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2 B D C
3 E 3
On the basis of above table answer the followings
(i)Which element will form cation?
(ii)Which element will have smallest atomic size?
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25 On adding acetic acid to a solid X a colourless and odourless gas Y evolves which
turns lime water milky. Identify X and Y .
a. X is NaOH and Y is CO2
b. X is NaHCO3 and Y is H2
c. X is Na2CO3 and Y is CO2
d. X is NaHCO3 and Y is CO
26 What is the common name of ethanoic acid ?
a.Ethynic acid
b Acetic acid
c Carboxylic acid
d Formic acid
27 we put blue litmus paper in acetic acid it will become
a red
b orange
c green
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d colourless
28 Wich one has lowest pH
b HCl
d NaCl
29 Some crystals of CuSO4 were dissolved in cold water.The colour of solution
would be
aPale green
b Yellow
c Dark green
d blue
30 An atom has electronic configuration 2,8,7. To which of the elements would it be
chemically similar
a (7)
b (9)
c P(15)
d Ar(18)
31 Inevolutionary terms we have more in common with
a chimpanzee
b a Chinese school boy
c spider
d bacterium
32 In binary fission the parent cell divides by the process :
a cytoplasm and nucleus divides at the same time
b nucleus divides first than cytoplasm
c cytoplasm divides first than cytoplasm
d cytoplasm and nucleus do not divide
33 Organs of different groups of animals having same origin and structure but
performs different functions are called
a primitive organs
b analogus organs
c vestigial organs
d homologous organs
34 Yeast cells reproduce by
a binary fission
b budding
c spore formation
d both a and b
35 An student put five raisins each in two beakers A and B. Beaker A contains 50 ml
of distilled water and beaker B has 50 ml of saturated sugar solution. After sometime
the student observed that:
a raisins in beaker A were more swollen than B
b raisins in B were more swollen than A
c raisins were equally swollen in A and B
d raisins in beaker did not swell up at all
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Visit for Ncert Solutions in Text and Video , CBSE Sample papers, Exam tips,
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1 1
1 1
2 A ray of light will not bend and will go straight.
3 More UV radiation will reach the surface of earth.
4 (a) Atomic number of an element is a fundamental property .
b Na is most metallic .
5 Sexual reproduction leads to variations which are necessary for evolution.
6a It is the ability of eye lens to adjust its focal length.
b Focal length is reduced .
7 Stars twinkle due to refraction of light.
8a B
c B
9 a Having same functional group but different chain length
B Functional group
c C2H5OH ---K2Cr2O7------------CH3COOH
10 C3H6 and C2H2
b Addition of hydrogen to unsaturated hydrocarbons. Used in making vegetable ghee
from vegetable oil.
11 Refer to page no 135 of NCERT text book of science>
12 acquired traits develop to cope up with changing environment but inherited traits pass
to generations .
B In asexual there is no zygote formation but it happens in sexual type.
C In binary organism splits into two but in multiple it splits into many.
13 these can be self pollinated.
B Recessive genes are not able to express but dominating genes express.
14 Definition of pollination cross and self pollination, wind ,animals are two factors.
15Refer to NCERT book pg 190.
16 lens formula v=30cm
17 a reciprocal of focal length.
b f=50/2
=4 D
18global warming, exploitation of environment.Conserve forests and use renewable
19displacement of tribals,economic problems, loss of biodiversity.
20 Refer to pg 131 of NCERT book.
21Refer to pg no 137 fig 8.10
22 a Real image is inverted and can be obtained on screen but virtual is erect and can not
be obtained on screen.
b Size of image=size of object. Virtual and erect image
.c the lateral shift in the path of light ,it depends upon thickness of glass slab.
23 Speed of light in diamond=speed of light in air
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Refractive index of diamond
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