Technical Specifications

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The document outlines technical specifications for a water supply project including general requirements, specifications, codes, and contractor responsibilities for operation and maintenance.

The technical specifications cover general requirements, general specifications, lists of codes, concrete, earthwork, and building stones specifications.

The technical specifications reference codes and standards from the Indian Standards Organization, World Health Organization, Bureau of Indian Standards, Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications, and Indian Road Congress.


The Technical Specifications contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other
tender documents as specified (General Contract conditions, Technical specifications
Drawings and Bill of Quantities)


The Technical specifications in accordance with which the entire work described herein after
shall be constructed and completed by the contractor, shall comprise the standard
specifications of “Manual on Water Supply and Treatment” published by Central Public
Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, New Delhi, relevant specifications and
guide lines of World Health Organization, International Reference Center, The Hague,
relevant Specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards, relevant specifications prescribed in
Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications, Codes of practice and the relevant Specifications of
Indian Road Congress.
The latest editions of all Specifications, Standards with Amendments / Modifications /
Additions shall be adopted.
Statutory requirement in accordance to the Local Acts and State Acts, Rules & Regulations,
Central Government Acts as applicable shall also be complied and adopted.


The terms I.S., A.P.S.S. used herein means the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and
Andhra Pradesh Standard Specifications with all amendments up to date of tendering.
All the Water Supply structures should be designed and constructed conforming to the
guidelines and specifications as given in “Manual on Water Supply and Treatment” published
by Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization, Ministry of Works and
Housing, Government of India.

Signature of the Tenderer
Sl.No. Short Title I.S. Code Number

1 2 3

1. Specification for
a) Ordinary Portland cement 8112 - 1989
b) Low – Heat Portland cement 269 - 1989
2. Portland pozzolana cement 1489 – 1976
3. High Alumina cement for structural use 6452 – 1972
4. Rapid hardening Portland cement 8041 – 1978
5. White Portland cement 8042 – 1978
6. Hydrophobic Portland cement 8043 – 1978

7. Aggregates (course & fine from natural sources 383 – 1970
for concrete

8. Concrete aggregates 6461 – 1972

(Part – I)
9. Natural and manufactured aggregates
for use in mass concrete. 515 – 1959
Method of tests for aggregates for concrete 2386 - 1963
(Part I to VIII)
1. Sand for masonry and mortars 2116 – 1980
2. Sand for plaster 1542 – 1977
3. Standard sand for testing of cement 650 – 1966

Signature of the Tenderer
10. Method of test for determination of strength 1121 – 1974
of natural properties building stones. (Part I to IV)
Part I : Compressive strength
Part II : Transverse strength
Part III : Tensile strength
Part IV: Shear strength
11. Determination of durability of 1126 – 1974
natural building stones, Method of test
dressing of natural building stones 1129 – 1972
12. Dimensions and workmanship of natural
building stones for masonry work 1127 – 1970
13. Coarse aggregates for Water bound Macadam 6579 – 1981

1. Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete 456-2000
2. Method of test for strength of concrete 516-1959
3. Method of sampling and analysis of concrete 1199-1976
4. Method of test for permeability of cement mortar
and concrete 3085-1965
5. Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design 10262-1982
6. Ready Mix concrete 4926-1976
7. Portable swing weigh batch for concrete
(Single and double bucket type) 2722-1964

8. Code of practice for installation of

joints in concrete pavements 6509-1972
9. Laying in-situ Cement Concrete flooring 2571-1970


1. Measurement of building and Civil 1200-1974

Signature of the Tenderer
Engineering work, Method of earthwork excavation (Part.I)
2. Method of test for soils, determination of water content 2720-1970
3. Determination of liquid and plastic limit of soil 2720-1964
4. Determination of specific gravity 2720-1964
5. Grain size analysis 2720-1965
6. Determination of shrinkage factors 2720-1970
7. Determination of moisture content 2720-1965
dry density relation using light compaction (Part.VII)
8. - do - -do- heavy compaction 2720-1965
9. Laboratory determination of permeability 2720-1966
10.Determination of linear shrinkage 2720-1966
11. Determination of pH value 2720-1973
12. Determination of bearing capacity of 6403-1981
shallow foundation.

1. Common burnt clay building bricks 1077-1976
2. Hand made common burnt clay building bricks 2117-1975
3. Burnt clay building bricks, heavy duty 2180-1985
4. Burnt clay building bricks, method of tests 3495-1976
(part I to IV)
I. Code of practice for brick work 2212-1962
II. Code of practice for rubble stone 1597-1967
(Part I)
1. High strength deformed steel bars and 1786-1985

wires for concrete reinforcement

Signature of the Tenderer
2. Deformed bar for concrete reinforcement, hot 1139-1966
rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel
3. Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars 432-1982
(Part. I)
4. Recommendation for detailing of 5525-1969
reinforcement in reinforced concrete works

5. Bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement 2502-1963

6. Code of practice for welding of mild steel bar 2751-1966
used for reinforced concrete construction
7. Method of sampling of steel for reinforced concrete. 10790-

8. Structural steel 226-1975

9. Method of measurement of building and 1200-1992
Civil Engineering works (Part. I- XXIII)
10.Wire cloth test sieves 460-1985
(Part. I)
11. Methods for dry sieving 1607-1960

12. Code of practice for design and construction of 2911-1973
under reamed pile foundations (Part.III)
13. Code of practice for design and construction of 2950-1973
raft foundations (Part.I)
14. Design and construction of ring foundations 11089-1984
15. Design and construction of machine foundations 2974-1982
16. Sub surface investigation for foundations 1892-1979
17. Design and construction of simple spread foundations 1180-1980

Signature of the Tenderer
18. Concrete structures for storage of liquids
a) General 3370-1965
(Part.I, 2009)
b) Reinforced concrete structures 3370-1965
(Part.II, 2009)
c) Design tables 3370-1965


A. Pipes and jointing materials
1. Asbestos cement pressure pipes 1592-1989
2. Cement Concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) 458-1988
3. High Density Polyethylene pipes for 4984-1995
potable water supplies, sewage.
4. Unplasticised PVC pipes of potable water supplies 4985-2000
5. Prestressed concrete pipes 784-1978
6. Centrifugally cast (Spun) Iron pressure pipes 1536-1989
for water, gas and sewage
6a. centrifugally cost (Spun) Ductile Iron 8329-1994
pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
6b. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipes: Raw water 14402
6c. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipes: Clear water 12709-1994
7. Horizontally cast iron double flanged pipes for 7181-1986
water, gas and sewage
8. Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage 1537-1976
9. Cast Iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage 1538-1993
10. CI Specials for use with Asbestos Cement pressure pipes 5531-1988
11. Malleable Cast Iron Pipe fittings 1879-1961
12. Caulking lead 782-1978
13. Cast Iron detachable joints for use with Asbestos 8794-1988
14. Cement pressure pipes.

Signature of the Tenderer
15. Code of practice for laying of Asbestos 6530-1972
16. Laying concrete pipes, code of practice 783-1985
17. Laying, Jointing of High Density Polyethylene pipes 7634-1975
18. Laying and Jointing of unplasticised PVC pipes 7634-1975
19. Surface boxes for sluice valves 3950-1979
20. Laying of Cast Iron pipes, Code of practice 3114-1985
21. Method of tests for concrete pipes 3597-1985
22. Manhole covers and frames, Cast Iron 1726-1991
23. Water meters 2373-1981
24. Drinking fountains 1700-1973
25. Ferrules for water services 2692-1978
26. Method of test for Asbestos Cement Products 5913-1989
27. Dimensions for pipe thread 554-1975
28. Rubber Ring chords used in RCC pipes Type-2 of IS 5382-1985
29. Sheet rubber jointing and rubber insertion jointing 638-1979
30. Mild steel tubes 1239-1990
31. Hot Dip zinc coatings on steel tubes 4736-1986
32. Rubber Gasket for use with Push-on Joints
or Mechanical joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes. 12820-1989

1. Sluice valves IS 14846- 2000
2. Butter Fly valves IS 13095-1991
3. Kinetic air valves with isolating valve IS 14845,14846
4. Kinetic air valves without isolating valve IS 14845
5. Non-Return valves IS 5312/ Part I/ 1984
6. DI D/F valves IS 3896 / Part II / 1985
7. CI pipes & Specials IS7181/1986,IS5531/1988
8. M.S. Specials IS 7322-1985
9. Foot valves for water works purposes 4038-1979
10. Water Supply in Buildings, Code of practice. 2065-1983
11. Code of practice for selection, installation

Signature of the Tenderer
and maintenance of sluice valves. 2685-1971

1. Horizontal centrifugal pumps for 1520-1972 ‘
clear, cold, fresh water.

2. a) Submersible pumps 8034-1989

b) Submersible motors 9283-1979
3. Vertical Turbine pumps for clear, 1710-1972

4. Technical requirements for Rotodynamic 5120-1977

special purpose pumps


5. Vacuum feed type Chlorination equipment 10553-1983


1. Tube well construction, code of practice 2800-1964
2. Structural design of surge tanks, code practice 7357-1974
3. Grey Iron castings 210-1978
4. Leaded, Thin bronze ingots and castings. 318-1962
5. PVC insulated cables. 694-1990
6. Recommended practice for Hot-dip
galvanizing of Iron and Steel 2629-1966

19. Structural safety of
875- 1964

20. Scaffolds, safety

21. Ladders, safety code 3696-1966

Signature of the Tenderer
22. Safety code for excavation work


1. Batch type concrete Mixer 1791-1968
2. Sheep foot roller 4616-1968
3. D.C. Electric welding generators 2635-1966
4. Concrete Vibrators-Immersible type 2505-1968


17.1 Site Work

17.1.1 Clearing and Grubbing

The site for construction of head works and laying pipe lines shall be cleared of all trees,
bushes, rubbish and other objectionable matter. Such cleared material shall be disposed off
in accordance with relevant I.S. and A.P.S.S. specifications. Sub-surface boulders either
loose or partly embedded in ground will have to be removed, disposed-off as per the
directions of Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall make himself familiar with the local
rules and regulations pertaining to land clearance environmental aspects including special
requirements of forest areas, wherever applicable and the work shall be carried out in strict
accordance therewith.
17.1.2 Payment
Separate payment will not be made for clearing, grubbing and removal of surface boulders.
The contractor shall include the cost there of in the price bid in the Schedule.


Earthwork excavation for foundation of structures, under ground structures and pipelines shall
include in all types of soils in wet or dry conditions except hard rock. Earth work shall also
include refilling of trenches in successive layers of 150 mm thick. Each layer shall be
properly compacted and consolidated, before the next layer of earth or sand is put. No ballast
or other hard material shall be allowed to be refilled. Surplus earth shall be disposed off and
ground leveled and dressed up as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Earth work excavation and refilling for structures and pipelines should be done as per the
Signature of the Tenderer
dimensions mentioned in the concerned drawings and with reference to relevant I.S. and
A.P.S.S. specifications.
If the pumping or dewatering of water is required to be done at any time during excavation,
the contractor shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels, pumping or other wise
and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge for such
a period as may be required. The discharge of the dewatering pumps shall be conveyed to
drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of the work site. All cost for such
arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the contractor and no extra payment shall
be admissible for such operation.


19.1 Stone for Masonry

The stones used for Masonry shall conform to specification of clause 4.1 of I.S. 1597 (part-I)
1967 in case of rubble masonry. The stones of required quality shall be obtained from the
approved quarries. The percentage of water absorption shall not exceed 5% by weight as
determined in accordance with I.S.1124-1974.
Samples of the stones from the stacks collected by contractor will be tested for the standards
specified above and to other relevant I.S. and A.P.S.S. Seigniorage fee shall be recovered from
the bills of the contractor on the work done and measured with reference to quantities used in
the works, if the contractor does not produce authorized proof of payment of seigniorage to
the Government.

19.2 Bricks for Masonry

The bricks shall be hand or machine moulded. They shall be sound, hard, and homogeneous in
texture, well burnt and shall give a clear ringing sound when struck. They shall be clean, free
from warping, distortion, cracks, chips, flaws, stones and nodules of free lime. The physical
characteristics should conform to I.S. 3495-1966. The bricks shall be of 2 nd class quality with
a minimum compressive strength of 40 Kg /cm2 and standard size.
19.3 Sand for Masonry
Sand for mortar should conform to relevant specifications given in I.S.2166-1980. Sand
whose grading falls outside the specified limits due to excess or deficiency of coarse or fine
particles, may be processed to bring it to comply with the required standards.

Signature of the Tenderer
19.4 Cement
The cement used for constructions should be Ordinary Portland Cement confirming to
I.S.8112-1989 or Rapid hardening Portland cement I.S.8041-1978 (as amended upto date).
The Cement used should have been manufactured by reputed companies having

I.S.I. certification. Each cement bag should contain the name of manufacture, I.S.I. marking
and date of manufacture. The cement shall be stored in accordance with I.S.4082-1972.
19.5 Water
The specifications for water for use in mortar shall be as per clause 5.2.
19.6 Mortar
Cement mortar mix of specified grade should be used in the respective works conforming to
relevant I.S. specifications and A.P.S.S. Mixing shall be done thoroughly, preferably by
mechanical mixer. Working consistency of the mortar required should be in conformation to
clause 9.1.1 of I.s.2250-11981. Test of mortar cubes shall be performed as per Appendix ‘A/
of I.S.2250-1965. Mortar not conforming to standards, will not be allowed.
19.7 Stone Masonry Work
Stone Masonry in general, shall conform to the requirements of I.S.1597, code of practice for
stone masonry and (part-I) – 1967 for rubble stone masonry, and I.S.1129-1972 specification
for dressing natural building stones. Curing should be invariably done as specified for a
minimum period of two weeks from the date of construction as per relevant I.S. specification
and A.P.S.S.
19.8 Brick Masonry Work
Brick masonry in general should conform to the requirements of (I.S.1200-part.III) and
A.P.S.S Section 5 and shall be of good workmanship.
19.9 Curing
The curing shall be done as per clause No.5.9.


20.1 Cement
The cement used for constructions should be Ordinary Portland Cement confirming to
I.S.8112-1989 or Rapid hardening Portland cement I.S.8041-1978 (as amended upto date).
The Cement used should have been manufactured by reputed companies having
I.S.I. certification. Each cement bag should contain the name of manufacture, I.S.I. marking
Signature of the Tenderer
and date of manufacture. The cement shall be stored in accordance with I.S.4082-1972.
All cement shall be fresh when delivered. Cements of different types are not to be mixed with
one another. Consignments shall be used in the order of delivery. Admixtures if any shall be
used only after approval.
20.2 Water
The water used in making and curing of concrete, mortar and grout shall be free from
objectionable quantities of silts, organic matters, injurious amounts of oils, acids, salts and
other impurities, etc., as per I.S. 456-2000 and I.S. 3075-1964 in regard to permissible limit of
20.3 Fine Aggregate
The sand used as fine aggregate should contain clean, dense, durable, uncoated rock
fragments and so much of coarser material as permitted in Clause 4.3 of I.S. 383-1970 and
I.S. 2384 (part-II) 1963 and most of which shall pass 4.75 mm I.S. sieve. All sand shall be
procured by the contractor from any approved sand quarry. Seigniorage should be recovered
from the bill, if the contractor does not produce the certificates of payment of Government.
20.4 Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate designating clear, well graded aggregate, most of which is retained on 4.75
mm I.S. sieve, containing only such finger materials as permitted under Clause 2.2 of I.S, 383
1970. It shall consist of naturally occurring (crushed or uncrushed) stones and shall be hard,
strong, durable, clean and free from veins and adherent coating and free from injurious
amounts of disintegrated pieces, vegetative matter and other deleterious materials. It shall be
procured by the contractor from any of the approved source.
20.5 Processing of Raw Materials
It shall include screening, and washing as necessary to produce sand and course aggregate
conforming to the specifications mentioned in 10.3 and 10.4.
20.6 Concreting Work
The batching of concreting should be done by volume batching with due notice to the
Engineer-in-Charge before 24 hours of batching.
The grading of aggregate will be controlled by obtaining the coarse aggregate in different
sizes and blending them in right proportions with necessary water cement ratio as per
I.S. 456-2000 to give the desired strength and water tightness. The mixing, transportation,
placing, finishing and curing shall be done according to the relevant specifications of I.S. 456-

Signature of the Tenderer
2000, I.S. 3370-1965 (part I-IV) and A.P.S.S. Section – 4. The contractor should provide,
maintain and operate the equipment as required for batching , mixing operations and placing
20.7 Form Work
Form work should be used wherever necessary to confine the concrete and shape it to the
required line. The contractor shall get and maintain concrete form, so as to ensure completed
work is within the applicable tolerance limit prescribed in clause 10 of I.S.456-2000. The
work shall be of steel, ply wood or well seasoned timber lined with M.S. sheet. The form
work shall be removed at intervals as specified in I.S. 456-2000.
20.8 Reinforcing Bars
Reinforcing bars shall be placed in the concrete as detailed in the drawings and as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, the reinforcement to be
used shall be HYSD or CTD bars of Fe 415 conforming to I.S. 1786-1985. The bars shall be
bent and fixed in accordance with the procedure specified in I.S. 2502-1963. Reinforcement
will be inspected for compliance, with the requirements as to size, shape, length, spacing,
position placement and fabrication before being covered with concrete. The bars shall be
cleaned of heavy, flacky, rust, loose mill scale, dirt, grease or other foreign substance which
are objectionable before covering with concrete. The contractor shall take prior approval of
Engineer-in-Charge on the quality and suitability of the bars duly producing test certificate
from manufacturers units.
20.9 Curing

The contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required for curing concrete.
The curing should be done for at least 28 days for the time the concrete has attained sufficient
set and as per clause 12.5 of I.S. 456-2000. Water for curing shall be arranged by the
contractor and no extra cost shall be paid.


21.1 Sand for Plastering and Pointing:

Generally sand shall conform to item No.6.3 above in addition to the following gradings.


Percentage of weight passing

Signature of the Tenderer
S.No. Sieve I.S. Sieve
Designation Class – A Class – B

1. 4.75 mm 100 100

2. 2.36 mm 90 to 100 90 to 100

3. 1.18 mm 70 to 100 70 to 100

4. 600 Microns 40 to 85 40 to 95
5. 300 Microns 5 to 50 1 to 65
6. 150 Microns 0 to 10 0 to 15

For the purpose of indicating the suitability for use, the sand is classified as class-A and class

– B in accordance with the limits of grading. Class ‘A’ sands shall be used generally for
plastering and pointing, and when they are not available, class ‘B’ sands may be used with the
approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
21.2 Plastering Work
The plastering work shall conform to I.S. 2394-1965 and the A.P.S.S. sec.No.9 for quality,
workmanship, etc. The plastering shall be 12 mm thick on even side and 20mm thick on
uneven side including fine rendering for brick masonry. In case of stone masonry 20 mm thick
plastering should be provided on both sides. Suitable approved water proofing compounds
shall be used, whenever water tightness is required.
21.3 Pointing Work
The pointing work for stone masonry shall conform, to A.P.S.S. section 9 and relevant I.S.
specifications. The type of pointing work shall be in accordance with the specifications
provided in the tender schedule.
21.4 Flooring
The flooring should be 80mm thick with M 7.5 grade concrete and CC (1:2:4) 40 mm thick
laid over it and plastered with Cm (1:3) 12 mm thick in all buildings and pumping stations
having installation capacity up to 10 H.P. pump sets. For higher capacity pumping station M
15 grade concrete of 100mmthickness with nominal reinforcement of 0.12% cross sectional
area shall be provided. The plastering over this concrete should be in CM (1:3) 20 mm thick .

Signature of the Tenderer

22.1 Painting
All the wood works pipes, piping equipment, steel doors, windows, rolling shutters, etc., shall
be given 2 coast of best enamel paint of approved quality and shade including one primary
coat of white lead in case of wood work and red oxide in case of M.S. surfaces. All
equipment’s in the open shall be given 2 coast of best enamel paint or any other paint of
approved quality over primary coat of white lead. All under water surfaces shall be painted
with anti-corrosive paints. The paints of wood and steel shall be done according to the
specifications of A.P.S.S. Section No.12 and relevant I.S. specifications.
22.2 Colour Washing and White Washing
All Civil Structures like buildings, treatment plants, Reinforced cement concrete reservoirs,
etc., shall be coated with two coats of colour washing of approved quality and shade or white
washing over a primary coat of white colour as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge or as
mentioned in the contract.
The colour / white washing should be done in conformation to A.P.S.S.No.908 and 909 as the
case may be and relevant I.S. specifications.
22.3 Measurement
The work painting, colour washing and white washing shall be measured in square meters of
the surface treated with standard deductions / multiplying factor


23.1 Steel Shutters

The doors, windows for pumping stations, etc., should be made of best quality M.S. sheets of
suitable gauge as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and frames with necessary steel fixtures,
tower bolts, hinges, and aldrops, handles locking arrangements, including lock and key.
Rolling shutters shall be provided wherever necessary as directed by Engineer-ion-Charge.
The doors and shutters should conform to A.P.S.S. of Section No.1107 and 1108 respectively
and relevant I.S. specifications.


The work will be measured item-wise continuously by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the
standard measurement procedures laid down in I.S. 1200 XXIII (23 parts), including all
Signature of the Tenderer
amendments up to and as on date of measurement.


25.1 General
This clause should be read in conjunction with relevant clause in conditions of contract of
Volume - I. The contract shall include the cost of accessories tests to be carried out and all
incidental charges as required for enforcing stringent quality control measures so as to ensure
the quality of materials supplied as well as civil construction. Simultaneous Quality control
will be enforced by the Chief Engineer (RWS), the Vigilance cum quality control wing of
Rural water supply and Sanitation department (RWSSD) or Third party as decided and
appointed by the department. Clearance authority for all the materials procured and supplied
by the contractor for use on the work shall be decided by the Department from time to time.
Continuous control measures will be enforced right from grounding of the work to
commissioning. The standard tests to ensure quality of construction will be carried out both at
field level and departmental laboratories or at any recognised laboratory at the cost of
contractor. The materials mentioned hereunder shall include cement, steel, form work,
aggregates, bricks, stone, water pipes, specials, valves, pumps, connections and any other
materials used in the implementation of project.
All materials incorporated, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be strictly in
accordance with requirements of the specifications. The contractor shall set up a laboratory
and equip the same with adequate equipment and personnel to carryout all required tests and
quality control of Works as per specifications or as directed by Engineer. The internal layout
of the laboratory, and list of equipment shall be got approved by the Engineer in advance. The
quality control procedures, tests to be carried out as laid down in relevant I.S. specifications
hold good in this contract.

All materials shall be purchased from manufacturers those are empanelled by the authority.
The contractor shall submit detailed QAP for entire work for approval by the EIC and works to
be executed in accordance to the approved QAP. Where necessary Third Party Inspection (TPI)
by reputed and accredited agency shall be done. Cost for engagement of TPI shall be borne by
the contractor.

Signature of the Tenderer
25.2 Testing and approval of material

The contractor shall furnish test certificate from the manufacturer / supplier of materials along
with each batch of material delivered to site. In case of pumps, he should plan the procurement
of materials and notify the Chief Engineer (RWS) at least 15 days before date of dispatch of
materials from the manufacturer / supplier so that the quality control wing of the department or
the deputies of Chef Engineer (RWSSD) will verify the quality of the material and only on
issue of test certificate for the whole batch of supply, the material should be lifted and
delivered at site. The contractor should arrange all facilities of testing at the manufacturing
firm duly producing the written concurrence of the producer for enabling the Quality Control
personnel to test the materials with the help of manufacturers’ testing equipment. In case of
third party inspection, the contractor has to borne all the inspection charges and other
incidental charges. The procurement should be planned well in advance and delay to works
arising from the delay in clearance of materials by Quality Control personnel will not be
acceptable as a reason for delay in completion of works. The materials should not be utilised
on work without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor should arrange at his
cost for testing the material both at site and at any recognized laboratory if insisted by the
Engineer-in-Charge even after clearance of materials by quality control agency.

25.3 Sampling of materials

Samples provided to the Engineer or his representative for their retention are to be in labeled
boxes suitable for storage. Samples required for approval and testing must be supplied well in
advance at least 48 hours to allow for testing and approval. Delay to works arising from the
late submission of samples will not be acceptable as a reason for delay in the completion of
the work. For all materials brought from abroad, the cost of sampling/testing whether in India
or abroad shall be borne by the Contractor.
25.4 Rejection of materials not conforming to the specifications
Any stack or batch of material(s) of which sample(s) does not conform to the prescribed I.S.
Specifications, tests, quality and found shall be rejected by the Engineer or his representative
and such materials shall be removed from site by the contractor at his own cost. Such rejected
materials shall not be made acceptable any modifications. Materials not corresponding in
character and quality with approved samples will be rejected by the Engineer or his
representative and shall be removed from site at the Contractor’s own cost.

Signature of the Tenderer
25.5 Testing and approval of plant and equipment
All plant and equipment used for preparing, testing and production of materials for
incorporation into the permanent works shall be in accordance with specifications and shall be
got approved by the Engineer before use.
25.6 Method of Statement
The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for approval a ‘method of statement’ for all items
of work well in advance before the date of the commencement of work, which shall include
the following:
a) The method of construction
b) The quantity and quality of materials proposed to be used for construction.
c) Manpower and supervision to be deployed.
d) The details of construction equipment including the specifications and the
e) Details of the form work including materials, design, erection and stripping
f) Methods of preparation, transportation and placement of concrete including
proposed output per hour.
g) Method of consolidation of concrete-type and number of vibrators along with
standby vibrators.
h) Details of construction joints.
i) Method of bending and tying reinforcement including surface preparation, if
j) The type of surface finish required.
k) The period and method of curing.
l) The type of on-site tests and their frequency and number of samples for each
m) Sequence of operations with related time cycle.

Any modifications suggested by the Engineer shall be incorporated forth with. However, the
contractor shall be responsible for all workmanship and timely completion of work.

Note: The drawings for the foundation & super structure of all structures are based on the
assumed bearing capacity of soils. The contractor shall get the foundation & super structure
designs of all structures approved by the department as per the site conditions and execute the
Signature of the Tenderer
work for any variations in the quantities in such approved designs.


26.1 General
The size of the Pump House, dimensions, reinforcement details are as given in the drawings
of tender schedule.
26.2 Sand filling
300 mm depth sand filling shall be done beneath foundation concrete of column
26.3 Foundation Concrete
Foundation concrete with PCC (1:4:8) using 40 mm size HBG metal shall be provided below
foundations, footings for columns and RR masonry wall.
26.4 Reinforcement Concrete
For footing, Column, plinth beam, lintels, beams and slab, M20 grade concrete with 20 mm
HBG metal shall be used.
26.5 Brick Masonry
Brick masonry in C.M (1:6) shall be used for super structure using 2nd class bricks.

26.6 Doors and Windows

Fabricated MS door/Sal Wood as directed by the department of size 1.20 x 2.10 mm using
1mm gauge MS plate including frame and shutters with all fixtures and fastenings i.e., tower
bolts confirming IS 204-1974 door handles conforming to IS 208-1972 with all drop and
approved type of locking arrangements as per IS specifications and painted with synthetic
enamel paint two coats over a primary coat. Fabricated MSwindows/Sal Wood as directed by
the department of size 2.0 x 1.50 mts including frame and shutters with all necessary fixtures
and fastenings, hinges etc.,
26.7 Plastering & Pointing
Plastering with CM (1:5) 12 mm thick shall be done to super structure and flush painting with
CM (1:3) for R.R.Masonry basement.
26.8 Flooring
The flooring should be 80mm thick with M 7.5 grade concrete and CC (1:2:4) 40 mm thick
laid over it and plastered with CM (1:3) 12 mm thick in all buildings and pumping stations
having installation capacity up to 10 H.P. pump sets. For higher capacity pumping station M
15 grade concrete of 100 mm thickness with nominal reinforcement of 0.12% cross sectional
area shall be provided. The plastering over this concrete should be in CM (1:3) 20 mm thick.
Signature of the Tenderer
26.9 Painting
Doors and windows are painting with primary coat of red oxide over which two coats of
enamel painting shall be done.
26.10 Color washing
Super structure plastered walls and plastered basement shall be finished with snow cem paint
two coats over a primary coat of white cement.
26.11 RR Masonry
Stone Masonry in general, shall conform to the requirements of I.S.1597, code of practice for
stone masonry and (part-I) – 1967 for rubble stone masonry, and I.S.1129-1972 specification
for dressing natural building stones. Curing should be invariably done as specified for a
minimum period of two weeks from the date of construction as per relevant I.S. specification
and A.P.S.S.


27.1 Rotary Bore Well:

1) The site for drilling the Rotary Bore well shall be selected after thorough and
careful geophysical survey regarding the availability of the required quantity and
quality of water.
2) The Rotary Bore well shall be minimum of 300 mm dia and it shall be drilled to
the required depth so as to yield the required quantity of water on a sustainable
3) The log-particulars of the bore well i.e., the soils met with a different levels shall
be recorded and furnished to the RWSSD.
4) The yield test shall be conducted and the record of safe-yield of the well and the
safe draw down level shall be furnished to the RWSSD.
5) The Rotary Bore well shall be provided with a UPVC slotted casing pipe of ISI
marked ,with necessary couplings, capping and other necessary fixtures as per

site condition and as directed by the engineer in charge up to the depth of loose
and collapsible soils.
6) The bore well shall be provided with a M.S. cover soon after it is drilled to
prevent rocks or other materials being thrown into it.
7) Electro-logging of each bore well shall be conducted for selection of

Signature of the Tenderer
appropriate aquifer by the contractor at his own cost and get approved
from EIC before lowering of strainer / filter.
27.2 DTH Borewell
1. The site for drilling the bore well shall be selected after thorough and careful
geo-physical survey regarding the availability of the required quantity of water.
2. The bore well shall be minimum of 150 mm. Dia and it shall be drilled to the
required depth so as to yield the required quantity of water on a sustainable basis.
3. The log-particulars of the Bore well i.e., the soils met with at different levels shall
be recorded and furnished to the RWS&SD.
4. The yield test shall be conducted and the record of safe-yield of the well and the
safe draw-down level shall be furnished to the RWS&SD.
5. The bore shall be provided with UPVC casing pipe up to the depth of loose
and collapsible soils.
6. The bore well shall be provided with a M.S. cover soon after it is drilled to
prevent rocks or other materials being thrown into it.


28.1 General
The infiltration well sunk for water supply system consists of steining of VRCC provided with
a curb at the bottom which is sunk to the required depth by dredging. The well is then
provided with of graded mortar for 40mm to 20mm for the entire curb depth.
28.2 Excavation
Where it is necessary to sink wells in standing water, unless otherwise specified by the
Executive Engineer concerned, as island of sand or earth shall be formed before laying the
curb. The island of sand or earth shall extend at least 3 meters beyond the outer periphery of
the wells to be sunk. The material forming the island shall be free from all stones and other
hard materials, which are liable to impede the sinking of the

well and shall be brought up at least 500 mm above the water level. The sides of the island
shall be adequately protected from erosion.
28.3 Curb
The curb shall be made of reinforced concrete with a cutting edge provided, where necessary,
with steel shoe. The RCC well curb shall consist of main bars along the circumference. A
Signature of the Tenderer
nominal reinforcement in the form of triangular rings is provided at spacing not exceeding
level arm of the section. With M 30 grade concrete and vertical tie rods of about 2 cm dia are
fixed in the curb at 1 to 1.5 m intervals and brought up to 3 times their horizontal spacing. The
tie rods are anchored with nuts at the top with a circular flat iron of about 1cm thickness and
20 cm width. I.S.I. angle of 100 x 100 x 10 mm – 2 No. are used. The curb shall be laid truly
in position and level. The concrete of the curb shall be done in one continuous operation.
Concrete item is as per item 10.
28.4 Steining
The steining is M 30 grade concrete. Concrete item is as per item 10. The steining shall be
built in one line from bottom to top. In no case shall it built in plumb at intermediate stage
when the well is tilted. The steining shall be built in true shape both on the inner and outer
edges. The height of the steining built at any stage shall be such that the well does not lose
stability. Weep holes shall be provided with a slope towards the outside of the well steining
with PVC 6 Kg cm2 pipe of every 0.90 mts internal C/c., weep holes should be provided from
2 mts depth from bed level onwards.
28.5 Sinking
Sinking shall be commenced only after the steining is cured at least for 48 hours. The sinking
of the well shall proceed uniformly so that the well does not go out of position or out of
plumb beyond the specific tolerance as per ISI specifications. Dredging may be done
manually or mechanically. Klentledge or sinking load shall be placed in an orderly and safe
manner so that it shall not interfere with dredging or damage the steining of well. Well shall
not be de-watered during sinking without the specific permission of the Executive Engineer.
Water jetting may be used where necessary to facilitate sinking. Blasting may be restored to
only with specific permission of the Executive Engineer. Where so permitted light charges
placed below the level of the cutting edge and fitted under water shall be used so as not to
damage the steining. As

sinking proceeds, record of the different kinds of soils penetrated by the well shall be kept by
preserving suitable soil samples. Necessary field tests may be conducted where so required.
Suitable gauges shall be painted on the outside of the well steining to provide a continuous
indication of the depths cast or sunk. All precautions shall be taken against possible damage to
the foundation material from inside of the well. Careful with shall be kept during sinking and
any tilts developed shall be immediately attended to. Whenever the well shows a tendency for
tilting, adequate preventive measures shall be taken by shifting the klentledge, controlling the
Signature of the Tenderer
dredging, jetting or by any other approved means. Blasting shall not be permitted before 24
hours have elapsed since the last course of concrete has been laid.
28.6 Bottom Plug
The well shall be plugged with graded coarse HBG metal 40 mm to 20 mm size to admit
bottom infiltration (reverse filtration). Sand and gravel (pebbles) shall be carefully lowered
into the well in gunny bags and evenly distributed on the base.
28.7 Top Slab
Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of M 30 grade using 20 mm HBG metal for top slab
with steel detailing as shown in drawing. Concrete item is as per item 10.
28.8 Weep Holes
Weep holes are provided in the well steining at intervals of 0.90 Mts with PVC pipe of 53 mm
dia 6 Kg/sqcm class, with slope outside of the well. Weep holes shall not be provided up to a
depth of 2 Mts from bed level.
28.9 Steps
Mild Steel rod of l20 mm dia is used for step of staggered manner as shown in drawing.
28.10 Acco proof plastering
Plastering with cement mortar of (1:3) 20 mm thick using accoproof powder of 1 Kg per one
bag of cement for top slab portion. Plastering is as per item 7.
28.11 Manhole Cover
Manhole cover of M 30 grade concrete using 20 mm HBG metal shall be fixed on manhole.
28.12 Stone Pitching
Rough stone pitching with 300 mm size shall be used all round the well and covered with
chain link mesh as shown in drawing.


The canal off –take chamber shall be provided in PCC with necessary CI / MS sluice gates.
The CI /MS sluice gate shall be designed to draw the required quantity of water a velocity not
exceeding 0.6 m/sec. The canal off-take chamber shall be designed to accommodate the pipes
of connecting main.


30.1 Earth Work Excavation

Earth work excavation for open well should be as per the dimension specified in the drawing

Signature of the Tenderer
or by the Engineer-in-Charge, and shall conform to SS 308 of A.P.S.S.
In firm soils the sides of the excavation shall be kept vertical up to a depth of 2 meters and for
greater depth the excavation shall be widened by allowing steps of 500 mm around the
diameter at every 2 meters depth. Where the soil is soft loose or slushy, the width and depth of
the steps shall be suitably altered or the side slopes are shored up as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Earth work is as per item 5.
It shall be responsibility of the contractor to take complete instructions in writing from
Engineer-in-Charge regarding the stepping, sloping or shorting to be done for excavation
greater than 2 meters (APSS 308.1.2).Wherever de watering is necessary, it should be done as
per the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
30.2 Dewatering or Pumping
If the pumping or dewatering of water is required to be done at any time during excavation,
the contractor shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels, pumping or other wise
and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge for such
a period as may be required. The discharge of the dewatering pumps shall be conveyed to
drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of the work site. All cost for such
arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the contractor and no extra payment shall
be admissible for such operation
30.3 Well Steining
This shall conform to relevant clause of APSS. This is generally done with Vibrated
Reinforced cement concrete. The thickness of the steining should be as per the design

provided but only on approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The height of steining built at any
stage shall be such that the well does not loose stability. Concrete is as per item 10.
30.4 Flooring to the Pump House
The Flooring for the Pump House should be provided with Teak wood planks of size
0.60X0.04M Thick section supported over 2 Nos of ISMB Girders of size as specified in
Drawings at the designed spacing and also M.S angles of size 100x100x8mm for supporting
wooden planks at 0.60m c/c spacing as given in Drawings and as per ISI specifications. Or
V.R.C.C (1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal and required steel as per drawing and
departmental direction. Accoproof plastering with C.M (1:3) 12 mm thick shall be provided to
the top slab.

Signature of the Tenderer
30.5 Super Structure of Pump House
This shall conform to relevant specifications of APSS. This is generally constructed with
Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete of M20 grade i.e. (1:11/2:3) as per the Designs and
drawings provided .This should have been fixed with M.S door of size 1.20 x
2.10 mts and M.S windows 2 Nos of size 0.9 x 1.20 mts including frame and Shutters using
1mm gauge M.S.plate with all fixtures and fastenings as per standard I.S. code and APSS. The
door should have lock and key arrangement. The doors and windows should be painted with 2
coats of Synthetic enamel paint over a primary coat of red oxide.
30.6 Roof
The roof slab should be provided to a specified Thickness as shown in drawings with Vibrated
Reinforced cement concrete M 20 grade concrete and necessary steel reinforcement, as per
standard I.S. codes and APSS. Full water tightness should be there without any dampness or
leakages. Accoproof Plastering with C.M (1:3) 12mm thick shall be provided to the top slab
of the Pump House.
30.7 Plastering & Painting
Plastering in CM (1:3) 12mm thick should be provided to superstructure of pumping station
both sides, the inside and outside surface of the well steining above the water level. The
plastering should conform to item 7, and the relevant specification of APSS.

Snowcem Painting in two coats over a Primary coat shall be provided to the Plastered Surface.
And as per item 8. Aluminum Ladder as shown in Drawing shall be fixed inside the Intake


31.1 General
1. The Summer Storage tank shall be constructed with earthen bund, after the bund
section got approved by the department as per the soil test reports and site
conditions. The quantities given in the BOQ are approximate only.

2. The earthen bund section shall be designed as per the soils available at or near by
the site of Summer Storage Tank. The relevant IS Specifications shall be followed
in the design of the earthen bund for the summer Storage Tank.
3. Standard Specifications:
1. IS: 12169 – design of small embankment dams
2. IS: 1498 – classification and identification of soils for Engg. Purpose.
Signature of the Tenderer
3. IS : 9429 – Stability analysis
4. Components:
a. Cutoff IS 8237
b. Bund formation IS 12169
c. Internal Drainage System and foundation IS 12169
d. Slope Protection IS 8237
e. Surface Drainage IS 12169

31.2 Site Work

31.2.1 Clearing and Grubbing

The portion of the right-of-way where required for constructing the work under these
specifications shall be cleared of all trees, bushes, rubbish and other objectionable matter.
Trees designated by the Engineer-in-Charge shall not be cut and shall be protected from
injury. The clearing operation shall be in accordance with clauses 4.1, 4.11, 4.2 and 4.3 of
I.S. 4701 – 1982. Indian D code of Practice for earth work surface

boulders either loose or partly embedded in the ground will have to be removed and
stacked as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

32 Grubbing
The ground surface under embankment of normal dimensions as per approved
drawings and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the surface of all excavation
that is to be used for embankment shall be cleared of all stumps, roots and vegetable
matter of every kind. The stumps shall be pulled or other removed and roots shall be
33 Disposal of cleared and Grubbed material
The disposal of cleared and grubbed material shall be in accordance with IS code.
All waste material to be burnt shall be piled neatly and in suitable condition it shall
be burnt completely to ashes. Piling of waste material for burning shall be burnt
completely to ashes. Piling of waste material for burning shall be done at such a
location and in such a manner as would not cause any fire risk. Necessary
precautions shall be taken to prevent spreading of fire to areas beyond the limits of
cleared areas Suitable materials and equipment for prevention and suppression of
fire shall be kept available at all times.

Signature of the Tenderer
33.1 Use Of Water
33.1.1 Water for Dust Abatement

The contractor shall procure and apply water for dust abatement. Water applied for dust
abatement will not be measured for payment. The cost of procuring and applying water
including all expenses for all means of conveying water to the point of use, their
collection, usage, and all other incidental expenses will not be paid separately including
creation of source of water and the cost shall be deemed to have been included in the
concerned unit prices bid in the Cost Schedule of the contract for the relevant finished
item of work for which water for dust abatement is required.
33.2 Pre Wetting of Bund Prism and Adjacent Areas


The contractor shall furnish all labour, materials and equipment and shall procure and
apply water required for pre wetting the areas under bund in accordance with the
applicable provisions. The water line shall be located within the right-of-way on the
down hill side of the bund. Water applied for pre wetting areas as detailed above will not
be measured for payment. The cost of procuring and applying water to the point of use,
their collection, usage and all incidental charges shall be included by the bidder in the
concerned unit price bid in the Cost Schedule for that item of work where the water shall
be used and no separate payment for the same will be made.
33.3 Earth Work-General
33.3.1 Earth work Diagrams and Data
To the extent that they exist, plans and earth work data prepared for the Government’s
(that is Government of Andhra Pradesh) studies of earth work for construction of the
works provided under the package will be available for inspection by the bidders in the
office of the concerned Engineer-in-charge. Such information is made available solely for
the convenience of bidders. The Government (that is government of Andhra Pradesh) does
not represent that this information is accurate or complete. Bidders are cautioned that this
information is subject to revision and that the Government disclaims responsibility for any
interpretations, deductions or conclusions which may be made there from. It is not
intended that this earth work information will limit or prescribe the excavation and
handling procedures of the contractor and the government reserves the right to utilise and
distribute earth work materials during the progress of work as best serves the interest of

Signature of the Tenderer
the Government.
33.4 Embankments Compacted by Power Driven Equipment
This specification applies to earthen dams, embankments to canals and drains, flood banks,
tank bunds embankments including reforming or breached embankments etc., when
compacted with power driven equipment.
33.5 Trial Pits
To ascertain the suitability of soils for embankment purposes, soil samples shall be taken by
excavating trial pits not only in the borrow area at specified locations so as to cover the whole
area, but also from soils got from foundations, or any other excavations. Generally the
dimensions of the trial pits shall be given (so that soil not slip in) either by excavating in steps
or by excavating in slopes. The bottom section of the pit shall not be more than one meter by
one meter.
33.5.1 Sampling
Representative soil samples in required quantities shall be collected from the trail pits and
shall be clearly identified by the trial pit number and the levels at which the samples are
taken. Undisturbed samples where required shall be collected in accordance with the
procedure laid down in IS: 2132 – 1972 “code of practice for thin walled tube sampling of
33.5.2 Testing & Selection of suitable soils
The soil samples collected as above shall be tested in accordance with the relevant Indian
Standards for the following properties to access their suitability for embankment
(a) Grain size analysis
(b) Aterburg’s limits
(c) Shrinkage Limit
(d) Optimum Moisture content
(e) Proctor’s density
(f) Shear strength at optimum moisture content and at 100% saturation.
(g) Permeability at proctor’s Density. Additional
tests shall be conducted where so required.
33.5.3 Excavation
Excavation of borrow soils shall be done by mechanical methods using earth moving
machinery. While excavating borrow pits, ramps and steps shall be left for the easy
carrying of the soils to the top.

Signature of the Tenderer
33.5.4 Drainage
The bottom of the borrow pits shall be excavated at level and the individual borrow pits
shall be inter connected with a drain so as to drain off the accumulating rain water into the
natural stream or valley course.
33.5.5 Excavation with earth moving equipment
The earth moving machinery to be used shall be selected depending upon the nature of the
work involved.
33.5.6 Moisture control at borrow areas
The moisture content of the borrow soil shall be determined by laboratory tests. If the
moisture content is less than the optimum moisture content for the required compaction,
the balance water requirement shall, wherever possible be added during excavation. If the
moisture content is more than the optimum moisture content for the required compaction
then the borrowed soils shall be spread over the embankment in layers of 100 mm to 250
mm thickness and allowed to dry until the moisture content comes down to the optimum
moisture content.
33.5.7 Excavation of Soils
a) The soils required for the formation of earth bund with required characteristics as per
design shall be excavated and transported to the site of work and used for forming the
earthen bund.
b) Barrow Areas: the barrow areas required for the entire quantity of suitable type of
earth for formation of bund shall be procured by the contractor at his cost.
c) No separate payment will be made for cost of earth. The item rate is inclusive
of cost of borrowed soils.
The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that their bottom does not cut the hydraulic
gradient line having a slope of 4:1 from the top edge of the embankment.
In no case the pits shall be located within 5 m. from the toe of the embankment. If there
are old pits in the borrow area the new pits shall be located one meter away from them.
33.6 Formation of Embankment
The toes of the slopes on such side of the banks shall be lock spitted and marked at about 20m
intervals, Profiles of the slopes shall be marked at about 50 m apart in straight reaches and at
about 25m apart in curves. This profile shall include suitable allowance for settlement where
necessary and for trimming of loose soils from the edges after compaction of the
33.6.1 Preparation of sub-grade
Clearing site shall conform to S.S: 201.
Signature of the Tenderer
33.6.2 Stripping
Top soil where it contains vegetable matter, grass or shrub roots or loose unsuitable soils
etc., shall be stripped to a minimum depth of 150 mm or to a greater depth where so
33.6.3 Scarification
The surface on which the embankment is laid shall be loosened or scarified by means of a
plough or ripper or any other method to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.
33.6.4 Sloping ground
On sloping ground, benching shall be done with a little slope towards the inside of the
benching so as to give a good grip to the embankment soil with the sub-grade. Unless
other wise specified benches shall be 450mmx 450 mm.
33.6.5 Exposed rock
Where rock is met with it shall be benched or other wise treated as specified by the
Executive Engineer. Unless otherwise specified boulders shall be broken if necessary and
The junctions between the old and the new embankments shall be benched to a slope of 4:1 to
ensure proper bond.
33.8 Spreading of Soils:
No stones, cobbles having maximum dimension of more than 100 mm size shall be placed in
the earth fill. All clods which can not get crushed shall be broken into smaller pieces.
33.8.1 Thickness of horizontal layers
All earth used for embankment or cut of trenches where so provided shall be spread in
horizontal layers of 100 mm to 250 mm before compaction depending upon the type of
equipment used.
33.8.2 Zonal sections
In Zonal sections the selected and approved soils shall be spread to the required widths.
All the Zones shall be tackled simultaneously and the difference in level between zones to
zone shall not be more than 150 mm.
On resuming work day or after in interval of a few days of when work is not done in
continuity, the previous layer shall be well raked and water sprinkled over it fresh before
the layer is laid and compacted.
33.8.3 Moisture content
The moisture content in soil for embankment and for filling of cut off trenches shall be

Signature of the Tenderer
determined by tests in accordance with IS: 2720. If the moisture content is below the
optimum moisture content for the given compaction, then necessary water shall be added
by sprinkling and the soil shall be compacted. If the moisture content of the soil is more
than the optimum moisture content then it shall be allowed to dry down to the optimum
moisture content them and then compacted. The moisture content shall be uniform
throughout the layer of material and ploughing, disking, harrowing or other methods of
mixing may be required to obtain uniform distribution.
33.8.4 Compaction
Compaction shall be achieved by the use of smooth wheeled rollers, pneumatic type
rollers; sheep’s foot rollers, vibrating plate’s programmers, power rammers and such other
equipment as shall be specified. The number of passes of different types of rollers shall be
determined by testing the density of the compacted soils at site after taking trial
compaction for specified passes of the rollers. The number of passes shall be those at
which the required compaction is achieved as determined by necessary tests for each type
of soils. Rolling shall commence at edges and progress towards center longitudinally.
Each pass of the roller shall overlap not less than one third of the track width made in the
preceding pass. Density tests shall be made on each compacted layer and unless otherwise
specified dry density attained shall not be less than 98% of the maximum dry density
(standard proctor) for the type of material used. The earth moving machinery shall not be
allowed to pass over a compacted portion of the embankment beyond a certain limit by
varying the hauling routes and ramps, thus ensuring that over compaction does not take
place in any particular reach.
33.8.5 Special precautions
During construction a small transverse slope from center towards the edges shall be given
and further in the reach where the earth dam is being raised, the work will be tackled in
continuous horizontal layers, to avoid pools of water and connection flow of water during
rains, which will cause dangerous scours and rain gullies. Special precautions shall also be
taken while rolling the spread soil near structures conduits, sluice barrels, filters and rock
toes etc., as detailed below.
33.8.6 Protection to Structures
The roller shall not operate within one meter of exterior walls of the structures. The
portion of the embankment where the roller is not permitted shall be compacted to the
required density by such other means as specified by the Executive Engineer.

Signature of the Tenderer
33.8.7 Around the conduits and sluice barrels
The earth shall be rolled evenly on both sides of the conduits, sluice barrels etc., so that
there is equal pressure on the sluice or conduits from both sides. Rolling shall be permitted
over conduits and sluice barrels only after providing the specified cushion of earth over
them. The cushion of earth shall be compacted to the required density by such other means
as specified by the Executive Engineer.
33.8.8 At Junction with Embankment
Compaction at the junctions shall be done carefully by taking the roller well over the
benched slope of the old embankment. In case the whole length of the embankment is not
formed simultaneously and a portion of the reach is formed, the slope of the benching
surface between the previously compacted portions of the embankment and materials to be
placed in each zone shall not be steeper than 4: 1.


34.1 Under Reamed Piles

For under reamed piles using Vibrated reinforced cement concrete (1:11/2 :3) with 20 mm
HBG metal, the dimensions and reinforcing details as per the drawing shown in the of the
tender schedule.
34.2 Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete
Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete of (1:1 ½ : 3) using 20 mm HBG metal for Pile cap
,columns, beam , deck slab, and as per the Item No 10 , the dimensions and reinforcing
details are as shown in the drawing of Volume-IV of the Tender schedule
34.3 Hand Railing
Reinforced cement concrete (1:2.5:5) using 20 mm HBG metal, dimensions and reinforcing
details as shown in the drawing of Volume-IV of the tender schedule.


35.1 Preamble
This section of the technical specifications covers the work of Water Treatment Plant with
Slow Sand Filters.
35.2 General
A slow sand filter generally Rectangular or circular in shape consists basically of three
different layers within a filter box. These layers are from bottom to top-the under drainage
system, the gravel layer and the sand. The construction should conform to the dimensions in

Signature of the Tenderer
the drawings approved by the department and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.


Consists of lateral Drains either with 200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm CC M 15 grade brickets
both top and bottom row at 200 mm intervals with 2mm space in between which is
connected to Central manifold, top covered with Reinforced cement concrete M 15 grade
concrete cover slab with 100 mm thick manifold.
Cross Section of Bricks

Laterals : Perforated Pipes (or) with perforated pipes of Asbestos Cement of High Density
Polyethylene or PVC pipes being designed to
- a maximum velocity of 0.3 m/ Sec in laterals.
- maximum velocity of 0.3 m/Sec in manifold.
- Spacing of laterals 1500 mm (1000 to 2000 mm)
- Size of perforation (holes) in laterals, 3 mm (2 to 4mm)
- Spacing of perforation (holes) 150 mm (100 to 300 mm)
- The under drainage should not be closer to the wall than 600 mm.
35.4 Gravel
The gravel layer is arranged in two graded levels. All gravels must be clean. Height
of gravel: 250 mm.
The gravel layer should not be closer than 600 mm to the walls. This means that any water
which runs quickly down the walls and does not filter through the sand layer (i.e., it ‘short
circuits’ the system) must pass through some depth of sand before entering the gravel and
under drainage.
Bottom layer grain size - 16 to 23 mm for 150 mm

Top layer grain size - 4 to 5.6 mm for 100 mm

35.5 Coarse Sand
Shape size and quality shall be of
- Effective size : 0.7 to 1.4 mm
- Depth : 100 mm
- Shall be clean, hard, resistant quartz or quartzite free of clay and dirt of
every description.
35.6 Fine (Filter) Sand:
Shape, size and quality of filter sand, shall satisfy the following norms.

Signature of the Tenderer
- depth of 1000 mm
- Sand shall be hard and resistant quartz or quartzite and free of clay,
fine particles, soft grains and dirt of every description.
- Effective size (E.S) – mesh diameter (mm) of a sieve which retains 90
% of the sand. Effective size is between 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm
- Uniformity coefficient (U.C) – mesh diameter (mm) of sieve which
allows 60 percent of the sand, divided by the effective size -
Uniformity coefficient is 2 to 3
- Ignition loss should not exceed 0.7 percent by weight.
- Soluble fraction is hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 5 percent by
- Silica content should not be less than 99.8 percent.
- Specific gravity shall be in the range between 2.55 to 2.65.
- Wearing loss shall not exceed 3 percent.

35.7 Filter Box

The filter box may be constructed either rectangular or circular in shape in M 30 grade
During construction the wall must be roughened where it will be in contact with the sand in
order to prevent short circuiting.
A projection/ protruding slab of 100 mm x 5mm thick shall be provided flushing with the top
of coarse media around inside the filter box in order to prevent short circuiting.
The floor-slab, walls and cover slab should be M 30 grade concrete.
The mass concrete should be M 10 grade.
The most important aspect is to pay utmost attention to the water tightness of the filter box
and clear water mains.
35.8 Inlet Arrangement
There are two inlet arrangements, one outside with weir arrangement and the other inside
filter box with Teak Wood planks. This should be done with M 10 grade concrete for mass
concrete and other components with M 30 grade.

The inlet is controlled by a hand-operated butterfly valve. These inlet arrangements are
connected with require size and class of C.I. /HDPE /AC pressure pipes and laying of pipes
and laying of pipes and fixing of valves shall be done as per relevant I.S. specifications.
Signature of the Tenderer
35.9 Outlet Arrangement
The outlet weir chamber with brass ‘V’ notch shall be constructed with M 30 grade concrete.
The outlet flow is maintained at the design flow rate by hand operated butterfly valve which is
connected to a float and rate by hand operated butterfly valve which is connected to a float
and pulleys.
The maximum level of the crest of the effluent weir should be 50 mm above the top of the
filter bed.
35.10 Supernatant Water
This is normally maintained at a constant depth of 1000 mm. In addition to the normal
pipeline drain out box, drain out pipes, valves etc., should also be fixed and constructed.
Relevant I.S. standard specifications should be followed.
Water tightness of all structures should be checked and ensured before placing gravel and
sand in the filter box.
To prevent short circuiting of raw water along with walls of filters, the inside plastering of the
walls may be rough from maximum level of sand up to floor level.
35.11 Filter Box
The total height of filter box will be 2.75 mts., inclusive of 200 mm free board. The top of
filter walls should be at least 1.50 mts., above formation ground level, and overflow
arrangement should be provided in each filter Box to help remove scum and prevent flooding.

35.12 Reference
A design and construction manual of slow sand filtration for community water supply in
developing countries (WHO-IRC paper No.11 and paper No.24).
Manual on water supply and Treatment by CPHEEO, Government of India, New Delhi.


36.1 General:
Earth Work excavation in all types of soils exceptional to a depth as shown in drawing in wet
or dry conditions and leveling course of CC (1:3:6) using 40 mm HBG metal with 300 mm
thickness over 300 mm thick sand filling.
36.2 Dewatering or Pumping
If the pumping or dewatering of water is required to be done at any time during excavation,
the contractor shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels, pumping or other wise

Signature of the Tenderer
and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge for such a
period as may be required. The discharge of the dewatering pumps shall be conveyed to drains
and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of the work site. All cost for such
arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the contractor and no extra payment shall
be admissible for such operation.
36.3 Basement Slab:
Raft Slab with VRCC M 30 grade concrete using 20 mm HBG metal with thickness as shown
in drawing with required steel as shown in drawing shall be provided. Haunches with required
steel as per design and Drawings shall be provided.
36.4 Side Walls:
Sidewalls to the Sumps shall be constructed with VRCC M 30 grade concrete using 20 mm
HBG metal with required steel to a specified thickness as shown in drawings.
36.5 Columns:
VRCC M 30 Grade concrete columns shall be provided where it is found necessary as per
designs at specified interval with required quantity of steel as shown in the Drawings.
36.6 Ring Beams:
VRCC M 30 grade concrete using 20 mm HBG metal the dimensions and steel details as
per the drawings.
36.7 Plastering:
Cement mortar with (1:3) of 12 mm thick is down for the outside exposed portion.
36.8 Accoproof Plastering:
Cement mortar with (1:3) of 12 mm thick using Accoproof powder if 1 Kg for one bag of
cement for the complete inside of the tank including top dome and annular slab.
36.9 Snowcem Painting:
Two coats of snowcem paint of approved colours over primary coat of all exposed portion of
the sump.
36.10 Inlet Connections:
The inlet pipe connection consist of duck foot bend, bell mouth, with required length of CI D/F
pipe of dia as shown in drawing. Manhole covers as per Standard Specifications, Ventilators,
RCC Phenyl and adder as per drawings shall be provided.
36.11 Testing:
Testing structure for water tightness as directed by the Engineer-in-charge

Signature of the Tenderer

37.1 General
The Contractor shall quote the rate for the complete work of constructing Reinforced cement
concrete Ground level service reservoir M30 grade of concrete to be carried out as per
departmental design based on above data i.e. he shall tender the rate in Schedule for
construction of elevated tank of required capacity including fixing pipes specials valves and
providing and fixing lightning conductor, C.I. manhole frame and cover, water level indicator,
ventilator etc., complete. In case of any damage / failure either during construction, testing or
after commissioning, whether due to faulty design or defective construction, all repairs or
reconstruction of the structure shall have to be carried out by the contractor, entirely at his
own risk and cost.
No claim for such repairs / reconstruction shall be entertained.

37.2 Common Conditions

The contractor at his own cost shall provide necessary housing accommodation and the
sanitary arrangement for his staff and labour and shall pay direct to the authorities concerned
all rates, taxes, royalties and other charges. The contractor shall also comply with the
requirement of the Health Department as regards antimalaria measures etc. The work order
book shall be maintained on site of work and the orders given by the Engineer-in-Charge shall
be signed and carried out by the contractor. The contractor shall construct a temporary shed
of about 20 sq.m for use as an office for inspection of works within 30 days of work order.
The contractor shall also furnish the office with furniture which shall be the property of the
Water required for the execution of work and for the water tightness test of the reservoir shall
be supplied by the contractor at his own cost in manner satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge
of work.
All materials to be used shall conform to the relevant specifications as per the latest version of
Indian Standards, unless other wise stated in the detailed specifications of items of work.
Whenever a reference to any I.S. appears in specifications it shall be taken to mean as a
reference to the latest versions of the standard.
The work under this contract includes the supply of material at site of work or store as
specified including railway freight, loading carting, unloading, stacking as directed, insurance,
local and other taxes etc.
The contractor shall be responsible for observing the laws, rules and regulations under the
Signature of the Tenderer
“Minor Mineral Acts” and such other laws and rules prescribed by the Government from time
to time.
The hydraulic test of water retaining structure shall have to be given by the contractor
without any extra cost. The filling of the reservoir shall be carried out gradually at the rate not
exceeding 30 cm rise in water level per hour and shall not exceed 2.0 meter in 24 hours and
total period of 72 hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of water in the
reservoir if any shall be kept. The reservoir once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for
seven days before any readings drop in water level are recorded. The level of the water shall
be recorded again at subsequent intervals of 24 hours over a period of seven days shall be
taken as an indication of the water tightness of the reservoir, which for all practical purposes
shall not exceed 40 mm.
If the structure does not satisfy the condition of test and the daily drop in water level is
increasing the period of test may be extended for a period of seven days and if the specified
limit is then reached, the structure may be considered as satisfactory.
If, even after extending the period of test, the drop is more than permissible, the contractor
should empty the reservoir, rectify the defects in tank, by replastering wherever necessary,
applying water proofing paint etc. and given the water tightness test till the drop in level is
within permissible limit. This shall be repeated at the cost of the contractor without claiming
extra cost.
Any delay in giving water-tightness will invite penal action under relevant clauses of the
tender agreement.
The contractor shall provide cement plaster to the external faces of the Reservoir in CM (1:3)
12 mm thick.

37.3 Technical Specifications

37.3.1 General
The tender is inclusive of necessary excavation in all types of soft and hard strata, lean
concrete below foundation, foundation concrete, Reinforced cement concrete Raft
/Reinforced cement concrete footings, container tank, covered with Reinforced cement
concrete roof slab /dome, with Reinforced cement concrete Ventilator in the roof,
Reinforced cement concrete stair case, or M.S. ladder, lightning conductor, SS. Pipe
railing, fixing of pipe assembly, valves, construction of brick Masonry chambers,

Signature of the Tenderer
providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe line for drain, cement plaster for
tank from inside with water proofing material, neat finishing, cement based paint from
outside, reservoir capacity, name of the scheme etc., on body wall of the tank.
37.3.2 Clearing of Site
Before starting the work the site shall be cleared of, all shrubs, grass and other vegetation
including large and small bushes, all stumps, removal of roots, cutting and disposal of
small trees up to 300 mm girth etc. (The girth shall be measured at a height of 1.5 meters
above Ground level). The site to be cleared shall consist of the entire area required to be
cut down to accommodate the reservoir. The contractor shall make themselves familiar
with the local rules and regulations pertaining to land clearance, special requirements of
forest areas, whenever applicable, and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance
there with.
37.3.3 Excavation
The side slopes of cutting shall generally have the following slopes for stability.
1:1 slope for excavation in clay, murrum, boulders etc. 0.5: 1 slope for excavation in hard
No slope will be allowed for soft and hard rock. If however, the strata met with can sustain
safety, steeper slopes than those mentioned above, and then such steeper slopes may be
permitted with the prior written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge of the work.
37.3.4 Dewatering or Pumping
If the pumping or dewatering of water is required to be done at any time during
excavation, the contractor shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels,
pumping or other wise and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge for such a period as may be required. The discharge of the dewatering
pumps shall be conveyed to drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of
the work site. All cost for such arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the
contractor and no extra payment shall be admissible for such operation.
37.3.5 Shoring
Open cuttings shall suitably shored, sheeted and braced, if required by the Engineer or by
site conditions or to meet local laws, for protecting life, property adjoining work site.

Adequate shoring and strutting shall be provided by the contractors at their own cost,
warped or deformed timber shall not be used. The shoring shall project at least 150 mm
above ground level and shall extend to a suitable depth below the bottom. Wherever
Signature of the Tenderer
necessary the planks or struts shall be driven by compressed air pile drivers. The plank
shall be fixed close enough to avoid any running in of sand or earth through the joints. The
shoring material shall not be of sizes less than those specified below, unless steel sheet
piling is used or unless approved by the Engineer in writing.
a) Planks 5 cm thick
b) Walling pieces 10 cm x 20 cm
c) Struts 15 cm x 20 cm
For walling pieces round timber shall not be allowed. In a vertical plane, there shall be at
least three struts or more as directed by the Engineer. They shall rest on walling pieces.
The spacing of the struts shall be as per the requirement. At the bottom, extra struts shall
have to be provided if ordered by the Engineer-in-charge.

The excavated material shall be transported by the contractors and stacked at suitable
places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The stacks shall be made out side the area of
excavation and shall not endanger the work in any way and shall avoid the obstruction to
footpaths, road-driveways, hydrants, access to the properties and work sites. Cutter shall
be kept clear. Natural water courses shall not be obstructed. Separate stacks shall be
formed for
a) Rubble considered suitable for masonry work or road work
b) Rubble of inferior quality and boulders
c) Soft rock, earth murum
d) Rod spoils up to 150 mm size.

37.3.6 General Requirements

Cement concrete shall be in accordance with IS 456-2000 and IS-3370. Fine and coarse
aggregates shall be conforming to IS 383-1970, or its latest revision. The selection of the
type of fine and coarse aggregates to be actually used shall be as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The proportion of fine and coarse aggregates and water to be actually used
shall be such as to produce dense concrete of the required standard.
37.3.7 C.I. Assembly of Flanged Pipes and Specials & Sluice Valves
Detailed drawing showing the pipe assembly with pipe specials, valves etc., shall be
obtained from the owner before fixing the pipes, specials, and valves vertically and
horizontally. The drawing shall also show bye pass arrangement from incoming main to
distribution, as also the draining of overflow and washout.
Signature of the Tenderer
For duck foot bends plain concrete blocks of adequate size and in M15 grade shall be
provided by contractor. These concrete blocks shall rest on firm ground (and not on
refilled soil) or on the raft slab and shall have a minimum depth of 600 mm. The width of
the block shall be such that it should have an offset of 150 mm on all sides.

Thrust blocks of adequate size and in M-20 grade shall also be provided wherever
required or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. All the C.I. flanged pipes, specials &
Sluice valves, M.H. Frame and covers as per requirement shall be brought by the

The pipes before using shall be cleaned properly from inside. The vertical pipes shall be
fixed exactly in plumb. The horizontal flanged and / or S & S pipes shall be laid to proper
grade and alignment. The flanged pipes and specials and sluice valves shall be jointed by
means of nuts and bolts, washers, and 3 mm thick three ply rubber packing with hub bock.
The S & S joints shall be made with rubber gasket or pig lead as directed. The sluice valve
shall be fixed on horizontal pipe line for inlet and outlet, washout suitable pipes supplied
by the owner as specified in the drawing shall be provided laid and jointed by the
contractor for a length up to 10m from the outer periphery of the container. This work
includes giving satisfactory hydraulic test to the required head of water and all materials,
equipment and labour shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. The horizontal
pipes shall have minimum cover of 1.0m, chambers of adequate size and height / depth as
required shall be constructed for sluice valve in C.C(1:3:6). The foundation concrete shall
be 150 mm thick in M-7.5 in C.M (1:4). The inside shall be cement plastered in CM (1:4)
100mm thick Reinforced cement concrete slab is to be cast in situ with Reinforced cement
concrete pre-fabricated manhole cover of 0.6m x 0.6m with lifting arrangements.
37.4 Water Level Indicator
37.4.1 General
The specification lays down the requirement of material and labour required for water
level indicator.
37.4.2 Materials
The contractor shall provide at cost all the parts of water level indicator, which shall be
got approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
150 mm side enameled gauge plate / wooden plate with Formica top to read accurately up
to 0.1M alternate division being printed in different colors. The height shall be equal to

Signature of the Tenderer
full depth of water in O.H.S.R. / G.L.S.R. Brass pulleys and copper wire 3 mm dia / nylon
string of adequate strength if permitted by Engineer-in-Charge.
a) Indicator arrow painted in shining color with guide.
b) Copper / Ebonite float
c) Counter / Ebonite float

37.5 Access to Roof

Access from G.L. to roof shall be provided.

37.6 SS Pipe Railing

SS Pipe railing at roof level shall be provided as per drawing.

37.7 Painting
Name of the project and Capacity of Reinforced cement concrete Ground level service
reservoir shall be painted on the container. At least two C.I. manhole frame and cover with
locking arrangement shall be provided diagonally in opposite directions with ladder for
entering into the container for maintenance purpose. The size of manhole shall be 900 mm x
450 mm, medium duty conforming to I.S.1726–1991.
37.8 Lightning Arrestor
Lightning arrestor shall be provided at the highest level on the roof of the tank as per IS:
2309–1969, a Code of practice for protection of buildings and allied structures against
lightning. Position and height of lightning arrestor shall be such that the whole structure shall
be enclosed within cone having its apex at top end of the arrestor and generated by a line
inclined at 60 degrees to the vertical. The arrestor shall be suitably earthen.
37.9 Ventilator
The roof of the tank shall be ventilated by providing cowls or five shaft ventilators 1.00 meter
x 1.5 meter high with mosquito proof net, for ventilators. The net shall be fixed with proper
framing. Ventilation area shall not be less than 0.04% of the water surface when cowl type
ventilators are provided.
37.10 Water Proof Plaster
Water proof plaster in CM (1:3) 20 mm thick shall be provided on the inner sides of the
container and top of the floor slab of the container using minimum 1 Kg. of water proofing
powder per bag of cement or as per manufacturer’s specifications used for preparing mortar
Signature of the Tenderer
for plastering.
37.11 Aluminium Ladder
Providing & fixing Aluminum Ladder of 40 cm wide shall be provided by the contractor for
getting inside the water tank from roof of tank.
37.12 Jointing Material
All necessary jointing materials for pipe assembly GI pipe railing, MS ladder etc., shall be
provided by the contractor at his own cost.
37.13 Colour Wash
Snowcem paint of approved shade shall be applied in two coats over a primary coat of white
cement to whole structure externally.
For water tightness and stability test, an amount equal to 5% from each payment will be
withheld. This amount will be in addition to security deposit. This will only be released after
satisfactory water tightness test (as specified in I.S. 3370) is given.


38.1 General
The Contractor shall quote the rate for the complete work of constructing Reinforced cement
concrete Over head service reservoir to be carried out as per departmental design based on
above data i.e. he shall tender the rate in Schedule for construction of elevated tank of
required capacity including fixing pipes specials valves and providing and fixing lightning
conductor, C.I. manhole frame and cover, water level indicator, ventilator etc., complete.

In case of any damage / failure either during construction testing or after commissioning,
whether due to defective construction, all repairs or reconstruction of the structure shall have
to be carried out by the contractor, entirely at his own risk and cost.
No claim for such repairs / reconstruction shall be entertained.
38.2 Common Conditions
The contractor at his own cost shall provide necessary housing accommodation and the
sanitary arrangement for his staff and labour and shall pay minimum wages as per labour act
in force direct to the authorities concerned all rates, taxes, royalties and other charges. The
contractor shall also comply with the requirement of the Health Department as regards
antimalaria measures etc. The work order book shall be maintained on site of work and the
orders given by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be signed and carried out by the contractor. The
contractor shall construct a temporary shed of about 20 sq.m for use as an office for inspection
Signature of the Tenderer
of works within 30 days of work order. The contractor shall also furnish the office with
furniture which shall be the property of the contractor. Water required for the execution of
work and for the water tightness test of the reservoir shall be supplied by the contractor at his
own cost in manner satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge of work. All materials to be used
shall conform to the relevant specifications as per the latest version of Indian Standards,
unless other wise stated in the detailed specifications of items of work. Whenever a reference
to any I.S. appears in specifications it shall be taken to mean as a reference to the latest
versions of the standard with its amendments. The work under this contract includes the
supply of material at site of work or store as specified including railway freight, loading
carting, unloading, stacking as directed, insurance, local and other taxes etc. The contractor
shall be responsible for observing the laws rules and regulations under the “Minor Mineral
Acts” and such other laws and rules prescribed by the Government from time to time. The
hydraulic test of water retaining structure shall have to be given by the contractor without any
extra cost. The filling of the reservoir shall be carried out gradually at the rate not exceeding
30 cm rise in water level per hour and shall not exceed 2.0 meter in 24 hours and total period
of 72 hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of water in the reservoir if any shall
be kept. The reservoir once filled shall be allowed to remain filled for seven days before any
readings drop in water level are recorded. The level of the water shall be recorded again at
subsequent intervals of 24 hours over a period of seven days shall be taken as an indication of
the water tightness of the reservoir, which for all practical purposes shall not exceed 40 mm. If
the structure does not satisfy the condition of test and the daily drop in water level is
increasing the period of test may be extended for a period of seven days and if the specified
limit is then reached the structure may be considered as satisfactory. If even after extending
the period of test, the drop is more than permissible, the contractor should empty the reservoir,
rectify the defects in tank, by replastering wherever necessary, applying water proofing paint
etc. and given the water tightness test till the drop in level is within permissible limit. This
shall be repeated at the cost of the contractor without claiming extra cost. Any delay in giving
water-tightness will invite penal action under relevant clauses of the tender agreement. The
contractor shall provide cement plaster to the external faces of the Reservoir in CM (1:3) 8
mm thick.

Signature of the Tenderer
38.3 Technical Specifications
38.3.1 General
The tender is inclusive of necessary excavation in all types of soft and hard strata, lean
concrete below foundation, raft foundation and container tank with Vibrated Reinforced
cement concrete , covered with Reinforced cement concrete roof slab / dome, with
Reinforced cement concrete Ventilator in the roof Reinforced cement concrete stair case,
lightning conductor, SS Pipe railing fixing of pipe assembly, valves, construction of
concrete chambers, providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe line for drain,
cement plaster for tank from inside with water proofing material neat finishing. Cement
based paint from outside, reservoir capacity, name of the scheme etc., on body wall of the

38.3.2 Clearing of Site

Before starting the work the site shall be cleared of, all shrubs, grass and other vegetation
including large and small bushes, all stumps, removal of roots, cutting and disposal of
small trees up to 300 mm girth etc. (The girth shall be measured at a height of 1.5 meters
above Ground level). The site to be cleared shall consist of the entire area required to be
cut down to accommodate the reservoir, The contractor shall make themselves familiar
with the local rules and regulations pertaining to land clearance, special requirements of
forest areas, whenever applicable, and the work shall be carried out in strict accordance
there with.
38.3.3 Excavation
The side slopes of cutting shall generally have the following slopes for stability.
1 1:1 slope for excavation in clay, murum, boulders etc.
2 0.5:1 slope for excavation in hard murum.
3 No slope are required for soft and hard rock. If however, the strata met with
can sustain safety, steeper slopes than those mentioned above, then such
4 Steeper slopes may be permitted with the prior written permission of the
Engineer-in-Chargef of the work.
38.3.4 Dewatering or Pumping
If the pumping or dewatering of water is required to be done at any time during
excavation, the contractor shall arrange for such draining by excavating channels,
pumping or other wise and shall maintain such arrangements to the satisfaction of the

Signature of the Tenderer
Engineer-in-Charge for such a period as may be required. The discharge of the dewatering
pumps shall be conveyed to drains and shall not be allowed to be spread in the vicinity of
the work site. All cost for such arrangements including pumping shall be borne by the
contractor and no extra payment shall be admissible for such operation.
38.3.5 Shoring
Open cuttings shall be suitably shored, sheeted and braced, if required by the Engineer or
by site conditions or to meet local laws, for protecting life, property adjoining work site.
Adequate shoring and strutting shall be provided by the contractors at their own cost,
warped or deformed timber shall not be used. The shoring shall project at least 150 mm
above ground level and shall extend to a suitable depth below the bottom. Wherever
necessary the planks or struts shall be driven by compressed air pile drivers. The plank
shall be fixed close enough to avoid any running in of sand or earth through the joints. The
shoring material shall not be of sizes less than those specified below, unless steel sheet
piling is used or unless approved by the Engineer in writing.

a) Planks 5 cm thick
b) Walling pieces 10 cm x 20 cm
c) Struts 15 cm x 20 cm
For walling pieces round timber shall not be allowed. In a vertical plane, there shall be at
least three struts or more as directed by the Engineer. They shall rest on walling pieces.
The spacing of the struts shall be as per the requirement. At the bottom, extra struts shall
have to be provided if ordered by the Engineer-in charge.
The excavated material shall be transported by the contractors and stacked at suitable
places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The stacks shall be made out side the area of
excavation and shall not endanger the work in any way and shall avoid the obstruction to
footpaths, road-driveways, hydrants, access to the properties and work sites. Cutter shall
be kept clear. Natural water courses shall not be obstructed. Separate stacks shall be
formed for
a) Rubble considered suitable for masonry work or road work
b) Rubble of inferior quality and boulders
c) Soft rock, earth murum
d) Rod spoils up to 150 mm size.

Signature of the Tenderer
38.3.6 General Requirements
Cement concrete shall be in accordance with IS 456-2000 and IS-3370. Fine and coarse
aggregates shall be conforming to IS 383-1970, or its latest revision. The selection of the
type of fine and coarse aggregates to be actually used shall be as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The proportion of fine and coarse aggregates and water to be actually used
shall be such as to produce dense concrete of the required standard.
38.3.7 D.I. Pipe Assembly of Flanged Pipes and Specials & Sluice Valves

(a) Detailed drawing showing the pipe assembly with pipe specials valves etc shall be
obtained from the owner before fixing the pipes, specials, valves vertically and
horizontally. The drawing shall also show bye pass arrangement from incoming main to
distribution, as also the draining of overflow and washout.

(b) For duck foot bends plain concrete blocks of adequate size and in M 15 grade shall be
provided by the contractor. These concrete blocks shall rest on firm ground (and not on
refilled soil) or on the raft slab and shall have a minimum depth of 600 mm. the width of
the block shall be such that it should have a offset of 150 mm on all sides.
(c) Thrust blocks of adequate size and in M-15 grade shall also be provided wherever
required or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(d) All the D.I. flanged pipes, specials & Sluice valves, M.H. Frame and covers as per
requirement shall be brought by the contractor.
(e) The pipes before using shall be cleaned properly from inside. The vertical flanged
pipes shall be fixed exactly in plumb. The horizontal flanged and / or S & S pipes shall be
laid to proper grade and alignment. The flanged pipes and specials and sluice valves shall
be jointed by means of nuts and bolts, washers, and 3 mm thick three ply rubber packing
with hub bock. The S & S joints shall be made with rubber gasket or pig lead as directed.
The sluice valve shall be fixed on horizontal pipe line for inlet and outlet, washout suitable
pipes supplied by the owner as specified in the drawing shall be provided laid and jointed
by the contractor for a length up to 10 m from the outer periphery of the container. This
work includes giving satisfactory hydraulic test to the required head of water and all
materials, equipment and labour shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
(f) The horizontal pipes shall have minimum cover of 1.0 m chambers of adequate size
and height / depth as required shall be constructed as per drawings given in Part C of
tender schedules.

Signature of the Tenderer
38.4 Water Level Indicator
38.4.1 General
The specification lays down the requirement of material and labour required for water level
38.4.2 Materials
The contractor shall provide at cost all the parts of water level indicator, which shall be got
approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 150 mm side enameled gauge plate / wooden plate with
Formica top to read accurately up to 0.1 M alternate division being printed in different
colors. The height shall be equal to full depth of water in O.H.S.R Brass pulleys and copper
wire 3 mm dia / nylon string of adequate strength if permitted by Engineer-in-Charge.
a) Indicator arrow painted in shining color with guide.
b) Copper / Ebonite float
c) Counter / Ebonite float

38.4.3 Spiral Stair Case

Access from G.L. to roof shall be provided By SPIRAL STAIR CASE. M20 grade
concrete pre cast steps fixed in cast-in-situ M30 mix RCC Column of 300mm dia and
steps of 650mm length at an interval of 150mm as shown in drawings.
38.4.4 SS Pipe Railing
SS Pipe of dia 32mm in two rows around fixed in RCC (1:2:4) posts of size
100x75x75mm with 1.5m intervals . railing at roof level shall be provided for Over head
service reservoir as per drawing shown in Volume-IV of tender schedule, and Reinforced
cement concrete spiral stair case should be provided to all Over Head service
38.4.5 Painting
Name of the project and Capacity of Reinforced cement concrete / Over head service
reservoir shall be painted on the container. At least two C.I. manhole frame and cover with
locking arrangement shall be provided diagonally in opposite directions with ladder for
entering into the container for maintenance purpose. The size of manhole shall be 900 mm
x 450 mm, medium duty conforming to I.S. – 1726 – 1991.
38.4.6 Lightning Arrestor
Lightning arrestor shall be provided at the highest level on the roof of the tank as per IS
2309 – 1969, - Code of practice for protection of buildings and allied structures against
lightning. Position and height of lightning arrestor shall be such that the whole structure
Signature of the Tenderer
shall be enclosed within cone having its apex at top end of the arrestor and generated by a
line inclined at 60 degrees to the vertical. The arrestor shall be suitably earthed.
38.4.7 Ventilator
The roof of the tank shall be ventilated by providing cowls or five shaft ventilators 1.00
meter x 1.5 meter high with mosquito proof net, for ventilators. The net shall be fixed with
proper framing. Ventilation area shall not be less than 0.04 % of the water surface when
cowl type ventilators are provided.
38.4.8 Water Proof Plastering
Water proof plastering in CM 1:3 20 mm thick shall be provided on the inner sides of the
container and top of the floor slab of the container using minimum 1 Kg. Of water
proofing powder per bag of cement or as per manufacturer’s specifications used for
preparing mortar for plastering.
38.4.9 Aluminum Ladder
It should be conformed to relevant IS code
38.4.10 Jointing Material
All necessary jointing materials for pipe assembly GI pipe railing, MS ladder etc., shall be
provided by the contractor at his own cost.
38.4.11Colour Wash
Snowcem paint of approved shade shall be applied in two coats to whole structure
externally. For water tightness and stability test, an amount equal to 5% from each
payment will be withheld. This amount will be in addition to security deposit. This will
only be released after satisfactory water tightness test (as specified in I.S. 3370) is given.
38.6 Rates for OHSRs/ ESRS/ BL(S)Rs etc., of capacities 500KL to 2500 KL are
inclusive of the following:

1. Three coats of epoxy paint Food Grade of best quality to inner surface of the Reservoir
including roof.

2. 2 coats of weather proof emulsion painting for external surfaces, lettering, all required
fixtures, Pipes, Pipe specials, valves of DI material, Valve chambers etc., for pipe
connections including cost of pipes, specials and valves as per departmental designs and

3. The ELSR/OHSR shall be designed with minimum of two rows of columns for

Signature of the Tenderer
capacities above 500 KL & up to 1000KL.

4. The ELSR/OHSR shall be designed with minimum of three rows of columns for
capacities above 1000KL.

5. The basic rate is inclusive of following Fixtures

i. Pipe connections & Specials with D.I materials

a. All pipe connections for Inlet, Out let, Over Flow, Scour pipes shall be
provided with D/F DI material.
b. The Valves for above pipe connections also shall be of DI material of PN 16
duty conforming to the specification of SoR item No.28
c. All specials such as Bends, Tees, Reducers, Duck foot Bends, Bell mouths
etc,. Shall be of DI material.
ii. The sizes of the verticals for ELSR/OHSR shall be:

For 500 KL to 750 Kl ELSRs

d. Inlet Pipe - 300mm dia.
e. Out let Pipe - 350mm dia.
f. DI valves - 2 No's
g. Over Flow pipe - 350m dia.
h. Scour Pipe - 200mm dia.

For 800 KL to 1500 Kl

a. Inlet Pipe - 400mm dia.
b. Out let Pipe - 450mm dia.
c. DI valves - 2 No's
d. Over Flow pipe - 450m dia.
e. Scour Pipe - 200mm dia.

For above 1500 KL to 2500 Kl ELSRs

a. Inlet Pipe - 400mm dia.

b. Out let Pipe - 500mm dia.
c. DI valves - 2 No's
d. Over Flow pipe - 500m dia.
e. Scour Pipe - 200mm dia.

iii. Manhole Frames & Covers

All man hole Frames & Covers shall be made of CI/DI materials with min. size of
0.60mX 0.60m - For Roof & Valve Chambers.

iv. CI/D.I Double Swan neck ventilators (min. of 150mm dia.) shall be provided
in top dome and slab with mosquito/fly proof nets - 4Nos.
Signature of the Tenderer
v. RCC Finial ventilator with fly/bird protection with GI mesh -1 No.
vi. RCC precast ladders of 0.60 m width - 2 Nos.

vii. RCC dog legged stair case of 1.00 m flight width and 1.20 m landing width
R.C.C hand railing of 1.0 m height - 1 No

viii. The staircase shall be enclosed with brick masonry walls on three sides and
collapsible MS gate on front side up to 1 st brace level, to prevent unauthorized

ix. Construction of R.C.C valve chambers as per Standard Drawings with RCC
cover slab fixed with CI/DI manhole Frame & Cover with lock and Key
arrangement. The Mix shall not be less than VRCC M 20 grade with 150mm
thick side walls, 150mm thick top slab, 150mm thick base slab over base
course of 100mm thick [1:4:8] prop.

x. Balcony of 1.00 m width at floor slab level / middle ring beam level by using
Stainless Steel pipe of grade 304 hand railing up to 1.20 m height, with top
railing of 40mm dia. pipe & middle railing of 25mm dia. and verticals with
40mm dia. at an interval not more than of 1.00m c/c.

xi. Water Level Indicator of reputed make - Digital type (1 No] and Conventional
type (1 No]

xii. Lightening Arrestor with all its accessories complete including earthing,
with relevant IS Codes -1 No.

xiii. Compound wall: Construction of compound wall including ornamental

M.S.Gate of size 3.0 X 2.40m is included in the basic rate of ELSRs. Length
of compound wall hall is minimum of 150m. Min. height of the compound
wall shall be 1.80m above plinth and thickness 230mm in brick masonry in
CM (l:6).The compound wall shall be constructed including earth work
excavation in all types of soils for plinth beam of 230mm X 300mm and
0.75X0.75X1.20m size for column footing portions. The footings shall be of
0.75X0.75X0.25m in VRCC M20 grade and constructed over a C.C (1:4:8]

prop bed of 100mm thick. The columns shall be of 230X230 mm in size with
VRCC M20 grade at 3.00m c/c spacing, having depth of 1.20m below ground
level and height of 2.00m above GL. The plinth beam of size of 230X300 mm

Signature of the Tenderer
shall be constructed in VRCC M20 grade at Ground level, over a bed of
CC(l:4:8)-100mmthick. 450X450mm size columns in M20 grade shall be
constructed for gate pillars. All the materials shall be followed as per the

Tie beam shall be provided above the brick work with 230X200mm size, fixed
with MS angular of 25mm X 25mm X 4mm in "Y" shape to height of 0.60m,
with embedded length of 150mm in concrete. The barbed wire fencing with 3
ply of 18 gauges shall be stretched in 4 rows (2x2]. Plastering shall be done
with 16mm thick in two coats i.e., base coat 12mm thick in CM(l:6)prop and
4mm thick 2nd coat CM(1:4) prop on both sides of brick work.

Snowcem paint in two coats shall be provided for both sides of wall. The M.S
ornamental gate as per the approved drawings shall be provided with minimum
of 3.60mts width and 2.40mts height with enamel paint. Yard lighting shall be
arranged on four corners of compound wall. If the length of the wall is
xiv. Staff Quarter shall be constructed for a minimum plinth area of 40 sqm with
the following specification: RCC framed structure with concrete grade not less
than M20 design mix at the locations specified by the department at the time
of execution with veranda, hall, bed room, kitchen and bath &W/C with floor
area of 40.00sqmts excluding balconies and staircases.

MS hollow door frame with cold rolled processed steel sheet 1.25mm thick
bright CRCA conforming to IS 4351/76, Flush door shutters with solid bond
wood bond board doors shall be provided. N.C.L. Windows center fixed both
sides open able shutter window 1.35 X 1.35mts outer frame section 48 x50
mm shutter frame section with a size of 48 X20 mm mullion section of size
48X 50mm fixed beading section of 12 X 12 mm shall be provided. Flooring
with polished Kadapa stone shall be provided. Walls shall be provided with
snowcem paint in two coats over primary coat. Electrical and water supply
arrangement shall be provided as directed by the Engineer – in – Charge.
Water Storage tank made with plastic/polymer material of reputed make with
necessary out let and inlet connection pipes shall be provided. Septic tank for 5

Signature of the Tenderer
users shall be provided.

38.7Rates for OHSRs/ ESRS/ BL(S)Rs etc., of capacities 10KL to 4.50 KL are
inclusive of the following:
1. Three coats of epoxy paint Food Grade of best quality to inner surface of
the Reservoir including roof.

2. Two coats of whether proof emulsion painting for external surfaces,

lettering, all required fixtures, pipes, bends, valves etc., for pipe
connections but excluding cost of pipes, bends and valves as per
departmental designs and drawings.
Fixtures include:
a. RCC or Aluminum ladder inside 0.60 m wide.
b. Spiral staircase on the outside shall be provided up to 200KL. Above
200KL capacity dog legged staircase shall be provided with staircase
flight width of 1.0 mts and landing width of 1.20 mts with S.S railing up
to 1.0 height.
c. Lightening arrestor, including conductor and earthling etc.
d. RCC ventilators with copper or stainless steel fly proof mesh.
e. D.I Manholes frame and cover 0.60x0.60 m as per IS specifications (light
duty) - 2 Nos.
f. Water level indicator of good quality with ebonite/ copper float approved
pattern -1No.
g. The ladder shall be with M.S ladder and Verticals with HDPE of
10 kg/Sqcm shall be provided for single column OHSRs only.
h. Minimum staging for all ELSR/OHSR shall be 10.0 mts. The increase in
staging shall be at 1.0mt interval.

i. The railing provided to the gallery and stair case shall be with stainless
steel of grade 304 for a height of 1.20mts.
j. The dog legged staircase shall be enclosed with brick/CRS wall on three
sides and front side with M.S collapsible gate up to 1st brace level from
ground level to prevent unauthorized entry.
k. D.I swan neck ventilators shall be provided in top dome and slab.

Signature of the Tenderer
The above rates are exclusive of all inlet, out let connection and valves. All valves near
inlet, out let and for scour of ELSRs shall be D.I valves of heavy duty confirming to the
specification of SoR item No.28


39.1 General
The specifications lays down the requirement for supply, lowering, laying PVC pipes and
specials and jointing by means of solvent cement compound / welding and testing.
39.2 Manufacturer’s experience criteria :
In order to prove that goods offered are of acceptable quality and standard, the bidder shall
furnish documentary evidence that the goods offered have been in production for at least ‘ X’
years and that a minimum of ‘Y’ units of similar capacity have been sold as indicated in the
table below. The equipments and materials proposed to be used confirm to the requirements
specified in technical specifications of this document

item Goods Minimum no of years Minimum quantity of

preceding due date of goods sold (Y) in X
tender the goods are in number of years preceding
production the due date of tender
(based on records of
X number of years
1 PVC pipe conforming 3 100 kms
to IS 4985 minimum
dia 90 mm and
pressure class of 4

The bidder shall fill up the above table and enclose the credentials of the manufacturers
proposed by the bidder. After award and before placing order by the manufacturer, Employer
will verify the credentials of the manufacturer proposed by the bidder, conduct required tests
and verify in the field where these materials have been used and after satisfying that the
materials procured from the manufacturer will be performing satisfactorily the bidder will be
permitted to procure these materials.

However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers empanelled
by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized for all works.

Signature of the Tenderer
39.3 Materials
The rigid PVC pipes of required size and class with PVC specials and solvent cement shall be
supplied by the contractor after passing through required quality control tests and shall be
used on the work specified. The PVC pipes and specials shall confirm I.S. 4985-2000 of latest
version. The Pipes shall be BIS marked.
The quantity elasticity and strength of the pipes shall in no way deteriorate by storing these
pipes in the sun and by water temperature of up to 35 degrees centigrade.
39.4 Stacking of Materials

Each pipe, specials etc shall be properly stacked on site by the contractor at his own cost.
Each pipe, specials etc., shall be got checked for its soundness (not cracked and / or damaged)
before laying. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for obtaining
permission for storing and stacking of pipes and specials etc., on the road side from land
owners i.e., concerned Government Department, Municipalities, Local Bodies, Private land
owners etc. at his own cost.
Because of their lightweight, there may be a tendency for the PVC pipes to be thrown much
more than their metal counterparts. This should be discouraged and reasonable care should be
taken in handling and storage to prevent damage to the pipes. On no account should pipes be
dragged along the ground. Pipes should be given adequate support at all times. These pipes
should not be stacked in large piles, especially under warm temperature conditions, as the
bottom pipes may be distorted thus giving rise to difficulty in pipe alignment and jointing. For
temporary storage in the field, where racks are not provided, care should be taken that the
ground is level, free from loose stones. Pipes stored thus should not exceed three layers and
should be so stacked as to prevent movement. It is also recommended not to store one pipe
inside another. The work of pipe laying shall be carried out as per IS 7634 or its latest
Before the work of pipe laying is taken up the pipes and specials shall be arranged lengthwise
by the side of the excavated trench without causing any obstacles to the traffic. The contractor
shall be fully responsible for safety of the materials on site. No storage more than one month
shall be allowed for uPVC pipes.
39.5 Preparation of Pipe
The pipes shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil deposited or stone therein. If
required cutting of pipes and / or specials shall be done in workman like manner and with
Signature of the Tenderer
proper tool without any extra cost. The cut end shall be made in line and level and finished as
original one.
Before lowering the pipes, the trench section shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The Contractor shall have to provide and maintain sight rails and boning rods
whenever required till the completion of work. The pipe shall be laid responsibly in dry
condition and under no circumstance they shall rest on slushy bedding. The Pipes shall rest
continuously on the bottom of the trench. Clearance of approximately 100mm in depth and
width equal to length of the collar plus 30 cm on both sides shall be provided, at the joint,
which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made. The pipe should be lowered into the
trenches either by hand or by means of two ropes. For road crossing or river crossing the pipe
shall laid 2.0 M below the bed level. Alternatively for road crossing and river crossing C.I.
pipes may be used. The pipeline should be laid on 150 mm thick sand bed.

39.7 Jointing of PVC Pipes

Socket and spigot joint is usually preferred for all PVC pipes up to 150 mm in dia. The socket
at length should be at least one half times the outer dia of sizes up to 100 mm dia and the
outer dia for largest size.
For jointing PVC pipes gluing with solvent cement compound is preferable to welding and
adopted. The glued spigot joint has greater strength than could be achieved by welding. The
surface to be glued shall be thoroughly scoured with emery cloth and perfectly chamfered to
30 degrees. The Solvent cement compound is applied with brush evenly to the outer surface of
the spigot on one pipe and to the inside of the socket on the other. The spigot is then inserted
immediately in the socket up to the shoulder and thereafter a quarter (90) turn is given to
evenly distribute the cement over the treated surface. The excess cement which is pushed out
of the socket must be removed at one with a clean cloth. Jointing must be carried out in
minimum possible time. Time of raking complete joint shall not be more than one minute.
Joints shall not be disturbed for at least 5 minutes. Half strength is attained in 30 minutes and
full in 24 hours. Gluing should be avoided in raining or foggy weather.
For laying long lengths of pipe prefabricated bauble socket connections are frequently used to
jointing successive pipes. A short pipe is flared at both ends by mean of a steak mandrel. The
size of the mandrel is such that the internal dia of the flared socket matches the outer dia of
the spigot to be connected.
Signature of the Tenderer
For connection of PVC pipes to metal pipes to metal pipes a piece of a Special thick wall PVC
connecting tube threaded at one end is used. The other end is connected to normal PVC pipes
by means of glued spigot and socket joint. It is advisable to use PVC as the spigot portion of
the joint. For normal jointing of PVC Pipes threading should not be adopted as far as possible.
39.8 Testing (Hydro)
After each section of pipeline is completed it shall be tested for at least 24 hours after the
joining has been made for water tightness before being covered in. This can be done by
closing each end by means of valve, blank flange, cap or plug and filling the pipe with water.
The Contractor shall have to arrange for water to be filled in a pipeline at his own cost. The
pressure shall then be raised gradually by means of a small hand force pump till it registers at
least the one and half the working pressure. The joint shall be absolutely water tight under the
leakage test (to be conducted after the satisfactorily completion of the pressure test) at a
pressure to be specified by the authority for duration of one hour. In the test pressure drops
after one hour, a measured quantity of water is pumped into the line to bring it to the original
test pressure of considered satisfactory if the quantity of water required to restore the test
pressure of 30 M for 24 hours does not exceed 1.5 liter per 10 mm of nominal bore for a
length of 1 KM.
39.9 General Conditions
If the pipelines are laid in detached sections and not in continuous length due to any reasons
such as non-availability of specials or due to obstacles etc., the contractor shall see that no end
of pipes are kept open. The ends shall be immediately covered up either by suitable blank
flange or cap or plug by means or double layer of gunny bags clothes tied properly by mild
steel wire without any extra claim.

Construction of valve chambers, necessary valves, and pipes, specials including construction
materials like Steel, Cement, Manhole Covers and Transportation of Materials shall be borne
by the Contractor.
39.10 Mode of Measurement and Payment
The rate shall be for one meter of pipe supplied, laid, jointed and tested including cost of I)
pipes, specials, earth work, lowering, jointing, laying ii) testing, Cutting and waste shall be
borne by the Contractor. The running length shall be measured on the straight and curves
along the centerline over the pipes and specials. Code of practice of laying of PVC pipe - I.S.
7634 (Part III) – 1975.

Signature of the Tenderer

40.1 General
The specifications lays down the requirement for supply, lowering, laying HDPE pipes and
specials and jointing by means of solvent cement compound / welding and testing.
40.2 Manufacturer’s experience criteria :

In order to prove that goods offered are of acceptable quality and standard, the bidder shall
furnish documentary evidence that the goods offered have been in production for at least ‘ X’
years and that a minimum of ‘Y’ units of similar capacity have been sold as indicated in the
table below. The equipments and materials proposed to be used confirm to the requirements
specified in technical specifications of this document

item Goods Minimum no of years Minimum quantity of

preceding due date of goods sold (Y) in X
tender the goods are in number of years preceding
production the due date of tender
(based on records of
X number of years
1 HDPE pipes 3 Years 100 kms
conforming to IS
4984 , PE 100
minimum dia
90 mm and minimum
PN 4 class
The bidder shall fill up the above table and enclose the credentials of the manufacturers
proposed by the bidder. After award and before placing order by the manufacturer, Employer
will verify the credentials of the manufacturer proposed by the bidder, conduct required tests
and verify in the field where these materials have been used and after satisfying that the
materials procured from the manufacturer will be performing satisfactorily the bidder will be
permitted to procure these materials.

However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers empanelled
by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized for all works.

40.3 Materials
The rigid HDPE pipes of required size and class with HDPE specials and solvent cement shall
be supplied by the contractor after passing through required quality control tests and shall be
Signature of the Tenderer
used on the work specified. The HDPE pipes and specials shall confirm I.S. 4984-1995 of
latest version. The pipes shall be BIS marked.
40.4 Stacking of Materials
Each pipe, specials etc shall be properly stacked on site by the contractor at his cost. Each
pipe, specials etc., shall be got checked for its soundness (not cracked and / or damaged)
before laying. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for obtaining
permission for storing and stacking of pipes and specials etc., on the road side from land
owners i.e., concerned Government Department, Municipalities, Local Bodies, Private land
Owners etc.
Pipes should not be stacked in large piles, especially under warm temperature conditions, as
the bottom pipes may be distorted thus giving rise to difficulty in pipe alignment and jointing.
For temporary storage in the field, where racks are not provided, care should be taken that the
ground is level, free from loose stones. Pipes stored thus should not exceed three layers and
should be so stacked as to prevent movement. It is also recommended not to store one pipe
inside another.
The work of pipe laying shall be carried out as per IS 7634 or its latest revision. Before the
work of pipe laying is taken up the pipes and specials shall be arranged lengthwise by the side
of the excavated trench without causing any obstacles to the traffic. The contractor shall be
fully responsible for safety of the materials on site.
40.5 Preparation of Pipe
The pipes shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil deposited or stone therein. If
required cutting of pipes and / or specials shall be done in workman like manner and with
proper tool without any extra cost. The cut end shall be made in line and level and finished as
original one.
40.6 Laying
Before lowering the pipes, the trench section shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The Contractor shall have to provide and maintain sight rails and boning rods
whenever required till the completion of work. The pipe shall be laid responsibly in dry
condition and under no circumstance they shall rest on slushy bedding. The Pipes shall rest
continuously on the bottom of the trench. Clearance of approximately 100mm in depth and
width equal to length of the collar plus 30 cm on both sides shall be provided, at the joint
which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made. The pipe should be lowered into the
trenches either by hand or by means of two ropes. For road crossing or river crossing the pipe
Signature of the Tenderer
shall laid 2.0 M below the bed level. Alternatively for road crossing and river crossing C.I.
pipes may be used.
40.6.1 Jointing of HDPE Pipes with Fusion Welding
The HDPE pipe jointing conformed to IS 7634 (PartII-1975) the welding of the pipe
should be either side of the heating mirror with only contact pressure of about 0.2
Kg/sqcm. When the rim of the molten is found the pipes are removed from the heating
mirror and immediately the joint is made by application of moderate pressure of
approximately 1 to 2 Kg/sqcm or 2 to 3 seconds.
40.6.2 Screwed Joints
These types of joints are used for higher pressures rating which have thicker walls.
40.6.3 Flanged Joints
These are used particularly of higher size to valves and vessels and large size metal pipes
where strength in tension is required.
40.7 Testing
After each section of pipeline is completed it shall be tested for at least 24 hours after the
joining has been made for water tightness before being covered in. This can be done by
closing each end by means of valve, blank flange, cap or plug and filling the pipe with water.

The Contractor shall have to arrange for water to be filled in a pipeline at his own cost. The
pressure shall then be raised gradually by means of mechanical equipment till it registers at
least the one and half times the working pressure. The joint shall be absolutely water tight
under the leakage test (to be conducted after the satisfactorily completion of the pressure test)
40.8 General Conditions
If the pipelines are laid in detached sections and not in continuous length due to any reasons
such as non-availability of specials or due to obstacles etc., the contractor shall see that no end
of pipes are kept open. The ends shall be immediately covered up either by suitable blank
flange or cap or plug by means or double layer of gunny bags clothes tied properly by mild
steel wire without any extra claim.
Construction of valve chambers, necessary valves, and pipes, specials including construction
materials like Steel, Cement, Manhole Covers and Transportation of Materials shall be borne
by the Contractor.
40.9 Mode of Measurement and Payment
The rate shall be for one meter of pipe supplied, laid, jointed and tested including cost of I)

Signature of the Tenderer
pipes, specials, earth work, lowering, jointing, laying, ii) testing, cutting and waste shall be
borne by the Contractor. The running length shall be measured on the straight and curves
along the centerline over the pipes and specials. Code of practice of laying of HDPE pipe -
I.S. 7634 (Part III) – 1975.


41.1 General
The specification lays down the requirements of supply, lowering, laying and jointing of Pre
Stressed Concrete pipes to line & grade and testing.
41.2 Materials
Pre stressed Concrete pipes of socket and spigot shall conform to I.S. 784-2001. The class of
pipe shall be used as specified. The pipes (S & S) with rubber rings shall be supplied by the
Contractor after quality control clearance and same shall be used on the work.

Rubber ring chords used in joints shall conform to Type 2 of IS 5382 – 1985. The pipes shall
be BIS marked.

However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers empanelled
by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized for all works.
41.3 Stacking of Materials
Each and every pipe shall be examined inside and outside before laying. All pipes and fittings
shall be sound and free from visible defects. The pipe fittings shall give a sharp clear noise
when struck with light hammer. Reasonable care shall be exercised in loading, transporting
and unloading of the pipes and specials and gradual unloading shall be done by inclined plane
or by chain pulley block. Handling shall be done such as to avoid impact. Any damaged pipes,
specials or collars shall be removed immediately from the site of work. The contractor shall
have to make his own arrangements for obtaining permission for storing and stacking of
pipes, specials and jointing materials etc., by the road side from the owners i.e., concerned
Government Departments, or other local bodies or private owners etc. Before the work of pipe
laying shall be carried out, the pipes and fittings in required stack shall be arranged
lengthwise by the side of the excavated trench without creating any obstacle to the traffic. If
necessary the pipe shall be got cut by the contractor at his own cost to accommodate specials
or fittings or for any other reason.

Signature of the Tenderer
41.4 Preparation of Pipe
The pipes and specials shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil deposited or stone
therein. Particularly each end of the pipe shall be carefully cleaned, where joint is to be done.
41.5 Laying
The Pre Stressed concrete pipes should be carefully loaded, transported and unloaded
avoiding impact. The use of inclined planes or chain pulley block is recommended. Trench
shall provide free working space on each side of the pipes which shall not be greater then 1/3
the dia of the pipe but not less than 15 cm on either side. Laying & jointing should be as per
I.S.783 –1959.
Laying of pipes shall proceed upgrade of a slope. If the pipes have spigot and socket joints the
socket ends shall face upstream. The pipes shall be joined in such a way to provide as little
unevenness as possible along the inside of the pipe. Where the natural foundation is
inadequate the pipes shall be laid in a concrete cradle supported on proper foundations or any
other suitably designed structure. If a concrete cradle is used the depth of concrete below the
bottom of the pipes shall be at least ¼ of the internal diameter of pipes with the range of 10-
30cm. It shall extend up the sides of the pipe at least to a distance of ¼ the dia for pipes with
dia more than 300mm. The pipe shall be laid in the concrete bedding before the concrete has
set. Trenches shall be back filled immediately after the pipe has been laid to a depth of
300mm above the pipe subject to the condition that the jointing material had hardened (say 12
hours at the most). The backfill material shall be free from boulders, roots of trees etc. The
tamping shall be done by hand or by other hand operated mechanical means. The water
content of the soil shall be as near the optimum moisture content as possible. Filling the
trench shall be carried simultaneously on both sides of the pipe to avoid development of
unequal pressures. The backfill shall be rammed in 150 mm layers up to 900 mm above the
top of the pipe.

Joints may be of any of the following types:

a) Bandage joint
b) Spigot and socket joint (rigid and semi flexible)
c) Collar joint (rigid and semi flexible)
d) Flush joint (Internal and external).
For more details of jointing procedure reference may be made to I.S. 783 – 1985. In all
pressure pipelines the recesses at the ends of the pipe shall be filled with jute braiding dipped
in hot bitumen. The quantity of jute and bitumen in the ring shall be just sufficient to fill the

Signature of the Tenderer
recess in the pipe when pressed hard by jacking or any other suitable method.

The number of pipes to be jacked together at a time depends upon the dia of the pipe and the
bearing capacity of soil. For small pipes up to 250mm dia, six pipes can be taken to see that
there is no offset at the joint. Loose collar shall be so firm that it shall be difficult to drive the
point of a penknife into it. The caulking shall be employed at both the ends in a slope of 1:1.
In the case of non-pressure pipes, the recess in the end of the pipes shall be filled with cement
mortar (1:2) instead of jute braiding soaked in bitumen. It shall be kept wet for 10 days for
41.6 S & S Jinted Pipes
The Pre Stressed Concrete pipes with socket and spigot ends will have to be jointed with
rubber rings internally in the socket and further annular space shall be filled with CM (1:1)
and caulked finished similar to collar joints.
41.7 Specials
For specials, mechanical joints are to be used and they should conform to I.S. 13382/1992.

41.8 Hydraulic Test

When testing the pipeline hydraulically, the line shall be kept filled completely with water for
a week. The pressure shall then be increased gradually to full test pressure and maintained at
this pressure during the period of test with the permissible allowance indicated therein.
41.9 General Conditions
After the satisfactory test of pipeline, the rubber plug fitted to Y or T branches shall be taken
out and ends shall have to be closed with cement concrete plugs or brickbats as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. These plugs shall be fixed with cement mortar around the plug. Mud
mortar of about 6mm to 12mm thick shall be plastered. All these works shall be done strictly
as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. If directed, alternatively the branches of Y or T
after fixing plug shall be properly closed with a piece of gunny bag and the same shall be tied
with MS wire. The rate shall include the cost of all these materials and labour etc., complete.
If pipeline is laid in separate detached sections and not in continuous length due to any of the
reasons, such as non-availability of pipes or due to obstacles etc., the incomplete work shall
be taken up within three days from the date of receipt of permission at the same rate originally
provided for the tender, without any claim for extra or compensation due to non-receipt of
permission or any other natural or unforeseen reasons and until the date of completion of
work it shall be treated as incomplete.
Signature of the Tenderer
Necessary arrangement for water requirement for complete construction of works, hydraulic
testing and for labour shall be done by the contractor at his own cost. Cost necessary valves,
pipes, specials shall be borne by the Contractor.
41.10 Mode of Measurements and Payments
The measurements shall be paid per meter length of the pipeline supplied, laid, jointed and
tested including valves and valve chambers for finished item of work.


42.1 General
The specification lays down requirement for supply, lowering, laying and fixing in any
position G.I. pipes of various diameters.
42.2 Materials
G.I. pipe and fittings such as sockets, tees, bends elbow, union joints G.M. Valves bid tapes,
stop cocks, wheel valves etc. shall be of approved quality and tested to specified pressure .The
GI pipes and fittings shall conform to IS:1239 Part 1 /1990. The GI pipes and fittings shall be
inspected and cleared by quality control officials before using in the work. The pipes shall be
BIS marked. The jointing materials such as Hub bock, Spun yarn etc. shall be got approved.
However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers
empanelled by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized
for all works.
42.3 Fixing
Before fixing, the G.I.Pipes shall be cleaned from inside by removing dust or stones or mud
inspected from outside for damaged galvanising. The ends which are threaded shall be
inspected for damage if any. Pipes which are damaged shall be rejected. Jointing of pipes done
by applying hub bock or white lead to the threaded end a few turns of spun yarn wrapped
round the screwed end of the pipes and socket or fitting turned home with a pipe trench along
the walls shall be clamped to the wall at suitable distances. For pipes passing underground the
excavation and refilling shall be done as specified for C.I. pipes.
42.4 Testing
The G.I. pipe line work after installation shall be tested for leakage and repaired if necessary.

Signature of the Tenderer
42.5 Mode of Measurement and Payment
The G.I. pipe line is measured and paid on Running Meter basis, and the rate per meter
including all relevant components like earth work, laying & jointing, fittings, specials, all
valves etc. including cost of pipes specials and valves complete for finished item of work.


43.1 General
The specification lays down the requirement for supply, lowering, laying, jointing and testing
of cast iron and ductile iron pipes.
43.2 Materials
The required quantity of CI /DI pipes centrifugally and CI / DI specials and fittings, both
conforming to the relevant IS and suitable for rubber joints shall be supplied by the contractor
after quality control clearance for use on the work specified. The CI pipes and specials shall
conform to IS 1536 and 1538.The DI pipes shall conform to IS 8329/2000. Fittings shall
conform to IS 9523-2000 . The jointing materials i.e., synthetic rubber gasket (ring joints or
tyton joints) shall conform to IS: 5382 –1985 or its latest revision. The pipes shall be BIS
However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers
empanelled by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized
for all works.
43.3 Stacking of Materials
The required quantity of pipes specials and fittings shall be applied by the owner from the
owner’s store as specified in Schedule A and shall be loaded carted and unloaded properly
stacked on sites by the contractor at his own cost. The pipes shall be lifted in whatever length
available in the store and shall have to be used in work.

Each pipe special etc., shall be got checked for its soundness (not cracked and not damaged)
before laying. The contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for obtaining
permission for storing and stacking of pipes and specials etc., by the road side from land
owners i.e., concerned government Department, Municipalities, local bodies, private land
owners etc.

The work of pipe laying shall be carried out as per IS 6530-1972 or its latest revision. Before
the work of pipe laying is taken up, the pipes and specials shall be arranged length wise by the

Signature of the Tenderer
side of the excavated trench, without causing any obstacle to the traffic. If necessary, the pipe
shall be got cut by the contractor at his own cost to accommodate specials or fitting coming
along the alignment, without any extra claim. The contractor is fully responsible for safety of
materials at site.
43.4.1 Laying
In general the laying and jointing of CI pipes shall conform to IS 3114 and laying and
jointing of DI pipes shall conform to IS: 12288. Before lowering the pipe the trench
section shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall have to
provide and maintain site rails and boning rods whenever required till the completion of
work. The pipe shall be laid preferably in dry condition and under no circumstance they
shall rest on slushy bedding.

The pipes shall be lowered slowly in to the trench by means of chain pulley block and
tripod stand or with the help of ropes and suitable size of wooden / bullies. They shall be
brought to the required level by giving packing with wooden sleeper pieces and ultimately
with well consolidated hard murrum if required. The chain pulley block and tripod stand
must be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. Under no circumstances pipe shall be
allowed to be thrown into the trenches.
43.4.2 Jointing with Tyton Joints
The rubber gasket shall be inserted in to the groove in the socket. The spigot end shall be
lubricated with good quality of grease, or oil. Then the spigot shall be slipped into the
socket by means of jack on the other end. The lubricating grease or oil shall be of
approved make and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge by the contractor.
The socket ends of all pies shall face up hill irrespective of the direction of water flow.
Any deviation either in plan or elevation of less than 11 ¼ deg. Angle shall radius that
rubber gasket shall not be disturbed in its place. Wherever new pipes laid are to be jointed
with existing pipeline, first pipe laying work of new pipes is to be completed. Jointing of
new pipe line with existing pipe line has to be completed within a stipulated time as per
the instructions of Engineer-in-Charge to keep ready distribution system to supply water.
No extra payment will be made for this time bound urgent work, unless otherwise
separately provided in the tender.
43.4.3 Jointing with Flanged Joints
All materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber packing washers, and paint etc., required for
Signature of the Tenderer
jointing flanged pipes, specials including valves etc., shall be provided by the contractor at
his cost. The jointing material shall be standard specification and shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in-charge before use. The nuts and bolts shall conform IS 1364 and the
rubber packing shall confirm IS 638.The flanged pipes and specials shall be allowed in the
trench carefully, so that no part is damaged during lowering operation. The rubber packing
shall be three ply and of approved thickness. The packing shall be of full diameter of the
flange with necessary holes and the pipe bore. It shall be even at both the inner and outer
edges. The flange faces shall be thoroughly greased. If flanges are not free, the contractor
shall use thin fibers of lead. After placing the packing nut and bolts shall be inserted and
tightened to make the joint. Each flange bolt shall be tightened a little at a time taking care
to tighten diametrically opposite bolts alternately.
43.4.4 Jointing with Lead Joints
After arranging in proper alignment each pipe shall be properly jacked and spigot end
shall be perfectly fixed in to the socket. The socket ends of all pipes shall face up hill
irrespective of the direction of water flow. Any deviation, either in plan or elevation of
less than 11 ¼ angle shall usually be effected by laying the straight pipes round a flat
curve of such radius that the minimum thickness of lead at the face of the socket shall not
be reduced below 6 mm or the opening between points. The spigot shall be carefully
centered in to the socket by one or more laps of spun yarn. Sufficient yarn shall be forced
in to the socket to leave a depth for lead as shown in IS as per abstract attached herewith.
The proper depth of each joint shall be tested before pouring the lead. The pipes shall be
again examined for line and level and the space left in the socket shall be filled in by
pouring in melted hot lead. This may be done best by using proper leading rings and if
these are not available by wrapping a ring of hemp rope covered with clay round the pipe
at the end of the socket leaving a hole into which the lead shall be poured. The lead shall
be rendered thoroughly fluid and each joint shall be filled at one pouring. If the pipe is too
large then two or more ladles shall be used for joint to be filled. The led used shall be soft
and free from admixture of tin and best make and of approved quality.
43.4.5 Caulking
After a section of convenient length has been leaded caulking shall be commenced. The
extra lead shall be removed from the pipe outside of the socket of the other pipe with a flat
chisel and then caulked round 3 kg in such a ;manner as to make the joint sound and water
tight. After being well land evenly set up the joint is to be left flush neat and even with the
Signature of the Tenderer
socket. Joints under water shall be made with lead wool inserted in strings not less than
6mm thick and every string caulked.
43.4.6 Specials
All specials should be Mechanical joints as per IS: 13382/1992 or jiffy joints or with
Ductile materials, should be used in the pipe line.
43.4.7 Mode of Measurement and Payment
The pipe line includes specials, valves etc., measured in running meters. The payment
shall be made per running meter including earth work for pipe line trenches. Laying and
jointing fixing valves testing etc. complete for finished item of work.
43.4.8 Hydraulic Testing
After each section of pipe line is completed, it shall be tested for water tightness before
being covered in. This can be done by closing each end by means of valves, blank flanges,
cap or plug and filling the pipe with water. The contractor shall have to arrange for water
to be filled in a pipe line at his own cost of pressure shall then be raised gradually by
means of mechanical equipment till it registers at least one and a half times the working
pressure. The joints shall be absolutely water tight under the leakage test (to be specified
by the authority for duration of two hours. The test pressure shall be ascertained by means
of a reliable gauge. If any leakage or sweating in the pipe joints on surface of pipe itself,
specials, valves etc., are observed during testing of section the contractor shall have to
rectify the defects and make good at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge. The above test shall be repeated until all the joints are watertight and the pipes
and joints withstand the test pressure. The testing of the pipe line shall be done as
specified in CPHEEO Manual.

When the pipe is laid on an appreciable gradient the test shall be carried out at the lower
end of the section. The hydraulic test is given in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge to
his entire satisfaction.

Under no circumstances, auto machine shall be used to attain the pressure in the pipeline
as it may damage the entire section of the pipe line.


44.1 General
The CI sluice valves, reflux valves, kinetic double Air valves Specials of Mechanical joints or
Signature of the Tenderer
jiffy joints which are to be supplied by the contractor shall confirm to the following I.S. Codes
with revisions from time to time.

1. C.I. Sluice valves IS 14486-2000

2. M.S. Specials IS 7322-1985
3. Kinetic Air Valves 14845-2000
4. Reflux valves IS 5312-1984
5. Butter Fly Valves IS 13095

However, the materials (Pipes, Valves, Specials etc.) procured from manufacturers
empanelled by the APDWSC as ordered by the Engineer – in – Charge shall only be utilized
for all works.

44.2 Responsibility
The Contractor is responsible for all manufacturing defects of above materials and shall
replace them if defect is found, the fixing and operation of valves and specials shall be done
as per standards IS 2685 with revisions and the contractor is bound to replace the defective

44.3 Installation
For selection, Installation and maintenance of Sluice valves, IS 14846/2000 shall be followed
with revisions.

44.4 Sluice Valves

44.4.1 General
The specification lays down the requirement for supply and jointing sluice valves with
dismantling joint. The sluice valves shall conform to IS 14846/2000 with latest
amendments with ISI mark and for a test pressure equivalent to twice the working
pressure. The sluice valve shall be of various sizes and class of pressure as specified and
with a suitable size of cast iron cap. Double flanged sluice valve with non-rising spindle &
wheel system and with bronze body and seat ring confirming to IS 14846-2000 with latest
amendments with ISI mark and for a test pressure equivalent to twice the working
pressure. The contractor shall supply the required valves after quality control inspection
and clearance of the Dept.

Signature of the Tenderer
44.4.2 Preparation
The sluice valves and tailpieces shall be examined before laying for cracks and other

The sluice valve shall be operated and checked before laying. All grit and foreign material
shall be removed from inside before placing. All the faces shall be thoroughly cleaned and
coated with a thin layer of mineral grease before use. The tightening of gland shall be
checked with a pair of inside calipers Clearance between the top of stuffing box and the
underside of the gland shall be uniform on all sides.

44.4.3 Jointing Materials

The contractor shall provide all the necessary jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber
packing etc, at his cost. All tools and plant required for installation of sluice valve shall be
provided by the contractor at his cost. All the jointing materials shall be got approved from
the Engineer-in-Charge before use. The nuts and bolts shall be conforms I.S. 1364 and the
rubber packing shall conform I.S. 638.

44.4.4 Installation
The sluice valve shall be lowered into trench carefully, so that no part is damaged during
lowering operation. If necessary tail pieces shall be fitted with sluice valve first out side
the trench and then lowered into the trench. The rubber packing shall be three ply and of
approved thickness. The packing shall be of full diameter of the flange, with necessary
holes and the sluice valve bore. It shall be even at both the inner and outer edge.

The flange faces shall be thoroughly greased. If necessary use thin fibers of lead shall be
used. After placing the packing, nuts and bolts shall be inserted and tightened to make the
joint. The valve shall be tightly closed being installed to prevent any foreign materials
from getting in between the working parts of the valve. Each flange bolt shall be tightened
a little at a time taking care to tighten diametrically opposite bolts alternately. The sluice
valve shall be installed in such a way that spindle shall remain in truly vertical position.
The other end of the tail piece shall be fitted with pipes so that continuous lines can work.
Extra excavation necessary for facility of lowering and fixing of sluice valve shall not be
paid for.
Signature of the Tenderer
44.4.5 Testing
After joints of sluice valve shall with stand the test pressure of pipeline.

44.5 Butter Fly Valves

44.5.1 General
The specification lays down the requirement for supply and jointing Butter Fly valves
with dismantling joint. The Butter fly valves shall conform to relevant IS codes mentioned
above. The contractor shall supply the required valves after quality control inspection and
clearance of the Dept. The Butterfly valves shall conform to CI wafer Lug Type Butterfly
valves conforming to IS 13095/ 1991 (Reaffirmed 1998), ISI marked.

44.5.2 Preparation
The Butter-fly valves and tailpieces shall be examined before laying for cracks and other
The Butter fly valves shall be operated and checked before laying. All grit and foreign
material shall be removed from inside before placing. All the faces shall be thoroughly
cleaned and coated with a thin layer of mineral grease before use. The tightening of gland
shall be checked with a pair of inside calipers Clearance between the top of stuffing box
and the underside of the gland shall be uniform on all sides.

44.5.3 Jointing Materials

The contractor shall provide all the necessary jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, rubber
packing etc, at his cost. All tools and plant required for installation of Butter fly valve
shall be provided by the contractor at his cost. All the jointing materials shall be got
approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before use. The nuts and bolts shall be conforms
I.S. 1364 and the rubber packing shall conform I.S. 638.

44.5.4 Installation
The Butter Fly valve shall be lowered into trench carefully, so that no part is damaged
during lowering operation. If necessary tail pieces shall be fitted with Butter fly valve first
out side the trench and then lowered into the trench. The rubber packing shall be three ply
and of approved thickness. The packing shall be of full diameter of the flange, with

Signature of the Tenderer
necessary holes and the Butter fly valve bore. It shall be even at both the inner and outer
edge. The flange faces shall be thoroughly greased. If necessary use thin fibers of lead
shall be used.

After placing the packing, nuts and bolts shall be inserted and tightened to make the joint.
The valve shall be tightly closed being installed to prevent any foreign materials from
getting in between the working parts of the valve. Each flange bolt shall be tightened a
little at a time taking care to tighten diametrically opposite bolts alternately. The valve
shall be installed in such a way that spindle shall remain in truly vertical position. The
other end of the tail piece shall be fitted with pipes so that continuous lines can work.
Extra excavation necessary for facility of lowering and fixing of sluice valve shall not be
paid for.
44.5.5 Testing
After joints of Butter fly valve shall with stand the test pressure of pipeline.

44.6 Air Valves

44.6.1 General
The specification lays down requirement for supply and fixing Air Valves. The air valves
shall be CI D/F Kinetic Air Valve conforming to IS 14845 Heavy Duty.

44.6.2 Preparation
The air valves and the isolating valves shall be examined before laying for cracks and
other flows. Only undamaged air valve shall be used. The air valves shall be opened and
shaken for the air opening below the volcanic balls on the bronze seats of the balls before
fixing. All grid and foreign material shall be removed from the inside before placing. The
flanged face shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with a thin layer of mineral grease. In
case of screw down type, the threads shall not be in damaged condition.

44.6.3 Jointing Materials

The contractor shall provide all the necessary jointing materials, such as nuts, bolts,
rubber racking, etc. at his cost. All tools and plant require for installation of air valves
shall be provided by the contractor at his cost. All the jointing materials shall be got
approved from Engineer-in-Charge before use. The nuts and bolts shall conform IS 1364
Signature of the Tenderer
and the rubber packing shall conform IS 638.
44.6.4 Installation
The air valves shall be fixed on a vertical double-flanged distance piece fixed to a tee on
the main pipeline. The Tee and vertical pipe will be embedded in C.C. for at least one
meter above top of Tee. Barbed wire will be around the vertical pipe at a pitch of 15 cms.
The lower 80mm length of the wire shall be embedded in the concrete. The top portion of
the wire should securely fix with the top of the flanged pipe.

44.6.5 Fixing
The specification pertaining to sluice valve shall also apply to air valves.

44.7 Non-Return Valves / Reflux Valves

44.7.1 General
The specification lays down requirement for supply and fixing Non-Return Valves. The
Non-Return valves shall be of various sizes as specified with a suitable cast iron double
flanged suitable check single door non-return valve with suitable bye pass arrangements
conforming to IS 5312 (part-1) 1984 with latest amendments and ISI mark and for a test
pressure equivalent twice the working pressure.

44.7.2 Preparation
The Non-return valves and the isolating valves shall be examined before laying for cracks
and other flows. Only undamaged air valve shall be used. The Non-return valves shall be
opened and shaken for the air opening below the volcanic balls on the bronze seats of the
balls before fixing. All grid and foreign material shall be removed from the inside before
placing. The flanged face shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with a thin layer of
mineral grease. In case of screw down type, the threads shall not be in damaged condition.

44.7.3 Jointing Materials

The contractor shall provide all the necessary jointing materials, such as nuts, bolts,
rubber racking, etc. at his cost. All tools and plant require for installation of air valves
shall be provided by the contractor at his cost. All the jointing materials shall be got
approved from Engineer-in-Charge before use. The nuts and bolts shall conform IS 1364
and the rubber packing shall conform IS 638.
Signature of the Tenderer
44.7.4 Installation
The Non-return valves shall be installed as per the standard specifications.

44.7.5 Fixing
The specification pertaining to sluice valve shall also apply to Non-return valves.

44.8 Valve Chamber:

44.8.1 Earth work
Earth work excavation in all types of soils except rock with all leads lifts for the valve
chamber and as per the item 5 and dimension are shown in the drawing in Volume – I
(Part-C) of the tender schedule.
44.8.2 Sand filling
Sand filling in the foundation including watering ramming etc complete as per the
drawing shown in the tender schedule.
44.8.3 Cement concrete:
Cement concrete using 40 mm HBG metal as per the dimension shown in the drawings of
the tender schedule.
44.8.4 Reinforced Cement Concrete
Reinforced cement concrete of (1:1.5:3) prop using 20 mm HBG metal for bottom slab
and side wall , and as per item 10 and dimensions and reinforcing details are as shown in
the drawing of the Tender schedule.
44.8.5 Cement Plastering
Cement plastering (1:3) of 12 mm thick for side wall inside cover slab, bottom slab in
side the chamber and as per item 7.


Lowering, laying and jointing of pipe lines true to alignment and gradient and resting the
pipeline on pile caps of 2000 mm intervals. The RCC pile cap of 900 x 900 x 100 mm size
with supporting on RCC piles in river bed .The piles shall be cast in Vibrated Reinforced
Cement Concrete of M20 using 6 mm 12 mm HBG metal and using required steel as shown in
drawing and concrete item is as per item 10.

The pipe line shall be clamped to the pile cap with 100 mm with 12 mm thickness saddle
piece MS Flat and bolted with 20 mm dia MS Bolt, which are prefixed to the pile cap while

Signature of the Tenderer
casting in site and fixing with nuts. The piles shall be spaced at 2000 mm center to center.

The pipe line trench shall be refilled with Excavated soils, watering, tamping and removing
surplus soils from site of work and pipeline shall be tested to required test pressure.

The rates are inclusive of cost, conveyance of all materials and labour charges needed for
laying finished pipe line work, required valves, valve chambers, and RCC piles and pile caps,
bolts and nuts complete.


46.1 Earth work

Earth work excavation in all types of soils except rock with all leads lifts, and as per the item
5, and as per the dimension shown in the drawings of the tender schedule.
46.2 Sand filling
Sand filling in the foundation including watering ramming etc complete as per the drawing
shown in the tender schedule.
46.3 Cement concrete:
Cement concrete using 40 mm HBG metal as per the dimension shown in the drawing of the
tender schedule.
46.4 Vibrated Cement Concrete
Vibrated cement concrete (1:3:6) using 40 mm HBG metal for the Abutment as per the
dimension shown in the drawing of the tender schedule.
46.5 Reinforced Cement Concrete
Reinforced cement concrete of (1:2:4) using 20 mm HBG metal for bed blocks , kerbs deck
slab , and as per item 10, the dimensions and reinforcing details are as shown in the drawing
the Tender schedule.
46.6 Wearing coat
Cement concrete of (1:1 1/2:3) as per the MOST specification
46.7 Hand railing
Reinforced cement concrete (1:2.5:3 ) using 20 mm HBG metal ,dimensions and reinforcing
details as shown in the drawing of the tender schedule.


Signature of the Tenderer
47.1 Earth work Excavation:
Earth work excavation in all types of soils except rock with initial lead and lift for stand post
and retaining wall and flooring as per item5, and as per the drawing shown in the tender
47.2 Sand filling
Sand filling in the foundation including watering ramming etc complete as per the drawing
shown in the tender schedule.
47.3 Cement concrete:
Cement concrete using 40 mm HBG metal as per the dimension shown in the drawing of
Volume-IV of the tender schedule.
47.4 Brick Masonry:
Item as per 6.2 and the brick masonry using second class with Cement Mortar (1:6), for the
stand post and retaining wall as per the dimensions shown in the drawing of the Volume-IV of
the Tender schedule.
47.5 Plastering
Item as per 7, and plastering with cement mortar (1:5) of 12 mm thick for the stand post, edge
wall, pot rest, top of the edge wall etc. complete.
47.6 Flooring
Flooring with Cement concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm HBG metal of 80 mm thick ,Cement
concrete (1:2:4) using 20 mm HBG metal of 40 mm thick and top plastering with cement
mortar (1:3) of 8 mm thick for platform and edge wall complete.
47.7 GI Pipe and specials
20 mm dia of GI pipe of B class, and taps and specials as per the requirement and as directed
by the Engineer in charge.


48.1 General
The filter beds shall be designed and operated on the principle of “Constant Rate of Filtration
with Split Flow Weirs” and shall conform to the recommended design criteria given in this
specifications and guidelines as per the latest edition of CPHEEO Manual. The filter beds and
pipe gallery shall be covered with alround wall and roof slab.

The filters shall be planned with minimum of 2 filter beds. The number of beds required shall
Signature of the Tenderer
be worked out as per the formula.
No. of beds = (Q) ^0.5 ÷ 4.69, Where Q is discharge in cum/ hour
The length and breadth of the filter beds have relation with the lay out of the plant, economy
and convenience of operation and maintenance. The filters may be located both sides of pipe
gallery (or) on one side of the gallery. The ratio of length to width of the filter box shall be
between 1.25 and 1.33. The overall depth of the filter sidewall shall be a minimum of 2.95-m
including free board of 0.5 m.

The filter box shall be constructed in VRCC M30 grade of concrete to ensure water tightness.
A haunch of min. 150x150mm shall be provided alround at the inside bottom corner. During
commissioning of the filter bed, the fines from the sand shall be scraped by giving successive
backwashes to the media. A rough sand plaster shall be provided to the sidewalls of filter in
contact with the media.
48.2 Operation of Filters
At the start of the filtration cycle, the bed will operate at low water level. As the bed gets
clogged, the head loss will start building up in terms of water head over the bed. As a result,
the water level in the bed will start rising. At the end of the filter run, the water level shall
reach the split flow weir and the filter will be due for cleaning / back washing.

The filter shall be back washed until the sand bed is stratified vertically by the wash water.
Total head loss in back washing shall be worked out to arrive at the pump capacity and staging
height of back wash water reservoir. The loss of head immediately after washing should not
exceed 0.3 m. The finer the sand (or) greater the rate of filtration, the greater the initial head
loss. The head loss builds, as the filter grows dirty during a run. It is normal to allow a filter
head loss of 1.2 to 2.0 m, before cleaning such filters. Under no circumstances building of
negative head within the filter media is allowed.

Following the washing process, it is usually advisable to waste the first few minutes of flow
through the filter, unless the quality of water immediately following the wash may make this
unnecessary. A turbidity of 1.0 NTU or less is the best criteria for stability of effluent of a
freshly washed filter. If the turbidity is more than 1.0 NTU the effluent shall be let in to waste
water drain.

The water standing on the bed at the close of wash should be clear with a turbidity not
exceeding 10 NTU. There should be no air binding either during filtration, or during washing.

Signature of the Tenderer
There should be no carry away of sand with the washed water and the sand bed should settle
down fairly uniformly without undulation. Formation of mud balls and their retention in the
bed even after washing indicates poor performance.

48.3 Filter Inlet Arrangement

Split flow sharp edge weirs shall be provided for equal distribution of influent among the
filter beds. The weir shall be housed in a RCC weir box at the inlet of the filter. The weir shall
discharge the water into weir box from where it shall flow into the wash water disposal gutter
through a vertical pipe of suitable size and then into the filter bed. The inlet pipe shall be
extended in to the gutter such that the gap from the floor to the pipe is about 0.5 m. The
location of weir box shall be directly above the wash water disposal gutter.

48.4 Outlet arrangement

Rate Control chamber of Minimum size 0.9 m x 2.0 m x 2.5 m with rate control weir in the
form of partition wall shall be provided as filter control device. The clear water from the
master control valve will enter into the first compartment of the chamber and will fall over the
weir into the second compartment. It will be taken to the clear water sump through clear water
channel after chlorination. Rate control chamber will be covered with glass shutters fitted in a
Teak wood frame.

48.5 Head loss Measurement

For measuring the head loss in the filter bed, a 12 mm dia pipe connection shall be provided
from the inside of the filter bed at gutter invert level. The other connection shall be provided
with 12mm dia pipe tapping with gate valve on the outlet pipe before the control valve. Plastic
transparent or glass tubes can be fixed on the sidewall in the control chamber to measure the
head loss observations. A metric scale can be provided in downward direction with zero at
F.S.L. in between the plastic tubes to measure the head loss.

48.6 Filter Media (Sand)

Filter media is defined in terms of effective size and uniformity coefficient and shall conform
to specifications as per IS 8419 (Part.1) for filter media. The sand shall be supported by
graded gravel. The sand shall be free of clay, fine particles, soft grains, dust and foreign
material. The filter sand shall be of quartzite variety and shall satisfy the following conditions:
Signature of the Tenderer
a) Effective size shall be 0.45 to 0.70 mm
b) Uniformity coefficient shall be between 1.3 to 1.70
c) Sand shall be hard and resistant quartz or quartzite.
d) Ignition loss shall not exceed 0.7 % by weight.
e) Soluble fraction in Hydrochloric Acid shall not exceed 5.0% by weight.
f) Specific gravity shall be 2.55 to 2.65.
g) Wearing loss shall not exceed 3%.
h) Silica content should not be less than 90%.

48.7 Filter gravel

The gravel shall conform to the specifications as laid down in IS 8419 Part.1) for filter gravel.
Gravel is placed below sand bed to prevent sand from entering the under drainage and to aid
uniform distribution of wash water. The size of gravel varies from 25 mm at the bottom and 2
to 5 mm at the top. The faster the rate of applicant water, the larger the gravel size required.

The filter gravel shall be as spherical as possible, hard, clean and uniform in quality. It shall
not contain dirt and clay. The filter gravel shall be classified by sieves in to three or more size
grades. During sieving process, coarsest sieve shall be kept on top and the finest at the
bottom. The size of the gravel and thickness of each layer is given below:
Sl No. Size (in mm) Depth (in mm)

1. 2 to 5 125 – top most layer.

2. 5 to 12 125
3. 12 to 25 250

48.8 Filter Under Drainage System

The under drainage system of the filter is intended to collect the filtered water and to
distribute the wash water to all portions of the bed uniformly when washed.
The under drainage system shall consist of a central manifold with laterals (on either side)
having perforations. The manifold shall be constructed in RCC and covered with RCC pre-
cast slabs. The laterals shall be of rigid PVC pipes (6 kg/cm2) laid staggered on both sides of

Signature of the Tenderer
the manifold. One end of the lateral shall be plugged with a Rigid PVC end cap. The other end
shall be connected to the rigid PVC threaded adapter. The threaded adapter in turn shall be
fitted to the heavy-duty SS. elbow. The SS. elbow shall be fixed at the top of the manifold
such that the clear water is collected in the manifold. The perforations shall vary from 5 to
12mm dia and should be staggered. The perforations shall be at 300 angles to the vertical axes
of the pipe on both sides. An air vent pipe of 15-mm dia (SS) shall be extended above the
FSL of filter bed from the manifold. The laterals shall be laid to straight line and uniform
An overflow pipe of 200-mm dia with bend shall be provided at the FSL of the filter.

48.9 Wash water gutters

The wash water shall be collected in the cross gutters. The cross gutters shall discharge the
wash water into the side disposal gutter from where it shall be connected to the drainage
system. The wash water gutters shall be constructed in VRCC M30 grade concrete. The side
disposal gutter shall have a minimum width of 0.6 m and extend along the entire width of
filter. The height of sidewall shall extend from bottom slab of the filter up to 0.1 M above the
top edge of the cross gutter. In no case the gutter shall have an over hang above the filter
media. The bottom of cross gutter shall have a minimum clearance of 50 mm above the
expanded sand. A minimum size of 0.3 m x 0.3 m shall be provided.

48.10 Back wash

The purpose of backwash is to remove the suspended material that is deposited in the filter
bed during the filtration cycle. The filter shall be back washed until the sand bed is stratified
vertically by the wash water, which carries various sizes of sand to different levels. During
back washing, an upward flow is introduced at a rate sufficient to fluidize the filter media and
to allow the accumulated contaminants to be carried away by the wash water to waste disposal
channel. Backwash should be arranged at such pressures that sand should expand to about 130
to 150% of its undisturbed volume.

It is desirable to avoid use of mechanical equipment in small capacity plants. Washing shall be
done with water alone for plants of low capacity to avoid is of mechanical equipment and
reduce maintenance cost. For high capacity plants, back washing with water shall be
associated with air wash. In this system, the compressed air is used to secure effective

Signature of the Tenderer
scrubbing action with a smaller volume of wash water. The air shall be forced through the
drainage system before the wash water is introduced. Free air of about 45 – 50 m / hour at
0.35 kg/cm2 pressure is forced through the under drainage system until the sand is thoroughly
agitated. Then wash water is forced through the same drainage system, at a rate of 600 lpm/m 2
of area for about 10 minutes. Excessive rate of washing may lead to disturbing the supporting
gravel and waste of valuable water. During back wash, the sand particles shall not be carried
away with wash water.

48.11 Chemical House General:

The chemical house shall have chemical store in the ground floor for the storage of chemicals
like alum & bleaching powder. A weighing balance of 500 Kg. Capacity shall be provided in
the chemical store for weighing alum and bleaching powder. The height of each stack shall
not be more than 2.0 m. Additional space of 50 % of the actual area required shall be provided
for passages and handling. The clear height of roof shall not less than 3.50 m. A wash basin
shall be provided on the ground floor along with service water connections.

48.12 Alum Tanks

Alum tanks of required capacity should be provided in the first floor of chemical house to
feed the alum solution to raw water by gravity. The shape of the tanks shall be preferably
square in plan. A dissolving tray compartment of size 0.3-M wide and 0.3-M height shall be
provided along the length of the tank to place alum blocks. The dissolving tray shall have
adequate number of perforations of 25mm dia. in the bottom slab. The arrangement shall be
done to spray the water along the length of the tray over the alum lumps by means of a
perforated pipe. The service water connection shall be given to this pipe, with a 25-mm dia
G.M gate valve. A suitable walkway / platform shall be provided on one side of the tank for
convenience of operation. The minimum width of the walkway shall be 0.75 M and shall be
guarded with hand railing. A mild steel ladder shall be provided to approach the walkway
from floor level. Top of the solution tank should not be more than 1 m above platform floor.

An electrically operated mechanical stirrer shall be provided to each tank to keep the solution
of uniform strength. The electrical motor shall not be less than 0.5 K.W rating. The drive
mechanism shall be mounted on the ISMC 100 sections, which shall be supported on top of
the sidewalls of the tanks.

Signature of the Tenderer
The speed of the agitator shall be 100 to 150 RPM. The shaft and blades of the agitator shall
be of stainless steel of 304-grade material. The shaft of the agitator shall extend up to half of
the height of the tank.

The outlet piping and drains shall be of rigid PVC pipes of 40-mm dia. Each tank shall be
provided with one no. of 40 mm dia rigid PVC ‘Y’ type or diaphragm type valve on the outlet
side. Each tank shall be provided with an over flow and drain arrangement with 40 mm dia.
rigid PVC pipes of 6 kgs /

An opening of size 0.8m x 0.8 m shall be provided in the first floor slab to lift alum and
bleaching powder from the ground floor. The opening shall be guarded with hand railing. A
manually operated chain pulley of 500-Kg capacity shall be employed for lifting the

48.13 Constant Head Dosing Tanks

A manually operated constant head dosing tank of 50 liters minimum capacity shall be
provided to feed the alum solution at uniform rate to the flume / raw water channel. The tank
shall be rectangular in shape. It shall be provided in RCC or shall be of anticorrosive material
like PVC or FRP. The rate of flow is regulated by stainless steel tapered needle valve over a
stainless steel orifice. The inlet to this constant dosing tank shall be the common outlet header
pipe from alum tanks. From constant dosing tank out let the solution shall be conveyed to the
raw water in the raw water channel / flume by a 40 mm dia. rigid PVC pipe. This pipe shall
introduce the alum solution into the alum feeder pipe with perforations placed along the width
of the flume/channel.

48.14 Chlorination Arrangement (Gas Chlorination arrangement)

Chlorination Arrangement shall be provided. (One at filter outlet control chamber for post
chlorination and the other at alum solution tank for pre chlorination). Though the pre-
chlorination requirements vary from plant to plant and source to source, a tank of adequate
capacity shall be provided on the first floor of chemical house to feed by gravity to the stilling
chamber. Necessary dosing arrangement shall be provided to feed the solution. The residual
chlorine at the tap point shall be 0.2 to 0.3 ppm. The inlet, outlet and drain arrangement shall
be provided to the solutions tanks. The size of piping and valves shall be minimum of 20 mm
in diameter.
Signature of the Tenderer
48.15 Detailed Specifications of each component

48.15.1 Aeration Fountain

This shall be of cascade type. The raw water main shall be connected to the collection
chamber at the bottom at a minimum depth of 0.60 M below ground level, by providing DI
bell-mouth, Duck foot bend and D/F pipe extending beyond the wall of the chamber. The
edge of the cascades shall be rounded. The tread and raise of the cascades shall be covered
with broken glazed tiles. A collection launder shall be provided for circular cascades at the
edge of the bottom cascade.

For components immersed in water Stain less Steel of Grade 304L shall be used.
For other components 304 Grade steel shall be used.
48.15.2 Stilling chamber
The function of this unit is to receive raw water from aeration fountain and to dampen the
turbulence before passing the water over the measuring weir.
The Stilling Chamber shall be in the form of a channel with horizontal flow. This channel
shall start from the aeration fountain and terminate at the measuring weir. An underflow
baffle shall be constructed at the inlet of the chamber. The baffle shall be part of
turbulence dampening arrangement.
A walkway of 0.60 m width along the channel shall be provided from the Aerator launder
to Parshall flume / flash mixer to facilitate access to the aerator. 80 mm dia DI Pipe with a
sluice valve shall be provided at the bottom of the chamber / channel for removal of any
sand particles / grit settled in the chamber.
For components immersed in water Stain less Steel of Grade 304L shall be used. for other
components 304 Grade steel shall be used.

48.15.3 Measuring Weir

This is provided to measure the inflow of the filters. This will be the outlet arrangement to
the Stilling chamber. The weir frame shall have a minimum height of 500 mm. The frame
of the weir shall be made of Stainless steel of 318 grade of either flats or angles of
minimum 5 mm thick. The weir plate shall have a cross section of 50-mm height and 3
mm thick made of brass. The water shall be discharged over the weir plate. The weir plate
shall be fixed to the Stainless steel frame by means of anticorrosive nut-bolts or rivets.
The weir frame shall be fixed at the bottom and sides by means of suitable hold fast
Signature of the Tenderer
A graduated scale shall be fixed over the weir frame so as to measure the discharge. The
graduations shall be at the interval of 5 mm. A chart showing the raw water discharge in
liters / hour against every 5 mm rise of water over the lip of the weir shall be provided.
The scale shall be adequate to indicate water depth up to 25 % over loading discharge of
the plant.
Apart from the measuring scale, a simple float operated rate of flow indicator shall be
provided over the stilling chamber. The equipment may be of dial type or linear scale type
calibrated to read the discharge directly in liters / hour.
Digital flow meters shall also be fitted for measuring the flow

48.15.4 Parshall flume

Parshall flume for rapid mixing arrangement shall be designed for the required rate of
flow. The Parshall flume consists of three principal sections i.e., converging section on
upstream, throat, and diverging section on downstream. The floor of the converging
section is horizontal. The floor of the throat inclines downward in a ratio of 1:2.67 and the
floor of the diverging section slopes upwards. The level difference of floor between the
downstream end of diverging section and the converging section shall be 7.5 cm. Width of
the flume is designated with reference to the width of the throat.
The maximum submergence ratio i.e., the ratio of water depth in the downstream channel
(hd) and water depth in the convergence section (ha) must be within the following limits
in order to maintain free flow condition in the flume.
Width of throat Max. submergence ratio (hd/ha)
< 0.3 m 0.60
0.3 m to 2.50 m 0.70

An abrupt drop in the elevation of channel floor immediately down stream of the flume is
necessary to stabilize the hydraulic jump. Parshall flumes shall be built in RCC M30 grade
of concrete.

48.15.5 Mechanical Flash Mixer

Mechanical Flash mixers with SS shaft & SS Blades with gear wheel arrangements etc.,
using 304 L Grade Steel are to be used to ensure rapid mixing of coagulant through out the
volume of water to create homogenous dispersion of coagulant. Propeller type impellers
shall be employed in the flash mixer with high revolving speeds ranging from 400 to 1400
rpm. The blades shall be mounted on either side of the vertical shaft to generate strong
Signature of the Tenderer
Arial currents. The flash mixers shall be deep enough and circular in shape. Vertical strips
or baffles projecting 1/10 to 1/12 of tank dia at a minimum of 4 places along the walls of
the mixer shall be provided to reduce vortex formation or rotational movement of water
about the impeller shaft. The mechanical agitator drive shall be an electric motor with
continuous duty, operating through a reduction gear. Power of 1 to 3 watts/m3 of flow per
hour is usually required for efficient flash mixing.
For components immersed in water Stain less Steel of Grade 304L shall be used. for other
components 304 Grade steel shall be used.

48.15.6 Hydraulic flocculator

The coagulated water from Parshall flume shall be let into the inlet channel of
Clariflocculator / Flocculator tanks with the components of central driven circular clarifier
with scrapper & bridge arrangements made with Stainless Steel Grade 304 L tubes
/angular for durability & chemical resistant with wheel arrangements etc. The invert level
of the floor slab of inlet channel shall be below that of flume. This shall be achieved by
providing a step at the end of the flume. While fixing the FSL of flocculation tank
adequate care shall be taken to avoid flooding of the channel. A free board of 0.3 m shall
be provided in the channel. In baffled channel flocculator, mixing is accomplished by
reversing the flow of water through channel formed around the end baffles. For effective
flocculation and mixing, it is recommended to have a velocity gradient of about 75 / sec at
the inlet and 10 to 15 / sec at the outlet of the flocculator. The flocculator shall have three
compartments with varying velocity gradients. The tapered energy flocculation is
generally achieved by varying the spacing of the baffles, i.e., close spacing of baffles for
high velocity gradients and wider spacing for low velocity gradients. The flocculator floor,
sidewalls and baffles shall be constructed in RCC with M30 grade of concrete.

49 Tube Settling - Tank

49.1 General
The size of an individual hopper shall normally be 3.75 M x 3.75 M in plan area at top. If the
plan area requirement exceeds 16.0 Sqm then a rectangular tank with two square hoppers at
the bottom shall be adopted. In special cases rectangular hoppers with maximum length to
width ratio of 1.33:1 may be adopted.

The side water depth above the hopper shall be a minimum of 3.0 m. Free Board shall be
Signature of the Tenderer
0.50 m. The hopper / hoppers shall have minimum slope of 50 degrees to the horizontal. In
case of rectangular hoppers individual wall shall have a minimum slope of 45 degrees.
The hopper shall have a sludge pit minimum size of 0.5 M x0.5 M x 0.3 M at the bottom.
49.2 Inlet Arrangement
The effluent pipe of the hydraulic flocculator shall be continued up to the tube settling tank
where it shall be connected to a common pipe line laid along the wall of the tube settlers to
which the inlet pipes of the tube settling tank shall be connected.
The inlets to the tube settling tank shall comprise of 200 mm OD Rigid PVC (6 Kg/cm2)
perforated pipes. These pipes are provided up to the other end of the tube-settling tank to
distribute the flocculated water uniformly. The velocity of water in these pipes shall not
exceed 0.25 M / sec. The minimum number of inlet pipes shall be two. The pipes shall be laid
at a distance not exceeding 1.5M c/c and not less than 0.60-M c/c. The distance from the
sidewall to the center of adjacent pipe shall be half the spacing of pipes. The pipes shall be
laid at the hopper top for uniform distribution of water.
Perforations of size 40 to 50 mm dia shall be drilled on the bottom half of the pipe for uniform
distribution of water. These holes shall be provided in two rows of 120 degrees apart and shall
be uniformly spaced. The spacing of holes in a single row shall not be less than 150 mm c/c
and shall not be more than 300 mm c/c. In addition to this, the drain holes of size 50 mm dia
shall be provided to each pipe at the bottom, with c/c spacing as 300 mm. The velocity
through an individual hole shall not exceed 0.10 m / sec. At the top of the pipe, air vent of size
12 mm shall be provided for each inlet pipe. The pipe shall be fixed properly at the hopper
top. Necessary arrangement shall be made to support the inlet pipe to avoid bending with in
the hopper.

49.3 Tube Modules

The tube modules shall be made with 50 mm x 50-mm (Internal Dimension) square rigid PVC
pipes with a tolerance of +/- 2-mm. The average wall thickness of the tube shall be 1.5 mm.
The tubes shall be made of virgin rigid PVC granules conform to the relevant BIS
specifications. The tubes shall be carbon black in colour to prevent the growth of algae. The
individual tube in a module shall have an inclined length of 1.0 m. Each module shall have 10
tubes along the width of the module. The tubes shall be placed at an inclination of 60 degrees
with a tolerance of +/- 1degree to the horizontal. The modules shall be manufactured by
pasting the tubes to each other with a high-grade cement solvent. The tubes shall be cut in
Signature of the Tenderer
such a fashion that the top and bottom surfaces of the module shall present a horizontal
smooth and uniform surface. The ends of the modules shall be plugged with tube pieces to
prevent short-circuiting of water. Any individual module shall have strength to withstand a
vertical load of 60-Kg (one person) at the mid span when the module is supported at the two

The modules shall be fabricated in the dry environment only. The modules shall be stored in a
godown having AC sheet roofing. The modules shall not be exposed to the extreme climatic
conditions. The modules shall be handled on the depth axis only during transportation, storage
and erection.

During the installation of the modules in the tank, no gap shall be left in between the modules.
Any small gap between the modules may lead to potential short-circuiting of the flow. The
two individual modules shall not be pasted to each other during installation. For access to the
bottom of the tank (hoppers) two adjoining modules shall be provided with MS bar lifting
hook / rings for lifting and removal of the same.

49.4 Support for modules

Corbels shall be provided to support the modules at 1.5 M above top of the hopper. The
modules are simply supported at the two ends over the corbels, which shall be provided along
the length of the wall. The projection of the corbels shall be 100 mm and shall have uniform
level and a smooth finish. The corbels shall be designed for self-load of modules and
reasonable live load of the maintenance staff. (During erection and maintenance the people
are required to stand on the modules).

49.5 Collection of Settled Water

The settled water collection arrangement shall comprise of uniformly spaced perforated pipes
provided at the FSL of the tank. The collection pipes shall be of 200 mm OD Rigid PVC pipes
(6 Kg/sqcm). The pipes shall always be provided along the short dimension of the tank. They
shall be provided with collection orifices of 40 mm to 50-mm dia in two rows diametrically
opposite to each other in a horizontal plane at the level of FSL. The spacing of orifices shall
not be less than 150-mm c/c and not more than 250 mm c/c in each row. One end of the pipe
shall be plugged and fixed over a supporting corbel. The discharging end of the pipe shall be
Signature of the Tenderer
embedded in the vertical wall through the opening. The pipes shall not deflect + (-) 5 mm at
the mid span under the hydraulic loading. The inverts of collection orifices of the pipes shall
be perfectly in one level after installation and erection of the pipes. The entire collection
system shall be designed, fabricated and installed in such a way that any individual pipe
collects settled water uniformly along its length. The other criterion is all pipes shall collect
and discharge roughly equal amount of water. There shall be a clear distance of 300 mm from
top of the modules to the soffit of the collection pipes.

A collection channel of RCC shall be provided for collecting settled water outside the tube-
settling tank along the length at the discharging end. When the number of tube settling units is
more than one, the collection channel shall be provided on the common wall of both the units.
The width of the channel shall not be less than 0.50M.

The tube-settling tank shall be connected with walkways from other units. Rungs shall be
provided in the tank for access to the modules and to bottom of the hoppers. The collection
channel shall be covered with pre-cast slabs to act as walk way. Railing shall be provided
from channel wall.

49.6 Drainage Arrangement

Each hopper shall be provided with minimum of 200-mm dia DI drain pipe and sluice valve.
The drainpipe from hopper shall be laid horizontally from the bottom of the hopper for
gravity disposal of sludge. It a natural drain with adequate depth is available near the site,
further disposal of sludge is possible under gravity head.

In case where such gravity disposal arrangement is not feasible, hopper drain with hydrostatic
head arrangement may be provided after getting approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The
effective head for hopper drain shall not be less than 3.0 M in any case. The insert pipe
embedded in the concrete shall be necessarily of double flanged cast iron. The drainpipe shall
be laid along the inclined surface of the hopper. It shall extend from hopper pit to the top of
the hopper, where it shall be provided with a bend of suitable degree to lay through the
vertical sidewall in a horizontal position. The pipe shall be provided with a cast iron sluice
valve outside the vertical wall of the tank. Valve keys with extended stems shall be provided
for operating the valves from the ground level.
49.7 Clariflocculator
In this unit, both coagulation and sedimentation processes are effectively incorporated. The

Signature of the Tenderer
coagulated raw water from the mixing chamber shall enter in to the clariflocculator through
the central shaft at a velocity between 0.2 to 0.4m / sec. The detention time in the flocculation
zone shall be 10 to 40 minutes. In the flocculation zone, 2 or 4 flocculating paddles are placed
equidistantly, which rotate on their vertical axis at slow speeds. The flocculating paddles shall
be of rotor – stator type rotating in opposite direction about the vertical axis. The flocculated
water passes out from the bottom of the flocculation tank to the clarifying zone through wide
openings at a velocity between 0.15 m to 0.25 m /sec. The area of openings shall be large
enough to maintain a very low velocity. The detention time in the clarifying zone shall be 2 to
4 hours with a surface loading between 30 to 40 cum / Sqm / day. The floor slope of the
clariflocculators shall have a slope of 8% to 10%. Under quiescent conditions in the annular
Clarifier zone, the flocs embedding the suspended particles settle to the bottom and the clear
effluent flows over the weir into the peripheral launder at top. The length of the weir shall be
calculated based on the weir loading which is normally 300 cum/RM/day. The velocity in the
peripheral launder shall be between 0.4 to 0.6 m/ sec. Scrappers shall be provided with
inwardly raking rotating blades in the clarifying zone outside the flocculation compartment
for pushing the settled sludge in to the sludge pit. The scrapping mechanism shall rotate
slowly to complete one revolution in 30 to 40 minutes or the tip velocity of the scraper shall
be around 0.3 m / min. The clariflocculators and the launder shall be constructed in VRCC
using M30 grade of concrete. An RCC platform of 1.0-m width shall be provided around at
the top of the outer wall of the clarifier. The maximum outer diameter of the clariflocculators
shall be governed by the structural requirement of the steel trusses that carry the scraping
mechanism. Circular clariflocculators of dia up to 30 m may be provided.
49.8 Drive mechanism and agitator
The drive mechanism for electrically driven agitator shall be mounted on the steel Walkway
Bridge provided at the top of the tank. This should be central driven and with scrapper &
bridge arrangements made with Stainless Steel Grade 304 L tubes/ angular for durability &
chemical resistant with wheel arrangements etc.

The walkway shall have a minimum width of 1.2 M and shall be provided with railing on both
the sides. The electrical motor, gearbox and pulley assembly shall be mounted on a base frame
of ISMC 100 channel sections. The base frame shall be fixed to the walkway / platform
properly. The drive mechanism and motor shall be protected with a lightweight, easily
removable tin weather cover. The electrical motor shall be of minimum 1 K.W rating. The

Signature of the Tenderer
flocculator shall be designed to impart the required velocity gradient and shall have flexibility
of operating at least three different speeds by providing a tapered pulley or three different sets
of pulleys with drive belts. The tangential velocity at the tip of the arm shall not be more than
0.6 M /sec. The top of the blades of the agitator shall be 150 mm below the FSL. The clear
distance between the blades and floor of the flocculator shall not be less than 1.25 m.

The minimum dia of the agitator shaft shall be 80mm. The blades shall be SS flats or cut
from the plate of minimum thickness of 6mm. The shaft and blades assembly shall preferably
be supported over a thrust bearing at the walkway level. The walkway / platform supporting
the machinery shall be accessible from other units of the plant.

Rung ladder or rungs shall be provided on the vertical wall of the tank for access up to the
bottom. The design of the agitator and the outlet arrangement of the tank shall ensure efficient
transfer of water to the clarifying zone without fragmentation or appreciable deposition in the
flocculation zone.

Railing shall be provided with Stainless Steel of grade 304 for a height of 1.00m, with 40mm
dia. pipe for top horizontals, 25mm dia. for middle row and 40mm dia. verticals spaced at
interval of not more than 1.00m c/c

A minimum area of 3.30 m x 4.50 m shall be earmarked for the laboratory in the chemical
house. A platform of size 0.90 M x 2.5 M in polished Cuddapah stone shall be provided for
the laboratory instruments. A wash basin shall be provided with 15-mm dia service water
connections. Proper drainage arrangement shall be provided for the wastewater.
49.9 List of Laboratory Equipment
● Turbidity rod 1 No
● Nephelo turbidity meter 1 No.
● Chloroscope 1 No.
● pH meter 1 No.
● Weighing balance 1 Kg
● Glassware 1 set
(Beakers 6 Nos. of 500 ml & 3 Nos. of 250 ml
● Chemicals As required for conducting tests
● Furniture

Signature of the Tenderer
Table of size 1.5 x 0.75 M 1 No.
Chairs 2 Nos.
Plastic buckets 3 Nos.
Steel Almirah 3 Nos.
The chemical house shall be provided with a service door on the side of mixing channel.
The room shall be provided with proper ventilation arrangements. Railings shall be
provided to safeguard the open terrace (if available on the first floor after construction of
the chemical house.)
49.10 Sanitary Unit
A toilet block shall be provided in the ground floor and shall have one Indian water closet
unit, one urinal and one wash basin with a mirror. A small septic tank of adequate size for 10
users shall be provided for the toilet block. All the sanitary connections shall be as per
standards and shall conform to the IS specifications.
49.11 Wash Water Tank and Pumps Wash water tank
Wash water tank shall be constructed at minimum clearance of 2.0 m above the roof of the
filter house or on a separate supporting structure with sufficient staging height such that the
pressure in the under drainage system is more than 8.0 m. The wash water tank shall have a
capacity as per the design requirement. All the pipe connections to the wash water tank shall
be provided with D.I.Pipes. The tank shall be constructed in VRCC using M30 grade of
The tank shall be provided with M.S ladder or RCC staircase for access from out side to the
top of tank. An RCC ladder shall be provided for access from roof slab to in side of the tank.
A float operated water level indicator shall be provided for measurement of water level in the
tank Two nos. of manholes of 0.6-m minimum dia with covers and adequate no. of ventilators
shall be provided over the roof slab of the tank. The over flow pipe from tank shall be
connected to the stilling chamber of the plant. Lightening conductor as per the relevant I.S.
specifications shall be provided to the wash water tank.
The inlet from clear water sump out let to the filter beds and over flow to the stilling chamber
shall be with DI pipes of suitable dia. The cost of all pipes, specials valves etc. shall be
deemed to have been included in the cost of Water treatment plant.
49.12 Wash Water Pump Sets
Two Nos. (One working and one stand by) of electrically driven mono block pump sets of
approved make of required capacity for an operating head of 20 m, shall be provided to fill the
Signature of the Tenderer
wash water tank. All foot valves, suction piping, non-return valves, sluice valves and common
delivery pipe of adequate size shall be provided. A local panel board shall be provided with
starters, switches, etc. near the pump sets. The pump sets may be erected either in filter house
or in a separate pump room. Wash water tank fittings and pumpsets with 100% srtandby.
49.13 Walkways & passages
Access to all the treatment units shall be provided in the form of walkways, staircases. These
shall be inter connected so that the operator has access to all the units.
49.14 Bypass Arrangements
I. Raw water bypass arrangement from measuring weir to filter inlet channel shall be
provided bypassing pretreatment units. A mild steel stop log of suitable size shall be
provided as bypass valve.
II. A bypass pipe of suitable size from settled water collection channel to rate control
chamber shall be provided to allow settled water to flow directly to clear water
sump. A control of suitable size shall be provided in the by pass line.
49.15 Sludge and wash water Drainage
Sludge drain chambers of minimum size 1.0 M x 1.0 M with required depth shall be provided
for all individual drain outlets from various units of the plant. The top of the drain chambers
shall be at least 0.25 M above the Ground level. The invert level of the chambers shall be at
least 300 mm below the drain valves. The chambers shall be constructed in RCC using M30
grade concrete. Rungs shall be provided inside the chambers for access. The chambers shall
be provided with pre-cast RCC covers. The inside surfaces of chambers shall be finished
smooth with cement plaster in C.M 1:3. Chambers shall also be constructed at locations where
there is change in direction. The maximum distance between adjacent chambers shall not be
more than 40 m. The sludge outlets shall be connected to a common chamber from where it
shall be disposed in to the nearest natural drain through RCC NP2 class pipes as per the
design requirements.
The wash water from filter beds collected in to disposal gutter shall be disposed off in to the
common drain constructed along the filters and let in to the common chamber from where it
shall be disposed in to the nearest natural drain by means of RCC NP2 class pipes of suitable
dia. The dia of pipe shall not be less than 450 mm.
The pipes shall be jointed with cement mortar 1:2 proportion. The entire design and layout of
the sludge and waste water disposal shall be done such that there is no back flooding of the
chambers / pipe gallery. All units from stilling chamber to clear water sump shall be provided
Signature of the Tenderer
with drainage arrangement.
If gravity draining of the flow is not possible, the sludge and waste water shall be collected
into a collection sump of adequate capacity which shall not be less than 1.20 times of the
volume of water required for washing of one filter bed. The collection sump shall be
constructed in RCC using M30 grade of concrete. Suitable capacity of pumps with necessary
accessories shall be provided to pump the sludge and waste water in to the nearest natural
drain. The cost of gravity drainage arrangement or pumping arrangement including cost of
civil structures shall be deemed to have been included in the cost of Water treatment plant.
49.16 Specification of Pipes
The main types of pipes required shall be D.I./ M.S./ PVC and RCC. The following types of
pipes shall be used in different units unless or otherwise mentioned in clause 33. A
1. Inlet pipe to Aeration fountain D.I. pipes /M.S.Pipes with
cement lining
2. From mixing chamber to flocculator D.I. pipes
3. In let and collection pipes in Tube settling tank Perforated PVC pipes
4. From settling tank to filters D.I.Pipes
5. Under drain system of filter laterals Perforated PVC pipes
6. Filter out let pipes D.I.Pipes
7. Back wash pipe system D.I.Pipes
8. Drainage pipes RCC NP2 Pipes
9. From clear water channel near filter out let to D.I. PIpes clear water

49.17 Recommended criteria for Hydraulic design Plant flow rates

The plant capacity given in Volume – III is exclusive of back wash requirement. The design
shall include the requirement of water for backwash also.
Water losses
Desludging 2%
Other losses 1%
Back wash requirement Actual requirement as per design and
techniTechnical specifications
All process units shall be designed for designed rate of flow plus back wash requirement.
Water losses in various units as above shall be considered extra. All inlet and outlet
connections of all the units shall be designed for 20% hydraulic overloading, except for inlet
and out let connections of filter beds, which shall be designed for 100% over loading.
Signature of the Tenderer
49.17.1 Aeration Fountain
Head required 0.5 – 3.0 m
Floor area required 0.015 to 0.045 Sqm/Cum/hour
Minimum Rise of Cascade 0.15 M
Minimum Tread of Cascade 0.30 M (0.50 MLD to 2.50 MLD )
0.40 M (above 2.5 MLD)
Minimum No. of Cascades 4
Velocity through inlet pipe 1.0 to 1.5 m / sec.
Minimum depth of water in
Collection launder 0.3 m
Minimum width of launder 0.6 M
Free board in launder 0.30 M
49.17.2 Stilling Chamber
Inlet From Aeration Fountain with underflow baffle
Detention time 1 minute
Direction of flow Horizontal
Width of chamber Minimum 0.60 M
Side water depth Minimum 0.60 M
Free board 0.30 M

49.17.3 Measuring Weir

Minimum Length of weir 0.40 M
Type of weir Free fall, Rectangular, Sharp crested
With graduations
Height of fall as per design requirements

49.17.4 Parshall flume (for plant capacities below 5 MLD)

Throat width Minimum 0.15 m
Throat length Minimum 0.30 m
Length of converging portion Minimum 0.60 m
Length of diverging portion Minimum 0.60 m
Height of flume Minimum 0.60 m
Flume convergence 1 in 5
Flume divergence 1 in 6
Signature of the Tenderer
Floor slope of throat 1 in 2.67
Froude number >2

49.17.5 Mech. Flash Mixer (for plant capacities above 5 MLD)

Detention time 30 to 60 sec

Ratio of tank height to dia 1 to 3 Ratio of
impeller dia to tank dia 0.2 to 0.4
Velocity gradient > 300/sec
Propeller type Impeller speed 400 to 1400 rpm
Tangential velocity @ tip of the >3m/sec.

49.17.6 Hydraulic flocculator (for plant capacities below 5 MLD)

● Depth of Water >1.0 m
● Clear distance between baffles minimum of 0.45 m
● Clear distance between 1 ½ times the distance between
baffles and wall baffles but not less than 0.6 m
● Velocity of flow 0.10 to 0.3 mps
● Detention time 15 to 20 minutes
● Velocity gradient 100 to 10/sec
● Flow direction Horizontal

49.17.7 Tube settling Tank (for plant capacities below 5 MLD)

Detention time Minimum 35 Minutes
Depth of water Minimum 3.0 M (above hopper top)
Freeboard 0.50 M
Hopper slope 1.2 :1 to 2 : 1 (V:H)
Velocity through inlet pipes 0.15 to 0.25 m/sec Settling
velocity of particles 120 m / day
Depth of water below modules Minimum 1.50 M
Inclined Length of tube 1.00 M
Angle of inclination of tube 600
Size of tube 50mm x 5o mm, square

Signature of the Tenderer
Material of tubes Rigid PVC
Spacing of outlet pipes Maximum 1.0 M c/c
Depth of water in outlet pipes less than half the radius of pipe
Dia of Collection orifices 40 to 50 mm
Weir loading less than 300 cum / RM /day

49.17.8 Clariflocculator (for plant capacities above 5 MLD)

Velocity in inlet pipe 0.2 to 0.4 m/sec.(Normally 0.4m/sec)
Velocity through port 0.2 to 0.4 m/sec
Detention time in floculator zone 10 to 40 minutes, normally 30 minutes
Side water depth 3.0 to 4.5 m
Freeboard 0.50 M
Velocity Gradient 10 to 75 / sec
Value of (G*T) 10,000 to 1,00,000
Drag coefficient 0.8 to 1.9
Paddle tip velocity 0.2 – 0.6 m / sec Velocity
of water adjacent to tip 25% of velocity of the tip
Cross-section area of blades 10% to 25% of cross-sectional area of
flocculator zone.

49.17.9 Clarifier Zone

Surface loading 40 cum / Sqm / day
Velocity of flow through opening
in partition 0.15 to 0.25 m / sec.
Weir loading < 300 m3 / RM / day
Floor slope 10%
Velocity of tip of scraper < 0.3m / min

49.17.10 Rapid Sand Gravity Filter Beds

No. of Units Min. of 2 Nos.
Rate of filtration 4800 lit/Sqm/hr to 6000 lit. /Sqm /h
Freeboard 0.50 M
Signature of the Tenderer
Type of filter control Constant rate filtration with split flow
weir without mechanical control devices.
Minimum available head loss 1.20 m to 2.0 M

Filter gravel
Depth 0.5 m
Size 2 mm to 25 mm

49.17.11 Filter sand

Depth 0.75 m
Effective size 0.45 to 0.70 mm
Uniformity coefficient 1.3 to 1.7
Depth of water over filter sand 1.0 to 2.00 M
Invert level of bottom slab of filter inlet channel and split flow weir box shall be the same.
The inlet pipe to filter bed (from the split flow weir box) shall be extended upto the top of
wash water disposal gutter.

Signature of the Tenderer
49.17.13 Inl e annel
et r
0.4 to 0.6 M / Sec Velocity in Filter
M Inlet pipe
0.4 to 0.6 M / Sec Minimum size of
200 mm dia
o Filter under drain system
f Area of perforations in laterals
0.30% of filter bed area Dia of perforation
i require 5 to 12 mm
n Spacing of perforations in laterals 80 to 200 mm
Ratio of total area of perforations to should not exceed 0.5 for
V perforations of 12total cross sectional area of lateral mm and
e linearly should decrease to 0.25 for perforations of 5mm Ratio
t of length to dia of lateral should not exceed 60
Spacing of laterals about 300 mm
c Cross sectional area of manifold 1.5 to 2 times the total
c area of the laterals
i Backwash Velocity in Wash water
t inlet 2.5 to 3.0 M / sec and Disposal
y pipes
Signature of the Tenderer
49.17.2 Type of backwash
a) Hard Wash (with only water) (for plant capacities below 5 MLD)

Rate of backwash 800 lpm / Sqm of bed area

Pressure head in the underdrain 8.0 m
Duration of back wash 10 minutes.

b) Air and Water combined wash system (for plant capacities above 5 MLD)
Rate of air wash 45 to 50 m/lr.

At a pressure of 0.35 kg/cm2

Duration 5 minutes.

Rate of back wash with water head 600 lpm / Sqm of bed area
Duration Minimum 10 minutes.
Expansion of sand bed 130 to 150% of its undisturbed volume.
49.17.3 Wash water gutters
Minimum size of cross trough 0.30 m x 0.30 m
The bottom of cross trough Should clear the top of the expanded
sand by 50 mm or more
Lateral travel of wash water Maximum 1.0 m
Width of wash water disposal gutter 0.60 M
Depth of wash water disposal gutter To be extended up to filter bottom
The minimum free fall from outlet weir of filter shall be not less than 0.15 M.
The velocity in clear water pipe from filters to sump shall not be more than 1.0 M / Sec.
The pipe gallery shall be well designed to provide adequate space, ventilation, drainage and
easy accessibility to all pipe lines and other fittings.
49.17.4 Chemical House Building
Location of Structure Adjacent to filter beds.
Type of structure RCC Framed structure with Brick
masonry walls.
Architectural features Porch / canopies, suitable
treatment to front elevation,

Signature of the Tenderer
staircase for access to the first
floor shall be provided.
Clear headroom Minimum 3.50 M
Stock height of chemical 2.0 m (max)
No.of days storage required 90 days
Additional space for passages & handling 50%

49.17.5 Bleaching powder dosing tank

No.of tanks 2(Pre-chlorination:1,
Capacity Min. 100 lit. each
Chlorine dose (Pre & Post chlorination) 3 Mg / lit. (ppm)
Available Chlorine in bleaching powder 25% (Min)
Strength of solution 5%
Agitator Manually Operated Postchlorination
Manually Operated Prechlorination
49.17.6 Alum solution tanks
No.of shifts 2
No. of tanks Min. 2 (Two)
Maximum dose 50 Mg / lit
Strength of solution 5%
Agitator Electrically operated stirrer
(min 0.5 kW motor) Stain less steel 315
grade shaft and blades
Constant head dosing tank Manually controlled 1 No
common to all tanks.
Piping and valves Rigid PVC
Laboratory equipment As per detailed specifications
Weighing / handling equipment As per detailed specifications
49.17.7 Wash Water Tank and Back Wash Pumps
Location Preferably with 2 m clearance Over roof
of the filter house building .
Capacity of tank

Signature of the Tenderer
up to 3 beds Volume required for washing of one
bed+ 10 cum for utility
More than 3 beds Volume required for washing of two
Beds+ 10 cum for utility

No. of back wash pumps Min. 2 nos. (one being standby)

The wash water pump capacity shall be such that the tank is filled within 2 hours.
Note: The above recommended criteria for hydraulic design are only conceptual.

The rates of Filtration Plants shall include all the following components.
A) Civil Works (All works of VRCC Shall be in M30 design mix)
1. Stilling Chamber and Aeration cascade
2. Pre settling tank shall be provided for 30 MLD and above capacities of WTP for a
minimum of 1 hr capacity.
3. Raw water channel with Stainless Steel Weir of SS 304 L Grade material and also
with digital flow meters
4. Flash Mixer chamber with Flash mixing arrangements including SS shaft & SS
Blades with gear wheel arrangements etc. using 304 L Grade Steel.
5. Clariflocculator/ Flocculation tanks with the components of central driven
circular clarifier with scrapper & bridge arrangements made with Stainless Steel
Grade 304 L tubes /angular for durability & chemical resistant with wheel
arrangements etc.
6. Filter house, Chemical house, Alum store, Laboratory room, Chlorination plant
room, toilet etc. (All structures shall be provided RCC roof only).Chemical house &
Chlorinator rooms are to be isolated and shall be as per CPHEEO manual.
7. Wash water tank of suitable capacity and staging height shall be constructed at
minimum clearance of 2.00 m, above the roof slab of Filter beds / any other
structure, and the minimum residual head at the top of under drain system shall not
be less than 8.0 meters.
8. Chlorine contact tank for a minimum of ½ hr (30 minutes) capacity as per the
guidelines of CPHEEO Manual (clause No. 8.4.4)

49.17.8 Specifications of materials to be used

1. All the Doors and Windows shall be of Best Teak wood/Aluminum / UPVC make,
Signature of the Tenderer
except entrance door. The entrance door including shutter in filter house shall be with
best teak wood of minimum size of 2.40X2.40mts.
a) Main Doors of all individual Buildings shall be made of Best Teak wood
b) Other Internal Doors of the buildings shall be of compressed wood/ Aluminum/
UPVC materials.
(c)Ventilators shall be provided for each building/structure of suitable
size as per NBC standards.

2. a) All pipes in Plant shall be of D.I., D/F materials. All Connecting pipes of the
plant components such as from Flash mixer to Clarifloculator/ Clarifier/Flocculation
tank, to Filter beds, sludge disposal pipes shall be of D.I., D/F material. The size of
sludge disposal pipe shall be minimum of 450 mm dia. with D.I D/F pipe and minimum
length of 100 meters.
b) All the Valves in Plant shall be heavy duty and as per the specification of
SoR item No. 30The Pipe gallery way for Clear water/ Back wash water/
pipe connections shall be sufficiently spaced for easy operation &
maintenance and inspection, as per standard norms.
3. The bottom level of the wash water control chamber must be above G.L so as to
dispose the wash water and sludge from Clariflocculator by gravity to disposal point.
49.17.9 Additional specifications
1. Railing for all the components (Clariflocculator, Filter House, Staircase etc.) shall be
provided with Stainless Steel of grade 304 for a height of 1.00m, with 40mm dia. pipe
for top horizotals,25mm dia. for middle row and 40mm dia. verticals spaced at interval
of not more than 1.00m c/c.
2. Inspection / Path ways in filter beds: Middle pathway: Minimum of 1.50m,
Side pathway: Minimum of 1.20m
3. Flooring in the buildings (Filter house, Chemical House, Chlorinator Room, Laboratory)
shall be provided with Non-skid tiles of approved make & quality, as per standard
4. The basement of the Filtration plant building shall be minimum of 1.20m above the
existing nearby Road top level.
5. Minimum head room of 2.00m shall be provided, at the alum mixing chambers in
alum store for inspection & maintenance.
6. (a) The minimum width of entrance hall for the Filter House shall be 4.50m, and
Signature of the Tenderer
Laboratory of min size of 3.30 X 4.50m.
b) For various components of the WTP should be designed by
considering the uplift pressure also.

7. a) High efficient Air Blowers shall be installed to the design requirement with low noise
pollution, environmental pollution as per PCB guide lines & Testing of blowers as per I.S
Standards at site.
b) The Piping from Blower to Filter Beds shall be GI and submerged pipe in water shall be
8. UPVC pipes shall be provided for under drain system. Filter pipe manifolds shall be
assembled with HDPE pipes.
9. Alum storage capacity shall be designed for minimum period of 90 days.
Consumables shall be provided for 2115 Running Hours of WTP.
10.Vacuum type chlorinator shall be provided with following specifications:
a) Vacuum operated solution feeding type Vacuum Regulator, Rotometer, Rate
setting Valve, built-in NRV, Gas Overflow out let by man folding to mount the
system with the unit.
b) The unit shall consist of Ejector with necessary accessories such as Check
Valve, Drain Valve and Vacuum relief Valves - for control of chlorinator
c) The Accessories and manifolds shall be chlorine resistant and made of carbon
steel seam less pipes, copper tube with brass fittings of suitable size & dimensions,
with diaphragm sealed chlorine pressure gauge arrangements
d) Water Booster Pump of pumping capacity ranging from 2 cum/hr to 12
cum/hr, with Head ranging from 16 to 35 m
e) The water & solution carrying pipes shall be made of UPVC material of suitable size
incl. all specials such as Tee's, Bends, couplings & NRVs and also Pressure Gauges
of suitable range.
f) Chlorine Gas Leak detector with alarm indicator. The installation includes all
necessary accessories, civil and mechanical works, manifold header installations,
injector fixing, connection with UPVC pipes, solution piping’s, fixing of motors as
per standard specifications and commissioning of Chlorination Plant to the required
demand, with a defect liability period of 1 year.

The chlorinator may be of any reputed make or any of Metito/

Signature of the Tenderer
Toshocow Jesco Siemens Industrial Devices.
g) Life breathing apparatus
h) Chlorine escape BA set
i) 2 to 10 MLD Plants - 1Kg/hr Chlorinator- For Post Chlorination
j). 10 MLD to 20 MLD Plants - 2 Kg/hr Chlorinator - For Post Chlorination.
K) 20 MLD to 50 MLD Plants - 5 Kg/hr Chlorinator - For Post Chlorination.

Mechanical equipment:
1. Alum dosing equipment with SS 304L material made stirrers & paddles for chemical
resistance. (Alum tanks must be bound with corrosion resistance material (HDPE
lining, Bitumen coating, tiles, etc.)
2. Flash mixer equipment with SS 304L material made stirrers & paddles for chemical
3. Filtration plant equipment instrumentation and piping.
4. Clariflocculation equipment (with stainless steel blades) with rotating bridge
arrangement, etc.
5. Pneumatic tyre wheel shall be provided for the bridge of clariflocculator.
6. Wash water tank fittings and pump sets with 100 % stand by.
7. Air blowers with motor of 100 % stand by and pipe connections made with of SS pipes
confirming to SS 304 Grade in filter bed portion
8. Chlorination equipment and pipe connections with chlorinator of 100 % stand by.
9. Spares and Tools for 2 years
10. Gaseous Chlorination with Cylinders for 30 days requirement has to be provided with
protection measures.

Electrical Equipment:
1. Necessary power supply wiring to motors and switches bus bar connections as per
2. I.E. Rules
3. Internal wiring and illumination and fittings and fixtures for internal and external
lighting exhaust fans, ceiling fans etc.
4. Erecting mechanical & Electrical equipment, trial run for 90 days 23.50 hours per day
testing the treated water as per CPHEEO standards and maintenance of records and
imparting training to staff.
5. Supply of 6 - sets of completion plans and maintenance manual and brochures.
6. Provision towards soil investigation.
Signature of the Tenderer
7. All cables shall be of copper material, Cable ducts shall be covered with MS /
Aluminum checkered plate.
8. Min LUX levels inside the treatment plant shall be maintained.
9. Yard lighting shall be provided as per norms.

Automation for flow measurements:

10. Equipment for measuring Conductivity, Turbidity, Ph value, Residual Chlorine with
recording & data storage facility (Computer based) & Alarm by SMS or other methods
1. Off - Site Supervisory and Data Acquisition (OSSADA) system for Raw water & Clear
water flows by installing Digital Flow meters to measure the flows at Raw water
Channel and at each filter bed individually and combined for measuring the quantities
of water treated with a facility to record and store the readings & also to send messages
to the assigned designatories about the variations/ deficiencies in the flow including
alerts for back wash requirements of filter beds, and recovery of data for the past 360
days. All the Digital Flow Meters & Pressure Gauges shall be provided of standard
approved make. The equipment shall have the following specifications.
2. Automated Lab testing equipment of internationally reputed make and consumables for
one year.
3. Off - Site Supervisory and Data Accusation (OSSADA) system for Raw water and clear
water measuring, recording, Off-Site Digital Display and data Transmission to Cell
Phone (SMS).
4. Alum tanks must be bound with corrosion resistant material (HDPE Lining, Bitumen
Coating, tiles etc.).
5. Mechanical equipment for alum mixing and in flocculation tank must be corrosive
resistant (due to Alum)
6. Hardware:

i. Wall mounted Sensor House for measuring Raw water & Clear water flow
from Filter bed out lets with accessories consists of

ii. Electrode Type: General type, Scraper type or replaceable type Electrode made
with material of SS external Ultra Touch Sensors as per requirement.

iii. Customized Application Requirement: Sensors with Interface logic control

board with serial interfaces, including accessories such as Add-on port,

external DC Power Socket, On - sensor Board Buffer, Timer, RS485

Signature of the Tenderer
Communication, Analog to Digital Sensing Sensor Circuit, 32 Sensors Sensing
Tags, Interval Power Supply System, LCD 16c/2L, Filter Bed Working Status
Indication LED, Filter Bed Wash Indication Button and memory of Data
Storage for 30Days, status of Filter Bed Level indicator, Rating, Reading on
LCB Display, Menu Driven Data for sending to Onsite Big Display, operated
with Battery Power of any reputed make or any equivalent make.

iv. Customised Application Requirement: Power Sensors Interface logic control

board with support 8 Power Sensing tags, Central System Interfacing
Communication, on-board analog to Digit Convert Integrate Circuit of any
reputed make or any equivalent make.

v. Customised Application Requirement: Centralized System with two serial

interfaces, 3 No's of Add-On ports, One external DC Power Socket, On -
Board Buffer, On - Board Timer, On - Board RS485 Communication, On -
Board RS 232 Communication, On - Board GPRS/GSM Module, On - Board
Voice Chip, On - Board Power Sensing Module, LCD 16c/2L, Filter Bed Wash
Precaution Indication with Stop Button, Memory of Data Storage for 30 Days,
Total Bed Rating, Reading display on LCD Display, Menu Driven, Menu
Navigate Keypad, sending data to the Web Server, Communication with
GPRS, operated with Battery Power of any reputed make or any equivalent

7. Software
vi. The software shall be designed with Web Domain with Data Base Server and
Web Name as per the directions of the Departmental Authorities.

viii. The application of Software for Web design & Desktop shall meet the
following requirements:
ix. Onsite Display: Letters with size of 1.5' seven Segment LED Display with
Interface for each Filter Bed, for Onsite Display, by displaying the Bed Levels,
Ratings, Readings in 3 Columns, for each bed of the plant in successive rows
and cumulative results at the bottom of the screen.
x. Off Site Display: Letters with size of 1.5' seven Segment LED Display with
Signature of the Tenderer
Interface GPRS/GSM Modules Offsite Display, with Display of Bed Total
Rating, Total Cumulative Reading as specified on On-site Display Features.
xi. The system shall also have the features of Onsite Bed Wash Voice Precautions
for Bed Levels, Readings, Ratings, Bed Capacity Readings and Ratings and
Bed Low Level Triggering, before & after Bed wash.
xii. The software shall also have the features of sending messages to the mobiles
of the Departmental designatories indicating Bed Low Levels, Power Supply
timings, Bed Wash timings and its status, Power Supply timings and its status
Grid View Table, Motor Working time and its status Grid View Table, all
trigger events and schedule information and including all Snap View Reports,
all Daily, Monthly, Yearly Reports, all Power Working Reports, all Power
Events Information etc,.

The above specifications will prevail when any discrepancy is found in detailed

50 Pump Sets

All pump sets (including motors) shall be energy efficient ones and shall conform to the
relevant BIS Specifications

50.1 Centrifugal pump with accessories

50.1.1 General
The design, manufacture and testing of pumps shall conform to relevant IS specifications,
IS 1520 - 1980 or IS 9542 - 1980 with latest amendments, mentioned under the heads

50.1.2 Description
The pumps shall be suitable for quality of water to be pumped, which may be ascertained
by the contractor at split casing, horizontal mounting type, volute form, single suction,
single horizontal delivery type, to produce a required discharge against a gross head at
maximum efficiency and speed not exceeding 1500 rpm as mentioned in the details of the
scheme earlier.

Signature of the Tenderer
The design, material, construction, manufacture, inspection, testing, commissioning and
performance of all the components and materials clearly specified or indicated in any part
of the specification shall comply safety codes and standards. Nothing in this specification
shall be constructed to relieve the contractor of this responsibility.

The pumps required shall be identical with respect to frame size and capable of complete
rationalization of parts. The pumps shall be designed for positive suction.

The pump efficiencies guaranteed including all looses incurred in the pump between
suction inlet and delivery flange at the design discharge, against the gross head as
specified shall be clearly indicated by the tenderer in the relevant annexures of the tender
and the characteristics curves for the pumps shall be furnished. The [ump characteristics
must be non-overloading.

50.1.3 Casing
The pump shall be robust in construction and it shall perfectly be made of close grained
cast iron (grey cast iron) conforming to grade 20 of IS (210 - 1982) (revised) free from
any casting defects. It shall be suitably split, horizontal mounting type, with the suction
and delivery branches cast in the half of the casing, the control axis top portion capable of
being easily dismantled with facility for inspection and repairs without the necessity of
disturbing the suction and delivery pipe.

50.1.4 Impellers
The impellers shall be made of bronze with accurately shaped water passages, machines
all over externally and internally, finished to a smooth surface and shall be keyed to a
shaft of special stainless steel conforming to ISS specifications. The impeller shall be
provided with neck rings of bronze.

The design if impellers should be such that they will be free from cavitation under
working conditions specified. The pumps shall be guaranteed to be free from damage due
to cavitation or pitting. If during the guarantee period, the impellers suffers from
excessive pitting or cavitation, the contractor shall under take to repair or replace the
same by a new one not having the above defect but giving required discharge against the

Signature of the Tenderer
specified head at his cost.

50.1.5 Shaft
The pump shaft shall be of high quality, special stainless steel accurately turned and
ground to receive the renewable bronze sleeves. The impellers shall be keyed on to the
shaft, located by the sleeves, the whole arrangement shall be carried in two suitable self
aligning roller bearings and the axial location shall be fixed by a deep groove ball bearing
to take maximum thrust. Free shaft extension shall be provided for mounting flexible
couplings. The shaft shall be protected by bronze protecting sleeved. The shaft assembly
shall be dynamically balanced.

50.1.6 Glands and seals

The stuffing boxes are to be of ample depth and to be soft packed and provided with
adjustable glands, it shall be of suitable design, easily detachable from the pump casing
with appropriate lubricating arrangements.
50.1.7 Bearings
Suitable bearing has to be provided to take up all thrust. The bearing shall be designed for
round the clock operation and the prices shall include all the accessories, if external
cooling is necessary.
50.1.8 Lubrication
Each pump should be equipped with an adequate and positive lubricating system which
shall supply lubricant to each bearing of the pump.
50.1.9 Coupling
Coupling shall be of heavy duty, vibration proofs, flexible type, made of steel which shall
be fitted with steel pins, rubber bushes and guards to allow for permissible degree of
misalignment and shall suit to both the pump and motor manufacturers.
50.1.10 Base plate
The base plate are to be manufactures out of cast iron and shall be of heavy duty type,
capable of housing both the motor and the pump. The pumps and motors are to be
correctly aligned and levelled before leaving the makers works.
Heavy duty common base plate for mounting the pump and motor are to be manufactures
out of close grained cast iron with MS bolts and nuts machine threaded to ISS washers
etc. The base plates shall be adequately sized to withstand stressed due to dynamic and
static load of the pumpset and motor and fixed to the foundation with stable MS anchor

Signature of the Tenderer
bolts and nuts machine threaded.
Suitable chromium plated heavy duty pressure and vacuum gauges of 150mm dia and of
best quality are to be connected to the pump delivery and suction and shall be brought up
to the level of the motor floor. The gauges shall be mounted together on a wall panel. In
case of large motors or mounted in the equipments in case of small motors they shall be
provided with isolation valves (stop cock) and connected by best quality heavy duty
copper tubing from the suction and delivery ends and with provision of two-way cocks
for cleaning the tubes, without dismantling. The marking on the pressure and vacuum
gauges shall be in meters of water.
50.1.12 Accessories
Each pump shall be provided with foundation bolts and nuts machine threaded with
washers, nuts and holding plates, draining and venting cocks, water sealing arrangement
50.1.13 Pump motor
Horizontal screen protected drip proof as per IP 23 of IS 4691 squirrel cage induction
50.1.14 Type of pump
The motor offered shall be of suitable design and shall develop the required BHP to drive
a directly coupled centrifugal pump to produce a net discharge against the head
mentioned earlier with a cushion for all the deviation in voltage and duty conditions as the
pumps have to operate in remote areas with fluctuating voltages.
50.1.15 Output capacity
The capacity shall have to be worked out by the supplier taking into consideration of the
fact that the motor shall have a mechanical output capacity of 10% more than the
requirement under all possible pumping conditions. This capacity shall be clearly stated in
the tender.
50.1.16 Terminal voltage
The preferred rated voltage shall be 415 volts.

50.1.17 Number of phases

Three phase power supply shall be provided.

50.1.18 Frequency
The preferred rated frequency shall be standard 50 Hz.

Signature of the Tenderer
50.1.19 Voltage and frequency variations
The motors offered shall be capable of delivering the rated output with -
Normal terminal voltage : 415 V
Maximum terminal voltage : 440 V
Minimum terminal voltage : 353 V
The frequency differing from its rates value shall not be more than +3% and -3%.

50.1.20 Temperature
The following limits of temperature shall not be exceeded at continuous full rated output
between the specified voltage limits with ambient air temperature 45 degrees centigrade.

Name of part Permissible Method of measurement

Temperature rise

Stator winding 70 deg C By thermometer

80 deg C By resistance
30 deg C By embedded detector

50.1.21 Overloads
The motor shall have the standard short time and sustained overload capacities as
specified in relevant standards.
50.1.22 Excess torque
The motors offered shall be capable of withstanding an excess torque (the voltage and
frequency being maintained at their rated value) without stalling or change in speed. The
excess percentage and the time shall be as per relevant IS mentioned earlier.
50.1.23 Speed
The tenderer shall furnish the minimum full load speed and economical speed along with
the standards. In any case, the speed shall not be more than 3000 rpm.
50.1.24 Noise and vibration
These shall conform to IS 4729 - 1968 with latest amendment.

Signature of the Tenderer
Signature of the Tenderer
50.1.25 Degree of protection
These shall conform to IS 4729 - 1968 with latest amendment.

50.1.26 Cooling
This should conform to Ico1 to Ic41 of IS 6362 - 1971 with latest amendment.
50.1.27 Bearing, insulation, terminal box, rating speed of roter
These shall be carried out as per the latest and relevant IS specifications and also to AP
Transco Electricity Board specifications.
50.1.28 Terminal marking
This shall conform to IS 4720 - 1968 with latest amendment.

50.1.29 Test on induction motor

The test shall be conducted as per ISS 325 - 1978 and IS 4029 - 1967.

50.1.30 Sluice valve and gate valve

The sluice valve of size from 50 to 150mm shall conform to IS 780 with latest amendments.
And gate valve of size 50 to 100mm dia shall conform to IS 778 with latest amendments.
50.1.31 Reflux valve
The size of CI NRV from 50 to 150 shall conform to IS 5312 with latest amendments and
GM NRV of size 75 to 140mm dia shall conform to IS 778 with latest amendments.
50.1.32 Pressure gauge and water level guard
Pressure gauge shall be of best make bourdon tube precision type of size 50 to 150mm
conforming to IS 3624 - 87. Water level guard shall be of best make to suit the requirement.
50.1.33 Switch board and control panel board
This shall conform to IS 8623, 2147, 4237 and 375.

50.1.34 Energy meter and MCB

This shall be of standard specification of IS and as per the direction of APTransco Electricity
Board. Energy meter shall conform to IS 722 and MCB to IS 8828.
50.1.35 Power capacitors
This shall conform to IS 2834 - 1986 with latest amendments and shall be of the required
capacity and it shall be tested and approved by AP Transco
50.1.36 Auto transformer starter

This shall be of standard specification as per IS 1822 and 8544 and as approved by AP

Signature of the Tenderer
50.1.37 Earthing
This shall be conforming to IS 3043 - 1966 with latest amendment.
50.1.38 Safety equipments
This shall conform to IS 2678 with latest amendment.
50.1.39 Erection of pump set, electrical motor and other accessories and main
This shall be carried out as per the standard specification of IS 9694 part II 1980 and AP
Transco. The LT cables shall be 4 core of suitable size conforming to IS 1554.
50.1.40 Submersible pump with accessories
Submersible pumpset should be suitable for the quality of water to be pumped which may be
ascertained by the contractor at his own cost and for vertical installations in 110/150mm dia
borewells comprising of single stage or multistage centrifugal pump close coupled by means
of stainless steel coupling to a suitable HP suitable speed, totally enclosed and filled with
pure drinking water (Wet Type) squirrel cage submersible induction motor suitable for
operations on 3 phases, 50 hz. 320/440 volts AC supply casing, suction strainers and guard
shall form an integral unit with all required fittings.

Signature of the Tenderer
50.1.42 Pump
The submersible pump conforming to the latest IS 8034 - 1989 or its latest revisions shall
comprise of the following.

Bowl assembly with required number of closed grained cast iron casings to hydraulically
tested, with its inner passage smooth finished and coated with zinc chrome primer to
ensure better efficiency and less wear. Every stage bowl shall be provided with bronze
wear ring. Mixed flow or radial flow impeller shall be made of bronze and shall be
balanced both statically and dynamically.

A stainless steel pump shaft provided with bearings sleeves made of leaded bronze or
stainless steel. Close grained cast iron suction casing sheathed with strainer to avoid
ingress of bigger particles.Top pump casing shall be provided with a non-return valve
fully streamlined for minimum friction. The non-return valve shall be suitable for flanges
50.1.43 Submersible Motor
Totally enclosed water filled squirrell cage induction motor conforming to the latest IS
9283 shall be of wet type design suitable for water-cooling and water lubricating. The
submersible motor shall be fitter with the seamless tube outer motor casing.

Signature of the Tenderer
50.1.44 Motor

The motor shall be provided with carbon / Mitchell /antifriction thrust bearing
which is designed to withstand axial thrust leads with minimum wear and tear.
A reflux pressure-compensating device to guard against any rise in pressure
shall be provided at the bottom.
50.1.45 Stator
The stator shall be made of steel and shall be statically and dynamically
balanced. The stator laminations shall be chemically treated and pressed under
high pressure. The stator shall be vacuum impregnated with varish from inside
and epoxy painted outside shall be backed to ensure long life. The stator
winding wire shall be of high quality electrical grade coating and water proof,
water resistant, hard PVC insulated tested to high voltage. The winding wire
shall be of adequate current carrying capacity
50.1.46 Rotor
The rotor shall be made of high quality stampings. The rotor laminations shall
be stacked and fitter with electrical grad have stainless steel sleeves at the
bearings end. The rotor shall be dynamically balanced to ensure vibration free
The submersible pumpset with ISI mark shall only be offered.

The efficiency of the pumpset offered shall be not be less than the efficiency
stipulated in the IS 8034 - 1989 at the stipulated duty for which the pump
Nevertheless, All pump sets (including motors) shall be energy efficient
ones and shall conform to the relevant BIS Specifications. The
submersible pumpset shall be complete with all the required fittings.
The tendered shall quote only in the pertinent section of the prescribes tender
form duly mentioning the make, type, number of stages and horse power of the
pumpset offered in their tender.
The performance curves of the submersible pumpset clearly indicating delivery
head, efficiency of the pumpset combined efficiency of the pumpset, power
requirement of the pump plotted against the discharge of the pump shall be
furnished along with detailed literature on the pumpset offered with the tender.
Signature of the Tenderer
In case of parallel operation of two or more pumps, pumping in one rising
main, system curves shall be give rated discharge and head. RPM of pump
should be 3000.

50.1.47 Submersible cables

The submersible cables shall be brand new, best make PVC insulated cables of
flat 3 core (sheathed) of nominal cross sectional area 1.5, 2.5 and 4.0 Sqm
conforming to IS 694 - 1977 with latest amendment.
50.1.48 Pressure gauge
The pressure gauge shall be best made bourdon type of size 63mm confirming
to IS 3624 - 1987 with latest amendment. They shall bear the ISI mark.
50.1.49 Sluice valve
The sluice valve shall be of a size as suitable for delivery of pump as selected
viz. 50mm, 65mm x 80mm conforming to IS 778 - 1984 with latest
amendment, with ISI mark.
50.1.50 Non-return valve
The non-return valve shall be of size as suitable for the delivery of pump
selected viz. 50mm, 65mm and 80mm or as specified conforming to IS 5312 -
1969 with latest amendments, with ISI mark.
50.1.51 Galvanised mild steel tubes
The galvanised mild steel tubes shall be of heavy class (C-class) conforming to
IS 1239 Part 1/1979 with latest amendments and hot dipped zinc coating on
MS tubes as per IS 4736 - 1986 with ISI mark (one end fitted with protective
cover and other end fitted with heavy duty collar) of size as suitable for the
delivery of pump selected viz. 50mm x 65mm and 80mm.
50.1.52 Meter and panel board
Meter board unit
The unit shall comprise of one number of MS box of size 500mm x 500mm x
200mm fabricated out of 2mm thick steel metal with sealable door and
arrangement for mounting CTS (if any) cut outs, 3 phase 4 wire energy meter
and cable box etc, A transparent glass piece should be provided on the portion
where the energy meter reading could read out.
Panel board unit
One number of cubical type of control panel board of suitable size fabricated
Signature of the Tenderer
out of teak wood box type as per drawing to operate on 3 phase 50 hz 400/440
volts AC supply shall be fitted with ( all internal wired)..

One no. of best make flush type motor controlling switch conforming to IS
6875 with latest amendments with ISI mark.
One no. of best make single phase preventor as per IS 3234 with latest
amendments, with ISI mark.
One no. of 0 - 500 volts range voltmeter conforming to IS 1248.

One no. of suitable flush type ammeter conforming to IS 1248 with a range
from 0 to 30 amps or 0 to 50 amps range as required for pump selected.
Indicator lamps with visual indicator conforming to IS 1901 - 1978.

One no. of 30 amps as required for selected pump and motor DP switch
conforming to IS 9224 - 1979 with latest amendments.
Earthing - The box shall be provided with plated bolt and nut.

Danger Board - A danger board conforming to AP Transco standards should be

provided on the panel.
The panel board unit comprising of all the above with one no. of push bottom
operated DOL starter upto 6.5 HP and star delta starter above 6.5 HP as per IS
8544 and IS 1822 - 1985 with latest amendments and with ISI mark as per
required and selected pumpset. Panel shall have protection as per IP 55.
Panel board unit comprising of all the above items with push bottom operates,
DOL starter or star delta starter as per pump selected with protective devices
confirming to IS 1822 - 1965 and its latest amendments.
50.1.53 Earthing
Two separate and distinct earth leads shall be used for earthing each
equipment / structures enclosing the power conductor and one earth lead for
metallic structure adjacent to electrical installation. Metallic frames of all
electrical equipment rated above 250 volts, must be earthed by two distinct
connections with earth system.

Earthing cables crossing other metallic structures such as conduits, pipe lines
etc shall be minimum 300mm away from such structures.

All underground connections and joints in earthing system shall be brazed /

Signature of the Tenderer
Connections with equipments / structures shall be bolted type.

Conducting petroleum jelly shall be applied to contact surfaces of all bolted

joints and joints shall be covered with bituminous compound and taped.

Neutral connections shall never be used for the equipment earthing.

Earthing conductors shall be protected against mechanical damage.

Earthing conductors running along the structures, wall etc shall be cleaned at
every 750mm interval.

All earth lead connection shall be as short and direct as possible and shall be
without kink.
50.1.54 Power capacitor and miniature circuit breaker
The power capacitor shall conform to IS 2834 - 1988 with latest amendments
and shall be of the required capacity. It shall be tested and approved by AP
Transco. Miniature circuit breaker of required capacity conforming to IS 1828 -
1978 and bearing ISI mark 6 to 40 amps range with sealable box.

Erection, testing, electrification, commissioning of pumps, meter and panel

boards and accessories shall be carried out as per the Indian Standard
specification and AP Transco.
50.1.55 Automatic control unit (ROBOT)
One Automatic Control Unit or "Pump Protection Device cum Electronic
Multiple Control Programmable Unit (ROBOT)" shall be provided for each of
submersible pumps installed on the borewell and installed in the RCC hume
pipe pump house provided. In case of centrifugal pumps one common
Automatic Control Unit shall be provided in the centrifugal pump house to
control all the pumps installed in the pump house. The Automatic Control Unit
shall be procured from a renowned manufacturer and shall be capable of
protecting pumps i.e. switching off, during abnormal conditions like wrong
phase sequence, single phasing, under voltage, over voltage, dry run conditions
etc and restarting after resumption of normal conditions.
50.1.56 Lighting board, ELCB and point wiring for illumination
a) Codes and standards

The wiring installation and commissioning of complete illumination system

Signature of the Tenderer
shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations, fire
insurance and safety codes. The work, material and accessories shall
conform to the latest applicable Indian, British or IEC standards. A few are
given below:

IS 2274 and 732 Electrical wiring installation

IS 1653 Specification for conduits

IS 1554 PVC insulated electric cables

IS 3961 Recommended current ratings for PVC insulated cables

IS 1293 3 pin plugs and socket outlets

IS 3854 Similar uses

Steel and cast iron boxes for enclosures of electrical

IS 5133 Part I
Guide for safety procedures and practices in electrical
IS 5216

IS 1913 General safety requirement for electrical light fittings

b) The electrical installation work shall be carried out in best

workmanship manner, as per standard codes and with the electrical
materials of approved make and manufacture as pre the approved
drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

c) After completion of the work the complete system shall be

thoroughly checked and tested in presence of Engineer in charge or
his authorised representative at his own cost.
A test certificate of the competent authority shall be submitted after
completion of work before commissioning.

51 Bulk Flow Meter

51.1 Scope

The Bulk flow Meter shall be as per ISO 4064. The meter will be Class B
Woltmann type (Helical blades which rotates about the axis of flow in the meter
magnetically coupled suitable for cold potable water meter for water supplies
having sizes from 50 mm to 500 mm. Maximum admissible working pressure
Signature of the Tenderer
(MAP) upto 10 bar. The meter will have hermetically sealed register press, which
will be waterproof, and the unit will be provided with maximum corrosion

51.2 Materials

Water meters shall be made of materials of adequate strength and stability for the
purpose for which the water meter is to be used. It must be manufactured
throughout of materials, which are resistant to internal and normal external
corrosion and if necessary be protected by some suitable surface treatment. All
materials of the water meter, which are in contact with water, shall be resistant to
corrosion and shall be nontoxic and non-staining. Use of dissimilar metals in
contact under water shall be avoided as far as possible in order to minimize
electrolytic corrosion. Water temperature variation within the temperature range
specified must not adversely affect the materials used in the construction of the
water meter.
51.3 General
1) The register shall be hermetically sealed. The water meters shall be capable of
being fitted in any position i.e. horizontal, vertical or inclined going upward only.
2) The meter size, designation and overall dimensions shall conform to ISO 4064 part
I class B.
3) The water meter shall have flanged connections. The flanged connections shall
comply with IS 1538 part iv & vi for a nominal press corresponding to that of the
water meter.
4) The manufacturer shall provide a reasonable clearance behind the rear face of the
flange to allow access for installation and removal.
5) Type of indicating Device: The indication of meter shall be a combination of
analog and digital as per ISO 4064 Part -1.
6) Sealing & Marking: Sealing and marking of the water meters shall conform to
4.10 & 4.11 of ISO 4064 Part I.
7) Maximum Permissible errors:
The maximum permissible error in the lower zone from q min inclusive upto but
excluding q t is + 5 %.The maximum permissible error in the upper zone from q,
inclusive upto and including qs is + 2 %.The meters shall be able to retain their
121 vertical or inclined planes going upward
accuracy when installed in horizontal,
Signature of the Tenderer
8) The meter performance specification shall be as per ISO 4064/1, Class B. Copies of
the relevant Production Test Certificates is to be provided by the meter manufacturer.
9) The meter shall be able to withstand a maximum working temperature of 45° C.
10) Meters shall be designed for easy disassembly and re-assembly without the use of
special tools or equipment and shall be easy to maintain and repair. Meters shall be
designed to resist tampering.
11) The casing shall be powder coated CI. Workman ship shall be good. All burrs and
sharp edges shall be removed and the inside surface shall have smooth finish.
12) Catalog / Literature shall be submitted with the offer. GA and cross sectional
drawings with part numbers, material of construction and major dimensions, QAP etc.
shall be submitted to purchaser for approval after placement of order.
13) The supplier shall submit following documents during inspection.

a.) Manufacturer’s test certificate

b.) Warranty Certificate.
c.) Hydro Test Certificate.

51.4 Markings

Each meter shall be marked with the following information:

1) Manufacturers name or Trade Mark.

2) Nominal size and class of meter.
3) Direction of flow of water on both sides of meter.
4) Year of Manufacturing & Serial No.

51.5 Chlorine Dosing System:

Chlorine Dosing System is required for proper Disinfection and for maintenance of residual
chlorine in water supply system by providing electronic dosing pump, Antis phone valve,
Foot valve, PP tubing, required capacity PVC tank and all other accessories as required,
including installation , testing at site etc., complete.
51.6 Solenoid Driven Metering Pump
Series metering pumps are driven by an electronic circuit comprising of professional PCB
& electronic components of proven quality for high reliability to the user.
Signature of the Tenderer
Drive End: Comprising of electro magnetic solenoid unit with class ‘H’ insulation
Control panel: comprises of analog controls for speed & stroke length, Fuse & Pulse
Spacer: Unique design which separates liquid end from drive end with a drain off at the
bottom for indication of diaphragm rupture to prevent chemical entering into the drive end.
Liquid End: head-made of PP/PVC/SS316 or Teflon fittings, unique molded double ball
cartridge type for accurate dosing.
Key Features:
Glandless& Leakage free diaphragm pumps
Solenoid driven aided by professional pulsar circuitry
Excellent professional control with higher turn – down ratio
Adjustable volume displacement via stroke length adjustment
Unique double ball check ( Cartridge type) for dosing accuracy
Special painted corrosion resistant FRP housing.
Unique spacer design for prevention of Chemical entry to drive end

Teflon faced Diaphragm for long lasting service

Liquid ends-Polypropylene (PVC/SS316/PTFE-as optional)
Integrated low level switch (as optional)
Low power consumption
Modular design occupying less foot print & light weight
Suction lift upto 1.5m WC
Steady state accuracy: +/-3%
Repeatability:+/- 3%

51.7 Standard Material of Construction

Housing: Fiber re-inforced plastic Spacer:
Head: Polypropylene
Diaphragm : Teflon faced
Hypaion Ball: Teflon
Suct. Ball cartridge :
PP/PVC Disch. Ball
cartridge: PP/PVC
Injection Check Valve: 123
Signature of the Tenderer
PP/PVC Foot Valve:
Tubing : LDPE

51.8 House service Connection:

The supply from the street main to the individual buildings is made through a house service
connection. Various pipes used for service connections shall conform to the relevant IS

Various components of House Service Connection are:

● PP clamp Saddles / Electro Fusion Ferrule Tapping saddle
● Flow Control Valve
● Compression Fittings
● MDPE pipe
● GI Class B pipe
● Brass body CP finish Bib Tap
The technical specifications of various components of House service Connections are
detailed below.

51.9 PP clamp Saddles

PP clamp Saddles shall be manufactured by injection moulding using virgin Polypropylene
and should comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4129:2008. Mechanical
tapping saddles for waterworks purposes and designed for use with PVC/PE pipe as per
IS 4985 / IS 4984 respectively. These saddles should be contoured to fit around the pipe.
PP Saddles shall be Blue / Black moulded-in with Chrome plated Brass / SS 316 metal
female threaded outlets. Seal shall be Thermoplastic elastomer rubber suitable for drinking
water and nut-bolt-washer with SS. Maximum working pressure rating shall be 10bar.
The PP Clamp Saddle fittings shall be moulded with SS / Chrome plated Brass female
threaded outlet inserted to connect necessary fittings. Thread dimension shall conform to
IS-554/ISO-7. Adequate thickness of PP shall be provided to hold brass insert in place and
avoid leakage while pressure applications. Fasteners shall be threaded type, with SS.
Fasteners of size M8 shall be used up to saddles of size 110mm and Fasteners of size M10
shall be used for saddles of size 125mm and above
The grade of raw material used must be certified by WRAS, UK for type test as per BS
6920 from their Certified Laboratories like NSF International Ltd., UK and certificate of
Compliance to be produced for the following parameters:
i) Odour & Flavour of Water
ii) Appearance of Water
Signature of the Tenderer
iii) Growth of Micro Organism
iv) Extraction of substances that may be of concern to Public Health (Cyto
v) Extraction of Metals

51.10 Electro Fusion Ferrule Tapping saddle

Electro Fusion Ferrule Tapping saddle shall comply with BSEN 12201-3 or ISO 4427-3
standards and shall be coloured BLUE / BLACK for the clear identification of the water
distribution services. EF Ferrule Tapping Saddle shall be compatible for fusing on either PE
80 or PE 100 distribution mains pipe manufactured in accordance with ISO 4427-2 or IS
4984 standard. EF Ferrule Tapping Saddle shall be manufactured by injection moulding
using virgin compounded PE 80 Blue / Black polymer with a melt flow rate between a melt
flow rate between 0.2 – 1.4 grams/10 minutes and shall comply with the requirements of
BS 3412 and/or BS EN 12201-1.
Material of construction for Body shall be Virgin compounded PE 80 Blue / Black polymer
and Metal Female threaded insert shall be SS 316.Pressure rating will be SDR 11 (PE -80,
PN 10).
EF Ferrule Tapping Saddle should have SS 316 female threaded outlet moulded to connect
necessary fittings. Thread dimension shall conform to IS 554/ISO 7. Adequate thickness
should be provided to hold SS 316 insert in place and avoid leakage while pressure

EF Ferrule Tapping saddle should be top loading type. For proper fusion it is necessary to
exert a pressure of 1.5 KN on top of EF ferrule Tapping saddle outlet to ensure the coils are
properly in contact with the pipe surface before fusion. Suitable top loading clamps,
preferably strap type shall be used to achieve the desired pressure of 1.5 KN.
No heating element shall be exposed and all coils are to be integral part of the body of the
fitting. The insertion of the heating element in the fitting should be part of the injection
moulding process and coils inserted after the injection moulding process or attached to the
body of the fitting as a separate embedded pad etc. are strictly not acceptable.
The brand name, size, raw material grade, Pressure rating and batch identification are to be
embedded as part of the injection moulding process. Each fitting should also be supplied
with a barcode sticker for fusion parameters attached to the body for setting the fusion
parameters on an automatic fusion control box. The barcode sticker should also include the
fusion and cooling time applicable for the fitting for the manual setting of a manual fusion
control box. 125
Signature of the Tenderer
EF Ferrule Tapping Saddle fitting should be Voltage-regulated type designed to fuse at a
fusion voltage of 240 volts AC.
The heating elements should be designed for fusion at any ambient temperatures between
-5°C to +45°C with auto temperature compensation using automatic Barcode reader fusion
machine i.e. without need for any manual compensation of fusion time for different ambient
A limited path style fusion indicator acting for each fusion zone as visual recognition of
completed fusion cycle should be incorporated into the body of each fitting near the
terminals. The fusion indicators should not allow the escape of the molten polymer through
them during or after the fusion process
The tapping on the PE mains shall be achieved by a custom built metal cutter supplied by
the manufacturer. The cutter should be designed in such a way that it shall properly fit into
the outlet threading so that it shall not slip from the outlet while cutting the mains. Also the
cut coupon is not allowed to fall into the pipeline and is retained inside the body of the
Mark the required area for scraping by placing the saddle of the bagged fitting alongside the
pipe end without removing packing of the fitting.
Carefully scrape the marked area of the pipe in axial direction over length using a hand
Wipe the scraped surface with an authorized Isopropanol impregnated pipe wipe or with
isopropyl alcohol (IPA) & tissue paper for degreasing the scraped area.
For PN 6 & PN 8 rated pipes:

a) Re-rounding clamps shall be used to control the ovality of pipes during fusion
b) A top load of 1KN shall be applied on the EF saddle through strap type top
loading clamp.
c) Connect leads of EF Machine (control unit) with connector pins.

Read the barcode on the fitting with bar code reader (scanner) of the Electrofusion machine.
Confirm parameters and start fusion.
Cool the fitting up to minimum cooling time as indicated on the fitting / barcode.
For Tapping Operation rotate the cutter clockwise to make a hole on the pipe. Rotate the
tool in anti-clockwise direction to remove the cutter.
The torque required to operate the cutter after fusion on the PE mains should not exceed 45
Signature of the Tenderer
Electrofusion Ferrule Tapping Saddle Fittings should be individually packed in sealed PE
bag so that they can be used instantaneously at site without additional cleaning process. The
protective packing should be transparent to allow easy identification of the fittings without
opening the bag.

51.11 Flow Control Valve

Stainless Steel Flow Control Valve (FCV) shall be for average flow of 10 ±0.5 LPM.
Material of construction shall be SS 316. Connection threading shall be as per IS: 554
BSPT, ISO: 7-1.
The FCV shall consist of three Parts and all three parts (SS Inlet body part of the valve, SS
Outlet part with notch openings and SS ball inside) shall be manufactured with CNC
machine only, using solid steel bars of SS 316 grade. No casting methods should be used.
All parts are made by SS 316 grade.

Valve shall consist of food grade plastic labyrinth in the flow path which shall regulate the
designed flow. SS Flow Control Valve is recommended to be mounted in vertical position.
The minimum length of the SS FCV shall be 71mm
51.12 Compression Fittings

Compression fitting with metal threaded insert must comply with ISO 17885. Material of
construction for Body, Nut / Cap shall be Polypropylene, Clip Ring shall be POM (Acetylic
resin), Packing bush shall be Polypropylene, “O” ring shall be NBR, Metal Insert shall be
Chrome Plated Brass. Pressure rating to be PN 16.
Compression fittings should have moulded-in Chrome Plated Brass threaded insert outlet to
connect necessary fittings. Thread dimension shall conform to IS 554/ISO 7. Adequate
thickness should be provided to hold the insert in place and avoid leakage while
pressure applications.
The grade of raw material used must be certified by WRAS, UK for type test as per BS
6920 from their Certified Laboratories like NSF International Ltd., UK and certificate of
Compliance to be produced for the following parameters:

i) Odour & Flavour of Water

ii) Appearance of Water
iii) Growth of Micro Organism 127
Signature of the Tenderer
iv) Extraction of substances that may be of concern to Public Health (Cyto
v) Extraction of Metals

The brand name, size, raw material grade, pressure rating and batch identification are to be
embedded as part of the injection moulding process.
The performance of compression fittings shall meet to specifications of clause 9 and Table
no. 7 of ISO 17885. Test parameters are as below,

 Visual Appearance

 Dimensions

 Leak tightness under internal pressure,

 Leak tightness under internal pressure when subjected to bending,

 Leak tightness under internal negative pressure

Pipe ends must be cut square and clean before using with the fittings. No need to open
fitting & take apart components separately. Loosen the QJN (Quick Joint Nut) by two to
three turns. Insert the pipe into the fitting up to the stopper, make sure pipe goes will pass
the O-ring and rest up to stopper. Tighten the QJN firmly.
52 Environmental and Safety Management Policy / Plan

Before commencing the Works the Contractor shall, submit to the Engineer for his approval
the Environmental Policy & Safety Management Policy / Plan which he proposes to
follow when carrying out the Works. The policy/plan shall consider both environmental and
health and safety aspects. The policy shall clearly indicate the following:
a) Methods of ensuring security of the Site
b) Method of securing existing areas within the site (eg. Chemical, explosive,
and fuel stores, refuse dumps)
c) Formal camp structure and method of discouraging informal settlements
d) Safety and security of the electrical system
e) The adequacy of outdoor lighting
f) The source and quality of water supply
g) Fire fighting provision
h) Sewage treatment and sanitation
128 facilities
Signature of the Tenderer
i) Methods of disposal of refuse, domestic, industrial, hazardous wastes
k) Vermin and pest control
l) Dust control
m) Noise control
n) Safety of transport facilities
o) Medical facilities
p) Protection of water courses and streams
q) Protection of flora and fauna
r) Archaeology / Paleontology
s) Soil preservation / erosion prevention
t) Organisational framework for ensuring compliance with the policy
u) The person to take overall responsibility and to manage environmental
control facilities on a day to day basis.

Signature of the Tenderer
53 Progress Reports and Meetings

During the first week of every month, the Contractor shall submit a progress report to the
Engineer. The report shall show the progress to the end of the preceding month with respect to
the approved Contract programme.

The report shall show the position of all activities required under the Contract, ie design,
procurement, manufacture, manufacturer’s works tests, delivery, erection, Tests on
Completion and performance testing.

Delays on any item of the Facilities shall be detailed by the Contractor, who shall also state
the action he proposes to overcome such delay.

Representatives of the Contractor, approved by the Engineer, shall attend monthly progress
meetings on Site or at the offices of the Employer. In addition, approved representatives of the
Contractor shall attend further meetings in cases of emergencies or for other reasons when
called upon by the Employer.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a daily activity report summarizing
the main activities undertaken each day.

54 Notice of Operations

The Contractor shall give full and complete written notice of the proposed commencement of
each programme activity of work to the Engineer 7 days in advance to enable the Engineer to
make such arrangements as he may consider necessary prior to commencement of such works.
The Contractor shall not commence any such operation without the written approval of the

55 Water and Electricity Supply

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the temporary supply of water and
electricity for the purposes of erection of the Facilities.

The installation shall comply with all the relevant regulations, Indian Electricity Rules 1956,
and Health and Safety requirements of Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, etc. The
Contractor must take every possible precaution to ensure that his installation is safe and injury
to personnel or damage to plant and buildings is avoided.

Signature of the Tenderer
The Contractor shall test the temporary site distribution system every 3 months for
compliance with the Code of Practice for electrical wiring installations IS 732, IE Rules 1956,
Code of Practice for earthing IS 3043.
Water and wastewater derived from the construction, testing and completion of the Works
shall be disposed of clear of the Site to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

56 Latrines and Washing Facilities

Throughout the period of construction of the Facilities the Contractor shall provide, maintain
and cleanse suitable and sufficient latrines for use by his employees; he shall ensure that his
employees do not foul the Site but make proper use of the latrines.

Where practicable the latrines shall be connected to the nearest sewer, or if this is not
practicable the Contractor shall provide an adequately sized septic tank and soak way.

57 Contractor’s Accommodation

The Contractor shall provide site accommodation for the use of his own staff and workforce
plus those of his sub-contractors necessary for the execution of the Facilities. The
accommodation shall be deemed to include facilities for messing, storage of materials and
The facilities shall be maintained by the Contractor and removed and the Site made good on
completion of the Facilities.
The Contractor shall locate any site office and any huts for storage of Plant and Equipment in
a position to be agreed with the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that suitable sanitary conveniences are
provided and maintained in proper order for use by all persons connected with the
construction of the Facilities. Such conveniences shall be connected wherever available to
existing drainage facilities or provision shall be made for the effluent to be removed on a
regular basis at Contractor’s expense.

58 Site Offices

The Contractor shall provide co-located site offices for himself and the Engineer. These may
be located at the Temporary Works Area provided by the Employer, but shall not be located at
the Contractor’s Camp or Accommodation. The location and arrangement of the offices shall
be to the approval of the Engineer.
Signature of the Tenderer
59 Refuse Disposal

Refuse and rubbish of every kind shall be removed from the Site and disposed off by the
Contractor at his own expense, frequently and regularly so as to keep the Site in an approved
wholesome and tidy condition.

60 Safety and Security

The Contractor shall at all times maintain a safe system of working and shall comply with all
enactments, regulations and working rules relating to safety, security, health and welfare of all
persons who may be affected by his work. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to
Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (APTRANSCO)’s requirements when
working in the vicinity of power lines.

In particular he shall ensure that only persons who are properly trained for their duties are
employed, and that the correct tools and procedures are used.

Nothing which has been written into or omitted from this Specification shall be taken to
relieve the Contractor from his obligations under this clause.

The Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified representative as safety officer who shall be
responsible for the implementation of site procedures which shall include but not be limited
- Safety
- Working in hazardous area
- Permit to work
- Fire and smoking regulations
- First aid
- Warning signs
- Trenching scaffolding and other construction structures
- Safety barriers
- Protective clothing and equipment
- Safety training
- Safety meetings and inspections
- Health and welfare
The proposals shall be appropriate for all grades of labour and personnel who will work on or
visit the Site on behalf of the Employer, Engineer or Contractor.
Signature of the Tenderer
The Engineer shall have the power to stop any activity or work in any area where there is a
breach of the published site safety rules such that health or life is put at risk.

61 First Aid and Life-saving Apparatus

The Contractor shall provide on the Site such life-saving apparatus as may be appropriate and
an adequate and easily accessible first aid outfit or such outfits as may be required in any
government ordinances, factories acts, etc, published and subsequently amended from time to
time. In addition, an adequate number of persons permanently on the Site shall be instructed
in their use, and the persons so designated shall be made known to all employees by the
posting of their names and designations in a prominent position to Site.

62 Environmental Consideration General

Disfigurement of the environment of the area during construction must be avoided and special
care shall be taken to prevent permanent damage. Needless adverse effects on the
environment shall be avoided. The Contractor shall take adequate steps to educate all
members of his work force on the environmental laws and protection requirements and shall
take all necessary control measures in each area before work will be allowed to proceed.
62.1 Protection and Replanting of the Flora
The Contractor shall as far as practicable protect the flora within the work Site.
If areas are disturbed beyond the Site boundaries the Contractor shall re-instate the ground
and re-establish suitable vegetation as directed by the Engineer. Such re-establishment shall
not be left until the end of the Contract period but shall be done as soon as practical as
determined by the Engineer.
62.2 Protection of the Fauna
The Contractor and his employees shall protect all the fauna living within the Site area and
shall ensure that hunting, shooting, egg-collecting or trapping does not occur.
62.3 Erosion Control and Storm water Management
The Contractor shall take appropriate and active measures to prevent erosion resulting from
the own works, operations and activities.
62.4 Water Pollution Control
The Contractor must take every precaution not to pollute water bodies. Care shall be taken
when transferring and storing fuels and chemicals; old oils from machines shall be carefully
disposed of. During cleaning and painting of items detergents and sealants may run off these
should be interrupted at source rather then be allowed to enter the effluent stream.
Signature of the Tenderer
Effluent from excavation will include suspended solids and may include other items such as
explosives residues, cement, oil and other contaminants. Washdown water from concreting
works will contain suspended solids and be very alkaline.

All effluents should be treated before disposal, such treatment may include oil interception,
pH correction, and settlement. Twin treatment facilities are required so that one can continue
in operation while the other is desilted or maintained. All deposits must be remove to a
suitable tip. The treatment facilities shall be operated and the quality of treated water
approved by the Engineer.
62.5 Dust Control
Dust levels shall be maintained at sensitive sites (villages, workers camps etc). The values
shall be compared with control stations which are away from the main construction activities
likely to give rise to dust. A multi directed fallout bucket shall be used to measure the amount
of dust deposited. Dust levels shall generally be controlled by cleaning and sweeping surfaced
road and spraying unsurfaced areas with water other means of dust control such as spraying of
oil will not be permitted.
62.6 Noise Control
Ear protections are to be provided to all workers exposed to more than 85dB(A).
The Contractors plant and equipment and working methods shall be such that the maximum
sound levels given in table are not exceeded.
Location Measurement Position Recommended Maximum Sound
villages adjacent to 1m from nearest building Rating level 7 dB(A) above
work sites residual sound level
Villages adjacent to 1 m from nearest building Rating level of 60 dB(A) and
access roads maximum sound pressure level
of 70 dB(A)
Schools Inside classroom with Rating level of 40 dB(A)
partially opened windows
Health clinics/ Inside building with Rating level of 45 dB(A)
hospitals partially opened windows

Signature of the Tenderer
62.7 Geological, Palaeotological and Archaeological Remains
It is possible that unknown geological, palaeotological and archaeological remains exist on
the Site. The Contractor shall watch out for such remains and if such are found, he shall avoid
interfering with or damaging the remains and shall advise the Engineer immediately and await
further instructions.
62.8 Protection of Existing Installations
The Contractor shall apply to the Engineer in writing at least 28 days before starting any
work which involves interference with existing structures, equipment, etc. The Contractor
shall not execute such work until he has received permission to proceed, in writing from the
The Contractor shall ensure that no earth, debris or rock is deposited on public or private
roads or rights of way as a result of the Installation Services and all vehicles leaving the Site
shall be cleaned accordingly.
62.9 Protection of Existing Public and Private Services
The Contractor shall notify all public authorities, utility companies and private owners of
proposed works which will affect them not less than two weeks before commencing the
installation services.
The Contractor shall adequately protect, uphold, maintain and prevent damage to all services
and shall not interfere with their operation without the prior consent of the public authorities,
utility companies, private owners, or the Engineer as appropriate.
If any damage to services results from the execution of the Facilities, the Contractor shall
(i) Notify the Engineer and appropriate public authority, utility company or
private owner.
(ii) Make arrangements for the damage to be made good without delay to the
satisfaction of the public authorities, utility company or private owner as
appropriate. The Contractor shall be liable for all costs for making good such
The Engineer may issue instructions or make other such arrangements as he deems
necessary, to repair rapidly any essential services damaged during the execution of the
Contract. Such arrangements shall not affect any liability to pay for making good the

Signature of the Tenderer
62.10 Permits
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, licences and
permissions required for the execution of the Facilities, prior to the commencement of the
erection of the Facilities.
62.11 Photographs
The Contractor shall supply negatives of photographs and unmounted positive prints not less
than 250 x 200 mm of such portions of the Facilities, in progress and completed, as may be
directed by the Engineer and specified herein. The negatives and prints shall not be retouched.
The negative of each photograph shall be the property of the Employer and shall be delivered
to the Engineer with the prints. No prints of these negatives shall be supplied to any other
person with the written permission of the Engineer.
If so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply transparencies and colour prints in
lieu of black and white negatives and prints.

The photographs shall be of two categories:

(i) progress photographs
(ii) record photographs.
Both categories of photographs shall be properly referenced to the approval of the Engineer,
and on the back of each print shall be recorded the date of the photograph, the direction in
which the camera was facing, an identifying description of the subject and the reference.

Photographs taken for record purposes as ordered by the Engineer or as specified herein shall
be supplied with three prints, having the reverse of one subscribed with the signatures of the
Contractor and the Engineer (or their authorised representatives) for the purpose of
attestation. If required, the Contractor may at his own expense have an additional print
similarly attested for his retention.

The Contractor shall supply one negative and three prints of each progress photograph
ordered by the Engineer. He shall supply two additional prints of progress photographs
selected by the Engineer for incorporation in albums. He shall supply two sets of albums,
mount the prints, and title the prints and albums all to the approval of the Engineer.

The taking of photographs of the Facilities by the Contractor for any other purpose whether
for use in India or in any other country shall not be carried out without written approval from
the Engineer.

Signature of the Tenderer
62.12 Contamination of Water Supplies
Before any person is engaged on work involving a risk to the purity of potable water supplies
or deemed to involve such a risk by the Engineer, he shall be tested to indicate that he is not a
carrier of typhoid or other water-borne disease and he shall be informed of the dangers of
contamination. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any person who has been certified
by a doctor as suffering from an illness associated with the looseness of the bowels, and no
such person shall be employed on such work until the Employer's medical adviser is satisfied
that it is safe for him to be so employed.

63 Operation & Maintenance

Introduction: This O&M contract will commence from the date of completion &
commissioning of the scheme. The contractor shall be responsible for the operation (if
entrusted) and maintenance and safety of all the equipment at all the pumping stations,
reservoirs, pipelines etc., materials & tools if any he is entrusted and also for the watch and
ward for the water supply system.. The Operation (if entrusted) and Maintenance during defects
liability period which starts from the date of commissioning of scheme. This period can be
extended by mutual agreement on such terms and conditions as will be agreed to.

O&M manual: Before commencing the O&M the contractor shall submit a O&M Manual
covering the following aspects and get it approved by the Engineer:
i. Step by step directions for setting the plant to work listing all adjustments and
settings necessary for the correct functioning of the plant.
ii. List of situations giving possible causes and sequence of remedial action to be
iii. Monitoring the system performance by log sheets on a routine basis.
iv. DOs and DONTs in operations.
v. Checking, testing, replacement procedures on all mechanical and electrical plant
on daily, weekly and monthly or longer intervals to ensure trouble free
vi. Fault locations and remedy charts to facilitate tracing cause of
malfunction or breakdown and correcting faults.
vii. List of recommended lubricants and lubrication charts showing areas of
lubrication, lubricant to be used and permissible alternatives.
viii. A spares schedule which consists of itemized spares for all electrical and
Signature of the Tenderer
Mechanical plants with ordering references and part numbers.
ix. Operations considered being dangerous to operators or damages to the system.
x. A complete list of manufacturer’s instructions for operation and maintenance of
all equipment, the list alphabetically tabulates showing manufacturer's name,
identifying plant item, model no., leaflet, drawing etc.
xi. Full instructions to cover the complete dismantling and re-assembly of all items.
xii. Rectification of leaking pipe joints, valves and other appurtenances
xiii. Periodical cleaning and disinfection of all reservoirs
xiv. As built Drawings and exploded drawings where required for each item.
xv. Charts showing common areas of such troubles, causes and remedial measures.
xvi. List of testing instruments and tests to be carried out under normal maintenance
for satisfactory operation of equipment etc.
xvii. List of complete tools and test equipment that are required for the contractor to
enable him to dismantle, test and erect any part of the plant whether electrical,
mechanical or other plant.

Obligations of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Department (RWSSD): Include
payment of Power charges, cost of chemicals, cost of man-power checking the O&M
performance and also attendance of the operation staff.

Contractor’s obligations: The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the agreement
as detailed below to carry out routine Maintenance and repairs for the renovation of fair wear
and tear due to operation of the Works. The Contractor should endeavor & ensure supply of
water for the period during which the operations may be stopped for the reasons other than:
Power shutdown by AP Transco, any Electrical breakdown. Pipeline breakdown, raw water
inflow problems, Due to any other reasons specified by the RWSSD. All works connected
with rectification, replacements and provision of new equipment under this contract shall
strictly conform to the Technical specifications specified for Part A of this contract.

Shift Duties: The installations shall be manned and operated on all the 182 - days and 7 -
days of the week irrespective of holidays and Sundays and 24-hours a day and should not be
stopped except for the reasons such as: Power shutdown by AP Transco, any electrical break
down, non availability of water, shutdown on Pumping Main or pumping plant and any other
reasons to be specified by RWSSD.
Signature of the Tenderer
Job Description: The job of operation and maintenance shall include the following in each
i. All manual operations required for starting, running, up-keeping in use
and stopping of installations( water treatment plants, Pumps,
pipelines etc) and equipment and connected services of the
equipment by employing trained & qualified personnel.
ii. Reading and recording various meters and gauges including adjusting
and operating controls and filling/writing daily log sheet of the
installation as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
iii. Use of any tools or plants for operation and maintenance of the
installation and up-keeping all such tools and plants, equipment,
stores and other items of inventory in safe custody and be readily
accessible in times of necessity.
iv. Issue necessary operating instructions to operators of different
v. Tightening of foundation bolts, checking of oil, lubricating, greasing,
preventing leakage, cleaning the equipment every day whenever
vi. Operation of al valves for supplying water and rectification of leaking
pipe joints and valves.
vii. Monitoring water quality and ensuring conformity with water quality
standards specified in the CPHEEO manual on water Supply and
treatment latest version.

viii. Monitoring of residual chlorine and ensuring presence of minimum residual

chlorine 0.2 mg/l at tap points specified by the Engineer in charge

The contractor shall also do: Replacement of HG fuses, Replacement of lighting arrestors.
Replacement of jumpers, Replacement of insulators on every phase, Replacement of NO volt
coil for relays of switch gear, Replacement of jumper with socket panel board, Replacement
of cable lugs and terminations, Replacement of burnout HRC fuses, Replacement of main or
fixed cables or contactors, Replacement of isolators, Replacement of coupling bolts and nuts
and rubber bushes, Replacement of worn out impeller nut, Replacement of spindle nut in the
Signature of the Tenderer
sluice valve, Regular maintenance of the pumping plant premises, Regular maintenance of
earth pits, Rectification of any loose connections in electrical equipment, Provide gland
packing for pumps, sluice valves etc, Greasing of bearings and lubricating all moving parts,
Tighten all loose couplings, bolts and all other fasteners. Alignment of pump and motor,
cleaning motors, panels etc with air blower , Lubricating of penstock valves, General cleaning
of all equipment and buildings, WTP area

Duty Charts: Daily charts of the personnel are to be displayed in the premises. The engineer
in charge can inspect the attendance on the basis of daily charts. The contractors are expected
to employ reserve operators in performance of contract consequent to labour
regulations/statute on working of personnel on National Holidays etc., and also on any day
when operator(s) is/are absent from duty.

Safety: The contractor shall observe mandatory regulations prescribed by electrical

inspectorate and Factory Inspector. The contractor shall provide a Notice Board on which the
precautions to be taken by operation and maintenance staff have to be exhibited. The
operating personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the trade for which he is employed.
The contractor shall employ skilled workmen holding proper license under IE Act /Rules. This
provision shall be complied with even if the contractor is a registered electrical contractor. The
contractor shall be responsible for complying with the applicable provisions of IE Act rules. The
contractor shall produce certificates of qualifications and experience to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge. The operating personnel shall have thorough knowledge of safety precautions
during emergency cases and also be conversant with the APTRANSCO/ APGENCO/ APCDCL
rules/regulations, IE Act/ Rules and Indian Factory Act/Rules.

Maintenance and Defect rectification: All stoppages due to electrical breakdown, leaking
pipes and valves shall be repaired expeditiously and the plant/ pipeline/ ESR shall be re-
commissioned as specified in special conditions of contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for making good with all possible speed any defect or any portion thereof during
the period of maintenance. If any defects be not remedied within time specified by the
Engineer in charge, the Engineer may proceed to do the work at the Contractor's risk and
expense, but without prejudice to any other rights which the RWSSD may have against the
Contractor in respect of the failure of the Contractor to remedy such defects. In the cases of
stoppage of the installation, the restoration of the plant and the system should be done with

Signature of the Tenderer
least interruption. Construction and manufacturing defects during defect liability period shall
be attended by the contractor at his own cost. The rate offered by the Contractor should be
inclusive of all charges, the cost of materials required for rectification of breakdowns and
leakages etc. Tools and tackles required for operation and maintenance should be provided
by the contractor.

Maintenance of records and printing of stationary of log books etc will be the sole
responsibility of the contractor. The records should be maintained as per the formats
approved by engineer in charge. Documents to be maintained are:
i) Log book for each installation (WTP, Pump house etc); History Books for all
the equipment , ii) Record of consumption of chemicals, iii) Record of

periodical maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer, including

lubricating oiling etc.

2 Check Lists for Operation & Maintenance -: Engineer-in-charge & authorized

staff will undertake to check the performance of Operation & Maintenance of
the installations (WTP, Pump house, reservoirs, pipelines etc) at frequent
intervals to ensure compliance with the conditions of Contract and on the basis
of the check lists provided in CPHEEO manual on O&M of Water Supply

3 Payments: For shift duties required to be performed as per duty chart but not
performed by the operator of the contractor for whatsoever reason a penal
recovery will be effected as contained in special conditions of contract. All
payments for manning operations under this contract shall be made on the
basis of approved duty charts but limited to actual performance as entered in
log sheets. The Contractor is responsible for the payment of statutory levies &
other charges and to maintain the record thereof. The cost of repairs /
modifications necessary due to negligence of operator shall be recovered from
the contractor as per assessment of Engineer-in-charge. If the contractor fails
to repair within the period given to him the same will be got repaired through
other agency at his risk and cost.

Taking over : At the end of the Agreement period of 6 months or upon termination of the
Signature of the Tenderer
Agreement, the bidder shall hand over to RWSSD all the facilities including all pipelines,
appurtenances, reservoirs, pumps etc along with improvements, structures, buildings etc in good
working condition and as built drawings, O&M records, O&M manual etc.s

Signature of the Tenderer

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