts
vapors against pressure differences up to • maintenance free
approximately 500 mbar. • installed in virtually all situations
Gas jet ventilators are used: • immediately ready for operation
• to draw off stale air, ill-smelling gases and • almost unlimited life, when a suitable
vapors from working and storage areas material of construction is chosen
• to ventilate tanks, e.g. on ships • manufactured from various materials of
• as forced blast blowers or stack ventilators construction
for boiler burners • low acquisition costs
• for the circulation of air, in particular in
the textile, leather and tobacco industries Steam or liquid may be used, instead of com- Gas jet ventilator in stainless steel
• to deaerate reaction vessels, agitator pressed air or gas, as the motive medium for
vessels and other items of equipment in jet ventilators; in this case, one would speak
chemical factories of steam jet ventilators (o | dv1) or liquid jet position and that larger pressure differen-
ventilators (o | fv 1). tials can be obtained.
The achievable pressure difference between As opposed to liquid jet ventilators, gas or
the suction and discharge pressure is the steam jet ventilators have the advantage
compression of a gas jet ventilator. that they can be installed in any installation
kg motive medium
Suction flow: 1500 kg/h air ¥ 1250 m³/h
Compressed air pressure: 2 bar (g)
1. Required compression Δp = 10 mbar
According to fig. 1, with compressed air at
2 bar, there is a suction ratio
m = approx. 12.7 kg/kg.
FIG. 3 FIG. 4
Design with axial suction connection Design with lateral suction connection
• Vacuum systems
• Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps
• Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps in metal construction with mixing condensers
• Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps in metal construction with surface condensers
• Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps in metal construction with liquid ring vacuum pumps
(hybrid system)
• Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps in graphite
• Arrangements of steam jet vacuum pumps
• Laboratory steam jet vacuum pumps
• Planning a steam jet vacuum pump
gv1 18
Vacuum systems
ADVANTAGES AND OPERATION OF A STEAM For further details on the mode of operation BILD 1
JET VACUUM PUMP of jet pumps please refer to section “General
Steam jet vacuum pumps are pumps with- information on jet pumps”, o | abl 1.
out moving parts. They consist of the main Steam jet pumps are particularly suited as
components head, motive nozzle and diffus- vacuum pumps as the large volumes can
er which again consists of the inlet cone, the be easily handled in the vacuum due to the
mixing nozzle and the discharge cone. Struc- very high gas velocities.
ture and mode of operation can be divided
into three main processes: When selecting steam jet vacuum pumps,
• flashing the motive steam in the motive their special performance characteristics
nozzle and formation of a directed steam must be taken into account to ensure proper
jet and most effective operation. This document
• mixing of the steam jet with the medium is designed to provide general information
to be sucked in (air, gases and steam) regarding the operation of steam jet vacu-
1 Head
• conversion of the velocity of the mixture um pumps. It is not intended as a substitute
2 Motive nozzle
into pressure in the mixing nozzle and for the assistance of our experienced engi-
3 Inlet cone
discharge cone neers who are at your disposal to ensure the 4 Mixing nozzle
best equipment selection for meeting your 5 Discharge cone
p0 Suction pressure
• n o moving parts p1 Motive steam
• almost any vacuum duty can be accom- pressure
modated including large suction flows p Discharge pressure
• low maintenance costs
• long equipment life
• reliable operation
• low operating costs if operated correctly
• manufacture possible in different
Multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps are Steam jet vacuum pumps with mixing con- Steam jet vacuum pumps can be manufac-
used to produce vacuum in evaporators, densers are used where the extracted medium tured of different materials, mainly:
driers, distillation plants, rectifying, freeze is allowed to get in contact with the cooling • for jet pumps: cast iron, steel, stainless
drying, poly-condensation, degassing, deo- water and where the recovery of condensate steel
dorizing plants etc. is not required. • for condensers: steel, rubberized or
The compression ratio of a single stage If, however, the contact with cooling water is enamelled steel, stainless steel, bronze or
steam jet vacuum pump is limited (1:10, not allowed, such as for example, if there is other special alloys
max. 1:20). Therefore, for low suction ammonia and chalky water, or if condensed
pressures, several jet vacuum pumps are product or motive steam condensate has to For applications in which metallic materials
arranged in series. A condenser is arranged be recovered, surface condensers have to be are not resistant, steam jet vacuum pumps
between two jet pumps in order to condense used instead of mixing condensers. in graphite are used.
the motive steam as far as possible. In this
way, the volume of the complete gas mixture For steam jet pumps for suction pressure of For more detailed information on the dis-
and thus the energy requirement of the next less than 6 mbar the head and the mixing cussed topics please refer to section “Plan-
stage is reduced. Such multi-stage steam jet nozzle are heated, depending on the instal- ning a steam jet vacuum pump”, o | gdp3.
vacuum pumps are constructed for suction lation position. In this way, the formation of
pressures up to approx. 0.01 mbar. ice inside the pump is avoided which other-
To compress process gases from a pres- wise could lead to trouble.
sure of 0.3 mbar to a condenser pressure If steam jet vacuum pumps are required
of 56 mbar (i.e. a compression ratio of for the extraction of steams which contain
56 : 0.3 ≅ 187), two jet stages are just suffi- any constituents with a high melting point
cient, each handling a compression ratio (e.g. caprolactam, oligomers, low polymers
of approx. 14. For a suction pressure of in poly-condensation plants, etc.), heat
0.1 mbar, the pressure gradient is 56 : 0.1 ≅ 560, jacketing is recommended even for higher
and therefore, 3 jet pumps must be arranged suction pressure levels. For processes involv-
in series, each handling a compression ratio ing fluids with very high melting points, the
of 8.25 per stage. The maximum compres- ejectors are heated by means of vaporous or
sion ratio for a steam jet vacuum pump liquid diphyl, high temperature resistant oils
depends on the suction pressure and the or any other heat carrier fluid.
pressure of the available motive steam.
Steam jet vacuum pumps are mainly oper-
The condensers used are water-cooled mix- ated with water steam. Water steam is
ing condensers or surface condensers, in easily available in industry and proved well
some individual cases, even air-cooled con- as motive fluid for jet pumps. In special
densers are used. cases in which the product condensate must
not be diluted by or mixed with water steam
condensate, steam jet pumps are operated
on product steam.
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
Fig. 2
3-stage steam jet vacuum pump with mixing
Suction capacity: 3380 kg/h steam and 225 kg/h
of inert gas from 60 mbar
Fig. 3
3-stage steam jet vacuum pump with mixing
condenser and liquid jet vacuum pump in a
polyester production plant
Fig. 4
Vacuum unit for a MED plant for sea water
desalination with a capacity of 800 t/h of destillate
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
Fig. 2
3-stage steam jet vacuum pump with several lateral
flows (10 jet pumps in total) for the production of
mono-ethylene glycole (plastics industries)
Total suction flow: approx. 1 050 kg from different
pressure levels
Fig. 3
2-stage steam jet vacuum pump with surface
condenser, completely in Hastelloy
Suction capacity: 110 kg/h from 35 mbar
Fig. 4
3-stage steam jet vacuum pump with surface
condenser for the vacuum column of a refinery
Suction flow: 13 180 kg/h (436 000 m³/h)
Suction pressure abs.: 4.5 kPa abs.
Discharge pressure abs.: 110 kPa abs.
FIG. 1
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
Fig. 2
3-stage steam jet liquid ring vacuum pump
Suction capacity: 0.3 kg/h of air from 0.05 mbar
(5725 m³/h) + 0.5 kg/h of air from 1 mbar (480 m³/h)
Special features:
– High vacuum, 0.05 mbar
– Re-cooling of the operating liquid of the liquid ring
vacuum pump
Fig. 3
2-stage vacuum pump with product steam
Motive agent: methylene chloride
suction capacity: 120 kg/h from 4 mbar,
corresponding to 7000 m³/h
Fig. 4
2-stage steam jet liquid ring vacuum pump with
surface condensation for a distillation column in
a refinery
Suction flow: 6198 kg/h (689,337 m³/h)
Suction pressure abs.: 8 mbar
Discharge pressure abs.: 1500 mbar
Liquid ring pumps with closed operating liquid circuit
Fig. 2
5-stage steam jet vacuum pump in corrosion-resistant design
Materials: jet pumps in graphite, mixing condensers in C-steel,
Suction capacity: 5 kg/h of air from 2.5 mbar abs.
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
Single-stage steam jet vacuum pump for suction Two-stage steam jet vacuum pump with inter-stage condenser I (mixing con-
pressures down to 100 mbar at atmospheric discharge densation), for suction pressures down to approx. 40 mbar. Mainly used for the
pressure. The compression ratio p/p 0 is generally evacuation of condensers imposing low air loads.
limited to p/p0 ≤ 10.
Typical application: pre-evacuator
FIG. 4
Three-stage steam jet vacuum pump with 2 inter-stage condensers (I, II), for
suction pressures down to approx. 10 mbar.
These pumps consume less steam and water than two-stage pumps with inter-stage
condensers (fig. 3) sized for the same duty.
FIG. 5 FIG. 7
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
4-stage steam jet vacuum pump
C Cooling water
Four-stage steam jet vacuum pump with 3 mixing condensers (I, II, III), for suction
pressures ranging from 2 to 10 mbar, used to extract air, gases, and vapors from 5-stage steam jet vacuum pump
various types of vacuum plants
Five-stage steam jet vacuum pump utilizes 3 pre-stages
upstream of the 1st condenser and 2 inter-stage con
FIG. 6 densers, for suction pressure up to approx. 0.01 mbar.
Typical applications: The same as fig. 6.
Four-stage steam jet vacuum pump utilizes 2 stages upstream of the 1st of the
3 inter-stage condensers (I, II, III), for suction pressures ranging from 0.5 to
2 mbar and suction flows of approx. 0.5 kg/h to several 1000 kg/h.
A two-stage steam jet vacuum pump according to fig. 3 to de-aerate the first
condenser will be sufficient if the inert gas load is low in the suction flow is low
and the motive steam pressure sufficiently high.
Typical applications: generation of vacuum for synthetic fibre production
plants – especially polyester condensation, further, distillation, steel degassing,
deodorizing, vacuum drying etc.
FIG. 8 FIG. 10
A Motive steam
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
C Cooling water
Condensation system with mixing condensers and de-aeration station 3-stage steam jet vacuum pump
Condensation system with mixing condensers and de-aeration station Three-stage steam jet vacuum pump with surface condensers, for
for the condensation of vapors, predominantly in the range of suction pressures down to approx. 5 mbar and for any suction flow
30 to 200 mbar. They are available for steam flows of up to several rate.
1000 kg/h of steam. Typical application: evaporation plants etc. Applications: mineral oil refineries, distillation plants etc.
FIG. 9 FIG. 11
Condensation system with surface condensers with de-aeration 3-stage steam jet liquid ring vacuum pump with surface condensers
station for the condensation of vapors, predominantly in the range
of 40 to 200 mbar. Three stage steam jet liquid ring vacuum pump with surface
To de-aerate the 1st or 2nd condenser, a liquid ring vacuum pump condensers and indirect cooling of the operating liquid to be circulated
can be used in place of the steam jet pump (see fig. 11). for the liquid ring vacuum pump. Depending on the number of pre-
Typical applications: in oil refineries, turbine plant exhausters, stages for suction pressures in the range of 0.5 to 40 mbar and any
distillation plants – when contact between vapors to be condensed suction flow rates.
and cooling water is not acceptable. Typical applications: same as indicated under fig. 9.
FIG. 12 FIG. 13
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
A Motive steam
B Suction connection
C Cooling water
Multi-stage laboratory steam jet vacuum pump with a liquid jet vacuum
pump, for suction pressures ranging from 0.05 to 5 mbar and
small suction flows. Available with and without cooling water
A water jet pump (3) will be used for condensation.
Laboratory steam jet vacuum pumps are Laboratory steam jet vacuum pumps are When cooling water consumption is an
used as vacuum producers in chemical labo- portable. The larger packages are supplied important factor, the laboratory steam jet
ratories, for pilot plants and in small produc- with castors unless they are required for sta- vacuum pumps are supplied with a complete
tion plants. Here, they are mostly required tionary use. They can be quickly connected water recirculation system. This consists of
for processes operating discontinuously or via short suction lines to any vacuum con- the following: water tank, pump incl. motor,
needing vacuum for short operation periods. sumer. This is an important feature because water temperature controller, automatic
branched suction lines incl. shut-off valves cooling water supply valve, thermometer
Laboratory steam jet vacuum pumps consist etc. are eliminated. The possibility of leak- and interconnecting piping between pump
of two steam jet stages connected in series age air entering and consequently, the pull- and jet condenser. All re-circulation system
and backed by a liquid jet vacuum pump. down time are reduced. This is of increased parts are protected against corrosion.
Unlike the multi-stage steam jet vacuum significance for higher operation vacuum The automatic cooling water supply valve
pumps they do not use any drain pumps or levels. ensures that the water temperature is kept
barometric legs. within permissible limits.
The specific steam and cooling water The water consumption of the laboratory
requirements are higher in comparison to steam jet vacuum pumps is relatively high If required, laboratory steam jet vacuum
multi-stage steam jet vacuum pumps which as the jet vacuum pump does not only serve pumps can even be delivered without water
are designed to operate continuously for to condense but also to compress the air and circulation system.
longer operation periods. gases to atmospheric pressure. The fresh
water requirement can be reduced by utiliz-
ing water re-circulation.
Each jet pump can be turned off individually. As a rough guide to the selection of a pump
This permits stable operation even at high- model, the following “rule of thumb” can be
er suction pressure ranges. Alternatively, applied:
the operating suction pressures can be The volume of the system to be evacuated
elevated by admitting “ballast” steam to the expressed in m³ equals the required suction
pump inlet. capacity in kg/h.
For example for an apparatur with 0.5 m3
content = suction capacity of 0.5 kg/h.
Condensation is mostly done by water-
cooled mixing condensers or surface con-
densers, in particular cases by air-cooled
When utilizing mixing or injection condens-
ers, the process fluid comes into direct con-
tact with the cooling water. Mixing condens-
ers are relatively insensitive to fouling and
are, therefore, reliable in operation. It should
be noted, however, that mixing condensers
cannot be recommended for the extraction
Steam consumption in %
2. SUCTION PRESSURE When determining the suction pressure, Surface condensers offer the advantage of
The suction pressure is determined by the pressure losses between vacuum unit and separating the process fluid from the cool-
process requirements. Often, a safety margin steam jet pump have to be taken into con- ing water. They are used in all cases when
is applied, i.e. a lower pressure is specified sideration. They should be kept as low as environmental or other considerations do
than is really needed. This is a questionable possible. not permit the contact or mixing of the
approach as it leads to: This is achieved by realizing short suction product condensate with the cooling water.
• excessive steam consumption lines with as few tube bends as possible, When vapors can be condensed in a surface
• excessive cooling water consumption eliminating points of throttling such as condenser (pre-condenser), the condensate
• unnecessarily large diameter of the reduced tube diameters, shut-off valve etc. can be recovered in a pure state.
• suction pipe The tube bend should be laid in the same When, however, gases and vapors are
• unnecessarily large and therefore or somewhat larger nominal diameter as the sucked by a steam jet vacuum pump and
• expensive steam jet vacuum pump suction socket of the jet pump. precipitate in a downstream arranged sur-
face condenser, the motive vapor conden-
If a safety margin is to be included in the At suction pressures below 6 mbar, the cor- sate will mix with the condensate of the
determination of the suction conditions for responding saturated steam temperature suction medium. Depending on the suction
a steam jet vacuum pump, this factor should drops below 0 °C. Ice can then form inside medium, the condensate will not only mix
be applied to the suction flow rate and never the head and the mixing chamber of the with the motive steam condensate, but it
to the suction pressure. steam jet pump, affecting the operation. will be dissolved in the latter.
The diagram, fig. 2, shows the increase in To avoid this, for this pressure range, the In special cases in which the product con-
steam consumption within the range of 60 to steam jet pumps are equipped with heating densate must not be diluted or mixed with
0.1 mbar taking the steam consumption at jackets. the water steam condensate, steam jet
60 mbar as 100 %. The curve is based on pumps are operated with product steam and
cooling water of 25 °C and on motive steam not with water steam.
pressure of 6 bar. As can be seen, at a suc-
tion pressure of 1 mbar, the steam consump-
tion amounts to 300 %. At 0.1 mbar, it is
900 %. The chart illustrates the over-propor-
tionally high increase in steam consumption
for every 1 mbar rise in vacuum at suction
pressures below 10 mbar.
Whenever possible, steam jet vacuum
pumps are installed “barometrically” per-
mitting the cooling water to drain out freely
through the barometric legs without pump-
Depending upon the individual condenser A Motive steam
pressures of a multi-stage steam jet vacuum B Suction connection
pump, this height less the equivalent height C Cooling water
of the actual pressures is required to ensure
free drainage of the cooling water/con-
densate through the barometric legs. This Barometric installation of a steam jet vacuum pump with mixing condensers
height is referred to as “barometric height”.
For water, the max. height is 10.3 m.
Because the draining water may be carrying
entrained air when passing down through 4.2 SEMI-BAROMETRIC INSTALLATION allows that cooling water is drawn from the
the barometric legs, and to overcome any Depending on the available height there are condenser operating under higher pressure
pressure losses, it is recommended to add various alternatives of installation. into the condenser with the lower pressure.
to the theoretically required height a safety Fig. 4 illustrates a four-stage steam jet vacu- From here, the liquid is extracted by means
margin of approximately 0.5 m. um pump using a closed hotwell. The pres- of a water pump.
Fig. 3 schematically shows a barometric sure difference between the 1st and the 3rd Caution:
installation. If a barometric installation is stage condenser amounts to 400 - 40 = 360 If for any reason, the water extraction pump
not feasible due to insufficient available mbar corresponding to a water column of fails (e.g. due to a power failure), the water
room height, a semi-barometric installation approx. 3.6 m. The dimensions shown in level in the condensers may rise to the point
should be considered. the figure 2 indicate that the installation of entering into the system to be evacuated.
requires an overall height of 7 to 8 m. If this is to be prevented a variety of pre
The possible installation options shown in A liquid pump with corresponding NPSH is cautions, e.g. shut-off valves, are at hand.
fig. 3 are – in analogy – also applicable to responsible to extract the condensate from
surface condensers. the tank. The possible installation options shown in
In exceptional cases a siphon can be fig. 4 and 5 are – in analogy – also applicable
installed between two condensers. This to surface condensers.
FIG. 4 FIG. 5
Semi-barometric installation with intermediate tank and water Semi-barometric installation with intermediate tank, float valve and water
extraction pump extraction pump
4.3 NON-BAROMETRIC INSTALLATION A multi-stage steam jet vacuum pump (with- See also “Arrangement of steam jet vacuum
Steam jet liquid ring vacuum pump com- out liquid ring pump) with surface condens- pumps”, fig. 13, o | gdp 2).
binations according to fig. 6 require a total ers has the identical low installation height,
installation height of less than 2 m and can if the condensate is drained off via two alter-
therefore be installed in nearly any room. nately working collector tanks. See fig. 7.
FIG. 6 FIG. 7
Non-barometric installation with surface condenser and liquid ring Non-barometric installation with surface condenser and condensate feed
vacuum pump tank for batch operation, with alternately working feed tank for
continuous operation
Steam jet vacuum pumps are available for a motive fluid other than steam. This may VACUUM PUMPS
motive steam pressures ranging from 1 to be desirable for environmental reasons. In The structure and function of product-steam
40 bar g. these cases, a suitable process vapor is used. operated jet vacuum pumps is the same as
Motive steam of less than 1 bar can also be The condensate of the motive vapor and of water-steam operated vacuum pumps.
used, for instance for multi-stage jet pumps, product can be recycled without burdening Therefore, the advantages are more or less
if a liquid ring vacuum pump is used as the the environment. the same:
final stage. • simple structure
If designed for a low suction pressure, a 5.1 PRODUCT-STEAM OPERATED JET VACUUM PUMPS • high operational reliability, low main
steam jet vacuum pump can even be operated Jet vacuum pumps are mainly operated with tenance
with below atmospheric pressure steam, water steam. Usually, water steam is easily • long service life, low wear
drawn, for instance, from the pressure side available in industry and is tried and tested • resisting to corrosion, in case of proper
of a downstream stage. as motive fluid for jet vacuum pumps. selection of material
• available in all materials used in apparatus
If a suitable source of heat is available, a As a result of condensation of the motive engineering
special evaporator is needed to produce medium in the jet vacuum pump a conden- • insusceptible against fouling and, in
motive steam, e.g. in an evaporation con- sate is produced which in some cases has to addition
denser of a distillation column. In this be considered as waste water. • no waste water thanks to recycling of the
way the heat of condensation is recovered This can be avoided by integrating the jet condensate
rather than passed onto the cooling water or vacuum pump into a closed product circuit.
the atmosphere and lost. The produce water The product vapors occurring in the pro- Organic vapors, such as monochlorbenzole,
steam can be used as motive steam for a cess are used as motive medium for the jet trichlorethylene, tuluole, butanediol, ethyl-
steam jet vacuum pump. pumps. The motive steam condensate from ene glycole, furan, phenol etc., can be used
In cases when motive steam is available at the jet vacuum pump is further used in the as motive medium for product-steam oper-
different pressure levels, the question arises process, or after evaporation it is used again ated jet pumps.
which pressure is the most economical and as motive medium. Thanks to the lower
efficient to be used. evaporation heats of organic vapors the
A steam jet vacuum pump should always be energy requirement for the product-steam 6. COOLING WATER
operated with the steam pressure for which operated jet vacuum pumps is in part much Steam jet vacuum pumps must be select-
it is designed. If the steam pressure is lower lower than for the water-steam operated jet ed for the most unfavourable cooling water
than the design, the proper functioning can- vacuum pump. conditions, e.g. for the maximum cooling
not be ensured. A higher steam pressure Another important application of product- water temperature. Usually, well water tem-
results in higher steam consumption with- steam operated jet pumps is the case when peratures remain constant throughout the
out increasing the pump performance. the penetration of water into the process year. River and sea temperatures, however,
In case of a fluctuation in the steam supply must be absolutely avoided. vary from approximately 3 to nearly 35 °C.
pressure, it is advisable to install a pressure The same applies to cooling tower water,
regulator. Further, it is essential to ascertain which varies considerably between summer
the available steam pressure at the point of and winter. The motive steam and cooling
the steam jet vacuum pump installation. water consumption of a steam jet vacuum
Often this is considerably lower there than pump is highly dependent on the cooling
the boiler pressure. water temperature on which the selection is
Steam jet vacuum pumps operate most effi- to be based. This is especially true if conden-
ciently when supplied with dry saturated sable vapors are to be compressed.
or slightly superheated steam. Wet steam
erodes the nozzle or diffuser and must be For example, assuming a cooling water tem-
dried by means of an effective water sepa- perature of 25 °C and supposing a temper-
rator. ature rise of 10 °C, the attainable condens-
The steam temperature must be known for ing temperature is 35 °C. This corresponds
the design of a steam jet vacuum pump as to a condensing pressure of 56 mbar. A
a higher degree of superheating influences lower condensing pressure of, for instance,
its geometry. 42.5 mbar corresponding to 30 °C, would
even reduce the practically possible heating
and imply an increased cooling water con-
sumption. The lowest condensing pressure
therefore depends on the cooling water tem-
perature and the pressure of the available
cooling water flow.
For example: To extract 100 kg/h of water 7. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 8. EVACUATION TIME
vapor from a system at 6 mbar using 3 bar It is customary to manufacture the steam jet The time required to reduce the process
motive steam and cooling water of 15 °C, vacuum pump from the same or an equally plant’s system pressure from atmospheric
the motive steam consumption is approx. resistant material as the process plant pressure to the required vacuum depends on
200 kg/h. When using 28 °C cooling water, which the pump is to keep under vacuum. following five variables: system space, kind
the motive steam consumption becomes Frequently used materials are steel and and capacity of the vacuum pump used, the
400 kg/h. stainless steels. When sea or brackish water leakage air rates entering and the amount
It may be advisable to adjust the steam are used for cooling, as a minimum require- of gases and vapors released by the product
supply in relation to the changing cooling ment, the mixing condensers are internally and the cooling water.
water temperatures over the year. This can coated with a corrosion protecting coat or
be accomplished by exchanging the motive rubber lined. Surface condensers are man- In most cases (particularly when continuous
steam nozzles for new ones designed for ufactured in seawater-resistant bronze. If processes are involved) the evacuation time
the changed conditions or by altering the carbon steel is used, the surfaces are coated as is reached by the chosen vacuum pump
motive steam pressure. In the latter case, an by a corrosion protecting coat. is sufficiently short. If, however, the required
automatic steam pressure control station is time is shorter, an auxiliary start-up pump
recommended. In all cases when standard materials cannot is needed. Depending upon the required
be used, the steam jet vacuum pumps are vacuum, single or two stage vacuum pumps
The cooling water pressure should not available in materials complying with our are installed.
fluctuate because this affects the suction customers’ specific requirements. Normally, the utility requirements of auxilia-
pressure (vacuum). Mixing condensers The material selection does not know restric- ry pumps are not of any greater importance
require a relatively low supply pressure. A tions. Jet Pumps can be made of Hastelloy, as they operate only for a short period of
pressure of 0.2–0.5 bar g is sufficient. (Water titanium, graphite etc. time. However, care must be taken to ensure
jet condensers are different and require a that the steam pipe lines are large enough in
higher water supply pressure). diameter to pass the relatively high steam
When using surface condensers, the water flow rate needed without any excessive
pressure must be sufficient to overcome the pressure losses.
pressure losses of the water boxes and the Start-up pumps (pre-evacuators) are best
tubes. operated with the highest pressure steam
Often the cooling water return temperature is available on site. The motive steam require-
limited to a maximum, for example to 45 °C, ment is considerably reduced. For example,
to avoid calcium carbonate fouling prob- the 10 bar steam requirement amounts to
lems. The max. return temperature must be only 40 % of that of 3 bar.
specified for the equipment selection. Start-up steam jet pumps are put into oper-
ation simultaneously with the vacuum
pumps for normal operation. They can be
shut off manually or automatically (using a
pressure switch) by closing the suction and
the motive steam supply line. To determine
whether or not an auxiliary start-up pump
is needed we require the following informa-
• required pull-down time
• volume of the system to be evacuated
• leakage air entering the system
• gases and vapors in kg/h released during
the evacuation
• kind and suction capacity of the vacuum
pump used
9. DESIGN CODES 10. STEAM JET VACUUM PUMPS VERSUS Depending on these factors, the optimum
In accordance with national and interna STEAM JET / LIQUID RING PUMP COMBINATION inter-stage pressure from which on it is
tional safety rules, steam jet vacuum pumps There are applications for which steam jet reasonable to arrange a liquid ring pump
and condensers for steam jet vacuum pumps liquid ring pump combinations are advan- downstream of a steam jet pumps, normally
do not require any acceptance procedures tageous and economical. This especially turns out to be in the range between 60 and
by official authorities, such as for instance applies when: 200 mbar. For very high capacities, the inter-
TÜV, PED or U-Stamp, because they operate • The available motive steam pressure is stage pressure might even be 300 mbar.
under vacuum. less than 1.5 bar.
• The head room available for the instal To avoid or significantly reduce the costs for
Nevertheless, surface condensers are often lation of a steam jet vacuum pump with waste water, it is advisable to circulate the
required to be designed to a pressure ves- barometric condenser is insufficient. liquid ring pump operating water.
sel code to permit their later use for duties • A liquid ring pump is already available
involving above atmospheric pressures. and the pressure required by the process The heat (condensation / compression / loss
In such cases, the necessary stress calcula- is considerably lower than can be reached heat) absorbed by the operating liquid in
tions are carried out in accordance with the by a liquid ring pump. the pump is removed in an intermediately
requirements of various codes such as AD- • It is the specific advantage of an upstream arranged separator / heat exchanger.
Regelwerk, ASME-Code etc. arranged steam jet pump, contrary to the
motive gas/air of the gas jet pump, that On the basis of our extensive experience
If the condensers are to be built to any other motive steam is condensed upstream of and aided by computer programmes, we
design codes such as TEMA, HEI or any the liquid ring vacuum thus considerably are in the position to determine the most
Works Standard Specifications, we need to reducing the air load for the liquid ring favourable steam jet/liquid ring vacuum
know. If the requirements are not known to pump. pump combination for the specific require-
us, we will offer our own standard execution • Large suction flows at suction pressures ments and conditions of our customers.
which is based on the “Allgemeinen Regeln below approx. 60 mbar (abs.) are to be
der Technik” adjusted to the latest “Stand extracted. This is the case for example in Regarding the make of the liquid ring pump,
der Technik” (State-of-the-Art). mineral oil refineries. Here, each require we have the liberty of choice and can attend
Flanges are supplied to DIN PN 10 or 16 as ment must be examined individually to the preferences of our customers.
standard. especially as the suction streams contain a
number of components, apart from gases
ASME or BS flanges are available on request. or vapors, such as for example hydrocar-
The equipment is also available with only bon vapors. If the suction flow contains
the outside connecting flanges to ASME or several components which are partly dis-
BS or with all flanges to these standards solvable one in the other or in the operat
i.e. including the flanges internal of the ing liquid, such conditions can be taken
package. into consideration by way of calculation
and applying suitable measures.
4. T
YPE OF INSTALLATION Barometric Semi-barometric Non-barometric
5. M
OTIVE STEAM CONDITION Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C Pressure min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . bar abs.
6. C
OOLING WATER Temperature max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C Pressure min. . . . . . . . . . . . . mbar abs.
MIXING CONDENSERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. COMBINATION: STEAM JET / LIQUID RING VACUUM PUMP Cooling water temperature . . . . . . . . °C
With / without heat exchanger to recool the operating liquid Operating liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. P
ARTICULARS ON OPTIMIZATION Operating hours / year: . . . . . . . . . . . . h Amortization period . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FURTHER NOTES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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