Code Subject L Ts MN 302 Mine Development 3 0 0
Code Subject L Ts MN 302 Mine Development 3 0 0
Code Subject L Ts MN 302 Mine Development 3 0 0
Sl. No. of
No. Classes
Explanation of Mining Terminologies: various terminologies used in
describing various machines, features, operations and design of various types of
mines. Terminologies used in reconnaissance, prospecting and exploration of
minerals. 2
Prospecting and Exploration: Mode of occurrence of commercial-grade
2 deposits of a few important minerals, viz., Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb-Zn, Al, Coal etc.
Geological prospecting and exploration methods. Indications of ore. 2
Opening-up of Deposits: Choice of mode of entry adit, shaft, decline and
combined mode, their applicability, number and disposition. 2
Vertical and Inclined Shafts: Location, shape, size, and organisation of shaft
sinking, construction of shaft collar, shaft fittings. 2
Shaft Sinking Operations: Ground breaking and muck disposal – tools and
5 equipment, lining; ventilation, lighting and dewatering; sinking in difficult and
water-bearing ground 2
6 Insets: Design, excavation and lining 2
Mechanised Sinking: Simultaneous sinking and lining; slip-form method of
lining; high speed sinking 2
8 Shaft Boring: Methods and equipment. 2
Special Attributes: Widening and deepening of inclined and vertical shafts;
staple shafts, raised shafts. 2
Fundamentals of Underground Mine Layouts: different types of underground
mine layouts; pit-top and pit-bottom layouts 2
Roof Supports: Classification of coal seam roofs, theories of the mechanics of
11 strata behaviour, Timber props and cogs; friction/hydraulic props and chocks;
other steel supports; 2
Roof bolting: types of roof bolts; function, applicability and advantage of roof
bolting and cable bolting 2
Self Advancing Powered Supports: classification, components, design aspects
and safety features 2
Systematic Support Rules; supporting scheme of development gallery, Bord
and Pillar and Longwall faces, depillaring district; withdrawal of support. 2
Stowing: Conditions requiring stowing in mines; types of stowing; suitable
15 materials for hydraulic stowing; stowing plant and stowing range; hydraulic
gradient and hydraulic profile. 2
Suggested Reading:
1. Darling P. (Editor). 2011. SME Mining Engineering Handbook. Third edition. Society for
Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. 1984 p.
2. Deshmukh D. J. (2010) Elements of Mining Technology. Vol.1 (8th Edition). Denett and
Company, Nagpur. 424 p.
3. Hartman H. L. and Mutmansky J. M. 2002. Introductory Mining Engineering, 2nd
Edition. John Wiley. 584 p.
4. IMM. 2005. Shaft Engineering. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London in
association with CRC Press. 405 p.
5. Mukherjee S N (1993) - Longwall Machinery and Mechanisation. A.M. Publishers.
Dhanbad. 431p.
6. Peng S. S. (2006) - Longwall Mining. Second edition. Published by Syd S. Peng. 636p.
7. Singh R D (1997) Principles and Practices of Modern coal Mining. New Age Publisher,
New Delhi. 720 p.