8m Operation
8m Operation
8m Operation
Rectangular................................................... l6” (w) x 9" (h)
Rounds .......................................................................9" dia.
45 °Angle ........................................... 8-3/4" (w) x 9" (h)
With special guides .................................. 23" (w) x 9" (h)
or 24" (w) x 8" (h)
Selective blade speeds,
f p rn 50, 100, 175, 275
Motor.. .......................................................................... 1 H.P.
Drive. .......................................................................... "V" belt
Blade size ........................................... 11' 6" x 3/4" x .032"
Swivel vise ............................................................. to 450
Height to top of bed ..................................................25-1/2”
Width of bed .......................................................... 10-1/4"
Floor space ............................................................... 24" x 72"
Approx. shipping weight............................................ 590 lbs.
with wet cutting system ....................................... 650 lbs.
Be sure motor specifications correspond with your power 5. Uncoil new blade. Make certain that the blade
line. teeth point in direction of blade travel, which is
toward the motor. If not, turn the blade inside
Place machine so that each leg is carrying its share of the out to have proper tooth direction.
6. Place new blade between the bearings of the roller
Each machine is shipped with one all-purpose blade
guides and on band wheels.
installed and ready for use.
7. Grasp blade on frame side and push toward FR AME WEIGHT A DJU ST MENT
guide bracket beam to hold it in position on Before adjusting frame spring at motor end, remove
wheels while turning hand wheel tension screw the hydraulic dash pot and move sliding weight to
until blade is taut. rear position (motor end). The frame spring should
be adjusted for approximately 12 pounds weight at
8. Start motor and tighten blade to proper operating frame handle.
tension. If blade slips while cutting, increase the
tension. SWITCH
A "STOP-START" switch is installed across the
line to protect wiring and the motor. A heater coil
AUTOMATIC STOP breaks the circuit if an overload occurs. The opera-
When the saw blade has completed the cut through tor should allow time for the coil to cool before
the material, the saw frame drops on a trigger. This trying to restart.
operates a rod which opens the contacts in the
switch and automatically stops the motor. Automatic shut-off operates when saw frame con-
tacts the switch trigger.
It will be necessary to raise saw frame clear of the trigger
before machine can be started. BELT
Pivoted mounting provides quick belt change. With
F I X ED V I S E J A W the belt in pulley grooves for the desired speed,
The two pins in the fixed vise jaw should be kept swing motor to put proper tension on belt. Tighten
in place in order to insure square cuts. For cutting thumb screw to hold motor in operating position.
angles, the pins must be removed and the vise jaws
turned to desired position and tightened with clamp
Variations in feeding pressure are made by moving
bolts. These pins enable operators to quickly re-
weight on bar at top side of frame. Pressure on blade
locate fixed vise jaw for approximate 90' cutting. increases as weight is moved to forward end. The
For final and accurate adjustment, the vise jaw size and type of material governs the amount of
should be squared with the blade. feeding pressure required on the blade. Excessive
The sliding vise jaw should be loosened and pushed pressure may cause a run-out, of the blade.
against fixed vise jaw, then tighten cap screw , leaving SPEED SELECTION
vise parallel. Saws are equipped with step pulleys providing speed
selection of 50, 100, 175 and 275 feet per minute.
SLIDING VISE JAW High speeds are suggested for cutting thin-wall
The sliding vise jaw is equipped with a ratchet and tubing, channels, aluminum, brass, or any metal that
ratchet dog for quick action and with a hand wheel will not burn the teeth; medium speed for general
for tightening work in vise. Excessive pressure is cutting such as cold rolled, machine steels, heavy
not required to hold material secure. channels, etc. Run in low speed for cutting nickel
steels, or metal which requires a slow speed an a
lathe. When cutting brass, use a blade which has not
MAXIMUM CAPACITY previously cut other metal, and apply beeswax to the
To obtain maximum vise capacity, remove vise jaw teeth.
pins and move fixed vise jaw toward motor end to
the last holes. Make sure stock in vise will not If teeth wear off unusually fast, use a lower speed.
strike the ratchet arm. BLADE BRUSHES
Brushes should be cleaned frequently in kerosene
and reversed to take advantage of both rows of
For efficient cutting and blade life, replace blade brushes
Machines are equipped with a dash pot (frame check) when worn.
for the purpose of stabilizing the downward travel of
the saw frame, thereby protecting saw blade from In bolting brushes to angles, be sure wire bristles
damage. The action is hydraulic and controlled by are bent in the same direction the blade travels.
flow of fluid being by-passed through an orifice in
the piston on the downward stroke. SECTION II — MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS BLADE
LOOSEN BLADE BEFORE MAKING THESE 4. For proper motor lubrication, follow motor manu-
ADJUSTMENTS! facturers instructions as stated on the motor.
If the blade runs too low or off the idler wheel, ad- 1. To select the proper blade, consideration must
just the idler wheel block. Loosen, by one-half turn, be given to the type of material, as well as size
the two cap screws in the block at the hand wheel and shape of stock to be cut. The WELLS-SEL-
end, and tighten by an equal amount the two cap ECT-O-CHART is a handy reference guide.
screws in the opposite end of the block.
2. Use correct blade speed and pressure for each type
of material.
To make similar adjustment on drive wheel, loosen,
by one-half turn, the two cap screws at motor end of 3. Always keep blade at proper tension.
the wheel plate. Then make pitch adjustment: loosen 4. Lower saw frame carefully so that the blade will
by one-half turn, the two hollow head set screws at start cutting before full frame feed pressure is applied
the opposite end of plate, and tighten the two hex to the blade.
head cap screws at motor end of wheel plate. After
final adjustment, make certain that all hollow head 5. Reduce feeding pressure for the first 2 or 3 cuts
cap screws and set screws are tight. with a new blade.
6. Keep adjustable blade guide as close as possible to
If there is too much pitch on the wheel, the blade the material.
will run too high. This will cause the blade to be- 7. Keep blade brushes in contact with blade teeth at all
come distorted, the top edge will be rolled over and times.
the wheel rim flange will show excessive wear.