The Activity of Tour Preparation Subdivision in Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
The Activity of Tour Preparation Subdivision in Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
The Activity of Tour Preparation Subdivision in Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
Azizah Sri Hindayati
Azizah Sri Hindayati
Endorsed by,
The Chair of Language, Communication and Tourism Department
Internship Program is the best opportunity for the students to use their
educational/theoretical knowledge and learn practical knowledge in and of the
During preparation of this report, I owe my sincere thanks to many great
persons who helped and supported me during preparation of this project report. I
would like to have special mention of the following.
1. Dr. Ir. Nanang Dwi Wahyono, M.M., as the Director of Politeknik
Negeri Jember who endorsed this internship report.
2. Mrs. Siti Aisyiyah, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Chair of Language,
Communication and Tourism Department who approved this internship
3. Mrs. Enik Rukiati S.Pd., M.Pd as the Head of English Study Program
who approved this internship report.
4. Mrs. Titik Ismailia, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Cordinator of Internship
Program who facilitated me in connecting to the company.
5. Mr. Agus Setia Budi, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Supervisor who gave me the
best advice that I needed to finish this report.
6. Mr. Putra Dwi Adies as the Director and Field Supervisor of Kusuma
Indah Tour and Travel who let me did Internship Program in there.
Finally, I appreciated all suggestion and other contributions to make this
report done. I hope this internship report could give benefit for all of students who
will conduct the internship program at Tour and Travel Agency.
ENTITLE .......................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................... iv
SUMMARY ..................................................................................... v
Program ............................................................. 3
2.4.1 Director ............................................................. 5
Itinerary ............................................................ 10
ACTIVITIES .......................................................... 11
APPENDICES ................................................................................. 19
1.1 Background
Indonesia is the world’s 14th largest country in the terms of land area and
the 7th largest in the terms of combined sea and land area. It is an exotic country
that rich and lives by the diversity in terms of culture, ethnicities and language.
This diversity becomes an opportunity for Indonesia in developing the
tourism sector. So, it is necessary a business entity. It is a Tour and Travel
Agency that aims to explore and develop the potential of Indonesia's tourism.
Tour and Travel Agency is a business entity that provides a complete
service to someone who wants to make a trip or traveling. It is a company that
earns revenue and profits by offering and selling products and services provided
to tourists/customers. Usually, the services that would give by Tour and Travel
Agency are included tour component such as transportation, accommodation,
consumption, tour package offered, payment procedure, etc. One of the Tour and
Travel Agency which can help the customer to get their travelling successfully is
Kusuma Tour and Travel.
Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel is one of Tour and Travel Agency in
Situbondo, East java. It is located at Jl. Santana number 06 Patokan, Situbondo
regency. Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel has been establish since 2014 until now.
So, Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel has a lot of experience in tourism world at
least for five years. Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel also gives the best service and
price for their product and professionally be a trusted tour and travel agency in
East java.
Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel divides the management into 3 divisions to
giving shape of professionality. They are General Affair Division, Marketing
Division and Operational Division. General Affair Division consists of
Accounting staff and Finance staff. Marketing Division consist of sales executive
and Tour quotation and Tour Planner staff. Then, Operational division consists of
tour preparation staff and tour operational staff.
In being tour preparation staff has been chosen by the writer to apply the
skill which has been gotten from Politeknik Negeri Jember in Language,
Communication and Tourism Department. In Tour Preparation Subdivision, the
writer learned how to make reservation in hotel and accomodation and how to
learn arranging appropriate tour itinerary.
1.2 Objectives
The Internship program at Kusuma Tour and Travel has several general
and spesific objective, they are:
1.2.1 General Objectives
In general, the purpose of an Internship Program is to improve the
knowledge, skill and work experience in applying the theory which has been
getting from Politeknik Negeri Jember in Language, Communication and Tourism
Department at the company. So, it could help the students to develop and improve
their working skill in their specific expertise that is not obtained from the college.
1.2.2 Specific Objectives
The spesific purpose of Internship Program were as follows:
1. To apply the skills and knowledge of students about Bureau Travel
Management (Pengelolaan Biro Perjalanan), English for Tour and Travel,
Public Speaking and Public Relation in the workplace.
2. To increase the opportunities for students to strengthen their skills and
knowledge to increase their confidence and maturity.
3. To train the critical thinking and problem solving ability of students based on
the real work condition during the internship program.
4. To increase students' understanding of the attitude of the labour in
implementing and developing certain techniques and rational reasons for
applying these techniques.
1.3 Significances
The significancess of the Internship Program were as follows:
1.3.1 For the Writer
The Internship Program facilitated the writer to get new experience and
new knowledge especially in workplaces enviornment about the duty of an
employee in Tour and Travel Agency. It included the problems that would happen
in the company and the way in solving the problems.
1.3.2 For English Study Program
The internship program could facilitate the good relationship between
Politeknik Negeri Jember especially for Language, Communication and Tourism
Department with Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel. The English Study Program
provides some trainees for Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel who helped the
employee to do their job while Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel provides the
English Study Program with the information of competence that may needed for
the trainees.
1.3.3 For Students of English Study Program
The Internship Program which was conducted at Kusuma Indah Tiur and
Travel can serve as a reference for students of English Study Program who want
to do Internship Program in the future as their place for doing the Internship
1.3.4 For Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
The Internship Program that conducted in Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
would give some benefit to Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel. The most inportant
benefit is the management of Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel can share
knowladge of Tourism world for the trainee and it will make the trainee be able to
do kind of job in there. Then, it will improve the productivity of Kusuma Indah
Tour and Travel.
1.4 Location and Time of the Internship Program
The internship program was conducted at Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
that located at Santana street number 06 Patokan, Situbondo Regency. The
internship program was conducted from 12th of March up to 23th of May, 2018 or
as long as 384 hours.
2.2 Vision
The vision of Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel is becoming a trusted tour
and travel agent with the motto “professional, friendly and best price” as the
identity of persuit excellence in every tour program.
2.3 Mission
The mission of Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel are: (1) having a
professional, discipline and responsible resources; (2) having the expertise in
controle of tour, travel and organizer.
In this chapter, the writer explained all of her activities that she did during
internship program for two months started 12th of March until 23th of May, 2018.
The writer got different experiences in three subdivision while conducting the
internship program at Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel.
before the trip. So, the discussion is about the job or responsibility for each tour
leader. Sometimes, the writer assigned to make a banner for the bus, tour itinerary
and ordered the consumption or booking the restaurant for the tour participant
while in the trip.
time and itinerary that has composed before. The writer had also the responsibility
in ensuring the state of tour participants who leads and should always check
whether the writer’s entourage complete or nothing left behind.
is 34. The tour started from SMAN 1 Situbondo. In making the itinerary, the
writer applied the standard procedure from her field supervisor. It took one week
to finish the itinerary. At the first step, the writer collected information related to
tour destination. Batu has a lot of tour destination. However, the tour destination
should be appropriate for the participants. The writer chosen Jawa Timur Park 1
(Jatim Park) and Malang Town Square because it is appropriate for senior high
school activities who want enjoy their holiday. In addition, the writer also added
Lawang Traditional Market for additional destination.
The next step, the writer planned about transportation and meals. The
writer planned the tour program in a day, so it will need a restaurant for having a
eat. The writer chosen Tongas Asri in Probolinggo for breakfast and Kencur in
Probolinggo for dinner because those restaurants has good cost and taste which
are appropriate with participant. The writer chosen a tour bus as transportation. It
could cover all tour participants.
After planning meals and transportation, the writer arranged the itinerary.
The first meeting point for tour program was in SMAN 1 Situbondo at 2 a.m. In
first agenda, the writer arranged that the tour participant will visit the mosque for
taking the pray at 4 a.m. The next agenda is going to the restaurant for breakfast in
Tongas Asri restaurant. After that, we are going to the main agenda. It is going to
the Jatim Park 1 in Malang City. Then, the last tour program will be ended at
18:00 p.m. The tour participant will leave Malang and go to Situbondo.
The last step is making calculation for the cost. The writer found
problems when calculating cost because the real calculation is different from what
the writer has been learned. The writer discussed with field supervisor about the
problem. The field supervisor gave the writer certain formula to calculate the cost
for each tour participant. Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel has specific calculation
especially for determining transportation and restaurant cost. In this making tour
itinerary assignment, the writer could apply the subject from the collage such as
English Tour and Travel and Bureau Travel Management (Pengelolaan biro
perjalanan). The example of the itinerary could be seen in Appendix 3.
skill which you can implement in Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel. The writer
explained her skill in designing visual communication media for promoting tour
and travel product. So, the writer was given task by field supervisor to design tour
promoting banner based on available itinerary. Usually the supervisor asked the
writer to makes two types of banners, the first banner for to be affixed on the tour
bus and the other banner to take a pictures together.
Banner is a printed media which is used to give and promote information
of product. The field supervisor gave the writer basic procedure designing a
brochure. Firstly, the writer had to determine what information will be needed
before designing a banner. Information in a banner could not be in a long
sentences. It will make a reader bored and confused. Information should be short
and contain promotional messages. Then, the writer had to design the layout in
computer. The field supervisor explained that when designing a banner, he always
used Corel Draw because there is no one who can operate software for designing
banner. So, the writer asked her field supervisor to use software for designing
There are seven steps to design banner as promotional media and tour
facility in computer. They are: (1) opening the Corel Draw software; (2) making
new document area for designing something; (3) making layout; (4) deciding a
font; (5) deciding a picture; (6) merging all setting as complete design; (7)
printing the design to get printed version.
The writer designed the banner about tour in Taman Safari Indonesia II
Prigen on 24th of March, 2016. It took a days to finish the banner. The banner will
be used to take a picture together and tour bus. The writer take funny pictures as
the scenery icon for the brochure.
To design the banner, the writer used software on computer. The software
is Corel Draw. First step, the writer opened the Corel Draw software on computer.
When the writer clicked software Corel Draw icon, the software will
automatically open new document area for designing. The software was ready to
use. Then, the writer arranged the layout in designing layout based on advice from
field supervisor. The writer put the sky picture as background for banner. Then,
the writer put the title in top of the banner. In the below of title, the writer
arranged the funny pictures. In the right and left corner section, the writer put
logos from Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel and Wonderfull Indonesia. After
layouting has done, the writer choose font for design. Font is very important to
make the readers feel comfort reading the banner. The writers used brief font. The
name of the font is Chubby Ghotik and Comic Sans MS.
Before printing the brochure, the writer configured the design to get
printable design. The writer converted the raw banner and design as fixed picture
in format PNG (Portable Network Graphic) or JPG (Joint Photographic Experts
Group). After all setting has been done, the design ready to print. Printing a
banner or need certain configuration. The process is different from printing
common document. Banner use different paper. It is luster or banner cloth.
Printing industry commonly use luster for printing a banner. The writer had no
experience printing a banner before. The writer asked supervisor to discuss how to
print a banner because he had more experience printing banner. He gave the writer
advises to setting printing devices before printing the banner. Finally, the writer
could do it well without any problem. Because, the writer has applied the
Computer subject from the college.
5.1 Conclusion
After the writer finished 2 months doing an internship program at Kusuma
Indah Tour and Travel, the writer could finish it well. There were several
activities that the writer did as an internship student. They are making tour
itinerary, handling trip reservation, giving tour information to the costumers, and
making banner. In doing this internship program, the writer thought that all of the
job can be easily done when it had a good team. This team work is the reason why
the employees cannot work individualy but also had to work in team to increase
good manner of Tour and Travel Agency also built good relations each division.
The most significant activities was designing the tour itinerary to support tour
operational. During doing the internship program activities the writer got some
problem, the problem occur when the writer held technical meeting with customer
to prepare the tour. The writer did not know how to speak in front of customer and
what needs to be discussed. To solve the problem, the writer asked the
explanation to the senior about what needs to be discussed to the customer. Then,
the writer took a note it. After that, the writer applied it in technical meeting with
the customer.
In conducting internship program at Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel, the
writer applied her skills such as trip reservation and make tour itinerary. It also
can improve her discipline to come in the office on time. When conducting
internship program, the writer knew how to work as a tour leader in Kususma
Indah Tour and Travel. It was good chance to the student of English Study
Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember. Because, they applied their skills and
knowledge that they got from their study.
5.2 Suggestion
5.2.1 For Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel
Kusuma Indah Tour and Travel should held a mentoring program. The
writer though that it is important for the employee and also the internship
students. It makes the employee and internship students get more knowledge of
responsibility as good employee in Tour and Travel Agency.
5.2.2 For English Study Program
English Study Program of Politeknik Negeri Jember should gives more
attention in giving Public Relation subject. The writer though that it is important
for the students who want have internship program at Tour and Travel Agency. It
makes the students easier when talking with customers to build the relation.
Appendix 1. Summary of the Daily Journal During the Internship Program
Student’s ID : F31150418
Work Supervisor’s
On the job
Kind of Work Job Description Performance Solution Comments and
Day/Date/Year Problems
Achieve Suggestion
12th March Doing adaptation 1. I introduced 1. I knew the 1. I felt afraid 1. I consulted to 1. I need to
2018 process of to the staff staffs of to face the my supervisor improve my
workplaces about Kusuma staffs attitude,
Environment at personal Indah Tour responsibility
Kusuma Indah information and Travel. and discipline
Tour and Travel and the ability
purpose why
I am doing
13th March Discussing about 1. I learned 1. I knew 1. I had to 1. I consulted to 1. I need to
2018 given task with about media about media understand my supervisor improve my
field supervisor in tour used for more, marketing
subdivision. promoting because I ability
services in never
Kusuma learned it
Indah Tour before
and Travel.
23th March Designing / 1. I designed 1. I knew 1. I could not 1. I consulted 1. my ability of
2018 making banner the trip about how set how to to my computer
banner to finish in print the supervisor knowledge
designing banner should be
the banner improved
2. I knew
about how
to print the
banner well
24th March Being a tour 1. I handled 1. I knew how 1. I had to 1. I paid more 1. I had to
2018 leader check in – to serve the understand attention to learn how to
check out guest more, the more
process in because I supervisor friendly to
politely and
hotel never learned and the tour
friendly it before followed the participants
2. I handled the each
payment of 2. I was able to instructions 2. I had to
ticketing in handle the from him more learn
tourism tour about
object and tourism
restaurant object
include the
3. I give the history and
direction to facilities of
the tour tourism
participants object
depend on through
the tour internet
8th April 2018 Making a trip 1. I ordered the 1. I was able to 1. I was 1. I asked to 1. I had to be
reservation snack boxes handle trip confused in the careful
reservation calculating supervisor when
2. I made a the cost calculating
reservation spesific cost
in restaurant
2. I needed to
discuss with
more often
8th April 2018 Handling 1. I gave 1. I was able to 1. At the first 1. I tried to be 1. my ability of
Technical explanation handle the time, I felt relax and Public
Meeting in about tour participants nervous focus Speaking
SMAN 1 Besuki itinerary when should be
talking in improved
2. I gave front of the
information customer
about from
facilities in SMAN 1
the tourism Besuki
9th April 1 Being Tour 1. I handled 1. I served - - 1. my public
2018 Leader check in – guest speaking
check out politely and alraedy
process in friendly good
2. I was able to
2. I handled the handle the
payment of tour
ticketing in
object and
3. I gave the
direction to
the tour
depend on
the tour
19th April Making tour 1. I arranged 1. I was able to 1. I was 1. I asked the 1. I need to
2018 itinerary tour itinerary make a good confused in explanatio improve my
based on tour calculating n to the computer
field itinerary final time supervisor ability
supervisor for the
instruction itinerary
20th – 23th Being Tour leader 1. I Handled 1. I served - - 1. I had a good
April 2018 check in – guest atitude to
check out politely and handle the
process in friendly customers
2. I was able to
2. I handled the handle the
payment of tour
ticketing in
object and
3. I gave the
direction to
the tour
depend on
the tour
5th – 8th May Being Tour leader 1. I handled 1. I served - - 1. I am very
2018 check in – guest helpful
check out politely and
process in
hotel 2. I was able to
2. I handled the handle the
payment of tour
ticketing in
object and
3. I gave the
direction to
the tour
depend on
the tour
Appendix 2. Organizational Structure
Appendix 3. Example of the Tour Itinerary
B. The tour itinerary
Probolinggo 20.00 Dinner at Tongas Asri
restaurant and take a
Appendix 4. Photo of Activities
Picture 1. Activity of visiting the tourism village with the tour participants
Picture 4. Activity of handling the tour